Why did they make Pikmin 4 so easy, add AUTO AIM, items, rewind, overpowered dog, etc.?

When the IP was literally one of Nintendo's HARDCORE games? 2 has ludicrous difficulty if you don't want to reset your console the whole time, much faster enemies, wants you to position and time your attacks instead of just target-locking

It's just confusing to me how 4 throws everything it can at you to make it easier

Is 3 like this too?

Anyway play 2. 1 can be skipped but 2 is still a masterpiece

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  1. 1 month ago

    2 wasn't that hard, I beat it as a kid.

    • 1 month ago

      fpbp and same

    • 1 month ago

      fpbp and same

      everyone beat everything as a kid. Games are for kids

      • 1 month ago

        I thought trix were for kids

  2. 1 month ago

    >1 can be skipped
    Absolutely fricking not. 1 is the best game in the series and what I'd recommend to anyone. 2 is a loathsome, mediocre dungeon crawler with none of the dandori.

    • 1 month ago

      >talks mad shit
      >says 1 can be skipped

      >1 can be skipped but 2 is still a masterpiece

      You are moronic. 1 is mechanically dog shit and like a beta game
      >can't even switch between Pikmin
      >Yellows have this clunky shitty carrying things gimmick
      >that neverending garbage Forest Naval map with constant backtracking and annoying water or fire everywhere

      And stop samegayging

      • 1 month ago

        >And stop samegayging
        You're a fricking moron, explains why 1, no matter how mechanically unpolished it is, filters you and why you're a filthy 2 shitter.

        • 1 month ago

          You are literally admitting that 1 is mechanically inferior and that you like it more because you are getting filtered by the caves in 2, which are harder than everything in 1 combined. Probably a manbaby who is scared of dark places

          >2 is a masterpiece
          >1 can be skipped

          >samegayging continues

          • 1 month ago

            I never stated which pikmin game I like more, bozo. And pikmin 2 caves are not hard in the slightest lol. Really shows how mentally moronic you are for thinking everyone who thinks you're dumb for claiming THE FIRST FRICKING GAME IN THE SERIES is "skippable" is the same person. You filthy secondary.

          • 1 month ago

            >2 has infinite time, ergo, no punishment
            >"its so hard guys"
            2let got filtered by P1. Goes on to slander P1 and pretend P2 is "le hard"
            Every time. You know its not the boast you think it is to claim a game is so hard, just proves you sucked.

            • 1 month ago

              >samegayging Pikmin 1 autist still pretends the countdown in 1 is in any way ever a threat
              Scraping the bottom of the barrel here

              >SAMEgay SAMEgay
              fricking mental breakdown over here
              >a constant countdown for a literal 'comfy game' is a bit weird nonetheless
              >muh comfy
              oh my god just off yourself already

              >and he now pretends the comfy vibes aren't part of what makes Pikmin good
              Yeah why did they even bother with the music we all love

              • 1 month ago

                >just entered the thread
                >see OP being moronic
                new IP Black person mc newbie. Learn what samegay means.

      • 1 month ago

        2gay does not comprehend 1's superior structure, or why 3 and 4 chose to emulate that instead of the combat-focus of 2.

    • 1 month ago

      >mediocre dungeon crawler with none of the dandori.
      >wants to fit in while using that Numin 4 buzzword that Japs use to psyop people into wage slave bugmen
      1 didn't even have 2 characters, which is what makes the 'dandori' interesting in the first place

  3. 1 month ago

    I loved 4 but yeah, I wish it was more difficult. It felt like the actual difficulty came not from combat, but dandori optimization on the challenge stages. Really wish it got some DLC though because getting platinum was really fun and it'd just be making new maps with existing assets.

    • 1 month ago

      best part of 4 was the olimar mode since it lit a bit of a fire under your ass

  4. 1 month ago

    >talks mad shit
    >says 1 can be skipped

  5. 1 month ago

    Thats why i haven't bought it, 2 was already my least fav and now its piss easy

  6. 1 month ago

    >1 can be skipped but 2 is still a masterpiece

  7. 1 month ago

    >2 is a masterpiece
    >1 can be skipped

  8. 1 month ago

    >Pikmin 2
    How? It's not harder than Mario Sunshine, and you don't see anyone go
    It's more an issue of growing up than the series getting wildly easier. Pikmin 4 is easier than 2, but by a wide margin and to the point it betrayed the identity of the franchise? Not really.

    • 1 month ago

      By the difficulty? What's the point of this dumb question?
      >It's not harder than Mario Sunshine
      Yes it is. You never permanently lose your progress in a dungeon in Sunshine and have to give up, try pushing forward gimped af (let's say with 1 health point) and/or reset your console every time it happens if you are a scrub

      And if you aren't a revisionist, Mario Sunshine is also one of the harder and most frustrating 3D Marios, so not even sure what your point is

      Not a thread about how hard 2 is but about how easy 4 is, also

      • 1 month ago

        >Mario Sunshine is also one of the harder and most frustrating 3D Marios
        I can't believe OP is this gay, holy shit.

      • 1 month ago

        >reset your console every time it happens if you are a scrub
        That's an intended way to play, Fire Emblem isn't cheesed by players that reset a chapter instead of letting a character die.
        I played 2 less than a year ago and it was easy as shit, I can count on one hand the number of times I had to reset. It's also the weakest numbered entry, difficulty isn't everything.

  9. 1 month ago

    I played through all but couldnt finish 2 because of how boring it was. 1 is still the best one

  10. 1 month ago

    Pikmin 1 has too many glitches that "kill" pikmin if you're tyring to 6 day/no death run it.

    Does anyone know if the Switch port for 1 patched the crushing glitch?

  11. 1 month ago

    I usually hate dungeon crawling and thought I'd like 2 less than 1 but I ended up liking it more. IIRC you can skip a lot of them anyways.

  12. 1 month ago

    1>3>4>2>>>Hey Pikmin

    • 1 month ago

      >samegayging continues
      2 is just an objectively better game, see

      You are moronic. 1 is mechanically dog shit and like a beta game
      >can't even switch between Pikmin
      >Yellows have this clunky shitty carrying things gimmick
      >that neverending garbage Forest Naval map with constant backtracking and annoying water or fire everywhere

      And stop samegayging

      Didn't know there are mentally ill die-hard Pikmin 1 homosexuals. Probably babby's first game

      I never stated which pikmin game I like more, bozo. And pikmin 2 caves are not hard in the slightest lol. Really shows how mentally moronic you are for thinking everyone who thinks you're dumb for claiming THE FIRST FRICKING GAME IN THE SERIES is "skippable" is the same person. You filthy secondary.

      >I never stated which pikmin game I like more
      I inferred 1 by you shitting on 2 while praising 1
      >hehe game is easy! 🙂
      Then post a blind playthrough of 2 where the player doesn't get completely wrecked by at least 2-3 of the caves and has to either give up or reset the console a lot of times

      The worst part of Pikmin 4 is the auto lock.
      Thabk God the mod too remove it and give you swarm unlocked makes the game manageable

      True. I was referring to target lock in general but yeah this forced auto aim is pure cancer

      >Mario Sunshine is also one of the harder and most frustrating 3D Marios
      I can't believe OP is this gay, holy shit.

      >I'm a revisionist homosexual, REEEEEE!
      Literally use Google or watch any Mario fan video and everyone will tell you the same

    • 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago

    The worst part of Pikmin 4 is the auto lock.
    Thabk God the mod too remove it and give you swarm unlocked makes the game manageable

  14. 1 month ago

    OP is a redditor, confirmed.

    • 1 month ago

      You are a mentally ill Pikmin 1 autist who probably made 20 samegay posts in this thread defending PIkmin 1 because the OP simply points out that 2 is the more refined game

      • 1 month ago

        OP why are you calling everyone else who disagrees with you a samegay but you're samegayging right here yourself, are you perhaps a hypocrite?

      • 1 month ago

        dude just leave this board please and never come back

      • 1 month ago

        this guy can't handle anonymity

        • 1 month ago

          "Anonymity" would be nice if not for the fact it makes samegayging so easy. There is a reason shit-opinion havers are so much more vocal here
          >70% the thread is saying 1 is better than 2
          >check out any non-"anonymous" forum or poll
          >2 always wins

          Playing 4 felt like somebody gave me a lobotomy with how little actual thought was required while playing it.

          4 is still fun and, to be fair, looks great (imo better than Grounded despite running on toaster hardware) and oozes comfiness... Though even in this regard, the music is WAY too subtle and I don't know why they did this. 1-3 had great catchy melodies

          >reset your console every time it happens if you are a scrub
          That's an intended way to play, Fire Emblem isn't cheesed by players that reset a chapter instead of letting a character die.
          I played 2 less than a year ago and it was easy as shit, I can count on one hand the number of times I had to reset. It's also the weakest numbered entry, difficulty isn't everything.

          >it's easy as shit if you just savescum!
          And if it was intended or encouraged, they probably wouldn't have gone out of their way to remove the rewind feature from the first game. You are encouraged to continue with what you have or give up and try again another time

          • 1 month ago

            out any non-"anonymous" forum or poll
            What like reddit or gamefaqs or something? Maybe it's because they're all tasteless homosexuals like yourself who piss themselves over a time limit (even though its really not relevant) and just want to leisurely explore a longer game padded with copy-pasted dungeons

            • 1 month ago

              >Maybe it's because they're all tasteless homosexuals like yourself who piss themselves over a time limit
              >we reached the point where the samegayging PIkimin 1 autist pretends the time limit is in any way adding to the challenge ever. But yeah, a constant countdown for a literal 'comfy game' is a bit weird nonetheless

              >This place has people with varying opinions and not just the general consensus like my e-celebs and other social platforms, therefore everyone is potentially the same person!
              So I was right, you're a redditor.

              >>This place has people with varying opinions
              No, no one said this. Quite the opposite. People aggressively samegay to spam the same stupid unpopular opinion

              • 1 month ago

                >SAMEgay SAMEgay
                fricking mental breakdown over here
                >a constant countdown for a literal 'comfy game' is a bit weird nonetheless
                >muh comfy
                oh my god just off yourself already

          • 1 month ago

            >check out any non-"anonymous" forum or poll
            then how about you just frick off back there if you can't handle different opinions you absolute homosexual

          • 1 month ago

            >This place has people with varying opinions and not just the general consensus like my e-celebs and other social platforms, therefore everyone is potentially the same person!
            So I was right, you're a redditor.

          • 1 month ago

            4 looks insane for Switch

  15. 1 month ago

    Playing 4 felt like somebody gave me a lobotomy with how little actual thought was required while playing it.

  16. 1 month ago

    any reason not to get the 2 remake?
    besides muh censorship

    • 1 month ago

      Controls are worse too since kids nowdays would get filtered by the camera controls
      You can run the original at 4k 60fps on emulator theres really no reason to give Nintendo money for yet another lackluster demake.

      • 1 month ago

        They changed the controls? What's different about them? Anything else they changed? I thought it was just HD ports

        • 1 month ago

          You can control the camera with the stick now.
          But you have to hold down a button to use the C-stick now iirc, it just slows you down unnecessarily
          They also won't let you skip a bunch of cutscenes, just play the original

    • 1 month ago

      What could they even censor about 2? Besides maybe this which wouldn't surprise me

      • 1 month ago

        a few item descriptions, its silly but also silly to be mad about. and yes that one lol

  17. 1 month ago

    >play on PC
    >mod that shit out
    >P4 is now the hardest game
    ngmi consolite.

    • 1 month ago

      if thats the metric then id bet good money 2 has the hardest hacks of the series

  18. 1 month ago


    no game ever captured the same feel as 1

    • 1 month ago

      Careful anon, OP's gonna call you a samegay.

    • 1 month ago

      2 looks great, love all the round geometry and mossy forest vibes

      >no game ever captured the same feel as 1
      2 literally does and uses the exact same assets, instruments and game feel. It's just better + more

      • 1 month ago

        2 doesn't even remotely have the same feel as 1

        this reminds me I need to pick up 4 and actually finish it. I am in the sixth area, I don't want to say it was bad as a game and probably osme dandori stages will be hard to platinum but good lord please put more than three fricking floors in those caves

        theres sadly only one proper cave in 4 and that is the final one. And its still not hard either

        • 1 month ago

          >2 doesn't even remotely have the same feel as 1
          True it just has literally the exact same assets and instruments/composer, almost all the same people working on it, gameplay, etc. but it doesn't feel the same at all. It's like comparing Sonic with Dark Souls. You got it all figured out buddy

          • 1 month ago

            >what is premise and tone

            • 1 month ago

              >what is premise
              If you mean the story (lol) you are exploring, not super relevant
              What I described

              No its like comparing Dark Souls 1 to Dark Souls 3. They don't feel the same at all.
              I don't think you ever even played the game.

              Maybe work on your vocabulary then. You can't say RED APPLES AND GREEN APPLES ARE NOTHING ALIKE when you're talking about nuances

              • 1 month ago

                No offense but are you autistic?
                It seems you just straight up don't understand what people are talking about.

                1 and 2 only really share the basic gameplay.
                In 2 any danger is immediately gone as soon as you get Purples whereas in 1 you have to pay attention until the very end since enemies are an actual threat.
                1 feels like you are genuinely dropped into a world and you do your best to survive. In 2 there is absolutely no agency.
                In 1 the areas feel like they could actually exist and make sense, in 2 you have Sublevels that look completely different from each other, making it have more of an arcade feel.
                Even basic things like Ship Parts in 1 vs. Treasure in 2 are in a completely different context.
                Look at this pic and tell me you don't see a difference between the 2.

              • 1 month ago

                >comparing one of 4 main areas vs one of 50 stages
                >thinking the entire background being black like in a PS1 game with bad draw distance is good

              • 1 month ago

                >in 2 any danger is immediately gone as soon as you get Purples
                >rocks fall
                >bomb rock falls
                >bomb spider falls
                >Gatling Groink shows up and starts blasting
                >any of the hazards especially electricity
                >can't even hit the long legs with purples
                purples breaking 2 isn't untrue but it's exaggerated to hell and back at this point

          • 1 month ago

            No its like comparing Dark Souls 1 to Dark Souls 3. They don't feel the same at all.
            I don't think you ever even played the game.

      • 1 month ago

        >+ more
        this is what it comes down to isn't it
        more content
        more play time
        more things to collect

        pikmin 1 is better because it's better paced then the rest
        bang, 2 areas in and you've got all the types
        30 parts to collect, no more no less
        no superfluous "upgrades" or shit, just raw 'min throwing

      • 1 month ago

        going back to the planet with a functional ship and your minimum wage co-worker to dig for shekels for your fat israelite boss does not have the same vibe as sitting alone in orbit above an unknown untamed planet writing diary entries about how you may never see your family again

        • 1 month ago

          No one thinks about this shit 98% the time while playing

          I think the real issue with 2 vs 1 is that they are both completely drastically different games and it just comes down to whether you like the time crunch management or the dungeon crawling
          Personally, I think 1 is better the dungeon crawling never felt super engaging, if these were created levels then maybe

          >drastically different games
          You are moronic

          • 1 month ago

            >spending the majority of your time in garbage random caves digging for scraps is the same as solving little puzzles in an overworld the entire game
            have a nice day

  19. 1 month ago

    this reminds me I need to pick up 4 and actually finish it. I am in the sixth area, I don't want to say it was bad as a game and probably osme dandori stages will be hard to platinum but good lord please put more than three fricking floors in those caves

  20. 1 month ago

    Is this a Kanye reference? 2 mogs 1 because of this stuff alone

  21. 1 month ago

    I think the real issue with 2 vs 1 is that they are both completely drastically different games and it just comes down to whether you like the time crunch management or the dungeon crawling
    Personally, I think 1 is better the dungeon crawling never felt super engaging, if these were created levels then maybe

  22. 1 month ago

    Every post in this thread liking Pikmin 1? All me.

  23. 1 month ago

    2 is much better because of enemy variety

    • 1 month ago

      >2 is much better because of enemy variety
      Some of the bosses are brutal the first time you run into them as well yet completely fair

      Pikmin 1's content is quite pathetic in comparison

      >mfw trying to unravel OPs total schizotism breakdown

      I mean your samegayging isn't exactly subtle. And every other place that isn't """anonymous""" says 2 is better

      • 1 month ago

        >Some of the bosses are brutal the first time you run into them as well yet completely fair
        The giant larva filtered me until I figured out you have to kill all the small enemies as Olimar. That was cool

      • 1 month ago

        >Some of the bosses are brutal the first time

    • 1 month ago

      It takes forever to get going though

  24. 1 month ago

    I have zero idea how you can enjoy pikmin but not Pikmin 1. It's one of the most replayable games ever made. The Switch port of 2 is obnoxious since they made it so you can't skip cutscenes and it's honestly just too long. 3 is great Dandori and 4 is almost perfect except it's too easy and auto lock on killed replays for me. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to go fast but having the throw latch on to everything but what you want.

  25. 1 month ago

    1 is way better, 2 just feels like an expansion that loses the charm of the first a bit

  26. 1 month ago

    i have mod access and can confirmed this thread has 1 unique IP (all me)

  27. 1 month ago

    Never played hey pikmin but I wish I had played that shit instead of 4

  28. 1 month ago

    >mfw trying to unravel OPs total schizotism breakdown

  29. 1 month ago

    2 > 1 >>> 3 > 4

  30. 1 month ago

    I love 1 but the new play control wii version just feels so much better to play even if it breaks the game by increasing the range you can throw. Fighting the final boss in OG 1 was a painful experience and this was after I'd already played the wii version so I already knew what to do.

    • 1 month ago

      That final boss is just shit in general, it's a bit of a let down considering all the other bosses in 1 are fun yet all the finale consists of is camping and feeding bombs to him

      • 1 month ago

        That's why I was happy to see how 2's final boss is basically perfection for Pikmin's formula

      • 1 month ago

        >That final boss is just shit in general, it's a bit of a let down considering all the other bosses in 1 are fun yet all the finale consists of is camping and feeding bombs to him
        I played the switch version, but is it rare if i beat him on a blind first playthrough first try and without using bombs and without taking extra pikmin from the onions mid-fight and beat the full stage (boss included and getting him to the onion too) on a single day.

    • 1 month ago

      They also fixed the annoyances with yellows and bombs, id say worth it.

      >2 is much better because of enemy variety
      Some of the bosses are brutal the first time you run into them as well yet completely fair

      Pikmin 1's content is quite pathetic in comparison

      I mean your samegayging isn't exactly subtle. And every other place that isn't """anonymous""" says 2 is better

      >neogaf validates my schizoid babble
      What is your mental illness exactly, OP?

      • 1 month ago

        validates my schizoid babble
        I posted other websites as well, you dishonest manbaby. And yes it validates me when pointing out that a Ganker thread is probably filled with samegayging when a) most of the posts read like lazy shitposts and b) the rest of the world seems to disagree with the tenor of the thread

  31. 1 month ago

    Best meat of its console generation

  32. 1 month ago

    Taking small random real life objects, having them look huge and very round and detailed is one of the best things about PIkmin and it's one of the earliest games that did it this well

    • 1 month ago
  33. 1 month ago
  34. 1 month ago

    >1 can be skipped but 2 is still a masterpiece
    ok, now I gotta know what version of 1 you played.

    • 1 month ago

      GC. Stuff like not being able to switch Pikmin at all and Pikmin starting to carry everything you're running into are just deal breakers when 2 exists, which also has way more enemies and things to find and see

      No offense but are you autistic?
      It seems you just straight up don't understand what people are talking about.

      1 and 2 only really share the basic gameplay.
      In 2 any danger is immediately gone as soon as you get Purples whereas in 1 you have to pay attention until the very end since enemies are an actual threat.
      1 feels like you are genuinely dropped into a world and you do your best to survive. In 2 there is absolutely no agency.
      In 1 the areas feel like they could actually exist and make sense, in 2 you have Sublevels that look completely different from each other, making it have more of an arcade feel.
      Even basic things like Ship Parts in 1 vs. Treasure in 2 are in a completely different context.
      Look at this pic and tell me you don't see a difference between the 2.

      I was wondering why the thread was suddenly quiet as if all the supposed ~20 people in here left all at once, but I guess you were just busy making this post

      Tell me again how the Pikmin 1 autism ITT isn't mostly samegayging. Not reading any of this anyway

      • 1 month ago

        >comparing one of 4 main areas vs one of 50 stages
        >thinking the entire background being black like in a PS1 game with bad draw distance is good

        >in 2 any danger is immediately gone as soon as you get Purples
        >rocks fall
        >bomb rock falls
        >bomb spider falls
        >Gatling Groink shows up and starts blasting
        >any of the hazards especially electricity
        >can't even hit the long legs with purples
        purples breaking 2 isn't untrue but it's exaggerated to hell and back at this point

        bro stop samegayging lmao

        • 1 month ago

          >people sharing a popular opinion = samegayging
          Actual schizo

          • 1 month ago

            stop samegayging

          • 1 month ago

            stop samegayging

            samegay lmao

            calling OP a moron aside, hopefully we can have a proper Pikmin thread next time without all this unnecessary homosexualry

            • 1 month ago

              Yes you can always make a "P-Pikmin 1 was actually better than 2" cope thread later, so you can stop crying now

              • 1 month ago

                Shut up samegay

      • 1 month ago

        fair. I haven't played the gamecube version in over a decade but I remember hearing it wasn't too bad aside from the cases of 1st game syndrome + bomb rocks being different in later versions.

        • 1 month ago

          >later versions.
          there are more than the switch port?
          what do the Pikmin 1 ports improve? maybe i give it another try

          • 1 month ago

            the wii version adds pikmin switching and pikmin AI handle bomb rocks differently, but it's all motion controls. I haven't played the switch version so idk how much better or worse it is. if motion controls are a turn off, I'd say maybe give the switch version a shot?

  35. 1 month ago

    Pikmin was perfected in all aesthetics in 2. 3 and 4 trashed the natural surreal quality of pikmin

  36. 1 month ago

    2 was peak Pikmin except that it didn't let you restart levels without turning your console on and off. IDC if this makes me a pleb

    • 1 month ago

      I did that a lot on some of the later dungeons as a kid, you just hit the reset button and you're back in super quick.

  37. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      They censored it. Unironically.

    • 1 month ago

      i love how all the treasures have Xbox 360 graphics while this leaf looks like ps1. you know it was one troll insisting on including it in the game and working overtime

  38. 1 month ago

    This just wants you to return home to her and hug her 🙁

  39. 1 month ago

    1 is so fricking good, are there any mods to make it harder ?

  40. 1 month ago

    The auto lock-on unironically makes the game harder, I have no idea why they thought that was a good idea when the game already has a manual lock on

  41. 1 month ago

    >oh wait there is another level
    >*autumn forest out of nowhere*
    The moment you realized you're playing a goated game

  42. 1 month ago

    Do zoomers/gen alpha even have yo-yos? Those were awesome

  43. 1 month ago

    Isn't Olimar mode in 4 basically the real Pikmin 4? Though I suppose it still suffers from some casualizations.

    • 1 month ago

      4 retconning 1 was the biggest middle finger ever.

      • 1 month ago

        It's just a multiverse anon, both versions exist in canon

        • 1 month ago

          God fricking damn it stop it.
          Just have new ayys visit the planet and stop bringing Olimar into it

        • 1 month ago

          Pikmin 1 is the true story, random dog takes all the shit you had to go through and just spits on you.

      • 1 month ago

        this is actually the thing that pissed me off the most about 4. It's not like Pikmin's story is all that important in the grand scheme of things but it just baffles me that they chose to reboot the series when it was completely unwarranted, they could have easily just made 4 a normal sequel without throwing everything in the trash.

      • 1 month ago

        Based 4. 1 a shit

        Tho I would see it more as a retelling than a retcon

  44. 1 month ago


  45. 1 month ago

    >can no longer behead the chicken in 4 (not sure about 3)

  46. 1 month ago

    3 is the best, it's the best of both worlds

    • 1 month ago

      3 is the worst of both worlds and 4 is the worst of all 3 thrown together.

  47. 1 month ago

    1 and 3 are the superior games. Cavegays stay losing.

    • 1 month ago

      The hate for caves doesn't even make sense when 1's biggest area is more boring than every cave

      • 1 month ago

        A cave is basically an entire different gameplay mode since time stops moving

  48. 1 month ago

    Guys, I fricking love Pikmin

    • 1 month ago

      thats not pikmin. Thats some gay illumination shit

  49. 1 month ago

    I really enjoy Pikmin 4 except for two issues. One, there's that one wall in the second world you NEED bombs to blow up. You can play without ever purchasing items from the laboratory and still find enough bombs for this wall, but only if you've never used any of them up until that point. My second much bigger problem though is the Empress Bulbax in that tiny room in the last dungeon. There's no enjoyable way to safely beat her.

  50. 1 month ago

    its supposed to be for young kids, and kids are at various skill levels
    is it smart to make a game where your main audience will only get to explore 2% of the game?

    • 1 month ago

      >its supposed to be for young kids, and kids are at various skill levels
      All Pikmin games were made for kids, I don't see how that excuses the games getting so much easier with 3 and then 4 unless we concede the human race is getting dumber over time.

      • 1 month ago

        >unless we concede the human race is getting dumber over time.
        they are
        and also younger children are playing games
        without auto aim, they will never enjoy pikmin and develop a life long grudge against pikmin, do you want that?

        • 1 month ago

          Yes i do.

  51. 1 month ago

    2 is a survival adventure game
    1 and 3 are optimization games
    4 is an optimization game with a more robust adventure built around it

    Platinuming 4 is much harder than any challenge in 2. Yeah 2 kills way more Pikmin, but 4 absolutely made me reset more times. If you just want to beat 4 normally, it's baby tier. A lot of that just comes down to the rewind feature. Otherwise the enemies are much more aggressive than in 3.

    • 1 month ago

      OK but that's not the actual game and just some post processing shit made by interns and feels a like self-imposed challenge. Signaling to developers that achievements are a legit way to balance difficulty is an almost bigger cancer than DLC

      2gay does not comprehend 1's superior structure, or why 3 and 4 chose to emulate that instead of the combat-focus of 2.

      >3 and 4 chose to emulate 1
      I don't recall 3 and 4 having barely any enemies and fights. I recall them being all about character switching which 2 added

  52. 1 month ago

    All four mainline Pikmin games are good. Each offers a slighty different tone and focus. The whole series has exquisite level design, which being core to the games makes it one of the strongest series out there. It's pretty unique, it's tasteful, atmospheric, playful, it can be breezy or very challenging depending on your goals. It's just very good and I don't see the point in wasting energy singling out one of them as the worst one when it would still be head and shoulders above most games released today.

  53. 1 month ago

    Pikmin 1 and 2 really could use some remakes with 4's engine. Instead Nintendo decided to cheap out and shit out 1+2 which is pozzed.

    • 1 month ago

      They don't need remakes at all. The QoA features of future games are their own. It is good that the experiences of 1 and 2 are mostly in tact. 1 in particular.

      • 1 month ago

        1 is really bogged down by poor AI, outdated graphics and lack of QoL features. You could argue 2 doesn't need a remake, but 1 would be simple enough to do it.

        • 1 month ago

          >Outdated graphics
          Actually have a nice day

  54. 1 month ago

    >1 can be skipped

  55. 1 month ago

    OP's a schizo fricking homosexual but he's right that Pikmin 4 is too easy, if it wasn't for that it'd easily be the best Pikmin game IMO but they made it so mind-numbingly easy and hand-holdy compared to the other three it's just a shame. I'm not asking for insane difficulty but some actual challenge outside of the dandori minigames would have been nice.

  56. 1 month ago

    No more brother wars

  57. 1 month ago

    >1 can be skipped
    kys op. sincerely.

  58. 1 month ago

    You haven’t earned the purple onion if you’re b***hing about difficulty.

  59. 1 month ago

    >Unlock all the cool QOL
    >No NG+ to actually enjoy it all
    Every time with Nintendo

  60. 1 month ago

    Any anons want a fic of Brittany getting a giant Bulborb off

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