Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time? Was the reception of these games ...

Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time? Was the reception of these games unfair?

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  1. 3 years ago

    They're just not good games.

  2. 3 years ago

    I thought they were cool at the time. I was disappointed in the lack of day/night, but otherwise I thought all the other shit they added was really cool.

  3. 3 years ago

    Eh no one really cared, us emu chads were playing for free on day one.

  4. 3 years ago

    2nd gen felt like it built upon the world created on 1st gen.
    3rd gen was when they started doing the same shit over and over again

    • 3 years ago

      >Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time?
      Because it wasn't Gen 1-2, because they couldn't trade over their Gen 1-2 pokemon to the GBA, because they took away some something from Gen 2 and added new things.

      Gen 2 was literally a DLC for Gen 1. Gen 3 is where they realized that couldn't bank on the pokemania train Gen 2 derailed.

      • 3 years ago

        >Gen 2 was literally a DLC for Gen 1.
        In what capacity?

        • 3 years ago

          In that it's mostly spare ideas that they couldn't get into the first version. Doesn't help that the Johto version feels like one big tutorial for Kanto postgame thanks to the level curve.

          • 3 years ago

            So how is that literally DLC?

            • 3 years ago

              Because it feels like an expansion to Kanto, and that's basically what Johto will ever be thanks to HGSS not fixing shit.

              • 3 years ago

                So how is that literally DLC?

              • 3 years ago

                Ah yes, I remember downloading Pokemon Gold version for my Gameboy.

              • 3 years ago

                All I'm saying is that Gen 2 is more of Gen 1. It didn't get better until Gen 3.

              • 3 years ago

                building on your franchise >>>>> frick it let's make a reboot

              • 3 years ago

                Adding bases, changing the stat system to prevent stat max-out, creating the first battle frontier, natures, double battles was building on the franchise?

              • 3 years ago

                >addding bases
                It was dropped so no
                >changing the stat max out
                Ok no frick off, the classic gen 1-2 Ev system was superior, want a strong trained pokemon? Just train all stats, the new system is shit where you have to specifically use up all EV points to min max which is always boring shit and even more in gen 3 with no proper means.
                Emerald did that
                A mistake, only like one or two natures will be good per pokemon, no natures was much better and there were even natures that would hinder your pokemon ie: modest Machop adamant Abra
                Yes that was good you're also forgetting abilities which is the best thing RS added

                But I mean it in a worldbuilding way rather than a gameplay way

              • 3 years ago

                >It was dropped so no
                But it was added with Gen 3 you dunce
                >Ok no frick off, the classic gen 1-2 Ev system was superior, want a strong trained pokemon? Just train all stats, the new system is shit where you have to specifically use up all EV points to min max which is always boring shit and even more in gen 3 with no proper means.
                Sorry anon, but have you ever played with friends at lv 100? It's very slow since the pokemon get bulked out, you need to make PP their moves because you will run out of PP. Let's not forget that bulk mons run the show since they can just tank hits and curse up for more attack and defense.
                >Emerald did that
                Yeah, and Emerald is a Gen 3 game.
                >A mistake, only like one or two natures will be good per pokemon, no natures was much better and there were even natures that would hinder your pokemon ie: modest Machop adamant Abra
                It means more variance anon, you get more of a selection.
                >Yes that was good you're also forgetting abilities which is the best thing RS added
                That too.

                >a remake of a good game >>>>>>> the biggest sin the franchise
                There is a reason why BW is so polarized and had terrbile sales for a new generation and it couldn't even manage to look better than gen 4. Zombie Pokemon truly started with BW.

                >had terrbile sales
                Anon, BW sold 2 million copies less than Gen 4 despite a four year space between them and BW coming out during the final days of the DS when the 3DS was around the corner. It sold great.

              • 3 years ago

                >it was added
                And it was dropped
                >bulk bad
                >long battles bad
                Shit taste, long battles of strategy will always beat boring touch strong move and win and there is plenty of ways to frick up your opponents strategies, sounds like you and your friends pkay by spamming low pp moves hoping everything dies in 2 hits (which is boring)
                >is a gen 3 game
                And is not RS which is the one we are talking about
                >you get more selection
                A selection of 2 or even 1 (so none) at the costs of 10+ hinderances? No fricking thanks, about time Gamefreak made them changeable

              • 3 years ago

                >And it was dropped
                >>bulk bad
                >>long battles bad
                Yes. What's the point in making a diverse team if Snorlax will just Curse and rape your shit. Also, Gen 2 movesets were straight up shit and they didn't get better until Gen 4.

              • 3 years ago

                Toxic or Paralyze it haze it even, don't let it buff, that's on you

                You get tms for the pokemon you want amd there is the move relearner in gen 3 (and in PS2 for Gen2) plus breeding but getting involved in breeding and all that shit is just boring, better use a cheat device and play the actual fricking game (we are talking about competitive like who gives a shit about this for a normal run?)

              • 3 years ago

                Oh no, now he rested and used Sleeptalk to Earthqauke. Sleeptalk sets are pretty popular in Gen 2.

              • 3 years ago

                Yes it's called strategy, should have switched to Skarmory

  5. 3 years ago

    Looks like the exact same shit "critics" back then pulled with Mega Man.

  6. 3 years ago

    Ironic how the excessive mode 7 usage and over reliance on flashy effects in golden sun ended up aging way worse than the clean pixel art of gen 3. Just goes to show how being technically impressive doesn't always translate to artistic quality.

  7. 3 years ago

    It's really a mix of things. Mostly I think it comes down to the fact that Pokemon was bigger than the games and Pokemon stopped being cool around the time. Most of the people hating on it didn't even play Ruby and Sapphire, they just find any excuse to rag on it because they stopped being into it. "What's that, your Pokemon have lots of circle markings on them? So lame, these fake pokemon can never match the authentic majesty of "literally just a normal animal."

    • 3 years ago

      This, kids are fickle little shits. That being said, pokemon got better with Gen 3 and found a solid foundation in Gen 4's Platinum which is one of the few game to not actually be hindered by a flaw in the design like Gen 2's level curve or Gen 3's lack of physical split.

      • 3 years ago

        Physical split isn't good or bad, many pokemon got fricked by it and having the types tied to sp atk or atk can be good for balance.

        Also gen 4 was slow as shit for no reason

        • 3 years ago

          >having the types tied to sp atk or atk can be good for balance.
          This is Sneasel, if atk and sp. atk were still tied by typing, he would be rancid garbage like he was in Gen 2-3 instead of the Dragon rape machine he became thanks to the split. Sneasel says frick pre-split pokemon.

          • 3 years ago

            And then there is Regice who went from being the best Special wall to the biggest joke legendary, Regice says frick the split

            • 3 years ago

              And there is Tauros, he was the one of the most powerful Gen 1 mon and became a joke thanks to Gen 2 and 3. Pokemon were getting shafted by changes in the gameplay long before the split.

              • 3 years ago

                The big thing that killed Tauros was 1) the inclusion of Steel type and 2) making its special attack ridiculously low. At least in gen 1 it could belt out a fire blast that could do respectable damage, in gen 2 the fireblast unironically did less damage against scarmory (one of the defining gen 2 mons) than using a STAB body slam.

              • 3 years ago

                it will always be hilarious to me that the most powerful pokemon in Gen 1 aside from Mew/Mewtwo was just a plain fricking bull

              • 3 years ago

                Most of its strength came from its speed (faster pokemon had better crit chances) and the unique gen 1 ability to being immune to body slam paralysis. The former is why the meta was favoring slow, bulky pokemon and the latter is why a lot of normal type shitmons just lost relevance.

              • 3 years ago

                He just happened to have the right tool for each situation
                No steel types
                Only relevant rockies (Golem/Rhydon) can be hit hard with Blizzard (120BP 90% acc btw)
                Only ghost type gets demolished by Earthquake
                The mediocrity of fighting mons is even worse due to the hegemony of psychic types, so doesn't have to worry of getting hit supereffectively
                Can pretty much spam the 1 2 Combo of Body Slam + Hyper Beam against everyone else
                Decently bulky, powerful and quite fast

  8. 3 years ago

    Ruby was my first Pokemon game and at the time I love (still do) but really didn't had any other gba games to compares aside from Yoshi island and Mario Pinball, really didn't care about graphics.

    Anyway later I got Red and later Crystal (thanks backwards culpability) and was surpised how the gen 2 game felt so much bigger and interesting (thanks to night and day and ingame weeks) than the gba game, also the battle sprites looked better and even had a little animation, the whole going back to Kanto pretty much beat anything Ruby did and I can see how it could build bigger expectations for veterans.

    I felt similar about the GBC Zeldas and MC, the gba sequels just couldn't compete with the content of tbe GBC games

  9. 3 years ago

    The allure of pokemon faded and it became solely for newcomers and hyper addicts who care about weird meta shit like EVs and IVs. Anyone who just wanted a nice game got shafted.

  10. 3 years ago

    Because the fad seemed to be over and pokemon was viewed as a kiddie thing throughout the 2000s, so much that a lot of vidya sites didn't want to bother with pokemon, it was viewed as a lesser game outside of niche communities. Then 90s nostalgia happened around 2010 and people started suddenly appreciating pokemon to the point where it was taken seriously.

  11. 3 years ago

    The answer is that they almost completely got rid of the day/night effects, got rid of the PokeGear, and didn't let you transfer your Pokemon from Gen 2 or 1. All these things were major selling points for Gold and Silver.

    • 3 years ago

      Pokegear stayed with infinite numbers but only rematches

  12. 3 years ago

    >no day night cycle

    we were robbed, bros

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