Why do people act like VII's story was any better? Both are an unfocused convoluted schizo mess

Why do people act like VII's story was any better? Both are an unfocused convoluted schizo mess

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    VII improved itself by virtue of getting 89 spin-offs to flesh everything out so people remember it more fondly. Going back and playing it, Sephiroth in particular is a pretty shit villain, even by FF standards, and was really only improved due to the constant addition of more and more background elements in things outside of FF7.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What a dumb opinion. ALL of the expanded universe stuff is garbage. The original game is the only good part.


      Why do people act like VII's story was any better? Both are an unfocused convoluted schizo mess

      Also a stupid opinion. Disc 2 of FF8 might actually be the worst part of any final fantasy. FF8 sucks and Spoony was always right about it.


      • 4 weeks ago

        Are you still making vids, Spoonytard?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I get my opinions from youtubers
        So you're just a drone.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What a dumb opinion.
        Sephiroth is a half-baked idea of a character that just GOES CUHRAAAYZAYY and wants to end the world because he mistakes something for someone else and has alien Alzheimer's. It's shit and numerous other FF villains do the same thing with better development, they just don't have a moronic ten foot katana.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You clearly haven’t played and talked to everyone and inspected everything. You barely even interact with the real Sephiroth in game. He was thrown in the livestream and encased in mako years before the game starts.
          There are actually several main villains in this game - Hojo, Sephiroth, and Jenova. Shinra and the Turks are more frenemies which is a great dynamic. God, FF7 is so fricking good.

          Zoomers literally play the game on 3x speed with cheats and rush through the game following a let’s play instead of doing everything possible like you’re supposed to and then they say the story sucks.

          They probably tap O through the dialogue. Can’t take them seriously. Zoomers are barely human.

        • 4 weeks ago

          you're being intentionally moronic and you would not tolerate someone going XD ULTIMECIA JUST RANDOMLY GOES CRAZY AND WANTS TO KILL TIME OR SOMETHING LOL
          the electric company gains so much power, they can use people as tools. sephiroth is shot up with effectively mother nature's soul so he can be a better soldier, but it destroys his mind. the company is fricked by their own incompetence as their tool strikes back at them. however, he's not on the side of the planet either: he's simply destructive. they even underline it 40 times because he larps as Mother (Nature)'s chosen boy, and impales the actual last descendant of mother nature who is a literal flower girl.
          all of this very obviously ties in to the environmentalism theme. don't burn houses, grow trees.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Except that's wrong.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    A glorious mess. I love it

  3. 4 weeks ago

    7 feels much more structured to me, you have sentient planet, the cetra, the jenova
    8 looks messy, ordinary planet? the evil sorceresses? moon wants to attack earth? time is convoluted? gardens? what is going on?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    7's was just nothing special, which is standard for Final Fantasy. 8's was just god awful, and worse of all didn't have spinoffs and novels to salvage it like, forcing fans to invest dumb theories just to cope.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >7's was just nothing special
      What a moronic contrarian opinion.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >7 is great
        >contrarian opinion

        • 4 weeks ago

          Reading comprehension issues or ESL.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Zoomer post

        • 4 weeks ago

          I’m 34 and I’m playing through with my 6yo daughter for the first time. It’s based.

          • 4 weeks ago

            the game is a bit dark for a 6 yo

            • 4 weeks ago

              She’s homeschooled and is advanced for her age. She is working at a fifth grade level in just about every subject and is actively learning Japanese and how to play the piano.

              • 4 weeks ago

                it doesnt change anything, its still a dark game for a 6 yo, but it seems you don't care so whatever dude

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                >not homeschooling in ~~*the current year*~~.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >She’s homeschooled
                You're raping her daily, aren't you?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >this is what israelites want you to believe about homeschooling so you leave your child in the care of their agents.
                Tale as old as time. Public school is a massive waste of potential. You spend hours and hours a day of your most precious learning years being bored to death in a classroom that’s tailored to the lowest common denominator. Plus, the schools are making kids gay.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >Why do people act like VII's story was any better?
    Because it was. It's not good, but it's still better than VIII's atrocious story.

    • 4 weeks ago

      > It's not good
      Justify this. FF7 is probably in the top 5 greatest original pieces of fantasy of the last 30-40 years.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    7's story is better, though. everything ultimately circles back to the industrialization vs environmentalism theme. even the alien ghosts.
    meanwhile 8 is full of schizo shit that has absolutely nothing to do with the cycles of hatred concept, so you're left wasting hours on effectively filler. there's a reason people react to 8 with pure confusion and try to write shitty fanfiction to make the plot work. it's a mess.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    its unfair 8 should've been the one that got a remake
    or they should've just delayed the damn game by a year to improve it. lots of neat ideas but it's all held together with elmers glue

  8. 4 weeks ago

    liberi fatalis mogs one winged angel

  9. 4 weeks ago

    8 had a really convoluted third-act.
    But it at least tried. That's more than I can say for FF9 which totally phoned it in with their necron asspull.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The eternal darkness final boss (localized in english as necron) can be thought of as a really deep and strong character akin to god. He doesn't show up until you challenge the foundation of reality itself. And if you defeat him he just resets the universe saying he won't lose until this reality exists. Makes the ending ambiguous and adds pessimistic notes, you feel powerless, it breaks the 4th wall. Sqauesoft devs kind of chickened out by by making his fight somewhat easy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >can be thought of as a really deep and strong character akin to god
        Yeah if you're a midwit who spends house projecting shit onto him that flat-out isn't there.
        >if you defeat him he just resets the universe
        He doesn't do this, he just fricks off and nothing of merit or note happens. He's not even mentioned or acknowledged the second he leaves the screen, by anyone, because he's a last-minute ass pull that was supposed to be Hades.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    wtf are you talking about?

    FF7 is consistently structured to where each thing matters as it's being presented, flashbacks are used sparingly and the core of the game is understood by almost everyone with few understandings outside of what happened with Cloud having Sephiroth clone cells which is what warped his view of himself and made him suggestable to Sephiroth and made him fracture his mind into thinking he was Zack.

    Most people don't even understand what the frick time compression was or where ultimecia came from because her backstory completely off screen or how the ending even happened, what was even happening or how Rinoa saved Squall (It was time compression but we've never seen it until then and it wasn't really explained).

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