Why do people like this shit. >Still no working NPCs after 12 years. >Major bugs

Why do people like this shit
>Still no working npcs after 12 years
>Major bugs
>Systems that go againist reality
Stolen laptop excuse only goes so far

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    why are Koreans so obsessed with this game? What about this game attracts Koreans?

    • 11 months ago

      Koreans got hit by the apocalyptic theme craze like zombies, end of the world, etc really late when the West got over it a while ago

    • 11 months ago

      Zombies are such a prominent monster to the average, modern person, because they represent the dull constraints of dull conformality and mindless living. South Korea, while a prosperous and safe country, it can be seen as stifling. Asian culture, being influenced by Confucianism, can generally be seen like this, but Korea is also suffering from youth unemployment, rising property prices, and harsh working conditions. The advent of the industrial age has also produced similar moods and South Korea has grown very quickly. Growing pains you can say. To survive during a zombie apocalypse is romantic in a way. You're free and only you can control your fate. It gives the impression that in such a scenario, you can rise from mediocrity and the muck of the modern age. Project Zomboid, at least thus far and to most people, probably remains the best simulator for the zombie genre. It's the best box for those ideas.

      • 11 months ago

        Stopped reading right there.

        • 11 months ago

          Stopped reading at the end? Good.

    • 11 months ago

      Checked twitch, theres like 3 channels streaming it in korean. Doesnt seem like much.

    • 11 months ago

      when all the women in your country look the same from plastic surgery you too will start panicking

    • 11 months ago

      koreans are like bugs or ants, enjoying farming 10k in x Game, even if the game is shit or meh at best.

  2. 11 months ago

    Actually, eating corn is supposed to teleport you to the other side of the state. It's not a bug.

  3. 11 months ago

    It makes me wish for a Sims 1 style MMO. A new era Habbo

    • 11 months ago

      I miss MMOs

      • 11 months ago

        >Star Wars Galaxies and player owned cities

  4. 11 months ago

    what are some open world survival craft games where the endgame is getting a shitton of guns and mowing down everything (with hordes of things to mow down)
    the only game that really scratches that itch for me is 7 days to die

  5. 11 months ago

    It's a really good skeleton of a game that once had a lot of promise. It ultimately never got any real content beyond base systems and likely never will. The devs can't even be bothered to do things like basic skill balancing.

  6. 11 months ago

    I find the cooking strangely fun.

    Farming is fricking terrible tho.

  7. 11 months ago

    Just tell me: is there still frick all actual zombie migration? After clearing an area, I want to be rewarded for the effort by it being mostly safe for a time, and not have respawns pop up in moronic places, but I also don't want it to be forever desolate. That requires that zeds from nearby still-full cells steadily trickle over.

    • 11 months ago

      Zombies don't migrate in massive hordes but (their AI) wants to diffuse and spread out evenly to every cell on the map. If you clear out a city, it's going to be mostly empty, with some respawns but no hordes, and then you'll also get zombies from other cells trying to diffuse and equalize, meaning it'll gradually refill. If you leave it alone for a couple months then it'll refill completely, but patrolling semi-regularly will limit respawns and any diffused zombies will be easy to find and kill.
      t. cleared West Point and patrolled daily until I fell off a roof and died.

      • 11 months ago

        What /exactly/ is the mechanism you're referring to? I ask because I dove deep on the mechanics and sandbox parameters as they were not un-recently and my recollection was that zombies will redistribute evenly only within a cell and will only cross cell boundaries due to a meta event or being near enough to player noise. I think I've seen someone allude to what you're describing, also as if it were genuine migration, but I'm not convinced that it isn't just respawns (I would turn them off entirely) and/or some incidental movement.

        With things as I understand them, I feel like the most straightforward path would be occasional silent meta events centered on the player with a relatively short zed movement distance so that the surroundings steadily creep back toward you.

        • 11 months ago

          NTA but
          Is a system that forces zombies to move from nearby cells to less populated cells slowly over time
          Is a specific system that goes from a certain point on the map, and moves to every major area before respawning zombies in cells you haven't been in for some time, it also checks if it can actually path to the specific cell it wants to run the check in and if it can't, it will skip the check, meaning that any place you build a wall around will be safe from respawns.
          technically isn't a thing really, however, cranking up 'follow sound distance' in sandbox settings can make any loud meta event sound pull WAY more zombies than before.
          >With things as I understand them, I feel like the most straightforward path would be occasional silent meta events centered on the player with a relatively short zed movement distance so that the surroundings steadily creep back toward you.
          There's actually a couple mods that do this, though it's mostly 'horde night' style ones that just keep activating a meta sound on your location to pull everything around you towards your location.

          • 11 months ago

            >Is a system that forces zombies to move from nearby cells to less populated cells slowly over time
            See this is still suspect to me - at least the use of the word "redistribute" which you've made a point of differentiating from "migrate" - because the parameter Redistribute Hours controls a delay before zombies spread to evenly fill the cell that they were already in, and I saw this proven via the debug displays. Is there something new by a similar name? I need specific technical details because otherwise everything sounds like the usual inaccurate conjecture.

            • 11 months ago

              >Is there something new by a similar name?
              Not that I'm aware of.
              The reason I'm differentiating between 'migration' and 'redistribution' is mostly because migration is generally considered to involve traveling a substantial distance while redistribution usually involves the equalization of two or more pools of values.
              That said, even the in game tooltip does describes redistribution as 'migration to the empty parts of the same cell', I've found to be inaccurate while playing however, as greatly increasing the time or straight up disabling it seems to leave cells completely empty, while leaving it on always seems to result in zombies wandering into a cell after the given time.

              • 11 months ago

                Essentially I've ended up not playing the game much because I couldn't come up with a combination of settings that I was happy with. I may just have to learn to mod it and code up my own reasonably clever silent meta event system.

              • 11 months ago

                >Essentially I've ended up not playing the game much because I couldn't come up with a combination of settings that I was happy with.
                That's more or less been my issue too, though that may be more down to how many hours I've sunk into it.
                If you want something that kinda gives you the horde feel, it might be worth trying something like this, it doesn't spawn anything in the area, just creates hordes with existing zombies and sends them your way.

      • 11 months ago

        >fell off a roof and died.
        Never played the game, how does this happen? Did you just inch a little too close to the edge on accident?

        • 11 months ago

          Probably vaulted over the waist-high wall of a roof - think like flat-top commercial buildings - by running/sprinting too near it and technically towards it.

    • 11 months ago

      Zombies don't migrate in massive hordes but (their AI) wants to diffuse and spread out evenly to every cell on the map. If you clear out a city, it's going to be mostly empty, with some respawns but no hordes, and then you'll also get zombies from other cells trying to diffuse and equalize, meaning it'll gradually refill. If you leave it alone for a couple months then it'll refill completely, but patrolling semi-regularly will limit respawns and any diffused zombies will be easy to find and kill.
      t. cleared West Point and patrolled daily until I fell off a roof and died.

      What /exactly/ is the mechanism you're referring to? I ask because I dove deep on the mechanics and sandbox parameters as they were not un-recently and my recollection was that zombies will redistribute evenly only within a cell and will only cross cell boundaries due to a meta event or being near enough to player noise. I think I've seen someone allude to what you're describing, also as if it were genuine migration, but I'm not convinced that it isn't just respawns (I would turn them off entirely) and/or some incidental movement.

      With things as I understand them, I feel like the most straightforward path would be occasional silent meta events centered on the player with a relatively short zed movement distance so that the surroundings steadily creep back toward you.

      I remember seeing some debug images and maybe dev docs about some zombie AI stuff like target population distributions and map-edge pathfinding but it seemed like it all had to do with the initial spawning and respawns and not actual migration.

  8. 11 months ago

    I got memed into buying this game and honestly it's got almost nothing compelling about it. Half broken janky mechanics that don't make any sense. No real sense of progression just start out, live for a short or moderate period of time and then either run out of things to do or die. You're not really building anything, you're not accomplishing anything. I know this is general to most roguelikes, but on top of all that it's simultaneously slow as shit and such limited awareness mechanics that you get rolled by some random shit that pops up suddenly.
    Even the zombies don't persist in the world, which is jank as frick.

    • 11 months ago

      >and such limited awareness mechanics that you get rolled by some random shit that pops up suddenly.
      Filtered. Turn around more

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah that's great, but it's not an interesting game mechanic.

        • 11 months ago

          I disagree

    • 11 months ago

      kinda feel the same but i appreciate the hard commitment to the bleak, realistic atmosphere

      i'm inclined to think the game is fine, but i'm just too jaded to appreciate it

    • 11 months ago

      >Even the zombies don't persist in the world, which is jank as frick.
      Black person what

      The only thing I could think of to make you say this is something like a zed unloading as a physical presence when out of range, for obvious simulation load reasons, and then not being as you left it because it simulated (via an "offline" system) while you were gone. Which would make the complaint fricking moronic.

      • 11 months ago

        >completely clear an area of zombies. Leave and come rigth back again, area is filled with zombies again.
        Dead Island tier crappy immersion.

        • 11 months ago

          First, that's not what was being talked about. Second, you're grossly exaggerating. The default respawn parameters are freely available to see and it takes a decent amount of time to refill an area. And the parameters are easily changed to suit your taste regardless of you being too stupid to do so.

          • 11 months ago

            >Just set a bunch of parameters to make the game not complete shit bro

    • 11 months ago

      I got bored after spending hours being careful only to die opening a door, it's just not fun.

      • 11 months ago

        >I died because I wasn't careful enough
        >game bad

  9. 11 months ago

    It's fun until you've set up your base and establish self suffiency, that is to say 20-50 hours

  10. 11 months ago

    I just want a sandbox with zombies to frick around in. Project Zomboid nearly scratches that itch, now if only it wasn't shit and had a competent dev team. Yes I've played CDDA and it suffers from the same problems (even worse in some areas.)

    Any recs for zombie games?

    • 11 months ago

      7dtd but only if you roll back to A19

  11. 11 months ago

    The game's fun for like 5 hours but because they disabled hordes because they lag too hard and because there's no NPCs it becomes tedious as shit. You get food, nails, go into a rural house, and just wait there until the map runs out of food.

    It's not a terrible game but it really drives home the point Romero once made about why a zombie TV show wouldn't work, because it just gets dull and formulaic eventually. The horror wears off. PZ does nothing to alleviate that.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah that's kinda the biggest issue with it.
      It starts chaotic and surviving the first couple weeks is intense, but after that it's just a matter of planting seeds and collecting water.

    • 11 months ago

      I have a schizo theory that the reason the devs leave shit like the infection chance up to rng and include many other aspects of poor design is because the game has a weak mid and no lategame and they want people to keep dying and restarting because of how devoid of content it is. The initial rush is the best, most interesting part of the game but if you're experienced that period grows smaller and smaller over each successive playthrough until you realize how shallow the game is. The fact it has been 10 entire years certainly doesn't help. Maybe in years when npcs and animals are included there will be some more emergent gameplay and things to work toward but I don't see that solving the structural issues.

      • 11 months ago

        >devs leave shit like the infection chance up to rng
        It's literally an option you can set it up exactly how you want it yourself.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah the theory sucks. Kenshi can be seen as devoid of content as well. It's sandbox in the most true sense of that, it's quite literally make up your own goals kind of game. Granted Kenshi's modding scene can give the game much more playability than usual.

  12. 11 months ago

    I feel like it would make more sense to have zero respawns but I imagine that would make the game incredibly boring.

    • 11 months ago

      >I feel like it would make more sense to have zero respawns
      Having every zombie on the map all at once would probably make the game lag to an unbearable degree. Unless there's some sort of solution or system that could memorize positions of where each one is in the world and spawn them in based on proximity, but it's never randomized and every zombie is counted as part of the population and they are theoretically doing things on the map when you're not in their sight. However hordes need to be a thing as well for that to even have some sort of interesting mechanical depth, otherwise it's pretty pointless. The way it works currently is just some sort of respawn system rather than everything being in the world at the same time.

      The game's fun for like 5 hours but because they disabled hordes because they lag too hard and because there's no NPCs it becomes tedious as shit. You get food, nails, go into a rural house, and just wait there until the map runs out of food.

      It's not a terrible game but it really drives home the point Romero once made about why a zombie TV show wouldn't work, because it just gets dull and formulaic eventually. The horror wears off. PZ does nothing to alleviate that.

      >but because they disabled hordes
      When did they disable hordes? they should have left that option in for the people who can deal with the lag. Doesn't make sense to limit your sandbox rules like that.

      • 11 months ago

        Stop talking about things you nothing about, dumbass.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm talking about respawns, why keep adding to the numbers of the infection (respawning them) other than just putting an insanely large amount to represent the outbreak correctly? we're talking about whether respawning should even be a thing.

          • 11 months ago

            The only source of lag is fully online zombies in your vicinity, meanwhile you're talking about the offline zombies, which are still simulated, as if they need to be hidden from the simulation or as if they aren't simulated at all. Half of your post was just full moron nonsense.

            • 11 months ago

              >Half of your post was just full moron nonsense
              You're dodging the question on whether respawns should be a thing. That's what the complaint was which was what i was replying to. The obvious answer is that respawns need to be a thing to get zombies filled into the worst and most dangerous areas of the map. That's why it works the way that it does or the logic behind it anyway. I'm not even complaining about the way it works, although i do actually have a particular gripe with it that i don't know if it's been addressed yet. I once turned a full neighborhood block into my own fortress with walls and everything and one day i started up my game and i got zombie spawns inside it. So the system is far from perfect either. And yes i was very thorough with my patrols as well.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't give a shit about the question. I'm a random passerby who saw you spit out a bunch of nonsense. Learn to cope with your moronation.

              • 11 months ago

                Lose weight you tubby nerd

              • 11 months ago

                I'll take that as an admission. You can cope, Anon. It gets better.

              • 11 months ago

                You're still overweight, nothing will change that fact. Have you ever seen pussy before kid? yeah not likely because you're a fricking loser.

  13. 11 months ago

    Because sadly it's the best overal zombie game out there. It should be 7 Days to Die but the enemy spawns in that game are unbelievably trash and gamey and every update further ruins the game.

  14. 11 months ago

    Because no one is willing to make anything like it, that's why I'm still drawn to it. Despite the NPCs still not being there. Usually the people the complain about it's mechanics aren't very good at the game. There's no excuses for how slow the development has been on the other hand.

  15. 11 months ago

    nooooo you cant just like having fun

  16. 11 months ago

    The Knox Prison is very broken in the the current build.

    Because zombies cannot break prison windows giant hoards get stuck endlessly banging away at them.

    Also I've been playing for hundreds of hours and I still don't get how you're ~intended~ to explore buildings. The only viable way to get inside places is to lure 90% outside and kill them in a open space. There are so many zombies, and I play on low pop settings, that going inside large buildings without clearing everyone outside first is an instant death sentence.

    Anyway, because of how zombies 'spawn', going into Knox Prison from the east wing means there are virtually zero zombies spawned on the east wing.

    • 11 months ago

      >Also I've been playing for hundreds of hours and I still don't get how you're ~intended~ to explore buildings.
      2 ways.
      Very quietly or very violently.

      • 11 months ago

        Those work for houses and medium sized commercial buildings. But the BIG buildings, like the Mall/Knox Prison/Louisville Hotel going in sneaking or loud is just going to get get yourself killed. Even a maxed stat easy mode character can't kill thousands of zombies without retreating a little.

        • 11 months ago

          You'd be surprised, just keep a bottle of water on you and sit down after clearing a couple rooms.

          • 11 months ago

            With hundreds of zombies heading in your direction where are you going to sit down without exiting the building (and inadvertently leading them all out)

            • 11 months ago

              It usually doesn't take too long to get your stamina back when sitting down if you catch it early.
              The second you see the first moodle you should try to walk into an area you already cleared and sit until they get a few feet out of minimum rear visual range.
              That or just kite them out and rapetrain them until they're all dead.

  17. 11 months ago

    no working NPCs after 12 years
    I don't get the NPC autism, what the frick are NPCs even supposed to do?

    Like what?

    that go againist reality
    Like what? Also >muh reality, kys.

    The only actual bad parts about this game is the fricked up save system, and the fact that the game engine is programmed in Lua, so it's extremely unoptimized.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't know if you're familiar with the original alpha builds but Zomboid got a big boost from the really interesting Kate and Baldspot tutorial where you were a guy taking care of his bedridden wife, and there was a scripted raider NPC that would invade your house. Ever since then they've been promising NPCs that could do shit like that but unscripted through a "narrative system" where NPCs would be generated with sets of goals and traits and then try to complete them in the game world, being able to form alliances, relationships etc. to help them complete goals, there actions in the world would also form a "backstory" that actually happened that they'd be able to recount to the player

      • 11 months ago

        Their biggest mistake was "promising" something like that in the first place, there is obliviously no way that's ever going to work. Especially not on the engine the game runs on now.

        • 11 months ago

          I think it could work but it's one of those things that'll sound way cooler when described than when played, like Dorf Fortress simulating the history of the game world when randomly generating it would have much the same end result

        • 11 months ago

          I think it could work but it's one of those things that'll sound way cooler when described than when played, like Dorf Fortress simulating the history of the game world when randomly generating it would have much the same end result

          Maybe the best analogy is the Oblivion AI E3 demo vs the reality.

      • 11 months ago

        At this point all I want is some NPC raiders to deal with, even that would be better than nothing.

  18. 11 months ago

    There is like at least 100 mods minimum for this game which add bare minimum quality of life features or bugfixes that should be in the game by default and the devs just do not care, they should be fricking ashamed of themselves at this point. At the very least they should contact the mod developers and implement their mod officially in exchange for their name in the credits, if they can't be fricking bothered to redo the work of the hundred different tiny 5 minute hackjobs officially, if I was a developer for this game I would be fricking embarrassed.

    There is not a single good reason why they haven't implemented (for example) the snow to water rain barrels mod, or the radio button on the car dashboard mod, or adding the key to the map mod. Fricking disgraceful.

  19. 11 months ago

    Take the L, buddy.

  20. 11 months ago

    The game is fun.

  21. 11 months ago

    I just wanna embrace the Sims comparison and build a home/fort, going out and finding shit in place of what would be Buy Mode. Have to use the tile picker to build seeing as it'll be another decade at least before you can build anything sophisticated (will require that they implement their dream of a full down-to-fundamentals crafting tree).

  22. 11 months ago

    Don't you have a Starfield thread in which to be shitposting about mods, moron-kun?

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