Why did it fail? It was probably the best Xbox One exclusive they needed more games like this.

Why did it fail? It was probably the best Xbox One exclusive they needed more games like this. Recore wasn’t good enough and Halo Infinite was too ambitious, Gears 5 was just a solid game

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  1. 4 months ago

    i stopped caring about gears of war with the release of 3. story was okay, but multiplayer was ruined from this point.

    • 4 months ago

      I’m all about the campaigns for pretty much every game but I do enjoy wave based multiplayer so I mostly stuck to horde mode for me the gameplay of Gears is still unique it’s like a weighty impactful TPS

  2. 4 months ago

    It's OK. Still worse than Gears 1 which is embarrassing.

  3. 4 months ago

    Because it's horrible. Weapons are boring and good ones from previous games were cut, story is a cringefest with long expositions in town areas devoid of interactivity and attention to details, many encounters are boring and the only good thing about it was free-roaming in co-op with certain missions there being more or less decent. GoW2 and 3 are much better (played these right after G5 and hell, how could MS have given the series to these Coalition frickers?)

  4. 4 months ago

    Angry woman on the cover = no buy

    • 4 months ago

      which sucks because angry female characters are kino

  5. 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    as a big gears multiplayer guy they simply changed too much for it to ever be enjoyable to the core audience disregarding all of the BS microtransaction shit.

    the shotgun didn't reload it's entire capacity, only reloaded like 3 shells. the omen change pissed me off to the point where it was essentially unplayable. it was just bad changes done for no reason

    • 4 months ago

      They backpedaled and gave the gnasher it's full capacity. They changed the omen to be less intrusive too both like a year after release.

  7. 4 months ago

    They made Marcus old and needed a woman to save him

  8. 4 months ago

    >ultra-masculine gaming franchise that puts chainsaws on their default weapon
    >known for having ripped NFL players as the main heroes
    >decide to center the newest game around a female protagonist dealing with her feelings and generational trauma
    >possibly killed off the son of the former series protagonist, ending the bloodline
    why did it fail, indeed…

    • 4 months ago

      Oh true, I still do wonder how they will follow up that ending

      • 4 months ago

        They're not going to make another one lmfao, it's been like 6 years. No one gives a shit.

  9. 4 months ago

    Series ended after 3. It's not Halo 4 levels of messes but it's just treading water finding a reason to have more conflict and it just kinda waddles with no goal. Shoulda just set games during the locust war with differing characters before the end.

  10. 4 months ago

    Game felt very incomplete
    >progression bugs in the campaign. I'm still not sure if they're fixed
    >it only had 4 Acts. Every other Gears has had 5 Acts
    >Act 4 was VERY short. Like they ran out of time and money
    >shitty new features like using your droid and upgrading it
    >2 entire acts dedicated to shitty barren open worlds
    >character assassination of the son of Marcus Fenix so that they can prop up new Mexican woman lead and her black sidekick
    >overwhelming amount of people chose to kill off black sidekick, thus embarrassing the developers who REALLY wanted the player to kill JD
    >Gears lost all of its edge after the original trilogy
    >Phil gave it away for $1

    • 4 months ago

      Series ended after 3. It's not Halo 4 levels of messes but it's just treading water finding a reason to have more conflict and it just kinda waddles with no goal. Shoulda just set games during the locust war with differing characters before the end.


      Why did it fail? It was probably the best Xbox One exclusive they needed more games like this. Recore wasn’t good enough and Halo Infinite was too ambitious, Gears 5 was just a solid game

      You gotta be some kinda special moron feller to play Gears for the story.

      • 4 months ago

        Your webm looks far more moronic than that. The fact that this is the optimal way of playing multiplayer was always moronic to me. Feels like the shotgun is the only thing to use 90% of the games

        • 4 months ago

          Grampas reflexes weren't like they used to be eh..............I guess it's time to move on to rts games in your retirement home.

          • 4 months ago

            Your webm looks far more moronic than that. The fact that this is the optimal way of playing multiplayer was always moronic to me. Feels like the shotgun is the only thing to use 90% of the games

            Here goes your headcanon getting btfo.

            Why are there any other weapons if everyone just uses the shotgun? nothing deals significant damage to anything. Regen health was indeed a mistake.

            Yeah sounds interesting

            The Gnasher balance has always been fricking moronic. At least, nobody cares about Gears anymore so it could be or not be, nobody that matters would care.

            • 4 months ago

              lancer gays get what they deserve

              • 4 months ago

                Literally nobody

              • 4 months ago

                Anonymous 02/06/24(Tue)01:18:16 No.666197608

                >Literally nobody

          • 4 months ago

            fights in that little bridge were so good.

        • 4 months ago

          In every game the rifles are absurdly strong and you should be getting the power weapons as well, you're clueless.

    • 4 months ago

      amount of people chose to kill off black sidekick, thus embarrassing the developers who REALLY wanted the player to kill JD
      qrd? Where can I read about this seethe?

    • 4 months ago

      >character assassination of the son of Marcus Fenix so that they can prop up new Mexican woman lead and her black sidekick
      They really treated JD like shit in Gears 5 that I started to feel bad for him and end up rooting for him at the end, and I didn't like him much in Gears of War 4 which really showed how dirty they did to him

      • 4 months ago

        amount of people chose to kill off black sidekick, thus embarrassing the developers who REALLY wanted the player to kill JD
        qrd? Where can I read about this seethe?

        Yeah but what's the highest tier you achieved in pvp?

        • 4 months ago

          idk I stopped playing after 2. Was there a ranked pvp in 2?

        • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        You have to be a special kind of brain damaged to think that making a fun dude bro franchise into some moronic woke shit is a good idea. Like imagine replacing Cole with some inoffensive nerd.

  11. 4 months ago

    It was complete and utter shit, not only were the characters they wanted you to like complete shit but they pull that moronic "choice" right before the end.
    So easy points, the story was a moronic macguffin hunt, I didn't care about the hammer of dawn being magically offline when I used it in the last game, I didn't care about having to run around in circles to set it back up again or how the Locusts just keep coming back time and time again.
    The open world segments were the worst part of the game by far, they did nothing with them, all it does is section of regular gameplay segments, there are way better ways to handle basically everything the game did.
    The quality of the visuals were nice, I played it in 4k, it looked like a pre rendered film at times, The next game will somehow be worse than this, but it will be UE5 and will have nanite/lumen which will really elevate the already good in game graphics.

  12. 4 months ago


    It's not a good game. It's a third person Pacman, with a shotgun texture.

    It's alright to play here and there, but the regenerating health in Gears is so strong that no weapon other than the Gnasher is used. Potshots are rendundant, making it the worst "shooter" experience. There's only Gnasher, and some power weapons that are used at all AT ALL at ALL TIMES.

    You're roided pacman, and you go WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA through a chest high labyrinth. You get close to a poor frick and clap those cheeks with your standard issue GNASHER. But beware, because the enemy has GNASHER too, and the GNASHER counters the GNASHER. There's the Lancer (lol, lmao even) that is used to trap new people into thinking they should click the trigger of it (they don't) and get GNASHER to the face.

    You could, arguably, work in teams to focus down one person with Lancers and drop him fast, but the thing is that is not what going to happen. You see, your ally already found his new religion, the GNASHER and he's going for the kill. In fact, he should, because sometimes Pac Man gets his assclap TWICE OR THRICE in a row with his thunderwiener, and certainly, wouldn't with the feeble Lancer. You could too, if you just run in and GNASHER the shit out of another player. And thank Cliffy you have your shotgun, because if you ever shoot or try do damage someone with anything else, you would realize everyone is Wolverine with his X Factor up to the comic levels of max, and bullets do not make people drop dead, afraid, or even care at any point. Everyone can hug their favorite medical ches high wall and be 100% free to GNASHER the face of the fricktard that didn't countered GNASHER with GNASHER

    >T. Mexican

    Frick YIRS CINCO FRICK this balance of ass and frick you.

    • 4 months ago

      There's a chainsaw too. ROFLOL

      • 4 months ago

        You know what is OHK without animation, delay or downtime? you know? DO YOU FRICKING KNOW?

        You already know it you cheap bastard. You know what everyone already knows. And it's instantly ready to do it againin a split second. and it's not even a debate. It's not even about tactics. Its about making people feel the click of the Gnasher again.

        If there's a single shooter game that is worse designed than this it must be from Sony cause it may not exist. It's the fricking worst shooter idea, fricking ever, or should be named any other thing, like "Hardcore Pac Man" or some shit, cause people is indeed addicted to their so called epik Gnasher duels and fail to see there's NO OTHER FRICKING GAMEPLAY IN THIS. ITS A WASTE. A WASTE OF MODELS AND ENGINE AND STORY AND MULTIPLAYER IF EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND THE SINGLE WEAPON YOU SPAWN WITH. WHY DO EVEN CARE.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah sounds interesting

          • 4 months ago

            That webm makes me so mad, why gears 5 cant have this gnasher pop shots suck so much wiener in gears 5 doing popshots at any distance but 2cm from the oponent is a suicide, also gears 4 had a pretty decent lancer and low tier pick up weapons making the game more interesting than wallbouncing the game.

            • 4 months ago

              Gears 5 "balance" is completely off. It depends on spawning everyone with the best weapon, thus it's balanced.
              There are no teamwork or tactics in Gears, which is a shame because there are grenades, carbines, lancers, quirky weapons and power weapons like in Unreal Tournament, but also has the most egregious regenerating health that ever existed, extremely powerful and fast, so making every bullet, shot, attack or trap that isn't CQC 1 hit kill moot.

              Pretty sure there would be a very interesting game if it had just a big health pool without regen health. But we'll never know. And nobody cares by now nor Microsoft so whatever.

  13. 4 months ago

    Why are there any other weapons if everyone just uses the shotgun? nothing deals significant damage to anything. Regen health was indeed a mistake.

    • 4 months ago

      Here goes your headcanon getting btfo.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh a power weapon, nice

        • 4 months ago

          Too slow to grab it huh. Man I know that feel haha what a fricking loser.

  14. 4 months ago

    >wtf how come our game that is about over the top masculinity isn't selling now that there is a woman on the cover?

    Imagine making The Expendables 6 or however many fricking sequels there are and you put Julia Roberts on the movie poster. Literally five people would watch that movie.

  15. 4 months ago
  16. 4 months ago

    >pure masculine roid fantasy moron shit with chainsaw guns and bug aliens and people screaming FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK GYAH ARGARBLE
    >Women pretend they give a shit about it

  17. 4 months ago
  18. 4 months ago

    >the one 7th gen dudebro series i actually fricking wanted to get a remaster collection didn't
    i just want to play the trilogy online again, no i'm not going to pay a subscription fee to play with the same 30 mexicans left playing the original releases

    • 4 months ago

      I tried to play the Halo games again for the first time in years because it went on sale on steam. They kept demanding an XBL account so I refunded. Frick Microshit.

  19. 4 months ago

    They tried to make gears less about the gnasher when they introduced the retro lancer but people hated it in mp gears players never wanted the gameplay to change they were like Star Wars OT purists

  20. 4 months ago

    dang this gameplay is so god tier. Imagine thinking dumb single player junk like max payne or vanquish is peak tps.

    • 4 months ago

      Vanquish was good but too busy looking and the color palette was lacking every level was grey

  21. 4 months ago

    >Ugly woman main character
    Doomed to fail from the start.

  22. 4 months ago

    >Make the most generic and boring MC for GoW4
    >Give him character growth in the sequel to the point of making him interesting and somewhat relatable
    >You don't get to play as him

    I don't hate Gears 5 because you play as a woman, I hate it because it was a game perfect for him.

  23. 4 months ago

    I suppose for me I enjoyed this and Gears 4 my only problem with Gears 4 is it was just way too derivative I mean it’s like a carbon copy of the original trilogy at times. The mech at the end of the game was cool though

  24. 4 months ago

    Is 4 or 5 worth playing? It's hard to care since just like Halo the story ended in 3 and then be debs milked it

  25. 4 months ago

    a woman Gears protagonist should be bigger and buffer and more ridiculous tbh
    I don't even dislike girls I just think she's too dainty

  26. 4 months ago

    If the dlc was the main game this would have been huge

    • 4 months ago

      There’s so much potential for hive buster type spin off games I almost wish they’d just start doing that now but I suppose they’re going to want to follow up on this game’s story somehow it’ll probably be like halo infinite and just kind of ignore most of what happened in the previous game

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