Why did you stop playing WoW?

Why did you stop playing WoW?

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  1. 2 months ago

    I never started.

    • 2 months ago

      this, why would I play a worse version of ff11

    • 2 months ago

      this, why would I play a worse version of ff11

      I'm 41 and the closet thing to an MMO I played was the Dreamcast Phantasy Star Online. never got into WoW even though all my friends did, I like the RTS more and thought it was fricked up they changed the formula.

  2. 2 months ago

    I stopped because the community is 99% unbearable min-maxing sweatlords

  3. 2 months ago

    When they stopped adding bawd mogs into the game

  4. 2 months ago

    I realized I wasnt having fun and I was regretting the amount of time it ate

  5. 2 months ago

    cross realm dungeon finder

  6. 2 months ago

    They immediately threw out everything that made the original game good when they started doing expansions and were never able to recapture it, even when they re-released it.

  7. 2 months ago

    I tried recently and played for a week or two.. there was unironically too much to do, or too much going on. It felt overwhelming and there's no real in-game guide that holds your hand. Just a "do this main quest" thing that you can ignore most the time. Random pug dungeons were kind of fun. Crafting is a fricking disaster, can't believe what they did to crafting. I ended up just doing two gathering profs... idk.. it just doesn't feel that good to play anymore.. maybe if you have an established friend group and guild it would feel better

  8. 2 months ago

    Because Activision purchased Blizzard, and I knew even back then as a young 18 year old that Activision is an irreversible plague on gaming. I continued playing WotLK for like another year after, but then I started to feel the effects of the Activision taint so I nope'd the frick out of there and never looked back

    Stay away from EA, and stay away from Activision

  9. 2 months ago

    WoW singlehandedly killed an entire genre

  10. 2 months ago

    Actual oldgays quit around TBC or early in to Wrath because they could see what was coming a mile off and most normalgays that aren't morons spotted the sparklepony for what it was, more over if you actually care about MMORPGs then you'll realize that WoW isn't an MMORPG it's a singleplayer game/chatroom with optional side content streamlined to be as accessible and casual as possible. With each iteration it's doubled down on this philosophy until it became such an unrecognizable mess they had to launch classic to trick old players that wanted a reform back in to theme park they built. What you homosexuals don't understand is that the community is the content and WoW doesn't fricking have one by design.

  11. 2 months ago

    >monthly sub for an old ass game
    >min-maxing homosexuals
    >chinese gold farmers

  12. 2 months ago

    Not enough horny players in private servers wanting to frick my night elf bawds.

  13. 2 months ago

    Never played an MMO in my life.

  14. 2 months ago

    When Blizzard realized they would make more money selling 25$ mounts than making a good game.

  15. 2 months ago

    blood elves owe me sex

  16. 2 months ago

    Because the shitty game finally became larger than the world itself (15 years ago)

  17. 2 months ago

    Why are Blood Elves stuck in this shit IP that's been taken over by trannies, furries, beastiality and futagays?

    • 2 months ago

      Nice eyelashes lmao

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          Why are Blood Elves stuck in this shit IP that's been taken over by trannies, furries, beastiality and futagays?


    • 2 months ago

      >they're just elves
      do...do you think warcraft invented elves?

  18. 2 months ago

    I was getting overwhelmed with WotLK and I was just entering college, so WoW was absolutely off the table then.

  19. 2 months ago

    Between Blizz simping for the CCP and fricking up WC3 Reforged I just stopped giving them money. Was bummed because I was really excited for/enjoying Classic's launch but I can put that cash toward more worthwhile stuff.

  20. 2 months ago

    I never starter.

    But I will say this; I've never been into Blizzard games since I was console mostly. I have watched those CGI intros for the games expansions and man those things are top tier as frick. I heard there was a movie, live action.... that confused the hell out of me. When you have such talent creating these CGI intros why the hell would you go live action? Bigger audience? I guess. But it's still dumb as frick. Even as a non wow player the one CGI intro with the Knight and the skeleton blue flame dragon, that shit is 100000/10. I also like the with the pissed out Godzilla size dragon. He was just flying over everything and wiping it out and then I heard that actually happened in the game. Pretty sick stuff. But it all makes me wonder... what happened to this company?

    • 2 months ago

      >I heard there was a movie, live action.... that confused the hell out of me. When you have such talent creating these CGI intros why the hell would you go live action?
      You and everyone else was asking this same question. And then the movie came out and the humans looked ridiculous because they're normal-ass dudes in Warcraft pauldrons while all the CGI characters look perfect because they're actually Warcraft characters in Warcraft gear.

      It wasn't as much of a train wreck as it could've been (magic effects for the wizards were kino) but it wasn't nearly as good either.

      • 2 months ago

        What was funny was Blizzard thought the movie was going to be their next big break and set WoW up with a soft reboot to tie into the movie. Then the movie AND the expansion both flopped, thus they panicked and didn't know how to write themselves out of the shitstorm that was Borelords

        • 2 months ago

          >they panicked and didn't know how to write themselves out of the shitstorm
          lol, literally every expansion and content patch they've released.
          They even gave themselves an out with time travel frickery and STILL blew it.
          WoW writing isn't even the bottom of the barrel, it's the muck on the ground from the shit that leaked out of other barrels.

  21. 2 months ago

    legion, after they fricked my warlock up.

  22. 2 months ago

    Around TBC the design goal shifted from making a good game to keeping addicts mazed.

    • 2 months ago

      youre crazy if you dont think vanilla kept people mazed. its when the game still rewarded players who could play 16 hours a day leaving those who played maybe 16 hours a week at an actual disadvantage

      • 2 months ago

        Can see why it wouuld bother you, but at the same time, I find unfair to pretend we should reward both equally.
        One spend more time to both do and learn the things the game asked for, so they deserve better rewards.
        During my TBC years I never felt full epic people had an unfair right to be stronger. They spend more time dungeoning, raiding or gathering mats. Just because it takes me 3 weeks to do what they do in 1 does not eman it wasn't great to finally get that epic loot, because with that context it has value.
        People do not understand that it's impossible to deliver the exceptional feeling of self-realisation without first creating the average, the norm,a dn it's precisely thanks to that unfair, unbalanced bullshit that these special moments exists.
        You wouldn't think lifting weight had any merits if there was a ceiling, a maxium allowed weight to be lifted for everyone, right? specially if such limit can be achieved by the average joe.

  23. 2 months ago

    The game kept removing all the reasons to socialize or be multiplayer.
    Factions don't matter.
    World PVP is frowned upon.
    Personal loot with randomized stats made special gear lose all meaning.
    Class homogenization made everyone feel the same.
    They removed any unconventional ability like mind control because it was "bloating" the skills so everyone has the same loop and powers.
    They keep adding and removing systems like talent trees or Azeroth heart which only reinforced how pointless and forced they were.
    A lot of timegates that are too easy to reach, too long to wait.

    I could go on and on, but the TL;DR is that at this point, the game has a huge identity cryisis, where it tries really hard to not be an MMO.
    The living proof that, at certain point, maybe you should be making a regular 4-5 coop game with a HUB of hudnred of players instead of pretending you're some MMO you try so hard to avoid player interactions.

  24. 2 months ago

    >YWN isekai to wow and meet this Blood elf hero that keeps taunting you by going commando with only a tabard covering her bottoms
    why live

  25. 2 months ago

    the game feels like a job.
    i fricking hate blizzard balancing
    i hate trannies.
    my friends stop playing.

  26. 2 months ago

    BfA was an awful game and the announcement of Shadowlands killed my love of the setting which was the only thing keeping me in there

  27. 2 months ago

    The sheer amount of time you need to put in after you reach max level, in order to gear up your character, get reputation up, get mounts, get gear from bosses which are also rng on whether they drop something or not and then you get it on dice rolls....is so absurd that it should be put into law and be considered illegal.

  28. 2 months ago

    Menya zaebalo

  29. 2 months ago

    blizzard should just make a true co-op dungeon raid game in the style of vermintide where the maps are based off their classic raids

    • 2 months ago

      That would require nuance and ingenuity from Blizzard though.

      • 2 months ago

        fricking fatshark managed to pull it off

  30. 2 months ago

    The grind got to me. The setting/story got boring as hell and I couldn't bother with it anymore. I played a little bit of SoD, but I stopped when I got at level cap and got some of my BIS stuff. I might come back when they finish adding all the stuff in SoD.

  31. 2 months ago

    Tried a bunch of other mmos but still ended up in WoW.
    Nothing really compares. The responsiveness, the open world, music. Everything blends together so well

  32. 2 months ago

    amirdrassil is very possibly the most boring raid they ever released
    yes even more boring than roflstomping MC in classic 2019

  33. 2 months ago

    >play Dragonflight
    >wholesome chungus dragons
    >wholesome chungus centaurs
    >wholesome chungus walruses
    >Calec give a big, wholesome speech about family and togetherness with the blackwashed brain clone of his species' matriarch
    That was the point when I became acutely aware that I was playing a game called World of "WAR"craft. This expac is gay as frick.
    Also I'm in the middle of moving so I don't have time to play right now.

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