Why did XY fans hate Alola Ash?

I only watched the anime until AG, then picked it up again for the tournament arc in Journeys (terrible arc). What happened in between? Why so much hate? I even just realized that they hated that Ash won the Alola League.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Why did they change the art style so much? I dislike all the Alola anime characters on the grounds that they look so weird

    • 4 months ago

      steven universe lol but honestly i thought the change was really neat at the time

    • 4 months ago

      Yokai Watch

    • 4 months ago

      Yokai Watch dethroned Pokemon as OLM's cash cow in mid 10s

  2. 4 months ago

    Because it’s a sudden 180 in tone and how Ash was portrayed. That’s not hard to see.

    • 4 months ago

      Basically, XY Ash was a slacker while SM Ash actually trained everyday.

      They hated that the goofy Ash acted more mature in general while the "mature looking" Ash was just a childish brat.

  3. 4 months ago

    Combo of a bunch of things.
    XY basically depicted Ash at his most competent and mature, which is something people had been asking for for years - he was too experienced to still be making dumb mistakes like in the previous series.
    The series itself also had a much more shonen-esque tone with a lot more focus being placed on rivalries, battles, power ups and things like that - it was still obviously for kids, but you wouldn't have as many episodes that were just the characters playing with Pokemon until Team Rocket arrives and stuff which were so common in the first four series (you'd still get a few though obviously)
    All this stuff lead people to think Ash actually had a shot at winning the League, which of course he proceeded to not do. That on its own got a lot of people pissed.
    Ash was also pretty useless in the last Team Flare arc where Alain got a much bigger focus, it stung since he's the one that beat Ash in the League.
    Then to rub even more salt on the wound the Sun and Moon anime was completely changing the tone and style of the show to an SoL comedy about Ash going to school to learn the basics of Pokemon battling, completely undoing all the goodwill they'd built up for his character with the XY series.

    I actually do enjoy the SM anime, but it is a big departure from what XY was doing so it's no surprise that fans of that series wouldn't like it.

  4. 4 months ago

    Look ugly

    • 4 months ago

      >XY fans
      No, everyone hated it.

      This. Characters from previous series did not look good in the SM anime's style. Have you seen Misty and Brock in it? They're hideous.
      Should've went with revolving protagonists.

      • 4 months ago

        Brock wasn't that bad, it's hard to make someone with hentai bars as their eyes uglier. Ash looked like pig vomit though.

  5. 4 months ago

    They self-inserted into a "mature" Ash (he was 10, for frick's sake) and lost at the end, then saw unashamed actual 10 year old Ash have a 3 year holiday as the strongest trainer in the Region before handily winning the inaugural Alolan league and beating Kukui in a 6v6 exhibition, where he and Pikachu beat their Guardian Rival, Tapu Koko.
    A literal kid achieved their hopes and dreams the very next Gen after their hopes, dreams and interest got crushed due to self-inserting into a loser.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think you know what a self-insert *is*

    • 4 months ago

      >Get fricked Koko.webm
      Based filename description.

  6. 4 months ago

    >XY fans
    No, everyone hated it.

    • 4 months ago

      "XY fans" is just code for "people that were watching the anime when SM started". XY was massively popular, everyone that was actively following the anime at the time were fans of it.

  7. 4 months ago

    Because their self-insert power fantasy was BTFO.

  8. 4 months ago

    Because Ash lost so hard in Kalos they sent him back to Pokémon school. The fanbase was a complete mess, you had to see it unfold in real time.

  9. 4 months ago

    Kalos fans got emasculated after self-inserting as Ash for the entire gen and then getting btfo by a goddamn fire type shitmon as a broken water type

  10. 4 months ago

    I will never understand it because Alola ark and stories were all great and I liked how silly they were often animated. It was really back to gen 1.

    • 4 months ago

      Jose and Kyle need their shitty shonen power fantasy where every arc is either "I must get stronger" or "I must be useful to the MC"

  11. 4 months ago

    XYgays equate having the personality of a cardboard box as "maturity", think going into the mountains to jerk off is a "character arc" and will call a bunch of shounenshit stills in front of spinning a cgi background "good animation".
    They're beyond help. All you can do is laugh at them.

    • 4 months ago

      They were jealous that Ash won in the Alola League & the world was talking about it unlike XY era lmao

      SM is the best anime after the originals

      XY attracted an audience of shonentards who wanted to self insert as Ash and treat him like he was Kirito, only to get absolutely btfo by CHARIZARD.
      Then they completely revamp the anime and turn Ash into an actual character again, but the XY shonengays hated that Ash wasn't a cardboard cutout like he'd been for a decade so it's cringe and bad.
      Then SM Ash outperforms XY Ash and loooks better while doing it, utterly mogging the shonengays who are malding to this day.

      Because SM Ash succeeded where XY Ash failed.

      Based SMChads

  12. 4 months ago

    They were jealous that Ash won in the Alola League & the world was talking about it unlike XY era lmao

    • 4 months ago

      >morons basedpogging at a blatant mickey rattata consolation cup
      Was there even a single wooper IQ idiot who didn't see him winning from a mile away?

      • 4 months ago

        >Alola League
        >blatant mickey rattata consolation cup
        Ash used both battle strength & strategy unlike Kalos where he depended on his muh feelings OC frog.

        • 4 months ago

          His win against Hau was the biggest asspull in the entire anime lmao.

          • 4 months ago

            Funny way to say a water type beating a Grass/Dragon with a water move anon.

      • 4 months ago

        Funniest thing is that the victory accidentally got spoiled on a Japanese TV show two days earlier, and that shot had been posted a dozen times on /vp/ by the time the episode aired, not to mention probably been spammed all over Twitter and various nerd news websites too. It was literally impossible to not know he was winning if you were paying any kind of attention to the anime. It's unlikely any of those posters in that collage had watched a single second of SM before.

      • 4 months ago

        >thinking you can call SM "consolation" anymore after the sheer fricking whiplash of Ash going from a backwater league winner to being handed the title of the LITERAL world's strongest in Journeys

        • 4 months ago

          Both are the same pity damage control wins.
          The level of the stage doesn't matter. Neither was earned and both were marred with all sorts of shitty and contrived writing.

          • 4 months ago

            The value does matter when you take context into account.
            Him winning Alola literally holds similar or lesser value than his Orange League win, which was literal filler. This is because they're both so insignificant that no one outside of those areas acknowledged his champion status as a title of honor afterwards, he was still primarily known as "Ash from Pallet Town".
            He went from "literally who?" to "the kind of trainer EVERYONE across the world should aspire to be" for free, that's a lot more fricking stupid and makes the asspulls surrounding Ash whipping the lax carefree Alolans and one of its patron deities seem extremely tame, especially when you remember the kind of stupid bullshit he got to carry his ass back in Kanto.

            • 4 months ago

              Alola was a win in a region canon to Game Freak's games instead of being a filler arc to delay the start of a new season like orange islands arc was.
              Why do you seething Black folk NEED to gatekeep a leauge win? Is it because they didn't think your childhood merited winning one? Mind, anyone with a brain could see he was probably going to win in Alola, especially when the cartoon started imitating the games and have the regional league be founded during the events of the series. So what's your excuse for missing it?

              • 4 months ago

                its not canon because there is no league in sm

              • 4 months ago

                My dear deluded frickwit, it gets built as you reach endgame, literally like Alola's gets established as Ash finished his Island Challenge.

  13. 4 months ago

    SM is the best anime after the originals

  14. 4 months ago

    because they made shitroona irrelevant

  15. 4 months ago

    I hate XY and although I like SM, I hate Alolan Ash. It's not about why [specific demographics] hate Alolan Ash. Its jjst that the Yokai Watch-ish character design is terrible as frick.

  16. 4 months ago

    It made TPC/Game Freak look like they were afraid of Yokai Watch or something

  17. 4 months ago

    XY attracted an audience of shonentards who wanted to self insert as Ash and treat him like he was Kirito, only to get absolutely btfo by CHARIZARD.
    Then they completely revamp the anime and turn Ash into an actual character again, but the XY shonengays hated that Ash wasn't a cardboard cutout like he'd been for a decade so it's cringe and bad.
    Then SM Ash outperforms XY Ash and loooks better while doing it, utterly mogging the shonengays who are malding to this day.

  18. 4 months ago

    Because SM Ash succeeded where XY Ash failed.

  19. 4 months ago

    School settings are a disease to anime

  20. 4 months ago

    The general tone of the show kept flip-flopping between gens after DP or so and Ash really suffered for it.
    It goes to show how badly the series needed a reboot.

  21. 4 months ago

    The inferiority complex SMgays have towards XY despite how much they tout its superiority is absolutely hilarious.

    • 4 months ago

      Indeed. This thread is perfect evidence.

    • 4 months ago

      Indeed. This thread is perfect evidence.

      >Zero self awareness

    • 4 months ago

      >"less girls"
      >"cardboard cutout"
      >"he didn't even win his league"
      And all this just to not even say anything about why SM would be a better series overall, just stupid talking points that normal people don't give a single shit about.
      Why should I care if he won the Alola league when the battles were badly animated trash with no build up or cool tactics?
      Why should I care that there's more girls in the SM anime when their relationship with Ash is barely developed?
      What makes Ash a "cardboard cutout" in XY but not in SM?
      Are you even capable of talking in anything but buzzwords?

      • 4 months ago

        Anyone that was actually on /vp/ back in the gen5-8 days knows that the general attitude to the anime as it aired was
        >BW anime is shit
        >early promos for XY anime look great and get anons' attention, leading to the anime actually getting regularly discussed on /vp/
        >XY, and Serena, are extremely popular. The league loss pisses off a lot of people, but the series is still held in high regard
        >early promos for SM look like shit and gets heavily mocked
        >SM is largely shat on throughout its run
        >league victory is seen as shitty damage control and everyone that actually paid attention to the series knows that the "league" was just a league in name only
        >PM19 promos look semi-promising, at least better than SM
        >PM19 somehow turns out to be even worse than SM and is also heavily shat on
        >world champion bullshit is seen as badly written wish fulfillment crap that makes extremely little sense in-universe

        newbies can sit there and revise history for newer newbies all they want, they know goddamn well that XY was well received and SM and PM19 were not. Calling everyone that watched the anime before SM started "XYgays" isn't somehow going to magically make that group smaller.

        • 4 months ago

          It's for sure just homosexuals mad at secondaries that only came back to the Pokemon anime for XY after how shit it had been for the longest time, so they pretend like XY was super bad and everyone hated it or something lol
          I get being mad at secondaries, but there's a reason they tuned into XY and not SM - and no, it's not that "the league loss ruined the series's reputation".

        • 4 months ago

          Serena is shit

        • 4 months ago

          It's for sure just homosexuals mad at secondaries that only came back to the Pokemon anime for XY after how shit it had been for the longest time, so they pretend like XY was super bad and everyone hated it or something lol
          I get being mad at secondaries, but there's a reason they tuned into XY and not SM - and no, it's not that "the league loss ruined the series's reputation".

          they probably wouldn't have replaced ash if sm and pm 19th weren't shit. it would have been considered too much of a brand risk if ash were still as popular as the people in this thread are trying to imply

          • 4 months ago

            They were thinking of replacing Ash at the end of DP and Hilda was going to be the new MC for BW but Ash was at the peak of his popularity back then so the suits canceled it and instead started resetting him.

            • 4 months ago

              What a fricking terrible idea, resetting Ash in BW was one of the things that started this whole shitshow

              • 4 months ago

                He's just making shit up. The reason they "reset" Ash in BW was most likely because the games were going for a fresh start kind of feel.

              • 4 months ago

                DP ends without any to be continued or ties to BW. DP and XY are the only series to do that. DP was absolutely intended as an end to Ash's anime, and if they actually followed the fresh new start of the BW games they would have stuck with replacing Ash with another MC.

              • 4 months ago

                ...so in other words, you're just making shit up based on some extremely generous interpretation of a minor trivia point and a bunch of asspull claims

              • 4 months ago

                here you go

              • 4 months ago

                what a troll

              • 4 months ago

                BW was so bad, in the first year they kept it entirely OS ripoff, it was doing so bad they brought back Dawn and Cynthia, and in the third year after they utterly ruined N they just said "Frick it" and started hyping everyone for XY while dickriding OS nostalgia

              • 4 months ago

                That was them trying to make the reveal of Ash as the protagonist a relieving surprise, you moron. It didn't work because it was so obvious to everyone he was going to stick around most people didn't even realize marketing was trying to make it a surprise. Do you seriously think they were well into the writing and animating of BW when they suddenly dropped everything and started altering the in-progress episodes to write Ash into them or something?

                They did the same "hide that Ash is still around" thing when DP started too, for that matter. Picrel is how DP first got advertised.

              • 4 months ago

                All this proves is that the writers wanted retire Ash for a long ass time.

                DP was supposed to be the first anime with a female MC but they chickened out at the end of AG and brought Ash back. Heck, DP opens up with Dawn for the entire half of the episode acting as the protagonist.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah. BW had been in production for months. Any discussion about replacing Ash was dealt with way before DP ending. There was never any last minute switch. That is just cope by DPgays, who want their series to be the “climax”.

              • 4 months ago

                They thought that copying OS would guarantee them easy money and recapture the same appeal like it did with OS but they couldn't be further from the truth.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know about that. For me it's spite more than anything.
      For the entire three years SM was running you couldn't have a single conversation about it ANYWHERE without XYgays coming in in their loaded diapers and smearing their shit everywhere in a fit impotent rage because people were daring to enjoy something they didn't.

      • 4 months ago

        >coming in in their loaded diapers and smearing their shit everywhere in a fit impotent rage because people were daring to enjoy something they didn't.
        But enough about SMgays!

      • 4 months ago

        I like how the narrative keeps switching between "SM was actually super popular and everyone loved it" and "SM was so poorly received it was impossible to find a single place on the entire Internet that didn't complain about it"

        • 4 months ago

          >and everyone loved it
          No one has ever argued this. The XYgay seething is an undeniable truth. Nice strawman tho.

          • 4 months ago

            Thinking a bad series is bad is not "seething", you tard.

            • 4 months ago

              Nice headcanon

    • 4 months ago

      Why would i have inferiority complex towards some turd i'll never see?

  22. 4 months ago

    XYfans see Alola Ash as not their self insert they used to idolise. Second, Alola Ash's more natural looking rounded face just like any human being in real life pisses them off. Third, Alola Series is back to kodomo focus which XYfans find it childish because they still thought the series is meant for them & not Pokemon anime target audience.

    XY Ash's jagged lines on his face is ugly & does not exist in real life.

    • 4 months ago

      >does not exist in real life
      You think that's a fricking argument?

  23. 4 months ago

    XYgays are few in numbers but highly unstable people. It doesn't matter what came after XY, as long as it wasn't more XY they would hate it. SM has its flaws but if XYgays were well adjusted they could just ignore it, but they can't. It's sad really. I'm just in it for the dicky.

    • 4 months ago

      XYfans are jealous that Alola Ash gets more girls (Lillie, Mallow, Lana) than XY Ash did lmao

      • 4 months ago

        OS-DP Ash was peak
        and he got more girls
        Misty, May, Dawn, Cynthia, Bianca

  24. 4 months ago

    I haven't watched the anime in half a decade but I think it's the change of mood

  25. 4 months ago

    >Why did XY fans hate Alola Ash?
    Jealousy for the league win

  26. 4 months ago

    >Ashanime thread
    Circlejerk thread

  27. 4 months ago

    If you think that Lmaola "league" is equal to Kalos or any other regional league you're fricking braindead, it's barely above Unova battle club tournaments or whatever the frick those were called. The writers were so used to sharting on Ash they unintentionally did it even while giving him his first "big" victory. And since he actually won something cool in JN against legit opponents no one even remembers it unless someone brings up XY.

  28. 4 months ago

    Writers wouldn't let him win a competitive league he was well set-up to win, and then gave him the equivalent of victory at the Special Olympics as a consolation prize.

    I have nothing against the tone change for SM, but this bit just stings to me.

  29. 4 months ago

    XY fan here, alola ash is the best ash because it shits on that Calem-replacing bastard. I don't give a frick about serena shipping, id rather ash have replaced fricking tierno. Keep the personality, just dont put that pikachu owning sunofab***h in my favorite protag's clothes.
    Can't even win like he can...

    • 4 months ago

      Would've liked to have seen that Mewtwo-loving motherfricker

      • 4 months ago

        Instead, they had that region hoppin, NFE ownin, friend ditchin, level skippin, cuckizard tamin, bike toastin, serena shippin bastard cosplay him badly.

  30. 4 months ago

    XY animegays will always seethe hard and be resentful over the fact that their part of the anime sucked, especially compared to the DP-BW era of the anime which was kino and that SM revived interest back in the anime since it has a lot of similarities with the OG season

  31. 4 months ago

    I dont like the ashnime at all, cause it corrupted everything i love about pokemon with misconceptions they created since day one, but the sun and moon anime really did a whole sweeping change to the whole formula, cause the yokai watch fear, because within japan YA could actually have been a pokemon killer.
    And the change isnt even really founded in the games, cause the anime raped the characterisation once more of all the major character, heck, Lusamine isnt even the major childabuser she is in the games.

    • 4 months ago

      >Lusamine isnt even the major childabuser she is in the games.
      The reason is the anime does not want to potray mothers as evil to the kids audience.

  32. 4 months ago

    XY fans hate Alola Ash because they they think he is inferior & cannot end up with Serena.

  33. 4 months ago

    SM was a worse reboot than BW, it didn't even feel like the same anime anymore.

  34. 4 months ago

    Who the frick cares about Ash, SM was the best because every other character was a breath of fresh air, and we got the best female cast of the whole brand.

    • 4 months ago

      all none characters
      you deluded porn addict

      • 4 months ago

        they are pretty boring and forgettable tho


        Keep deluding yourselves

    • 4 months ago

      they are pretty boring and forgettable tho

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Misty mogged them in their own series

      • 4 months ago

        You didn't have to nuke them with Misty when even Iris demolishes them completely.

        • 4 months ago

          >demolishes SM female cast
          Iris lost

        • 4 months ago

          Dude, Lana alone is better than Iris, i don't even have to bother Mallow and Lillie. I agree that Misty is a strong contender though.

          • 4 months ago

            moeblob pedobait

            • 4 months ago

              Please be bait

      • 4 months ago

        You didn't have to nuke them with Misty when even Iris demolishes them completely.

        Misty and Iris are decent but none of them hold a candle to SM cast, sorry.

    • 4 months ago

      They collectively have about as much personality and probably less battling skills than that annoying Electabuzz chick from Johto.

      • 4 months ago

        Isn't Lana the strongest among the SM's female cast?

      • 4 months ago

        Thanks for admitting you haven't seen the series dumb frick.

  35. 4 months ago

    SM is literally the Orange Islands arc but worse in every aspect.

  36. 4 months ago

    May was the hottest

  37. 4 months ago

    Self inserters got pissed that it wasn’t baby’s first shonen slop like last season

  38. 4 months ago

    The new Ash remake is going to be good I think, they aren't going with the SM style which is also a plus.

  39. 4 months ago

    >fanboys of SM and JN call XY fans "self inserters" in the same breath they worship the ground Ash walks on and insist that SM/JN are superior series because he wins everything in them with

  40. 4 months ago

    >ashnime threads
    circlejerk thread

  41. 4 months ago

    Because XY was a massive autism magnet that brought people into the fandom that otherwise wouldn't care about the show, and they freaked out when SM started airing and were reminded that Pokemon is for kids and that the people who work on the show don't give a shit about terminally online weirdos that make up at least half of XY's fanbase.

  42. 4 months ago

    Because he didnt shack up with Shauna

  43. 4 months ago

    the animation style was the main reason.

  44. 4 months ago

    Smgays really think their series is loved by the general fandom...

    • 4 months ago

      >"We asked a voting pool of mostly XY fans what they're favorite series was and they said XY!"

      • 4 months ago

        See... they are so disillusioned, can't accept the truth

  45. 4 months ago

    Looks like a frickin moronic homosexual troony drew him

  46. 4 months ago

    > I even just realized that they hated that Ash won the Alola League.
    it is this its not the fact he finally won a league though its the way he won

    not an xy fan i loved all of the anime up until sun and moon, the gen5 anime i hated at the start when they made ash a moron who acted like hed never battled before but it grew on me.

    The problem with the sun and moon anime is that ash deserved better. The entire series feels like it was created to give ash a win but his win was pathetic. in all of the previous anime seasons you see ash training, losing and improving during the gym battles and see him grow as a trainer to challenge the leagues. then you have the sun and moon anime where hes thrown into a tard school in a region with like 2 competent trainers and have him win in a meme league that doesn't have gyms or any competent people competing in the league at.

    like all the people from the meme school and randoms are competing even though they didn't even know how to battle a week prior. it's sad that this is how ash got his win because up until that point he seemed like a really competent trainer.

    if you haven't seen the sun and moon anime id recommend watching it so you can find out for yourself

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