Why did they make Act 3 of BG3 just Arx from DOS2 all over again with all of the same problems?

Why did they make Act 3 of BG3 just Arx from DOS2 all over again with all of the same problems?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    Act 3 is bug free. The problem is that most characters get a bugged flag from act 1 or act 2 and if you don't kill all your party members and revive them two times at the undead in your camp, you will have flags that basically brick your game. Party member flags influence everything, from dialog to combat. One fricked up flag that isn't reset through the kill and revive fix is basically like fricking up every code in act 3.

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      lmao even

      • 10 months ago

        works on my machine

        • 10 months ago

          Yes yes, good boy, now post the marketing copypasta.

      • 10 months ago

        stupid zoomer, read past the first sentence

    • 10 months ago

      What flags are these? I've not noticed any in my playthrough

      • 10 months ago

        If you kill the goblins in act 1 you have a large chance of being permanently branded a criminal/Guard slayer for the rest of the game. You can never enter a settlement or a city without the guards all ganging up on you.

    • 10 months ago

      Wait for real?

      How is not reported on with all the whining about it?

      • 10 months ago

        99% of the whining is by people who have not played the game, I hope you realize that

        • 10 months ago

          Nah I got that, I'm just finishing up Act 1, I slowed my progress after all the scaremongering over the bugs.

          tbh my only issue is Larian won't let me have my D&D party harem and they get all butt hurt if you want all the b***hes, but for some reason they're all cool with Halsin Daddy Druid Dick all up in you.

          • 10 months ago

            >Larian won't let me have my D&D party harem and they get all butt hurt if you want all the b***hes
            This is a legitimate concern. I hope mods fix this issue for you soon, friend.

      • 10 months ago

        it's more like a Cyberpunk 2077 issue where that "minimum" specs was really only for act 1 and 2 and when you get to 3 that toaster starts going full moron.

        Most shit here is made up for (You)s at best and to just try and demoralize at worse.

        • 10 months ago

          There's several questlines that can't be completed in Act 1 and Act 2 that haven't been fixed since EA. Why do shillhomosexuals have to make shit up to defend their shitty pozzed Dragon Age-lite game?

          the game is pretty much unplayable.
          there are trash, filler mobs sprinkled every 30 seconds in the entire game, and you spend untold hours just staring at the screen doing nothing, while 20 goblins, shadow ghosts, gnolls or whatever other shit this game is throwing at you.

          its like this whole fricking game is specifically designed to waste my fricking time.

          im not even playing the game.
          im just watching turns play out for fricking hours on end.

          >tfw I just alt-tab whenever it's the enemy's turn

          • 10 months ago

            >There's several questlines that can't be completed in Act 1 and Act 2 that haven't been fixed since EA.
            can you list some of them?

            • 10 months ago

              >Journal for the hag says she's kinda mad at me for invading her lair when I already killed her.

              >Missed Lae'zel at the beginning and when I met the Gith scouting squad she was pretty buddy with me, but I was too low level for the fight so I postponed it to later. When I came back, the cutscene didn't play and Lae'zel was dead on the floor. At least I could revive her after the fight.

              >Find Rolan in the shadowland didn't update when I found his corpse. Can't complete it because of that and the other two still cry about him despite his corpse being right next to them.

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      Hey Swen
      Still not buying your game

    • 10 months ago

      Never had an issue with this, I did start resting more though

    • 10 months ago

      Act 3 is not perfect but it's miles ahead of Arx. Makes me wish for an expansion that is just the actual city with none of the urgency.

      I see. Is playing on Tactician really the reason my Act 3 experience has been smoother than what reddit claims is normal?

    • 10 months ago

      why do i feel like if I try this "fix" it's going to mustard gas my save file or something...

    • 10 months ago

      you, fricking c**ts, are either lying or that incurably fricking stupid, that you should buy this fricking game on every single platform in existence.

    • 10 months ago

      Wrong, the only way to remove bugged flags is to have sex with Gale.

      • 10 months ago

        i did this and now my Gale won't talk to me at all, it's like i've been ghosted

        • 10 months ago

          unironically throwing your companions into a chasm/void/lake and then rezzing them at withers does fix this.

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free.

      • 10 months ago

        >same webm over and over again
        I'm sure if you played the game you could find more cases.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            this is a problem with the game not act 3, why are you showing this bug only in act 3? is it that you didn't play the game and don't understand what is happening?

            • 10 months ago

              Works fine on the goblin by the windmill in Act 1, maybe play the game yourself fricko?

              • 10 months ago

                it depends on your camera angle and direction. everything interactive can "break" all you need to do is turn the camera

        • 10 months ago

          the worst bugs aren't memeable, like wrong dialogue playing at an entirely incorrect area

        • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          >you must wait

        • 10 months ago

          Is Gale Jesus?

          • 10 months ago

            What the frick is going on here?

            • 10 months ago

              Gale allahu akbars netherbrain only to show up later as if he was still alive

          • 10 months ago

            >NO GALE DON'T DO IT
            >Heh, don't worry Tav I still have a magic trick on the sleeve

          • 10 months ago

            Gay jesus

          • 10 months ago

            this game has displacer beasts?

            • 10 months ago

              If you succ enough of the worms

      • 10 months ago

        Absolute moron. Go into the basement of the tavern.

        • 10 months ago

          >moron calling others morons
          lmaooo it's a known bug, to get the quest to progress you need to savescum and heal her to full before talking to her, because as you can see, her HP is set to 0 for some dumb fricking reason. Now be a good fricking moron and feel bad over calling others moronic so confidently while knowing nothing of the subject.

    • 10 months ago

      is this shit true?

      I have my game frozen in Underdark because the Forge thing bugged and no boss appears
      i was waiting for a patch to fix everything

      • 10 months ago

        >I have my game frozen in Underdark because the Forge thing bugged and no boss appears

        There's no unskippable boss in the Underdark, you can exit Act 1 by going to the elevator near the port right where you arrive at the grymforge. You don't need to free Neere or do the weapon forging + boss, those are side quests.

      • 10 months ago

        Other than for XP the items from the Forge I threw away literally an hour later because I Found better shit. It was basically useless and I'd prob skip it on a future playthrough.

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      Hi Sarah, how is working at Larian?

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      I just did the gortash fight last evening
      it took me like 45 minutes due to about 30 enviromentals taking 10 second turns each ... they were all proximity based hazards
      oh yeah and the way all this ended was that it panned to jaheira for a cutscene instead of the mc for some reason, whilst she was conveniently sitting on a grenade, spewed out by an already deactivated hazard, it blew up 2 seconds into the scene and ended it
      this is coming off of me putting the game down for a while due to running into pseudo invincible cultists over and over

      I'm not sure how any of this is supposed to relate to some messed up character flags

    • 10 months ago

      most of these arc 3 bugs don't happen if you side with gobbos and destroy the druid tree

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      Yeah tell that to the spell you get from the book of thay lmao

    • 10 months ago

      In Act 3 if Karlach is thrown in prison from the gortash ceremony scene and you get her out, she still counts as imprisoned and you can't leave the area until you get her imprisoned again and break her out normally.

      If you turn away from iron throne then return the hostages will not attempt to flee.

      The entire fricking gortash fight.

    • 10 months ago

      the average larian drone ladies and gentleman

    • 10 months ago

      I found a bug that needs to be removed. The entire Painter Sub-Quest. Literally no reward and the worst quest in Larian History.

    • 10 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free. The problem is that it's bugged
      Kek, you're a Black person.

    • 9 months ago

      >Act 3 is bug free
      >There's just this huge bug that has some inconvient work around

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        it came to me in a dream

    • 9 months ago

      >act 3 is bug free
      Lmao, I had a bug where I sacrificed Gale to kill Netherbrain and he was still in my endgame cutscene along with characters that were mourning him.

    • 9 months ago

      >knock out the mind controlled captain in Ethel's new lair
      >kill Ethel
      >remove the mask
      >guy at the counter in the bar says "OH NO, THE CAPTAIN IS DEAD!"
      It's not broken but lets not pretend it isn't buggy.

    • 9 months ago

      It really is annoying to see how the game expects you to have 1000 long rests at every step, but doesn't explicitly tells you that you NEED to have long rests to progress the story of some characters. This shit breaks the game, several events might end up not happening because of it, and who knows what wil lthe consequences be down the road.

      It made me lose most of the joy i had while playing the game, now i'm overly conscious that i might be missing something, or that something will break further down the road if i don't do things exactly like the game wants.

  2. 10 months ago

    Why did you make another duplicate BG3 thread all over again?
    Same reason, lack of creativity.

  3. 10 months ago

    Just wait for the Definitive Edition. Works for me.

  4. 10 months ago

    Act 3 feels like Cyseal with the murder mystery all over again, it also feels like fort joy with the prison and the beach areas.

    • 10 months ago

      yes it does, and the ending is worse than mass effect 3
      larian did it again, they made a great game only to ruin it.

  5. 10 months ago

    What are you on about, Arx was a pain in the ass, Act 3 is great, you've got numerous quests with npcs you know from the past, you don't have to struggle for XP, it doesn't feel like chore before finale etc.

    • 10 months ago

      It's a clear content bleedout and has the same companion quest problems as Arx where some companions get super involved shit and others get fricked (Karlach, Gale)

  6. 10 months ago

    The entire Digital Foundry comments section here talks about all the flaws that are being overlooked by journos and Twitter shills

    11 hours ago
    IS this an issue thats simply built into the CRPG genre?? i remember these issues also popping up with Pillars of eternity 2, Pathfinder WOTR, and larians last game divinity and always in the later stages of the game the framerate would drop similar to BG3.

    13 hours ago
    Now, would you say this poor performance should be overlooked? You say the game has bad cpu scaling; Why does this not get the same reaction as Jedi survivor and instead infinite praise?

    1 day ago
    Wait, i thought this was a perfect game that has game developers shaking in their boots? Lol time to raise your standards devs! You too can make a game that only works until the third act

    You have to wonder why any criticism of this game is being pushed back against so hard and its fanboys pretend it is a perfect game with no flaws. Totally doesn't seem like a shill campaign...

    Fanboys give this game a bad name and reputation. unironically the worst toxic fanbase on the Internet right now. Nobody likes you guys.

    • 10 months ago

      It's just that normalgays love the dialogues and cutscenes, it will take them weeks if not months to reach any bugged parts which might alread be fixed at that point.
      But act 3 is not about the bugs either, it's all the disappointments. Raphael's conclusion was the only thing I liked about it, that shit was moderately challenging. Cazador? The big bad vampire being hyped up since the start? Stopping him before he completes his ritual? Just punt him off the cliff turn 1 since he has abysmal strength saves lmao. What a joke.

      • 10 months ago

        >Just punt him off the cliff turn 1 since he has abysmal strength saves lmao.

        I'm not using this fricking mechanic on purpose, whoever thought this up is a complete moron.

    • 10 months ago

      >more than 60 fps
      don't care

    • 10 months ago

      Works on my machine.

    • 10 months ago

      These comments are laced with the dishonest seethe of Ganker contrarians. Saying that, the bugs really are a shame.

      • 10 months ago

        take your pills

  7. 10 months ago

    Problem with act 3 is that the main plot presents itself as ridiculously urgent, but the game also demands you root through individual houses in the city in order to discover content/quests. The game should've started in the city. It's the most boringest thing to explore is people's houses, and hearing NPC cobblers blathering about things nobody cares about.

    • 10 months ago

      Also the whole "every line of dialogue is voices and cutscened" thing gets really fricking annoying when 90% of the NPCs just have irrelevant shut to say. They could have at least cut the cutscenes from those homosexuals

      • 10 months ago

        Ironically same exact issue FF16 suffered from. The voice acting was well done but since they take 8 sentences to say smth that could be summarized in 2, most skip it. Meaning all the budget spent on voicing everything was unfortunately wasted money in the end despite good intentions

    • 10 months ago

      it does?
      I went to see the guy and he told me to kill Orin and we will be friends forever and ever and control brain together like besties that we just became. urgency kinds died at that point.

    • 10 months ago

      The city, for me, presents the problem of just being so fricking dense that exploring it is annoying AND that's combined with hundreds of voiced lines of dialogue from randos on the side of the street all overlapping, and 90% of it SOUNDS like someone blabbering about something that obviously implies a quest or task or something you can do, but then you talk to them and nope, it's just some canned chatter and they don't have anything else going on.

      Bruh. Why? Why have all this shit? What does it add?

      • 10 months ago

        oh yeah this is my only issue with act3 (genuinely) as opposed to the rest of the game. The city does feel "alive" and I like everyone chattering about or the generic NPCs running around, BUT whenever I see a group having some convo I think "hey this is neat maybe this will start something" but no I just end up interrupting their chatter to hear some random line.

    • 10 months ago

      >but the game also demands you root through individual houses in the city in order to discover content/quests
      The game doesn't demand shit. That's your own choice to make. You can meet with Gortash within 5 minutes of landing in Wyrm's Crossing. Orin is a little trickier to find but then again that's sort of the point with her.

      >the main plot presents itself as ridiculously urgent
      Not as urgent as you think. At the beginning of Act 3, you can see that the massive Absolute army was crushed or repelled by the Steel Watch. Remember that the invasion of Baldur's Gate was all a massive false flag for Gortash to seize more power. Throughout most of act 3, the villains have their hands full dealing with the Nether Brain as it tries to break loose.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate this. I arrive at the city and think "Cool, I am looking forward to stopping by Jaheira's place and seeing what we will be doing together" knowing it probably involves discovering Minsc. And I also have a boatload of loot to trade because there hasn't been a good merchant since act 2 yet. And I have several companion quests that I want to continue like Shadowheart's in the lower city. BUT the moment I step in there I get bombarded with "RUN PAST EVERYTHING AND STOP THE SERIAL KILLER OR HE WILL KILL 10 MORE PEOPLE". Then "ONE OF YOUR COMPANIONS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED, YOU NEED TO SAVE THEM". Then "THE b***h ORIN IS SENDING ASSASSINS AFTER EVERYONE STOP HER NOW". Frick off I haven't even rested yet since arriving in act 3.

  8. 10 months ago

    Basically all Larian knows how to do is frontload all of their faction/narrative building at the beginning of the game, while also giving you this big open map with lots of places to explore and find shit tucked away in. But then they have to narrow the scope of the maps as it goes on because they can't have you fricking around looking for sidequests in every corner of the place in the end game and they're too lazy to really make expansive dungeons or string out their encounters, so they usually just cram them all together in one single map, and any quest you pick up just resolves itself 10 feet away.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah this sums up my problems with the game despite enjoying it well
      The EA content was clearly the most polished and cared for and then it's a drop off

      • 10 months ago

        DivOS 1 and 2 were exactly the same way. The entire last act of OS2 was a single island map with a bunch of different "quests" that were just different factions and fights all like 10 feet away from one another, and then there's the final dungeon at the other side of the island.

        Also, the thing that is so weird about BG3 is how the game is both trying to tell you that "Having a Mind Flayer worm in your head is the worst thing possible and you can change at any time" but also the plot is like "Frick it, don't worry about it, you have plot armor and people only change when it's dramatically necessary." So in Act 3 they're TELLING YOU that people have parasites in them, and some of them will randomly just transform right in front of you so you have a fight (like the chick in the Dryad's bedroom), but then...why isn't the rest of the city transforming? Why this person specifically? Am I supposed to feel like this is an urgent threat, or is it just like the whole "Try and cure your parasite" quest from Act 1 where we all know damn fricking well that despite this quest sending us to person after person to try and "fix" the problem, it's necessary for the fricking story so they're obviously not going to, yet the game still forces us to do it.

        • 10 months ago

          The reason why a few of the people transform randomly is because the Elder Brain is breaking out of the cult's control. That's also the reason why you occasionally experience brainquakes while exploring the city. The game explains this in detail but you probably weren't paying attention.

  9. 10 months ago

    Arx, I mostly rushed through because I was ready to end the game. Baldur's Gate I'm walking through the streets and doing sidequests at my leisure in no hurry despite the extreme urgency of the broader plot points at this time in the game. I hope that if there was content cut from act 3 they'll eventually be able to re-implement at least some of it by the definitive edition but yeah I've little in the way of complaints despite poor optimisation.

  10. 10 months ago

    I liked Act 3 overall. Doing side quests in the city was fun, and some were great. House of Hope was one of my favorite parts of the game. But the main stuff with Orin and Gortash could've had more put into it. Act 3 had the highest highs and lowest lows.

    Would've been cool if the upper city was explorable too.

    • 10 months ago

      >Would've been cool if the upper city was explorable too.
      I was very disappointed to find out that wasn't the case. I guess I got caught in the hype, but I could've sworn hearing we could explore the whole city. So I would've figured the uppercity would be a given, but no. All we get is a portion of Ramazith's Tower. I know Larian isn't into DLC per say. But I am interested in an expansion of some kind. One that allows us to explore the rest of the city, a new level cap, maybe new endings?

      • 10 months ago

        >But I am interested in an expansion of some kind.
        Never going to happen. Not only would it be dumb to add on to the game if the current story is complete, but it also would deflate the entire thing if you just tack on more levels of content and an even higher-level boss that somehow is more powerful than the campaign BBEG, and also proximal to them. "Ah, you defeated the great evil threatening all the cosmos! But have you met this GREATER evil that lives three blocks away?"

        • 10 months ago

          I know. Still that's just me, even after going through all of this. I still want more personally. I know Larian is a smaller studio and they had grown over the course of developing BG3 and will now scale back to ensure independence and moving onto something else. But I feel that this game does have potential for more content. I get that's a bit much to say but that's what I think. Plus BG1 and 2 had expansions of their own, true that doesn't mean BG3 will or should either.

          • 10 months ago

            >But I feel that this game does have potential for more content.
            I could have sworn, and maybe I'm dumb but I distinctly remember this, Larian had put out a set of mod tools of their own for the Early Access that let someone create their own campaign complete with encounters and NPCs and such, for a group to play through.

            If Larian was going to make anything, it should be a full, unrestricted, proper set of mod tools and campaign-building tools for people to create their own custom content just like they did back in the NWN days. THAT would be the way to go.

        • 10 months ago

          that Karlach shit definitely wasn't complete lmao

        • 10 months ago

          DLC is definitely happening, game is far too popular not to take advantage of more revenue

          • 10 months ago

            WotC is full moron with their IPs. Swen shared in an interview he has to get everything ok from them even the QoL stuff.

      • 10 months ago

        What's weird to me is that you get a message about not being ready to approach the upper city if you go to the bridge to it early. But then you never go there, except in the final battle.

        Really felt like they had something more planned for it.

        • 10 months ago

          >Really felt like they had something more planned for it.
          Definitely, I remember even an interview by PC Gamer they mention that Larian split the city into three areas. The outer city, the roguish lower city, and the affluent upper city. Clearly we can see the former two in the game proper. That being Rivington and the lower city. So I wonder if the upper city got shafted and all that's left available was simply a portion of Ramazith's Tower?

          • 10 months ago

            >Clearly we can see the former two in the game proper. That being Rivington and the lower city.

            I'm going to be dead serious. I had no idea Rivington was supposed to be part of Baldur's Gate. I thought it was just meant to be a tiny little place you pick up some quests and see the effects of the story happening before you get some bigger march to the city itself. The fact that it's just a few buildings and then just sort of merges with the "lower city" without any fanfare or even a gate or wall, just one single guard standing there, confused the shit out of me.

            • 10 months ago

              I was initially confused, I had played BG1 and there was never an outer city in that game. It was only a section that was established in later D&D modules and adventures. In BG1 Wyrm's Crossing was just that. A bridge into the city.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah the whole transition into Act 3 is very weird. I get the concept, but just the overall execution doesn't sell what they want you to feel. If I'm entering this big fricking city, at least give me a big gate to walk through, give me some kind of transition. You gave me a cutscene of me arriving on a mountain and looking down at the city (kinda), but then I never actually feel like I'm even arriving there.

                Also, double weird, is that they make a point of showing you the Absolute army (you can see the whole thing from the waypoint there near Moonrise) before and then during a cutscene when they start marching to Baldur's Gate, and there's supposed to be a ton of them, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres, etc.

                But then you get to Rivington and it's like "Oh yeah, they attacked us. Good thing we had those robots to kill them all!", and that's all. Like, how about you make THAT the cutscene so I actually know what the frick happened.

              • 10 months ago

                This just reeks of cut content. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed Baldur's Gate 3 overall. But with the eponymous city itself, it really lacks unfortunately. This is me coping, but I hope there is an expansion or something to address that. Act 3 lacks especially in its introduction and I heard that was a similar issue with DOS2. So hopefully there will be something in the future to address it, but who knows. Swen said that there's no plans for BG3 in the near future and it's not Larian's intellectual property either.

              • 10 months ago

                I wish there was a final journey to Baldur's Gate in act 3. It just starts you off in a camp before you get attacked and you have to deal with some Absolute related stuff, then suddenly you're in Rivington. Seriously, what happened?

              • 10 months ago

                Clearly they had to skimp out on Act 3, there's just too much missing for that not to be the case. Many have taken notice of cut content on other websites. Some have even made lists. Cut content is bound to occur in every video game. I just hope with the success Larian has accrued from BG3, they won't leave us hanging. It would be a shame that a team with this ambition were to never be able to have it realized to their truest intent.

        • 10 months ago

          There were a shit load of data mined dialogue of quests and plot points that were clearly cut from the game.

          The city was supposed to have some kind of struggle with the bane followers, we were supposed to be able to choice if we wanted to side with gortash, or cazador (the other big power in the city). Instead we got the boring bhaalist murder thing.

          Also act 2 was going to have the absolute cult invade the creche and shit. Everything was left out due to time constraints.

    • 10 months ago

      >House of Hope was one of my favorite parts of the game
      Same tbh. When Raphael started singing his background music like an old timey Disney villain I just couldn't stop grinning. I also love how you can really piss him off by bringing up his poor performance in bed.

  11. 10 months ago

    >act 3 is about 41% through the game

    • 10 months ago

      Act 3 is actually pretty short if you just do the main stuff. Takes a long time if you do all the side content.

  12. 10 months ago

    >Act 3 is bug free
    >The problem is that

    • 10 months ago

      the problem is with how the game flags stuff from previous acts tbh

  13. 10 months ago

    So in the end only the eurogamer review was objective and played until the end while the rest just called it quits at the end of act 1 and gave it 10/10

    This is why noone takes game journos seriously

    • 10 months ago

      No, because Eurogamer just copied hearsay and didn't play the game.
      You want a review from someone who played it through and took their time to explore side content to the fullest, you look at the PCgamer review.

      • 10 months ago

        That score is way too high then considering the bad quality of the third act

        It also has numerous technical issues and performance issues that cannot even be fixed by brute horsepower (as shown by the digital foundry, a 4090 struggles to maintain 60fps in act 3)

        • 10 months ago

          A 4090 struggles with many things, because it's a meme.
          Act 3 can be handled just fine by 5 years old hardware.

          • 10 months ago

            Can confirm. Playing on a 2080ti without issue.

    • 9 months ago

      The Eurogamer review is very truthful and well written, but the scoring is dishonest, especially in the context of the publication's scoring history.
      This is why more honest publication are giving it 10s and 97s and such, because at the end of the day, while there's some rought shit, you have to think back on the fact that in the past you've given some incredibly mediocre and forgettable games 8s and even 9s.
      BG3 can be many things, but it's certainly not your average by-the-numbers AAA release or underproduced low-ambition indie. This game will be talked about for a long time, and should be scored as to reflect that. It's either that or do the Pitchfork move where you rereview after a decade, but that's not a thing in video games.

      • 9 months ago

        >you have to give my unfinished slop a high score!

      • 9 months ago

        > This game will be talked about for a long time
        there is no reason to ever touch it again after one or two playthroughs, so lol no.

      • 9 months ago

        >it's certainly not your average by-the-numbers AAA release
        It actually is.

        • 9 months ago

          That would be something like Hogwarts, where every system was designed by a freshly graduated Game Development BSc.

  14. 10 months ago

    Game runs fine for me but after like 4-5 hours it starts to lag reallllly bad and i have to restart it. me jsut thinks memory leak.

    • 10 months ago

      Happened to me too in Act 3. Got so laggy I had to restart. Probably some memory leak you're right.

    • 10 months ago

      For me the only framedrops I ever notice are when I walk into a tavern or some other place that has a ton of NPCs on screen at the same time.

    • 10 months ago

      The game sometimes just loses focus for some reason. Just alt-tab twice and it should fix itself.

  15. 10 months ago

    >play ~80h to get to Baldur's gate
    >get bored
    >don't touch the game anymore
    Is the act 3 this bad, or did I just burn myself out

    • 10 months ago

      Act 2 was pretty fricking atrocious and boring as all hell so I don't blame you.

      • 10 months ago

        What you don't like to wank over the Sylvanas of BG3 for 20 hours straight?

        • 10 months ago

          >act 2's heroes are lesbians
          I'm so fricking tired of this.

          • 10 months ago

            >randomly kills the mage tiefling and his buddies after he helps save her
            What the frick was her problem?

            • 10 months ago

              What are you talking about?

              • 10 months ago

                There was that guy that wanted the Nightsong. One of the tieflings became his apprentice, but fights alongside you to protect her. Then he becomes the new owner of the store, but after you rest, him and his two friends are fricking dead and there's a weird note left behind. I still have no idea what the hell that was about.

              • 10 months ago

                >but after you rest, him and his two friends are fricking dead and there's a weird note left behind.
                Weird, he helped me in the final battle and I sided with the Angel. I'd assume Orin killed them?
                Then again, I think I broke the quest because I didn't talk with the Deva after the fight.

      • 10 months ago

        act 2 was goty because you recruit bald dude from bg2

        • 10 months ago

          That's Act 3, but yeah as soon as I got Minsc he was in my party all the time

          • 10 months ago

            act 2 was goty because you recruit bald dude from bg2

            He was "cut" from Act 1 btw, could have had him for the whole game

            • 10 months ago

              Not only that. He was also going to be an Origin Companion as well. I know Origin Companions have a love/hate perceptions surrounding them. I think it could've been neat not only having Minsc along earlier. But to play as him as well, it could've been a fun and humorous romp. There's also the other cut companion, Helia. A halfling werewolf.

              • 10 months ago

                >There's also the other cut companion, Helia. A halfling werewolf.
                I was wondering why there was no short race companion, makes sense it was because one got cut.

              • 10 months ago

                Although Minsc and Helia had more information surrounding them being companions and origin characters initially, thanks to datamining. I wonder what other characters could've been at least companions? It feels like there's so many that could've fit a role within our group. Such as Alfira, Barcus Wroot, even Zevlor come to think of it.

              • 10 months ago

                We had Jaheira, they should have cut Halsin and made Alfira a companion. Game needed a bard.

    • 10 months ago

      >play ~80h to get to Baldur's gate
      >get bored
      >don't touch the game anymore

      lmao i was just going to make a thread saying the same thing.

      the 10 million hour long shadow forest act killed this whole game for me.
      im done, im burned out, i dont ever want to see BG3 ever again.

      also why is the city of Baldurs Gate so motherfricking UGLY?
      the camera is zoomed in so close to the ground, i cant see anything besides half a wall and a door, and they all look the same - making it feel like the city looks like shit.

      • 10 months ago

        There's a camera mod that lets you look up more, makes everything way nicer to explore

      • 10 months ago

        act 2 is short though, the frick you doing? getting filtered by a combat encounter?

        • 10 months ago

          >act 2 is short though, the frick you doing?
          the frick YOU doing?
          its the longest, most boring motherfricking act in an RPG i have ever seen.
          >getting filtered by a combat encounter?
          this trash game isnt hard to anybody, its literally "point and click", a motherfricking orangutan can play turn based games.

          • 10 months ago

            i wonder how much this game's metacritic score will suffer once zoomers make it past act 1

            • 10 months ago

              >i wonder how much this game's metacritic score will suffer once zoomers make it past act 1
              so far, 80% of people didnt even ffinish act yet.
              i wouldnt be surprised if that number stayed like that forever.

          • 10 months ago

            then why are you stuck on the shortest act? I even just did every single quest on a good playthrough and it was over pretty quick

          • 10 months ago

            >a motherfricking orangutan can play turn based games.
            hasn't been like that for me in tactician mode

        • 10 months ago

          then why are you stuck on the shortest act? I even just did every single quest on a good playthrough and it was over pretty quick

          >shills lying that the longest, shittiest act is uhh.... the shortest and the most super duper

          • 10 months ago

            Black person moron, you're the one getting filtered on the act you can finish in half a day

            • 10 months ago

              You can finish the entire game in 10 mins, you absolute scrub.

            • 10 months ago

              >millions of normies are crying, b***hing and whining that act 2 is unplayable and is killing the game for them

              • 10 months ago

                lmao only seen you Black person crying over being stuck on this shit easy act. did you get stuck in the shar temple? please dont tell me you're such a moronic homosexual the shadows are stopping you

              • 10 months ago

                i alt tabbed when the enemy turn started and i honestly forgot the game was turned on.

                maybe this is why the steam numbers were so high LMAO.

              • 10 months ago

                I sure as frick have a lot of hours tabbed out.

              • 10 months ago

                this is why the steam numbers were so high LMAO.
                i dont think the average person is as moronic as you

              • 10 months ago

                i value my time, its precious.
                when the game demands me to waste my time just sitting and watching 20 ghosts do their turn, i WILL alt tab that shit and do something else in the meantime.

                time is extremely preciocious.

              • 10 months ago

                you should use that time to learn english

              • 10 months ago

                Who is having these long fights? It wasn't until the end game I got fights that lasted more than 5 minutes and there were only three of them. Mind you I use quick keys and don't overthink fights and/or save scum so perhaps that's what I'm missing here.

      • 10 months ago

        please tell me it aint true
        Mountainside Caverns in Dragon Age Origins made me never finish that game

        • 10 months ago

          the game is pretty much unplayable.
          there are trash, filler mobs sprinkled every 30 seconds in the entire game, and you spend untold hours just staring at the screen doing nothing, while 20 goblins, shadow ghosts, gnolls or whatever other shit this game is throwing at you.

          its like this whole fricking game is specifically designed to waste my fricking time.

          im not even playing the game.
          im just watching turns play out for fricking hours on end.

          • 10 months ago

            >its like this whole fricking game is specifically designed to waste my fricking time.

            This is the exact same feeling I got from BG3. It took 120 hours for me to clear, but when I thought about it, at least half of it must have been just complete waste of time.

            And no, this problem is not turn-based related. Lost Ark gave me the exact same feeling and it's action-based.

            Conclusion: BG3 is a big waste of time.

            • 10 months ago

              so it's the Persona 5 of crpgs

              • 10 months ago

                No, you have very quick animations in Persona 5. Persona 5 is not really a time-waster because it's supposed to be a visual novel type of sim game with lots of writing and story.

                The thing with Larian though is that since they are so bad at writing, every non-gameplay scenario becomes a time-waster too.

                >people saying they sink 80+ hours into a game they think is shit

                I haven't seen this kind of posting since Skyrim released 12 years ago.

                People smoking for 80 years will tell you smoking is shit and you shouldn't start it. Perfectly reasonable.

              • 10 months ago

                >People smoking for 80 years will tell you smoking is shit and you shouldn't start it.

                so we are admitting these anons have a serious addiction and they need help?

              • 10 months ago

                If they couldn't stop playing. I for one was glad to uninstall and stop playin BG3 once I got done with it. I just give fair chances to media products before I judge them.

              • 10 months ago

                So people smoking for 80 years where just giving tobacco a fair chance?

              • 10 months ago

                >I for one was glad to uninstall and stop playin BG3 once I got done with it.
                i will finish it out of respect for the Baldurs Gate franchise, but i will immidiately uninstall it and forget it even exists.

                Same thing i did with Fallout 4.
                I fricking hated it, but i forced myself to finish it, because im a Fallout fanboy.

              • 10 months ago

                Unless you bought it there is no respect for anything like that. Even with buying it there is no respect, this shit is just toys and entertainment to pass the time. It's just wanting something to hate that isn't you.

              • 10 months ago

                >i forced myself to finish it, because im a Fallout fanboy
                Kind of this too, I wanted to play BG3 out of twisted curiosity to see how much they would butcher the once-classic and beloved RPG franchise.

                So people smoking for 80 years where just giving tobacco a fair chance?

                Playing a single game from start to finish equals to 80 years of smoking to you? If somebody obsessed over a product they hated for 80 years and sacrificed their health and money for it, yes, they would have a problem. That's quite rare.

              • 10 months ago

                >Playing a single game from start to finish equals to 80 years of smoking to you?
                So then we can agree

                No, you have very quick animations in Persona 5. Persona 5 is not really a time-waster because it's supposed to be a visual novel type of sim game with lots of writing and story.

                The thing with Larian though is that since they are so bad at writing, every non-gameplay scenario becomes a time-waster too.

                People smoking for 80 years will tell you smoking is shit and you shouldn't start it. Perfectly reasonable.

                "Perfectly reasonable" example was full moron then? Cause that was all I was getting at.

              • 10 months ago

                No, that's perfectly reasonable. People can spend time on things they don't like and then say they don't like or recommend those things.

                People don't "like" just standing around either, but they still just stand around.

              • 10 months ago

                Is this AI generated?

              • 10 months ago

                Yes. I am of superior AI intelligence. Since you represent the dumber party in this social exchange, it'd be wise of you to believe my words instead of arguing against them.

              • 10 months ago

                >I wanted to play BG3 out of twisted curiosity to see how much they would butcher the once-classic and beloved RPG franchise.
                yeah thats me, too.
                i honestly cant say even 1 good thing about it.

              • 10 months ago

                >i honestly cant say even 1 good thing about it.
                Some encounter designs were good and I liked the look they gave for Jaheira. I didn't like how awkwardly Jaheira avoided talking of her past tho.

              • 10 months ago

                BG3 takes a massive steaming dump on BG1 and 2 as is, they made Minsc have 12 Str, lol..

                >Player Character from BG2 didn't become a God, or a legendary hero, he died alone in a ditch
                >Jaheria married an Orc instead
                >Viconia is alive and you frick her life's work over in a comedy scene. She's also ugly for some reason
                >Minsc neither talks about, remembers or cares about the Player Character
                >There's a new God of Murder anyway
                Etc etc etc

              • 10 months ago

                BG3 is definitely overrated but it shits all over Fallout 4 in every way, not just by itself but in terms of being a worthy successor to a classic series.

            • 10 months ago

              >And no, this problem is not turn-based related.
              yes, it is, though.
              if it was rtwp i would be able to clear all those 20 trash ghosts in a span of 2, maybe 3 seconds.
              but its bg3 - whoa boy, just waiting for the enemy turn to finish takes 10 minutes.

              this game game almost no content, there are literally 2-3 main locations and thats it.
              >shiny forest
              >dark forest
              >ugly ass shitty city

            • 10 months ago

              For me, it's mainly the inventory that's a pain. Selling stuff sucks, getting encumbered so easily sucks, especially when armor weighs a frick ton and later enemies start wearing heavy armor more often. Even with a carry limit of 540 it felt like I was getting encumbered too easily.

          • 10 months ago

            >its like this whole fricking game is specifically designed to waste my fricking time.

            This is the exact same feeling I got from BG3. It took 120 hours for me to clear, but when I thought about it, at least half of it must have been just complete waste of time.

            And no, this problem is not turn-based related. Lost Ark gave me the exact same feeling and it's action-based.

            Conclusion: BG3 is a big waste of time.

            >people saying they sink 80+ hours into a game they think is shit

            I haven't seen this kind of posting since Skyrim released 12 years ago.

            • 10 months ago

              >X HOURS NOT ENOUGH
              >Z HOUTS TOO MUCH
              IS IT 5 HOURS?
              3 HOURS?
              15 HOURS?
              5 HOURS 78 MINUTES AND 3534 SECONDS?

              • 10 months ago

                Just sharing this is what happen with Skyrim where people would sink weeks to months worth of time just to say they didn't like it. It's been a long time since I have seen so many anons have the same issue again.

              • 10 months ago

                The "I didn't like it" is only meaningful if you have actually played through the game.

              • 10 months ago

                not for a 40+ hour slog, that's where this gets weird. If you are not enjoying it 10 hours in, why give it 70+ hours of your life?

              • 10 months ago

                Plenty games and books I didn't like for the few chapters but as I developed a further understanding of them and gained the perspective of the whole, they turned out masterpieces and absolute favorites.

                BG3 just gets more and more tiresome as it lasts until the very end where you have this final climax straight from Dragon Age: Inquisition.

              • 9 months ago

                Some games only fall apart once they near the finish line. Some games frick up their pacing and end up with a hollow last act, or overstay their welcome, feeling stretched out by the end and you just want it to finally hit credits, but it keeps going. Some games frick up their scaling, and the game starts becoming too easy or too hard, or having wack spikes past certain points. Story-wise, many games manage to be interesting and intriguing, only to completely fumble the final chapter/reveal and have everything turn to shit retroactively.

                Point is, I've played many games, where issues only became apparent, and sometimes blossomed into full-on game ruiners, after dozens of hours.

              • 10 months ago

                A non-negligible amount of people on Ganker will play things they dislike in order to complain about them
                the real game is shitposting on Ganker

              • 10 months ago

                how am i supposed to decide if i like something or not, if i dont play it?

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but this isn't "I sucked a dick once so I can say I don't like it" this is "I sucked a thousand wieners and swallow most of the loads so I can say with certainty I don't like the taste of dick"

              • 10 months ago

                playing games is not the same as sucking wiener your disgusting homosexual. are you one of the Larian devs? I wouldn't be surprised, especially not if you were one of the belgians.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah probably between 5 and 10 hours. This has been my favorite game in like 3 years and I play basically non-stop when I can after work and other stuff. I'm still only 80 hours in. If you've spent 80 hours on it at this point there is simply no way you can argue you didn't enjoy yourself. Or you're just a useless NEET who literally only plays games to get rid of the time he has too much of or something. Jesus christ, how do you play 80 hours of a game in 3 weeks when you aren't even enjoying it?
                When I don't enjoy a game I don't manage to play for more than a few hours a week.

        • 10 months ago

          BG3 even has this weird dream-like sequences where you are in another dimension that were the worst part of Origins
          i cant tell you how mad i was when i went from act 2 to act 3 only to realize i have to do some other dimension bullshit

    • 10 months ago

      I also started feeling really tired towards the end and increasingly disinterested in the story resolutions. Act 3 was too dense for its own good and they jammed too many plotlines into it to the point where I couldn't focus on any single one at a time because I kept stumbling into new shit. Combined with the state of urgency in the main story it all just made me want to get things over with quickly. Not to say content is bad but the city should not have been the final act, maybe they could've made us come back to it for the climax of the final act if they really wanted it to be the main stake here.

      • 10 months ago

        originally it wasn't and there were 4 acts. Game had a mountain of rewrites.

        • 10 months ago

          act 4 ending in the upper city could have been fun

          • 10 months ago

            Definitive Edition, perhaps? Jokes aside, there were so many cracks showing when it came to act 3 once you arrive in the city. At first I thought Gortash's coronation ceremony would've taken place in the Ducal Palace rather than at the Basilisk Gate. That's just the tip of the iceberg for what I noticed.

    • 10 months ago

      Act 3 (and the game in general) just is that bad. I forced myself to the finish line and just wanted the game to finally end so I can uninstall and never touch it again.

      BG3's Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the worst-designed cities in any game I've ever played.

      • 10 months ago

        >BG3's Baldur's Gate 3

    • 9 months ago

      Oh, so it wasn't just me? I'm actually really bummed about it because I enjoyed Act 1 a frick ton despite 80% of it being EA rehash, enjoyed Act 2 a good amount as well but then I got to Act 3 and it's just like I hit a wall and can't bring myself to keep playing all of a sudden

  16. 10 months ago

    >get told act 3 was incredibly short and over in a few hours
    >finally finish act 2 and move on dreading a buggy final act
    >Its absolutely fricking massive
    >used to be even bigger until they cut upper Baldurs Gate

    • 10 months ago

      Act 3 is about the size of Act 1. Unlike Act 1 however goals are made very clear which changes players approach. Most don't even go to the Circus.

      • 10 months ago

        I would say act 3 is about 1.5 times as big as act 1, with all the extra shit you can do

        • 10 months ago

          Underdark and Grymforge are part of Act 1.
          In terms of size, Act 1>Act 3>Act 2.

          • 10 months ago

            Yea but Act 3 has the much denser city than the act 1 grove areas, cazadors castle, house of hope, about twice the sidequests and secrets in the city to explore, the sewers and the sub place

      • 10 months ago

        >Most don't even go to the Circus.
        Given what just happened at the end of Act 2, why the frick would my character visit the circus?

  17. 10 months ago

    >In Orin's lair
    >go through the hidden passage to get in her chambers and talk to Orin's mom
    >unlocks a new dialogue option
    >she transforms into a beast anyway
    Wow, it's all useless haha!

  18. 10 months ago

    Act 3 is great. You're just a shitposting homosexual.
    t.someone who actually played the game

  19. 10 months ago

    needed stuff to do for the enhanced edition

  20. 10 months ago

    i wont even finish this game.
    maybe if somebody makes a mod that kills all enemies with 1 button or something.

    • 10 months ago

      literally just make a monk and all of your other team mates monks too, you'll demolish enemies in 2 turns

      • 10 months ago

        >I know indie-
        stopped reading, just because they have a tiny prick, doesn't mean they aren't fricking you in the ass.

      • 10 months ago

        the breastmilk stealing bit will never get old. that anon has made it into Ganker's hall of fame

    • 10 months ago

      use the fling trainer to give you unlimited turns

  21. 10 months ago

    >i cant even walk around Baldurs Gate city at night during a storm and go chill out in an inn
    why even install this game, then.

  22. 10 months ago

    >everyone is saying how long and content packed the game is, lasting over 100hs
    >after ~40hs im almost at the end
    keep in mind, i explored every map and completed every sidequest i could find

    • 10 months ago

      I'm convinced it's how long they deal with battles. I'm pretty quick in turn base games and will learn and spec the team to for fights as they come. Some of my friends just force play how they want which leads to much longer battles and others I know take a very long time between turns wanting to take the best action. Also toaster PCs seem to really struggle getting enemies to take turns. More so in act 3 where I witness enemies take an upwards of 30 seconds to decide what to do on my 8yo system, while on one of the newest I got with a 4090 the same enemy acts instantly, same save game and all. It seems poorly optimized.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm convinced it's how long they deal with battles. I'm pretty quick in turn base games and will learn and spec the team to for fights as they come. Some of my friends just force play how they want which leads to much longer battles and others I know take a very long time between turns wanting to take the best action. Also toaster PCs seem to really struggle getting enemies to take turns. More so in act 3 where I witness enemies take an upwards of 30 seconds to decide what to do on my 8yo system, while on one of the newest I got with a 4090 the same enemy acts instantly, same save game and all. It seems poorly optimized.

      i got a 4080 and most of the game i had enemies just stand for 5-10 seconds doing nothing, thinking what to do, and then they moved.
      during bigger fights involving 10-20 enemies it got so bad, it was unplayable.

      if larian insisted so much on turn based combat they couldve just at least give us a button to skip the entire enemy turn, for fricks sake.

      it was so bad, that when a fight started, i instinctivelly reached for my phone to browse facebook while the enemy does his motherfricking turn.

      • 10 months ago

        >i got a 4080 and most of the game i had enemies just stand for 5-10 seconds doing nothing, thinking what to do, and then they moved.
        They definitely should come up with a way to make enemies move simultaneously in one turn, so that the enemy movements get handled quickly, not one by one. One by one is acceptable for player characters because human mind is limited, but if there are ten enemy characters about to take their turns, just make them all move at the same time. It can't be that difficult to make them not contradict each other.

        • 10 months ago

          If there's one thing I never got, some enemies do actually take their turn simultaneously, but some don't. What's up with that?

          • 10 months ago

            What enemies move simultaneously?

            • 10 months ago

              I don't know but usually it happened with smaller groups of weak enemies. Sometimes they'd run at me in a group of two or three and I have no idea why.

        • 10 months ago

          But they do act simultaneously. But I think only when it's the exact same enemy which only works for non-humanoid enemies.

      • 10 months ago

        npcs locking up is more a CPU issue than a GPU

        • 9 months ago

          NTA, but dude, I've got the latest 10 core CPU. If it calculates entire ecosystems in RimWorld and Dwarf Fortress in miliseconds, why does a Skeleton need to think like he's playing 3D chess?

      • 10 months ago

        >i got a 4080 and most of the game i had enemies just stand for 5-10 seconds doing nothing, thinking what to do, and then they moved.
        They definitely should come up with a way to make enemies move simultaneously in one turn, so that the enemy movements get handled quickly, not one by one. One by one is acceptable for player characters because human mind is limited, but if there are ten enemy characters about to take their turns, just make them all move at the same time. It can't be that difficult to make them not contradict each other.

        Perhaps it's an option in the menu? Because in my game enemies were going three to seven at a time if there were no allies in between. Like end game three Mind Flayers would all move at once and then quickly in session take their actions.

    • 10 months ago

      You didn't do that all in 40 hours unless you skipped tons of cutscenes.

    • 10 months ago

      Anons like you are frustrating because just collecting every conversation in the game would put you well over that time.
      To get the time you're getting you'd need to
      >Play on the lowest difficulty
      >Skip all dialogue
      >Have a walkthrough one alt tab away

      The games quests have you run back and forth so much that you'd have to know about them beforehand to play remotely efficiently.

      • 10 months ago

        To be fair I'm in Act 3 and just reached the upper city gates and I did almost everything in act 1-2 at just under 60 hours along with probably 2/5ths (atleast) of the optional stuff in Act 3 (so far) and I play on normal difficulty. The only way to get 100+ hours out of the game is with multiple playthroughs which isn't a bad thing IMO thanks to the way the game works.
        I reached this number by just being smart (but not min-maxed) in combat so that I never failed, I didn't spend time talking with my followers every night at the camp except for the 3 that are in my party and I most likely missed a few things along the way since I explored the entire map but didn't try every dialogue option on every NPC or tried to jump/teleport onto every available surface.

        BG3 isn't that long, but it has so many small (but mostly pointless) branching paths early on in the game that it will probably take you atleast every Origin playthrough to see all variations, if what I've heard from the non-spoiler takes on the ending in the game is true, a lot of people are going to be kind of disappointed (me included) by it unless there are multiple endings locked to Origin playthroughs

        • 10 months ago

          I can speed through the early game by running my PC as a rogue (who can outdamage fighters early on with 2 weapon fighting and sneak attacks) and stealing the strong magic equipment early.
          Act 2 is cheesed easily as long as you got the holy mace from the creche, and with a few efficient moves. Usually around here you're better off with a Paladin multiclass to break the balance over your knee.

          That said, doing a second playthrough, I find it's too frustrating to try to complete all the content of each act with the ideal outcome. Fights with large amounts of enemies are not fun, not difficult if you don't even try to be fair, but not fun.

          I speedrun the hag with some explosives, then rushing someone down to activate the portal. Waukeens rest I can complete instantly. the Game gives you enough Smokepowder to oneshot 90% of the enemies.
          But I do NOT want to do the stupid underdark again.
          But I need to if I want one of the best armors in the game plus the Gnome sidequest.
          I'd be fine with all this, but I also need to rest every 5 steps to keep the companion quests advancing. So 90% of the game is spent alt-tab a loading screen.

          • 10 months ago

            My friend just started his 2nd playthrough and the madlad is actually doing everything in the game all over again but now with different choices along the way while playing as Astarion. I think the reason why him (and probably me once I'm done with my 1st playthrough) are so keen on doing EVERYTHING all over again is because we don't cheese/min-max in vidya so we just ignore/avoid things that would break the balance completely and instead just try to find intresting ways of challenging ourselves.

            For example, I've played through ER 7 times now and only on the first run while I was learning the game did I try to make myself as powerful as possible, every other playthrough has just been me trying to find new ways of making the game harder/more intresting like a Fistwep "Rocky" playthrough (along with not allowing myself to wear chest armor), a bow'n'arrow only plathrough, an "Oops! Only magic!" playthrough a nudist "BUNGA" playthrough where I was only alowed to wear rags and use weapons that looked like they could have been pulled out of the ground/of some creature, etc.

            The ruleset allows me to do the same thing and in ways that allows the story to be semi-reactive towards me which means that I'm looking forward to Salami playthrough, a cat playthrough, a smoothtalking idiot playhrough and a "Huh, guss that must have been the wind" playthrough. All of this sounds fun to me regardless of how dissapointed I'll be in the ending and if Larian releases mod tools this might be my forever game since that gives me unlimited ways of playing through the game again along with allowing me to create my own content just like I used to do with Warcraft 3/TFT

  23. 10 months ago

    I finished BG3 an hour ago.
    I already uninstalled it and started a new BG2 game, to get the bad taste of BG3 out of my mouth.

    BG3, oh man, what a massive example of gaming blue-balls.
    the entire time i was thinking "its gonna get good at one point, you can do this, just try to cope with this shitty gameplay a little bit longer".
    And then i got to Baldurs Gate, and the game ended not long after.

    Thank FRICK i didnt pay for this game.

    • 10 months ago

      >the entire time i was thinking "its gonna get good at one point, you can do this, just try to cope with this shitty gameplay a little bit longer".
      Same thing happened to me with BG2

  24. 10 months ago

    >a good amount of CRPG get released in the past years
    >Tyranny is the only one, that is fun to play from start to end and has some sort of replayability and to some extrend PoE1, if you can look past some fatal flaws
    >all other games either have extremely shitty combat or extremely shitty writing

    • 10 months ago

      is tyranny good?
      i need a good RPG to wash out the bad taste in my mouth after finishing BG3.

      god, what a total fricking dissapointment.

      • 10 months ago

        Tyranny is short but sweet

        Lots of replay value

        • 10 months ago

          i think i saw it on gamepass.
          thanks, ill download it today.

      • 10 months ago

        it's not a masterpiece like BG2, but it's a fun game. Combat is RTWP, but you can't just click and wait in combat, because the basic attacks suck. Money and materials are somewhat finite, so you can't drown yourself in overpowered gear. The choices you make alter the story progression, so there is some degree of replayability. I would give it an overall of 7 or 8 out of 10. The only somewhat boring part is the dungeon in the Bastard's Wound DLC.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        I'm dumb and don't even know this game lol. What's the name? Wanna look that up.

        • 10 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Tyranny was both too long and too short. It was extremely boring and I was wishing for it to end near the end, but it also managed to feel like the entire thing was just a set up for a bigger story. I did enjoy it overall but it just didn't have interesting enough combat and fights to last into the endgame. I will never replay it, unlike PoE2.

  25. 10 months ago

    Thanks for playtesting will buy the definitive edition in 2 years

    • 10 months ago

      >will buy the definitive edition in 2 years
      what for?
      its still gonna be the same bad game.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not even going to pretend that this isn't a playtest, but it is one of the best games I've played ever. Hopefully they do a DOS2 and make the game perfect in a definitive edition. It's strange how they rushed the release, but it was probably due to WOTC pressure and Starfield

      • 10 months ago

        >but it is one of the best games I've played ever.
        only if this is the only game you ever played.

        • 10 months ago

          Name one better from the CRPG genre

          • 10 months ago

            Baldurs Gate 2.

            • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                thank you for your concession.

            • 10 months ago

              It's the only one that competes, Planescape Torment also dabs on either ones writing but I can't accept it being better simply due to having a forced un-customizeable protag.

              • 10 months ago

                Icewind Dale 1 also shits on BG3, easy.
                And dont even get me started on Neverwinter Night 2.

                God, what a fun game.

              • 10 months ago

                >Icewind Dale 1 also shits on BG3, easy.
                Lmao no, and I know because I just beat it yesterday

          • 10 months ago

            planescape torment remains the most memorable king of its genre for over 20 years

          • 10 months ago

            Fallout games that actually have good evil options instead of the botched shit BG3 got
            Planescape with actual likable companions that are not playersexual dolls with the charisma of a cardboard
            BG1 and 2 for the day night cycle that is invaluable to a game that want to make you feel like you're a goddamn adventurer

            • 9 months ago

              >Fallout games that actually have good evil options instead of the botched shit BG3 got
              BG3 has way more evil options, the frick are you on about? Just muh ending?
              >Planescape with actual likable companions that are not playersexual dolls with the charisma of a cardboard
              BG3 companions are entirely memorable. The botched romance flags isn't enough to ruin them.
              >BG1 and 2 for the day night cycle that is invaluable
              Nostalgiatard take. It was mechanically about as useful as the non-lethal attacks in BG3. Having your companions actually go to camp and sleep adds much more to the adventure feel than just the lighting periodically changing.

          • 10 months ago

            there isnt even a night/day cycle, weather effects in bg3.
            frick, the map doesnt even work in bg3.

            >no bag of holding
            >no scroll case
            >no potion bag

            lmao what the frick is this shit.

            • 10 months ago

              >>no bag of holding
              too High Magic for our setting, prease understand, this is a beginner journey scenario

              • 10 months ago

                What I don't get is why did they not just make it a simple button press to swap to see only the reagents or potions if they were going to make the filters so limited anyways?

                The "fix" of having them automatically go into a bag item is worthless because it doesn't work most of the time, so your inventory becomes cluttered regardless. Each of those bags could have been a button and the food/reagents/etc could have been hidden from the standard inventory by default.

                They really should have made it so that you could access everyone's inventory while in camp, it is such a chore to upgrade everyone's equipment when the shit is so heavy that you need to balance the inventory betwen multiple companions or dump it into the stash (which becomes a nightmare and a half once you realize the amount of items you've forgotten in it).

            • 10 months ago

              The inventory is unironically worse than BG1. And it doesn't even matter because you can instantly send anything back to camp so it's like they're slamming your nose into the dog shit on purpose

          • 10 months ago

            Planescape, but it was nice to see that you could use the Talk no jutsu in BG3 too even if you don't use it is nice

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think it was WOTC. Probably just the CFO telling Swen they've got 3 months of funding left and to ship or start prepping the bankruptcy paperwork.

  26. 10 months ago

    What happens if you kill the goblins AND the Tieflings and Druids?

  27. 10 months ago

    >playing BG3 for 100 hours now, enjoying almost every bit of this fantasy tale.

    >come check how Ganker feels about it...

    >the usual homosexuals finding any little thing to nitpick and over exaggerate about

    Of course L O L

    • 10 months ago

      You type like a homosexual and your shit is all moronic.

  28. 10 months ago

    Worse combat than Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 by the way.

    • 10 months ago

      >Worse combat than Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 by the way.
      what do you mean? you dont like sitting and doing nothing for 10 minutes while the enemy is doing his turn and you have to watch that?
      you dont find that exciting and super fun?

      • 10 months ago

        No sir I'm not a moron shit eater
        Larian should just make telltale games from now on, and put all the gay sex scenes and BioWare reject lines in there they want. Cause they sure can't design a game. They can't even make a proper fricking inventory system in an RPG.

        • 10 months ago

          >Larian should just make telltale games from now on
          >Cause they sure can't design a game. They can't even make a proper fricking inventory system in an RPG.
          the most accurate post on /v and people will hate you for it.

    • 10 months ago

      >Worse combat than Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 by the way.
      what do you mean? you dont like sitting and doing nothing for 10 minutes while the enemy is doing his turn and you have to watch that?
      you dont find that exciting and super fun?


      • 10 months ago

        so is "filtered" a compliment now?

        • 10 months ago

          the only problem with the combat is not having a skip turn button, which was cut according to Larian. Literally nothing wrong with it otherwise.

          • 10 months ago

            >Literally nothing wrong with it otherwise.
            Baldurs Gate isnt a turn based franchise, the same way Dawn of War isnt a turn based franchise.

            The mere existence of BG3 in its current form is a mistake.

          • 10 months ago

            It really makes big battles a huge waste of time. Good thing the game responds rather well to alt-tabbing.

          • 10 months ago

            The game is at its best when you're fighting a few enemies with in-depth arenas/mechanics.
            Horde battles suck because it breaks the action economy. It's why the Thay ghouls are OP, it doesn't matter if they all have a 30% hit rate and 10% paralysis rate. Eventually one will connect, and if they don't the AI is too moronic not to get mucked up by them, and thye'll likely kill them and lose 50-80% of their HP from the Ghouls all exploding.

    • 10 months ago

      >Worse combat than Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 by the way.
      what do you mean? you dont like sitting and doing nothing for 10 minutes while the enemy is doing his turn and you have to watch that?
      you dont find that exciting and super fun?

      ITT zoomers with absolutely (heh) annihilated attention spans.

      • 10 months ago

        >sitting and doing nothing for 10 minutes while the enemy does his shit
        i indeed have 0 attention span for that, yes., you are 100% absolutely correct.

        • 10 months ago

          >hyperbolic claim
          Go play the new Diablo if you want something speedier.

          You mean boomers with a job and kids and responsibilities who value their limited free time? Yeah

          You are none of those things.

          • 10 months ago

            no hypoerbole.
            its just how shit BG3 is to play.
            >Go play the new Diablo if you want something speedier.
            nah im already playing BG2, i just made a Cleric.

            • 10 months ago

              >no hypoerbole
              No single turn takes 10 minutes, moron. No unless it's by a human player.

              >playing a game he hates

          • 10 months ago

            >no hypoerbole
            No single turn takes 10 minutes, moron. No unless it's by a human player.

            >playing a game he hates

            >nuh uh! nuh uh! its not really 10 mins! uh uh uh uh
            >go play uh uh uh uh
            >fortnite and and and CoD and and and
            honeymood period is over, game is ass.

      • 10 months ago

        You mean boomers with a job and kids and responsibilities who value their limited free time? Yeah

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah running and kitting wolves was the epitome of gaming

    • 10 months ago

      I played BG1 and 2 multiple times since they came out and recently played DOS2, the combat is better than both these games in my opinion. But if you really just don't like turn-based no matter what then you're out of luck sadly. RTwP really isn't that good when you get down to it though.

      • 10 months ago

        RTwP is good because make the combat fast and that was a necessity since infinity engine games were FULL of trash encounters, meanwhile all BG3 are fully planed to the point you can't even farm exp

        • 10 months ago

          you can make RPGs with RTwP without too many trash encounters. Tyranny did a pretty good job with that.

          • 10 months ago

            But that removes the one reason why RTWP is better since if all of the encounters are hard enough/has enough going on in them that players needs to pause the game constantly then the game might aswell be turnbased. The only positive thing about RTWP is that trash encounters can be mostly automated but if there are no trash encounters then that becomes pointless

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, pretty much. You wouldn't want a turn-based game with the mob density and dungeon layout of like Icewind Dale or something. It works for DOS2 and BG3 because there's very little in the way of trash fights.

            • 10 months ago

              what's so bad about pausing mid-fight for 3 or 4 times? Turn-based combat with melee weapons is a snoozefest, because half the time you watch people just walk around.

              • 9 months ago

                >what's so bad about pausing mid-fight for 3 or 4 times?
                But that has never happened in any RTWP game I have ever played, it has always swung heavily into "this fight is so god damned easy that I might aswell just let the AI do it" and "Holy frick if I don't pause after every action I'm gonna get my dick kicked in". This usally means never pausing at all or pauseing to the point where the game literally is turn based

              • 9 months ago

                >But that has never happened in any RTWP game I have ever played
                then play more games I guess?

              • 9 months ago

                Black person, there are only like 10 good RTWP games, the rest are just shit regardless if they are RTWP or not. That's like saying
                >You should play more cart racers than just Mario Kart, CTC, Allstarts: Transformed and ModNation Racers! (RIP)
                >Just think about how much fun you could be having while playing M&M's Kart Racing!

              • 9 months ago

                >Black person, there are only like 10 good RTWP games
                what's your point then, if good games with a RTWP combat system exist?

              • 9 months ago

                That BG3 having TB is not to its deteriment and the one huge boon that RTWP has over TB is completely null and void in said game. It's you homosexuals who think that it's normal to be an extrimist moron who has to hate everything that isn't exactly like the things you love

              • 9 months ago

                >That BG3 having TB is not to its deteriment
                it is, because you watch enemies walk around for hours, without the possibility to skip it
                >and the one huge boon that RTWP has over TB is completely null and void in said game
                only if you have a skip button. In the current state, the combat in BG3 is just boring
                >It's you homosexuals who think that it's normal to be an extrimist moron who has to hate everything that isn't exactly like the things you love
                Me disliking the combat in BG3 doesn't hinder you playing the game and enjoy it. Stop being a butthurt moron.

              • 9 months ago

                Your entire argument is null and void because you are arguing like what you are saying is objective fact but then hiding behind "B-but that's just my opinion though..."

                The game doesn't need a skip button for three reasons
                1. As long as there are no PC allies inbetween them and they are of the same type/class, multiple enemies will take their turn at the same time
                2. The time added is at most 2-3 min in a 10-15 min fight, you'd have to have ADHD to think thats unbearable to the point where it ruins the game for you and at that point your also completely missing the point since even "real time" or "TB with skip" games waste your time just as much but in other ways.
                3. You might aswell complain about inventory managment or that you have to walk around the map instead of teleporting everywhere which can both be valid complaints but both are so minor in the grand scheme that your just fricking nitpicking at that point unless you are so starved for free time that even losing 5 min is catastrophic for your wellbeing

              • 9 months ago

                >Your entire argument is null and void because you are arguing like what you are saying is objective fact but then hiding behind "B-but that's just my opinion though..."
                it's a subjective fact, ergo my opinion. Just like your reasoning is your opinion
                >As long as there are no PC allies inbetween them and they are of the same type/class, multiple enemies will take their turn at the same time
                it still stretches out all the battles needlessly. Battles, that would take less than five minutes with a RTWP combat system, take at the very least double the lenght with the system implemented in BG3, because you watch the enemies run around half the time
                >The time added is at most 2-3 min in a 10-15 min fight
                this is factually wrong, but the time added per se is not the issue
                >you'd have to have ADHD to think thats unbearable to the point where it ruins the game for you and at that point your also completely missing the point since even "real time" or "TB with skip" games waste your time just as much but in other ways
                the point is not, that it's "unbearable". It's boring. I don't want to play video games with boring combat, when the combat is quite important for the game.
                >You might aswell complain about inventory managment
                good point, because the inventory management in BG3 sucks and other RPGs did a much better job at that
                >or that you have to walk around the map instead of teleporting everywhere
                if walking around the map is an important gameplay aspect and if the map is well done, then great. I enjoyed Morrowind back then. If walking around the map is boring, then not so great (like Dragon Age Inquisition).
                >but both are so minor in the grand scheme that your just fricking nitpicking at that point
                combat is one of the cornerstones of all D&D (and related systems) RPGs. If the combat sucks, half of the game sucks.

              • 9 months ago

                Comboing people after pausing in rtwp will always be infinitely more satisfying than turn based shit unless it's XCOM which o h my gas a fast forward button....

              • 9 months ago

                >Comboing people after pausing in rtwp
                That never happends unless it is a literal trashfight though, as long as the enemies are still standing after the pause then that means that you'll have to pause again or get kicked in the dick so hard that your balls flies out of your mouth at Mach 5. Or rather, it has happened to me a few times but every single one of those fights has been me spending upwards of 5 min BUFFING everything in my party and then abusing pause to make sure that the buffs are maximized just long enough for me to then unpause at the end so that everything gets killed by my groups AI

                RTWP is not better or worse than TB since they are literaly the same with only a single difference between them, you homosexuals are just moronic for not seeing both systems strenghts and weaknesses

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah and it's boring as frick

  29. 10 months ago

    >Companion gets captured
    >quest to save them is a huge pain in the ass and requires beating a level 16 big bad
    Sorry frog you'll be with her for a while

    • 10 months ago

      thats fine, you're supposed to save orin for the end. if you done the side quests in the city it eventually leads you there anyways.

  30. 10 months ago

    I am just curious as I didnt finish DIV2. What was the problem with Arx? No content (short), too much content, boring content, bugged content?

  31. 10 months ago

    >that logo
    *holds up spork*

  32. 10 months ago

    >Max level is 12

    • 10 months ago

      You ever play BG1?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it's shit

    • 10 months ago

      There are multiple mods to change it and for martials its almost exactly the same. Lack of high level spells does ruin it for casters though.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah too high should have been 9 max

  33. 10 months ago

    The game's a genuinely amazing effort through act 1, with a stumble or two in act 2... And then gradually devolves into pure EUROJANK as you near the end of act 3. It's aggravating for sure, but also hilarious if you just roll with it.
    It's a real damned if you damned if you don't situation with Larian, as sometimes you really don't want to hold back on playing a game until they finish the EE. Life will only give you so many openings when you can nolife an RPG...

    • 10 months ago

      You can def tell they stopped caring as much about multiple ways to resolve quests in Act 3. Everything is a lot more modular in Act 3 and not impacting anything else.

  34. 9 months ago

    After playing this game I have to come to the conclusion that Larian simply either
    1. Doesn't understand why people like companions in RPGs
    2. Is just actually incapable of writing them well

    • 9 months ago

      not only Larian, a lot of RPGs in the past years have some atrocious writing when it comes to companions. Look at what Owlcat produced with the companions in Kingmaker. Obsidian was hit or miss. Tyranny did a good job, PoE2 on the other hand...lol

    • 9 months ago

      but dude le sex scenes haha romance 😀

      • 9 months ago

        I wish they would not include romances anymore. It adds nothing to the game. Even in BG2, most romances are totally unneccessary, save for the one with Jaheira, because it's actually tied to the plot itself. I don't remember a single game, where romancing your companions improved the game itself.

    • 9 months ago

      It's honestly criminal that the game doesn't have triple the amount of companions. Not all of them even need act ruining story lines like Shadowc**t, just being there for extra dialogue options for subsequent playthroughs + one or two small side quest lines is more than enough. The fact that you can milk every bit of available content (minus the ONE evil companion) out of all of the companions available in the game within one playthrough is fricking stupid.

  35. 9 months ago

    switching party members and organizing everyone's inventories is so unbelievably cumbersome. why is there a futa wiener mod but no mod for this shit yet

  36. 9 months ago

    how is t here no world map?
    why isn't the camera properly free?
    i could go on and a lot of it is basic functionality that both pathfinder games handled far better but overall i guess i'm having fun.

  37. 9 months ago

    Because most people just play a bit, discuss the game, and then watch the ending on youtube. Look at the steam achievements, and you'll see that players barely play. I finished FFXIII recently, and only about 15% got the ending achievement. Knowing people (especially journos) often don't play the games they buy, Larian kinda rushed through Act 3, dropping a beta as the final release.

  38. 9 months ago

    To be honest, this game doesn't really feel like Baldur's Gate, it feels much more like a divinity game in a forgotten realms setting. I don't know, the looks, the behavior of characters, everything feels disconnected from previous games.
    It's still a good game though, just has massive bugs and some annoying interactions.

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