why do longtime yakuza fans get mad when you say 0 was your first yakuza game?

why do longtime yakuza fans get mad when you say 0 was your first yakuza game? you guys literally all told me to play this one first.

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  1. 5 months ago

    All of those posts are actually me posing as a yakuza fan to make them look bad.

  2. 5 months ago

    It's like one or 2 guys doing that.

    I only get triggered by the people constantly asking which games to skip.so they can get the the newest one as quick as possible or the guy who cries because he 100%'s every game even though he doesn't enjoy doing it.

  3. 5 months ago

    tl;dr: the fanbase is very divided.

    True oldschool Yakuza -gays (in West) who've started with the PS2 OG obviously consider the release order to be the one true path one needs to take in order to appreciate and understand the franchise. They're easily butthurt when they realize that their niche series is now popular around the globe, thanks to Y0's success.

    And this is the big paradigm shift: Yakuza 0's release and its insane praise & acclaim around the world. On the other hand, it was the series' 10y anniversary love project, with lots of throwbacks. On the other, it was a prequel title establishing backstory lore for some of the most beloved characters.

    Even the devs have stated Zero being a great starting point. But I do get the criticism in a sense that Zero might make rest of the series feel tad underwhelming in comparison.

    I myself started with 0, and I've since played 1-6. Enjoyed all of them, for different reasons. I honestly think that RGG team finally "got" how to write a story and END it well with Zero. It also gave them a long-needed breather from many of the tumors of the older games (namely Haruka).

    • 5 months ago

      >buy yakuza 3-4 close to release date back in ps3 days
      >never play them because i was lazy to emulate 1+2
      >0 is released
      >play it

    • 5 months ago

      The devs said gaiden is a good starting point you moronic 0gay. Seriously what part of your mush brain thinks they'll go out and say
      >no way dude, don't buy this shit until you play the other games
      Fricking -1iq.

      • 5 months ago

        >The devs said gaiden is a good starting point you moronic 0gay.
        No son, this was long before Gaiden or even 7 were a thing. Author himself stated 0 being a good starting point, and why wouldn't it be?

        And obviously playing a linearly progressing story out of order would be idiotic.

        • 5 months ago

          His point is the word of the devs doesn't amount to much in this regard.

          • 5 months ago

            And yet I'm sure he'd use them as an appeal to authority if it went his way, to appear like a purist and all.

            • 5 months ago

              I don't know, people can surprise you.
              Personally, I think you can get away with playing 0 first, but it cheapens Majima's and Nishiki's appearance in 1, to say nothing of Kiwami's changes.

              • 5 months ago

                It's hard to go from 0 where Nishiki is a character to 1 where he's basically a plot device

              • 5 months ago

                >canon content leak
                sounds cool, what's the issue?
                That's kind of what I mean. He's a fricking butthole in 1 and makes you want to hate him for no good reason. 0 makes him way more sympathetic, which is fine for a prequel, but only a prequel, not a first appearance.

                The one thing I like about Kiwami was they added cutscenes that actually show his decline makes him more of a character then some butthole

          • 5 months ago

            You do know that the OG author of RGG left the studio soon after LAD dropped, no?
            Everything after Y7 can just as well be considered fanfic.

            • 5 months ago

              >You do know that the OG author of RGG left the studio soon after LAD dropped, no?
              Yokoyama left even though I see him in all these videos about the new games? WOAH BRO you got the inside scoop
              Yokoyama wrote the games, dumbfrick

      • 5 months ago

        I remember Bioware saying that Mass Effect 3 was a great jumping in point.
        Marketers are always saying that shit.

  4. 5 months ago

    >why do longtime yakuza fans
    the moronic schizo is a zoomer and never played OG 1 and 2. Don't say stupid shit.

  5. 5 months ago

    For me, it's less that and more acting like a fan despite refusing to acknowledge half the series. I couldn't care less if you started with 0 if you actually enjoy most/all entries.

  6. 5 months ago

    >play 0
    >skip 1-6, watch cutscenes on Youtube
    >play 7

    • 5 months ago

      >turn based boring shit with shit character

    • 5 months ago

      literally me

  7. 5 months ago

    I started with Kiwami 1, intending to play in "release order" without knowing that kiwami 1 and 2 were sequels to 0. after I beat kiwami 2 I went back to 0 and wish I played that first.

  8. 5 months ago

    It's the only one worth playing really.

  9. 5 months ago

    the kiwamis are lame, that's all.

    Starting with a prequel is generally not great, but for a series like this where the games are repetitive to the point that many will fall off, it makes sense to try 0 first.

  10. 5 months ago

    I can't imagine a single person getting mad at that. Who gives a frick

  11. 5 months ago

    Jealous because 0 is objectively the best one.

  12. 5 months ago

    >nooo you cant just play the best one first, you have to sift through all the mid shit first!

  13. 5 months ago

    I am glad I played them all, even 3 which I didn't enjoy a lot at the time but now that I look back, was comfy as frick and had some really good parts.
    The orphanage shit paid off in Gaiden and I'm glad they tied up some older game threads that just sort of vanished.

  14. 5 months ago

    I play the PS2 games on release date on my PS2 with no emulation and I'm just happy to keep getting new games.

  15. 5 months ago

    0gays are annoying. They start with one of the best ones (Zero) and then proceed to shit on the rest of the saga, especially Yakuza 3. That's why there's a divide.

    • 5 months ago


  16. 5 months ago

    Starting with Like A Dragon then going to Infinite Wealth and continuing from there. I’m not playing the previous thousand action combat games, suck my ass Yakuza fans

  17. 5 months ago

    The problem Zero is too good to start.

    I guess there is 1 & 2 HD for Wii U and it has the PS2 content with the "Kiwami" distortions.

    • 5 months ago

      >with the "Kiwami" distortions.
      1&2 HD are on both PS3 and Wii U and they're literally just the PS2 versions with minor of quality life changes like item boxes at telephone booths and better textures. They also don't break when emulating above native resolution like the PS2 versions. Picture related is Shinseicho in 2 HD at 4K internal.

      • 5 months ago

        translation patch?

  18. 5 months ago

    Why does anyone care how other people play video games?

    If they want to play games in a stupid order and ruin the experience for them selves that's their problem I couldn't care less.

  19. 5 months ago

    Is this the Yakuza thread?

    I just completed all the achievements for Gaiden, it's the first game in the series that I platinum'd, really enjoyed it.

    Went back to LAD (Y7) to try to platinum this one now after only completing the main story in 2020, but frick it looks like it requires a long time of grinding to level everything up lol, I'm not sure if this going to be fun or just a grind.

    • 5 months ago

      7's grind is like 6-10 hours to do the TFMT because you were meant to do a complete NG+ run on Legend before you even attempted it, they just got rid of that trophy in the western version.
      You need to get a main job and a secondary job to 99 for each character and the best weapon for each of your main jobs to EX (Nothing higher, you're not even supposed to have anything past EX +1). You also need every other job to 30, and you need some of the best equips for each character, the vast majority of which are easily gained from the Battle Arena since crafting is completely pointless.

      translation patch?

      Nope. The guy behind the Restored patch said he didn't do the HD versions because it would have taken him longer to fix the vertical text issues than just fix the dub replacement issues on the original.

      • 5 months ago

        >The guy behind the Restored patch said he didn't do the HD versions because it would have taken him longer to fix the vertical text issues than just fix the dub replacement issues on the original.

  20. 5 months ago

    Kiwami 1 and 2 are not as good as the original game but they work much better as a bridge from 0 to the rest of the series, they beef up shitty ass Nishki as a villain, and they're modern enough to keep someone coming from 0 interested.

    They serve their purpose, and if someone plays the entire series, they will probably go back and emulate 1 and 2 eventually anyways later on.

  21. 5 months ago

    Lost Judgment was so good that Ishin, while not even being bad, had me worried because it was a severe drop in quality between the two.
    Luckily, Gaiden restored my faith completely. I might like Gaiden more than 5.

  22. 5 months ago

    I dunno why it pisses so many people off. I went 4 > 5 > 0 > 1 > 6 > 2 > 3 and 7 at the same time over because 3 gameplay aged like frickin milk and now I've just got Gaiden and Ishin and Judgements to go through. Aside from the dated combat of 3, the entire shit show of 6, the series as a whole has been pretty awesome and consistent. Seriously frick everything about 6 though. Story, combat, characters, everything outside of Date, Akiyama, and Kiryu sucked.

  23. 5 months ago

    I like 6.

  24. 5 months ago

    Don't listen to anything they say. Try to avoid them whenever possible. Don't ever engage. There's nothing to gain there, you'll just start hating the things you like because you share it with homosexuals you'd normally never even talk to. Fandoms ruin everything.

    • 5 months ago

      >canon content leak
      sounds cool, what's the issue?

      It's hard to go from 0 where Nishiki is a character to 1 where he's basically a plot device

      That's kind of what I mean. He's a fricking butthole in 1 and makes you want to hate him for no good reason. 0 makes him way more sympathetic, which is fine for a prequel, but only a prequel, not a first appearance.

  25. 5 months ago

    >this is your protagonist's arch rival

    How are they going to gas this guy up to be an actual threat?

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