Why did this kill the deus ex franchise? I just finished it and it wasn't THAT bad

Why did this kill the deus ex franchise? I just finished it and it wasn't THAT bad

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  1. 10 months ago

    I vaguely remember it. in my opinion, the dumbass ending from HR is what killed it. plus the whole augs vs naturals allegory for racism is fricking stupid.
    1. the "discrimination" against augs might be justified if regular people don't know when another "event" will just randomly occur, like the one at panacea, and make them all crazy bloodthirsty freaks.
    2. people have preferences; getting "augs" will be more akin to getting a tattoo/bodywork/medical treatment that would personally enhance the recipient. how can anyone really be discriminatory against that? sure, you might have your personal opinion on such things, but it's not really a basis for hate in the same way that the color of your skin or your ethnic background - things you're innately born with - can be.
    3. the plot itself, and how it ties to the original game, is somewhat murky and difficult to follow
    4. the game was short as shit
    but hey it had pretty good gameplay and at least the prison break dlc was pretty good. 7/10 I await the next entry but tb.h I'm checked out in terms of the story. something something international terrorism because reasons. HR was more gripping, it's almost like they started out with decent writers but something happened and they became moronic or they were replaced with idiots and the ending, as well as the entire premise for MD, are the result.

    • 10 months ago

      >game shows "aug" racism as a ploy by a secret society to expand their control and influence
      >lefty/v/: wtf you can't do that!!!
      Do they have to spell everything out to you for you to get it?

      • 10 months ago

        >secret society wants to expand their control and influence
        >they already have more control and influence than the vast majority of people
        so, uh, why do they want to expand their control and influence again? they're already on top. no, it was that they wanted the general population to fear the advancements in augmented prosthetics, as a method of disarming the population and preventing them from having the power to "rise up" and turn against them. that's all well and good, but the way the writers went about it was absolutely moronic. basically it was half baked and they needed to really work on the story.
        >hey jensen, check out this squad of homies
        >they stealing guns and shiet in some bumfrick nowhere middle eastern territory
        >oh, they're a faction of secret agents? who are they working for and why?
        >oh, we've traced them to prague? figure out what they're doing!!!
        >oh, by the way, your bosses are working for the illuminati
        and then it just sort of shits the bed. then again, it's been a while since I've last played, so I won't pretend my garbled recollection of the plot makes any sense. still, to me that's the mark of a bad story, because I can tell you in two sentences the premise of the first game:
        >jensen, head of security at a biotech firm, is turned into robocop after he's injured while fending off a group of elite mercenaries who suddenly attacked his institution. he works to find out who they are and finds out a shadow group of powerful individuals is plotting to stifle the advancement of the technology they've been developing.

        • 10 months ago

          >why do they want to expand their control and influence again? they're already on top
          If you played the first game you'd know the organization was already crumbling from the inside around Jensen's time because Page was secretly building his MJ12. The Illuminati knew they were losing influence over things because of some moles but didn't know who. That's the whole point of HR with Darrow and again in MD with Janus. I'm assuming that in the cancelled 3rd part we would've dealt with Janus and DuClaire as Adam just for Page to take over from Lucius and Morgan and killing Adam in the process, taking care of 3 birds with 1 stone.

    • 10 months ago

      >game shows "aug" racism as a ploy by a secret society to expand their control and influence
      >lefty/v/: wtf you can't do that!!!
      Do they have to spell everything out to you for you to get it?

      Trying to turn Deus Ex into a corporate product was always going to crash and burn eventually. The mobile game did more damage.

      >secret society wants to expand their control and influence
      >they already have more control and influence than the vast majority of people
      so, uh, why do they want to expand their control and influence again? they're already on top. no, it was that they wanted the general population to fear the advancements in augmented prosthetics, as a method of disarming the population and preventing them from having the power to "rise up" and turn against them. that's all well and good, but the way the writers went about it was absolutely moronic. basically it was half baked and they needed to really work on the story.
      >hey jensen, check out this squad of homies
      >they stealing guns and shiet in some bumfrick nowhere middle eastern territory
      >oh, they're a faction of secret agents? who are they working for and why?
      >oh, we've traced them to prague? figure out what they're doing!!!
      >oh, by the way, your bosses are working for the illuminati
      and then it just sort of shits the bed. then again, it's been a while since I've last played, so I won't pretend my garbled recollection of the plot makes any sense. still, to me that's the mark of a bad story, because I can tell you in two sentences the premise of the first game:
      >jensen, head of security at a biotech firm, is turned into robocop after he's injured while fending off a group of elite mercenaries who suddenly attacked his institution. he works to find out who they are and finds out a shadow group of powerful individuals is plotting to stifle the advancement of the technology they've been developing.

      Nudeusex is not Deus Ex, don't ever compare squareshit to the original.

      Deus ex> MD> invisible war > Human moronation

      IW was better than that retconned futuristic garbage, the original game was set in 2052 where only militaries had access to good tech.
      The average Joe was still a typical poorgay of 2023.

      • 10 months ago

        >Nudeusex is not Deus Ex
        It's better

  2. 10 months ago

    Trying to turn Deus Ex into a corporate product was always going to crash and burn eventually. The mobile game did more damage.

  3. 10 months ago

    Square Enix killed it. MD didn't.
    >Expects Deus Ex to sell Call of Duty numbers
    >Stupid microtransaction controversy
    >Canned the series after focing them to cut the game in half(MD was originally going to also feature what happened after Viktor and tie it into NuDeus Ex 3, but Square was too greedy and wanted them to release the game early)
    >Despite all the sabotage Mankind Divided turns out to be a success and a profit in their financial report when FF15 was failing
    I hate Square so much it's unreal

    • 10 months ago

      I'm still glad it happened at all. I'd rather have a half of an amazing game rather than none at all.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah seeing Forspoken flop has been uplifting
      I can't believe how much moronation they've gotten away with over the years

  4. 10 months ago

    Deus ex> MD> invisible war > Human moronation

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      IW is unfairly panned and NG Resonance is more relevant than ever these days

  5. 10 months ago

    Terribly rushed main story left a sour taste in most people's mouths. Shame too because the side quests are fantastic and exploring Prague is alot of fun but for most average players who mainly rushed the main story it ended up feeling quite hollow

  6. 10 months ago

    not enough "shizo" conspiracies

  7. 10 months ago

    Squeenix, purely squeenix.

  8. 10 months ago

    Unlike Mankind Divided it wasn't a complete story, it's like 1/3 of trilogy that will never be finished. Buggy and ran like complete shit at release. Square Enix shoved pay to win microtransactions into a single player game.

    Game deserved to fail but I hope that now that the series has been taken out of the cancerous hands of Square Enix the series can be revived.

    • 10 months ago

      Human Revolution rather, not Mankind Divided.

  9. 10 months ago

    It's great gameplay shoved into a game where nothing fricking happens.
    I got most of my enjoyment just finding random hidden shit in the main hubs, not actually doing the missions.

  10. 10 months ago

    People got burned out on these kind of games I think, I know I did, same reason I avoided Dishonored 2 even though I liked the first one.

  11. 10 months ago

    It didn't. Corporative expectations did. Capeshit did.

  12. 10 months ago

    Is there even a tiny chance that Embracer revives this series?

  13. 10 months ago

    Squeenix demanded they focus resources on the online aspect hoping it would net them consistent dollars for people wanting to do online microtransactions
    The game was a decent length but there wasn't much actual story being told for the length
    Resources split further by making an entire pre-story DLC instead of reusing some assets and continuing the mian story
    Pre-launch mtx controversy (pay to level up,DLC weapons+ammo+toys could only be in one single save)
    If they made a new game we'd all buy it anyway, it's all square Enix being israelites that killed it.

  14. 10 months ago

    Everything they did before it released killed it.

  15. 10 months ago

    The Deus Ex sequels are to Deus Ex what the Matrix sequels are to the Matrix. Unnecessary.

  16. 10 months ago

    It didn't need to become a series. It told it's story, everything after that was forced. MD beings nothing to the table except piss.

  17. 10 months ago

    It was good, it was better than HR in fact. Some people think it was half a game when it has as much content as HR just because of the abprut ending but that isn't what killed it.
    What killed the franchise was Square Enix.

  18. 10 months ago

    I liked it however.

    Every apartment is empty no matter the time of day.
    Every location/ situation has the make your own decision tm shoehorned in. Robbing a bank? fight talk or vent? Every single time.

  19. 10 months ago

    The nuDeus Ex was nothing like the original. They changed everything good about the og even the colour theme.

  20. 10 months ago

    it didn't sell enough to make up for the lost FF XV marketing money, same with Tomb Raider and Hitman

  21. 10 months ago

    it wasnt finished because they made them do a multiplayer mode that noone wanted, gave a frick about, or played.

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