Why didnt they call their superiors?

Why didn’t they call their superiors?

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  1. 2 years ago

    radio interference

    • 2 years ago

      >radio interference
      They weren't even given standard issue uniform and body armour. They basically just had to buy their own.
      The radios were likely the cheapest second hand version they could find, probably from a flea market. New batteries would be a luxury.

      • 2 years ago

        >officers had to buy some of their kit
        ... this isn't uncommon in small cities with low budgets.

  2. 2 years ago

    speaking of superiors, the manhua went more into umbrella's chairmen, having a T-Type even desperately protecting what appears to be the top dog. in the vidyas umbrella practically went away with a fart (RE4 said stock market iirc)

    • 2 years ago


      Not canon.

      • 2 years ago

        Where is it implied in that post that it's canon?

        • 2 years ago

          did she eat a flashlight?

      • 2 years ago

        Heart's Desire and Heavenly Island are both canon.

        • 2 years ago

          I know, since they are officially stated by Capcom to be canon.

          The Chinese RE manga (manhua) are not canon.

          • 2 years ago

            Claire was pretty hot in it. So were most of the young female characters.

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I can buy that. It makes sense. I don't mind that they never go into the details about it, since that means we can get straight into the game.

          >shitty art is canon
          Why is this always the case? I want to live in the timeline where the manhua is canon, ie, where Tofu is an actual human subjected to umbrella's experiments with basedbeans & acid that attracts zombies in order to bite him; with regen powers ofc. Goddamn what a chad.

    • 2 years ago

      Is it good? And translated?

      • 2 years ago

        There are a few of them -- some translated. There's also a translated one of Dino Crisis. As for good or not, well, they get really out there like wtf was the writer smoking kinda way, but there are some kino moments like Leon v. Licker

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn’t just the stock market, they got tried in a huge multinational court case, and all the lawyers in the world couldn’t help them when raccoon came out, plus all the other smaller firms wanted a piece of them too. Basically the top brass got gutted, they were kicked out or shut down across the world, and with all the fines and stock failure they got hit with they were completely fricked

      • 2 years ago

        Oh I know, it was just to sum up that it was dealt mostly off screen and in a rather solely burocratic way ie unexciting af. Too much Tell and little to no Show.

        • 2 years ago

          Probably cause 4 was focused on a new threat(and basically a side story). 5 focuses on a post umbrella world, and I actually really like how it shows the fallout from their shutdown with bows being spread by third parties in conflicts around the world

          • 2 years ago

            I know as to why: Mikami simply wanted a new, fresh threat. But it's the how it was mostly dealt with (ie quickly brushed off at the beginning of RE4) that sucked imo. And as for RE5, in case you weren't aware, that iteration was initially planned to be fricking Attack on Titan -- picrel

            did she eat a flashlight?

            Let's just say that Leon is not the father

            • 2 years ago

              Not that surprising, out of all the plagas monsters the lotr trolls make the most sense to weaponize.

              The team from 0 was ambushed by the unexpected leech geezer, yeah, but weren't they also toyed with by Wesker and Birkin? Also the intel retrieval team was sent only to the older compound of the assassinated researcher. They weren't expected to make BOW cleanup because nobody thought the grandad would get resurrected.
              >the head of umbrella security show up with two tyrants to btfo wesker and insure they wipe out the facility
              Now that sounds cool, what a shame I can't play the chronicles.

              It’s kinda cool but they look a little goofy, this is him, the tyrants are basically mr.x but with cheesy visors. Apparently umbrella used clones of him to develop the base body of the tyrants

              • 2 years ago

                >the lotr trolls
                arent they giant debilitas?

  3. 2 years ago

    Chris wanted to bear the white man's burden alone and didn't want them to send in black people, Chris was obscenely racist before he met Sheva

    • 2 years ago

      he kept killing thousands of black people even after he met sheva

      • 2 years ago

        That was merciful of him

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Wasnxt originally Chris supposed to be the descendant of an SS officer but the family fled to USA during the Russian advance or something like that?

    • 2 years ago

      Wait, SHEVA WAS BLACK??

      • 2 years ago

        poor chad got so used to the stink of rotting flesh that he couldnt even tell that she was black just from the smell

        • 2 years ago

          Not his fault. Everything there was a sort of washed out yellow-brown color. Half the people on that African town looked like they were white or hispanic. How was a man to tell?

          • 2 years ago

            I mean even with the piss filter he could tell that she's not the same color of his arm nor as dark as the west african soldiers. Speaking of which, her bio says she's west african but, seeing as she's of lighter skin, did the portuguese railed one of her ancestors?

          • 2 years ago

            I mean even with the piss filter he could tell that she's not the same color of his arm nor as dark as the west african soldiers. Speaking of which, her bio says she's west african but, seeing as she's of lighter skin, did the portuguese railed one of her ancestors?

            and while we're at it: look at that fricking claw

        • 2 years ago

          >wait a minute, all those zombies I killed were really black people?!
          >win win

  4. 2 years ago

    They didnt have any radios. the game literally shows this as Jill/Chris eventually finds a radio and tries to use it to contact brad but it doesnt work

    • 2 years ago

      >They didnt have any radios.
      Which makes no sense. We know Wesker sabotaged the Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter, so maybe we can extrapolate here that he also had a hand in each STARS member not having a radio on them at all times?

      • 2 years ago

        They left a lot of equipment in the helicopter

        • 2 years ago

          But a radio is supposed to be at all times with them, right? No reason as to why they would've left them in the chopper

          • 2 years ago

            doesn't the game open on them being chased inside by dogs, they probably just didn't have time to grab everything they needed

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, but why would the radios be in the helicopter in the first place and not with them -- they're portable and special units usually carry them in on of their many pockets. Wesker maybe convinced them to leave them in chopper during their trip to the mansion?

              I'm just trying to come up with a reasonable explanation here for fun, mind you. I know it's because it helps the feeling of isolation for its horror setting.

              • 2 years ago

                They should retcon it to show an EMP taking down the chopper and the radios

              • 2 years ago

                Wouldn't that destroy the helicopter from the crash? It's not like they're just going to get them a second one, seeing as they're deliberately trying to get them killed.

              • 2 years ago

                Third. Bravo team's helicopter went down too.

              • 2 years ago

                But Wesker sabotaged the chopper, retconning it to being an EMP would change a lot.

                What's this update?
                >But it's the how it was mostly dealt with (ie quickly brushed off at the beginning of RE4)
                I've said this a few times, but it boggles my mind that Plagas weren't related to any Umbrella experiments. 3 introduced the Nemesis parasite, controls its host's mind and was developed by Umbrella's European branch. Then Leon goes to Europe and encounters a mind-controlling parasite, and it has nothing to do with Umbrella.
                I feel like there was a big opening to keep Umbrella alive in some form in 4. Perhaps Saddler could have been an Umbrella exec that went crazy (like they all do) and used some parasites that Umbrella was researching on himself and others.

                Didnt they eventually connect the two -- picrel?

              • 2 years ago

                Man I've read the wiki multiple times and I've never seen that.

              • 2 years ago

                How is las plagas being developed by umbrella possible if they were fossilized under Salazar's castle?

              • 2 years ago

                Red Queen or Umbrella may have been running a signal jammer from inside the facility to prevent leaks

              • 2 years ago

                That'd make sense, as things went to shit that emergency program kicked off

            • 2 years ago

              No they had done at least some recon, and were communicating by yelling to one another prior to the cerberus attack. It's not like they were attacked as soon as they all had their feet on the ground.

              >They didnt have any radios.
              Which makes no sense. We know Wesker sabotaged the Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter, so maybe we can extrapolate here that he also had a hand in each STARS member not having a radio on them at all times?

              They didnt have any radios. the game literally shows this as Jill/Chris eventually finds a radio and tries to use it to contact brad but it doesnt work

              But a radio is supposed to be at all times with them, right? No reason as to why they would've left them in the chopper

              Bravo team has their radios. Wesker had a radio. Barry had a radio. Someone might argue Barry and Wesker were coordinating and they didn't want to have their conversations overheard. But why would they both give the player that radio then?

              Even if it was "All according to Wesker's plan" I don't buy the chaos at the landing was all part of it, there is no possible way for him to plan what everyone has in their kit. If we buy his stated motivation he wanted to collect combat data. Which even if it was for his own use rather than selling: I do believe. Bravo team had impressive firepower, Barry's carrying a magnum which is like shooting six shotguns at once in the RE universe and half the weapon upgrades you get in RE1 are just salvaging STARS equipment. He'd want Chris to have his marksman rifle, and Jill to have... well something other than a handgun.

              • 2 years ago

                >that pic
                Do people really have chest holsters for rifles?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Only the kind of people who are issued multicolor Vietnam-era flak jackets

                Seems like it would get in the way, why not just use a sling

              • 2 years ago

                I can't claim to know the mind of someone who wears a do-rag.

              • 2 years ago

                Only the kind of people who are issued multicolor Vietnam-era flak jackets

          • 2 years ago

            Chris didn't even have a gun. It's never really explained.

            • 2 years ago

              That we could infer that he dropped it while shooting the doggos and running

              • 2 years ago

                I can buy that. It makes sense. I don't mind that they never go into the details about it, since that means we can get straight into the game.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, as long as it isnt jarring it's OK to leave it at that since there are numerous scenarios that could justify it. But the radio part is something that's hard to ignore, like when cellphones somehow vanish in modern horror movies or have the most nonsensical reasoning as to why they don't work.

                It wouldve been neat if Chris had a pack of cigs on him tho, Snake-style.

              • 2 years ago

                I'VE GOT A SHOTGUN

              • 2 years ago

                >last time chris smoked
                The withdrawl is what eventually made him punch boulders

              • 2 years ago

                >last time
                Well technically https://youtu.be/x711B_0pLjM?t=70

          • 2 years ago

            Not everyone would be equipped with a long range radio capable of communication with the police headquarters in Raccoon. Richard was the communications expert in the S.T.A.R.S so he should have the radio, but since Bravo's Helicopter was downed maybe they lost their radio there. Wesker seems to be the secondary radioman for when teams are split, considering his earpiece similar to richard's and he is the one that gives you the radio in the original game instead of richard in the remake, but in both iterations the radio is busted and can only receive but not transmit.

            • 2 years ago

              >Wesker seems to be the secondary radioman for when teams are split
              But isnt it the normal procedure for every squad member to have a radio in them in order to communicate with each other if such a scenario as splitting up happens?

              • 2 years ago

                a short range walkie-talkie maybe. Not enough to reach the police station all the way through the woods and the arklay mountains.
                You could argue that Raccoon is a small community and the police didn't think necessary to equip every man in their 13 strong swat team with walkie-talkies since they're supposed to always be working in teams or in very close vicinity.

              • 2 years ago

                Hm, interesting. That'd make perfect sense.

              • 2 years ago

                >You could argue that Raccoon is a small community
                Let's crunch the numbers
                >It's an industrial city with a population of roughly 100,000, located in the US's midwest. It covers an area of 630 square kilometres (243 sq mi), with a maximum north-south distance of 21 kilometres (13 mi) and a maximum east-west distance of 43 km (27 mi). It has a 46-kilometre (29 mi) long waterfront shoreline, on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario.
                Walkie-talkies wouldve been a must.

              • 2 years ago

                S.T.A.R.S aren't regular police though, they're a 13 men strong special operations team. They don't need to patrol or cover any distance. They go into a tricky situation as a team or as a squad and then they leave when its resolved

          • 2 years ago

            Shit happens. Doesn’t make sense then went at night either. Don’t think to hard, none of the main cast do.

            • 2 years ago

              >Doesn’t make sense then went at night either.
              They were going after the first chopper that crashed as a rescue mission. Why wouldn't they go just because it was night? Its not like they knew about zombies and other umbrella shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >We know Wesker sabotaged the Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter
        Yes, Wesker sabotaged it, no one else...

        • 2 years ago

          Why would Becca, which btfo'd absolute beasts in Zero, sabotaged the chopper? Was she eager for moar gruesome action?

  5. 2 years ago

    Wesker is their superior.

  6. 2 years ago

    Wesker and Irons wanted them dead. They wouldn't have helped them.

  7. 2 years ago

    Wesker was their superior. And we see Chris trying to escalate it to the chief of police and beyond in RE2, but of course most of RC's authority figures are on Umbrella's payroll.

    • 2 years ago

      > Cannibal flesh eating monsters you say?
      > And to deal with this you want some body armour and firearms better than that issue 9mm we gave you?
      > Well no can do, just ask Barry, we spent all of the firearms budget on that handcannon of his.
      > An no i'm not going to give you an RCPD uniform. I've already given our yearly allocation to the new recruits.

      • 2 years ago

        >browning hi-power is standard issue
        >stars has designer berettas
        >new recruits issued discontinued polymer handgun
        Who the frick is in charge of procurement

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          HiP is not so bad. Knowing japs I wouldn't be surprised if it had been .38 revolvers or 1911.
          >discontinued polymer handgun
          Wasn't Leon like a special snowflake? He had vp70 before arriving to his new appointment.

          • 2 years ago

            Originally it was rcpds new standard handgun, but they retconned it in remake to leon being a /k/ommando and bringing his own custom with him

            • 2 years ago

              >Originally it was rcpds new standard handgun
              Now it sounds more realistic, as if it was cheaper or bureaucratically easier to reequip the department with deprecated handguns than Berettas or Glocks

              • 2 years ago

                Eh not really, vp70s weren’t exactly a budget firearm, and they were out of production too so not really easy to equip an entire police force with

        • 2 years ago

          Literally Barry

        • 2 years ago

          RPD clearly has a "officer's choice" policy on weapons, allowing officers to purchase their own choice of handguns.
          Also who uses Browning HP aside from kevin?

          • 2 years ago

            In the original re2 claire gets her hp from the glovebox of the patrol car they found

            • 2 years ago

              Oh yeah

  8. 2 years ago

    Who exactly? They are from a regional PD and they ARE an equivalent to SWAT. Irons? He was probably busy recounting his bribe money. Speaking of the radios, well it's really strange. If they are specialised in rescue tactics radios were imperative for hanging around the woods they had went to. It's both for coordination and trying to catch the transmissions of the lost team. What I'm surprised at is how Umbrella didn't send its mercs for cleanup at the mansion. Were they leaning on Birkin and Wesker so much?

    • 2 years ago

      >Were they leaning on Birkin and Wesker so much?
      UH JEEZ ANON I wonder how they couldn't expect a bunch of police officer with an impostor to slay hundreds of B.O.W.

      • 2 years ago

        If they expected the policemen to be terminated they must've had a plan for cleanup as well. And bombing the lab is just for getting rid of the evidence. It's like they were working with mutants and not highly contagious virus. With such attitude the movies were a better depiction of the carelessness with the world wide infestation.

    • 2 years ago

      In 0 there is an umbrella team sent in to secure research data, they get wiped out by the leech dude. Also the rail shooter game has the head of umbrella security show up with two tyrants to btfo wesker and insure they wipe out the facility

      • 2 years ago

        The team from 0 was ambushed by the unexpected leech geezer, yeah, but weren't they also toyed with by Wesker and Birkin? Also the intel retrieval team was sent only to the older compound of the assassinated researcher. They weren't expected to make BOW cleanup because nobody thought the grandad would get resurrected.
        >the head of umbrella security show up with two tyrants to btfo wesker and insure they wipe out the facility
        Now that sounds cool, what a shame I can't play the chronicles.

        • 2 years ago

          >I can't play the chronicles.
          Why not? They emulate flawlessly and play better with M+KB than they do on native hardware.

  9. 2 years ago

    Because no

  10. 2 years ago

    simply too busy

    • 2 years ago

      Do mods work again with the rollback update?

      • 2 years ago

        I just used a torrent of a previous build

      • 2 years ago

        What's this update?

        I know as to why: Mikami simply wanted a new, fresh threat. But it's the how it was mostly dealt with (ie quickly brushed off at the beginning of RE4) that sucked imo. And as for RE5, in case you weren't aware, that iteration was initially planned to be fricking Attack on Titan -- picrel

        Let's just say that Leon is not the father

        >But it's the how it was mostly dealt with (ie quickly brushed off at the beginning of RE4)
        I've said this a few times, but it boggles my mind that Plagas weren't related to any Umbrella experiments. 3 introduced the Nemesis parasite, controls its host's mind and was developed by Umbrella's European branch. Then Leon goes to Europe and encounters a mind-controlling parasite, and it has nothing to do with Umbrella.
        I feel like there was a big opening to keep Umbrella alive in some form in 4. Perhaps Saddler could have been an Umbrella exec that went crazy (like they all do) and used some parasites that Umbrella was researching on himself and others.

        • 2 years ago

          A lot of umbrellas bow design was developed from viruses that appeared in nature, so it’s not that surprising a parasite like las plagas existed without their involvement. Umbrella remnants refine it in re5 with a new strain.

    • 2 years ago

      I just used a torrent of a previous build

      You gays and your titty mods are the absolute worst. KYS Black folk

      • 2 years ago

        the only gay person here is you though

  11. 2 years ago

    if they could/did, they wouldve called for re-reinforcements

    • 2 years ago

      Weren’t they the reinforcements?

      • 2 years ago

        you want them to call more reinforcements?

      • 2 years ago

        They were the test stubjects for combat data with a highly trained squad. Unfortunately, they were too good at their job.

        Bros I've been trying to play Re1 for 5 hours now and I don't think I'll finish it.
        I got filtered by the controls. I'll probably go back to it one day but not in the near future. I'll probably watch a playthrough and jump straight into 2.

        If you can't handle the controls in 1, what makes you think 2 will be any different?

  12. 2 years ago

    Bros I've been trying to play Re1 for 5 hours now and I don't think I'll finish it.
    I got filtered by the controls. I'll probably go back to it one day but not in the near future. I'll probably watch a playthrough and jump straight into 2.

    • 2 years ago

      OG re1 or remake1? Pretty sure remake has an option to turn off tank controls

      • 2 years ago

        I think they are set on "Alternate"

        They were the test stubjects for combat data with a highly trained squad. Unfortunately, they were too good at their job.

        If you can't handle the controls in 1, what makes you think 2 will be any different?

        Isn't remake2 third person?

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, remakes.
          Alternate controls in RE1make were added in the HD version. It's not made for it and you'll constantly flail around as the camera angle changes, which I assume is the source of your frustation. Also, TURN OFF WIDESCREEN. It's not a true widescreen, it's actually zooming in on a 4:3 aspect ratio and cropping the top and bottom off the screen. That's why the camera moves up and down as you're running around. The backgrounds are pre-rendered, it can't ever be a true widescreen.
          That 16:9 option is a cancer.

        • 2 years ago

          Both RE2 and REmake2 are third person. One is fixed camera and the other is over-the-shoulder.

  13. 2 years ago

    Their direct superior was in on it and led them there to die.

  14. 2 years ago

    You mean Enrico and Wesker?

    • 2 years ago

      they were literally with their captain as said

  15. 2 years ago

    Spencer Mansion is up in the fricking mountains, they were beyond radio contact

  16. 2 years ago

    How tough is Resi 3 Remake Nightmare mode?

    • 2 years ago

      I finished it at the highest difficulty available at the start, I'm not sure if that's Nightmare or Inferno or whatever they called it. That one felt like a good difficulty for most of the game, but the last boss was very hard and not fun at all. He pretty much instakills you and is constantly spamming attacks that you have to dodge like it's Dark Souls but way harder. Maybe they've patched it now because such disparity in difficulty always feels terrible, especially when you can get locked out of finishing the game at the last boss even though the rest was manageable.

      • 2 years ago

        The rolling head was legitimately moronic on inferno. Only way to guarantee you don't die from it is to dodge instantly after the cutscene. Otherwise it's luck whether you're able to run away from it in time. The rolling head was harder than the last boss imo

    • 2 years ago

      Piss easy with the infinite rocket launcher

  17. 2 years ago

    Ex piggy wiggy here. We worked in a city that was a dump and me and a buddy got put on a special detail way out of our area literally in the fricking woods. Radio didn’t work anymore when we got to the area. Could only call by phone. I remember sitting there and thinking “wow if anything weird happens we’re doomed out here”. We joked about it. So yeah no help cooming for you in the woods, on a mountain, during a storm.

  18. 2 years ago

    ah yes, wesker wouldve surely helped.

  19. 2 years ago

    Why did REmake/RE6 Jill have Downs syndrome? I'm glad RE3make redeemed her

    • 2 years ago

      Jill isn't in 6

      • 2 years ago

        I meant 5

  20. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      the end of jake/sherry campaign is hilarious with the infinite explosion and the characters on a rocket sled that's going 1300 mph.

      • 2 years ago

        Wasn't Ada a clone or something too? It was silly but still fun

        • 2 years ago

          There was the real Ada who you can play as and there was a clone made by a dude who was thirsting after her.

          • 2 years ago

            From what i remember she was the key to everything too

  21. 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    Did you not play the game? Chris and Jill are the superior lifeforms.

    • 2 years ago
  23. 2 years ago

    >jill obsessed troony already in the thread

    • 2 years ago


  24. 2 years ago

    They didn't have radio and Wesker is their "superior".
    but everything was planned as Wesker led them to the mansion to test the zombies against them and he was arranging with RPD's chief about this so it couldn't help it

  25. 2 years ago

    So many old horror stories are completely obsolete today thanks to mobile and especially smartphones. Also wtf, did they make the gay captchas longer?

    • 2 years ago

      There are a number of ways to render modern communications useless for these stories. Mostly remote locations with little to no coverage. Or just break them.

  26. 2 years ago

    Turns out the real monster was MAN

  27. 2 years ago

    What would you equip your bsaa teams with? I'd want something that does heavy tissue damage to put down unarmored bows like zombies and lickers, but for big guys(4u) something that hits really hard and penetrates would be more preferable. Hunters for example have hides that are in lore resistant to small arms fire. I always thought something like that .50 cal ar would be nice to have in those scenarios.

    • 2 years ago

      >What would you equip your bsaa teams with
      Patches that read "S.T.A.R.S.".

    • 2 years ago

      And just as soon as you did the next wave of BOW would be 16 inch tall velociraptor-like BOW that attack in packs of 20. The ONLY thing I can say about leading BSAA armaments, other than having dedicated R&D to making better counter-pick weapons all the time, is that I'd cover a wide goddamn base.

      I'm talking a default 8 man squad
      2 Standard riflemen with standard 556 rounds and a choice of jacketed soft points and armor piercing rounds. Undermount weapon of their choice.
      2 Sweepers. Equipped with mid-short weapons like shotguns, SMGs and those AMAZING mini flamethrowers that are everywhere in Resident Evil. NOTE I will have BSAA develop a canister of acid to spray as well because the rock-paper-scissors logic of Resident Evil suggests anything not weak to fire or bullet is weak to acid.
      1 Sharpshooter with upwards of 50cal rounds with all sorts of trick ammo.
      1 Machine gunner with operationally dictated 30/50 cal machine gun.
      1 Demolitions expert with flavors of grenade rounds as well as area denial.
      1 Medic who is would also have any specialized counter-agent however it's manifested for the specific BOW being fought.

      With all sorts of backup weapons, grenades, mounted guns, and special ordinance on whatever vehicle I deploy them in.

  28. 2 years ago

    >Literally everyone talking about Wesker bigbrain keikaku
    Here's the simple answer: their radios wouldn't reach anyone.

    I should probably back this up by saying I am 37 years old. I have been an avid camper and outdoorsman for the entirety of my life. This was released in 1996 and retconned to take place in 1998, in a mountain range. A handheld LMRS radio could at extreme communicate 6-8 miles under ideal conditions. Ideal on a mountain is not anywhere other than the peaks. Since nowhere in RE1 or the REmake do we see the skyline of Raccoon City, and the Remake, knowing what is later established about Raccoon City shows at least two ridges to fly over and still nothing beyond it in the sunlight. I'd guess at least a dozen miles from whereabouts the mansion to Raccoon City if not 20 or more. But it is certainly not line of sight to any receivers.

    The US military didn't have handheld radios with TPO that were reliable to broadcast 20 miles during Desert Storm. For anyone to have hope of communicating they'd need:
    -A radio pack with significantly more power to have it carry and a whip antenna long enough to broadcast it.
    -A base station with all of the above or possible a lower threshhold with better broadcast position -like oh say a helicopter-. OR a base station with skywave capabilities. Which means they bounce the signal off the ionosphere. Which is roughly equivalent to needing a 100 mile range just to receive your own transmission.

    This is all a wordy way of saying that with a helicopter, it seems reasonable they'd have the means to contact Police HQ. Once Brad took it and left: without a dedicated field radio operator in STARS there's no way they'd've been able to call for help from Raccoon City. And I'm 99% confident even with all of STARS's duties that range from Search and Rescue to NARC to SWAT that they'd not have needed one.

  29. 2 years ago

    Arent THEY the superiors? No one but the normal cops and Irons was left back at the police station. Imagine coming back and trying to explain how 80% of the local SWAT team died in the place that is now a crater in a forest.

    • 2 years ago

      Raccoon City does have a SWAT Team. They tried to replace STARS with a new Special Police Force or SPF after RE1 but they had the SWAT Team already.

  30. 2 years ago

    >Game starts
    >Calls hq
    >Oh shit that's fricked up we'll send help
    >Everyone just sits in the lobby for two hours until another chopper arrives
    >Credits roll

    • 2 years ago

      Wesker finds a chance to leave the room or uses Barry
      Wesker releases the hunters
      Wesker still blows up the place so that there are no survivors
      Trying to make it a realistc setting also means that there are no safe areas, the lobby would also get invaded by zombies.

      • 2 years ago

        Zombies and Hunters can open doors so it'd be cool if they really could wander around on their own. I'd even give Hunters something like a nerfed version of X's AI where they'd be attracted to gunfire and other Hunters screeching in adjacent rooms.

  31. 2 years ago

    They were several dozen, maybe even hundred, miles out into a neighbouring forest, inside a building designed to trap and kill people, their helicopter and comms guy having run away, and the only antagonist being their commanding officer.

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