Why did Kazama show so much favoritism to Kiryu and completely shaft Nishiki?

Why did Kazama show so much favoritism to Kiryu and completely shaft Nishiki?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Why did Kazama show so much favoritism to the autistic chad and completely shafts the whiny b***h?

  2. 2 years ago

    Chill and chivalrous tank. Bros b4 hoes mentality.

    Shifty eyed leech and looser, gullible moron that goes into autistic rage if someone even sneezes at him.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Nishiki's sister is literally dying
    >Kazama doesn't offer to even partially pay for her surgery

    • 2 years ago

      Nishikuck didn't even ask.

      • 2 years ago

        Nishiki never asked him

        >the guy that keikakus everything like predicting how people will react and do stuff even in prison and using others as puppets
        >Nishiki needing to ask

        Kiryu didnt asked jack shit and Kazama always helped, like the time he was in jail Sera confirmed this.

        Guilt for killing his parents

        I thought Kazama as an assassin also killed Nishiki parents since the orphanage as for that purpose.

    • 2 years ago

      Logic in a Yakuza thread? The spoilers of Kiwami 1 was a facepalm instead of sadness.

    • 2 years ago

      >The girl he loves is in love with Kiryu
      >Has a tattoo which symbolizes his inferiority to Kiryu
      >Accidentally gives Kiryu an even stronger reputation by letting him take the fall for Dojima's murder
      >Gets his own family just so he can keep Kiryu's seat warm
      >Girl he loves fricks an old man and gets impregnated by him
      >Sister dies, the man who raised him doesn't even offer to help pay for her live-saving operation
      >Shows up to the finale after the fighting is over and still loses to Kiryu even though Kiryu is exhausted and has been shot
      Is there a more cucked villain than Nishiki?

      Who tf is his sister? I don't remember seeing her in kiwami 1

      • 2 years ago

        She never appears is just mentioned

    • 2 years ago

      Nishiki never asked him

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn't he in jail at the time? Also, what did you expect from the shoehorned it cutscenes to already existing story.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't recall anything making mention of Kazama being aware of Nishiki's sister's situation.
      I can imagine he knew she was sick, (she was still sick when 0 took place though so that was nothing new) but that Nishiki never told him about the fact that he needs money for surgery.

      Wasn't he in jail at the time? Also, what did you expect from the shoehorned it cutscenes to already existing story.

      Nishiki's sister was a thing in the original, Kiwami just added the extra focus on her.

  4. 2 years ago

    Do japanese really think they look and behave like this?

    • 2 years ago

      >stare menacingly
      >say omaiwa, shinderu or whatever
      >lean down and jerk your head to the side as a sign of disrespect
      Doesn't seem that hard tbqh.

  5. 2 years ago

    >The girl he loves is in love with Kiryu
    >Has a tattoo which symbolizes his inferiority to Kiryu
    >Accidentally gives Kiryu an even stronger reputation by letting him take the fall for Dojima's murder
    >Gets his own family just so he can keep Kiryu's seat warm
    >Girl he loves fricks an old man and gets impregnated by him
    >Sister dies, the man who raised him doesn't even offer to help pay for her live-saving operation
    >Shows up to the finale after the fighting is over and still loses to Kiryu even though Kiryu is exhausted and has been shot
    Is there a more cucked villain than Nishiki?

    • 2 years ago

      The koi is better than the dragon. Nishiki is just a gay who was unable to fulfill his destiny

      • 2 years ago

        A koi has the potential to become a dragon. Kiryu became one after nearly 2 games of struggle while Nishki just sat around like a moron
        The tattoo just shows how much of a loser he was

    • 2 years ago

      This dipshit ignored mami gf
      he deserved all the pain and then some

  6. 2 years ago

    Guilt for killing his parents

  7. 2 years ago

    I think people get the wrong idea about Kazama and think he's more righteous and kind than he actually is. I mean, in 0 and 1 you mainly see him through Kiryu's interactions where he is this reliable father figure but at the end of the day, he's still a patriarch of a major criminal organization. He's still a really bad guy, even if he has more honor than the average yakuza schmuck. The man has killed hundreds of people, unironically.

    Once you realize this, him being kind of butthole makes perfect sense. He is a yakuza at his core. Kiryu showed everybody in the Tojo Clan in 0 that he is a force to be reckoned with and has unwavering ideals and willpower. He took on the entire clan, and won. Nishiki never showed even half the amount of potential and willpower that Kiryu did. Plus even though Kazama is a bad dude, he is the kind of dude that recognizes he's a bad dude and reflects on it. Kiryu is a strong motherfricker, and he's extremely righteous and honorable. That is exactly who Kazama would want to push up the ranks in the Tojo Clan.

    More importantly though, yakuza are not about coddling the weak and unreliable. Kiryu proved himself repeatedly in the face of great adversity, Nishiki never did. Kazama is not about to baby him so he can rise up the ranks in the fricking yakuza. That's not how that works. Nishiki is a grown ass man, he needed to fight his own battles to gain respect.

    Plus, Kazama fricking knew that Kiryu didn't kill Dojima. He knows Kiryu better than anyone and the kind of man he is. He knew full well that he was covering for Nishiki, which just personified how weak and unworthy Nishiki was. The fact that Kazama even gave him a chance at redemption by letting him be a patriarch was extreme kindness on his part. Nishiki was so caught up in his inferiority complex that he didn't recognize that. Nishiki should have been gone and dead but was still getting coddled by Kazama.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yakuza 0
      shit sux

    • 2 years ago

      >Once you realize this, him being kind of butthole makes perfect sense. He is a yakuza at his core. Kiryu showed everybody in the Tojo Clan in 0 that he is a force to be reckoned with and has unwavering ideals and willpower. He took on the entire clan, and won.
      Zero of this is canon.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like Big Lo in 6 is what the writers of Yakuza 1 wanted Kazama to be, but didn't properly write him to be that.
      A scheming scumbag who has noble intentions at times, and isn't entirely morally depraved like many of the series villains, but will say things like "I don't run a charity" as an excuse for why he does what he does including, but not limited to, murder, attempted infanticide, and grooming children to become apart of the criminal lifestyle -- all of this is what Big Lo is, and is what Kazama probably should have been.

      I feel like Yakuza 0 does a better job of writing Kazama in this way to a degree.
      In Yakuza 0 he's basically been playing Yakuza political chess with Dojima from inside prison, using Sera, Tachibana, and Kiryu as his pieces to keep in power, with much of the events of that game going the way it did because he manipulated them. He had to sacrifice here and there, but in the end, he got what he wanted.

  8. 2 years ago

    Kazama was secretly afraid of Kiryu's tard strength. Nishiki was too naive to put two and two together and didn't learn from Y0 that Kiryu could take on the entire Tojo clan with his fists alone.

    • 2 years ago

      Nishiki personally saw Kyriu singlehandedly whoop the three tojo clan lieutenants into submission, saw how he beat the living shit out of Kuze multiple times, sees him literally ragdoll some random drunks in the first fifteen minutes of Y0 and fricking saw him take a murder charge for him and STILL thought it was a good idea to frick with the man.

      He's grade A orphan moron material.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why didnt he just frick Reina?
    Was his incel mind too far gone?

    • 2 years ago

      Too focused on another girl to realize. Also didn't help that Reina tried to fricking kill him.

    • 2 years ago

      They probably did frick but he always screamed Yumi's name or something

      Both cucks but maybe Reina got to frick the one she loved sometimes

  10. 2 years ago

    What the frick was his problem?

    • 2 years ago

      It was the 80s or 90s or whatever

    • 2 years ago

      Kuze was kind of a bro actually, Kyriu ended up respecting his guts.

    • 2 years ago

      He was a guy who punches his problems away like Kiryu but without the plot armor

    • 2 years ago

      All he knew was just fighting the next wienersucker, & met Kiryu who he thought was just a Kazuma charity case candy-ass, and gets beat. Has to keep fighting him, testing him, to know that he's been bested by a true Yakuza.

  11. 2 years ago

    nishiki was a fricking homosexual i still hate him

  12. 2 years ago

    Kazama respected the stoic manliness Kiryu has in spades.
    Nishiki always came off as a sleazy kid. He didn't want him in the mob because he knows what guys like Nishi become in it. Was maybe hoping his loyalty to his kyoudai would be enough to have him step back when Kiryu got out of prison, and would need a supporter.

  13. 2 years ago

    because nishiki have a fricking CARP tattoed in his back

  14. 2 years ago

    Why are middle-aged japanese men so hot

    • 2 years ago

      asian genes

  15. 2 years ago

    There can only be one Dragon
    Also Lmao, imagine tatooing a fricking Goldfish on your back
    >B-but he climbs waterfall the and becomes a d-dragon too!!

  16. 2 years ago

    Nishiki was always a b***h

    • 2 years ago

      >No Seijima de calva in SS tier
      Shit list.

      • 2 years ago

        good catch

    • 2 years ago

      I love these things

    • 2 years ago

      My fricking sides.

  17. 2 years ago

    because he dingled kiryu as a lil kid while nishiki refused. kazama is a homosexual anyway, his chad brother was the cool one.

    • 2 years ago

      How could he not when he had such beautifuru aisu?

      • 2 years ago

        he could try, i dunno, not being fricking gay like his chad brother

        • 2 years ago

          He also agreed that Kiryu had beautifuru aisu though..

          • 2 years ago

            yeah but at least he wasnt gay, he also said that his gay brother told him that (in what fricking way does that come up in conversation).

            • 2 years ago

              In a conversation with your gay twin brother where you're talking about the prettiest little boys you both know, obviously.

              Captcha: PP 2 SM

              • 2 years ago

                kazamas brother isnt gay

              • 2 years ago

                Yes he is.

  18. 2 years ago

    Kazama is an idiot and basically got lucky that people like Shimano were even dumber.

  19. 2 years ago

    Yakuza is a badly written series.

    Thats why dead characters except nishiki and Kazama get forgotten and never mentioned again.
    Kirtu doesnt seem to give a shit about shinji after his death for example.
    Plus the constant I dont wanna be yakuza, but still get involved in yakuza business gets old after a while.

  20. 2 years ago

    >Didn't want either of them to get into the Yakuza world and kicks both of their asses for even asking
    >Eventually relents
    >Sees Kiryu's good soul through his selfless actions
    >Sees how vain Nishiki is and how he acts like any other Yakuza thug, wearing flashy suits, throwing money out to women, etc.
    >Recognizes Kiryu is the only one hard enough to handle being a Yakuza appropriately
    >Gets proven right when Nishiki doesn't own up to the murder of Dojima
    Golly gee, I wonder

    • 2 years ago

      Kiryu is the only one hard enough to handle being a Yakuza appropriately
      >Kiryu ends up ditching the clan after 10 minutes of being chairman

      • 2 years ago

        >clan that tried to kill him for Tojo's death (which he just took the fall for Nishiki) and Kazuma's assassination attempt (which again was done by Nishiki)
        I wonder why.

        • 2 years ago

          Both of those get cleared up, Kiryu just didn't want to deal with that shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >Kiryu realizes even though he is incredibly strong and resolute, he is not a good candidate to lead an organization of 30,000 people.
        >Literally his only action as chairman, appointing Terada, was a massive frick up.
        >If he stayed chairman he would have made even more and more horrible decisions that would have destroyed the clan
        He did handle it appropriately, he got the frick out, which is what Kazama wanted.

        • 2 years ago

          In a way, he made one good and one bad decision. Bad was appointing Terada. Good was fixing Sera's moronic decision to make him chairman by immediately retiring. Sera appointing him as the next chairman literally had no purpose than to look cool when he revealed it to Jingu and so he could have a cool nickname through the rest of the series.

  21. 2 years ago

    He didn't completely shaft Nishiki, It's not like he did something to Nishiki, he just promoted Kiryu over him because Kiryu could handle being a family patriarch, while Nishiki couldn't as seen in Kiwami.

    Kiryu has far more charisma and strength than Nishiki, a lot of character remark on that throughout the series.
    In comparison Nishiki is strong, but not THAT strong, and while he clearly had enough charisma to end up forming a strong family that managed to be a pain in the ass for Kiryu even 4 years after Nishiki's death -- ultimately he showed lack of moral character compared to Kiryu in those he put into command.
    Shindo and Kanda were buttholes. Kiryu would never have allowed guys like that to become senior officers in his family, let alone end up his successors.

    If Kiryu never went to prison, Nishiki probably would have never had the opportunity to go off the deep end with massive power to boot.

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