Why do people like Zelda?

Why do people like Zelda?

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  1. 2 years ago

    open world exploration is fun

    • 2 years ago

      >getting lost and stuck is fun

      • 2 years ago

        >getting stuck
        You're either moronic or have a short attention span.

        • 2 years ago

          Have you even played Zelda before?

          • 2 years ago

            Later Zeldas have many more constraints and conditions to meet along the way. In OG Legend of Zelda getting stuck wasn't really too bad most of the time because the main fun of the game was running around killing shit and exploring anyway. I got stuck on the grumble meat guy for a little while as a kid (seemed like an eternity then but was probably only a couple of days). But by that point I'd already beaten the entire rest of the game except for the final level and it was the most fun I'd ever had playing any videogame so it's not like it bothered me much.
            In Ocarina of Time and most subsequent Zeldas, there's shit like that every step of the way. Instead of grumble goriya being a room in the middle of a late-game dungeon requiring an item that's probably been available to you for ages, you have to get a bottle and fill it with a fish from a minigame then dump it in front of Jabu Jabu, just to gain access to the 3rd level of the game. The entire game is like that. That shit started in ALTTP actually.

            This is the only good Zelda game

            Rest are boring or have aged poorly

            The original NES game is still the best, though I admit some of the boss encounters in ALTTP are better.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. The first Zelda is actually pretty good at giving hints. There is even a hint in the game for that image.

            • 2 years ago

              Frick off with your hints. The game is full of broken English.

              • 2 years ago

                It definitely could've used some script tweaking to make it more understandable, but it didnt hold the game back much at all. I beat the game only using the manual. (Which is useful besides the fact that it straight up lies about what the red candle does.)

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, but currently playing Minish Cap, my first ever Zelda.
          It's fun, but I recently got stuck because apparently I had to go to the shoe shop but no one in the game told me to. I've been to it several times already and nothing happened, so why would I think to go to it this time around?

          • 2 years ago

            There is at least 1 moment like that in every 2D Zelda game but overall they are fine

          • 2 years ago

            If LTTP is the example, it's more like for what conceivable reason would someone Not like Zelda.

      • 2 years ago

        >noooo I can't play a game without it constantly telling me where to go and what to do!

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, these are the two options.
          Either don't know at all, or constantly being told.
          Not a false dichotomy at all.

        • 2 years ago

          >good game design where the person playing intuitively knows where to go instead of bombing every wall, pushing every brick, and trying every switch 10 times until something works

    • 2 years ago

      It has a satisfying mix of progression and exploration. The combat and individual puzzles aren't incredible but they are generally very polished and well-paced. The design and structure of dungeons is also something that other franchises have been unable to properly replicate. And all of it is in a well-presented package.

      Zelda was never open world. There's always been a clear sense of progression, involving a series of obstacles requiring key items/abilities to overcome.
      The only difference with LoZ compared to later games is that the dungeons are less signposted and the order is somewhat looser. Which were good things that should come back, but it's still not anywhere close to something like Elder Scrolls, Grand Theft Auto, or Breath of the Wild.
      It's about as dumb as calling Metroid open world. They are basically sibling franchises design-wise. They both have entries that are less linear or more linear, but that doesn't mean the entries belong to different genres, it's just turning a dial.

      • 2 years ago

        By the end of the game you can travel across the whole map so it is open world

      • 2 years ago

        GTA is the same as Zelda but a bit more open. Instead of item progression (like in Metroid) the game just opens bridges after you clear enough missions

      • 2 years ago

        >They are basically sibling franchises design-wise.
        Zelda and SMB were designed side by side to be polar opposites; Metroid was inspired by and designed to merge them.

        • 2 years ago

          Metroid is similar to Mario?

  2. 2 years ago


    >there has to be some other factor at work.
    i generally play zelda with friends. some of my best vidya experiences have been working through various games with various friends/family

  3. 2 years ago


    Zelda as a series offers something for everyone. I’m not personally a fan of Majora’s Mask, but I love Wind Waker. You don’t have to like every game in the franchise to be a fan of Zelda in general.

    • 2 years ago

      good perspective. I like most of the 2d zelda games (all the GB ones were great imo) but other than wind waker I dont like the 3d ones. OoT is ok, but the combat can literally be ignored by running up to shit and spamming spin attack.

      • 2 years ago

        Wind Waker is definitely my favorite of the 3D ones and Link’s Awakening is my favorite 2D one. Guess I just like my Zelda games to have oceanside summer vacation vibes.

        • 2 years ago

          When LA got the remake, I was excited. The remake keeps the base map and puzzles but updates the controls to be far less clunky. I love the GB zeldas but the menuing is awful for them. The remake fixed this for LA and its a blast to play on replays every so often.

          Im just hoping for a seasons and ages remake in the same vein.

  4. 2 years ago

    Couldn't tell ya. Link to the past and ocarina of time are both boring if you're over 13.

  5. 2 years ago


    bad bait, i grew up with both the wii ones and i got into the series that way
    they're all fun and you're a gay

  6. 2 years ago

    It's just good games
    Everyone wants hate zelda but nobody recommends actual alternatives. Zelda's a complete package and all the games 'like' it go too far in one direction and end up diminishing the experience

    • 2 years ago

      Yep. Nintendo craftsmanship always wins out. I seriously doubt anyone on /vr/ actually likes Hydlide.

    • 2 years ago

      >but nobody recommends actual alternatives
      Yeah, that's what bothers me to

      • 2 years ago

        It's just good games
        Everyone wants hate zelda but nobody recommends actual alternatives. Zelda's a complete package and all the games 'like' it go too far in one direction and end up diminishing the experience

        If you liked Zelda 2 you should check out out the superior Wonderboy 3 the Dragons trap.

  7. 2 years ago

    best JRPG seires ever made

  8. 2 years ago

    >this game that was always considered good by a majority... Is actually Bad!
    Congrats on being a special snowflake, but it gets tiring when announce it too often. Your opinion doesn't matter

  9. 2 years ago


    combat for most games are fun and mindless.
    inbetween killing things you sometimes have to solve an annoying thing but if you hate that games then like ALBW and TP still probably suckered you by making those puzzles super fricking easy so you can brainlet smash more enemies

    notice which games sell less after predecessor smash records
    alttp 4 milion
    oot 7 mil, easier then alttp, 3d.
    mm 3 mil, complicated time travel, puzzles upgrade
    ww 5 mil, even easier then oot but nobody wanted the Saturday morning cartoon art yet, spend alot of time doing CHORES yawn, method of travel is waiting for a red boat to go over a boring body of blue water
    tp 10mil, even easier, restores middle ages look to the point where you can see poop stains on clothes
    ss 4mil, over complicated again, art is Frankenstein, use wrist to do what a button can and get rsi, people start longing for WW graphics because they can't stop looking at anime and imprinting anime into their brains, red boat is now red bird waiting to fly around an equally boring cream sky
    botw: a projected 30 mil, everything is open and based off killing thnigs and walking around puzzle if meat head, looks like straight unfiltered anime

    handheld zeldas:•◘○ "$# ▼

    only one that didn't check out was ALBW and im not sure why, plays exactly like a 2d oot, should of sold better

    • 2 years ago

      Please check your English before submitting a post.

  10. 2 years ago

    much like Ganondorf, I live in a shitty desert, so being able to run through a massive field, a forest, climb a tall mountain swim in a late when I played OoT when I was 9 years old did a lot for me. The wonderful artwork in the manual too.

  11. 2 years ago

    I lived in a concrete hell where nature doesn't exist and after driving four hours you can finally get to nature which is just miserable flat marshland as far as the eye can see. So yeah zelda games give me a fantasy I can't live

  12. 2 years ago

    im suprised no ones actually mentioned the dungeons. it sounds annoying walking back and forth until you figure it out but that's the engaging part for me

  13. 2 years ago

    I like wandering around smacking shit with swords, and some of the tools you get are fun. Boomerang and Hookshot are personal favorites.

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago
    Nobody From Nowhere

    If you lived in the 90's or late 80's these games were way comfier than what was going on at the time. As society grows now its much harder to find something that takes your mind off the way a video game could in the 90's

    is better than most books.

    • 2 years ago

      I occasionally play old Zelda, anything until OOT. Not that it's a bad game, OOT did it's thing well. But ALTTP was incredible if you were a kid back then. It's a wonderful combination of exploration, atmosphere, great visuals and music. Gameplay is accessible and the puzzles are reasonably challenging for a kid. I was always into fantasy and Zelda did a nice combination of medieval Europe and Japanese weirdness(which to me was just incomprehensible weirdness back then). I play old 2D Zelda out of nostalgia mostly, just once every few years. I really like that Two Worlds thing for some reason.

      >these games were way comfier than what was going on at the time
      correct. I also really liked that you just played as a little boy, not some Hulk Hogan-type omnislayer.

      • 2 years ago

        >correct. I also really liked that you just played as a little boy, not some Hulk Hogan-type omnislayer.
        Yeah, it's easy to forget the appeal of heroes being kids in children's media. I liked the young Link parts of Ocarina of Time more for that very reason. Also renamed Link as my own name of course.

        • 2 years ago

          Most kids like playing characters who are at least a few years older than themselves.

  16. 2 years ago

    This is the only good Zelda game

    Rest are boring or have aged poorly

  17. 2 years ago

    She's cute

    • 2 years ago

      Dishonest coomer fan art. Kid Link has never once interacted with an adult Zelda. Eat shit.

      • 2 years ago

        It's metaphorical innit.
        When receiving the smoocheroo you feel like a bambino again.

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