Why did they outsell BW2 so hard?

I promise this isn’t bs genwar garbage, I’m seriously curious about this
BW2 clearly (regwrdless if you dislike it or not) had a lot of effort into trying something new, and trying to distance itself from other regions. A soft reboot if you will, but then XY comes and it panders harder to kanto than any other region, it’s significantly easier (fans always complained about wanting harder difficulty) less post game etc, yet they sold like hot cakes
Was it just finally getting that 3d game that made everyone excited? Less trying to start a new reboot and a more “return to form” (more kanto megas, familiar locale, pulling back on the focus on story)
All the reasons above?

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  1. 1 month ago

    >BW2 clearly (regwrdless if you dislike it or not) had a lot of effort into trying something new
    BW2 are some of the most stagnant low effort games in the series, what the frick are you talking about

    • 1 month ago

      Stagnant or not, gen5 tried to be a soft reboot for the series by only having the 150 new mons, heavier focus on story, less relations to previous regions. I didn’t say it was successful

    • 1 month ago

      >Was it just finally getting that 3d game that made everyone excited?
      Mainly this, but also B2W2 were among the last games on DS while XY was on the shiny new 3DS. not helping is B2W2 were sequels/third versions (which always sell relatively poorly). So XY outselling them isn't that much of a feet.

      the only "low effort" thing about B2W2 was Masuda getting cold feet and comprising his artist vision of Unova being independent from all other regions to appease gewunners. Reminder that Johto is constantly treated like the runt of the regions by Pokémon "fans" and by Game Freak due to being made to be "Kanto 2", Yet people screehed like monkeys when Game Freak wanted to avoid that with Unova.

      • 1 month ago

        > the only "low effort" thing about B2W2 was Masuda getting cold feet and comprising his artist vision of Unova being independent from all other regions to appease gewunners
        and the reused maps
        and the reused dialogue
        and the badly made reused sprites
        and the lack of new pokemon

        • 1 month ago

          >lack of new Pokémon
          >introduces 151 new gen5 Pokémon more than any other Gen

          • 1 month ago

            >introducing new pokémon
            Pick one, you triggered little c**t. Because last I checked, there wasn't one new pokémon in BW2's code that wasn't already in BW.

            • 1 month ago

              Keep seething buddy, 150 more Pokémon

              • 1 month ago

                No, 0 new pokémon. Rehash came after the new pokémon. Play the games in order next lifetime.

              • 1 month ago

                >he’s still dilating

              • 1 month ago

                >it typed, shaking in impotent rage

              • 1 month ago

                Not quoting him means that you're the mad one.

              • 1 month ago

                He thinks they didn’t add new Pokémon in gen5 lol
                Absolute brainlet

              • 1 month ago

                He was obviously not talking about gen 5 as a whole, but BW2, which is the game being discussed by OP; you illiterate monkey

              • 1 month ago

                Calm down samegay it’s okay ;>)

              • 1 month ago

                >hurr they didn’t add new Pokémon in BW2
                Yeah because they did in emerald, Platinum, Crystal too right?

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, all those games are lazy rehashes with no new Pokemon just like BW2.

              • 1 month ago

                But enough about XY

              • 1 month ago

                Have sex

              • 1 month ago

                morons don't get free (You)'s dipshit. Never have, never will. Try harder for it.

            • 1 month ago

              >Because last I checked, there wasn't one new pokémon in BW2's code that wasn't already in BW.
              Pokestar Studios
              >But you can't catch them!
              They're in the code, that's the only qualifier you had. Are you trying to say Bonsly isn't in Gale of Darkness?

              • 1 month ago

                I'm not 12 dude. Thus know they're not fricking pokémon. Anything but accept you were a wrong motherfrick, online for the world to see.

              • 1 month ago

                Not the poster, I'm just responding to your post with factual information that they coded new information into Pokemon slots, ergo they are functionally Pokemon by your own definition. You can accept the fact that you don't remember the fact that they did this, but you can't argue that they didn't.

                Yeah, they binned that after they scrapped XY V.1, which rock you been living under?
                They still didn't skip a remake in Gen 5, because they had XY to worry about getting localised in time for the worldwide launch however.
                Can you bastards lurk more? Or stop repeating shit I was around for in real time at me?

                I didn't say anything about them skipping a Gen 5 remake, I said they skipped a game in Gen 6 because we have mountains of evidence of it. What the frick are you talking about?

              • 1 month ago

                What's their dex entries dude?
                Where's their plushes, their anime appearances, their TCG cards? Oooh, that's right. They don't have them, because they're not pokémon.
                You can try and be an autistic c**t, but series canon does not lie.

              • 1 month ago

                >What's their dex entries dude?
                Where's Bonsly's dex entry in Gale of Darkness?
                >Where's their plushies
                Does B2W2 even have a plush line at all? Bulbapedia needs to step up their fricking game, TFwiki continues to embarrass them.
                >their anime appearances
                I guess Porygon 2 and Z aren't Pokemon then
                >their TCG cards?
                Only one card even vaguely references Pokestar Studios to begin with, it isn't even a Trainer card which is odd.

                >The real reason Gen 5 was sold so low is because they skipped a remake of a generation, which is a big boost to sales.
                This was the quote I was replying to. If you're too illiterate to follow reply chains, get the frick off the internet and get your carer to compose any and all missives you may feel compelled to write.

                And these are the quotes I'm replying to
                >They didn't skip anything
                >They never intended to make one
                They objectively skipped a game in Gen 6 when they intended to make one. Yes, I understand the full context, which is why I agreed with you. Do you not understand when somebody asks you a question when you're having a different conversation? Can you not hold more than one conversation at a time? Maybe you shouldn't be on a website where multiple people can respond to different things you say.

              • 1 month ago

                Spin-offs are irrelevant, especially when we're talking of Game Freak's core games series. Not even bothering engaging the rest your points, already proved you'll be a disingenuous b***h for the rest this convo, rather than take a deserved L.

              • 1 month ago

                >Spin-offs are irrelevant
                Then why does it play exactly like a main series game?
                >already proved you'll be a disingenuous b***h for the rest this convo
                You mean like you are constantly?

                >They objectively [FANFIC]

                >Two slots for Gen 6 games in Gen 7, which is odd if they weren't planning on using them (Gen 3 has similar examples, but were cut by Gen 4)
                >SM had an incredibly troubled development (they started the Island Trials during the debugging phase), which implies they had to get more staff on board
                >XY contains a lot of standard third legendary extra data (alternate form slots, and even two moves) but it's only in SM for some reason that feels tacked on
                >There's an entire gap year which is extremely odd for Game Freak who are constantly working on new Pokemon titles
                >You could consider Ash Greninja another example but it's weird enough that I'm not sure what exactly it is
                I dunno man, it really seems like there's some canceled Gen 6 titles, probably Kalos related like a 2 or "adjective related to something in the game". It's really hard for it all to just be coincidence, lines up way too well.

              • 1 month ago

                >which is odd if they weren't planning on using them
                It’s not odd at all if you have even a slight understanding of how programming or game design works.

                >SM had an incredibly troubled development which implies [FANFIC]

                > but it's only in SM for some reason that feels tacked on
                It only “feels tacked on” because you’re a patterngay.

                >There's an entire gap year which is extremely odd
                There have been multiple entire gap years. It’s not odd at all.

                >You could consider Ash Greninja another example
                Another example of what? A game clearly not being skipped since they had zero plans for Mega Kalos starters and had to arbitrarily shoehorn in something for the ashnime?

              • 1 month ago

                >ignores he's flagrantly jumped development studios to avoid conceding her shitty argument about non-pokémon assets made for a timewaste in one minor aspect of a Game Freak game are new pokémon
                See? I told you, you were only going to continue to be a disingenuous b***h. You lost, stop being a childish c**t and accept you're a loser. None of that shit is relevant to Game Freak's production of their series or their decision to not add new pokémon to BW2. What is relevant is they didn't add them, the new assets were jury-rigged because rehash teams can't actually write a new engine for their shit, they need to use existing code and since they're clearly meant to be movie characters, are not actually applicable as new pokémon, given they can't be taken outside the studio, trained in trad battles or sent through to Bank by Transporter.
                This no child left behind shit just creates entitle rertarded brats who think they know shit like you.

              • 1 month ago

                >They objectively [FANFIC]

              • 1 month ago

                >The real reason Gen 5 was sold so low is because they skipped a remake of a generation, which is a big boost to sales.
                This was the quote I was replying to. If you're too illiterate to follow reply chains, get the frick off the internet and get your carer to compose any and all missives you may feel compelled to write.

      • 1 month ago

        >not helping is B2W2 were sequels/third versions (which always sell relatively poorly). So XY outselling them isn't that much of a feet.
        Yup, people were too used to the Yellows, the Crystals, the Emerald, and the Platinums of the world, BW2 was a sequel instead, but a lot probably still don't know it to this day

      • 1 month ago

        >another anti-Johto schizo post
        You need to give up dude, no amount of trying to rewrite history will change the fact that GSC are some of the most well regarded games in the series. Nobody has ever referred to it as 'Kanto 2' except for you.

        • 1 month ago

          >GSC are some of the most well regarded games
          more like the most moronic games lol

        • 1 month ago

          >GSC are some of the most well regarded games in the series
          Sorry but 35 year old jaded shitennials that seethe about zoomers every day and banned shitposters don't count.

      • 1 month ago

        Usum outsold b2w2 too

      • 1 month ago

        >Reminder that Johto is constantly treated like the runt of the regions by Pokémon "fans" and by Game Freak due to being made to be "Kanto 2"
        probably because that didn't happen until zoomers grew up and got mad that GSC was considered the best

    • 1 month ago

      > the only "low effort" thing about B2W2 was Masuda getting cold feet and comprising his artist vision of Unova being independent from all other regions to appease gewunners
      and the reused maps
      and the reused dialogue
      and the badly made reused sprites
      and the lack of new pokemon

      XY is objectively a drastically higher effort game than BW2. I don’t know how the frick this is even up for debate when XY is a brand new game while BW2 is a complete asset flip of BW1.

      >introducing new pokémon
      Pick one, you triggered little c**t. Because last I checked, there wasn't one new pokémon in BW2's code that wasn't already in BW.

      No, 0 new pokémon. Rehash came after the new pokémon. Play the games in order next lifetime.

      • 1 month ago

        >stating facts makes you yawngay now
        man no wonder you guys seethe at him so hard

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        I’m just one of his fanboys from the cord
        Yawngay is black

      • 1 month ago

        >You Are Winning Never Forget ahah gg

  2. 1 month ago

    new hardware
    first pokemon to be fully in 3d
    third version vs first game of a gen
    that's, you know, pretty much it

  3. 1 month ago

    >Why did they outsell BW2 so hard?
    Because of picrel and only that

    • 1 month ago

      God, it's hard to find a good design in that list...
      There's... Mega Banette, I guess?

    • 1 month ago

      God mega absol is so ugly they massacred my boy

    • 1 month ago

      Crazy how morons think this is cool when the game is so piss easy you can solo the game with an igglybuff and no items. I can imagine them pressing the big moronic mega evolve button and watching the moronic animation and looking at the moronic mega thinking it's soooo cool. Even though they're fighting a trainer with 2 level 6 pidgeys when they're 8 badges into the game. They just think it's cool because they were told to think it's cool with "mega" anyway kill everyone who likes megas

      • 1 month ago

        Good post, upvoted.

      • 1 month ago

        > Crazy how morons think this is cool when the game is so piss easy you can solo the game with an igglybuff and no items
        damn, if only there were some sort of PvP or battle tower mode I can use them in. Oh well, I guess I’ll just continue being a terminal moron who pretends the campaign made for 3 year olds to beat was ever hard.

    • 1 month ago

      Most of these should get retconned as actual evos.

  4. 1 month ago

    In addition to what others said, BW2 was on a dead system, only kids and the addicted were sitting waiting for another release on DS (I had a 3DS from launch personally and knew that was Pokémon's next step, before they'd confirmed they were making it) and BW had already sold less than Gen 4's lifetime-to-date. Not unsurprising it similarly failed to beat a new system's first new Gen release.

  5. 1 month ago

    Because it was the better game.

    Megas were a better gimmick than the half-assed fusion moves
    Gen 5 also had the least fun competitive meta of all time with weather wars and gem spam
    The transition to 3D was a big deal, something that should have happened with DP but the DS games lazily put off until XY. This was a big deal for many people wowed by the Stadium games back in the GB days.
    The region was more interesting, more flavorful, more interesting to traverse
    The character designs were better
    The online features were better and easier to use
    The Pokemon designs were MUCH better, particularly the starters and legends (the Pokemon you'll see the most of). BW's are often noted as some of the worst in the series, if not THE worst.
    The music was infinitely better. Like, the only bad track from XY was the gym leader theme, which not coincidentally sounds like something from BW/2 in higher quality.

    DS kids will not like to hear it but it's simply how it was. Everyone I know, genwun boomers all, left the franchise with gen 4 or 5, and only came back because of gen 6. Not all of them stuck around, but all of them speak fondly of watching their old favorites Mega Evolve into the Pokegods of schoolyard lore.

    • 1 month ago

      > the only "low effort" thing about B2W2 was Masuda getting cold feet and comprising his artist vision of Unova being independent from all other regions to appease gewunners
      and the reused maps
      and the reused dialogue
      and the badly made reused sprites
      and the lack of new pokemon

      t. Yawngay
      You can say you prefer Xy but claiming it’s better is complete hogwash

      • 1 month ago

        XY is objectively a drastically higher effort game than BW2. I don’t know how the frick this is even up for debate when XY is a brand new game while BW2 is a complete asset flip of BW1.

    • 1 month ago

      >Everyone I know, genwun boomers all, left the franchise with gen 4 or 5, and only came back because of gen 6
      DP outsold XY schizo.

  6. 1 month ago

    New generations always do better than rehashes
    People wanted a pokemon game on the new system
    XY were the first mainline 3D pokemon games
    Aggressive pandering to gen 1 nostalgia

  7. 1 month ago

    You're comparing 3rd games to launches of new generations. BW and BW2 were pretty much on par for course for their respective roles, with BW2 performing better than the likes of Crystal and Emerald. However, all 3rd games will end up being a "flop" if compared the start of a new generation.
    The real reason Gen 5 was sold so low is because they skipped a remake of a generation, which is a big boost to sales.

  8. 1 month ago


    Glad we agree they skipped Mega X and Mega Y

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, they binned that after they scrapped XY V.1, which rock you been living under?
      They still didn't skip a remake in Gen 5, because they had XY to worry about getting localised in time for the worldwide launch however.
      Can you bastards lurk more? Or stop repeating shit I was around for in real time at me?

  9. 1 month ago

    XY are good games. BW2 is not.

  10. 1 month ago

    >he can’t even quote and is (still dilating)
    YWNBU (you will never be unovan)

  11. 1 month ago

    There is a negative connotation with putting 2 on anything media related, it instills a feeling you have to play the first game to understand the second. And While BW were decently successful for their time, the community was pretty vocal about the game going cold turkey on older pokemon and being forced to use only Unova pokemon. And those that may have dislike the first, didn't plan to come back for round 2.
    And also, the coveted "difficulty" was so moronic to get to work that it involved multiple games and only was "unlockable" via black 2 anyways AFTER YOU BEAT THE GAME ALREADY...

    • 1 month ago

      The way you unlocked hard and easy (lmao) modes is the genuinely most ass backwards implementation of a feature in all of vidya. Truly Masuda will never top those games

  12. 1 month ago

    >Pokemon GO
    >First 3D games
    >BW2 by design were for people who specifically played Black and White and filtered itself even more by being for people who *enjoyed* Black and White. It's essentially sold as "hey, here's more of a specific game if you liked it enough"
    these are your 3 main reasons

  13. 1 month ago

    >she is still dialating to this day

    • 1 month ago

      and (You) will never be white discord kid ahahahaha

      • 1 month ago

        Awww you gave me my reply!
        Thanks so much oxo I win

      • 1 month ago

        Here’s your (you)

  14. 1 month ago

    Casual fans who only care about the 90s were the prime target. X & Y’s marketing completely revolved around member berries and sparked the genwun resurgence that exploded with Pokemon Go a couple years later. They tried a different direction in the late 2000s, casuals hated it and were especially pissed that Mewtwo was snubbed in Smash Bros. Brawl for a modern furrymon, and there was a huge outrage from nostalgics pissed over “gen 1 erasure”, so they overcorrected and now gen 1 is everything you see in the marketing. They’re terrified of leaving that bubble when milking Charizard is all they need to do now.

    You could easily call XY “Pokémon: The Force Awakens”

    • 1 month ago

      thanks for reminding how fricking obnoxious 90s kids were during the early 2010s internet

      • 1 month ago

        90s kids have only become more obnoxious with time

    • 1 month ago

      You had to have been there back during that era to feel the impact of fanboy rage.
      Omitting Mewtwo from Brawl was a declaration of war, they were flinging shit at Miyamoto or whoever was Mr. Nintendo to them since devs like Sakurai’s name were still only in niche circles on message boards.
      The mass hysteria was unavoidable

  15. 1 month ago

    >trying to distance itself from other regions. A soft reboot if you will
    You all must not remember. Back in the 2000s nobody wanted “More new Pokemon!”. Players made jokes about this back then, and the designs looking like knockoff versions of Gen 1. XY dialing back the roster and adding Megas to old Pokémon was a plus for the game and it worked. But since then, Gen 5 fans have become more vocal in the community.

    >less post game
    people expected a sequel to fill in the gaps, just like BW1, DP, or RS originally. But Pokémon Z got cancelled for 10 years, so here we are instead.

  16. 1 month ago

    Same reason LGPE outsold USUM.
    >Big ticket new game on new console
    >Iterative game from the 2nd gen of an old console that's been blown wide open by hackers now
    It's very hard for sequels to outpace original titles in general, but Pokemon doesn't give its sequels enough room to even breath the moment GameFreak shits them out. It doesn't really say anything about quality of the games themselves because BW2 were monumentally better than XY yet USUM are a harder sell than fricking Legpiss.

  17. 1 month ago

    Ugly mons. Ugly design. Ugly region. Ugly gyms. Everything is ugly
    Beautiful. Mega Evos. Kanto Pandering. Mega Evos. Anime. Mega Evos. Fairy Type

    • 1 month ago

      >Fairy Type
      You're saying that like it's a positive

      • 1 month ago

        >dragon type being broken and poison being worthless offensively is a good thing because…um….it just is ok??

        • 1 month ago

          fairy is more broken than dragon and poison is still shit
          for something intended to balance the type chart fairy sure did a horrible job at it

  18. 1 month ago

    BW2 was seen as the emerald to BW's R/S to complete casuals/normies, meaning any of those who played BW wouldn't like it, and those that did and didn't like BW's soft reboot attributes would probably still feel alienated by BW2 even though it had old pokemon simply because it is an extension of BW
    Meanwhile, XY is seen as a 'return to form' as stated above, but it also had the huge wait going for it, the mainline jump to 3d, and a marketable gimmick in megas to boot.

  19. 1 month ago

    Third versions never sell as well as the first games in a new gen. Furthermore, BW2 released on the DS a year and a half after its successor, the 3DS was out; long enough into the 3DS's life that people had moved over. The vast majority of people that played BW2 probably played it on their 3DS (I know I did). I also know that everyone that played both GREATLY preferred BW2 to XY and were extremely disappointed with XY.

  20. 1 month ago

    Nostalgia and 3D

  21. 1 month ago

    >new 3d pokemon announced
    >Whoa finally it's 3d woaaoowwyyy let's all buy it yippeeeee I hope it's good 😉
    >game comes out and everyone buys to see if the new 3d pokemon game is good
    >it's shit
    >still sold hahahahahaa suckers suck my frickin dick Holy shit I cant believe it worked hhahahaha frick yes let's do this every time from now on hahahaha we just made so much money from doing NOTHING HAHAHAHAHA WOW FRICKING moronic SHEEEP AHAHAHAHAHA FRICK YES LETS PUT NO EFFORT INTO THE GAMES NOW HAHAHAHAHA WE CAN MAKE SO MUCH EASY MONEY NOW LIKE WITH THE WII HAHAHAHHA PEOPLE ARE SOOO FRICKING moronic HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

    • 1 month ago

      >it's shit
      never happened

      • 1 month ago

        It's shit

        • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Most rational unovabort

  22. 1 month ago

    >BW2 clearly (regwrdless if you dislike it or not) had a lot of effort into trying something new
    The only new thing it did was not being a 3rd version and being a sequel instead. Maybe the fusion was a new thing, but it's just a pointless gimmick that never came back.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah it’s not like they separated it from all other regions and made it a soft reboot or anything. Totally nothing new bro

    • 1 month ago

      It literally did the most of any third version at the time. Like, it doesn't mean you have to like the games, but let's not pretend it's barely any different from BW.

  23. 1 month ago

    ? it's obvious why

    • 1 month ago

      Sick contribution moron

  24. 1 month ago

    >Was it just finally getting that 3d game that made everyone excited?
    yes, it was literally JUST this. the normalgays only care about graphics, they saw XY and thought "woah... pokémon is FINALLY evolving..."

    • 1 month ago

      >woah... pokémon is FINALLY evolving...
      which it did

      • 1 month ago

        hey newsflash buddy pokémon have always evolved

        • 1 month ago

          I legitimately can’t think of any permanent way gen 5 helped the franchise evolve

          • 1 month ago

            thats all well and good (and wrong but w/e) but brother i was making a joke

          • 1 month ago

            that's because future generations were lazy and cut all the shit it introduced
            seasons? gone in XY.
            wild double battles? axed for infinitely shittier horde battles.
            triples and rotations? bye-bye by SM.
            infinite TMs? sword and shield replaced them.
            key system, gone in XY. medals, gone in XY. join avenue, gone in XY and then replaced with godawful festival plaza in SM. habitat list, gone in XY. man XY sure cut a lot of shit huh?

            • 1 month ago

              seasons made the game worse by adding more time padding nonsense to the game, triple and rotation battles were bad gimmick formats no one played, key system was broken poorly implemented bullshit, medals were just a worse replacement for ribbons, join avenue is just worse berry farming, habitat list is largely pointless now that overworld encounters exist

              • 1 month ago

                Key system always sucked ass.

                you know the key system was used for more than just difficulty settings, right?

              • 1 month ago

                >you know the key system was used for more than just one poorly implemented thing right?

              • 1 month ago

                Why can't I just select difficulty immediately at the start? Why can't they just put all three Regis in both games obtainable?

              • 1 month ago

                version exclusives have been a part of the series from day 1

              • 1 month ago

                >seasons made the game worse by adding more time padding nonsense to the game
                >literally just WAAA I WANT IT NOWWWW
                zoomers are so embarrassing, grow some fricking patience. you get four different versions of the map with different things to discover and all you can think is "I WANT EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW REEEE". it's called replayability dipshit, you'll never have the same experience twice on any given playthrough - unless you blitz through the game in a couple days without actually appreciating anything, which i can only assume you do.

              • 1 month ago

                he does, this is the same dipshit who always overlevels his starter

              • 1 month ago

                >triple and rotation battles were bad gimmick formats no one played
                But when you're talking about the Maison being "better" than other Battle Facilities, you're always talking about them and saying they're better than all of of B2W2's facilties.
                So what are they? Gimmicks? Or better than Unova's battle facilities?

              • 1 month ago

                watch him try to say "both"

            • 1 month ago

              Key system always sucked ass.

          • 1 month ago

            Tons of text/cutscenes

          • 1 month ago

            Hidden Abilities and an actual focus on pvp. Gen 5 was the first gen where they tried to make every new Pokemon competitively viable.

  25. 1 month ago

    Good things sell better than bad things

  26. 1 month ago

    BW2 were made for the hardcore Pokemon fans, XY were made for casual shitters

  27. 1 month ago

    The 3DS was long out when B2/W2 (and i think black/white in general) were released, and you know how it is, everyone wanted the games on the shiny new system, not an old DS game.
    But because it's Pokemon it's a miracle it sold at all. Not ragging on B/W, just saying that if it were any other series, it probably wouldn't even have been profitable.

    • 1 month ago

      >looking at things in context
      unheard of on /vp/

  28. 1 month ago

    So why are XY considered bad? I found them kinda boring but bad seems like overexaggerating

    • 1 month ago

      >So why are XY considered bad?
      Forced narrative that BBNDgays are trying shove

    • 1 month ago

      they're not bad but once the novelty of 3D wore off and online died they had nothing to offer.

  29. 1 month ago

    Anytime I see some moronic essay about how the 3D gens got them fired from their job or raped their dad I assume its some disingenuous DSgay. They love putting on a monologue.

  30. 1 month ago

    >RS outsells Crystal
    >DP outsells Emerald
    >BW1 outsells Platinum

    What's the problem?

  31. 1 month ago

    New gen
    new pokemon
    new console

  32. 1 month ago

    >first 3d mainline pokemon
    >first 3ds pokemon
    >first game with character customization to appeal to women
    >first game with significant upgrades to online to appeal to autists
    >fairy type, megas and KANTOOO to help get genwunners back on board (tons of normies will say they skipped gens 4-5 but played XY, this is likely why)
    >sequel to a game people didnt play much of
    >on the older console, makes it feel inferior to other games releasing
    >still 2d after all this time
    >literally nothing to hype or market besides "look, it's more unova!" and the movie shit
    sales numbers have never equated to quality of the games (unless you're arguing LGPE is one of the best games in the franchise), but the reasoning for sales numbers themselves are fascinating in their own right. genwargayging over numbers is moronic though since the core audience of autistic people will buy the next slop either way.

  33. 1 month ago

    Just finished Black, just doing Battle Subway now.
    Is Black 2 worth playing? Or is it too similar?

    • 1 month ago

      You should probably still play it but in like 6months when you want to "replay" Unova again.

  34. 1 month ago

    It's more than that, it's the best selling pokemon game ever, explain that

    • 1 month ago

      No? Thats RBY, then SWSH

  35. 1 month ago

    >why did the asset flip sequel that was released at the very end of the life cycle of a console with rampant piracy sell less than a new game with a bunch of flashy features selling itself with "wow the series is FINALLY jumping to 3D"???
    man idk

    • 1 month ago

      you don't know what "asset flip" means

      • 1 month ago

        >The term is largely applied in a pejorative sense, referring to low quality games produced using pre-made assets
        Sounds like BW2 to me.

      • 1 month ago

        asset flip is an exaggeration, but it's still a sequel that bases the majority of its assets off the previous game versus a game that doesn't
        not that I think that's inherently a bad thing, there's plenty of sequels of that type that manage to be straight-up better than their predecessors by actually offering a better experience, and BW2 is one of them

  36. 1 month ago

    Why did Gold and Silver outsell Yellow
    Why did Ruby and Sapphire outsell Crystal
    Why did Diamond and Pearl outsell Emerald
    Why did Black and White outsell Platinum
    Why did X and Y outsell Black 2 and White 2

    • 1 month ago

      Except BW2 are sequals not next year "remakes", morono

  37. 1 month ago

    >why does game on newly released console sell riding on hype so well than a game on console that no one is interested in anymore

    • 1 month ago

      wasn't new at the time, moron

    • 1 month ago

      imagine. coming into my 150+ replied thread, and without a sense of nuance or new discussion, dropping this incredible smooth-brained, non-take. embarassing

    • 1 month ago

      This. Plus, third versions sell less regardless. This is a bait thread, anyway.

      • 1 month ago

        >anything I don’t like is ke bait !

  38. 1 month ago

    >OP can't figure out that people play Pokemon for the Pokemon and not some dogshit 'im not like the other pokemon games' generation
    >whoops except its exactly like the other pokemon games but boring.

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