Why did you stop playing MMOs?

Why did you stop playing MMOs, Ganker?

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  1. 6 months ago

    how did she log out after uninstalling?

    • 6 months ago

      learn to read

    • 6 months ago

      She's logging out of life

    • 6 months ago

      The japanse read right to left

      • 6 months ago

        No they don't.

        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Their horizontal writing is left to right, while their vertical writing is right to left
          >Traditionally, Japanese is written in a format called tategaki (縦書き), which was inherited from traditional Chinese practice. In this format, the characters are written in columns going from top to bottom, with columns ordered from right to left. After reaching the bottom of each column, the reader continues at the top of the column to the left of the current one.

      • 6 months ago

        >party a in being without accepted be cannon quest This
        yea okay, whatever you say, moron.

        • 6 months ago

          anon its ".ytrap a ni gnieb tuohtiw detpecca eb tonnac tseuq shiT"
          you fricking dumbass Black person

    • 6 months ago

      Anon, right to left panel layout, it's manga

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe you should stop being online and go back to school

  2. 6 months ago

    they're all shit

  3. 6 months ago

    Because there aren't any MMORPGs around. It's all just a Skinner-boxes with participation awards and homosexuals afraid of cooperation play "solo". The genre was killed by the c**ts who dont like the genre.

    • 6 months ago

      If you don't know anyone playing you shouldn't be forced to team up with randoms to be able to actually play. A game with no option to go solo is shit even if you have the option to not do so.

      • 6 months ago

        Then play a single player RPG homosexual. That's like saying "Racing games should have sections where you get out of the car and platform for people who don't like driving"

        • 6 months ago

          how about you go outside and make friends instead of forcing it into videogame mechanics you lonely homosexual

          • 6 months ago

            kek there he goes, losing the argument and then proceeding to lash out like a child

            • 6 months ago

              losing what argument? Game content being held behind social interaction? It's a garbage mechanic

          • 6 months ago

            >the act of making friends is so foreign a concept that it's something he needs to force

          • 6 months ago

            aren't you the lonely homosexual who can't into human interaction though?

      • 6 months ago

        Because the entire draw of an MMORPG is an adventure with many other players going on the same adventure in real time. The social aspect nowadays is lost because it's no longer "required" because crybabies like don't wanna socialize and want to play a game designed for multiple people solo. Sure, that can be an option, but it should not be encouraged nor rewarded. Go play a single-player RPG if you want that experience. MMORPGs went to shit the minute they started catering to asocial loners.
        And even if all was right, MMORPGs would still be dead because Discord holds a social monopoly now (yeah, Vent/Skype was "required" by some guilds due to big coordinated raids or GvG, but they weren't all-encompassing like Discord is now), so nobody ever talks to people and makes friends in-game anymore.

        • 6 months ago

          >Guys I'm antisocial, thats why I don't play with others, BUT I do have 12 hours to b***h on twitter with strangers on the internet.
          >I have to interact with others in a game world specifically designed to interact with others?!
          >You know its quite relaxing doing unpaid chores in a virtual Amazon warehouse.
          Its pure fricking madness.

          >Metahomosexualry and minmaxing autism.
          >Discord servers replacing traditional ingame guilds
          >Trannies and other obnoxious degenerates inject themselves into the dev teams and communities.
          >Modern monetization models
          >Devs try to please either the turboest of braindead casuals or the most liveless autistic metagays without an inbetween
          >Censorship of ingame communication channels

          The current year and the chase for gratification instead of fun ruined everything. You have thousands of people who were never cherished or applauded, as they are under achievers and they minmax a 20 y,o game
          The new raid in WoW SoD has logs. At level 25.
          Level 25's are minmaxing, and buying gold.

          Is Josh Hayes the biggest poser homosexual in the world?
          >I love competition
          >yeah I played goldeneye 64
          >unreal against bots
          >no fighting games
          >no rts
          Also be constantly complains about LE CHILD CHARACTER even when they're absurdly above 18

          No wonder he was a teacher as they have the tendency to talk a lot and say nothing, while feeling superior for being slightly above average IQ, and more vocabulary than the average zoomie and millenial.
          He reminds me of those homosexuals who read 48 laws of power by Mr ~~*Greene*~~ and think no one is noticing it. A lot of yidtubers are doing this.
          He has some good takes, but mostly shit ones, essentially he is a smug redditshit, with the californian aftertaste.

      • 6 months ago

        If you feel forced to play with others in a game genre designed around being around and playing with others, then I think there's a conflict of interest there somewhere.

  4. 6 months ago

    Trannies wont let me eat people's spleens

    • 6 months ago

      same energy

      • 6 months ago

        >AJ's Life with Microcephaly

      • 6 months ago

        >usually rape attacking women
        its good to know he takes care of himself by having regular breaks

      • 6 months ago

        >Changing his name into something else to hide those

      • 6 months ago

        >AJ's Life with Microcephaly

  5. 6 months ago

    Because current XIV sucks, didn't like endwalker either.

  6. 6 months ago

    Just make an alt character and play with yourself
    Is she dumb or what

    • 6 months ago

      >play with yourself
      I'd watch that.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Skill issue.
      Buy another shitty laptop and run party by yourself.

  7. 6 months ago

    same as OP pic. Forced socialization for character progression is shit. MMOtards just romaticize sitting in global chat spamming LFG. Also botting is a constant problem. Now that I think about it everything wrong is tied to character progression/having fun and needing other people to be present for it

    • 6 months ago

      you're a moronic homosexual. the entire point of mmorpgs is the social element. have a nice day and end your bloodline.

      • 6 months ago

        You forgot about RPg part in your post.

      • 6 months ago

        I mean, I'm all for people choosing. Make anti-social MMOs and social MMOs. But if there's a 90/10 split, that's not really my problem. It's like how if no one wants to play with the griefers and PKers in open world MMOs anymore, too bad.

      • 6 months ago

        No the point of MMORPGs is to have a lot of players on the screen, the social elements are optional.

  8. 6 months ago

    Literally the worst genre.

    • 6 months ago

      and yet most people who've played mmos for any good amount of time will tell you some of their fondest memories in gaming were in their favorite mmo

      • 6 months ago

        so many things wrong with this post. wow

        • 6 months ago

          What is wrong with it? Playing games is supposed to produce nice memories and friendship. Gaming is a type of friendship in itself.

    • 6 months ago

      MOBAs and gacha are worse, although gacha is like the descendant of MMOs.

  9. 6 months ago

    I played 5 Ragnarok Online servers and the Papaya Tree of Savior release this year. I haven't MMO'd this hard in a while.

    We are alive and banging.

    • 6 months ago

      suddenly I can hear the Prontera music, what the frick I haven't played in like 15 years

  10. 6 months ago

    I never played an MMO because the subscription fee alone turned me off. Final fantasy seems like a good one though.

  11. 6 months ago

    When I got banned in Eve online for rmt.

  12. 6 months ago

    when i realized pfing savage was genuinely cancer and there was no hope of my old static coming back together

  13. 6 months ago

    When they all shifted from dungeon maps and outdoor areas to linear instanced content you're forced to party up with during a specific time limit and deviating in any way is just "playing wrong", and the optimal way to play is just following the boring ass forced "story quests" instead of naturally coming across the lore if you look for it.

    • 6 months ago

      I feel you, it's what really kills Renewal RO for me. I can deal with 3rd and 4th jobs, the vertical itemization and complete lack of balance, but when the gameloop consists of running raids over and over again, I can't find the motivation.

      MMOs go out of their way, really hard, to invalidate the large open world that is supposed to be the center of their game. Nothing screams Modern MMO louder than a game where you log in and spend hours just queuing for content and then log off, without having left the city.

      suddenly I can hear the Prontera music, what the frick I haven't played in like 15 years

      /rog/ was active for the last 6 months or so but it's been slow recently. Check back regularly to see when the next fresh server start happens.

      • 6 months ago

        Raids? Instanced content? What the frick happened to RO

        • 6 months ago

          The same thing that happened to every game. Number must go up. Players must be put on seasonal gear treadmills. Goals must always be temporary.

        • 6 months ago

          Most of the content added post Renewal were instanced raids.
          The world map barely expanded from 13.2, which was the last Pre-Re map.

          By the way, Renewal was 14 years ago and Pre-Renewal only lasted 7.

          • 6 months ago

            >Renewal was 14 years ago
            oh god

            • 6 months ago

              >By the way, Renewal was 14 years ago and Pre-Renewal only lasted 7.

              >By the way, Renewal was 14 years ago and Pre-Renewal only lasted 7.

              I thought we were just having a friendly chat about RO, what the frick I'm going to kill myself tonight


              >Renewal Release - Main Server 17/06/2009
              >Super Novice expansion 22/12/2010
              >Kagerou and Oboro(ninja 3rd) 19/10/2011
              >Episode 14.3 Part 2 - Decisive Battle 06/03/2013
              >Max. Level 160/50 22/08/2012
              Decisive Battle is when you kill Satan Morroc for real and end the events started by the Destruction of Morroc, the cause of Renewal/3rd Jobs/New World, in lore
              >Max. Level 175/60 + New 3rd job skills 06/13/2013
              >Classes - Rebellion 17/07/2013
              Yes, Gunslingers had to wait 4 years for their 3rd job, two more than Ninjas
              >New Job for Doram - Summoner 01/10/2015
              That's the furry race
              >Soul Ripper/Star Emperor 20/06/2018
              Soul Linkers and Star Gladiators had to wait 9 years for their 3rd job
              >Max. Level 185/65 01/08/2018
              >Max. Level 200/70 07/08/2019
              >Increase maximum damage display to 99,999M 04/12/2019
              Ever felt like you lost control of balance? Well, this isn't the highest it goes...
              >Classes - 4th Classes 16/09/2020
              This is where we start calling it Post-Renewal, since we're talking about 4th Jobs now
              >Episode 20 Undying 02/03/2023
              Latest episode.

              • 6 months ago

                This video is everything you need to know about modern RO

              • 6 months ago

                >5 hits to kill Naght Seiger
                >1 hit to kill Entwei
                >dies once to Beelze because of reflect, just cash shop item revives like nothing happened
                >leaves all the good loot behind because it's worthless
                Why even run ET?

                gonna be honest with you guys, the last true MMO was tree of savior in 2016 and if you missed the first 3 months of that you will never experience what it's like to play and real MMO ever again
                there's a reason it blew up in japan

                Tree of Savior's pre-release cycle was indeed magic that can never be recaptured.

              • 6 months ago

                Because smoothbrains like the dopamine rush of big numbers exploding out of every monster on screen. They think being able to effortlessly solo ET with a support class means they're good at the game, when instead there's just no challenge of any pre-ren content in Renewal. Even most renewal content is a joke because of how super saiyan everybody ends up becoming (as long as you drop $2000 on cash shop items).

          • 6 months ago

            >By the way, Renewal was 14 years ago and Pre-Renewal only lasted 7.

          • 6 months ago

            >By the way, Renewal was 14 years ago and Pre-Renewal only lasted 7.

            I thought we were just having a friendly chat about RO, what the frick I'm going to kill myself tonight

      • 6 months ago

        i'm this gif except all my tos friends kept playing games together while the rest of you /tosg/ gays lost touch with each other hahahahahah homosexuals get fricked especially healBlack person

        • 6 months ago

          I managed to stay in touch with quite a few of them. We were playing RO together only a few weeks ago. I even met some of the old folks again during the Papaya ToS launch window.

          So, who were you in that gif?

          • 6 months ago

            oh wait are you LP?

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah it's me. Hello, old friend. Hope you've been well.

              • 6 months ago

                I can't believe your rodelero3 meme ended up actually being viable for pvp, you lucked out.

              • 6 months ago

                Well, nu-ToS's Rodelero has nothing to do with the original class.

                Rodelero on release had weak skill by itself but a bunch of its skill applies debuffs to the enemy that increased Strike damage by +100%. It was only defend if you debuffed and followed up with damage. It also had magic immunity and lots of CC.

                Rodelero in nu-ToS doesn't have the debuffs, instead all the skills just have really fricking high damage modifiers. Most of the CC is gone except Montano, which is just a light CC skill now(and surprisingly, does long range damage). Losing magic immunity is what hurt most though.

                What really carries the build is not Rodelero but Retiarius. Swordies are worthless if they can't land hits, and Reti has all the hard CC I could ask for.

              • 6 months ago

                ToS pvp is very gear heavy, Rodelero sucks in reality

              • 6 months ago

                >very gear heavy
                Fortunately I played from Papaya release and didn't skip a day until the day I quit, so I was ahead of the curve in gear. Well, for non-whale standards that is.

                Well, nu-ToS's Rodelero has nothing to do with the original class.

                Rodelero on release had weak skill by itself but a bunch of its skill applies debuffs to the enemy that increased Strike damage by +100%. It was only defend if you debuffed and followed up with damage. It also had magic immunity and lots of CC.

                Rodelero in nu-ToS doesn't have the debuffs, instead all the skills just have really fricking high damage modifiers. Most of the CC is gone except Montano, which is just a light CC skill now(and surprisingly, does long range damage). Losing magic immunity is what hurt most though.

                What really carries the build is not Rodelero but Retiarius. Swordies are worthless if they can't land hits, and Reti has all the hard CC I could ask for.

                >all those spelling errors
                I need sleep.

      • 6 months ago

        >install ToS again
        >everything is now hidden in some UI
        >endgame is still just running daily and weeklies
        >they made some improvements but at the same time added so many new things locked behind multiple layers of RNG again it ruins the game
        >Old content that is still important became harder to achieve and locks people out of endgame
        >Material walls for upgrading things drag out progression
        >Reworked headgear system with cash shop scrolls being flat out better than the ingame ones. Ingame ones are nearly unobtainable as the content is too hard even for whales after several nerfes
        >last patch added FOMO gacha locked class
        I don't know how this is meant to be fun. People are rumouring that the developers intentionally want to kill the PC version to replace it with their even more soulless mobile garbage since it also has a PC client.

  14. 6 months ago

    Not only are all modern MMOs just glorified single player games but the new mechanics actually conflict with having to share the space with other people.

    For example nearly all the bosses in FF14 are based around gimmicks and a puzzle like a Zelda boss. This is a fun thing in a single player game, but in an MMO it just means only the people on Day 1 have fun figuring it out, and for years afterwards every new player is expected to look up the answer beforehand so they don't slow the party down.

    • 6 months ago

      you don't have friends who do blind runs?

  15. 6 months ago

    I didnt, wakfu has been pretty fun these past few days, never played it before.

  16. 6 months ago

    After 15,000 hours of FFXI, I don't think I can ever play a game like that again, because it no longer feels comfy and therapeutic to me, it instead just feels like a waste of time. I also think these old MMOs sold people based on the social experience and after spending so many years online and never making a single friend, but still somehow finding myself at the center of drama and bullied relentlessly, I no longer have a desire to socialize - except here, because everything's anonymous and ephemeral.

    And MMOs could've gotten better over the years, but they got worse. They've become a completely different genre where you basically speedrun to end-game, which is just a bunch of instanced boss fights you learn the meta for by watching YouTube videos, all for the sake of gradually changing the color of your armor. There's no immersion or horizontal progression and everything feels manufactured and fleeting. I think they all look ugly, too, but that's a whole other story.

    • 6 months ago

      Every MMO player comes to the same conclusion in the end. It's hard to swallow 15,000 hours lost on a game, but you can take that ability to power through things and use it in other areas in your life. Pick up a useful hobby and approach it with the same fervor and you'll be alright.

  17. 6 months ago

    >fishing lvls?
    >no response
    >buying [...]
    >no response
    >all late game combat makes EoC combat mandatory despite the engine not supporting it at all

    • 6 months ago

      you're the only human playing rs3

  18. 6 months ago

    i already have a job

  19. 6 months ago

    There are no good anime mmos.

  20. 6 months ago

    I still play Mabinogi
    Today they release a bunch of new skills and a new event and a new Christmas dress
    Very fun fun fun
    Archery + Alchemy
    Magic + Chain Blade

    • 6 months ago

      >Archery + Alchemy
      >Combining two money sinks into one arcana

  21. 6 months ago

    how do you uninstall before logging out?

    • 6 months ago

      by having Ligma in your PC

    • 6 months ago

      >Remember you forgot to log out
      >Log in
      >Log out
      Disaster averted.

  22. 6 months ago

    Because they stopped being MMO

  23. 6 months ago

    I'm playing PokeMMO.
    It has Gens 1-5 and no nu-gen bullshit like fairy type or megas.

    • 6 months ago

      It sucks the moron zoomers keep wanting new Pokémon shit in it

  24. 6 months ago

    I play pokemmo now casually

  25. 6 months ago

    Is Josh Hayes the biggest poser homosexual in the world?
    >I love competition
    >yeah I played goldeneye 64
    >unreal against bots
    >no fighting games
    >no rts
    Also be constantly complains about LE CHILD CHARACTER even when they're absurdly above 18

    • 6 months ago

      What the actual frick are you talking about

      • 6 months ago

        >work mind numbing job
        >at least get to listen to shit on phone
        >YouTube recommends me some guy called Josh strife
        >frickin whatever it's gaming videos let's see
        >he's the biggest poser homosexual

      • 6 months ago

        It's a bot post, ignore

    • 6 months ago

      generic mmotard bigoted against asian mmos

    • 6 months ago

      I've had a few conversations with him and I always bring up that he should review Star Trek Online as it's one of the few medium MMOs he hasn't done yet, but he keeps on saying he'll get to it but never does.
      That reason alone makes him a giant homosexual. Star Trek Online had predatory MTX back in 2012. Back before it was "normalized" in the west.

    • 6 months ago

      He's the prototypical redditor who played a few MMOs in his teens and now fancies himself an expert.

    • 6 months ago

      He's an uber casual but pretends he's an actual gamer, he's only playing games because its fashionable. Quite a narcisist.

    • 6 months ago

      >work mind numbing job
      >at least get to listen to shit on phone
      >YouTube recommends me some guy called Josh strife
      >frickin whatever it's gaming videos let's see
      >he's the biggest poser homosexual

      Holy shit have a nice day. Spending any amount of time talking about a youtuber is a sign of brain rot.
      Just stop.
      Do you go whinge and complain about anon posts from other threads? no? Why do you do it for youtubers? Answer brain rot.

  26. 6 months ago

    MMOs were only ever fun for the people you interact with. Modern MMOs are no longer the refuge of nerds, weirdos, and outcasts like they were in the early 2000s. As such, the part the part that made them good is gone. Their actual gameplay was always ass.

  27. 6 months ago

    Because I want to play vidya when I want to play and not have to rely on others for anything. Frick everyone else. Get off my virtual lawn.

  28. 6 months ago

    Are MMOs really like Hack where there's a group of players being jannies and orbiting some b***h?

    • 6 months ago

      Yes, unironically.

  29. 6 months ago

    >First MMO I tried was Guild Wars 2 since it didnt have a sub fee
    >Bought it at launch
    >Enjoyed it immensely
    >Even formed a guild with some people, we grew it one of the largest guilds in the server, just me and 2 other dudes in command
    >No politics discussion ever
    >Fast forward to 2016
    >Suddenly politics becomes more prevalent in discussions
    >Some big incident happens, all I said on my twitter was that I was waiting for evidence cause I didnt wanna crucify what looked like some scared kid
    >Log in like normal
    >The other 2 dudes apparently where watching my twitter and want me to step down
    >Usual safe space crap
    >I deleted all our resources and shut down the entire thing down
    I just wanted to play videogames.
    Part of me wants to try again but I've seen my sister and a good friend of mine go through absolute hell with some idiots, like this one troony that was purposely sandbagging an FF14 raid cause my friend mis-gendered her(he didnt know he had and they didnt say anything.)

    • 6 months ago

      >GW2 for first MMO
      >afraid of subs
      >uses Twitter to talk about normalgay shit
      I now understand why MMOs aren't the same as when I first started logging into them...

      • 6 months ago

        The problem has always been the same. There was never a golden age of MMOs thats impossible by the simple fact anyone who plays an MMO is a fricking moron.

        • 6 months ago

          I am certainly moronic, but there was absolutely a golden age for MMOs. WoW was the end of it.

    • 6 months ago

      why the frick did your guild members have your personal twitter? are you dumb?

      • 6 months ago

        They didnt. I never shared that info with anyone, they had a member spying on everyone.

  30. 6 months ago

    I never really enjoyed them in the first place. I only played free MMOs in my middle school years because I didn't have the money to buy actual games.

  31. 6 months ago

    MMOs are dead. The community is divided between
    >Bad players who want to be carried and good players who have to carry them just to do content.
    >Cucks who want to censor your characters and coomers who want to erp as naked e-girls
    >baiters who want to report anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest and people with no filter who want to casually call each other slurs
    >Not to mention the increasing amount of people with social anxiety who just want to play a game without interacting with other people

    The solution is to phase out the true MMO and replace it with Genshin style single player adventure games with optional Co op if you want to play with your discord friends. But trying to design a game around mandated and practically randomized social interaction in the current era where everyone hates eachother and refuses entirely to interact with people whose views differ from their own isn't going to work.

    • 6 months ago

      Society as a whole is steadily devolving into divisively extreme ideals held by cliques whose entire purpose is to push those ideals to a further extreme
      >Not to mention the increasing amount of people with social anxiety who just want to play a game without interacting with other people
      Literally unironically me

  32. 6 months ago

    This was a prime reason. All MMOs that are "story heavy" by forcing you to play single-player missions and watch cutscenes are offering a subpar combat experience and a subpar story experience compared to a single-player game, and a subpar multiplayer experience since I have to do it alone. There is no exception.

  33. 6 months ago

    Remove leveling
    Remove the overworld
    Remove gathering, crafting, trading, auctions, etc.
    Have a chatroom and a matchmaking button for your dungeon/raid/battleground

    Your game is now functionally identical to FFXIV, WoW, and the next five most popular MMOs nobody knows the name of.

  34. 6 months ago

    Never started.
    I'm not paying a fricking subscription fee for a video game.

    • 6 months ago

      The end of subscription models is precisely the reason why MMOs went to shit. Endless hordes of bots and 3rd worlders and a focus on cash shop and microtransactions.

      Subscriptions were the best thing about MMOs.

      • 6 months ago

        subs never stopped botting, stop with this myth. Not even social security numbers stopped bots

        • 6 months ago

          The complete lack of subs definitely exacerbates the problem. With subs, the bots pay for a large fraction of the upkeep costs, and makes the entrypoint of using them more difficult.

        • 6 months ago

          No one says it completely stopped botting but it was nowhere near as fricking bad.
          I'd still take "significantly less bots" over "significantly more bots" thank you, hue-san. The experience on sub mmos was always much better in that regard.

      • 6 months ago

        FFXIV has all of those and its a subscription. It doesn't do anything.

        • 6 months ago

          Botting is the only relevant issue in XIV and that's because of the free trial.

    • 6 months ago

      You'll never understand. It was well worth the price, not much in the world of entertainment could get you a couple hundred hours of fun every month for ~$15.

  35. 6 months ago

    best mmo ever is zombie panic, co-op horror, free on steam

  36. 6 months ago

    They're all fricking garbage now and run by greedy fricks who want you to waste your time chasing the same carrot over and over again. Most of them are in your face honest about it too.

  37. 6 months ago

    gonna be honest with you guys, the last true MMO was tree of savior in 2016 and if you missed the first 3 months of that you will never experience what it's like to play and real MMO ever again
    there's a reason it blew up in japan

  38. 6 months ago

    I love MMOs but I only want to play on my own.
    FFXI and WoW private servers are all I play now

  39. 6 months ago

    Because the atypical MMO model of automatic combat and extremely large open areas is really low bar and shitty.

    BYOND (before the fangame purge) was a life saver in that regard becaise many creators understood that people actually wanted active positioning and condensed environments BUT that got to me because the grind and necessity to interact with others to grind got tiresome since relationships online are meaningless. This gets excaperated by the fact that people quit out of the blue and youre left with your personal rhythm being fricked up as you struggle to find someone who will be willing to stick it out. Even if youre the kind to just ally up based on someones skills and then split its still annoying because of how you have to keep going back to the waiting ques.

    ...That being said I still frick with Mobile games. But MMOs? Absolutely cant do em anymore. Theyre as repetitive as hitting the gym but theres not really a pay off you live with for sloshing through the mud like going to the gym since at some point you wanna stop.

    • 6 months ago

      You're the only person that has ever used this shit for anything besides ss13

  40. 6 months ago

    For me it's Haven and Hearth.
    Eve and Albion are also okay if I want less sandbox and more PvP.
    MMOs without full loot PvP are boring.

    • 6 months ago

      hell yeah

    • 6 months ago

      I played Albion for like 15 hours and it was really fun, but it was hard to find social people in it. Maybe I'll try again

    • 6 months ago

      hell yeah

    • 6 months ago

      hell yeah

  41. 6 months ago

    i play haven and hearth with my friend rn that's it

    i'd play a new ffxi server but horizon has effectively killed the scene so idk

    • 6 months ago

      Horizon made me realize that I don't want to interface at all with the current MMO community in any shape or form. I will just continue to enjoy the worlds of my favorite MMOs by myself on private servers or FFXI on retail

    • 6 months ago

      Horizon made me realize that I don't want to interface at all with the current MMO community in any shape or form. I will just continue to enjoy the worlds of my favorite MMOs by myself on private servers or FFXI on retail

      I started playing horizon like a month ago with zero XI knowledge prior, its a bit archaic and it doesn't help that theres some things that couldn't be "patched" to be relevant to its time period so that was a little confusing, but it was really cool to come across a party in the desert and they were like "hey bro, party?" and we just killed little crabs and shit for like an hour and nearly wiped to a single skeleton

      • 6 months ago

        Partying is the best part of FFXI, or randomly popping around doing missions. It's the inverse of WoW (at least on Horizon) where FFXI has dick all that's fun to do once you hit level cap.

      • 6 months ago

        that's good anon, FFXI is a great game where you can get into situations like that

        hopefully you get more out of the server than i was able to

  42. 6 months ago

    I just started

  43. 6 months ago

    Because MMOs stopped being for me
    There was a time when MMOs were ostensibly a social space for nerds, one that you engaged in while playing a game. Nowadays MMOs go out of their way to appeal to the lowest common denominator, it is no longer the nerd social space, it is simply another social media network for normies that happens to have a game attached to it. Why the FRICK would I want to play a game with facebook normies?

    • 6 months ago

      have you ever considered not categorizing people as le nerds or le normies or le whatever, and strive to be friends with as many people as possible without judging them?

  44. 6 months ago

    I've played too many KRmmos and got myself burned out.
    So I'm enjoying my time in my FFXIV retirement home.
    It ain't much but it fill my MMO itch.

    • 6 months ago

      >game is entirely solo
      >it fill my mmo itch

      • 6 months ago

        Not him but I like the structure of MMOs and there aren't really other games like them.
        I want to build out a party, complete quests in a bunch of areas, and delve into dungeons for random treasure. I also like crafting stuff. However I realized I no longer want to do any of this with other human players. Private servers are exactly what I'm looking for

      • 6 months ago

        You can't run the dungeon on rotation solo
        You can't do the up to date trials solo
        You can't do the raids solo
        You can't play the market solo
        You can't pvp solo

        And you can't have fun with your friends solo.

        • 6 months ago

          >Duty support
          >Duty support
          >Imagine raiding in a game that doesn't actually reward you anything for doing so
          >Play the market in a game where you can do everything yourself
          >You literally can't queue PVP with a party

          Step it the frick up anon.

          • 6 months ago

            you can do ONE trial (on easy mode) with duty support, which isn't even max level
            raiding gives gear, what
            timed nodes means you can do everything yourself but you'll never have the time
            pvp is literally "player vs player", how is that solo

            • 6 months ago

              What do you need the gear for in XIV, moron? WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THE GEAR? You subhuman piece of shit. You can't take it into other content because of level sync. Furthermore, you can only use it for the boss fight, not even the other boss fights.
              There's NOTHING to do with the gear.

              The problem, Anon. It is that you COULD be playing with bots and not know. FFXIV isn't a multiplayer game.

        • 6 months ago

          >dungeon is a literal loot hallway. no one talks. queue, rotation, roll, leave. might as well be solo
          >trials: see above, plus endless dying because some shitter can't help himself standing in orange
          >log in once a week to raid, discord call, and maybe if you have a fun group (very rare) have a good time
          >markets: ????? you don't need a group to use the MB
          >you can literally queue for pvp solo, chat is limited because the troony thin skin playerbase can't stand shit talk. you have a chat rotation or just spam "Good job!"?
          >ffxiv >friends

        • 6 months ago

          Good thing Yoshi p is adding duty support for all of those so you can now pay 10$ every month to literally never interact with another human being in this mmo
          >can't pvp solo

  45. 6 months ago

    >be good at MMO
    >don’t attention prostitute
    >can’t make friends
    >go play better game

    • 6 months ago

      I you can't attention prostitute or make friends then you aren't good at MMOs.

      • 6 months ago

        There is like an actual game
        And it’s easy to get into groups for the real content
        But to be popular just spam your character a lot and be obnoxious

        • 6 months ago

          Any idiot can play the braindead gameplay, the real MMO are the friends we made along the way.

          • 6 months ago

            >Any idiot can play the braindead gameplay
            You would think so but you would be wrong

  46. 6 months ago

    10 minutes in I found out they all control like shit and never get any better. MMOs literally cannot have good controls because the servers are too expensive to upkeep without the money from Australians on 20 year old Compaq laptops.

  47. 6 months ago

    I didn't. I've been playing at least one since I was a child. It just varies which one I'm on at the moment. Because, y'know, games usually can't hold attention for years and years in a row with no break. Gotta diversify.

    Right now it's RuneScape, a classic as it was my first. Still great! Though very different than most MMOs.

    • 6 months ago

      >Still great!
      lol lmao even

      Mostly computers getting more (too) powerful. You are no longer restricted by and large TO the game, most of the game ends up being discussed, experienced, and shared outside of the game itself. Guilds run everything out of discord/vent/ts3/mumble servers (They did before but nowhere near as much), players don't really want to interact they want instant gratification and for the game to work like a single player game or a list of chores they do every day/week.
      I just don't see people enjoying the games anymore, it's just people logging in to do their dailies/weeklies, and then they log out. They hang out with people on discord and it makes me say "why play the game at all? Just hang out."
      Every mmo I used to enjoy has fallen to the daily menace, and it sucks as someone who has one or two days a week off to spend playing vidya. I am permanently crippled and behind people who can play every day. To a point I went from spending $100-$200 a month on shit in f2p MMOs to $0 in over 3 years (and also cashing out in particular ones like maplestory, mabinogi, runescape, etc).
      I want to play on my terms. Not the developers.


  48. 6 months ago

    Personally I miss MMOs being immersive and shit. Nowadays they feel less like worlds populated by their players and more like just games and nothing more. I don't know how much of that can be attributed to just me getting older or modern MMO design, but I'm sure it's a mix rather than just one on its own.
    I also just dislike how because so many people play them, and because so much about them is documented, there's no real sense of wonder and discovery. Everything about the game you just already know because someone posted it online, and you're EXPECTED by other plays to have read that guide so you don't slow them down as they proceed to optimize the fun out of the genre.
    Then again, I haven't gotten into a new MMO since PSO2, and stopped when New Genesis came out, so maybe I'm missing out on some kino.

  49. 6 months ago

    Most MMOs are just dead and don't even require parties until the end game. You are just playing until you reach level cap and then do raids with random people until you get bored. This would be fine but subscription fees and pay to win just murder these games.

    • 6 months ago

      Okay, name the ones that aren't like that.

      • 6 months ago

        None anymore. MapleStory pre miracle cubes was a different era we will never get. Once they made it about numbers...it was over.

        • 6 months ago

          Grinding in Maplestory pre-Big Bang was soul-crushing. Even at level 60, you'd be lucky to get 1 level in 6 hours, and that's assuming everything was in your favor (optimal map, fast killing class with optimal stats and equipment, no killstealers, etc) unless you had a 2x EXP card, which only cut the grind in half. Half of a long time is still a long time.
          We tolerated it because of, unironically, the friends we made along the way. Talking with friends and guildies as we casually slaughter thousands of the same mobs hour after hour. More friends. More connections. More bro time. And then you get to the boss runs and high level PQs you can do with all the friends you talked with so much. Meet new people who are higher level building up strategies, optimizing parties, it felt like an actual adventure with real people.

          Now you can get to level 200 in a few hours without needing to type a single word in chat. And the moment you try to talk to anyone in a guild, you get sent a discord invite instead.

        • 6 months ago

          Pre-BB MS was still about numbers, it just wasn't as excessive about it as it was later on. You still had to get decent DPS or your horntail party would take 6 hours to clear it by which point most of your party would likely crash or get fricked by seduce. You still had to HP wash which was the dumbest mechanic ever devised in any game, ever.
          Don't get me wrong I don't like BB at all, but let's not pretend like pre-BB was an objectively good game on the merits of the game itself. Pre-3rd job was the best because that's when the game played to its original strengths - running around fields, platforming while dodging monster attacks, having a slow but enjoyable grind where you could travel around entire regions and still feel like you were accomplishing something. By the time you hit 70+ on vanilla, you run into a brick wall where monsters start having magic attacks that automatically hit you with no chance to dodge, and potion costs become exorbitantly high for no reason.

          • 6 months ago

            >and potion costs become exorbitantly high for no reason.
            NLC's potions were added to alleviate that. But they ended up being TOO good and suddenly Fighters and Wizards were getting yelled at for using buffs that gave inferior stat boosts to the potions.
            Good times.

  50. 6 months ago

    Not as much free time and too depressed to put myself out there and socialize. God it hurts. I miss being young and impressed by even the shittiest jankiest mmo. I'm just a shell of the person I used to be.

  51. 6 months ago

    MMOs by themselves aren't fun at all, what makes them fun is being basically a playable chat room to meet other people and do shit together. Problem is people fricking suck now and so does the internet so there's almost no reason to play an MMO in 2023.

  52. 6 months ago

    I played exactly one garbage p2w ncsoft MMO over a decade ago but I will enter every MMO thread to remind you that all MMOs are garbage.

  53. 6 months ago

    I didn't. I just come back every now and then.

  54. 6 months ago

    Mostly computers getting more (too) powerful. You are no longer restricted by and large TO the game, most of the game ends up being discussed, experienced, and shared outside of the game itself. Guilds run everything out of discord/vent/ts3/mumble servers (They did before but nowhere near as much), players don't really want to interact they want instant gratification and for the game to work like a single player game or a list of chores they do every day/week.
    I just don't see people enjoying the games anymore, it's just people logging in to do their dailies/weeklies, and then they log out. They hang out with people on discord and it makes me say "why play the game at all? Just hang out."
    Every mmo I used to enjoy has fallen to the daily menace, and it sucks as someone who has one or two days a week off to spend playing vidya. I am permanently crippled and behind people who can play every day. To a point I went from spending $100-$200 a month on shit in f2p MMOs to $0 in over 3 years (and also cashing out in particular ones like maplestory, mabinogi, runescape, etc).
    I want to play on my terms. Not the developers.

  55. 6 months ago

    Two words.
    4 months of $15 a month, a price tag popularized by wow, and you've paid for an AAA game. Now you also include how most mmos are paid games that release paid expansions with a freemium type cash shop and you have a money bonfire.

  56. 6 months ago

    Because the only one i cared about went to shit long ago.

  57. 6 months ago

    >enjoying FFXIV level 1-50
    >craftan and healan and making friends
    >decide to start the first dlc, endwalker or whatever
    >play a little and it's fine but I want to meet some homies
    >join an fc
    >lvl 80s, drama, discordhomosexualry
    >decide maybe it'd be fun to run extreme raids and hard dungeons since I'm the right level
    >what was supposed to be a fun raid or two turns into me watching these max level gays one-hit bosses over and over so i get the stupid mounts I didn't even want or use

    I put it down after that

  58. 6 months ago

    i didn't. playing black desert and having fun

  59. 6 months ago

    I never started. Closest thing I played was wizard 101 and I lost my password for both the account and email I used to sign up with 🙁
    Any good ones that run on potato PC's?

  60. 6 months ago

    I was the #1 PKer in an MMO for two years straight, and I had a small little coalition on my side but the vast majority of the server was against me, so 90%+ of the server against me. I was probably the most well known players in the game, and at the very least top three most well known. So there were thousands of people that knew of me.

    I'm the kind of person that likes to be liked by people, and when I deal with people I try to treat them well. I never engaged in PvP against people that weren't mutually engaged against me, and also never went after noobs. I wouldn't even kill noobs a lot of times that were coming right after me and would often ignore them. Once I decided I was going to kill someone, they had basically no chance though, and I was going to get them. So there were a lot of players that were scared of me.

    There was a minority of players that really hated me, and had it out for me. They'd harass me, and spread rumours about me. So I'd constantly be accused of cheating. I even had some dumbass mod accusing me of cheating, and I set up a stream of me playing to prove my innocence. So I had that moron breathing down my neck, a small group of people that were always hating on me and sending me insulting messages or spamming me a bunch of times. And that same group of people basically started a smear campaign against me and trying to disparage me to everyone in the server as a whole.

    My name became like poison to even mention. I basically just started to hate everyone that played except this little coalition clique of people that I got along with very well. They trusted me, and we'd all do anything for each other and had each other's backs but they started to get harassed too, and some of them got doxed. I watched a lot of my friends get drove away from the game until it was just me left. People that I even had nothing to do with would even get accused of being in league with me and drove away from the game...

    • 6 months ago

      Good. Get fricked, murderer.

      • 6 months ago

        I never went after anybody that didn't have it coming. A lot of the people that decided they want to be my enemies were some of the most low, underhanded shits imaginable.

        Game and server? Was it Ragnarok Online?

        I don't want to say otherwise people will know who I am.

        • 6 months ago

          >I don't want to say otherwise people will know who I am
          Was the server called Avalon?

          • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          >I don't want to say otherwise people will know who I am.
          you arent important enough for people to care who you are, you have a big ego for a nobody

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, I know. I just don't want to deal with anymore of the abuse in my life again even here on Ganker. It was traumatic for me, and I think I was traumatized from the last year of time I spent playing.

            After being treated like that. I have sympathy for people that become "e-celebs" that attract groups of haters that come after them. But these people generally ask for the attention and I never asked for any of the attention that I received.

            • 6 months ago

              >tryhard pker in mmo
              You unironically asked for it

              • 6 months ago

                Well yeah, I had no life and that was one of the ways people would often abuse me. I wasn't the only one with no life, though. All the people that hated me were all tryhards with no life either. It's not like the whole server hated me, though. A lot of people that played didn't even give a shit about any of this and were basically neutrals. The majority of the servers were neutrals. But among the tryhard portion of the playerbase there was shitloads of toxicity and a lot of that toxicity was directed right against me and my allies. Nobody else could handle the abuse against me, and everybody on my side quit the game. Even the one person that was still left after me quit shortly after I left.

                Usually I expect PKers to be thick skinned people but you sound like a pansy.

                I am thick skinned, but it was the daily barrage against me that got to me like death by a thousand cuts.

              • 6 months ago

                >I am thick skinned
                >cries like a b***h about being bullied in some online game

              • 6 months ago

                That game was my life. The only people I talked to were people from that MMO. I played like 16 hours a day. My real life girlfriend was from the game. I wasn't in a healthy space and the environment that I was consumed in was a very toxic space with other no life tryhards. I also wasn't a griefer and never griefed people and always treated other people with politeness. That's how I had lived my life up until that point and I never suddenly had people in my life, large numbers of them treating me with hostility and enmity.

                I really do feel like I was bullied and the time I spent playing did a lot of emotional damage to me. I don't care if you think that makes me weak but that's what really happened. I even cried when I quit playing.

              • 6 months ago

                Sorry bro, I just can't take seriously anybody that brings up cyberbullying or "emotional damage". You are 100% a pussy, no way around it.

              • 6 months ago

                Maybe I am but I think you would break much more easily from it than I did.

              • 6 months ago

                What you described happened to me, exactly the same way. I too experienced playing years and being a top PvPer on a cut throat server.
                But unlike you I burned my hatred as fuel for the journey and saw it to the end.
                Letting it get to you that much then silently quitting is the pussy way out. If you had a legit reason to stop that would've been one thing but you allowed yourself to be teased out of the game.

                Truly, you should let your mother know that she, in reality, raised a daughter all along. Maybe skirts won't look so bad on you after a shot of vodka, or a dozen.

              • 6 months ago

                I wasn't teased out of the game, or got bantered out of the game. I could tell there were a lot of people that really fricking hated me.

              • 6 months ago

                And the mods treated me with hostility as well. Because often people would ragequit after being involved in PvP with me, and write public posts complaining about me. And mods had a perception that I was driving people away from the game and would lean in on me to give me a hard time.

                I silently quit, and what's the problem with that? What did you have a public ragequit?

                So fricking what? That's what happens when you are a PKer.
                At this point I'm seriously doubting your claim of being a good player. You don't get to that point without making enemies of half the server.

              • 6 months ago

                I explained lots of problems with my time playing and how they took an emotional toll on me. It wasn't just the public posts raging about me. I would get harassed all the time, and I told you how people that just associated with me getting doxed or messaged constantly with insults and mods basically condoning it and doing nothing. Or people that for just associating with me would get constantly ganked and griefed until they got drove out of the game. There was a small group of people that basically dedicated their time playing to making me miserable any way they could and would do any kind of underhanded shit they could think of to isolate me from other players. And they did eventually succeed and drove all my friends away from the game until it was just me and one other person that was playing. They were basically at war with me and my coalition for a full year.

                And they didn't drive all those people from the game because they were better skilled it was far from it. IT was the unrelenting harassment and toxicity that drove all the people away.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm starting to see why they disliked you so much, you talk in blog posts.

              • 6 months ago

                These toxic environments in the tryhard parts of MMOs aren't good for anybody even the worst perpetrators of them. It's not healthy, or normal. People should play a game to have fun, and play collaboratively not play with the intention of making enemies and "winning" by griefing the people you decided are your enemies until they don't want to play anymore.

                If you're going to defend it. Something is wrong with you.

              • 6 months ago

                >come into a thread and talk about how great you are but won't back it up with evidence
                >write entire mini novels about being so good but also how you can't say who you were because somebody might possibly have a 0.000001% chance they might know you on a sub-saharan polar bear safari forum
                >start crying about being doxed instead of talking about actual games, constantly bring it back to your feelings
                >start using phrases like "toxic environments" and "emotional toll on me"
                For the love of god please just fricking have a nice day god damn, at least get the frick off this website you insufferable c**t.

              • 6 months ago

                >People should play a game to have fun, and play collaboratively not play with the intention of making enemies and "winning" by griefing the people you decided are your enemies until they don't want to play anymore.
                Thats literally the point of PVPing though, youre just saying otherwise because you were weak and got bullied out

              • 6 months ago

                Go to reddit if you want a hugbox homosexual

              • 6 months ago

                >Gee, why do people not like me for PKing when they are just playing the game? I'm playing the game how I want, why can't they just go along with and not get mad at me for interrupting their game?
                Frick me anon you sound fricking insufferable. PKing is fine to an extent but it sounds like you did it so much it killed a server/game.
                >I don't want to say otherwise people will know who I am.
                You know your writing style reminds me of someone, it was a text based mmo wasn't it.

              • 6 months ago

                I wasn't teased out of the game, or got bantered out of the game. I could tell there were a lot of people that really fricking hated me.

                And the mods treated me with hostility as well. Because often people would ragequit after being involved in PvP with me, and write public posts complaining about me. And mods had a perception that I was driving people away from the game and would lean in on me to give me a hard time.

                I silently quit, and what's the problem with that? What did you have a public ragequit?

              • 6 months ago

                >boohoo, I murder and harass countless players over and over, why do people hate me, why are people so mean to meeeeee
                Get fricked psycho, frick around and find out
                >I also wasn't a griefer and never griefed people and always treated other people with politeness
                >I was the #1 PKer in an MMO
                Which is it? All non-consensual PvP is inherently griefing, you are not the victim here you disgusting subhuman

              • 6 months ago

                >all non-consensual PvP is inherently griefing
                No it isn't you big baby, you chose to play a game where things like that are designed to happen.

              • 6 months ago

                >Which is it? All non-consensual PvP is inherently griefing, you are not the victim here you disgusting subhuman
                The hostility was mutual, I had so many people to choose from to PK I was only going after people that were engaged in hostility with me. I didn't go after randos. All the people that were engaged in PvP only had a few people to go after on my side because we were so outnumbered.

                It's not like I was ganking noobs while they're farming, that never happened. There was only one incident that I killed noobs, and all of the other times even when noobs iniated combat with me, I just ignored them.

                The one time I did kill noobs, there was some guy that got a bunch of noobs together to swarm me. And this guy was pretending like he was an ally of mine, and needed help. So I went to help him, but he had with him a gank squad of noobs. And they swarmed me and my means to escape were cut off. They almost killed me but I killed all of them instead. All those noobs were there to kill me. And that was the only time I killed noobs.

            • 6 months ago

              Usually I expect PKers to be thick skinned people but you sound like a pansy.

        • 6 months ago

          No one cares psychopath, you should have a nice day right now
          Do it, make the world a better place without scum like you in it

    • 6 months ago

      ... I kept playing for a long time just to spite the people that hated me. Anytime another player would run afoul of the playerbase, I'd basically support that player any way I could even if they were somebody I didn't get along with before.

      After awhile, the constant abuse I'd get from other players just wore of me. There wasn't really ny one thing that really bothered me. It was more like the constant daily barrage wore me down. Near the end of my time playing, I hated everyone that played, except that very small group of people that were my friends.

      Then I just quietly left without telling anybody but one person that was my only friend left that still played.

    • 6 months ago

      Game and server? Was it Ragnarok Online?

    • 6 months ago

      >constantly ruin peoples game
      >waaa they ruined my life
      you deserved it

      say the game if its some KR mmo i hope you get what you deserve

    • 6 months ago

      Cool story that no one but you will ever care about

    • 6 months ago

      lmao you took that shit way too seriously what a homosexual

    • 6 months ago

      Oh, yeah, I also created by myself a new meta of PvP that changed the way people approached PvP completely. The meta I created changed changed my build that was considered before me as shit tier as suddenly viable for PvP.

      My build was hard to play so not many people copied me, but some did. It also wasn't the best, just viable, so there wasn't much incentive to copy me.

    • 6 months ago

      id take pride in having such terrible reputation it does take effort to get so much hate in your direction, you're popular. in fact im like 50% sure you're just bragging about it

  61. 6 months ago

    They stopped innovating and being social and I say this as someone who barely socialized in MMOs.

  62. 6 months ago

    All MMOs play like shit so I moved on to other genres, I won't come back unless someone makes a decent action MMO.

    • 6 months ago

      >action MMO.

      • 6 months ago

        Of course they're garbage, nobody has made a good one yet.

        • 6 months ago

          Tera and Blade and Soul both had good and fun gameplay, but as MMOs they were as. Tera became a shitty dress-up game and Blade and Soul started to focus on fricking 1vs1 duels w/ leagues and tourneys. Action gameplay and MMORPGs do mix well

          • 6 months ago

            Those aren't true action games, the only real action MMO is New World and it sucks because they don't know to make satisfying action combat.
            Then you have games like Vindictus that aren't really MMOs.

            • 6 months ago

              How the frick are Tera and Blade and Soul not true action MMOs?

              • 6 months ago

                When you swing a sword in those games it isn't a physical object that checks if things collide with it as it travels through space, it's a distance check that triggers when you press the ability and have an active target. AoE attacks work the same way, if you're in the distance check when it happens it triggers a damage event. No emulated physical interactions associated with action games are ever happening.

              • 6 months ago

                Tree of Savior has real hit boxes when you use skills. It does have a targetting feature but it's only for single target skills, which are not that many.

                Is that what you'd consider a true Action MMO?

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not familiar with that game but it might

              • 6 months ago

                I don't have many webms of it, but here's some melee combat. Notice that although there's targetting(the bar at the top), it's not actually doing anything since I'm only using melee skills with true hitboxes. Some of those are circular in front of me, others are cones. Spear classes usually have corridor shaped AoEs, although that's not my case.
                You can also see that I use a skill that knocks them back and then follow up with a skill that leaps forward the same distance. Nothing is targetted, it's an animation based on the direction I'm facing.

                AoE skills in ToS have quite complex mechanics, too. There are two stats related to it, called AoE Attack and Defense ratios. It determines how many enemies you can actually hit with an AoE. So if your attack has 7 AoE attack ratio, you can hit 7 small mobs(they have 1 aoe def), 4 medium mobs(2 each) or just 3 large mobs(3 each). It also determines the weight of which monsters are targetted inside an AoE.
                It's therefore possible, for example, to make a character stacked on AoE Def and use it to shield allies for enemy AoE attacks, because you absorb all the stack of the attack.

              • 6 months ago

                It might be considered an action MMO but it's more of a retro take on it, it's easier to implement things like that in a 2D environment. I'd like to see more 3D stuff that pushes boundaries of what's possible to do in a game with a lot of players on the screen.

                I see what you mean, but I do not trust KMMO reveal trailers in the slightest. Throne and Liberty had a fun reveal trailer and that game launched as an afk auto-battler game

                Yea they'll probably be full of time wasting grinds and p2w.

              • 6 months ago

                >I'd like to see more 3D stuff that pushes boundaries of what's possible to do in a game with a lot of players on the screen
                The closest thing you can get to that would be a Dark Soul style game. If I remember right, these games actually simulate moving object physics. I think the durability of items in Bloodborne goes down depending on how many frames they spend slicing through enemy sprites or something.

                But with a lot more players that quickly becomes almost impossible to do. Hitboxes are the best compromise you can get, unless you're content with publishing exclusively within Korea where you can get average sub-5 ping.

              • 6 months ago

                >No emulated physical interactions associated with action games are ever happening.
                Probably considering how technical MMOs already are, but if Tera and BnS couldn't work, what makes you think a true action combat system could work in an MMO?

              • 6 months ago

                It works in New World, the combat might be terrible because the devs don't know how to design a proper action game but on a technical level it works. If they can do it others can too, Koreans are already working on some things that look similar like Archeage 2 and Chrono Odyssey. Then you have the Riot MMO coming along which is also rumored to be an action MMO.

              • 6 months ago

                I haven't played New World so I can't say anything, but Archeage 2? Have they released gameplay footage for that already?
                Honestly, I doubt hitbox based combat is going to catch for MMOs, there's barely any positives to at when compared to how Tera/BnS did it. Just looking at New Worlds gameplay is enough to turn me off of the idea

              • 6 months ago

                Check the trailers for Archeage 2 and Chrono Odyssey instead, they don't seem to play like third person shooters like New World does.

              • 6 months ago

                I see what you mean, but I do not trust KMMO reveal trailers in the slightest. Throne and Liberty had a fun reveal trailer and that game launched as an afk auto-battler game

              • 6 months ago

                >it's a distance check that triggers when you press the ability and have an active target
                This is just flat out untrue for Tera, laughably so. There might have been some abilities that worked that way in in BnS but I didn't play it much so I couldn't say more.

                I'm not even sure what you mean by "emulated physical interactions." Do you think a game needs to have fighting game-like knockback to count as an action game (Tera brawler had this btw)? Regardless of what you mean, I'll just let you know that no one else uses your definition of "action game" whatever the frick it is, certainly not for action combat MMOs.

              • 6 months ago

                Tera is no more an action combat game than WoW is, changing the way you target enemies doesn't make the game take on a whole different genre in my book.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not just targeting. I have a go-to video that a friend of mine thankfully made, that I can show people like you what made TERA special:

              • 6 months ago

                Alright I was wrong about a lot of things, my memory of playing Tera many years ago has failed me.

              • 6 months ago

                >Filthy Casuals
                Damn, I feel old.

              • 6 months ago

                Tera was not tab-target if that's your misunderstanding.
                Otherwise the only thing that could cause the disconnect here is you taking issue with the way "action combat" is commonly used for MMOs. People call any MMO that has you free aiming the mouse with a crosshair to use and aim abilities action combat. If you don't like that definition for whatever reason, that's cool, but I'm afraid your crusade on action game purity is probably isn't going to affect much.

          • 6 months ago

            >Blade and Soul started to focus on fricking 1vs1 duels w/ leagues and tourneys

            Probably before western release, after western release it turned into a Raid of the Month game and now it's just an instanced dungeon crawler.

    • 6 months ago

      Incompatible with the standard MMO combat because it's requires too much focus and effort for prolonged play. You'll just have the playerbase burning out super fast on repeatable content.

      • 6 months ago

        Most players today find MMOs too slow and boring which is why they gravitate towards more intensive games like Fortnite and CoD, the MMO playerbase is stagnating as a result. What really burns people out are the obnoxiously long grinds these games usually have.
        Action MMOs don't have to be super fast either, they can be slow and methodical and it can have other more relaxing activities sprinkled throughout.

  63. 6 months ago

    They never managed to hold my attention. I like RPGs, I really don't see the point of MMORPGs.

  64. 6 months ago

    I still play XIV, but I definitely miss the 2000s era of MMOs. Specifically, RO. That shit was my jam back then. But at the same time, I know that era of gaming is never coming back

    • 6 months ago

      We'll always be waiting for your return.

  65. 6 months ago

    Because i hate being dependent on other people, especially when those people treat everyone like trash.

  66. 6 months ago

    I miss fapping to my friends Elins without them knowing

  67. 6 months ago

    There are no mmos worth playing right now.

  68. 6 months ago

    I just want Puzzle Pirates 2 developed by Cleaver and/or long time veterans who know why PP was good, and without Sega's involvement and without all the other 60 year old women that have held on to the IP for the last 10 years because they want the free money.

  69. 6 months ago

    They are unpaid second jobs.

  70. 6 months ago

    i didn't like when they added "dailies"

  71. 6 months ago

    I want to try out TERA on the starscape pserver since I never got to play it back in the day but the fact that it only has like 200 active people on it just kills any motivation I have to play

  72. 6 months ago

    When it became a competition with moms credit cards.
    Ayo I play games to escape that shit.

  73. 6 months ago

    I stopped playing because my graphics card exploded that one time and after I got a new one I couldn't be bothered to resub

  74. 6 months ago

    Real talk? Because they're shitty wastes of time.
    Everquest took weeks to get shit done in the same time I could beat a dozen single player games.
    Ragnarok Online essentially required learning how to bot to farm materials that had 0.01% drop rate and exp that went up 0.001% per kill.
    Thanks for that by the way great life skill.
    WoW was cool for the first couple weeks until everything became about raids. Raids are shit.
    Blade and Soul was fun as frick for a little while but the devs always changing systems and adding new shit ruined the original gameplay loop that worked. They replaced it with stupid shit that wasn't fun at all.
    Same with Vindictus, grabbing a fricking pillar and knocking a werewolf the frick out was some of the funnest shit I've ever done in gaming, and then they ruined it with updates.

  75. 6 months ago

    When I realised they are not an jrpg with online features but a treadmill for morons without standards.

  76. 6 months ago

    Yes well it's too tedious to deal with you anymore now so I'm out.

    • 6 months ago

      Try not to slit your wrist on the way out.

  77. 6 months ago

    I bet he bracket broke in classic WoW and got the discord mafia riled up.

  78. 6 months ago

    I feel bad for old MMOgays but I fricking hated the old format of MMOs. Having to play at the party's pace, annoying downtime and filler/padding like slow traversal over large maps. Being able to leave the computer whenever I want, and play how much or little I want without dealing with othere, and at my own pace is what makes things fun for me.

    • 6 months ago

      You crazy? I had the time of my life poopsocking an hourly span for a ykesha. Basically I woke up one day and decided I needed an upgrade, a ykesha so I used netscape navigator to figure out how to get it. Turns out a frog in a bog dropped it. But the frog was a rare spawn. I traveled down there, thankfully nobody else was hunting the area otherwise it'd be annoying competition.
      Found the frog, killed the frog, no ykesha. Waited an hour watching the spawn spot, no idea how long it'd take to appear. When it finally did I had forgot how long I waited. Fought the frog, killed the frog no ykesha. Do this again for like a freaken hour. Get the kill time. Then afk and do something else, I think I went outside to throw a ball in a hoop. Come back around popup time, the frog doesn't appear for another half hour. I wonder why, I guess random respawn time. So I watch the game on and off the rest of the week, stuck in this shitty bog. No ykesha. In the end I never got it, the drop rate was too low.

  79. 6 months ago

    >PK people so hard they quit the game
    >"it was just a little trolling"
    >"oh no you see I am the victim here for being told to frick off"
    The doxxing is much but if so much of the server hated you, that must have been some serious PKing and not "a little"

  80. 6 months ago

    I only play FFXIV even though it's kind of bad because everything else is pay to win

    I've even seen people RMTing on private servers for old dead MMOs, it's really bad

    • 6 months ago

      >RMTing on old dead MMOs
      It is hilarious how bad Legends and Royals (MapleStory) have gotten with RMT. Royals is just China Land now. I haven't met a single person who spoke English the last time I revisited for 1 month.

  81. 6 months ago

    >Metahomosexualry and minmaxing autism.
    >Discord servers replacing traditional ingame guilds
    >Trannies and other obnoxious degenerates inject themselves into the dev teams and communities.
    >Modern monetization models
    >Devs try to please either the turboest of braindead casuals or the most liveless autistic metagays without an inbetween
    >Censorship of ingame communication channels

    • 6 months ago

      And I forgot to mention chink bots being an uncontrolled pest in certain games

      • 6 months ago

        The games are designed to be so tedious you need bots for things like fishing. Thankfully most mmos now have fully automated it where you just autofish if you don't do anything for a few seconds. I really can't understand the appeal of korean nolife grinders. Why make a game intentionally unfun where you need to figure out a way to cheat simply to get through it.

  82. 6 months ago

    None of them have any meaningful progression.

    • 6 months ago

      *Official servers anyways
      High rates private server or locally hosted servers have plenty of progression. MMOs have the best worlds to explore always plenty of things to do. When you can chop down one tree or kill one monster and get the loot of 10 or 100 things are much more reasonable.

      • 6 months ago

        No, you're moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          What meaningful progression would you expect?
          Black Desert I can progress through a shipping trade and start small until I can do huge trade runs. I can improve my crafting and go from creating literal shit to incredibly useful assorted goods I can either use for myself, or sell for profit. There is a whole world to explore and every piece of knowledge makes me stronger both as a player and as a meaningful stat ingame that increases as I unravel the world.
          I can think of hundreds of examples.
          Nah mate, you're fricking moronic.

  83. 6 months ago

    They all suck. All of them. The only good MMO released recently was just a fricking RERELEASE of a nearly 20 year old MMO. Classic WoW was the last time I had genuine fun in an MMO and that was for all of a few months years ago before that turned to shit thanks to the dickwads who play it. I guess hardcore was fun at least but that was yet another FOTM episode because everyone has fricking ADHD and loses interest in things instantly.

  84. 6 months ago

    It's an unavoidable future anyway, MMOs only worked back in the day for a few years because there were only a few MMOs so everyone had to play together whether they liked to or not. Everyone has long since segregated themselves. Griefing-PVP players have EVE and Albion, hardcore raiders have WoW and FFXIV, casuals have WoW, ESO, FFXIV, SWTOR, akorean grinders have Lost Ark and BDO, pure griefing players have to play non-MMOs like Rust and The Division and Dark Souls (or Mortal Online 2 kek, like 2000 players).
    Even if you made a modern "old-school" MMO, you aren't getting the casual majority back unless your name is WoW.

    • 6 months ago

      >because there were only a few MMOs
      What do you gain by spreading this lie?

  85. 6 months ago

    I only ever played tera, and i will never play another mmo ever again unless it has a race similar to elins, which is really fricking unlikely in this day and age, on this gay earth.

    • 6 months ago

      I'll only be able to pass peacfully if I get to enjoy another proper e-girl mmo in my life

    • 6 months ago

      so basically you're a pedophile?
      you might like ffxiv, it has lalafell.
      also kys btw

      • 6 months ago

        Aren't lalafells the toddler/midget race? Have you ever seen a elin before? Child-like face and absurdly short, but their proportions are those of a curvy adult woman, with a flat chest. They even have animal ears and tails, and lore wise they all were incredibly naive, elins were like the most perfect mmo race ever designed.

    • 6 months ago

      e-girl races in eastern mmos especially korean ones are pretty common
      Blade & Soul comes to mind

  86. 6 months ago

    People talk about their fetishes all day long in every open channel, then expect you to join some Discord, often to do content we did without voice 20 years ago, and all the new MMOs are barely video games like FF14. Those that have a game component are all pay to win, or, in the case of GW2, a hodgepodge of game types crammed into one thing to appeal to everyone.

    There's really nothing that has the longterm appeal and playability of a classic MMO that isn't playing a pserver at this point, and those are filled with the worst people the net can offer.

    MMOs are dead forever. Nothing will save them from the people that play them.

    • 6 months ago

      Like it or not going full gay scalie-furry with the Dragonslop was an incredibly smart move from blizzard as the playerbase is unhinged as frick, and use retail as mental ward.
      Classic is for the 30+ oldfigs who never have been applauded. This wouldn't be bad to play with them, but if you are not a part of an inner circle and prepared to buy gold its pointless to play classic. Its an open secret.

  87. 6 months ago

    The longest I ever played one was for a week. How long do you even have to play until you meet someone who isn't borderline incapable of communication.

  88. 6 months ago

    name one (3) mmo that is worth starting in 2023 that doesn't take itself too serious and is fun by mmo standards

    • 6 months ago


  89. 6 months ago

    I just had a quite unrelated but brilliant idea and I can't believe nobody has done it before, at least not that I know about. You know how MMOs and survival games always send you out gather rocks and chop trees among other tedious tasks for resources right? Well why can't these resources drop from enemies and bosses that hang out in forests and rocky areas, like treants and rock elementals? Imagine a 10man group taking down a big rock elemental to gain tons of minerals instead of wandering around searching for mining nodes.

  90. 6 months ago

    PSO2 went to shit in 2016, and Blue Protocol has shit monetization and felt like it was on life support since day one, plus they expect me to jump through hoops or get ding dong bannu.
    New Korean MMO all look utterly devoid of soul or fun, but even the older ones I never played beyond story quests and easy events with freebies. And well, considering I kept playing them in languages I didn't actually understand, I probably wouldn't get anywhere in the actual endgame even if I tried.

  91. 6 months ago

    I'm new to MMOs. What do I need to play if I want to
    >something that isn't too big and crowded but not completely dead either
    >something that's on the more casual side, so it doesn't require me to abandon literally everything else, put 1000 hours into grinding and essentially treat it as a second job
    >has opportunities to make friends or at least do some stuff together with random people
    I wonder if what I'm looking for even exists.

    • 6 months ago

      Haven & Hearth
      Come grow crops and hit deer with a sword


      • 6 months ago

        I'll look into it, thanks anon.

  92. 6 months ago

    Because I had to go to bed.
    I can’t sleep so I’ll start playing MMOs again in like 10 minutes

  93. 6 months ago

    It was during the middle of Battle for Azeorth.

    The specs I played felt perfect to play during Legion, and I continued to play them up until BFA. Once BFA dropped, most of the classes felt incomplete, so I decided to wait for a later patch for them to bring back the missing parts from Legion. Patch came, no update, so I waited again, then another patch. Nothing.

    Then I thought, why should I continue paying Blizzard if they refuse to make the classes I want to play feel good to play again. So I quit, and never tried another MMO, or return to old MMOs I played in the past.

  94. 6 months ago

    I never did, but I mostly do ERP and solo content now.

  95. 6 months ago

    unfun chores felt like a second job and I never talked to anyone else anyways

  96. 6 months ago

    What MMO is the best to find girls to ERP with and what's the most effective way to begin this endeavor?

    • 6 months ago

      I found my wife in Aion 13 years ago when the game was good

      • 6 months ago

        I've been thinking about getting into Aion Classic, but I don't think it'd be the same...

  97. 6 months ago

    I think the only people who are able to play mmos started playing them very young and that's why they're able to tolerate the objectively horrible gameplay. Anybody who has standards gets miserably bored playing any mmo after 10 minutes.

    • 6 months ago

      Traditionally MMOs are all about long term goals, accumulating wealth and community status. Things that are often lost on the new generation of players that needs instant gratification after 10 minutes. The challenge is capturing these individuals with satisfying gameplay then gradually introducing them to the concept of long term goals so they too can experience what the genre is about.

  98. 6 months ago

    Most MMOs have some pseudo turn based bullshit where you have to wait a second or two while they auto attack. I don't like that and find it immensely boring. On top of that I tend to avoid games with any sort of cool down timer for skills and standard arsenal attacks; though I can be more lenient to this rule depending on how unintrusive I consider the timer. For instance Overwatch? Bad. Exoprimal and Monster Hunter Rise? Good.

  99. 6 months ago

    Are there any other single player games that copy MMO game design? The best example I can think of is Xenoblade but unsure if there are others.
    I just like exploring a vast world and doing random quests. And unironically I enjoy a lot of early era MMO combat. The more action oriented ones like Vindictus or Tera are boring to me compared to slower paced ones like FFXI.

    • 6 months ago

      PSO1 and .hack?

      • 6 months ago

        How could I forget PSO, good call. I still need to mess with blue burst.
        I really wanted to love .hack as the flavor around the game is fantastic with all the fake MMO window dressing. But I really feel the dungeons have not aged well at all. Exploration didn't feel very good in the few hours of the first game that I played.

        Try Spellforce 2.

        I'll check it out

    • 6 months ago

      Try Spellforce 2.

    • 6 months ago

      Fantasy life kind of but it's fairly simplistic

  100. 6 months ago

    Because "muh story" moronic homosexuals pushed for the removal of grinding, story-centric gameplay and excessive convenience.
    You're playing a fricking MMO, progression should come from hard work, collaboration and community recognition not some NPC telling you how important you are in wall of text.

    • 6 months ago

      >Why won't they let me pay money to grind and grift for streamers???
      You can still do that in overwatch can't you
      or modern wow if you REALLY hate yourself

      • 6 months ago

        part of the cancer that killed MMOs.
        By "community" I mean the in-game community, like being recognized for being a good pvper, crafter, guild leader, being really rich or having an extremely rare item. I guess it is kind of what happens with streamers these days, but being server-famous is a different thing than having a legion of moronic zoomer followers.

        Why should MMOs be about work? I thought about this a lot while playing WoW classic. The common ways to make gold is to do chores alone like grinding mobs or scouring the zone for flowers, dreadfully boring shit. Then the GDKP thing happened and suddenly making gold became fun because it happened automatically while doing activities with other people. Why force people into long boring grinds when you could bring people together like that?

        I don't disagree. What I'm saying is that you should be rewarded by your skills and the effort you put in the game, not "progressing in the story" by reading quest text and doing mind-numbingly easy solo content like with many mmos these days.
        You shouldn't be the "chosen one" in a MMO, that's absolutely moronic game design misses the point of the genre. Your ascension should come from your effort and interaction with the community.

    • 6 months ago

      Why should MMOs be about work? I thought about this a lot while playing WoW classic. The common ways to make gold is to do chores alone like grinding mobs or scouring the zone for flowers, dreadfully boring shit. Then the GDKP thing happened and suddenly making gold became fun because it happened automatically while doing activities with other people. Why force people into long boring grinds when you could bring people together like that?

      • 6 months ago

        >Why should MMOs be about work?
        It kind of fits the design philosophy of what MMOs are at their core. They're about building up a character and progressing. A lot of that is centered around various tasks or objectives that most people view as chores. As someone that has never paid for a level skip or bought any gold, I never understood the desire to pay to skip portions of a game. If that part of the game is that unenjoyable then I just don't play.

        I don't mind the long boring grinds as long as it feels like you're working towards something and making consistent progress. When MMOs don't feel as great is when you put time into something and end up without any progression. FFXI was a good example of this where sometimes you'd spend multiple hours putting together a group, going to a camp, only for someone to log out or something right when you got there and you're back to square one.

        • 6 months ago

          I guess what I was trying to say is why make the progression boring on purpose when you could use it as a tool to bring players together to do more meaningful activities? The feeling of working towards something doesn't go away, it's just changing the method in which you get there into something more entertaining than clicking on rocks.

          • 6 months ago

            >when you could use it as a tool to bring players together to do more meaningful activities?
            Because this is kind of what killed MMOs a decade or so ago. People don't want to feel like their required to group to progress. It's weird having this mentality be the primary one in a community built around cooperation, but that's where we are.

            • 6 months ago

              I'm saying precisely the opposite, what part of 'bringing players together' don't you understand?
              Let's have an example then, there is a mining profession and there are rocks around to mine. Now you could spend hours going around mining them alone, or you could find a group to kill the rock elemental world boss and get tons of ore and mining experience in the process. Maybe the boss is contested and there will be some WPvP going on.
              Now there's a more lucrative and fun way of increasing your mining skill that brings players together.

              • 6 months ago

                That doesn't really equate to fun in all cases though. Your example is pretty much the hunt system in FFXIV and it's mind numbingly boring. You run around on timers waiting for the boss to spawn in the world and you all just zerg it down without any challenge. And you feel like you're wasting your time attempting anything else because of how much more lucrative it is to farm S rank hunts.
                I understand what you're saying and what I'm saying is in practice this really hasn't worked all that well in any of the MMOs that I've experienced.

              • 6 months ago

                It's kind of pointless without the world PvP part creating some tension I guess, if hunting down a world boss is a boring experience then it's a shit game in general and getting players together is the least of its concerns.

              • 6 months ago

                >world PvP
                The only world PvP event I've ever enjoyed was the pre-WotLK invasion event. I can't think of another one that was actually fun because it's always reliant on having a completely balanced faction spread and most servers always tilt one way or another in the pvp MMOs I've played

              • 6 months ago

                Why have factions when we can have competing guilds?
                I think we've seen the last of faction based MMOs for a while.

  101. 6 months ago

    I never started because they're cancer to the concept of an rpg, removing everything good about them and doubling down on everything bad.
    What's worse is they they've infected games for over 20 years and eventually evolved into live service crap.
    Fricking hilarious to me that people actually defend mmo crap.

    • 6 months ago

      It's obnoxious seeing 35 year old soilennials complaining that "zoomers are too stupid for mmos" as if mmo players weren't the early 2000s equivalent to fortnite zoomers.

    • 6 months ago

      The community did this. If you actually think about it, games like Retail WoW and FFXIV are not that bad, probably better than some other games in the genre. It's the community, I swear. Think about your favorite game. Then imagine you go to India and meet the filthiest pajeets out there, and play/discuss your game because it's trendy and white people are doing it.

      They're boring. If the core gameplay is just clicking on squares and waiting for refresh timers to end, where's the challenge? Most of these games don't even allow you to wear more than 1 outfit within the first few hours of the game so what's supposed to motivate me? Not my thing.

      No? The core gameplay is to make friends, take down bosses, optimize grind, become king of the hill in pvp, become best at clicking buttons, because sometimes it's not how fast you click, sometimes you need to control your character, cancel animations, hotswap your armor sets before you use an ability, make pixel perfect moves etc. Trading and resource management too.

      why do mmos attract so many blogposters
      lack of an actual social life so they substitute mmos as one? happens too often

      You can play an MMO for years and still play it wrong. Creator of SAO is one of the people like that. However, there is no clear definition of "doing it right", so everyone has to defend their ways.

  102. 6 months ago

    I unironically played for erp and basically had a sex addiction. It's a shameful period of my life. Around when I was 13 I'd pretend to be a girl, and let guys take advantage of me and do sexual favors in exchange for free stuff. So erp was my first exposure to sex and lewd contact with others. But then I stopped and did real life sex in my late teens, but after that I got into erp in a really big way. In the late stage of my erp career I was the guy and would give girls my erp dick.

    But I turned out perfectly fine so I don't know.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Sorry to disappoint you but there wasn't anything based about it. It's up there with one of the most cringe and shameful things in my life. I got addicted to erp because it was my first sexual experience and imprinted on me. People on the other end of the screen didn't know I was a boy that was too young to be engaging in that kind of stuff. There's kids doing like roblox erp now and it's doing damage to them and they're going to have all these weird block fetishes.

        • 6 months ago

          Shut your dumb mouth up and suck my wiener, you erp bawd! *Force my rock-hard 9-inches wiener into your drooling mouth* Oooooh... yeah...

    • 6 months ago

      Sorry to disappoint you but there wasn't anything based about it. It's up there with one of the most cringe and shameful things in my life. I got addicted to erp because it was my first sexual experience and imprinted on me. People on the other end of the screen didn't know I was a boy that was too young to be engaging in that kind of stuff. There's kids doing like roblox erp now and it's doing damage to them and they're going to have all these weird block fetishes.

      I had a similar experience to you. Stop letting others make you feel ashamed, it's objectively a fun thing to do. I'm now close to 30 and had multiple long lasting relationships irl, but if I had to choose between trying to find girls to ERP with or staying with a long term irl gf, I would no doubt go for the former option. It gets increasingly more difficult as you age, but when I was 16-23 it was the best fricking thing ever. I genuinely enjoy it more than actually having sex (I barely feel anything cause I fapped so much a pussy just isn't tight enough)

      • 6 months ago

        I get it. I have a wholesome relationship with my girlfriend now and haven't done any erp in years. I never told her about my erp past and don't want to either. It's better that she doesn't know. I would have erp relationships and cheat on the girls all the time and if I engage into erp again I may fall back into that addiction again and cheat on my girlfriend. That phase of my life was years ago before I met my girlfriend. I've never cheated on her at all.

      • 6 months ago

        I get it. I have a wholesome relationship with my girlfriend now and haven't done any erp in years. I never told her about my erp past and don't want to either. It's better that she doesn't know. I would have erp relationships and cheat on the girls all the time and if I engage into erp again I may fall back into that addiction again and cheat on my girlfriend. That phase of my life was years ago before I met my girlfriend. I've never cheated on her at all.

        And I really love my girlfriend and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Before her I never had a relationship with real love and real caring about each other. She's my longest ever lasting relationship and I used to think it was impossible for me to be with someone more than a month before I'd get bored. We've been together for a year and a half now and are now beginning to build a life together and I'm not going to ruin or risk what we have for some erp.

    • 6 months ago

      >But I turned out perfectly fine

  103. 6 months ago

    cuz they turned into shit and they're all solo games now, not only that, the kinds of people that play MMOs are more cringe and mentally ill than ever

    • 6 months ago

      >cuz they turned into shit and they're all solo games now
      mmos turned to shit in 2004 anon

  104. 6 months ago

    Guys invited girls into the guild and it went to shit, but no one was willing to say they were the problem, so everyone just stopped playing instead.

  105. 6 months ago

    >not just forming a solo party by yourself
    Filtered pleb
    doesn't she know that solo parties are meta

  106. 6 months ago

    During the last couple of years i was pretending like this themepark could still give me what i wanted. I had been so stupid to think there could be a single adventure in there but i kept trying, well no longer. You go do some boring dailies with your cool friends. What's the point in even playing that shit instead of having a beer together on discord. The game sure doesn't allow for playing pretend knights or wizards unlike my backyard, i'll play fricking that with my friends since MMORPGs have fricking failed at it.

  107. 6 months ago

    Because they're a second job. Also, the gameplay fundamentals are always universally shit.

  108. 6 months ago

    They're boring. If the core gameplay is just clicking on squares and waiting for refresh timers to end, where's the challenge? Most of these games don't even allow you to wear more than 1 outfit within the first few hours of the game so what's supposed to motivate me? Not my thing.

  109. 6 months ago

    When some people from our small guild moved to another game which my pc couldn’t handle

  110. 6 months ago

    MMOs always just devolve into the same routine of
    >grind solo because it's more efficient
    >queue solo for content because devs don't want you to interact with players
    >get teleported to dungeon to faceroll content with 5 to 20 morons you won't talk to or see ever again when it's over
    >play dressup
    >[OPTIONAL] make an unironic job application to actually play with 5 to 20 people regularly, to do the same faceroll dungeons as before but scaled up to be unfun, and everyone takes the game way too seriously and hates each other

    Honestly if you don't like raids the entire MMO genre just has nothing for you. Even runescape does raids now, they seriously can't come up with anything else.

    • 6 months ago

      >you won't talk to or see ever again when it's over
      Cross realm/server stuff really killed MMOs for me. This is a really important aspect that has been completely removed from games where you no longer feel like you're experiencing a world. Gone are the days where you might build up notoriety on a server where people end up knowing other people specifically because they've grouped together multiple times.

  111. 6 months ago

    Is there even any MMORPG left where I can go full empire, blond, blue-eyed knight bawd and kill filthy subhumans?

  112. 6 months ago

    why do mmos attract so many blogposters
    lack of an actual social life so they substitute mmos as one? happens too often

    • 6 months ago

      It's a blog thread asking people about their personal experiences, isn't it?

  113. 6 months ago

    I've just come to the realization that Genshin Impact is the MMO for non-MMO-playing zoomers.

    >giantic open world to explore
    and yet no need to interact with players
    >dungeons and raids are condensed to their most atomic parts
    most of the domains, abyss and such are simply a mix between sweeping trash mobs out of existence for satisfaction and big HP bosses to flex/test your damage
    >you can still go into fights on groups of up to 4
    and yet most players won't bother with the social interaction, like most people from this thread talk about, although the option is there for the few who seek it
    >the large world is backed by a "solid" story
    think what you will but it does put effort into fleshing out the world, characters and events with a "main storyline quest" and other sidequests (although how well they execute it is up to the player's feelings)
    >it keeps the same MMO grind for gear
    but instead of looking for "a drop" you look for "a drop with good stats", keeping the 0.001% victories on getting good drops, while alleviating the negatives of "getting frickall", since most of the time you still get something when you finish a run
    >there's a "cash shop" and "monthly subscription for premium" while staying F2P
    but instead of offering mostly random crap mixed with essentials, it straight up gives you the desired currency for the gacha-locked characters a.k.a. progression , letting players/whales/morons pay for progression)
    >it has rotations
    albeit simplified to character only having M1, E and Q, but the elements and interactions amongst them and other character's skills are what give it "depth", essentially only requiring zoomers to memorize the other in which they press these 3 keys

    To sum it up, it truly took the minimum core of what made MMOs good (for the majority), zoomifyed it, and made the in-game social interaction the minimum of what it could be, and whoever wants a "community" can go to discord or reddit.

    • 6 months ago

      You sure know a lot about genshit impact, are you sure you're not a chinaman yourself?

      • 6 months ago

        I'm not, but I watch my dumb zoomie gf play and talk about that shit way too often. I did give the game a try way back close to a year after launch but couldn't be fricked to deal with the farming for currency and gear, it felt like a chore or an unpaid job sucking away at my time and happiness now I only feel that second-hand, watching her waste away at this chink bitcoin miner

        • 6 months ago

          My ex gf attacked my tastes in games and played this shit. I hated how she talked down on games she wasn't interested in. It was Genshin or Nier Automata the duo of games that she considered the best ever. I tried explaining to her why it was bad game design for Nier to force watching cut scenes on the highest difficulty and she blew up at me. She tried to force me to play these games against my will.

          I don't care about dialog or cutscenes in games and always skip them. I actually thought the core gameplay of Nier Automata was decent but forcing me to sit through the cutscenes was unbearable. I felt like the game was really pretentious and the guy that designed it had only a superficial understanding of shmups and hack and slash and implemented it with the dressings of them. He was basically cargo culting old school gameplay. That only made it decent, and the gameplay just bearable enough to sit through compared to other modern action games which I can't bear to sit through. But the forced cut scenes were too much for me to bear and I couldn't do it. I seriously hate that game and there's not many games I actually hate. I hate Metal Slug and Nier Automat is a more pretentious version of Metal Slug.

          And with Nier Automata there was two difficulties. There was normal difficulty that posed no challenge, and you basically cruise through the game on auto pilot and watch the cutscenes as you trudge through the chore of a game. The gameplay on hard difficulty was actually decent, and it was a challenge for me. But being forced to rewatch the cutscenes with no way to skip every time I died made me hate the game with seething rage.

          • 6 months ago

            >I hate Metal Slug and Nier Automata
            Oof, I love Metal Slug games and I still have Automata on my backlog, but it's one of these games you look forward to and hope you'll like as much as you imagine. On that note though, yeah, your opinion on something "doesn't matter" as long as both people can respect each other and be civil, I don't dislike you for not enjoying what I do, much less enjoying what I don't. I do see your point on skipping cutscenes though, if you'll be watching them over and over when retrying something, they should put a check so that after the first forced watch you are able to skip all the next ones. I'm curious about Metal Slug though, what do you hate about it? It's been a good while since I last played it(Metal Slug Anthology for the ps2), so I can't imagine why.

            • 6 months ago

              The 360 tank controls for aiming in Metal Slug was tedious for me and I don't enjoy it.

              Black person you didn't even beat the fricking opening as that's the only part of the game you can't skip.

              You're a dumb frick and so is your gf.

              I actually did beat the opening, and my game crashed right at the end of the opening but before the save point, but I decided frick that and I hate that fricking game and I'm not going to do it all over again. I'm never playing it again.

              • 6 months ago

                >tank controls
                Oh, fair enough, I also disliked that, and would mostly just use my character's weapons instead of the Metal Slug kek
                >but I decided frick that and I hate that fricking game
                Come on now anon, you can't let small shit like that get to you. Maybe you felt/feel so strongly about it because of your arguments with your ex? I don't know, it seems like pettiness with yourself to not allow yourself to play something over a one-time technical issue. I'm saying this out of genuine concern anon, don't be so impulsive and stubborn.

              • 6 months ago

                Fighting with my ex and her berating me about Nier, combined with the forced cutscenes and then my game crashing made me really fricking hate it. I actually hate Nier and there's not many games that I hate. She totally ruined any potential enjoyment I may have gotten out of it by fighting with me.

              • 6 months ago

                Well, you do you anon, but personally it strikes me as more healthy to not simply let these things consume and affect you forever, much less to keep you from potentially enjoying a game.

          • 6 months ago

            Black person you didn't even beat the fricking opening as that's the only part of the game you can't skip.

            You're a dumb frick and so is your gf.

          • 6 months ago

            >My ex gf attacked my tastes in games and played this shit. I hated how she talked down on games she wasn't interested in. It was Genshin or Nier Automata the duo of games that she considered the best ever. I tried explaining to her why it was bad game design for Nier to force watching cut scenes on the highest difficulty and she blew up at me. She tried to force me to play these games against my will.
            massive kek
            i met a girl from hawaii who basically did the same
            except she also played ffxiv in addition to genshin and some other weeb gacha moneypit
            would get mad at me getting like 20 games for $50 on gog/steam meanwhile she blew $700 rolling for some husbando in hypnosis mic

    • 6 months ago

      At its core I view Genshin the same as something like Warframe or Path of Exile. It's just a loot treadmill with a few seasonal events sprinkled in. As you pointed out, most people have shifted the community aspect of MMOs outside of the game anyway (reddit, discord, etc.). It's one of the reasons I hate modern MMOs so much. Nobody wants to actually communicate in game anymore.

      • 6 months ago

        >As you pointed out, most people have shifted the community aspect of MMOs outside of the game anyway (reddit, discord, etc.). It's one of the reasons I hate modern MMOs so much. Nobody wants to actually communicate in game anymore.
        A game like Genshin is well positioned for this new social situation

      • 6 months ago

        Most MMOs have no more than a simple text-only chat box. No voice chat. Chat history clears when you close the game and your postbox is usually spammed with system notifications. It's also impossible to reach players that are not online.

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody wants to? Or nobody HAS to, anon?

        • 6 months ago

          I dunno, looking back, arguably none of the older MMOs really necessitated communication. It was just something everyone did because they wanted to. Even doing hardcore raiding on WoW, there was only a select group that really needed to be in voice comms once you had shit on farm. I remember having stuff on farm and we stopped even requiring people to come in Vent but they still did because people would just shoot the shit.

          I assume people just do that now in Discord

          • 6 months ago

            Vanilla WoW WAS the casual friendly solo focused MMO, anon. That focus on the solo experience and guided leveling process by way of questing was the biggest draw and what made it stand apart from Everquest.

            So, again. Is it really people that have changed? Or have games become worse? Look at Final Fantasy's massive success as a solo online only single-player game. League of Legends doing its best to remove the chat. Genshin Impact is practically an MMO but without the players.

            MMORPGs is the only genre that didn't adapt to the times, it changed into something else.
            Look at how Epic evolved Fortnite into a pseudo Meta-verse. How is it that I can play Destiny 2 with my friends from beginning to end (with adaptive difficulty in the newer campaigns) but a FINAL FANTASY MMORPG can't have that?

            This is the ONLY genre in gaming where players will accept garbage and happily eat it. Even the worst Call of Duty is still fun in some respective.

            But MMORPGS aren't fun on their own, and they don't hold at all if you scrutinize the parts that make the whole. It's much worse when you think how much the shared world we're paying for goes underutilized.

            • 6 months ago

              >So, again. Is it really people that have changed? Or have games become worse?
              Little bit of column A and B I feel.
              I grew up playing Everquest but the bulk of my time was spent bouncing between FFXI and WoW as a teen. I will admit that a lot of it is nostalgia, but the types of players playing MMOs have shifted I feel. Growing up you basically had a second life playing an MMO. I do agree that some games have shifted away from that like FFXIV where a lot of their design focus is implement small patches, have people resub to experience the MSQ, and then unsub.
              The types of people playing MMOs now don't want to grind mobs for 8 hours in a party while just chatting with people. Maybe some people want that, and maybe people didn't really want it back then but they just didn't have anything else so they played what they had.

              • 6 months ago

                You're just wrong.

                What does doing anything in that game do other than collect goodies that you can't use in content anyways? You can't even mount in fricking cities.

                And all of these things they do are meaningless, LONG grinds. 20 minute dungeons for some XP. Months of daily quests for a mount, hours of their lives for some tomestones.
                There's your 8 hour grinds, for shit that gives you no functional power and for items you can't even use in places you usually go to.

                The difference is that we can spot when progression exists or not.
                When there's actual, meaningful progression in your game where you can actually build a connection to your character and the world around them, we don't really care what we do.

                But where is progression these days?
                If XIV removed gear tomorrow, does the game change at all? You could just keep the item level. Why even have ilvl if you're already gate kept by your actual job level?

                It's just trash game design. Nothing to do with players.

              • 6 months ago

                >The difference is that we can spot when progression exists or not.
                You have an opinion of what you constitute meaningful progression which isn't the objective truth. Most people would think that me spending hundreds of hours camping NMs in FFXI for a 1% fast cast increase on gear is a complete waste of time and meaningless progression. Still felt good when I got that piece and was able to swap it into my fast cast set.

              • 6 months ago

                >Isn't the objective truth
                >Anon successfully spots meaningful progression
                Anon, please, you're making me blush

              • 6 months ago

                >Maybe some people want that
                i want that
                most fun i had in ffxiv was bozja
                sadly it had 3 hour instance timers but we'd just reinstance.

            • 6 months ago

              Cool, i take you soloed Morben Fel as well as embalmers wife?
              You also soloed that castle in redridge with elite orc mobs and bosses?

              • 6 months ago

                I absolutely did solo Morbent Lel and Mor'Ladim both as a paladin. Turn undead, hammer of justice, exorcism, kiting. And Morbent, you just LoS him.

              • 6 months ago

                I miss when MMOs actually let you excel at certain things that other classes weren't able to do

  114. 6 months ago

    They all play the same; can't move while attacking so it's just boring, it also requires too much time to get to the good parts

    • 6 months ago

      >They all play the same; can't move while attacking
      That isn't true at all, most MMOs let you move while attacking. Also why would you want free movement while attacking anyway? All the best singleplayer games have motion baked into the attack animations but they don't let you move freely while swinging. Unless you think Skyrim's combat is the best thing ever.

  115. 6 months ago

    3 MMOs i played 24/7 died because publisher went full moron multiple times.
    1 because dev team ran out China and the publisher couldn't renew the contract.
    Maplestory because it became a pain and the same thing over and over.
    Tibia became too pussified.

  116. 6 months ago

    I stopped playing MMO's in 2014. Shortly after Wildstar killed any and all hype I had. And this was of course after Tortanic. Which of course was also a huge blow.

    Haven't played since then. Well - until two weeks back. Picked up SoD. It's been a lot of fun reliving those days with a little added spice. Been having a blast ganking Alliance in the new Ashenvale event.

  117. 6 months ago

    I wish homosexuals that hated each other would go back to KS wars instead of reporting one another like little b***hes.
    Wah gotta call mommy daddy GMs cause I can't sort out my in game issues

    when they let sissy homosexuals on the internet in 2007 mmos died.

    • 6 months ago

      >complains about sissy homosexuals
      >has a bunch of anime reaction images on his computer

      • 6 months ago

        >can't respect someone else's interests and must insult them instead
        found a sissy homosexual

        • 6 months ago

          >can't respect someone else's interests and must insult them instead
          pot meet kettle i guess
          my interest is reporting people in mmos

          • 6 months ago

            >my interest is reporting people in mmos
            pussy ass virgin b***h. your fat wife is cucking you right now, assuming you even have one

  118. 6 months ago

    ding 😉

  119. 6 months ago

    Actually? I won.
    I used to play WoW around burning crusade. Couldn't get enough of it, despite finding the game kinda frustrating. It was hard to make friends, and it cost too much money, but not much beat the sense of exploration at the time. I came back to WoW on a large free server a few years later. It was mostly like retail just 1.5x XP to smooth out the level 40 stretch. It was a good server and I was playing a priest, I got in with a good guild, got lucky on a couple raids, and my character snowballed. I ended up being the highest powered and most demanded healer on a large server. I cleared the endgame several times over, got the respect and adoration of my guild, helped build up those around me, and was sortof a local celebrity. I got bored... addiction cured.

  120. 6 months ago

    The day Archlord shut down their euro servers, ca 2013. God I loved that game, literally everything. The music, artsyle, mechanics, but most of all the people. It was the most fun I've ever had playing vidya with complete strangers.

    They reopened the servers around 2018 but it wasn't the same. The playerbase had moved on, as had I. I tried getting back in but the magic was gone. Now I sit here listening to the soundtrack and reminisce about old battles and bants.

  121. 6 months ago

    once MMOs forced in dailies and "battle passes" i dropped them after 20 years of struggle

    also metahomosexualry is a cancer that kills any socialization in online gaming

    • 6 months ago

      even before LFG dailies with auto-teleport to destination were a thing, you had WoW actively ruining the intent of the genre with everything being instanced
      and yes I know WoW wasn't the FIRST to do instanced content, but they chose to make nearly every important thing instanced and its popularity made the idea turn the entire genre into compartmentalized events, rather than freeform interactions where you might do a boss with two people on one day, and on another day you'll have 50 people on a map fighting over who gets it

      • 6 months ago

        >even before LFG dailies with auto-teleport to destination were a thing
        still a cancer and grew to be an even bigger cancer

  122. 6 months ago

    the classical mmorpg is simply made for 12 year olds with 4h daily grind time. Cant nolive that much past high school and i dont even want to anymore.

    I do still play gw2 & ff14 xpacs but thats just 1 month in a year doing story. Dont raid or grind anything.

  123. 6 months ago

    >Play Aion classic when it came around
    >Enjoying my time with it
    >Get to the endgame
    >Get a really good drop for my class in the party I'm in
    >The party lead suddenly ask me if I want to sell it instead of getting it and if I want to get it I'll need to pay for it, even though I was in the party from the start
    That's when I realized that the game was full of Worlo GDKP bullshit and people were buying gear with real life money
    I just fricked off after that

    • 6 months ago

      The whole "amassing wealth" aspect of MMOs always confused me. You would sell shit to make gold and in most MMOs the only real thing you could do with a large amount of money was pay for clears of content.

      • 6 months ago

        when you realize most MMO players are third worlders with terrible wages, it starts to make sense why they sell off stuff

  124. 6 months ago

    because they ruined FFXI by putting in tons of features to make it a single player game basically.

    • 6 months ago

      I actually like the trust system a lot as it's a lot better than the alternative of just straight up shutting the MMO down. The day I can no longer adventure in Vana'diel will be a sad day. I know there are private servers but they aren't caught up to retail at all and I doubt they ever will be

  125. 6 months ago

    >if you haven't done this you can't come
    >wahh your dps isn't what should!
    >resetting progression
    >timegated content
    >boring pvp in a genre that should have the best player vs player modes

  126. 6 months ago

    These types of posts are so sad. You just KNOW these people are miserable but they're having a "good day" so they felt like they had to post this. If you EVER ERPed in a video game then you are 100% not a normal individual.

    • 6 months ago

      sounds like projecting

  127. 6 months ago

    Most MMOs are killed by their community. People play them as single player games because the core player games is a bunch of fricking morons. Every single time.
    Somehow MMO players think it is some serious business and treat it as such, that tryhard sweaty autistic 1% gatekeeps and drives away the rest of the players. You are forced to metagay, otherwise you won't be able to play the game, you need to use a certain set of stuff in order to have a chance instead of the ones you actually want. You need to spend time on the most boring shit possible to keep up with actual nolifer neets (but no matter what you do, ultimately its gonna be impossible).
    You need to treat it like a second job, and if you didn't start the game at release, you'll never catch up. There's no point playing casually, because essentially you're locked out of the majority of the content and can only do the worst part eternally.
    And then there are the guild, all of them are fricking cancer. You're forced to join discord, you need to pretend you care about some homosexual incel guild master who instantly gives mod rank to every female, and you have to pretend you care about they them zoomers because they're there literally everywhere. Otherwise there's no sense of community, it's practically an unpaid job and you're treated worse than in your real one (except if you're female, in that case you get carried and can do whatever)
    Honestly, this genre just doesn't work. Even if a game has potential, gamers just don't.

    • 6 months ago

      Sadly this. Took me a few years to figure out most people, even your guildmates, really don't care about you or your well-being if the game is hyper-focused on damage. Just another cog in the DPS machine.

    • 6 months ago

      As I've grown older I still am nostalgic for MMOs but all I really want is a game where I can customize a party and set them up with something like FF12's gambit system and do dungeons and shit all on my own. I like the core gameplay loop of MMOs as it's like the comfort food of gaming for me but I want nothing to do with actually playing an MMO with other people.

    • 6 months ago

      You have never played an MMO in any serious capacity. Like, as if your entire knowledge on the genre comes from South Park parodies of what an MMO is like.

      • 6 months ago

        >You have never played an MMO in any serious capacity.
        That's exactly what I said. Playing an MMO in a "serious capacity" requires you to center your life around it. I can't do that, I have a job and other stuff I like to do. Therefore, MMOs are practically only playable for a small set of autists who also tend to be extreme elitists about their chosen game considering that their whole life revolves around it and all their accomplishments are related to it. Indeed, there's not a single MMO I put 1000+ hours in, but I tried quite a few and I've never found a single community I would wanna be a part of.

        • 6 months ago

          Ah well, it's not for everyone indeed. I pity you for never experiencing the thrills only MMOs can achieve.

        • 6 months ago

          I think there's a mindset some people just aren't able to achieve when it comes to MMOs. They feel the need to attempt the highest level of play without wanting to no-life it. It's understandable, but something I've just never been able to associate with.
          I put in thousands of hours playing FFXI growing up and the majority of it was done as a casual player that never got close to doing end game at the time. I eventually got to end game but it was something that I abandoned the second people were asking for phone numbers to attempt certain content because they wanted people reachable during all hours of the day. But I just went back to playing casually and still enjoyed myself. Sure there's content that I couldn't access playing that way but I never really saw it as a big deal. I think that's what a lot of people struggle with accepting. There's still tons of enjoyment you can get out of a lot of MMOs as a completely casual player.

          • 6 months ago

            based casual player. hardcore players are really something else

  128. 6 months ago

    I realized I wasn't having fun.

  129. 6 months ago

    Less time in general because life takes its toll once you're hovering around 30.
    Most MMO's are boring.
    The ones that I've enjoyed have been subscription based, which is a fricking idiotic monetization scheme, not in terms of profit for the company of course, but for the player, it sucks major ass. It's worth it only for those who have time to play 24/7. If the timer only went down when you're online, that would be a lot better way to handle subscriptions.
    I've enjoyed few that haven't had subscription, but those I played with friends, and alone they've been kinda dull.

    There doesn't exist an MMO that would make me want to nolife it. I want an MMO with complexity of something straight out of an RPG isekai anime, where it mimics real life almost entirely, but isn't janky garbage like Wurm and actually feels like a game you could get lost in for decades.
    For some people, that game was WoW in the early 2000's, but it's become so streamlined that it has lost its appeal.

    • 6 months ago

      >Why did you stop playing MMOs, Ganker?
      I got a job and it filled the "job" part of my day, rather than playing an MMO as job. However I still play, but I play slowly and to enjoy the game, not 16+ hour a day autism grinding sessions like I used to.

      >There doesn't exist an MMO that would make me want to nolife it.
      Also this to a large extent, MMOs are kinda shit now compared to the golden age we had growing up.

  130. 6 months ago

    I didn't

  131. 6 months ago

    >tos gets mentioned
    >this brazilian e-girlpa enters thread
    >xiv gets mentioned
    >lalafell trio shits up the thread
    are there any other people like that on this board? I think there was some "post your troon" guy from bdo but I can't remember

  132. 6 months ago

    Mmos I think I played with Ganker back in the day....

    Ragnarok online (too many servers to name)
    S4 league
    Haven and hearth
    Warframe beta
    Ff14 early after the re launch
    Archeage on launch in Baka but I left because guild leader was literally 16.

    I played tree of savior with a friend that makes all games unfun, was launch actually decent? I hated it because I was playing with him and all he did was b***h.

    And honestly any game with a free beta between 2004 and 2015 I probably played with Ganker or just being free.

    Shit fricking sucks how much time I spent interacting with virgins.

    • 6 months ago

      >was launch actually decent?
      I tried ToS for a week only to quit once I found out they monetized everything. Even shit like talking in general chat or shouting required buying a megaphone item

  133. 6 months ago

    MMOs were never popular in NA or EU to begin with. Except WoW which was massive back then for some reason. What you want is a time machine.
    Real MMOs are heavy on PvP, teamplay, and are primarily played by non-whites. Every full-loot PvP MMO is still active today while most PvE themepark WoW clones die within their first year.
    Any MMO that doesn't filter the solo-player crowd that wants everything to be easy and convenient is doomed to fail.

  134. 6 months ago

    Too grindy. Singleplayer games let me get straight to the content with less filler.

  135. 6 months ago

    There has never been an MMO with fun gameplay and it isn't fun to socialize with awkward nerds through an avatar.

  136. 6 months ago

    Is this true about MMO relationships?

    • 6 months ago

      >catgirl isn't a cute boy irl

    • 6 months ago

      Well there's some who take it seriously, but the majority just jump around or "bawd" themselves anyway

    • 6 months ago

      People who play MMOs are broken individuals. I wouldn't advise pursing any long term relationship with anyone you meet on an MMO

      • 6 months ago

        >People who play MMOs are broken individuals. I wouldn't advise pursing any long term relationship with anyone you meet on an MMO
        Do you have a story to tell anon?

    • 6 months ago

      People who play MMOs are broken individuals. I wouldn't advise pursing any long term relationship with anyone you meet on an MMO

      >People who play MMOs are broken individuals. I wouldn't advise pursing any long term relationship with anyone you meet on an MMO
      Do you have a story to tell anon?

      I know people who went really deep in the MMO crush rabbithole and ended up heartbroken really bad. The kind that bought plane tickets to see their girlfriends and when they told them they were coming, she broke up on the spot.

      • 6 months ago

        my brother was in this exact situation: e-dated for two years, decided to get a plane ticket, planned for months, then she cancelled the trip 1 week prior to it. zero refund, wasted around 1.5k USD. she broke up with him a month later. he still talks to her, in the same guild and everything. i feel bad for him but you know, pic related. pretty sure he's gay now because of this and a previous e-dating situation

      • 6 months ago

        my brother was in this exact situation: e-dated for two years, decided to get a plane ticket, planned for months, then she cancelled the trip 1 week prior to it. zero refund, wasted around 1.5k USD. she broke up with him a month later. he still talks to her, in the same guild and everything. i feel bad for him but you know, pic related. pretty sure he's gay now because of this and a previous e-dating situation

        >know someone going through this in real time
        >not close enough for it to be any of my business

        • 6 months ago

          i'm not him

          • 6 months ago

            I'm just lamenting my inability to stop it.

            • 6 months ago

              oh, ok. i misinterpreted your post. yeah, you can only do so much for someone. the rest is on them.

  137. 6 months ago

    They're shit for social interactions because nobody wants to engage socially beyond yelling at people for not min-maxing or some shit.
    This wouldn't be an issue because I could just play with my friends, but unfortunately MMO's have just all become absolute shit outside of that regard.
    >WoW's lore has been so gutted and "safe"ified that even if the gameplay is fun (which I genuinely doubt) the idea of playing it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The new races are all ugly furry/elf bait and gays are everywhere, both ingame and inlore. No, I don't want to play a fantasy mmorpg so I can see a trans rally/march in orgrimmar, the capital city of a faction that couldn't fricking care less about trannies. Plus the entire thing being based around dailies and weeklies and shit is gay as hell.
    >FF14 is such a fricking slog to play through and the story sucks. Ability rotations are godawful and samey (abilities that exist purely to be cast after another ability with no reason to switch things up), combat feels like way too much flair with no punch, leveling is a fricking chore. Unironically multiple people have told me that most classes get "Fun" at level 80, frick off.
    Most other MMOs that I try fall into issues that plague one or both of these games. That or Godawful p2w and gocha mechanics.

    Seriously though frick blizzard for ruining WoW in particular. I'm still chasing that BDK high.

  138. 6 months ago

    Because there are no MMOs

  139. 6 months ago

    I never played an MMO but I was really into Spiral Knights back in the day
    >good game
    >some random dude adds me as his first member for his guild
    >we really hit it off
    >we slowly make a small but cozy guild
    >one day some of his friends invite more people and the number doubled
    >Cozy times even when the game had the worst dev ever
    >we have our first drama because the founder's friend was a homosexual and wanted more "power" in the guild so they kicked him
    >then some pussy got angry at me for being a leader even when I should have been ages ago for being the first member but I was never on time
    >finally, a girl who was another leader started a relationship with someone and that dude accused my friend the founder of not listening to him or some bullshit. making the guild tear in half
    >I abandoned the guild because of the drama and the pain of just coming to play5 minutes before everyone leaves, literaly having conversations like "HI" to "BYE" and grinding for the millionth time that fricking vanaduke because there was no more reason to play with randos.
    I still feel like a homosexual for leaving the guild and my friend even when it wasn't a big deal, we still friend fora couple years until we just stopped chatting for no specific reason. but playing alone was really depressing me.

  140. 6 months ago

    Eve Online is the only MMO I know where you're fricked if you're solo. Even if you go solo, you basically play multi since multiboxing is pretty much mandatory.
    If you still stubbornly go solo, the only things you can competently do are inherently unfun.

    Point is, are there any other MMOs left where you are basically mandated to play multi all the time?

  141. 6 months ago

    I haven't, but I'm petering out. The only friend I have who plays has stopped and I'm incapable of finding new friends organically.

  142. 6 months ago

    Cause they fricking suck. They're all shitty theme park trash chasing WoWs tail. Zero innovation in the genre for twenty years, it's pathetic.

  143. 6 months ago

    They become second job simulators

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