why did this game hide all the canonically lgbt stuff in act 3? were they worried that it would cost them sales?

why did this game hide all the canonically lgbt stuff in act 3?
were they worried that it would cost them sales? instead they promoted the game with le epic random bear sex

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  1. 10 months ago

    Sorry, but you forgot to add the whole thing, it's

    • 10 months ago

      I kneel.

  2. 10 months ago

    Is that Justin Trudeau?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago
  4. 10 months ago

    Yes, they backloaded all the overt poz to Act 3, so that there would be minimal backlash.
    Act 1 has virtually zero sodomy and homosexuality, comparatively.
    Act 2 introduces us to bull dykes, with zero prior framing. "Oh, hey, I am Selune's avatar, and I want to fingerbang my girlfriend Isobel, Ketheric's daughter, lamo".
    Act 3 is poz on steroids. You get a drag queen sodomite. You get a transsexual that has a journal full of troony affirmations and seething about dead naming. You find out Raphael is a sodomite who fricks an incubus. You find out the leader of the Gondian gnomes is a homosexual in a gay marriage. You find out the lead scientist of the Gondian gnomes is a homosexual in a gay marriage. You find out that Shadowheart was very promiscuous, bragging that the kiss she shared with you was hardly her first, and that she had sexual relationships with members of the temple.

    It's by design.

    • 10 months ago

      >Oh, hey, I am Selune's avatar, and I want to fingerbang my girlfriend Isobel
      I don't remember a character annoying so much as that fricking c**t
      So I was very happy the game gives you an option to let her be imprisoned again and rot away in that mage tower along with the weirdo mage even though I was doing a good boy playthrough I just couldnt deal with hear that moronic dyke speak

    • 10 months ago

      Don't forget you find out Raphael is also a dicky chad.

    • 10 months ago

      Ah. And so the truth starts to leak out as time goes on, like with every game.
      Remember, n o r e f u n d s.

      • 10 months ago

        are they even gonna be doing a physical copy/discs for ps5?

    • 10 months ago

      The aasimar is the most obnoxious character by far. My god, it's like a vegan at a BBQ that won't shut up. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE A LESBIAN THAT'S NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT NO YOU AREN'T SPECIAL GET OVER YOURSELF WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME LISTEN TO YOUR moronic DIATRIBE! I just want to advance the story, the plot line, I want to get the dialogue she promised to give me after we saved. You know the important character defining arc that involves Shadowheart one of the literal main characters. Why the FRICK do I give a RATS flying c**t about her sex life? I DON'T. GIVE ME THE FRICKING DIALOGUE AND FRICK OFF, c**t. Same for Sharess' Caress. Why the FRICK would a drow lloths-sworn let a surface dweller speak like that to them? There should be "Shut up before I slit your throat open." option. Not meekly blushing. Act 3 is just a meme. Don't get me started on the refugees and conflating it with IRL despite the fact that Belgium unamiously voted to deport the rapefugees befcause they're so bloody awful. Yeah sure buddy. THAT'S RIGHT! A monoculture of people with the same beliefs in your woke California 2.0 variant of dungeons and dragons is just like IRL. We all know the Rotherham Rape Gangs was merely a coincidence. Just frick off you stupid Belgian c**ts. Frick off.

    • 10 months ago

      God I'm glad I can murder everyone...
      Whenever I start seeing all that shit I won't hesitate.
      I will fricking burn down baldur's gate if I have to.

      • 10 months ago

        You can't though, you coping moron.
        The Selunite dykes are quite literally IMMORTAL after the revelation of their sexuality. They get a buff that leaves her at 1 HP when you try to kill them, rendering them invincible.

        • 10 months ago

          Then I might let Shadowhearth impale the b***h. I had to close my game mid scene after releasing the shadowsong, so I will have to reload before the conversation

        • 10 months ago

          >The Selunite dykes are quite literally IMMORTAL after the revelation of their sexuality. They get a buff that leaves her at 1 HP when you try to kill them
          Lol, embarrassing.

        • 10 months ago

          I will fricking learn how to mod just to remove the immortality flag.

    • 10 months ago

      >You find out the leader of the Gondian gnomes is a homosexual in a gay marriage
      Aren't all the enslaved gnomes in grymforge also gay? homosexual central starts with the second half of the underdark, and that's still act 1, I think.

  5. 10 months ago

    >way of the arcane fist

  6. 10 months ago

    they did the same with dos2
    there's very little homosexualry and woke shit until you reach arx and then there's lesbians gays mixed race (both fantasy and human) and insufferable degenerate homosexualry at every turn, even fricking furries

    • 10 months ago

      I don't remember a single homosexual in arx, enlighten me

      • 10 months ago

        you mean you never encountered the female Black person dwarf blacksmith and her white human girlfriend
        ultra dyke who warns you not to talk to her girlfriend after proudly telling you how much of a dyke she is in the first conversation with her
        who then refuses to talk to you and sell you shit if you actually try talking to said human girlfriend
        or the two gays talking about how they need to get away from arx because it has turned to shit, but nobody else will accept them (elf and human gay couple)
        or kemmels wife who is more than happy to bone female characters without even making a distinction
        or every companions sex scene which has graphic fap-fic tier writing, also fully narrated, for all forms of pairings?
        did you play the game or did you just sleep through it while following guides and doing nothing that the guide didn't tell you to do?
        i hope you nuked arx with deathfog at least

  7. 10 months ago

    It’s fricking Piet you guys. Christmas came early

  8. 10 months ago

    the game gives you more options for your genitals than your face in character creation. Don't act like they pulled a bait and switch, you knew the score from the begining.

    • 10 months ago

      Let's get philosophical — all the options you have to shape your wace is excessive amount of lipstick, tattoos, hair dye and such shit. This passes as individuality now.

  9. 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    >Why did they put all the woke shit in the multicultural major metropolitan area of the game?

    Gee I don't know why that could be OP, what a stumper of a question. Couldn't be that Baldur's Gate has always been a hive of degeneracy or that real large "melting pot" cities in reality are also like that.

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