Why do people hate Mount & Blade II : Bannerlord?

Why do people hate Mount & Blade II : Bannerlord?

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  1. 3 years ago

    10 years
    came out early access

  2. 3 years ago

    10 years of development then 45 bucks for to play a game that still needs 10 more years

  3. 3 years ago

    It's hard to form an opinion on an UNFINISHED product

  4. 3 years ago

    overhyped, took forever to "come out" and it came out in early access. didnt live up to the hype

  5. 3 years ago

    not going to touch it before it comes out of EA

  6. 3 years ago

    Is it any better? I played about 200 hours at release then another 50 or so around 2 months later then haven't touched it since

  7. 3 years ago

    >Loading times are ridiculously long for a sandbox game
    >Barely anything new added, its like warband but with slightly better graphics
    >Still not fricking finished

    • 3 years ago

      >Warband but with slightly better graphics
      That would be a good thing at this point.

      >No Feasts
      >Faction Diplomacy still ass
      >Romance with ladies still ass, You get one time percentage based chance to impress and them with wierd dialog options. If you fail this then they will never talk to you again. You have to do this twice.
      >Companions still ass
      >Everyone is super squishy and light. In warband Knights could take a beating throughout a whole battle, in bannerlord they die after 2 hits.
      >Certain faction still suck, Sturgia is meant to be the Nord replacement and they don't even have that great heavy infantry
      >Leveling Charm sucks and it's pointless to make Lords follow you since they will just follow your for influence points anyways
      >Every lord has the same colors within a faction so you can't even distinguish him or his troops in battle. It's just RED TEAM vs BLUE TEAM.

      • 3 years ago

        i fricking hate fallout 4 for making romance a fricking roll chance instead of actually building up a relationship like in mass effect or witcher

      • 3 years ago

        are companions still auto generated? If so that's fricking moronic.

        • 3 years ago

          since they're trying to make the perma-death thing work, they can't make story rich companions anymore. They literally all have to be auto-generated because they will all eventually die from battle or old age.

          Speaking of which, the permadeath system is still fricking moronic. By the time my character makes it to a somewhat old age I usually get bored of that campaign. Like i only had a few games of Warband why my campaign lasted longer then 500 days. I have no idea why they're trying to make some wierd multi generational lasting games when you can probably finish or atleast dominate the map in less then 200 days

          • 3 years ago

            The age and children thing was pointless waste of time

  8. 3 years ago

    Because turkroachs are subhuman

  9. 3 years ago

    because mountain blade is just not good

  10. 3 years ago

    zoomers who don't remember how long the M&B beta was and started with warband

  11. 3 years ago

    >no feasts or events.
    >no claimants/usurpers
    >0 diplomacy/charm, just gamble bro.
    >no marriage cutscene
    >randomly generated companions have 0 SOUL, Jeremus alone > all banner lord cast.
    >Bannerlord Voice actors MOGGED and humiliated by the manly voices of the Warband screeching chads.
    >no promised gang/brigand playstyle
    >no slavery
    >no manhunters
    >sieges are flawed and moronic
    >pathfinding problems in 2021
    >build your siege tools in front of enemy ballistae lel
    >game is ugly and some characters are a nightmare to look at (smiling tavern wench)
    >no in-depth strategy, battles make no sense, either rush or use cheese units.
    >A decent PC can solo entire armies
    >forced clan system with shit main quest.
    >Born as spoonfed noble with a forced backstory.
    >RtR system from Warband discarded.
    >no books or trainers
    >Game still in EA yet it needs some mods to be tolerable ( tales world refuse to implement the good mods into the base game for some reason )
    >modders fed up with nu-talesworld , should they drop the game it's dead at launch.
    >lots of settlements are useless (castles for example)
    >unbalanced factions units and very bad map design.
    >In-game economy is a meme, broken and exploited in two clicks.
    >kingdom management? 0.
    >Slight Wokeism.
    >shitty quests with no variance and 0 impacts
    >early game grind so boring most people skip it/cheat it.
    >map is dry and generic, seasons changes do nothing.
    >poor relationships do nothing, even in Viking conquest lords who hated you could send hitmen.
    >devs and community managers/shills would rather powertrip on forums while doing damage control instead of working on the game and use feedback.
    >all factions use the same currency and speak the same language.
    >Massice cope and buyer remorse from the paying customers.
    >Bannerlord lore is not put to use, encyclopedia is wasted.
    and so on and so on...
    They just couldn't give us a reskinned Warband on a better engine,ffs Talesworld...
    The game is a 4.5/10 - moshpit battlesim.

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