Why do people pretend these 2 MMOs AREN'T the same thing?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Killing mobs in ff14 is tedious and the ui is overdesigned garbage

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Now use a screencap without the addon shit, you fricking xivtroony.

        • 11 months ago

          have you not played the game moron, raids are deseinged with addons in mind

          • 11 months ago

            So is FFXIV, you trannies never want to admit your game is a shittier version of WoW

            • 11 months ago

              How many Savage raids have (You) completed?

            • 11 months ago

              >So is FFXIV
              Disregard this anon, as they literally have no idea what they're talking about. Stupid Black person.

              • 11 months ago

                >posts asstarded take which is blatantly false
                >cries that he gets called an idiot
                >no one replies to his crying
                >he seethingly replies to himself
                WoW isnt sending its best

        • 11 months ago

          >screenshot wow without the wow on top

        • 11 months ago

          Found the shitter at the bottom of the DPS charts in a pug raid

      • 11 months ago

        peak SOVL

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          one is a cheater that got banned the other is whats expected of your avrg player

          • 11 months ago

            no one expects you to have unit frames that cover 90% of the screen

  2. 11 months ago

    I wish MMOs didn't suck

    • 11 months ago

      Don't worry, Blue Protocol and Chrono Odyssey will save the day!

      • 11 months ago

        >Blue Protocol is just a lame PvE safespace
        >Chrono Odyssey is gonna be grindy P2W shit like every other Korean MMO
        >Archeage 2 is gonna be grindy P2W shit like every other Korean MMO
        >Pax Dei is some dumb house building simulator
        >the Riot MMO is 100 years away
        MMOs are fricked

        • 11 months ago

          >MMOs are fricked
          Don't lose hope!

          • 11 months ago

            >Throne and Liberty is a shitty mobile game that plays itself
            >Star Citizen is a scam
            >Ashes of Creation is just Star Citizen fantasy edition
            Why go on?

            • 11 months ago

              >Why go on?
              We still have... um...

              • 11 months ago

                Oh shit you're right MMOS ARE SAVED!

            • 11 months ago

              >Ashes of Creation is just Star Citizen fantasy edition
              No. Have some faith

              • 11 months ago

                Even if it wasn't that, the game itself doesn't look very fun. The combat in particular seems very outdated.

              • 11 months ago

                >The combat in particular seems very outdated.
                Westernslop is always outdated.

              • 11 months ago

                How so?

        • 11 months ago

          >the Riot MMO is 100 years away
          Seriously what the frick is Riot doing? The game has been a thing in some form since at least 2016 that we know of yet they have nothing to show.

    • 11 months ago

      MMOs inherently suck and have not had a purpose to exist since the early 2000s since they were a novel way to talk to people
      They need to stop making GAAS games completely.

      • 11 months ago

        >They need to stop making GAAS games completely.
        That's never going to happen

      • 11 months ago

        You're right, MMOs shouldn't be forever games with endless expansions planned out in advance for decades to come. They should be complete games that you pay for once, play for a few months and then wait for a sequel.

        • 11 months ago

          We just call those video games, but yes.

      • 11 months ago

        Unironically, WoW didn't just ruin MMOs, it also taught the finance israelites that vidya was a money maker in general.
        That is when outsiders truly began looking at gaming as a financial opportunity.

    • 11 months ago

      > I wish MMOs didn't suck
      If you're not a total pve carebear homosexual, I will recommend you try survival games like Ark.
      They're what old school MMOs dreamed of being before WoW casualized and capitalized the genre.

  3. 11 months ago

    There are good PvE MMOs and there are good PvP MMOs.
    The problem is most MMOs try to be everyone's friend and then end up being mediocre at everything they do.
    PvE and PvP don't mix well. A good PvE MMO is destined to have shit PvP and vice versa.
    There is not a single good PvE MMO because they all try to include the PvP crowd. On the other hand we got a few good PvP MMOs like Eve or Albion.

  4. 11 months ago

    both games are garbage but XIV has better spectacle and music also old FF nostalgia is kino. WoW does everything better gameplay wise (pre Cata. i dont play this shit and have no idea what its like now)

  5. 11 months ago

    Because they aren't. 14 started that way, then drifted to its own thing.
    The only thing they share is that they're both tab-targetting MMOs, and they share that they have autistic fanbases who think people are "traitors" for playing other game.

  6. 11 months ago

    Two shit games, indeed. They are the same shit.

  7. 11 months ago

    Because one is based on the Final Fantasy franchise and the other is based on Warhammer.

  8. 11 months ago

    More like why do people pretend XIV is still relevant? WOW has been popping off the past few years. Best content, best twitch views, best creators. XIV is dead in the ground.

    • 11 months ago

      It's so weird when you read something that reads like a shitpost, but realize that there are people who honestly believe it

    • 11 months ago

      They both fricking suck.
      XIV is like barebones WoW

  9. 11 months ago

    WOW is the best and most popular MMO right now. Even the most hardcore FFXIV players agree...a prominent XIV user has even sad:

    "WOW's worst day is still better than FFXIV's best day."

    Unironically, FFXIV brings nothing to the table and literally everything it does, WOW does better twofold. In fact, I would even say Shadowlands was far better than anything XIV has ever put out.

    I wouldn't be so passionate about this if XIV cultists didn't actively make my WOW experience less enjoyable. I WANT TO SAY THIS AGAIN: FFXIV "fans" have flamed me and others and made my gaming experiences worse. I'm sick of the "wow bad xiv good" meme.

    I go on to YouTube, they're trolling WOW content creators. I go on to twitter, they're sending death threats to people that don't follow their shitty opinions. I go on reddit, and guess what: they're spamming shitty threads about how their visual novel is better than one of the titans of all video games.

    FFXIV is dead. It never topped WOW: we have hard numbers that the only "peak" FFXIV ever reached was maybe a million players. If you think WOW ever went below 3 million: you're delusional. FFXIV players were only good at being loud and convincing the ill-informed that WOW "was dead" and their shit was better. But the numbers don't lie. No one watched FFXIV on twitch; meanwhile WOW is still one of the most popular games. And guess what? Every single influencer that went to FFXIV...is back to WOW and they're not looking back! Asmongold, Bellular, Preach, Nobbel etc etc...FFXIV is shit compared to WOW. The content speaks for itself.

    FFXIV is fine on its own, but in a world where WOW and FFXIV exist there is 0 reason to play FFXIV.

    • 11 months ago

      some good copypasta

  10. 11 months ago

    I've been out of the loop but wasn't Riot also planning to make an MMO

  11. 11 months ago

    >weebs think this is good gameplay

    • 11 months ago

      What's the matter, WoWbrain, too difficult for you?
      Need an addon to give you a timer til the mechanic, then another addon to make a sound to let you know what the mechanic is, then a third addon to tell you how to do the mechanic and a fourth addon to show you where the mechanic will occur?

      • 11 months ago

        >XIVgay thinks they're innocent of using addons

        • 11 months ago

          >player caught using an addon in ff14
          >becomes news
          >person caught becomes a pariah
          >reinforces the devs' stance of "frick addons"

          >WoW addons


          necessary addons per fight that all tell you exactly what to do every single second
          >support and cheered by its troonybase because they're too busy dilating 24/7 to actually learn fight positioning or mechanics

          • 11 months ago

            >troony doesn't realize the only reason it became "news" was because they won the race to world first and one of the static members snitched that they cheated

      • 11 months ago

        Cactbot already does all of this and everyone uses it. The majority of raiders don't even learn fights anymore

    • 11 months ago

      Is that real? Holy shit. A new level of disgust for FFXIVgays has been unlocked.

    • 11 months ago

      think this is good gameplay
      When they haven't played anything other than WoW or XIV, and never tried anything else, of course they think shit is good.

    • 11 months ago

      sunk cost fallacy
      solving puzzles that not many dare to solve can make any monkey like a genius
      its why western servers have such inflated egos solving these
      meanwhile on asian servers you can see almost everyone clearing raids, hell, in some servers 1 out of every 2/3 characters had cleared ultimate

  12. 11 months ago

    Wow is a trash game unless you care for constantly grinding mountsmogscheevos. Last time I played was in 9.0 but I doubt shit's changed. The only fun thing was arenas, but the shitty covenant abilities managed to ruin even that.

    • 11 months ago

      wow ff14 is such a wow clone they copied their mount and achievement grind as well as their microtransactions

  13. 11 months ago

    One doesn't pretend to be a shitty and awful VN tho

    • 11 months ago

      this tbh, Blizzard needs to stop with their stupid story no one has cared about for nearly 3-4 expansions.

  14. 11 months ago

    mmos are for stupid people

    • 11 months ago

      WoW's microtransactions are overblown, buying a cat for the pokemon clone doesn't give a competitive edge.

  15. 11 months ago

    because one is also an anime dress-up game

  16. 11 months ago

    Because one of them is a single player game for trannies

  17. 11 months ago

    Because WoW lets you get to the end game after reaching the level cap.
    XIV forces you to read through 5 different visual novels, just to play with your friends and by the time you've caught up, they've burned out and are playing a different game until the next visual novel releases.

  18. 11 months ago

    >XIV is so good it keeps squeenix afloat even with all their flops
    >WoW is so shit Blizzard got bought out by Activision, and now Microsoft

    • 11 months ago

      >xiv players spending money on xiv only for none of it to go back into the game by funding other projects
      talk about cuckoldry lol

      • 11 months ago

        How was 9.3?

      • 11 months ago

        The mobile division makes more than 14 anyway.
        The whole "MMO puts money towards other projects" isn't a new thing either, XI did it for years prior.

  19. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I cannot fricking imagine playing retail. There must be so many awful players at this point since the only ones left behind are cashcow normies with zero brain cells and the .1% addicted autists.

  20. 11 months ago

    Because XIV is a shitty queue simulator where you just stand in a city. Its basically japanese Destiny 2

    • 11 months ago

      >Its basically japanese Destiny 2
      don't compare destiny 2, an actual good game, to garbage like xiv, homosexual

  21. 11 months ago

    Left is a troony orgy simulator and the right is an actual video game

  22. 11 months ago

    Both players in XIV and WoW are moronic autists.

    • 11 months ago

      thats because they're the same people

    • 11 months ago

      >uh ya
      god i love this shit

  23. 11 months ago

    While they have similarities, they are also very different. The one thing WoW is truly great at is leveling. You can go multiple places, there's a real sense of adventure. XIV's story is much better however.

  24. 11 months ago

    Imagine talking shit about your raid team.

    • 11 months ago

      trannies having a meltdown

  25. 11 months ago

    The biggest MMO lie ever told was in Summer 2021, when FFXIV players swore up and down that their game wasn't all about raids. Frickers made a fool of me, that's for sure

  26. 11 months ago

    The thing is, WoW players now what they are playing while XIV players are always acting superior as if they are consuming some form of high literature

    • 11 months ago

      know* my bad

    • 11 months ago

      >as if they are consuming some form of high literature
      B-But the story!!!

  27. 11 months ago

    >Mike Morhaime, cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment, has launched a new game company called Dreamhaven, with two new game studios.
    We'll get a new mmo in a decade or two, trust the plan.

    • 11 months ago

      >in a decade or two
      I'll be dead by the time that happens!

  28. 11 months ago

    because WoW sucks fricking ass compared to 14

  29. 11 months ago

    >good combat, bad everything else
    >shit combat, good everything else

    • 11 months ago

      >good everything else
      frick no

      • 11 months ago

        >story is better (even if you don't like xiv's story you can't deny it's still better than anything blizzard's written since wotlk)
        >music is better
        >crafting is better
        >side content is better
        what am i missing? wow is absolutely still better when it comes to hardcore endgame content but for casual players xiv mogs it in pretty much every aspect

        • 11 months ago

          >The open world is worse
          >The gearing is worse
          >The character building is worse
          >Glamours are worse than transmog
          >The PvP is worse
          >The flying is worse now since Dragon Riding is a thing
          >The levelling is worse
          Basically everything that makes an MMORPG good are all worse in FFXIV. I was going to say the economy is worse, but then I remembered WoW tokens are a thing

          • 11 months ago

            >glamours are worse than transmog
            The menu maybe but actual armors in WoW are fricking awful and can’t be dyed

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, the armours are shit, but system wise it is 100x better than fricking with the glamour dresser.

              • 11 months ago

                I’ll agree there. I don’t understand the set limitation. There not being a collection is something they are apparently working on atleast since it’s a netcode issue

              • 11 months ago

                if they actually implement a collection I'll officially go full collectathon autism

          • 11 months ago

            >Glamours are worse than transmog
            If you mean the system itself, I agree. Otherwise wow armor is basically just the same model, different texture so OG got the edge there.
            >The PvP is worse
            Agree, the server ticks are 1 second too long and the GCD is the GCD.
            >The flying is worse now since Dragon Riding is a thing
            There's no flying, you never go in a zone where you need to fly.
            >The levelling is worse
            There's no leveling, you just play through the story and that gives you the XP

            For your first 3 points, I 100% agree with all of them and I would add that OG has NO open world, gearing (no one should even argue otherwise) or character building of any kind.

          • 11 months ago

            >The open world is worse
            fair point actually
            >The gearing is worse
            true but this only matters for hardcore raiders who should be playing wow anyway. the gearing system is fine for casuals
            >The character building is worse
            see above
            >Glamours are worse than transmog
            the actual system is far worse yeah but like the other anon said wow armor is so fricking ugly that xiv still wins here imo
            >The PvP is worse
            hardcore pvpers should also be playing wow
            >The flying is worse now since Dragon Riding is a thing
            haven't played dragonflight so i can't comment but flying is just downtime between the shit you actually want to do so who cares
            >The levelling is worse
            only if you hate the story, levelling through the MSQ is a lot more interesting than bouncing around between random disjointed cata and wod zones
            basically if you want to engage with the combat at a high level (i.e. raiding or pvp) then you should play wow. if you want a game where you can just frick around and socialize and have fun even if you're bad then you should play xiv

            • 11 months ago

              Leveling in XIV is only better for the first two jobs you play since you can max at least that many just by swapping while playing the story. Leveling a job outside of the MSQ is fricking excruciating.

              • 11 months ago

                but is that really any different from wow? if you tried to level 20 alts in wow it'd be fricking excruciating too, it's just that people think they HAVE to get every job to 90 just because they have the option

              • 11 months ago

                You know what, fair point. Disregard my first post I suck wieners.

              • 11 months ago

                No, you're not wrong. FFXIV's dungeon design alone is indicative that the developers expect you to level a majority of jobs.

              • 11 months ago

                In what way?

              • 11 months ago

                They're incredibly linear, follow the same formula of
                >2 pulls
                >dead end that opens up after all the mobs are dead
                >2 pulls
                The only exceptions are a couple of ARR dungeons where you can do one big pull to the boss door like Dzamel and Brayflox (Hard). The loot you get is only useful when levelling for the first time, as poetic gear outclasses all of it until you reach max level. They have the best exp yield for how convenient they are up to Bozja, but lets be fair, a lot of people would rather spam dungeons than level in Bozja.

            • 11 months ago

              >true but this only matters for hardcore raiders who should be playing wow anyway. the gearing system is fine for casuals
              You do realise that WoW was the very definition of a casual MMO and had infinitely better gearing back in 2004, right?
              >hardcore pvpers should also be playing wow
              I am talking from a casual perspective, FFXIV's PvP is straight up garbage because it somehow has worse netcode than 2009 WoW.
              >haven't played dragonflight so i can't comment but flying is just downtime between the shit you actually want to do so who cares
              That's only the case in XIV because the open-world is useless and there's nothing to find. Dragon riding at least keeps you somewhat in engage, enough so that you can't turn on auto-run and alt-tab.

              >only if you hate the story, levelling through the MSQ is a lot more interesting than bouncing around between random disjointed cata and wod zones
              >basically if you want to engage with the combat at a high level (i.e. raiding or pvp) then you should play wow. if you want a game where you can just frick around and socialize and have fun even if you're bad then you should play xiv
              There is so little gameplay involved in FFXIV's levelling that I cannot in good judgement say that the story makes up for it, mainly because the story is presented in a such a lazy and boring way. And fricking around in FFXIV amounts to what, some themed meetups in the housing ward, listening to DJ's on Twitch, going to a bar or 18+ "club"? When I think of fricking around in an MMO I think of doing dumb shit like kiting mobs to AFK players, hunting a rare mob or drop, farming for some stupidly rare item, random bouts of open-world PvP, trying a weird or unviable build, etc. Shame that WoW also lost a lot of it's frick aroundability over the years too

  30. 11 months ago

    WoW requires too many addons and its too fricking complicated to set up all that dumb UI. I don’t want to deal with all that bullshit

  31. 11 months ago

    I genuinely don’t understand how there are still people that give Blizzard money after a near decade of them taking fat shits in their mouths every other week.
    They HATE you. They would kill you if they could get away with it because you are literally nothing but a piggybank to them and they will abuse you for as long as you let them which they have learned will be for eternity.
    Say whatever you want about either game, at least XIV shows any level of respect for their players

    • 11 months ago

      >has an iphone
      opinion invalidated

      • 11 months ago

        >no argument so I’ll point out something irrelevant
        It seems you know yourself how much of a pathetically cucked slave you are to blizzard

        • 11 months ago

          what model iphone you got bro?

          • 11 months ago

            I mindbroke you. And now you have no argument lmao ggez

            • 11 months ago

              no I’m genuinely curious. I personally love paying extra for apple products.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                little fast on the replies there. bet that device refreshes those pages pretty fast huh?

    • 11 months ago

      >Say whatever you want about either game, at least XIV shows any level of respect for their players
      >at least XIV shows any level of respect for their players
      >XIV shows
      >any level of respect
      >for their players
      Why did they cut back on content then ? Why one of the BIG EW features is that shitty harvest moon simulator that should have released in SHB ? Why there's at least 1 more year until the next expansion but there's only 1 more patch with an alliance raid to go ? Why there's no new field exploration zones like Bozja or Eureka ? In Bozja you had 2 frickhuge zones, 3 raids, 1 savage raid and 1 trial normal and EX. Why is the last raid tier the most boring tier since SB ? Why do all the fights feel the same ? Why is there nothing to do in the game ? Also where's all the people ? CHAOS is fricking dead, I just resubbed, played the story and finished the raid tier in 8 hours then fricked off. Not subbing again until I see some MAJOR changes.

      • 11 months ago

        >WoW team
        >personally insults their playerbase
        >constantly exploits them by straight up lying
        >still brings out 2 hours of content a year
        XIV doesn’t feel insulting to play nor do I feel like the devs have a person hatred for me. WoW does

        • 11 months ago

          i like how you basically dodged all his questions lol

          • 11 months ago

            Because none of his questions were at all relevant. Do the XIV devs go on Twitter to talk about how much they hate their playerbase? Do the XIV devs tell you that they are going to pay for a prize pool and then make the players fully pay for it with donations? Do the XIV devs spitefully ignore any level of player feedback and post Facebook ads about how the players are wrong for being disappointed with the level of content in Dragonflop? No they don’t. WoW’s do. End of story. Content is irrelevant to how it feels insulting to play a game by a group of people that so blatantly hate you

            • 11 months ago

              i like xiv more than wow but this is fricking moronic, content is the only thing that matters, out of game shit is completely irrelevant if you're not addicted to the internet, i don't give a shit if the devs tweet "we hate our players and hope they kill themselves" as long as they still put out good content

              • 11 months ago

                Then you have absolutely 0 self respect giving money to a company who OPENLY hates you and has proven that they will exploit you for as long as you let them. And knowing the mental state of WoWbucks, that will be forever

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, look here you little b***h, a "company" doesn't hate you, a "company" is an abstract concept. People can hate you, but it's a business transaction here so who gives a crap. If game good, I give money and play game. If game no good, I no give moneys. Do you understand ?

              • 11 months ago

                You can cope all you want but you are quite literally a cuck and a whipping b***h for blizzard

                >play OG
                >devs say there's going to be shitton of content
                >they tease repayable dungeons
                >with infinite variations and exploration
                >variant and criterion dungeon come out
                >it's a 4 run pony
                >money is already stolen
                I'm still unsubscribed btw

                >say they are releasing content
                >they release content
                >mindbroken WoWbuck shits himself

              • 11 months ago

                i play video games to have fun and as long as the dev homosexualry doesn't impact the actual game itself i don't give a shit. the problem with wow is that the content is bad, not that they're annoying on twitter dot com

              • 11 months ago

                >the problem with wow is that the content is bad, not that they're annoying on twitter dot com
                Why not both?

              • 11 months ago

                it's blizzzard, they don't put out good content. the devs could have a rape dungeon and mandatory milking rooms, i wouldn't fricking care if they made good content. instead dflight is working on adding pick your pronouns

              • 11 months ago

                >content is the only thing that matters
                Except the morons who hate you and run their homosexual mouths on social media put out absolute trash content

              • 11 months ago

                yes that's literally my point anon
                wow is bad because the game itself is bad, not because of any of the irrelevant twitter drama you listed

            • 11 months ago

              What the frick are you on about ? I don't even have twitter, I buy and pay to play a game, I DO NOT CARE what the devs think or feel about me as long as the game is good (as in content is good) and I'm having fun. Are you mentally ill or an insecure troony or some shit ?

              • 11 months ago

                >play the game
                >devs say they will do thing
                >they don’t do thing (while robbing you of your money)
                >spit in your face while they are at it
                >anons like this turn around and thank them and call anyone else mentally ill

              • 11 months ago

                >play OG
                >devs say there's going to be shitton of content
                >they tease repayable dungeons
                >with infinite variations and exploration
                >variant and criterion dungeon come out
                >it's a 4 run pony
                >money is already stolen
                I'm still unsubscribed btw

          • 11 months ago

            Also forgot to mention,
            Stop samegayging

  32. 11 months ago

    wow is fun cause you just run around old shit killing everything in one shot collecting shit. Fun stuff you can basically pay for a wow token just doing every old raid every week.

  33. 11 months ago

    WoW hasn't been worth a damn after WotLK. Nobody plays it anymore except bots and a few addicted furrys
    XIV base game was shit, but the rest of the game was fun for awhile, but there's nothing left to do in it anymore so it's just coasting on the transmog/RPers.

  34. 11 months ago

    WoW simply can not, and will never, be able to compete with XIV modding. Mare + Glamourer + animation, etc mods are just 100000x what WoW has to offer. Not to mention the graphics in XIV are actually good whereas WoW still looks like dogshit from 20 years ago.

  35. 11 months ago


  36. 11 months ago

    >decide to go to Crystal to do some dungeons cause maybe i'll meet a bad malera who will rape me afterwards
    >18+ minutes queue for a regular dungeon as a healer
    how do you guys deal with this shit?

    • 11 months ago

      >he tried to play the game
      we don't. we just sit in limsa erping

      • 11 months ago

        >decide to go to Crystal to do some dungeons cause maybe i'll meet a bad malera who will rape me afterwards
        >18+ minutes queue for a regular dungeon as a healer
        how do you guys deal with this shit?

        >finally pops
        >everyone else in group is male, nice
        >unfortunately they are all gay
        oh well

  37. 11 months ago

    I'm not a raidtroony

  38. 11 months ago

    >"people" who play mmos
    not people. no one with an inner monologue or any sort of consciousness could subject themselves to the MMO experience. grinding MMOs is the idle animation for the Nerd.npc_char in the simulation we call life.
    >but its fun when i play w w w with friends
    no it isn't and not you don't. 95% of the time you see ppl running around solo to go grind. it is rare to see parties moving together in most mmos.

  39. 11 months ago

    There are differences between the two games, but these differences aren't important to anyone who hasn't been hooked on this slop for the last decade. I don't even know if I'd call them MMORPG fans because the genre has been doing its damnedest to walk back the whole MMORPG thing.

    This is the sort of MMORPG I want:
    >You see ALL the other players on your server within the same area you are in ALL the time.
    >You do NOT see players from other servers except for very rare and special occasions.
    >There are no flying mounts or flying mechanics unless the game has some amount of verticality in it.
    >There is minimal to no fast travel
    >There are distinctive classes with mechanics that go beyond the basic "holy trinity" functions of tanking, healing or dealing damage.
    >In fact, any kind of flavor to the classes beyond them being gray formless turrets that performs one of the "holy trinity" tasks and nothing else.
    >Basic enemies that are an actual threat. All classes should be able to beat a single mob of their level reliably, most should be able to handle two at once, but it will leave them sweating a bit, and all but the most specialized of builds have to run at three or more. And that's the bare minimum of difficulty for overworld mobs for casual-friendly MMOs that allow for solo overworld PvE.
    >Mechanics for parties and raids that at least acknowledge classic dungeon running and tabletop RPGs and has some facsimile of their mechanics.
    >Crafting professions that remain up to and throughout the endgame instead of being forgotten the moment people start getting raid drops and high-tier vendor items.
    >The need to actually travel to everywhere you need to go, no dumbass LFG/LFR mechanic that magically teleports you into an instance when it finds your party.
    >Stats that are actually designed around creating unique builds instead of just watching the numbers go up.
    >Respect shown to the playable races beyond them being purely cosmetic.
    I don't play any modern MMOs.

    • 11 months ago

      So what do you play? And of all the known MMORPGs that are being made, Ashes of Creation ticks off the most of your requirements. If the damn thing ever comes out that is

      • 11 months ago

        Other types of games. Strategy games and singleplayer RPGs mostly. Dota 2 or CSGO occasionally.

        • 11 months ago

          Damn, modern mmorpgs are that bad? I'm in the say boat

  40. 11 months ago

    Neither had anything to do with the pure unmitigated soul of WC3.

  41. 11 months ago

    Braindead Themepark babies, ie WoWtards and XIVtards, think that every MMO is a themepark. They can't imagine a MMO as anything but a Themepark. So they just compare the superifical little things between the games.

    Real MMOs are dead, the closest you can get to it is OSRS. And that's game is dogshit now for other reasons.

  42. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy XIV? More like Final Fantasy Boreteen! If you're tired of the slow-paced, hand-holding experience of FFXIV and crave an adrenaline-pumping, action-packed adventure, then World of Warcraft is the only game for you. Let's face it, Final Fantasy XIV is just a watered-down imitation trying to ride on the coattails of WoW's unmatched success.

    In WoW, you'll find a rich, immersive world that has stood the test of time. With over a decade of content, WoW offers an unparalleled level of depth and variety. Whether you're exploring the majestic landscapes of Azeroth, battling fearsome dragons, or delving into challenging raids with your friends, the possibilities are endless.

    FFXIV may boast about its story, but WoW's lore is on a whole other level. From the iconic characters like Thrall and Arthas to epic conflicts like the Burning Legion and the Lich King, WoW's lore has shaped the gaming industry and inspired countless imitations. Final Fantasy XIV can't hold a candle to the epic scale and sheer magnitude of WoW's narrative.

    And let's talk about endgame content. FFXIV might claim to have challenging raids, but it pales in comparison to WoW's raiding scene. With intricate mechanics, nail-biting boss encounters, and a constant stream of new content, WoW keeps you engaged and on your toes. Final Fantasy XIV's endgame feels like a mere afterthought in comparison.

    So, if you're ready to step into a world that has revolutionized the MMO genre, where countless adventures await, and where you can truly make your mark as a legendary hero, then leave behind the kiddie pool that is Final Fantasy XIV and dive headfirst into the vast ocean of excitement that is World of Warcraft!

    • 11 months ago

      Where’s this from? I swear I’ve seen this shill before

  43. 11 months ago

    Don't WoWtists usually complain FFXIV isn't enough of a clone?

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