Why do people bother with multiplayer games anymore?

Why do people bother with multiplayer games anymore?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Because I'm a useless NEET with nothing going on in their life who feels stuck and that they can't break out of the cycle. There, you happy?

  2. 5 months ago

    isn't the point of multiplayer games for it to be a celebration of skill and talent? why would anyone cheat yourself?

    • 5 months ago

      Because the number needs to go up. I need xp for the battle pass, I dont play to have fun.

      • 5 months ago

        This is the sad state of affairs.
        Forced progression, timesinks, and sunk cost means people will do scummy shit to make number go up. Never had this kind of epidemic of shit back in UT or Quake

        • 5 months ago

          thats because people just played a couple matches simply because it was fun, if you lost the match it didnt matter. now it's all about grinding that shinier rank medal so losing has become serious business so people are just more willing to cheat.

    • 5 months ago

      well thats certainly part of it. its supposed to be fun and more varied than what you would get against bots. and it was varied, until everyone started just copying metacrap that they didnt even understand while still thinking they can give me lip.

      >well, you shouldnt be playing lol anyways.
      It says you can train the AI in any game to give you a advantage. Probably wont be long before there are gaming headphones with AI that you can train to measure footstep distance by sound and calculate the exact location on screen.

      of course, with any luck well all have our own guardian angels. i guess best case scenario well be able to ask bots to emulate a full lobby of people and a friends list of different personalities.
      why interact with humans when theyre in actuality all snakes?

      • 5 months ago

        >why interact with humans when theyre in actuality all snakes?
        There alot of snakes but also alot of people will feel pressured to also use a monitor like this or be left behind because theyre at a disadvantage.

        • 5 months ago

          same as it is now right? gamer hardware marketing always promises an edge.
          anyways, the future will be cheat vs anti cheat bots having an invisible war alongside advertisement / popup blocker bots and censorship/counter censorship bots.

  3. 5 months ago

    hardwaregays have always been buying crap to give them an edge. in fps they do the fish eye lens crap, thats considered fair but having an ai nanny isnt? well, you shouldnt be playing lol anyways.

    • 5 months ago

      >well, you shouldnt be playing lol anyways.
      It says you can train the AI in any game to give you a advantage. Probably wont be long before there are gaming headphones with AI that you can train to measure footstep distance by sound and calculate the exact location on screen.

  4. 5 months ago

    Because people are too stupid to realize multiplayer games can be played by bots
    and simply if the game is so dumb a robot can play it
    then it's not going to be fun and each match is not going to be really unique
    if you played 10 matches
    you seen it all

  5. 5 months ago

    >People will not only use aim bots and what ever else as cheating software
    >They will soon to be assisted by AI to cheat as well
    It was the right call to exit pvp games years ago.

    • 5 months ago

      half the playerbase in online shit has been cheating for a decade now
      and if you dare call it out people call you crazy
      you have deranged morons defending their favorite eceleb esports gay when hes blatantly cheating
      and they just argue that shit is humanly possible because he played 10 gorillion hours

      • 5 months ago

        >People jumping to a cheater's rescue and simp for them
        That is the most bizarre thing to observe. I got someone so mad back then for calling someone out and casually insulting him that it made him rage and stomp his feet until he got balanced to my team and rage in voice chat until a kick vote for me went through. Absolutely amazing experience to see him go ballistic over it.
        I'm glad I quit for good. I still have 30+ years old friends who are stuck in the mindset of grinding their rank and alike.

      • 5 months ago

        They still haven't learned that multiplayer only works with community dedicated servers (where players can be kicked) or splitscreen/LAN (where players can be punched). Matchmaking or quickplay shit that avoids server browsers should be avoided.
        >UOOAH AI features
        The amount of artifacting and dataset poisoning when trying to analyze moronic normalgay matches is going to make these useless.

        Every sport has a long history of blatant cheating.

        • 5 months ago

          >Every sport has a long history of blatant cheating.
          Maybe they should stop making every multiplayer game a sport and just focus on it being fun? if i want to storm the beach of normandy in a videogame i want it to emulate that experience i dont give a shit about it being a competitive sport.

          • 5 months ago

            itd sure be nice if games had as much variety as they used to. youd think somebody would pick up the slack but i guess everyone who had that drive was bought up by a few publishers whos math crunchers say competitive = addiction.

  6. 5 months ago

    Can't wait for AI powered (c) monitor plus mouse aim assist (c) combo .

  7. 5 months ago

    >buy new PC monitor
    >game detects graphics hardware
    >account auto-banned for cheating

    • 5 months ago

      people still get banned while cheating? i havent been banned in any game since i started using a VM to cheat lol.

      • 5 months ago

        Why does it matter if you use a VM or not? It's about the cheat being detected. A VM could perhaps be useful for bypassing HWID bans, but that's it.

    • 5 months ago

      >all monitors models are detected as general code name "MSI 4K" or "MSI 1080P"
      >psst nothing personnel game kiddos

    • 5 months ago

      >he does not know how to change the device properties
      That said, more reason to ban all sniper weapons in all future games and adopt random spray patterns.

  8. 5 months ago

    weird and cool

  9. 5 months ago

    Idk that shit died to me after BF4, I only play co-op games now as far as multiplayer goes. The Chinese, Russians and Pajeets can occupy their soulless AI battles for all I care.

  10. 5 months ago

    Personally I just enjoying a journey of improving myself step by step and competing against other people. Single player games don't motivate me at all. Sucks the scene getting diluted by cheaters and consolegays with aim assist. It's time for some hardware based security measures but shit just won't fly on PC. It's exact same thing which makes PC great for some things and absolutely terrible for stuff like multiplayer games. It's just way too easy to hack.

  11. 5 months ago

    Anyone with a brain already knew that hardware lead to massive advantages in games for a long time now. I don't know why this is suddenly radical to you now that its presented in a more direct form.

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