Why do game developers hate their customers?

Why do game developers hate their customers?

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  1. 7 months ago

    People are losing their jobs and you think this is funny? This isn't gossip. It's not news. It's not something to jeer about or make fun of.

    • 7 months ago

      >People are losing their jobs and you think this is funny?

    • 7 months ago

      good I hope they all die too

    • 7 months ago

      If only there was SOME way of making businesses listen (like not purchasing their garbage for instance), but alas, FOMO and a complete lack of both self-control & self-awareness strikes again.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Because they simply love money more.

      Absolutely, I find it hilarious. I also find it hillarious how the biggest self proclaimed "anti shill" keeps talking how these CA devs are really great devs and really skilled, and at the same time talk how they could not push updates in hyenas and there were no new features added to the game for weeks at a time during development.

      Sounds to me more like CA tried to cut costs, the old devs who were actually good and skilled at their jobs left, and all that was left was a constant stream of junior devs streaming in that had to take over while having no mentor.

    • 7 months ago

      I hope they all get raped to death

    • 7 months ago

      Is this bait or are you really this much of a bleeding heart?

    • 7 months ago

      why the frick should i care

    • 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    they wanna join the ack

  3. 7 months ago

    They just want easy money, not actually having to work and meet expectations.
    Turning game development from a hobbyist to a wageslave industry has been a disaster.

    • 7 months ago

      finkcore games don't sell all that well

  4. 7 months ago

    >abandon your core audience for a licenced cash grab
    >fail to make a new audience by chasing outdated trends form 5 years ago
    >licence that got you money about to expire

  5. 7 months ago

    The customer's desires are a barrier between the devs and their money, the paypigs should just buy whatever slop enters their trough.

  6. 7 months ago

    They think the customers are being rude to them, which is funny because it implys they aren't aware, that they are being rude to the customers by releasing buggy products and jacking up the price while lowering the quality of the content.

  7. 7 months ago

    Because they knowingly release steaming piles of shit to consumers, and the consumers in turn, despite having a complete understanding that they’re being served steaming piles of shit, gobble it up, consequently complaining that they weren’t fed ENOUGH (wHeRe’S mY cOnTeNt!!1!) and decry that they, in fact, want TASTIER steaming piles of shit.

    And this modern day phenomena of locust-esque consumerism is the result of 24/7 advertising and TRILLIONS of dollars in marketing and psychology research to trick you, the shit eating consumer, that you actually like the taste of shit, and if you don’t eat all the shut you’re being served, then your going to miss out! Don’t forget the side-dishes of shit in the form of DLC, don’t miss out!!

    As a sentient life form capable of thought, it’s very hard to maintain intellectual integrity AND respect the modern consumer.

    The cows don’t get a choice when it’s time to be milked, either; how dehumanising it must be to be willingly reduced comparatively to cattle.

    • 7 months ago

      Copyright needs to be reduced to 10-14 years (with copyleft licenses like the GPL or +Black person being upheld for a longer period), this will significantly reduce the cost-effectiveness of advertising since they will be marketing the products of competitors past a certain point. Allowing copyright to persist as long as it has just ups the effectiveness of marketing and doesn't even protect the producer of IP, since any contact with larger companies will serve to strip them of it.

      If only there was SOME way of making businesses listen (like not purchasing their garbage for instance), but alas, FOMO and a complete lack of both self-control & self-awareness strikes again.

      You're a tiny island in an ocean of consoomers. You can do nothing other than aimlessly frick with the waves, hoping that somewhere, in some far off land, you've capsized the boat of the butthole who has been stealing all your fish and pissing downstream.

  8. 7 months ago

    total war players are probably the whitest demography around
    you can do 2+2 on your own

  9. 7 months ago

    Because often times said customers are a bunch of entitled karens, which makes the devs butthurt and act like entitlted karens, and it turns into basically a cul-de-sac wine mom war about who is right/wrong, while the actual chads go fishing.

    • 7 months ago
      anti-anti-anti woke karen

      >while the actual chads go fishing.
      holy shit anon i am so so jealous you stirred some shit & then sniffed it

  10. 7 months ago

    What did they do?

    • 7 months ago

      added trannies to warhammer

  11. 7 months ago

    because consumers, especially in vidya, have this nasty habit of saying when they think something is shit with very little if any filter
    if for whatever reason pretty much nobody else is making that kind of game then they're gonna hold you to that even more because they can't just buy some other guy's product, it doesn't exist
    naturally there were competent devs who respected the process and made some great shit back in the day but either they got axed when management inevitably didn't like them saying unhelpful things like "maybe putting this much DLC in the game is a bad idea" or they just left after getting sick of it themselves and took their programming talent & knowledge with them

    repeat this process for about 12 years in Creative Assembly's case and you see the consequences

    • 7 months ago

      >because consumers, especially in vidya, have this nasty habit of saying when they think something is shit with very little if any filter
      Why do you think this happens? Is it possibly because in videogames a normal complaint is met with simply ignoring it? In a restaurant if you have a complaint you are face to face, in all my life even tho i don't complain often in a restaurant, they would always fix whatever i would complain about, if it was a wrong order, or just not prepared as specified.
      What happens in videogames? You tell the devs, hey, i paid money for this, and it was advertised as xyz... aaaaand they tell you to frick off because you are an entitled baby and its just a videogame.
      Once the mask was off on one side, the other side stopped giving a frick as well. And yea, not all devs are like that, but after a while you realize that the nice devs are a minority so you stop giving a frick.

      • 7 months ago

        it's probably more specific to video games because they get updated, changed, etc. over time since the Internet took hold
        a movie releases and stays that way, same for albums, books, manga, very rarely is there something so egregiously shit that it needs to be changed post-release
        these sound like benefits but really what it means is that you can release something really shit really quickly for relatively cheap and barely fix it up later on, and if it makes money it encourages that sort of behaviour
        a lot of it is also consumer protection laws being outdated as frick, and games are already a grey area in a billion ways thanks to gamblinggays and h-games, and more regulation could likely do more harm than good

        • 7 months ago

          >a movie releases and stays that way, same for albums, books, manga, very rarely is there something so egregiously shit that it needs to be changed post-release
          That has not been a thing for a while either. You have pretty horrid rereleases, sure the videogames have the most direct access to changing shit trough patches, but movies and comics have been change since the medium exists, there are huge differences between original releases and modern releases, and its why some of the old comics are so valuable, since they often would rework them for modern sensibilities.
          The rest I kinda get yea.

          • 7 months ago

            >movies and comics have been change since the medium exists, there are huge differences between original releases and modern releases
            Name 10 movies and/or comics that release in the past 5 years that needed to be recalled because they were blatantly rushed and unfinished
            I could name double that amount in video games.
            There's a difference between releases getting shittier over time, old shit getting re-released but worse, and new shit having to be pulled back because it's rushed and dogshit. That last one is pretty much exclusively a vidya problem, unless you wanna count shit like cars and food getting product recalls.

  12. 7 months ago

    Imagine you're running a company and your customer/client base is literally the Ganker board of Ganker
    would you not hate your customers?

    • 7 months ago

      no i will stay neutral and strive to deliever best experience in a professional manner
      any other consumer-hating takes troony?

  13. 7 months ago

    spiteful entitled fricks which are genuinely evil

  14. 7 months ago

    >dude explore more income revenue streams LMAO
    is basically every brand manager

  15. 7 months ago

    >that moment when a studio shuts its doors after it abandoned you, their original audience, 10 years earlier
    I feel like this hasn't happened in a while and buy I cannot wait.

    • 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    It's a mutual relationship of hate just like how customers hate all the developers

    Unsure however how it applies to this case

  17. 7 months ago

    Its the executive class in society. Anyone who has worked corporate knows this, they're living in a totally different world and completely detached from the market.

  18. 7 months ago

    They just see the current customers as something they already have and capitalism forces them to search for more. We can't have good things anymore because of that

  19. 7 months ago

    Same reason kindergarten teachers hate children.
    You want to make them happy, but you can't make everyone happy all the time, and they're so damn noisy.

  20. 7 months ago

    because most customers are spineless little worms. would you respect the guy giving you his lunch money each day so you can bully him some more? respect is earned through actions my guy and simply giving someone money doesent entitle you to being respected

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