Why did the vidya industry stop making games like this?

Why did the vidya industry stop making games like this?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    buggy unoptimized games with soi looking protagonists?

  2. 10 months ago

    Because the actual dev stopped. Sequel never

  3. 10 months ago

    A buggy moviegame with terrible combat? These are still around. BG3

    • 10 months ago

      We are not talking about elder scrolls or skyrim anon.

      • 10 months ago

        Skyrim has good combat, but even if you wanted to say it doesn't, it is most certainly not a movie game you moron

        • 10 months ago

          >skyrim combat
          good one anon

    • 10 months ago

      >he got filtered by the combat

      • 10 months ago

        I liked the combat, it was hard as frick till you learned stuff.

        • 10 months ago

          this, but only in 1v1s, the system clearly wasn't made for facing multiple enemies at once and it shows

          • 10 months ago

            I think it was made with that in mind as well, fighting multiple people is not easy and I think the fighting system mostly reflects that. There are things you can do to make group fights easier, mainly positioning.

          • 10 months ago

            I think it was made with that in mind as well, fighting multiple people is not easy and I think the fighting system mostly reflects that. There are things you can do to make group fights easier, mainly positioning.

            Stop dancing around the issue.
            It's gamepad catering that is to blame.
            That and only that.
            We could've have combat systems without lock-on, with some king of mount and blade control, but gamepad homosexuals didn't let us.
            Frick gamepads and frick every gamepad enabler, gamepads are THE cancer of the industry.

            • 10 months ago

              Gamepad design definitely negatively impacted the game, but I think the combat would have lock on anyway. The devs wanted something close to hema stuff, something like mount and blade is nothing like that.

              • 10 months ago

                Hema stuff needed five attack directions, and you can have it with tiny mouse flicks. Like, you have four directions in mount and blade already.

      • 10 months ago

        Can you blame him? Combats shit in kcd ... get fricked by masterstrike from untrained farmboys until you get it yourself and then its pisseasy.

        • 10 months ago

          Untrained farmboys don't masterstrike you though.

          • 10 months ago

            They do. All the npcs have the same amount of combat skill. The starving diseased forest bandits wielding wooden sticks have the same combat mastery as a veteran knight.

            • 10 months ago

              They literally don't, you should play the game before spewing bullshit like that. Low tier enemies don't masterstrike, they don't even block if you change attack direction right before attacking.

              • 10 months ago

                that guy wasnt me, but yes even some people that logically shouldnt have any (real) combatskills are able to masterstrike you. not all of them, but i paid extra attention to it in my last playthrough and can confirm that.

              • 10 months ago

                I wasn't arguing, I was stating. You don't get to contradict my own objective anecdotal experience with anything that doesn't conform to it. The toothless bandits wearing rags master strike the player.

    • 10 months ago

      >movie game
      It takes hours upon hours to reach certain main story quests before cutscenes show up. You never played the game.

      • 10 months ago

        Well, there's some point to claim, intro section is pretty directed.

        • 10 months ago

          Ah fair enough. I forgot 300hrs in that the intro takes forever to finish. training in rattay etc. I know that scared away new players in steam reviews lol

  4. 10 months ago

    honestly i bought the game full price but it was so buggy i actually couldnt finish it because it bricked my save files. not even memeing I WANTED to finish it because I was having fun but the game was literally broken.

    • 10 months ago

      this happened to me on release, I had to drop my 80 hour playthrough and it kinda pissed me off

      I did go back a couple of months later and beat it, its a pretty nice and immersive type of game

    • 10 months ago

      It works now, but still requires monster hardware to run properly. The bugs it has are more like the kind of charming jank that you'd find in fan-patched Oblivion.

      • 10 months ago

        >but still requires monster hardware to run properly
        no it doesnt

      • 10 months ago

        >monster hardware
        It just requires a half decent cpu. Even my 1660 super was getting 50~60 fps

    • 10 months ago

      Worked on my machine

    • 10 months ago

      I wanted to play it last year, but I was surprised when I saw my Titan X was running it at sub-30 fps. I haven't seen a game this unoptimized since the GTAIV PC port

      • 10 months ago

        It's probably CPU bottleneck. When you are out of cities, you can easily get 60 fps even on 1060. But inside Rattay you are fricked anyway.

  5. 10 months ago

    Hardcore mode fricking sucks. Why in the name of Jesus Christ would you take a game that has proper fast-travel simulation of movement and encounters, and remove fast travel? It literally does nothing except waste your time. Fast travel is not an easy mode for skipping content. It is in fact harder to survive if you use fast travel because encounters are resolved with skill checks that the player can't influence. When you're disabling the fast travel in Hardcore, you are making the game easier while simultaneously making it more tedious.

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit, what a cuman-tier opinion, it's impressive, have the Lord mercy on your pagan soul.

    • 10 months ago

      I never found the lack of fast travel tedious. It's a small map and you have an omnipresent horse. I actually enjoyed memorizing the routes between cities.

    • 10 months ago

      Fast travel is shit and removing it didn't detract ANYTHING from the game.
      In fact, before HC mode was introduced I had a mod that disabled fast travel.

    • 10 months ago

      The point of hardcore mode is that you can't use the map or compass to always know where you are. You have to navigate yourself. Fast travel defeats that purpose.
      I suppose a compromise could be made if the game allowed fast travel between fast travel points or something.

    • 10 months ago

      Navigating yourself was fun

  6. 10 months ago

    game was kino and I didn't encounter game breaking bugs.

  7. 10 months ago
  8. 10 months ago

    KCD II will be at the upcoming gamescom

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        god told me

        • 10 months ago

          Jesus Christ be praised, Henry.

      • 10 months ago

        my ass because I can't provide you with any proof without compromising myself but I 100% assure you that it will be at gamescom at least in the form of a reveal

        • 10 months ago

          Many of us assumed it was gonna be at the summer games fest and it wasn't, it's entirely possible we'll be disappointed again.

  9. 10 months ago

    The complete non-ending pissed me off so much I haven't touched that game since.

    • 10 months ago

      >get to the ending
      >stop playing game

    • 10 months ago

      welcome to history. where a bunch of stuff happens but stuff doesnt change much

    • 10 months ago

      after hearing this so many times i was surprised that the ending was actually alright, obvously the villain gets away and its setting up the next part of the story, but it still feels filled out.

  10. 10 months ago

    Like what? A huge piece of shit?

  11. 10 months ago

    >eurojank devs come in
    >release the perfect piece of eurojank
    >refuse to apologize
    >realize they'll never surpass it
    >quit vidya to become independent soap makers
    those guys were legends.

  12. 10 months ago

    I feel like nobody realizes how bad this game truly is
    they wanted to focus on historical accuracy and realism - fine
    they went with some basic b***h babbies first rpg tier gameplay and systems - sucks, but they never said it's their focus, so whatever

    however, the real atrocity of this game is their focus, realism and historical accuracy, isn't fulfilled at all
    they went with some extremely arbitrary sense of realism
    >making some parts unnecessarily realistic (world being huge but empty, no enemis other than humans, having to wash yourself, carry limit etc.)
    >then there are some parts thats are just complete unrealistic and abstract bullshit without a need for it (respawn, armor behaviour, archery, melee combat, dialogues, skill checks, value of currency etc.)
    >then there are some parts that the devs probably believe to be realistic, but are simply not (layout and size of settlements, cultivation of surroundings of settlements, architecture of buildings other than castles and churches, interiors of houses, crafting tools, methods and facilities, many things pertaining to peoples daily lives, such as their usage of natural resources like wood, stone, metal, dung, water etc.)

    so the game is neither fun nor realistic where it should be
    it's a pointless walking simulator where they barely managed to copy some still existing buildings and filled the gaps with pure moronation

    • 10 months ago

      >basic b***h babbies first rpg tier gameplay and systems
      How is it basic b***h, you fricking homosexual, it literally have no match in that regard.

      • 10 months ago

        melee combat is you and the opponent swinging at each other, hoping the other guy dies first
        in essence that is skyrim, the basic b***h rpg, combat
        the difference is, that you have some added directions and other moves, but they are all pointless because spamming attack is the way too win

        the ranged combat isn't really worth mentioning, but of course they added muh no crosshair because muh realism, even though it's just tedious
        also ranged combat can still cheese the game easily, so again, basic b***h rpg tier

        then you take a look at the gameplay systems
        the game has the most basic and simple learning by doing system, with even worse balanced than in the elder scrolls
        basically you can just grind it out in the first few hours and then get too enjoy 0 progress for the rest of your game with your op char, like in 90% of rpgs
        of course, learning by doing is comparatively more rare than learning by menu from other games, still basic version of it though

        then you got your basic b***h stats that they already had 50 years ago and they never thought about changing how they work (not talking about the names, but the effects)
        they also threw in a really basic stamina system, which is completely unrealistic, but at least it's in right?

        then you also got the oblivion tier inventory and ui

        the game just doesn't do anything new or better than other games, hence the gameplay is basic b***h

        >abstract elements are... le bad!
        Yeah sure they should have gone 100% hardcore sim where everytime you run there is a small rng chance to twist your ankle

        that's not the point
        they go for realism where it's not necessary and detrimental to fun
        they don't go for realism where it wouldn't hurt the fun and would be very much possible if they only tried
        some parts they don't even understand how it's not realistic, because they are too moronic to realize that's not how humans live

        • 10 months ago

          What's a good rpg to you then?

          • 10 months ago

            imo there isn't a single rpg that gets everything right

            we got games that have enjoyable combat and gameplay in general, like dark souls or zelda, but they hardly qualify as rpgs and they lack hard in the story and world design departments

            then you got games that do really well in terms of production quality and visuals, like witcher, kingdom come, maybe even assasins creed

            then you got games that do well in terms of story and writing like baldurs gate or gothic 1

            then you got games where it's really fun to explore the world, like in breath of the wild, morrowind or stalker, either because the locomotion or the setting in combination with some of the game mechanics

            you even got those rpgs that just live of their motivating progression and reward systems, i.e. diablo and its clones

            in a sense, skyrim is the best rpg ever when you belong to the target audience of inexperienced gamers (i.e. children), because it has a very basic version of everything
            you can upgrade that experience with enderal, a total conversion mod for skyrim, that basically just does everything better, but is still skyrim at the end of the day

            probably the best overall package you can find in gothic 2
            there are even some mods out there that basically deliver more of the same

            personally I am working on an rpg that is the complete package... release never, because I have been writing down, designing, simulating, prototyping the details for the last ~7 years and I have no clue if I survive long enough

            just kind of mad at kingdom come having a budget of about 36 m € and wasting it

            • 10 months ago

              >imo there isn't a single rpg that gets everything right
              Genshin Impact

              • 10 months ago

                love those deep branching dialogues in genshin, they really sell that "role-playing" game

              • 10 months ago

                not an rpg

            • 10 months ago

              >enjoyable combat and gameplay in general, like dark souls or zelda
              >fun to explore the world, like in breath of the wild
              >motivating progression and reward systems, i.e. diablo

              Oh shit Black person, what an abysmal taste you have.

              • 10 months ago

                it's not a question of taste, it's just a quantification of subjective opinions about those games
                it's what the people who enjoy those games like about them the most
                coupled with the commercial success it means they are doing something right and if you want to make a good game, those things should be recognized, regardless whether you like it and want to implement it or not

                love those deep branching dialogues in genshin, they really sell that "role-playing" game

                wouldn't agree on that either, especially since that is a gacha game
                but funny enough the majority of people nowadays first associate the progression system with the term rpg and role playing, story, dialogues etc. 2nd at best, if at all
                genshin certainly isn't the complete package when it comes to what rpgs had to offer in the past, but whether the contents are encompassing enough is subjective, because different people have different expectations

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm gamedev
                >it's what the people who enjoy those games like about them the most
                >coupled with the commercial success it means they are doing something right
                Oh shit, every your take is worse and worse, it's becoming curious, if not pityful.

              • 10 months ago

                sounds like you are mad because nobody made the game you wanted and instead decided to go for a different target audience that is not you

                been there too, decided to make my own then

        • 10 months ago

          >melee combat is you and the opponent swinging at each other, hoping the other guy dies first
          You can employ such tactic in every game, and that would probably mean that you are just new to it. Skill issue, not a game issue.
          >the ranged combat isn't really worth mentioning
          What else you can do with it? Hekkin epig five-arrow dropshot skills?

          Shit, all your complaints are absolutely moronic, and often false, I'm not going to go over them one by one, I'll just tell you what this game does better than every other game.

          Thanks to balance, some kind of world simulation and save system, you treat combat and every other situation like you would in real life. Immersion is unparalleled. Every fight is notable and dangerous event. Every enemy matters. There's no cheap power fantasy. It's not Skyrim where you have one vs five encounters on level zero, in burning Helgen. There's no handholding, no markers, and you can frick up quests, and then still redeem the situation.

          • 10 months ago

            >win one fight, get best equipment for rest of the game
            >spend a few hours to max stats and then get bored for the rest of this 100-hour-cutscene-fest
            >beat 10 or 20 guys by yourself at any stage in the game by cheesing with either grinding, ranged, stab attacks, lance

            combat and every other situation like you would in real life
            then you wouldn't fight at all, because any fight, any mishap could mean you are dead instantly regardless of the odds and the odds are your opponent has no qualms about killing you and is most likely armed with tools to do so

            >le epic totally not the chose one secret son of the king
            >also he lived with a blacksmith but can't smith
            >le epic 20 man siege

            >frick, shit, *cum guzzling noises*, these fecking bandit need to die, frick! I am the fat self insert of the fat gamedev sheeet
            >praise the lord frickboy has come to visit us... for the 20th time today

            is unparalleled
            telling me you have no clue about architecture, agriculture, geography, geology, craftsmanship, swordsmanship, physics, chemistry, biology, history, nature and actual work without telling me

            fight is notable and dangerous event.
            I literally killed the cuman attacking army naked on a horse, stabbed multiple guys wearing plate armor to death with a sword, killed 20 bandits at the same time by myself (twice because ludonarrative dissonance respawn)

            enemy matters.
            not as much as the first enemies that drops some proper armor for you
            also they all respawn so they literally don't matter

            >> There's no cheap power fantasy.
            doesn't have to be cheap, but that's kind of the point of rpgs, get stronger faster than you could in reality

            • 10 months ago

              >telling me you have no clue about architecture, agriculture, geography, geology, craftsmanship, swordsmanship, physics, chemistry, biology, history, nature and actual work without telling me
              NTA, but here comes the arm chair expert coming in to tell everyone that this game is not accurate to the microscopic detail. This thread has now devolved into autism. To say Kingdom Come's replication of a lot these old building is nothing short of amazing is ludicrous in my opinion. It's incredible of how close it looks to the real deal, with that in mind having some compromises towards how much geometry is allowed in the pixel count and could be presented on screen. The only thing that really bothered me about Kingdom Come is that they downgraded from the BETA versions pre-release, because it would have never been able to run on consoles. Even the foliage was quite a few steps above the final version.

              • 10 months ago

                that's hyperbole
                the whole point was that they did a good job copying the still existing buildings but their common sense and knowledge of life and the world is severely lacking when it comes to filling the surroundings of those buildings
                this isn't about details, it's just extremely apparent that the game is made by people that have no sense for what is practial and possible in reality
                settlements simply don't look like that in terms of layout, size, materials used and they had actual roads instead of just dirt
                walls and building materials in general aren't squandered like that
                the world wasn't such a dirty and lawless place as it is depicted
                the outside of settlements wasn't that uncultivated
                mines don't work like they are depicted in the game
                architecture of buildings outside of castles and churches doesn't work like that, humans don't live like that, people back then weren't moronic

              • 10 months ago

                I dunno, i just think there is a certain point of where being too nitpicky is needless.

              • 10 months ago

                why wouldn't I scrutinize a game that is specifically made to be realistic?
                does the game have anything else that is noteworthy and would distract me from noticing these things?
                doesn't their focus on visuals instead of gameplay basically beg me too look at the details?

                you ever walked through wet earth rich in clay, as suggested by the color in the screenshots?
                what about the people living in those places - do they just exist as a set piece for the player?
                did you know that houses typically didn't have chimneys during that time?
                why do the roofs have funny sticks poking out?

              • 10 months ago

                you have autism

              • 10 months ago

                >that time?
                Just time? And no notion of place? There's homogenious medieval land across all the Europe?

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody fricking knows exactly how life looked in 15th century Europe, not even experts in the field.

              • 10 months ago

                There's Durer painting from near 1500. He saw this landscape with his own eyes. There's no paved or wooden road in sight. Hell, we still have dirt roads to this very day at some places. There's nothing moronic in dirt road.

              • 10 months ago

                >no paved or wooden road in sight
                there is almost no road in sight in this picture of the countryside with kilometres worth of paths indeed

                Another example, woodcut by Hans Holbein. There's scene at the docks, so it isn't some completely bumfrick place, and what do we see? Ground is clearly dirt with some stones.

                >what do we see?
                hardly anything

                Another visual evidence of dirt road with stones and grass, near pretty competent building.
                It seems you are moronic and lack some fundamental knowledge of history.

                could be a garden for all we know
                the architecture of that building certainly isn't 15th century

                you know that totentanz is a work of fiction and there are tons of more serious pictures from earlier times that show the quality of the ground in more detail

              • 10 months ago

                >is a work of fiction
                Sure, there's mr Bones, but everyday life details are true.
                >from earlier times that show the quality of the ground in more detail
                Show some then.

              • 10 months ago

                Let's have a look at Bruegel then.
                There's some kind of city, and ground is, clearly, dirt. What a surprise!

              • 10 months ago

                And there's year 1630. Even two centuries later, roads are still dirt.

                1559 and 1630, clearly a "medieval" source free of any kind of fiction
                especially that ass sticking out of the loo is very convincing from that picture that has been made with the intention of illustrating a proverb

                all your examples are works of fiction outside the time period in questions

                pic rel is a real person existing in 1456 whos job it was to literally pave the roads

              • 10 months ago

                >all your examples are works of fiction outside the time period in questions
                True, but there's no reason for road situation to became WORSE with years.
                >pic rel is a real person existing in 1456 whos job it was to literally pave the roads
                Also true, but such road wasn't cheap. He probably worked in some big city, and Kingdom Come's cities aren't big or significant at all.

              • 10 months ago

                Okay, let's return to Durer, it's 1496, not THAT far.
                It's dirt, stones, grass, even huge bush at the side of a house.

              • 10 months ago

                Jojo prequel?

              • 10 months ago

                still find it odd, why would the have buildings that elaborate like on the left side and then just dirt outside? maybe they didn't focus on the streets and roads in their paintings
                now I am off to research

              • 10 months ago

                >and then just dirt outside?
                I'll say you even more, there's big chance that your usual peasant house had dirt floor. It's tightly stomped, but still dirt.

              • 10 months ago

                No one is saying paved roads didn't exist, but that they weren't in rural backwaters like where KCD is set. Fricking Rattay is the biggest settlement in the game and it's basically an upjumped village.

              • 10 months ago

                And there's year 1630. Even two centuries later, roads are still dirt.

              • 10 months ago

                Let's have a look at Bruegel then.
                There's some kind of city, and ground is, clearly, dirt. What a surprise!

                i wonder why they never put down wood planks for the thoroughfares at least

              • 10 months ago

                they were morons

              • 10 months ago

                Probably not enough wood (and carcass-fahtwerk buildings confirm it), or not enough need for it. Maybe this fair is not that big.
                There were wooden pavement in Novgorod even in 1200-s, but it's like biggest city at the area, and there's plenty wood in Russia, but lack of stone.

              • 10 months ago

                waste of good wood

              • 10 months ago

                If you travel to modern festival, you probably don't get any pavement either.

              • 10 months ago

                Probably not enough wood (and carcass-fahtwerk buildings confirm it), or not enough need for it. Maybe this fair is not that big.
                There were wooden pavement in Novgorod even in 1200-s, but it's like biggest city at the area, and there's plenty wood in Russia, but lack of stone.

                European streets BTFOED by Novgorod. That's 500 years of wooden flex here.

              • 10 months ago

                That's how it looked at the streets.

              • 10 months ago

                Another example, woodcut by Hans Holbein. There's scene at the docks, so it isn't some completely bumfrick place, and what do we see? Ground is clearly dirt with some stones.

              • 10 months ago

                god, woodcuts are so based. I can look at them forever

              • 10 months ago

                >the world wasn't such a dirty and lawless place as it is depicted
                actually at that specific time around that region and across the HRE there was a lot of crime, a weirdly unique amount

              • 10 months ago

                almost like it was a time of turmoil and their king was literally kidnapped and held hostage and his brother was commanding armies who raided and looted the country or something

              • 10 months ago

                from what i've read, even taking all that into account it still had a weird amount of crime

              • 10 months ago

                And Kingdom Come world isn't even lawless and dirty. There's plenty of guards in every city, there sure are some cumans, and bandits, but it's RECENT INVASION and lords try their best to mitigate this issue.
                Hell, how is it lawless place, I can't even walk at night without a torch.
                Granted, jail punishments aren't historical at all, and they are too lenient, but it's more like game design consideration.

              • 10 months ago

                >Granted, jail punishments aren't historical at all, and they are too lenient, but it's more like game design consideration.
                if they wanted to really go for realism getting caught for a severe enough crime should've just given you a game over, like how killing certain NPCs results in your execution.

              • 10 months ago

                True, and as I read somewhere, there was jail at a time, but trick is that nobody was obliged to feed you. So if you got in jail, you'd have to rely on relatives, or friend, or else you just starve to death.
                Well, maybe I'm bullshitting here, take my words with grain of salt.

              • 10 months ago

                Another visual evidence of dirt road with stones and grass, near pretty competent building.
                It seems you are moronic and lack some fundamental knowledge of history.

        • 10 months ago

          >melee combat is when the combatants try to hit each other with melee weapons
          Oh wow, what fascinating analysis you've given us, anon.

          • 10 months ago

            didn't write "trying to hit" but swinging instead, with the implication of hitting all the time anyway
            that's exactly the point btw, you don't need to try, just stand there and swing, same as in skyrim

            in mountain blade you need to aim your swings and parry attacks, based on skill
            in dark souls you need find the right opportunity to attack and evade the opponents attacks
            in kingdom cum and skyrim you just swing without thinking

            • 10 months ago

              >in kingdom cum you just swing without thinking
              And it will not work, unless you are overleveled and overgeared.

              • 10 months ago

                >he doesn't know about sword stab spamming and backpedalling

    • 10 months ago

      >abstract elements are... le bad!
      Yeah sure they should have gone 100% hardcore sim where everytime you run there is a small rng chance to twist your ankle

    • 10 months ago

      name a more realistic medieval game. you can't. so your nitpicks are irrelevant

      • 10 months ago

        The problem here is that realistic medieval setting is just boring shit

        • 10 months ago

          Fantasy slop connoseur, stop poisoning yourself with orc dicks.
          Kingdom Come surpasses every fantasy even in portrayal of magic.
          Magic here feel more magical than in fantasy slops, where's it's just means to ranged combat.

      • 10 months ago

        >more realistic medieval game
        there are a few strategy games, but if it comes down to rpgs, it is indeed the most "realistic" one
        but that's like saying you would be ok with taking an obese girl because she is the only one living in your village

    • 10 months ago

      >that the devs probably believe to be realistic, but are simply not (layout and size of settlements, cultivation of surroundings of settlements, architecture of buildings other than castles and churches, interiors of houses, crafting tools, methods and facilities, many things pertaining to peoples daily lives, such as their usage of natural resources like wood, stone, metal, dung, water etc.)
      homie they literally built the villages after the historical villages they were based on and they literally built the fricking monastery after the actual monastery right there.
      You are full of shit, you shithead.
      Anything you say is irrelevant because you're a piece of poop!

    • 10 months ago

      melee combat is you and the opponent swinging at each other, hoping the other guy dies first
      in essence that is skyrim, the basic b***h rpg, combat
      the difference is, that you have some added directions and other moves, but they are all pointless because spamming attack is the way too win

      the ranged combat isn't really worth mentioning, but of course they added muh no crosshair because muh realism, even though it's just tedious
      also ranged combat can still cheese the game easily, so again, basic b***h rpg tier

      then you take a look at the gameplay systems
      the game has the most basic and simple learning by doing system, with even worse balanced than in the elder scrolls
      basically you can just grind it out in the first few hours and then get too enjoy 0 progress for the rest of your game with your op char, like in 90% of rpgs
      of course, learning by doing is comparatively more rare than learning by menu from other games, still basic version of it though

      then you got your basic b***h stats that they already had 50 years ago and they never thought about changing how they work (not talking about the names, but the effects)
      they also threw in a really basic stamina system, which is completely unrealistic, but at least it's in right?

      then you also got the oblivion tier inventory and ui

      the game just doesn't do anything new or better than other games, hence the gameplay is basic b***h

      that's not the point
      they go for realism where it's not necessary and detrimental to fun
      they don't go for realism where it wouldn't hurt the fun and would be very much possible if they only tried
      some parts they don't even understand how it's not realistic, because they are too moronic to realize that's not how humans live

      You spent a lot of time and words to explain why you're a homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      >then there are some parts that the devs probably believe to be realistic, but are simply not (layout and size of settlements, cultivation of surroundings of settlements, architecture of buildings other than castles and churches
      If you actually played the game and read the codex instead of shitposting like a pseud, you'd know they acknowledged all of those discrepancies and explained how they changed those things to be more conducive for a video game because gameplay actually fricking matters.

  13. 10 months ago

    The video game industry never made games like KCD, that's why KCD is so special.

  14. 10 months ago

    Unironically the best RPG of all time
    Surprising since it is relatively new.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not my favorite of all time but it is my favorite game of the past 5 years, maybe even 10. There are older rpgs I like more though, like vtmb.

  15. 10 months ago

    Chuds really be playing garbage janky ass games just because there are no black people in them

    • 10 months ago

      No, I play it because it lets me kill turks

  16. 10 months ago

    the sequel is quite literally being made RIGHT NOW

  17. 10 months ago
  18. 10 months ago

    I'm looking forward to the second game. I was just glad to finally get a European medieval game that valued history accuracy above all else. Or at least to the best of their ability in turning it into a video game. It really surprised me how much thought was put into all of it. This is kind of what i wished Assassin's Creed would strive for. I was willing to forgive the jank with aspects of it's gameplay because of it.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I've seen a lot of the shots of the real locations. They were so meticulous with the detail that it just left me awe.

        • 10 months ago

          pribyslavitz is pretty cool IRL too imo

  19. 10 months ago

    Shame about the historical inaccuracy

    • 10 months ago

      >Shame about the historical inaccuracy
      Yeah, way too many of the farmers wear broken and dirty clothes, and many of them wear green. Green was an expensive dye job due to requiring two passes, first to yellow and then to green.

      • 10 months ago

        not to mention that apparently everybody in medieval times ran around with swords

  20. 10 months ago

    I prefer fantasy games with magic and dragons

    • 10 months ago

      Good news you have a trillion of them to enjoy

  21. 10 months ago

    Is it worth playing? My friends said they got bored quick, but that it was a well made game

    • 10 months ago

      It's unironically one of the best games ever.
      If you are able to immerse yourself and roleplay.
      On the other hand, I didn't expect that I'm so much of a roleplayer before this game, game kinda pushes you towards that playstyle.

      Let's say, I got ADVENTURE FEEL here, that should be enough recommendation.

  22. 10 months ago

    because the devs of this game sold the company to israelites
    hope you didnt buy the game lol

  23. 10 months ago

    *left me in awe

  24. 10 months ago

    It didn't. israeli poison is the norm now.

    • 10 months ago


  25. 10 months ago

    I stand behind Kingdom Come, compromises or flaws all considered.

  26. 10 months ago
    Klaun Schwab

    highly unlikely that the average Jindrich would ever encounter a Black person in his life time. unfortunately equally dark and ugly gypsoid scum started spreading through Jurop. They weren't as numerous as today in Bohemia (these are more recent migrants from the balkans), but still. from that point of view, the game can be considered insufficiently representative, so a -100 ESG score would see that there is not going to be a next title.

  27. 10 months ago

    because it's easier to make a multiplayer game with minecraft or fortnite graphics and morons will play it

  28. 10 months ago


    Sorry chuds, these types of games are problematic and aren't allowed to be made anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      >Africans and Asians had successful civilizations first
      Do these morons know who the first real empires in history were?

      • 10 months ago

        >Do these morons know who the first real empires in history were?
        Babylonians and the like? I.e. Asians?

        • 10 months ago

          They're talking about a dichotomy between white people and asians, that means they're talking about eastern asians with the slanty eyes.

          They said first civilizations not first empires. First "proper" empire would be I dunno, china probably.

          They said successful civilizations. A successful civilization with no competition quickly becomes an empire.

          • 10 months ago

            Not really, not if there's nowhere worthwhile to expand to. Would you say egypt was an unsuccessful civilization? Mesopotamia? Sumeria? None of these were european. They were african and asian. Just because you interpret africa to mean Black folk and asia to mean SEA that doesn't mean anyone else does.

            • 10 months ago

              >Just because you interpret africa to mean Black folk and asia to mean SEA that doesn't mean anyone else does.
              Except the original post in question said "before white people" as opposed to "before western european people" so that's exactly what they meant. Stop trying to argue semantics when they were so clear about what they meant.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok fair enough, I'll give you that that's probably what the reddit Black person intended.

      • 10 months ago

        They said first civilizations not first empires. First "proper" empire would be I dunno, china probably.

        • 10 months ago

          First proper empire was Akkad

          • 10 months ago

            this picture is historically inaccurate. tobacco wasn't available in mesopotamia as it wouldn't be brought over from the new world for another 3,700 years

            • 10 months ago

              Cry about that incence. You can even fill cuneinform complaint.

            • 10 months ago

              >he doesn't know about the ancient winston-camel road trade network

        • 10 months ago

          "Empire" means dominion over several nations, so China doesn't fit the definition at all. An early example that comes to mind is Alexander's Greece, but there might have been earlier ones.

          • 10 months ago

            >An early example that comes to mind is Alexander's Greece, but there might have been earlier ones.
            Might? How do you know about Alexander but not the Achaemenid Empire?

          • 10 months ago

            b***h china was a bunch if warring nations in an area almost the size of europe. The only reason you consider china to be one nation is because of how fricking long ago imperial china formed.

    • 10 months ago

      I have reason to believe that account is fake
      then again, poe's law

      • 10 months ago

        I once read some subreddit called "ask historian" or something, during that blach bohemian kingdom come controversy, and holy shit, that pic is pretty tame compared to "historian" takes that I've encountered here.

    • 10 months ago

      So what exactly is the argument against this post besides “seeing gay people hurts my fee-fees”?

      • 10 months ago

        You need to try harder with your bait.

      • 10 months ago

        The argument is "only white peeepow is sccawwwwy" so it comes with its' own refutation.

  29. 10 months ago

    I just want the sequel to come out now that it's been six years. The game beat the piss out of Skyrim for me. I really liked getting into the routine of questing, bathing, eating, exploring and all that. I have a better PC now so hopefully any sequel won't chug as hard in towns.

  30. 10 months ago

    Just built a new machine with a Ryzen 9 7900x, 32 gigs of DDR5, and a 4060 TI and it looks like a totally different game
    Wish I had this rig on my first play through

    • 10 months ago

      the original alpha had even better graphics. wonder if we'll see something like that for the next one

  31. 10 months ago

    This game is kinda boring but is nice to explore. Similar to Ghostwire, but Tokyo > Europe, so I liked it more.

  32. 10 months ago

    First proper empire was Assyria, brainlets

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      It was the first big empire that used modern warfare tactics, but not really the first empire.

      • 10 months ago

        You mean air superiority?

  33. 10 months ago

    Frick, I want sumerian kingdom_come-em-up badly.

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