Why did they never turn Chao Garden into its own full fledged spin-off?

Why did they never turn Chao Garden into its own full fledged spin-off? The whole chao thing could have been its own sim franchise if SEGA wasn't moronic.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Because Sega IS moronic. Sega IS run by drooling, pants-shitting, window-licking mongoloids. The only reason they've staved off bankruptcy for decades is sheer dumb luck.

  2. 6 months ago

    I think the Chao garden mainly works because it's a side mode integrated into a different game. So when the chao garden gets boring, you can go play the game and still progress the chao garden by getting items.

    Although why they stopped putting the Chao Garden in later sonic games is the real question.

    • 6 months ago

      The Chao raising features on the GBA was a bit more convoluted, as you would need a GBA, GameCube and GBA to GameCube link cable. If you had a Dreamcast, it was more liikely that you would have at least one VMU, as it did serve as the actual memory card for the system and the only way to actually save your games. Though the watch batteries in the VMU sucked, and those would have to be replaced. Though, you wouldn't lose save data when they died. It would still function as a memory card with dead batteries. Sonic Advance on the GBA also had the Chao Garden too.

      Someone made a fangame where it's literally just the Chao garden.

      It's boring as frick. It needs a LOT more substance to stand as its own thing.

      I sadistically abused Chao for hours in Sonic Adventure 2 when I was like 14. By the end I was loading up the game JUST to torture Chao's

      Am I sick?

      • 6 months ago

        The game expects you to abuse at least one chao so you can get the dark chao, so nah you're probably fine.

        • 6 months ago

          you're supposed to play as shadow

        • 6 months ago

          not necessarily, you can just pet them with a dark character or abuse them with a hero character

    • 6 months ago

      That. It's a pretty brilliant meta gaming loop
      Do stages > Get rings for the black market > Get animals and drives for your Chao > Train your Chao > Get Emblems > Get more stuff in the Black Market > Get the Chao Garden emblems and Chao toys > Rinse and repeat
      It works wonderfully, you will get material as you do (or fail to) get all the emblems and provides a nice break, as you said
      I've always thought that Sega could make a Sega ID, release a paid Chao Garden as a download game, all current gen games supports the Sega ID and stuff you do in the games ends up giving you rings, items from the game, etc. That's be a brilliant concept and I can't believe Nintendo haven't done something similar for Animal Crossing or Smash

  3. 6 months ago

    >If SEGA wasn't moronic

    imagine answering your own question in the op

  4. 6 months ago

    >Why did they never turn Chao Garden into its own full fledged spin-off? The whole chao thing could have been its own sim franchise if SEGA wasn't moronic.

    The original concept really came out of the Virtual Pet fad of the 90's, as being a showcase for the VMU as a functional virtual pet device. When the DC flopped, Sega adapted the concept to the GCN to GBA link cable, so you could raise your Chao on the GBA. But after Sonic Adventure 2, it was an idea that Sonic Team basically abandoned. It seems like something that could have worked as a mobile phone/ tablet app that could just link to whatever Sonic games they had in development. That seems like the easiest way to do it now.

    • 6 months ago

      VMU's could also be linked together like image related, and you could have Chao's fight each other, or swap Chao's with friends.

  5. 6 months ago

    I remember I had the Dreamcast version of the game but a guide for the Gamecube version, and kept trying to do the Chao Garden shit and being confused when it wouldn't work

  6. 6 months ago

    The Chao raising features on the GBA was a bit more convoluted, as you would need a GBA, GameCube and GBA to GameCube link cable. If you had a Dreamcast, it was more liikely that you would have at least one VMU, as it did serve as the actual memory card for the system and the only way to actually save your games. Though the watch batteries in the VMU sucked, and those would have to be replaced. Though, you wouldn't lose save data when they died. It would still function as a memory card with dead batteries. Sonic Advance on the GBA also had the Chao Garden too.

    • 6 months ago

      >Sonic Advance on the GBA also had the Chao Garden too.
      Sonic Advance 1 also had a terrible, gamebreaking glitch where you couldn't raise a Chao's stamina if it was at level 0. So if you hatched a fresh chao inside the GBA game and leveled its stamina to level 60, sending it to a Gamecube game would result in a Chao with level 60 stamina, but a stamina stat of 000. So that Chao was just permanently fricked.

      You could avoid it by sending the Chao into the Gamecube game and leveling its stamina to level 1 first. But holy frick was that an annoying summer when I got the game during a road trip and had to avoid leveling the thing's stamina until I got home.

      • 6 months ago

        >So if you hatched a fresh chao inside the GBA game and leveled its stamina to level 60, sending it to a Gamecube game would result in a Chao with level 60 stamina, but a stamina stat of 000
        Was this a regional bug or something? This never happened to me.

  7. 6 months ago

    Because the cult of shiggy used black Shainto Yakuza magic to curse Sega. Simple as

  8. 6 months ago

    Someone made a fangame where it's literally just the Chao garden.

    It's boring as frick. It needs a LOT more substance to stand as its own thing.

  9. 6 months ago

    10446061 is a mass replying Black person

    • 6 months ago

      poor Natalie Mars 🙁

  10. 6 months ago

    The chao stuff was based off a prototype creature raising mechanic from a planned Nights game that got cancelled. So they had a lot of leftover code they were able to reincorporate.

    An interview with the director of I think adventure 2 asked about why the mode was included. The idea is it would give unskilled players something to do once they got stuck on a level, but since they would replay the first levels to grind materials for the chao, they would be getting practice and become more skilled at the main game even if they were playing mainly for the raising sim at that point. Then after a while they’d be able to continue the main game too. I think younger players specifically were in mind.

    It’s probably the most well thought out ‘how do we get more players to actually finish our game’ idea that I’ve seen. Other devs just got rid of difficulty outside of optional stuff when they set out with that goal in mind. It also had a strong rpg element to it that didn’t affect your action in the main game, and gave you some extra incentive to keep playing and go for those emblems/missions you may otherwise not have tried to get.

    Nearly every single Sonic game after that point was rushed as frick and usually had at least half a year of their development time removed with short notice to meet some new release window. Not gonna say Sonic Team aren’t chucklefricks a lot of the time, but the biggest reason Sonic games were so shit after SA2 was just them being rushed out. So it’s no wonder they didn’t include a big side mode. Also they probably think anyone who gets stuck will watch an online playthrough, so chao garden wouldnt serve its actual intended purpose.

    Also SEGA is just fricking dumb and doesnt capitalize off stuff until like two decades later. We got mania as a throwback, we got forces as a oc maker, we got frontiers as a ‘my sonic unity project’, chao garden may genuinely come back soon.

    • 6 months ago

      >The chao stuff was based off a prototype creature raising mechanic from a planned Nights game that got cancelled.

      Source? Because I'm pretty sure it's just an evolution of the a-life system that already existed in the first Nights game, and the only Nights proto I can think of between NiD and JoD is Air Nights, which I think just focused on using motion controls to move Nights but that was all.

      • 6 months ago

        >Source? Because I'm pretty sure it's just an evolution of the a-life system that already existed in the first Nights game, and the only Nights proto I can think of between NiD and JoD is Air Nights, which I think just focused on using motion controls to move Nights but that was all.

        I think Sonic Team also made some improvements to the A-Life system in Christmas Nights as well.

  11. 6 months ago

    Other anon already answered this, but Chao Adventure was the spin-off game. You needed original hardware with a VMU in order to play it. You could take it anywhere and play with it, just like a Tamagotchi. Without the VMU though they're just part of the Adventure games.

    Here is another take on this. Cheese is a better implementation of Chao than the Chao Garden was. You can actually use him during gameplay in both Advance 2 and Battle, he makes Cream ten times more powerful, and actually has some bearing in the story aside from existing solely as an optional side mode. The idea of Chao as assists is a lot more appealing to me than the garden itself. They even brought them back in Sonic Runners for this purpose.

    • 6 months ago

      In retrospect I think making VMUs with the chao garden data already inside would had been a noce way to move VMUs to the casual audience that was into Tamagotchi but didn't care enough to buy an entire console.

  12. 6 months ago

    >Why did they never turn Chao Garden into its own full fledged spin-off?
    Because it wasn't very interesting.

  13. 6 months ago

    Personal theory: only the A-life autismos were capable of doing pulling it off, and after the fall of the Dreamcast they were forbidden from ever doing anything creative or soulful again by the jealous and insane AI that controls Sega

  14. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Pariah board

  15. 6 months ago

    they dont have to make JUST a chao garden standalone game, though that could also be fun. they're extremely marketable characters, theres a lot they could do with them.

  16. 6 months ago

    Why was getting a Tails chao so hard?

    • 6 months ago

      Why are the chao that look like hero characters actually neutral chao and the hero chao look nothing like the hero characters? What does it mean?

    • 6 months ago

      In Japan, they did eventually release a demo disc where you could download all three of the promotional Chao if you couldn't get them at events or didn't want to frick with Phantasy Star Online.

  17. 6 months ago

    >If SEGA wasn't moronic
    Well they are. And after the Dreamcast died, they were bought out by Sammy so their corpse could be paraded around as a good PR front for Pachinko nonsense.

    • 6 months ago

      It sounds more like you never cared for SEGA to begin with and don't understand how mergers work

      • 6 months ago

        I don't pretend to care about a company, since that's just a name. I just care about the games they put out. And it's undeniable that post Dreamcast Sega (especially once we get to 7th gen) is a shell of it's former self.

        • 6 months ago

          sega in the 6th gen post-dreamcast was (mostly) just the spill-off of games that were meant to be on the console

  18. 6 months ago

    Chaos were fun for a while but they needed way more mini games. Race and karate get boring after 2 or 3 rounds.

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