Why did you uninstall League of Legends? Hardmode: No politics

Why did you uninstall League of Legends?
Hardmode: No politics

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  1. 1 year ago

    top lane is still boring

  2. 1 year ago

    Because I had taken a break from DOTA 2, installed LoL to see what all the fuss was about and then I unistalled as soon as I saw how shitty the minion models were.

  3. 1 year ago

    Because it's an awful game. It isn't designed to be good, it's designed to be addictive.

  4. 1 year ago

    ASShomosexualS suck and I never installed in the first place.

  5. 1 year ago

    Awful gameplay, awful community, can't call morons morons. Love Dota.

  6. 1 year ago

    Get the frick back in your general, don't spread the coom from that board over to Ganker.

    • 1 year ago

      >don't spread the coom from that board over to Ganker.

    • 1 year ago

      >don't spread the coom from that board over to Ganker.
      Black person are you baiting?

      • 1 year ago

        even worse, hes actually stupid. These neo-christcucks have been pouring in from /misc/ for a while now

        • 1 year ago

          >Complaining about Christianity
          >Complaining about /misc/
          You need to head back to Bunkerchan.

          • 1 year ago

            >somebody says Black person
            > /misc/ /misc/ /misc/
            admit it, /misc/ lives in your head rent free.

            Okay nevermind, go back to bunkerchan, troonyhomosexual.
            You will never be a woman

            ywnbaw :^)

            looks like i disturbed the soil enough, here come the worms

            • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          >somebody says Black person
          > /misc/ /misc/ /misc/
          admit it, /misc/ lives in your head rent free.

        • 1 year ago

          Okay nevermind, go back to bunkerchan, troonyhomosexual.
          You will never be a woman

        • 1 year ago

          ywnbaw :^)

    • 1 year ago

      >implying 70% of posts on Ganker aren't coombait

  7. 1 year ago

    The meta has been bruiser/assassin focused for the last 7 years so all my main slowly got trashed and I lost hope
    Also of all my friends only one still play

  8. 1 year ago

    Didn't have a support to bully anymore so it got boring

  9. 1 year ago

    somewhere around the time they started nerfing shit like janna mid because it wasn't the "right" way to play the characters

  10. 1 year ago

    I haven't since its the best moba by far
    Tried dota and just laughed at how shit it looks and plays.

  11. 1 year ago

    game mode
    outside of urf

  12. 1 year ago

    god damn, im maining soraka now

  13. 1 year ago

    You know when sometimes you get up and say to yourself "that's enough"? Yeah, it was like that.

    I'll miss my boy Ivern

  14. 1 year ago

    I tried Dota 2 and never looked back. That game is actually fun (aside from the inherent problems of being a team game...)

  15. 1 year ago

    I would get high and think "wow I can tolerate playing League now" so my fun levels were always at a base 1 instead of the x2 that I would get from literally any other game.

  16. 1 year ago

    Because every new champion they released was an over-tuned top laner and they were just starting out banning people for playing off meta.

  17. 1 year ago

    I could no longer stack Sunfire Cape

  18. 1 year ago

    Cause toxic ladder. Gold elo hell is real, and I'm almost certain people troll on it. I reported someone for feeding, they reported me for harassment, and I got banned. didn't even go full REEEEEEE on them, just told them to stop playing and uninstall if they're gonna tower dive/feed. Happened way too many times and the ban was the final straw.

    Dunkey was right to leave.

  19. 1 year ago

    I played the brazillian server and only talked with the brazillian community of the time.
    Dropped it years ago because I felt no connection to any of it: Not with the community, not with the designs, not with the none-existant plot anr not with the balancement.

    When I started playing on Season 3, it felt like low elo and high elo were the same game, but this stopped being the case.
    I guess where i drew the line was when my favorite character (Post-rework Poppy) which I enjoyed using with a Black Cleaver + Iceborn Gauntlet built on the top lane was nerfed and made unplayable for me... because people on high elo/competitive were using her as a Support.

  20. 1 year ago

    I tried getting into it a few years back since my friends like it a lot. The thing is that after playing for around 6 months, I noticed that the game never made any of them feel good, and no matter if it was a win or loss, matches would always end on some level of frustration. I eventually gave up since I didn't see the point in playing a game that actively made you feel frustrated.
    still love Sona tho

    • 1 year ago

      Why Sona tho?

  21. 1 year ago

    I stopped having fun. Most of the people I played with quit, the game (well, not just league, but league was what I played primarily at that point) became more about competition and minmaxing and shit like that and not about having fun, people would lose their fricking MINDS in every other game if you ever made a single mistake, and it got tiring so I stopped bothering, and then just uninstalled it when I hadn't even launched the client in 3 months
    Most of the friends I'd made on it apparently did the same, as I came to find over the next year or two when everyone added me on steam.

  22. 1 year ago

    I just got bored of it. I play the pokemon moba now.

  23. 1 year ago

    Game mechanics have been turned into shit, large influx of hackers
    >inb4 ur just bad hurr
    I've gotten, per average, one person banned each day for the past two months straight for cheating, after learning this I've started playing less, because what's the point in wasting my time when 90% of ranked Black folk are just cheating anyways

    • 1 year ago

      What region are you in? I saw one in my years of playing and that was it.

  24. 1 year ago

    Too many no fun allowed changes in 2011-2012. I can only imagine how hollowed out it is now because ewatersports is SERIOUS BUSINESS. Tencent getting their hooks in was the AIDS icing on the shit cake that sealed the deal.

  25. 1 year ago

    My group all left to play tarkov, and i don't enjoy slavshit. So i played solo and found i do not enjoy playing League solo anymore.

    I miss 4-5 man stacks of ARAM, but i don't miss playing the game itself.

  26. 1 year ago

    why are chinks and americans like this?

    • 1 year ago

      Frick me, is that pic infected? Gotta delete it from my HDD.

    • 1 year ago

      Got a link for that script? I'm constantly hoarding pictures and want to avoid downloading stuff with blacked/illegal embeds.

      • 1 year ago

        search for pngextra3mbedder (replace the 3 with e idk if it's banned text on here or word filtered)

        • 1 year ago

          I assumed it was a new script because it stopped working for me after the mod banned it (and almost broke the site) and updating it didn't work.

          • 1 year ago

            you gotta unpack the chrome extension version

    • 1 year ago

      Doesn't appear for me, is it a Chrome-only thing?

      • 1 year ago


        you gotta unpack the chrome extension version

  27. 1 year ago

    The matchmaking is horrific with its hidden MMR and being designed to force you to play hundreds of games to climb just a even a little bit.

  28. 1 year ago

    update fricks up my pc and I can't reinstall it for some reasons

  29. 1 year ago

    >every time you think about going back and trying again remember; THIS still in the game and its not going away forever

    • 1 year ago

      they literally just chucked the cat into a wood chipper not long ago

  30. 1 year ago

    i come back and play the same 3 - 5 characters then leave for another few years.

    fiddle,kog,noc,hec (rip) & twitch), id play nautilus but he just seems really fricking bad vs competent players.

  31. 1 year ago

    I uninstalled dota 2 because my cat pissed me off too bad while I was playing.

  32. 1 year ago

    because I hate team pvp games

  33. 1 year ago

    7 years later and it's still spot on

  34. 1 year ago

    Just some of the points for why I left.
    Point 1: Their utter refusal to nerf champions that are clearly overloaded and bad for the game (Wind shitters), but because they are popular they are allowed to stay overpowered so they can sell skins.
    Point 2: The ranked solo que is all about the teams, there is very little you can do yourself if 1 teammate decides to go braindead because they wanted to play a champion they can't play in Ranked.
    Point 3: the people who play the game, you will either be stuck with anti social passive agressive buttholes who will blow a fuse because they died at level 2 then spend the rest of the game clearly not trying or just spending it writting in chat about how it's clearly the teams fault they are having a bad game and they ''deserve challanger'' the mental in general is terrible on all sides
    Point 4: This game is just stress and mental meth at this point, I didn't even like playing it, it was like a chore and even if I won the feelings would just be ''go next'' the magic was gone and I was acting more like a drug addict then playing for fun.
    TLDR: The game just isn't fun to play alone and there are too many factors that just made me angry so I quit. Never been better since I did.
    Still like Lissandra and would hold her hand tho.

    • 1 year ago

      I play DOTA and only ended up in League because of my casual gf and seeing the kind of shitbags who play LoL made me appreciate the DOTA community a lot more.
      There's nothing redeamable about the DOTA community.

  35. 1 year ago

    Because all adcs are broken as shit and riot refuses to nerf that entire class
    But only homosexuals, shitters and eceleb wannabes play them so they seem weak

    • 1 year ago

      This, ontop of manaless champs being straight up better
      And even modern mana champs dont even need mana, they can just spam shit endlessly
      The game turned from strategy and tactis to just lets see who can oneshot the other faster with their low cd no commitment rotations

    • 1 year ago

      >adcs are broken
      don't get kited and just nuke them, all they do is auto attack

      • 1 year ago

        >Nuke them
        Right after their 865 hp shield that last 6 secs while giving them ad and lifesteal wears off, eh?

        • 1 year ago

          >b-but what about the least built adc mythic that gives them the least damage?

          • 1 year ago

            >I must blindly follow the meta
            This is just about the average level of intelligence I expect a diamond 2 adc to have

            • 1 year ago

              what does this have to do with meta?
              i play every class, adcs die easier than anyone

  36. 1 year ago

    The infinite leveling system update did and the new star guardian events are shit.

  37. 1 year ago

    Game ruined my life. Instead of getting into drugs as a teen to deal with childhood trauma I landed in this hellhole. Days became "how many league game could I fit into a day". Every person I played with we would always end up being toxic and hating eachother after a while. Ruined family relationships for years. Addiction was so bad that I almost couldn't graduate middle school. Didn't get accepted into the school that all my friends got in. After so much pain and addiction from the game I cold turkey'd and had relapses and dreams of this game for almost a year. Currently 8 years clean. Never again.

  38. 1 year ago

    I got bored, smite and dota 2 entertain me a lot more.

  39. 1 year ago

    >terrible community - griefers, afkers, trolls and flamers in every single game, no expection
    >terrible balance and champion design - the balance team has not played their own game or at least don't understand it, they make nonsensical changes to champions and items but refuse to fix issues that have plagued the game for years and every new champion that they release is absolutely broken
    >terrible matchmaking system that has 2 MMR systems in it somehow (may have more but officially 2), that don't work together at all, plus forced SBMM that makes you go on win streaks and then lose streaks or a win-loss-win-loss and forcing the afforementioned griefers into either your team or the oponents team to keep the balance 50%, unless you have a riot account or you are a challanger level player smurf you are bound to have this near 50% winrate and you will have to grind out painful games, where your team activly refuses to play to see some progress in your ranking or even if you play normals you'll still be forced into unplayable games every second game
    >no meaningful new content for years, they even remove content from the game - they removed all maps except for ARAM and SR and refused to add new ones for years, they're apparently going to add a new one this year but they lied about that once so might lie again, the only regular content the game gets are generic skins for the paypigs tencent milks
    >restriction of communication - they've refused to add voice comms for years, despite other mobas having them and despite Riot having voice comms in other competitive games like Valorant, they're also constantly banning phrases and tried removing all chat and forcing the players to only use pings to communicate
    >everyone aknowleges that the game is dead and they're milking it's corpse for skins from the addicts that can't stop playing it

    I liked league in season 1 until season 7 but from there it was just downhill, to rock bottome where we're stading today.

    • 1 year ago

      >terrible community - griefers, afkers, trolls and flamers in every single game, no expection

      there's a hidden social mmr rating and it's obvious yours is terrible

  40. 1 year ago

    Some of the most fun I ever had playing League of Legends was when you get a team where people aren't complete dickbags and shitflinging each other. I will gladly take somebody bad at their role if they can listen to reason and own up to their mistakes rather than some onetrick who gets cheesed level 1 or 2 and dies and then gives up the rest of the game. I peaked at Diamond III last year, but even during that climb, about 80% of the games were absolutely fricking miserable. So many people have insane egos that nothing could ever be their fault. I'm not saying I'm God's gift to league, I get pretty tilted when somebody playing my main role does badly when I didn't get to play it, but the last straw for me was the ARAM changes. They killed the game mode with that, and the "AI winrate balancing" is an absolute joke. Randomly one day I won two ranked games but there was somebody on each of the teams that kept arguing with each other in all chat to the point they would get caught out because they were typing and I just thought it was the most ridiculous thing, and wondered to myself why I keep playing a game that makes me angry, so I just stopped and never looked back, I have honestly never been happier since. The game is theoretically very fun, but as usual, people ruin everything. I play the odd 5v5 custom games with my friends here and there, but that's it.

  41. 1 year ago

    Azir is my favorite champ.

  42. 1 year ago

    It's the most boring braindead game I've ever played. Play footsies and creep target practice for 10-15 minutes until 1 team snowballs the other. Teammates and momentum minimize the value of skill expression.
    If you're losing you're forced to try to rally your team to come back or have to sit there while they bicker until the game ends. Everyone's mentality is so fragile that no one wants to play games out.

  43. 1 year ago

    They made yone so you couldn't successfully ban out windshitters. They just want a specific type of player to play their game. Will happily play classic once(if) source code gets dropped. I also miss mommy.

  44. 1 year ago

    rigged f2p matchmaking, unfun metas

  45. 1 year ago

    Somewhere the meta changed to something I disliked, took a long break and when I finally came back Riot changed around items to have the same name but work differently.

    My peanut brain couldn't make the switch without a guide so I decided to just stop instead of relearning.

    • 1 year ago

      This looks AI generated

      • 1 year ago

        who cares? within a couple years or less it will be indistinguishable

  46. 1 year ago

    I can't separate it from the community politics. You can play something unorthodox and carry your own team when you're unfamiliar with the game and the meta, but people will shit the bed because it's outside of their guide-reading mentality, your own team will grief you because you arent 'playing the right way' whatever that means. It's a mental prison for many people I've noticed, those people will never climb up from their positions.
    Here's a wake-up call, life is chaotic and you need to find verifiable ways to succeed. The game is programmed in a way that means there's other ways to interact with the progamming.

    • 1 year ago

      i play an unorthodox strategy frequently and people adapt to it well most of the time, i am afraid that this might be a skill issue on your behalf

      • 1 year ago

        Okay prove it, I've uninstalled the game and I can prove it simply by pointing to the guides telling you how to interact with the game states instead of being guides that explain what the game state is.

        • 1 year ago

          i read your post and the image 3 times each and i have not the faintest clue what you are trying to say anon. one of us is having a stroke and i hope its not me

    • 1 year ago

      I climbed to diamond 1 once playing teemo on every single role and hard carried any time I was jg and adc
      Top and mid ap
      Jg and adc on hit
      Supp dot
      Suck my ass

      • 1 year ago

        I otp teemo all roles in s1-3 aswell, although at that point it was more permissible because nobody knew how to play the game and there were no guides and people thought Karthus mid was unbeatable because of one global ability

        • 1 year ago

          Mine was around season 7 or 8
          Whichever season after they reworked urgot
          Because I climbed to diamond spamming that fricker too

    • 1 year ago

      turn chat off if you're too sensitive for it

  47. 1 year ago

    All the champions I enjoy have slowly been powercrept or nerfed into irrelevance. Even if their role is played similarly by others, part of what draws me to a champion is their appearances and personalities. Just because I like Leona doesn't mean I enjoy Thresh for instance
    All my friends who did play the game just play URF.
    So now I play URF whenever it comes out and nothing else, and whatever skill level I had from when I regularly played the game has diminished so I don't think I'm missing anything by not playing

  48. 1 year ago

    Went mad with boredom from the 10 man staring contests where all you do is poke at the other team until someone steps out of line.

  49. 1 year ago

    I only play aram.

  50. 1 year ago

    Because it sucks

  51. 1 year ago

    Because I was having lulu and I outplayed one of those "press R to win" characters so hard and still lost. Literally about 20 seconds of being hit by my spells and a tower and all it took for me to lose is get hit by the 4th consecutive "press R to win". Basically if you want to play a slightly more complicated character than a "press R to win" gigatank who can also blink half the map away you are at a mechanical disadvantage.

    • 1 year ago

      >The character you like just needs some small buffs or small nerfs to top characters to be viable
      >but they are on Riots shitlist
      >they go literally years without being touched and you are just playing to tie in lane so you can maybe do one cool thing

      Stuff like that drove me away from the game.

      • 1 year ago

        The fact teemo is still considered cancer when shit like Ekko and Jhin exists tells me the people that play riot's favorites are moronic

        • 1 year ago

          jhin has been busted for half a decade but the "community" (jhin mains) insist he's balanced and braindead NAs are too stupid to abuse him

  52. 1 year ago

    i don't want to relearn the game every month

    • 1 year ago

      >implying the game ever changes from pick certain character to win

      • 1 year ago

        maybe, idk. quit mid s5

  53. 1 year ago

    >champion design got boring
    >kits and items got powercrept
    >despite being fricking huge, it barely gets actual content updates
    >community is no-fun, filled with deranged anti-social delusionals who think they have a shot at esports and forget they are in fact playing a videogame and should only do so to enjoy themselves
    >many champions that aren't popular are just forgotten about by the company, and if they do get good because of a meta shift, they get nerfed the shit out of while having any popular champion love tap nerfed or buffed
    >skill expression, risk and reward is all over the place, you can have a squishy immobile carry/mage that can get ran over with a slight misposition which loses the game at that second, or you can be an untargetable cat with a nuke skillshot that forces a blink, dash, guard skill or bodyblock that also has high range and the ability to change its course mid flight

    • 1 year ago

      And dont forget all of those
      >Complicated high skill champs with VERY DEFINED WEAKNESSES
      That have like 3 passives and 1 active skill that completely eliminate thst weakness and just renders them unkillable machines of death

  54. 1 year ago

    Major reason was that it was mostly my friends who egged me on to play with them, so once they stopped playing, I stopped playing too.
    Secondary reason was that I played since season 3, and the game changed so much over time that I didn't enjoy it anymore. They changed runes, they changed the map, they removed and reworked a bunch of items I liked (RIP Zephyr and old Banshee), they streamlined a bunch of champions because no fun allowed (RIP AP attack speed Xin). But worst of all, they no longer put in the effort to make interesting champions, all new champs are just sexy human No. 532 because it's what sells in China.
    I only came back for a bit after they reworked my favorite champ, Fiddles. Played a bit, enjoyed myself, and then uninstalled.

    • 1 year ago

      >RIP AP attack speed Xin

      • 1 year ago

        Solo'ing towers is a fun memory.
        Also, want me to make you sad with just two words? Deathfire Grasp.

  55. 1 year ago

    frick yes. non futa soraka is so damn hot, but also in short supply

  56. 1 year ago

    reminder that dariusgay got btfo so hard by draenei trannies that he had to quit /wowg/

  57. 1 year ago

    they ruined the game by adding OP characters and items that dictated the meta. the balance team is incompetant as it is, and they have shit heads just throwing in gimmicks and powercreeping the frick out of the game
    just look at udyrs rework. It doesnt even matter what you build on him because his shit scales with level too hard, you get so little out of building actual damage stats. so you just build hp and stand around people and instantly win fights.

    almost everything I enjoyed from league has been dumbed down, powercreeped, nerfed, or removed because riot has no concept of what is actually fun. The instant kill one shot meta wasnt fun, and neither is this tank meta. Its because riot sucks.
    those homosexuals are just as useless as the twitter employees before the layoffs

  58. 1 year ago

    They killed my wife Akali. Tried playing Diana and Camille but they're just not my Akali.

  59. 1 year ago

    you have to play 16 hours a day to be good/climb at it

    streamers can tolerate it because they literally get paid to play it but even they're miserable playing it so for the average human it's just complete emotional self-harm

  60. 1 year ago

    Because is played by underage little shithead who need a corrective beating or mentally challenged adults who will react overly emotional to a losing score or a bad word written to them, proceeding to throw the match on purporse without trying any further, either by trolling of going AFK, then getting banned and making new accounts proclaiming themselves to be smurfs and insulting actual new people triying to get in the game and making them leave the game with a bad experience. The community is absolutely fricking shit.

    • 1 year ago

      I will never understand people who seethe over casual matches. Ranked I can understand, but casual? Flaming, and throwing tantrums over a casual match is a sign that one needs to get their frickin' life in order, kek.

      • 1 year ago

        I had someone picking Anivia as support and spamming the ice wall on me because I didn't pick the ADC they wanted me to pick. That and other experiences made me realize I was playing with people fricked in the head,

  61. 1 year ago

    >all fun nerfed into the ground
    >no friends to play it with
    pretty simple, no reason to sit through solo queue when the only good thing about it is hot blue women

  62. 1 year ago

    Once again, you can't uninstall something you never installed in the first place.

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