Why did Pathfinder add "traits" you can take to give free little bonuses to your character as situational flavor things, then proceed to do ...

Why did Pathfinder add "traits" you can take to give free little bonuses to your character as situational flavor things, then proceed to do stupid shit like make a trait giving you +2 to initiative, one of the MOST important stats, or +1 on a save, or something else that DRASTICALLY outweighs the other little bonuses (which might never come up but it's okay because you got them for FREE). So now nobody picks those traits,because they'd be "punishing" themselves to do so. Bravo paizo. Bravo.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Oh look, it's yet ANOTHER thread where OP is a raging moron who willingly chose to play a shitty DnDogshit-clone and is SOMEHOW surprised to find out it's just as shitty as DnDogshit. Bravo, OP. Bravo.

    • 3 months ago

      >"oh but it's DnDogshit so you can't complain about it!!!!1!!"
      That's not an argument. That's not an excuse. These fricking games are played by 90 percent of the playerbase and I am sick of them being allowed to defend this dogshit.

      • 3 months ago

        Creation and exit are stronger than voice. Make your own game.

      • 3 months ago

        Nobody defends it, moron. They either cope or they don't play, or the fabled third option, they just don't use those rules.
        Christ, it's like you just want to be miserable. Ignore it if you don't like it, and stop giving a frick about what other people are playing. It's not like you're being invited to their games.

      • 3 months ago

        Well what do you want us to do about it? We all agree this game is bad, nobody is excusing or defending it, others are just not so moronic as to play the bad thing. All you're doing is seething, and inexplicably also seething than anyone has a solution (not engaging with the shit system).

      • 3 months ago

        yeah and 90% of the movies people watch is capeshit slop. Popularity does not =/= good in a world where half the people are below average IQ

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't choose Pathfinder, the pastor at my church forces me to play it.

      • 3 months ago

        Then take it as God testing you, stiffen your spine, and get on with it.

    • 3 months ago

      It's fine because traits are an optional rule, and most people aren't gonna take the "best" ones anyways. Pathfinder might be hilariously unbalanced but it's in such a way that there's not one single strongest path or build, like 3.5e. d&dfinder would do better to lean into wargaming autism anyways, retvrn to tradition.

  2. 3 months ago

    Don't want no peasants in my ivory tower.

  3. 3 months ago

    >playing Pathfinder

    The first mistake

  4. 3 months ago

    Pathfinder 1 is just shy of 15 years old at this point, and is an intentionally conservative clone of D&D 3.5 which has another decade of design baggage behind it. Yeah no shit it has some design decisions that aged badly.

    • 3 months ago

      Still a better game than Pathfinder 2e though. Holy shit do you want some examples of bad game design...

      • 3 months ago

        PF1drones really think this

        • 3 months ago

          Pathfinder 1e is bad too. But Pathfinder 2e is an actual wonder to behold in how shitty it is. Neither are good games. Neither come close to DnD 5e, which is still pretty shit itself.

          • 3 months ago

            Never played P2, but P1 can't be worse than 5e.
            5e isn't just broken, it's boring.

            • 3 months ago

              3.5 > 5e > PF1
              Pathfinder doubled down on the bloat way too hard, while also eschewing some of the fixes that had sprung up over 3.5’s lifespan. You end up having to do more bookkeeping for less enjoyment. And, somehow, they made martials worse.

              • 3 months ago

                Holy based. I'd say BX is equal to 3.5 but otherwise you're correct.

            • 3 months ago

              pf2e is actually worse than pf1e. imagine a game where gimp-ass pf1e martials are the most powerful character you can make. they nerfed the hell out of magic and have even more niggling little “you can’t wipe your ass unless you take a feat for it” situations than 1e ever had

    • 3 months ago

      Except D&D 3.5 traits were a self contained thing that gave a bonus and a penalty so they were inherently a bit more balanced.

    • 3 months ago

      Damn chess must be a shit game then, considering it's over a 1000 years old

      • 3 months ago

        Imagine playing cucked israelite checkers and not based Mahjong

        Just typing this out made me want to stab myself, christ.

        Well if pathfinder is so bad what should i play, moron?

        The actual answer that

        Figure it out yourself you incompetent fool
        Fricking chatbot typed response from a bot typed human.

        is trying to tell you is that any game you play is shit and any game he plays is based. It's an ego play. Ignore him and play whichever game you have the most fun table for.

        • 3 months ago

          >The actual answer
          No, my answer is literally the opposite.
          If he's unhappy with the game he currently is playing then all he has to do is find some other game.

          Go have a nice day you spoonfeeding Black person apologist type.

    • 3 months ago

      >an intentionally conservative clone of D&D 3.5
      Remember when one of the authors couldn't fathom the concept of weapon chains working to prevent disarming and so nerfed them?

      • 3 months ago

        To be fair, it was a nerf to spellcasters who used them for meta magic rods. Fighters never used them.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Why did Pathfinder-
    Rewrite what you don't like or make what you want.

    • 3 months ago

      >bbbut anon you are PUNISHING us for taking away these traits to make us more powerful

    • 3 months ago

      >houserule cope
      Every time

  6. 3 months ago

    It's not like I disagree with the notion that pathfinder traits are yet another example of how tying characterization to optimization simply incentives players to concede on their backstory for the sake of mechanics, instead of choosing abilities that coincides with their planned backstory. But couldn't you just have posted this in the paizo general?

    Anyway, here are some of the pf1 outcomes of tying backstory to power.
    >A concerning amount of characters were meek and bullied as children because the Reactive trait (+2 initiative) says so.

    >Many Paladins were found in the wilds as a child, due to Fey Foundling being so potent for their Lay on Hands.

    >A clear majority of Magi are trained in a deity-specific scimitar technique originating in not-arabia, had a gifted spellcaster as their parent that developed multiple new magic items, and the most egregious of powergamers also grew up on an isolated archipelago island populated by shadow creatures that engage in ritual scarification and hate outsiders.

    • 3 months ago

      DnDogshit 5e does the same thing. Holy frick the amount of "Feytouched" backgrounds I see makes me think Fey are bigger predators than actual Succubi. Because the benefits of the background are just THAT fricking good.

      • 3 months ago

        Feytouched isn’t a background, it’s something that doesn’t happen to you until level four.

  7. 3 months ago

    A) 3.5/PF is broken and nobody should play it

    B) Have you considered not playing D&D?

    C) Have you considered staying in your fricking containment general?

    D) Have you considered not posting wojaks/frogs?

    E) kys moron Black personhomosexual

  8. 3 months ago

    Yeah I'm thinking about the time I ran Pathfinder and let the players beg me into allowing traits, then they all took the one that lets you use INT instead of CHA for diplomacy and bluff checks and had a party of diplomats who all had 7 Charisma.

  9. 3 months ago

    Yeah, HOW DARE they give you extra options and dimensions for character customization.

    • 3 months ago

      the problem isn't the options, it's that the overwhelming majority of those options are made the wrong option because they are flavorful-but-niche picks that take up a slot you could be using for a powerful general pick.
      you see the same issue with Warlock's invocations over in D&D, and it's very much in the vein of MtG's "Gotcha!" mechanic, which Mark Rosewater has gone on record to call "the worst mechanic... ever made".
      if optimal play is to never do anything fun, it's a shit design and whoever made it is a shit designer.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, my DM and I basically came to an unspoken understanding that characters are best built with flavor and concept, but need to be actually functional, so I just take whatever options best result in that and then refluff absolutely everything about why things work the way they do. As long as we remain internally consistent in our explanations it works out fine, but I get why others wouldn't want to bother.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, but there's so many different good traits. You're saying that the +2 to Initiative or +1 to one save is good, but then there's

        Yeah I'm thinking about the time I ran Pathfinder and let the players beg me into allowing traits, then they all took the one that lets you use INT instead of CHA for diplomacy and bluff checks and had a party of diplomats who all had 7 Charisma.

        talking about the Philosopher trait that lets you use INT instead of CHA.

        But then there's also traits like Magical Knack, which helps with caster levels for multicasting, or ones that allow you to make magical items for cheaper, or ones that allow you to maximize your various skills: Stealth, diplomacy, etc etc.

        There's a lot of differently good options that support a lot of different character types. Having to decide if one of those are better for you than a +1 to Will Saves is a decision that you have to make.

  10. 3 months ago

    if you don't like it don't play it

    I hate you d&d-type homosexuals, you realize there are dozens of better RPGs, right?

  11. 3 months ago

    >he thinks initiative traits are actually worth taking compared to some other traits

  12. 3 months ago

    Well if pathfinder is so bad what should i play, moron?

    • 3 months ago

      Figure it out yourself you incompetent fool
      Fricking chatbot typed response from a bot typed human.

      • 3 months ago

        >Arrives in D&D thread
        >Shits self because there's D&D in here
        >Flings shit at everyone for playing D&D
        >Doesn't actually know any other systems
        >Expects everyone to thank him

        • 3 months ago

          If it was just PF2 he might have a point, since PF is pretty much house ruled 3.5

        • 3 months ago

          What is all of this?
          I didn't start the thread.
          Did you? Are you the OP? The one who shat themselves to the point of including a WHOAJAK?

    • 3 months ago

      Rules Cyclopedia

    • 3 months ago

      It's not bad per se but it's a game with its own assumptions baked-in, if you're not fine with them b***hing about and then expect to have an alternative laid down directly on your lap isn't the way to go. Self reflect on what you dislike and what you want for your game and then go to a trial and error process of selection that eventually will lead you to more refined parameters.

    • 3 months ago

      90% of people here don't play games. The other 10% will recommend some sort of turbo autism mode RPG that you have to have written at least 3 sonic the hedgehog mpreg fanfictions to understand.

    • 3 months ago

      Pendragon or Honor + Intrigue. It's not hard.

  13. 3 months ago

    >"punishing" themselves
    Your GM will never let you get ahead of the curve. They have infinite resources: you can't win. Equally, they'll softball if you do. As such, there's no point striving for power. Build your character accurately, not optimally.

  14. 3 months ago

    Pathfinder is fricking shit so I'm not here to defend it but I really think it's on the DM to police everyone's back stories so they don't all have the thief background when that has no bearing on their class or aren't just a Seelah-ripoff.

  15. 3 months ago

    The answer is because they are bad game designers due to their proverbial guiding star being WotC's god awful D&D 3.5, which was rife with identical bad design that offered the illusion of balance and choice and character flavor, but punished you all the same for not hyper-optimizing with only the best (least awful) feats and character options.

  16. 3 months ago

    Pathfinder 2.0 is the most cucked thing in existence. I can't imagine anyone playing it. Total slop sellout trash that broke the soul and entire point of Pathfinder.

    • 3 months ago

      Pathfinder 1 still uses the word r*ce and doesn't have a place on the character sheets for your pronouns, get on the right side of history shitlord.

    • 3 months ago

      It's pretty ok if you don't give a shit about the soul of Pathfinder though.

    • 3 months ago

      "The soul of Pathfinder" is like saying "the soul of Great Value".

  17. 3 months ago

    >Here's a list of custom traits that are actually related to my setting instead of generic traits for powergamers
    Have you tried applying any creative thinking to your roleplaying game whatsoever? Did you know this solution is universal to literally every RPG, and if you couldn't imagine this solution yourself then RPGs are simply not for you?

    • 3 months ago

      >still committing the Oberoni Fallacy

      • 3 months ago

        >Oberoni Fallacy
        The oberoni fallacy is itself a fallacy because it's pretending like roleplaying games should be treated as regular games- which fall apart when you don't follow the rules. They're roleplaying games, you fricking moron. You're supposed to be creative otherwise the game is simply not for you.

        By giving you a solution to your problem, I have both conceded that there is a problem but also demonstrated it's a solvable problem. Citing the oberoni fallacy is basically just covering your ears and shrieking like a child because you don't want a solution, you want a debate. You can take the solution or leave it, just stop acting so childish

        • 3 months ago

          The Oberoni fallacy fallacy is itself a fallacy because it's pretending like the company who expects money for their product shouldn't put in more effort in its creation, and it assumes that everyone is going to automatically want to, or know how to, make the necessary edits to make their version of the product fair and functional. They're supposed to be products for sale, you fricking moron. There's supposed to be some level of effort put into their quality before slapping a pricetag on it and getting their fans to run defense saying "REEEEEEwrite what you don't like!!" otherwise the business is simply not for them.

          By citing a problem with the constant spew of "just ignore the flaws and do what you want", I have both conceded that TTRPGs should be edited to taste but also demonstrated that considerable effort needs to be taken to make the product worth buying in the first place. Citing the Oberoni fallacy fallacy is basically just covering your ears and shrieking like a child because you can't handle your system and its company being criticized, you want to shill. You can take the solution or leave it, just stop acting so childish.

          • 3 months ago

            I hate how so much of our discourse is dictated by stuff dickheads on the old 3e message board says 20 years ago.

            • 3 months ago

              Except Tempest Stormwind and Oberoni were both completely right.

              • 3 months ago

                Right about how to suck wieners maybe

        • 3 months ago

          >roleplaying games should be treated as regular games- which fall apart when you don't follow the rules
          This is, in fact, a factually correct and true statement.
          >I have both conceded that there is a problem but also demonstrated it's a solvable problem
          Congrats, you actually don't know what the Oberoni Fallacy is. Lets go to the original text.
          >Let's say Bob the board member makes the assertion: "There is an inconsistency/loophole/mechanics issue with Rule X."
          >Several correct replies can be given:
          >"I agree, there is an inconsistency/loophole/mechanics issue with Rule X."
          >"I agree, and it is easily solvable by changing the following part of Rule X."
          >"I disagree, you've merely misinterpreted part of Rule X. If you reread this part of Rule X, you will see there is no inconsistency/loophole/mechanics issue."
          >Okay, I hope you're with me so far. There is, however, an incorrect reply:
          >"There is no inconsistency/loophole/mechanics issue with Rule X, because you can always Rule 0 the inconsistency/loophole/mechanics issue."
          You've given option 2 but then claim you've actually given option 4. This is false.

      • 3 months ago

        Oberoni Fallacy means it's a good game, though.
        Do the jobs of the people you bought the product from, rewrite what you don't like.

    • 3 months ago

      This is exactly why I make what I want, instead of buying from corporate pigs. It saves more time to get exactly the things I'm looking for out of a game for free, than to have to add, remove, and change shit in something I had to buy.

    • 3 months ago

      Shut up moron. The system exists as an authority. Changing things about it is always swimming up river, ESPECIALLY when you are taking things away from the players. I'm making a full homebrew system for this reason.

      • 3 months ago

        This is probably the shittiest take I've ever seen on /tg/ regarding roleplaying games.

        • 3 months ago

          You've never played with PFgays.

  18. 3 months ago

    >removing slavery from a fantasy world where it's been well established that slavery is key to the economy of several major powers and was the entire point of the Eagle Knights as a faction

  19. 3 months ago

    I think pf2e’s feat system feels very bad. Those small shitty flavor feats/traits only further bloats the game for very little gain. And when they do work , they aren’t even that exciting because they are all bonuses to their “degrees of success” thing.
    I’d rather just play dnd 3.5 over it or pf1e tbqh

  20. 3 months ago

    Play the good Pathfinder edition instead, moron.

  21. 3 months ago

    This is actually really common with a lot of games. The point is though, that the people playing PF and D&D in general, ever since 3.5, just fricking optimize out the ass.

    V20 as a counter, has a shit ton of merits, disciplines, etc. that are just really fricking good, but players typically take shit that is flavorful for their vampire first and foremost, because who the frick cares about optimization in Vampire?

    These games have boxed themselves into a play style where you have to optimize, or you feel like you have to optimize in order to function, but you don't. You DONT need +2 to initiative or +1 on a save, just like you DONT need the Vicissitude discipline or some strong merit. It's your mindset, the mindset of your table, and the mindset of your GM doing this to you. It's also D&D being moronic in general and not just having varying costs for taking really strong shit at character creation.

    • 3 months ago

      Ya know, I've always felt it's because the combat in those games just sucks. Even people who think and say that they like it subconsciously don't, and so they optimize their characters to clear through it because it feeds the power fantasy but also because it speeds things along, especially at higher levels when it just becomes massive HP sponges with resistances out the ass.

    • 3 months ago

      >The point is though, that the people playing PF and D&D in general, ever since 3.5, just fricking optimize out the ass.
      Honest question, do you prefer your players to just make a character that just doesn't really stand out in any significant way?

      • 3 months ago

        It's funny that that's not my experience at all,.with 3.5e or 5e.
        The people I play with make characters that range from okay to competent in their thing.
        Neither of the two tables I play with display that kind of behavior.
        Hells, me and my buddy from the 3.5e table spend our time trying to optmize characters to be strong without breaking the game,.since some combinations are juat so fricking string and easy to be too strong in comparison to the rest of the table.
        We all silently kind of agreed to not ruim the game I guess.
        Comes with playing with a bunch of 30+ people I guess?

        • 3 months ago

          It's funny because the guys I play with are all between 40-50 and I can think of at least two that keep internal DPS charts and spend the entire campaign nerdraging and fricking over the plot if they feel like their carefully crafted munchkin build isn't working out for them like they want it to. I think they should stick to MMOs but they act like they've outgrown computer games despite treating tabletop like one.

      • 3 months ago

        No why?

  22. 3 months ago

    Have you tried having fun instead of constantly obsessing over numbers like an autistic child?

    Of course none of this matters since you don't play games.

  23. 3 months ago

    Pathfinder 1e is not a good game.

  24. 3 months ago

    My character is a rogue-witch who specializes in darkness, light-stealing and spatial spells. She just goes stabbity stab in between two illusion spells to frick around with Black folk.
    Is she good at fighting? No, she's completely fricking useless half the time.
    Is it fun to roleplay as an edgy chuunibyou 14 years old terrible spellcaster and a failure of a thief who calls herself "Princess of Darkness" and is absolutely fricking moronic? VERY MUCH SO.
    So yeah, I would say it's a player issue. If your GM is throwing encounters at you that only a min-maxed party can solve, he's a shit gm. If your players can't roleplay and instead are looking up guides on how to build the best characters, they're shit players.

    TLDR: Skill issue, dayo.

    • 3 months ago

      Requiring the party to not actively be moronic like you is not asking for only a minmaxed party. Frick off.

      • 3 months ago

        Wait till you hear about my paladin who refused to use his deity's spells.

    • 3 months ago

      >she's completely fricking useless half the time.
      Skill issue, and it might not be on your end
      >If your GM is throwing encounters at you that only a min-maxed party can solve
      I don't think these really exist. I think a party with good synergy and communication can overcome most encounters with in reason. Like wise an unreasonable encounter could curb stomp the most min-maxed party.

    • 3 months ago

      >makes a useless character that's a burden on the rest of the party
      >narcissistically pats himself on the back of it
      Yep it's a "real roleplayer".

  25. 3 months ago

    You think those are the best ones?
    Try the dangerously curious trait which gives anybody use magic device as a class skill or the pragmatic activator trait which lets you scale UMD off of intelligence instead of charisma

    • 3 months ago

      >the pragmatic activator trait which lets you scale UMD off of intelligence instead of charisma
      Why would you want this?

      • 3 months ago

        gee, why would somebody want to use the stat that gives you more skill points instead of the stat that does literally nothing except pump up social skills?
        i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’ve never played pathfinder, but charisma is the most universally dumped stat. it is almost completely useless if you don’t use it for any of your spells or class features. so for classes that don’t use charisma, it’s beneficial to make your charisma as low as possible to pump up more useful stats, so pragmatic activator allows a character that wants to dump charisma to have a large bonus to use magic device that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to get without reducing more valuable stats to pump charisma up just for umd

        • 3 months ago

          So it's just a +1-2 to UMD for the few classes that don't dump int and aren't casters (and therefore have no use for UMD)? You sure this is as big of a deal as you're making it out to be?

          • 3 months ago

            imagine you’re a rogue with 14 Intelligence and 7 Charisma, which is a fairly common stat spread for a rogue
            Pragmatic Activator becomes worth a +4 to UMD, and that’s really strong for a trait
            Now imagine you’re a wizard with 20 Intelligence and 7 Charisma, also a common spread, now it’s with worth +7 to UMD which is more powerful than a feat and it only gets stronger as the wizard increases his Intelligence through ability increases and magic items

            • 3 months ago

              Why would a wizard need UMD?

              • 3 months ago

                to cast cleric and druid spells from scrolls and wands

              • 3 months ago

                That's more than a little redundant.

                >therefore have no use for UMD
                I suggest you actually read what UMD is used for.

                How ironic.

              • 3 months ago

                Read the skill moron.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re obviously not arguing i’m good faith if you’re pretending you can’t understand the benefit of being able to cast more spells.
                Or just a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                You're the one in hysterics over a mediocre trait.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not a mediocre trait if you bother to read the fricking skill.

          • 3 months ago

            >therefore have no use for UMD
            I suggest you actually read what UMD is used for.

      • 3 months ago

        I think UMD is often overhyped by people more accustomed to majority martial parties with one caster playing mother hen, during which you need to fill the knowledge gap with scrolls/wands. UMD can be a very valuable skill though, and both Dangerously Curious + Pragmatic Activator/Clever Wordplay are worth ~4 to UMD each.

        But straight skill bonuses are not the flashiest of traits, and not something I would bring up as an example of the 'best ones' if I wanted to downplay the importance of intiative boosting. Which is a solid stat. Instead I would bring up busted traits that give you unique abilities ripe for abuse.

        >Magical Lineage / Wayang Spellhunter
        Metamagic spell level reduction. People would pay feats for this benefit if they could. Pretty much 90% of magi has the Magical Lineage trait.

        >Fate's Favored
        Improve any luck bonus affecting you by 1. Suddenly every half-orc with the Sacred Tattoo racial trait now has +2 to all saving throws. And every Warpriest/Inquisitor that spams Divine Favor gets an additional +1/+1 to Att/Dmg.

        >Power of Suggestion
        DC 20 bluff check to get away with outrageous, impossible lies. Why yes, this Glaive is actually just a walking stick.

        >Resilient Martyr
        Triples natural healing. If only there was some kind of feat path that gives you instant healing worded as natural healing. Like say, Signature Skill(Heal) with Healer's Hands.

        Oh look, it's Hide in Plain Sight whenever it rains or is humid.

        >Undine Loyalty
        The one and only way to use "adjacent" teamwork feats at a distance. And as written it's a limited version of Solo Tactics, although prob not RAI.

        ...and so on. Traits are, just all other pf1 content, encompassing this huge spectrum from "actually worthless/actively harmful" to "build defining".

  26. 3 months ago

    >another nogames pathfinder thread
    Better than AI and warhammer wednesday I guess

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