Why do people pretend to hate Skyrim?

Why do people pretend to hate Skyrim?

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  1. 4 months ago

    I never played any elder scrolls game because they all suck

    • 4 months ago

      How do you know if you've never played one?

      • 4 months ago

        >How do you know that shit tastes bad if you've never eaten it?

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          That's a good point, I got some experiments to do

        • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >Why do people pretend to hate Skyrim?
      lonley c**ts seeking yous see

      but these are lonely for good reasons, like sex offender status or transsexual or nintendie

  2. 4 months ago

    nobody wants to eat the same slop for 12 years, OP.

  3. 4 months ago

    the gameplay mechanics are too complex for their pea brains

    • 4 months ago

      nice bait

  4. 4 months ago

    it's not bad, just very boring since the combat is so barebones and the feedback is nonexistent

  5. 4 months ago

    The game is extremely easy. Combat is point mouse and spam click. There aren't any interesting characters. The main quest/story is boring. Dialogue is boring. "Cities" in Skyrim are just a few houses, sometimes just a few huts.

    • 4 months ago

      It's funny because this image clearly shows it's logistically impossible for Windhelm to have ever been much bigger or more important than this. There is only room for one main street. Dawnstar probably could have had this title more realistically because the castle dungeon on the hill kind of implies that it sprawled all the way up there. It's impossible for anything to have been built on the mountain near Winterhold or at the bottom of the sheer cliff and there's no evidence that anything was ever built beside the hill.

      • 4 months ago

        The problem is the scale of the world. All of Skyrim is not that big when considering it's supposed to a whole country. Running around in it feels more like it's a medium sized city.
        Were it's scale comparable to our real world, then the towns in Skyrim could've been created more geographically logical.
        Although Bethesda probably wouldn't have done that anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          Starfirld showed it is not worth going with accurate scale. Daggerfall and Starfield both confirm it is not worth worshipping at the altar of scale.
          They should go back to proper cities going forward.

          • 4 months ago

            There is nothing wrong with big scale. You're not supposed to just be guaranteed to find something interesting when randomly wandering out of a city. The world is big, and you should have a map that shows known locations and hides unknown ones, and you are capable of discovering unknown locations by some means, including randomly, however unlikely that is.

            • 4 months ago

              Daggerfall and Starfield have both shown that is not the way to go in a Bethesda game.
              It is perfectly acceptable in a GTA or Saints Row game where it is just part of the backdrop. If buildings are going to be a stressed member of the gameplay they need to go back to the proper cities

              • 4 months ago

                >It is perfectly acceptable in a GTA or Saints Row game where it is just part of the backdrop.
                Wait. Did you think that I was arguing that buildings should just be for decoration? No, I'm advocating for procedural generation making it possible for all houses to be enterable like in Daggerfall. A city can have a hundred families, each with their own living spaces and generated familial relations and routines. Plug in their cultural and historical factors into the procedural generation systems and each of their houses can have a unique configuration outside and inside so that they reflect the individual families that live there.
                What Starfield is actually demonstrating is the attempt at going large scale, without any effort put into it. Having a thousand planets, but not having any complex systems for adding content to those planets, leading to absolute repetition or nothingness.

              • 4 months ago

                Procedurally generated content is the same as nothingness.

              • 4 months ago

                I would prefer they not waste the manhours. The cities weren't broke so I don't know why they fixed them.
                Hopefully they are learning animals and go back to proper cities.

              • 4 months ago

                Nta, but when you know what the immediate argument with what's you're saying is (and many people share your view)?
                >"Oh well, if Bethesda makes their cities and pop realistic in scope through procedural generation, then it ends up soulless like Daggerfall and Starfield. But if they make them a lot smaller and intimate, with distinct residents and whatnot, people will blame them for being Oblivion and Skyrim 2.0 and spam memes about city size and 'What do they eat?'"

                You have to make your mind people.

              • 4 months ago

                >when you know
                *do* you know

              • 4 months ago

                It is like when they listened to the idiots that told them survival mode is beloved and we get 76.
                Or the time they listened to the idiots that said the games should be more like Minecraft and we got Fallout 4.

                Listen to the people who say people liked going on adventures in Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 2, and Skyrim.

                They knew how to make games then listened to buffoons.

              • 4 months ago

                Oops Fallout 3 actually. Fallout 2 kinda sucked.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah it's like the entire city of winterhold and the surrounding cliffside was swept into the sea or something

      • 4 months ago

        I always assumed it was the entire ice shelf that went all the way to the college that collapsed.

      • 4 months ago

        What are you talking about? They said it fell into the see, not that it was up the hill.

    • 4 months ago

      >behold my dukedom, my hut, the tavern and the house of the tavern owner

      • 4 months ago

        So keep the same amount of content but make all the buildings ten times bigger?
        How bout no, dumbass.

    • 4 months ago

      >Combat is point mouse and spam click.
      stealth archer has become such a meme because that's the only interesting playstyle you can do in this game
      magic is all lame or useless and melee is just button mashing like you said

      • 4 months ago

        Sword and Board is far more fun than you think.
        Fully specced you become a permanent Fus Ro Dah shout. If you hit npcs just right you can launch them like the Giants do.

      • 4 months ago

        blasting someone with a fury spell and watching them beat the shit out of their friends while you sneak past is nice

        • 4 months ago

          Skyrim has the best Necromancy in the series.
          > Mortowind was better
          Brcause you could have more summons right? The more is better because it is more crowd needs to go Simple minded fools like that hold back the hobby.

      • 4 months ago

        stealth archer is even more braindead than melee.

        • 4 months ago

          you don't even risk getting caught like melee stealth since you can just sit in the shadows and pelt guys with arrows

    • 4 months ago

      There was supposed to be ruins and shit in the waters below the cliff but they chickened out.
      What a disappointment

    • 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    I think it did a lot of damage to gaming but dont hate it

  7. 4 months ago

    wow, i can't believe they let such racist stereotypes against black people in the game, we must sue bethesda right now!

  8. 4 months ago

    I really hated the dragonborn storyline. I just want to larp as my own character in the world, but it throws that crap in your face right away and you do le ebin climbing of mountain to get le dragon powers

    • 4 months ago

      I was so fricking pissed when the civil war questline forced me to help the Whiterun guards kill the dragon, forcing me into being the Dragonborn. I'd ask why the developers don't understand the appeal of being just some relatively normal adventurer in an RPG, but that implies they set out to make a proper RPG at all.

    • 4 months ago

      Kinda funny how people never b***h about Morrowind's chosen one stuff, but then again it doesn't just spill it out on you that you're the nerevarine right after arriving in Seyda Neen and not only that but its more vague and implied that the whole chosen one stuff was made up by Azura and even the Empire fell for it.

      • 4 months ago

        Also the main quest in morrowind didnt give you special powers so skipping it wasnt a big deal. Well, I think it gave you an ok buff eventually but its not so strong you cant skip it. I dont know about skyrim but the only thing oblivion did better than morrowind was the stealth system and thiefs guild.

        • 4 months ago

          Didn't you get immortality as part of the main quest?

          The games are beloved, that doesn't make them good in and of itself. Even Oblivion and Fallout 3 had a few great quests hidden underneath underwhelming main quests. Both had some very interesting locations or mechanics and many bland ones. The graphical fidelity of every bethesda game was never disputed as being anything but subpar.

          The gist is: better quests have been written, better dungeons have been designed, better third and first person combat mechanics have been developed and better RPG systems have existed. And there is absolutely NOTHING stopping Bethesda from incorporating those things into their games.

          We could have it all. We could have Dark Messiah levels of first-person melee combat in an open world thats filled with dungeons straight out of Dishonored while managing a Gothic style RPG character sheet and going through quests like we're in Divinity: Original Sin II.

          The problem is that Bethesda thinks the high point of every player is collecting coffee mugs and turning them into purple tier silencers.

          Good is subjective.


          • 4 months ago

            No. You got immunity to blight and a 5 or 10 point stat boost.

            • 4 months ago

              Pretty sure you are sorta immortal. You can still be killed but you won't die from old age or disease.

              • 4 months ago

                Wtf is this dieing of old age in a game shit? You dont die of old age in a tes game so youre immortal in them? Are you implying flavor text = gameplay?

              • 4 months ago

                Immortal is an actual word with an actial meaning. I believe my statemnets are correct that as part of the main quest you will no longer die of old age or disease.
                An anon claimed you received no special powers and I wanted to point out that was wrong.

                This isn't a get mad at anon scenario. I am not even 100% you get immortality from Fyr " curing" you as it has been awhile since I played.

                So calm the frick down sperg.

              • 4 months ago

                I claimed you get no special powers other than essentially non consequential buffs.
                Youre full of shit and pivoting to gaslighting. Frick off.

  9. 4 months ago

    it's a dude bro RPG, pretty much LotR meets Bud Light
    combat is hack & slash but they managed to somehow make that even more braindead
    it's quintessential reddit trash

  10. 4 months ago

    it's not a trve rpg unless the combat is bad

  11. 4 months ago

    You really wanna know why? I'll tell you why.

    People who say they dislike Skyrim do so because they missed out. They are now too old to enjoy playing video games especially one as big as Skyrim, and cope with the fact that they will never be able to be 13 years old spending months straight on a game like Skyrim like we did by shitting on the game endlessly. I do feel bad for them, but life is life. It's sad that games like Skyrim can only be enjoyed by free minds, minds they don't have access to anymore. Minds that aren't rotted by anxiety, stress, and a lack of creativity. Life had made them hardened against their will, and they lash out on Skyrim because of this. Just ignore them, and even pity them.

    • 4 months ago

      >Game made for adults only ever appeals to children

      I've always loved Skyrim, but after a few threads like this that highlight the glaring missed opportunities and failures I can't help but notice them now. It is not an RPG. It is not graphically impressive. It lacks depth. The dungeons are linear and a step backward from previous titles. Perks are barebones '20% more damage' slop. Factions are poorly written and executed. Is it really necessary for Dragonborn to lead every one of them? NPCs are some of the most one dimensional in gaming from their behavior to dialogue. The 'nuance' of Stormcloaks vs Imperials, Sven vs Faendel, Blades vs Paarthurnax has nothing to do with player preference. One or both sides are poorly executed enough that each opposing side has enough material to denounce the other. People hate Delphine so they side with Paarthurnax. Faendel is an objectively better follower so they choose him even though Camilla deserves a nord bvll. The Empire goes from this cool roman-esque legion to sucking Elf toes because of a war we didn't get to see or participate in and the only alternative are racists with a leader implied to be a controlled op.

      All this considered I will still play it for mods. Mods make it nice to walk through and few games let you do that, but again this involves changing the base game to a near unrecognizable level.

      >tl;dr, it IS a bad game you were just too young to notice

      • 4 months ago

        >Unironically proving his point while Reddit spacing
        He's right. I pity you.

    • 4 months ago

      nice cope kid. Go be braindead on your braindead game

    • 4 months ago

      I played it on release when I was 13 exactly and it was the first game that truly disappointed me. I was geniunely shocked at how bad the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim was compared to Oblivion. The quests in Skyrim are just plain bad.

  12. 4 months ago

    Contributed to the casualization of gaming. Also, unrelated, but I bet Ganker will pivot to praising it once ES6 drops

  13. 4 months ago

    Some of the worst combat in any video game ever, excluding previous Bethesda titles.
    Even Gothic 1 has better hit feedback and hitboxes, for frick's sake.

  14. 4 months ago

    Nobody pretends to hate Skyrim.
    It was a great game for 2011; In fact, it fully deserves the praise it got at the time as "one of the best."

    But Todd has been pushing this shit down our throats for the past 13 years. It gets truly revolting after a while.
    He tarnished a perfect reputation.

    • 4 months ago

      >He tarnished a perfect reputation
      Ah yes, because Oblivion was universally regarded as a flawless game that was better than it's predecessor in every way with no glaring shortcomings or controversies

      • 4 months ago

        Oblivion still has my favorite dlc out of any game, shivering isles

      • 4 months ago

        In retrospect, Oblivion is a flawed masterpiece compared to Skyrim. At least Oblivion is actually fun to play.

        • 4 months ago

          And you’ll be saying the same thing about Skyrim when TES 6 comes out.

        • 4 months ago

          Oblivion is literally a worse skyrim in every way.

          It has worse combat than fricking Morrowind because of the HP bloat.

          • 4 months ago

            >Oblivion is literally a worse skyrim in every way.
            Skyrim took away attributes, spellmaking, and color.

            I'm surprised you zoomers even know how to breathe when you're constantly wrong about the simplest things

            • 4 months ago

              >attributes, spellmaking
              Elder Scroll combat was always shit, but it was fun to mess around with these mechanics. I can't believe they remove the fun part of the game for combat which is boring as frick.

    • 4 months ago

      >It was a great game for 2011; In fact, it fully deserves the praise it got at the time as "one of the best."
      How so? It excels at nothing, just because "game old" doesn't make it better. Skyrim was always garbage that was eaten by the massed because it was easily marketable.
      Most of the people that defend it only even do so because they run so many mods it barely even looks like Skyrim anymore

      • 4 months ago

        I am convinced that Skyrim coming out the same year as the Game of Thrones HBO series is what made it popular.

    • 4 months ago

      It was bad on day 1. You're moronic.

  15. 4 months ago

    They think it makes them look highbrow
    Little do they know, videogames are an inherently lowbrow activity so they just look moronic and pretentious.

  16. 4 months ago

    something arrow knee something cloud district something dragons

  17. 4 months ago

    Terrible level design
    Badly written guilds
    Badly written quest
    Bad loot
    Tiny towns
    Terrible combat
    Dull color palet
    Removed game mechics from previous games
    Stiff animations
    Reusing voice actors

    System shock 2 had better magic and melee combat than morrowind and oblivion and skyrim is a step down.

    • 4 months ago

      The tiny towns were intentional to get to objectives faster

  18. 4 months ago

    its not a very good RPG, you have a villages with two fricking huts and the giant cities can be walked in a bunch of seconds, bethesda should learn how to design a RPG world from KCD's example

  19. 4 months ago

    I wanted to take it seriously, but there were too many silly worldbuilding things or limitations on the world that were simply due to game mechanics/engine/etc.
    I'd love to get into lore discussions and think about "hurr who to support in civil war??" but too much of this thinking about the game ends with the realisation that it's just too low IQ a representation of a fantasy world to have satisfying discussions and explorations of the world.
    Simple example: "How do Stormcloaks think they're going to be better off independent when they can't grow their own food?!?"
    Potential answers:
    >Bethesda just didn't show merchant caravans
    >Bethesda decided to make Skyrim full of bandits but not full of productive people
    >For gameplay reasons this random bear is more powerful than all of Ulfric's army
    >It's just a stupid game stop thinking so deeply about it

    Now I hate it.

    • 4 months ago

      Skyrim's had its borders closed for a year and there's no signs of food shortages. They're numerous times pointed out as net provider for the Empire. You're just dumb.

  20. 4 months ago

    Playing this and DA:O back to back was wild. The latter's gameplay was limited to just killing shit, opening containers, and talking to people, and yet the quests still felt rich and engaging. Skyrim lets you do more, yet the quests feel more hollow

  21. 4 months ago

    Popular thing bad.

  22. 4 months ago

    skyrim is the embidiment of goyslop

  23. 4 months ago

    I'm not pretending. It's about fricking time people woke up to the literal sewage that bethesda regularly shovels out and calls "games". Ugly, shallow pieces of shit.

    • 4 months ago

      I disliked Skyrim on launch and thought it was a downgrade from Oblivion but as time goes on and more people have soured on it the more I’ve come to appreciate it for its good qualities. The survival mode that was added not too long ago is also a welcome addition.

  24. 4 months ago

    To fit in with board culture. They can't admit liking Skyrim until TES 6 comes out.

  25. 4 months ago

    It's like playing a point and click adventure game and I hate those

  26. 4 months ago

    I like it as much as Morrowind.
    But my favourite TES is Fallout 4.

  27. 4 months ago

    I don't hate Skyrim but it's a boring fricking game.

  28. 4 months ago

    Because their computers are not powerful enough to run it

  29. 4 months ago

    This sort of shit is cool looking. I like all the different races, I like how you level up, even if the adaptive enemies suck.

    It's just boring. It's a load of walking (sliding) around boring dull landscapes, dull conversations with stilted animations and shit feeling combat and physics.

  30. 4 months ago

    It was a good game for its time however, it aged poorly as the things that were so impressive about it got improved by other games.
    5 years later the open world slop, crafting and base building was in everything to the point where people don't want to replay the game for these things as they experience them all the time. The exploration isn't even that intriguing due to fast travel. The combat is laughably simple and bad. The scale is underwhelming when you compare Skyrim cities to something like Witcher 3. Writing and story are forgettable and NPCs feel extremely one dimensional and flat.
    They also destroyed any goodwill they had from community with the constant re-releases that only break mods. Not to mention their constant attempts at selling you mods.
    Even if I wanted to replay and mod Skyrim I immediately give up on the idea upon reading how annoying it is to roll back the game to SE.

  31. 4 months ago

    I don't like how simplistic it is. After Morrowind, I just can't stand not having all that content missing. Sure, the gameplay in Morrowin isn't as good, but lets not pretend Skyrim's gameplay is good either.

    It's like having a really good game, and then the long awaited sequel finally arrives an it's a mobile game. That's how I feel playing the two. It's fricking awful.
    Even as a game in it's own right, I honestly can't fathom liking it. The RPG mechanics are pathetically limited and it doesn't make up for those shitty mechanics with good gameplay. The melee sucks, lacks any depth and can't even make up for it's lacking depth with meaty fun simplistic combat like Darktides system, which despite it's simplicity, has much more complexity than that garbage. Both of which are console games.
    Hell, even Dark Messiah Might and Magic did better combat much earlier.

    The only thing that makes Skyrim "Good" is Mods and that has nothing to do with Bethesda.

    • 4 months ago

      > gameplay in morrowinf wasnt as good
      Acrobatics debunks this and its not the only thing.

      It's Morrowboomer and Morrowhipsters honestly.

      No one who likes Skyrim for what it is will ever tell you that is a perfect game, or that it doesn't have its issues. I mean we use mods for a reason. They will tell you that it can be fun and comfy though, even vanilla. Morrowhomosexuals on the other hand, will always loudly proclaim that Morrowind is "DA BEST GAYME EVAH!" and Jesus' Second Coming and shit.
      And, out of some weird complex, will always try to put Skyrim down. Not Oblivion. Not Daggerfall or Arena. Skyrim. It's always the Devil with them.

      The few dedicated Obliviongays are usually very chill people to care and thus do their own thing.

      morrowind was better than oblivion and skyrim. Its just a fact. Better combat (because its an rpg)
      better movement
      (you can move in every direction faster)
      better crafting
      (because theres more buffs)
      better spells
      (self evident)

      Skyrim is just the newest game. They always hate the newest game because it is one step closer to Morrowind being forgotten.
      At this point the three modern TES games are Skyrim, Oblivion , and ESO. They are struggling with the passage of time.

      INB4 Why I just started playing Morrowind 10 minutes ago and am blown away by how great it is.

      eso was ok and the best of the 3 post Morrowind games

      They care about different things than you. They aren't faking it.
      > Buy I don't like it all.
      I believe you but I am wondering why you think anyone should care that you in particular don't like it? You not liking something is not our problem.

      Its not your problem but this isnt a question about whats "enjoyable" its about how skyrim fails at being what it wants to be. Its supposed to be an rpg but they stripped and dumbed down every rpg mechanic there is. Its about being an open world but the most valuable loot isnt in hidden dungeons with inherently high difficulty locked behind a level difference. Its just a bad rpg made for children and morons.

      • 4 months ago

        >Better combat
        >hit thing (via a single animation)


        • 4 months ago

          yes, its called an rpg. If you want dodges to be visually represented play a different genre.

        • 4 months ago

          Anon stated it was a fact before you replied. Sorry but the argument is over.

          The good thing even though it is factually better it is so old nobody has played it. This is indisputable and any attempts to do so only further prove how indisputable it is.

      • 4 months ago

        It may fail at what you want it to be. Everyone else seems quite pleased with it. That is ok. Not everything is for everyone.
        There are people that love BG3. I can't stand turn based combat. BG3 is not a bad game it just uses a mechanic I don't like.

        The sense of entitlement is offputting.

        • 4 months ago

          The difference is that turn based combat is a mechanic to be implemented within the genre. Everything skyrim and oblivion did were reductions to the system.
          Theres a difference between dislike turn based combat and saying a specific turn based system was bad for turn based systems.

          • 4 months ago

            I don't like turn based combat at all. It is far to slow err tactical for my tastes.
            The one time you face a boss level fight where you actually have to engage your brain is not worth the hundreds of filler battles.

            • 4 months ago

              Thats a perfectly reasonable opinion. If you dont like something that fits within a fundamental system of turn based thats a valid opinion. The part thats not valid is saying that a game with good turn based systems is bad because its turn based.
              Im not saying that skyrim is bad because its an open world rpg. Im saying that its bad within that context. Specifically the world isnt that open because you cant fly or jump like you could in previous iterations. It drops rog mechanics in favor of action mechanics thus diluting itself. Skyrim is bad within the context of the genre that it occupies.

              • 4 months ago

                I am in charge of what I like and don't. It may very well be the finest implementation ever done of a mechanic I don't enjoy. It does not change the fact I don't like it.

                You seem to think your definitions and assertions hold sway outside of your opinion. As I have , sadly, found out opinions hold no real power.
                Not everything has to be for you.

              • 4 months ago

                thanks for proving that skyrim defenders are moronic and cant into reading comprehension.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not the gay you're replying to but I just looked at your last post and it really is kind of hard to read.

              • 4 months ago

                that would fair if he didnt invert the meaning of the obvious point and instead misunderstood the nuanced aspects.

              • 4 months ago

                > It wasn't poorly written it was nuanced.
                That is some next level bullshittery right there.

              • 4 months ago

                Just like this post. Thank you for proving me right.
                This thread is full of brainlets.

              • 4 months ago

                You are correct there are brainlets in this thread. You are overstating the volume. Pretty sure there is only one.

              • 4 months ago

                >135 posters
                >only one brainlet
                How's your first day on Ganker?

  32. 4 months ago

    I have put more hours into Daggerfall.
    I dropped skyrim after 3 hours because I got bored.
    Bethesda is massively overrated.

  33. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      i'd give my left nut to sniff her butthole

  34. 4 months ago

    the games gameplay was already outdated in 2007

  35. 4 months ago

    >shit plot
    >shit characters
    >shit perks
    >shit quests
    >shit enemy variety
    >shit dungeon variety
    >shit dragons
    >shit bosses
    >shit magic
    >shit RPG mechanics
    >shit combat (no amount of mods can fix it)
    The most overrated game of all times.

    • 4 months ago

      >spent all ur free time playing it

      • 4 months ago

        >spent all ur free time playing it
        Keep eating shit, pig.

        Epic gotcha attempt, all Bethesda games are dogshit.

        • 4 months ago

          Anyway enough about Morrowind

          This wienermongler post

    • 4 months ago

      Anyway enough about Morrowind

  36. 4 months ago

    because they keep breaking mods

    • 4 months ago

      >letting Todd update your game
      That was your first mistake.

    • 4 months ago

      I only run oldrim modded for this reason. I’m also currently playing the anniversary edition unmodded. Legendary difficulty and survival mode make for a very good time for someone who hasn’t played the game unmodded since 2012.

  37. 4 months ago

    I would just change skyrim to be a completely different game, with completely different environments and cave systems.

  38. 4 months ago

    For starts the game is too fricking EASY, the combat is abysmal, the towns are small and lack NPC's. ES6 should have been released by now.

  39. 4 months ago

    my number one grievance in the current play through is you literally get the best bow in the game at the first city you go to. It's absolutely insane. It would be nice to actually have different weapon upgrades instead of just handing me a busted bow immediately.

    then I do a huge questline for the dawn guard to get a bow that in only marginally better..

    • 4 months ago

      What bow are you talking about?

      • 4 months ago

        bow of shadows

        • 4 months ago

          This is a paid Todd mod

          • 4 months ago

            yes but it's part of the anniversary edition.

        • 4 months ago

          >20% bonus to draw speed
          That is a pretty sweet buff. That would pair well with an ebony bow those things are slow as shit. It would look even more comical on a hunting bow considering how fast those things already are by default.

  40. 4 months ago

    on my playthrough you get way wayyyy too many quests. most of them are extremely uninteresting. The combat is terrible and when you turn up the difficulty everything becomes a damage sponge. The combat is almost at the same level as Morrowind which is pretty pathetic.

    also I used the shout that increases one handed attack speed and it bugged so now there's a sound loop playing constantly. Bugthesda.

  41. 4 months ago

    the only thing that's universally disliked about Skyrim is how it's milked to no end instead of allocating resources for the sequels and also the post-processing piss filter.
    other than that it's almost universally praised.

    • 4 months ago

      >post-processing piss filter.
      That's the Special Edition you're talking about I presume. Not a fan either, and I still play the original.

  42. 4 months ago

    >haven't played in years, figure to grab a legit copy and start modding it again
    >half the mods are split between SE and AE
    >AE mods are constantly break because of meaningless patches
    >have to jump through hoops to do fricking version control

    Man Skyrim modding was a task itself before but now it's a fricking mess, frick this

    • 4 months ago

      >>half the mods are split between SE and AE
      it's just skse plugins you dramaqueen
      >>have to jump through hoops to do fricking version control
      you literally just disable updates in steam
      >Man Skyrim modding was a task itself before but now it's a fricking mess
      you're the type of person of person who gets off on being mildly inconvenienced, aren't you
      you're like mobility mary, but at least she had the excuse of being a crazy old neurotic israeli lady

      • 4 months ago

        These are the mental gymnastics of modcucks coping with playing an inferior product
        >bro just waste hours setting up this broken game to make it barely playable
        How about you stop eating shit and force Todd to release quality games again
        Modding used to be optional goddamnit.

    • 4 months ago

      >>have to jump through hoops to do fricking version control
      Use the downgrader once, disable updates in Steam, and only launch SKSE through Mod Organizer.

  43. 4 months ago

    The stat/perk system is a clusterfrick.

    Not saying i hate it but Its not enjoyable from a gameplay perspective unless your stats(including perks) are just right because of the power creep of the player and NPCs. Also using the difficulty slider is a chore because of the way level scaling and difficulty scaling interacts with power creep.
    On top of that; Its not interesting as an RPG character builder because the stats are not well thought out.

    The game overall is not well thought out.

    • 4 months ago

      pretty frustrating when you hit lvl cap on your main offensive skill and suddenly your XP gains grind to a halt because they're tied to your skill levels

  44. 4 months ago

    Nothing you do truly matters. Conquer a city? You unlock 3 more voicelines.
    Marry a woman? You unlock 3 more voicelines.
    Become Archmage? You unlock 1×characters in Winterhold voicelines.
    Kill Alduin? You... i don't think anything changes actually.

    Also quests don't really matter. Both because nothing you do changes anything but also because rewards are never worth it. Even Daedra artifacts are outdone by the random bandit chief's weapon 10 hours into the game.

    • 4 months ago

      Miraak mentions it if you kill alduin but nothing changes and it's kinda stupid

      >i totally could have killed him but I didn't want to

      Lol sure.

      • 4 months ago

        On the subject of Miraak it's insane how many women thirst for that homie

  45. 4 months ago

    Marked departure from the rpg mechanics of the previous games, which, along with how rushed and unfinished the game is, leaves it very monotonous. But because it's made by Bethesda who still had the expertise from making Oblivion and with fresh lessons in mind, it's not that bad as a game, not like the games that followed would be.

    It's just half-baked. Could have been so much more.

  46. 4 months ago

    Too dumb to make proper modded loadouts without them turning into a crashfest. It's just jealousy really.

    • 4 months ago

      you should try reading the instructions before downloading mods

  47. 4 months ago

    I played it when it came out. its a real snooze fest of going through samey dungeons for samey loot to advance a shitty story. it had zero redeeming factors. the guild quests are possibly the worst thing ever too

  48. 4 months ago

    The final word is ALMSIVI

  49. 4 months ago

    Because even with a mountain of gameplay mods, the writing, quests, and dungeons are unfixable dogshit

  50. 4 months ago

    im not pretending.

  51. 4 months ago

    It's an action game with half-baked action and long breaks between encounters.

    Every single aspect of the game revolves around combat in one way or another. The solitary only non-combat spell in the game is Transmute Ore, which in turn is only used for making better armour which in of itself returns to only have a use in combat by making better gear. There's no exploration magic like in Morrowind in order to access areas in dungeons you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.
    There's nothing to actually do in Skyrim aside from just fighting dudes and wildlife. Even the fishing update exists solely to acquire new rings and weapons, they somehow even find a way to cram combat into the fishing quests.
    This would all be fine if the combat itself had depth but it's as basic as you can get. It's like a sandwich where the only contents between the bread is yet more bread. You complete quests which involve killing dudes to get a sword with an absorb stamina enchantment so you can kill yet more dudes with higher numbers.

    It's boring.
    It's really, really boring.

    lmao @ the fact the anniversary edition is even more unbalanced than morrowind, how are you seriously gonna give players the single best bow in the game + ebony arrows in one of the first side quests in the first major city?

  52. 4 months ago

    Because modbeasts find it really hard to play the pure Bethesda Skyrim experience again.

  53. 4 months ago

    is there a way to see what mods were installed during a save? i still have my game installed but i can't remember if i was using mod manager or whatever other program

    • 4 months ago

      Mod Organizer 2 has that feature as well but I recommend using Wrye Bash to check the name of the ESPs/ESMs (we'll just call them plugin files) you had active.

      Mind you, not all mods need a plugin file.
      Also the name of the plugin file won't always be the same as the name of the mod page where you downloaded from.

      My general recommendation is to start a new character.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah i'm not doing that i had like 60 hours or something, i would wanna continue my save. i actually have steam set to not update it for like a year cause i'm afraid it'll break it for when i do eventually go back to it. i was playing a cute imperial paladin waifu

  54. 4 months ago

    It's alright. I mostly wander around for 10 hours before uninstalling every 2-3 years.

  55. 4 months ago

    Its a bad game

  56. 4 months ago

    It's an action RPG with bad combat and incredibly shallow and unbalanced stats and mediocre characters and awful writing. It's not the worst thing in the world, it's no fricking ELEX or Two Worlds 2, but it is fricking boring, and also technically sketchy.

  57. 4 months ago

    It's cool to hate Bethesda now that they fricked up enough times for Skyrim to be passed off as a lucky break.

  58. 4 months ago

    It's Morrowboomer and Morrowhipsters honestly.

    No one who likes Skyrim for what it is will ever tell you that is a perfect game, or that it doesn't have its issues. I mean we use mods for a reason. They will tell you that it can be fun and comfy though, even vanilla. Morrowhomosexuals on the other hand, will always loudly proclaim that Morrowind is "DA BEST GAYME EVAH!" and Jesus' Second Coming and shit.
    And, out of some weird complex, will always try to put Skyrim down. Not Oblivion. Not Daggerfall or Arena. Skyrim. It's always the Devil with them.

    The few dedicated Obliviongays are usually very chill people to care and thus do their own thing.

    • 4 months ago

      UESP is better.

      I like all TES games but Morrowind holds a special place in my heart because it was my first one.
      It's also the one where I like the art style the most because it feels so alien and unique: from the different cultures, the architecture, the armor designs.
      Visually Oblivion was inspired by more generic (for lack of a better term) medieval fantasy while Skyrim was obviously inspired by a norse one.
      Morrowind felt very unique in that regard on the other hand.

      • 4 months ago

        This, but Skyrim is my first.
        I end up playing Kenshi to fill that Morrowind void.

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody has ever played Arena
      Daggerfall is proc gen garbage and most of its anemic story has been retconned
      Morrowind looked like trash even in 2003, and combining dice rolls with real time combat in a full polygonal environment as if the game was a might and magic game was fricking stupid
      Oblivion is ugly, janky, and generally poorly written except specifically when it's making fun of itself

      But you know what all these games weren't? Boring and lazy. And that's what Skyrim is. Fricking boring and fricking lazy. Insultingly so. Features were ripped out for no reason at all, the writing is first draft fanfiction tier dreck, and what new mechanics were added were shallow as cellophane. The characters are all boorish buttholes, and unlike Oblivion, it's not a joke, you're supposed to think they're cool. The setting is incredibly one note. The quests are hackneyed at best and totally illogical at worst.

      Skyrim is defended by people like

      You really wanna know why? I'll tell you why.

      People who say they dislike Skyrim do so because they missed out. They are now too old to enjoy playing video games especially one as big as Skyrim, and cope with the fact that they will never be able to be 13 years old spending months straight on a game like Skyrim like we did by shitting on the game endlessly. I do feel bad for them, but life is life. It's sad that games like Skyrim can only be enjoyed by free minds, minds they don't have access to anymore. Minds that aren't rotted by anxiety, stress, and a lack of creativity. Life had made them hardened against their will, and they lash out on Skyrim because of this. Just ignore them, and even pity them.

      , people who played it when they were 13, and were wowed by standing on a mountain vista while listening to Jeremy Soule's soundtrack. The same kind of people who post pictures of coming out of the sewer of oblivion's tutorial and seeing a shitty low poly island with some ruins on it and calling it "SOUL". It's a fricking bad game.

      • 4 months ago

        >Nobody has ever played Arena

    • 4 months ago

      >will always try to put Skyrim down. Not Oblivion. Not Daggerfall or Arena. Skyrim. It's always the Devil with them.
      They'll move on when Hammerfell comes out. It's not that it is skyrim, it's just because it's the "new" one, even if it's a decade old at this point

    • 4 months ago

      Skyrim is just the newest game. They always hate the newest game because it is one step closer to Morrowind being forgotten.
      At this point the three modern TES games are Skyrim, Oblivion , and ESO. They are struggling with the passage of time.

      INB4 Why I just started playing Morrowind 10 minutes ago and am blown away by how great it is.

    • 4 months ago

      idk, Oblivions copy and paste dungeons were pretty bad. The moronic claw "puzzles" were unironically a step up from Oblivion.

  59. 4 months ago

    it's just not fun

  60. 4 months ago

    They are low iq and dependent on a DND dungeon master theme park ride that most RPGs are

  61. 4 months ago

    Anti-Bethestards can never answer this simple question: What other developer makes games like Bethesda?
    Where I can, in first and third person, directly explore a un-gated world, without invisible walls between regions, within 30 minutes of starting the game? The Witcher series doesn't do that. It's cities are much larger, but the total amount of wild-land is functionally smaller and regions are gated between eachother, in addition to artificially restrictive levelling of monsters, which is even more immersion-breaking than the levelling in Oblivion. Geralt is still a veteran Witcher at level 1, but for some reason gets gangraped by enemies he lorewise should be demolishing. It's a clear break from the narrative reality of the game to force the player out of the supposedly "open" world.
    But in Skyrim, once you leave the Helgen cave you can walk to the arctic sea at the northern edge and all the way back to the warm forests of Falkreath, or all the way west to the mountains of Markarth, or all the way east to the hot springs of Eastmarch. Until another dev learns how to make the "Bethesdalike", Bethesda's games will continue to print money. They have a monopoly on this type of game simply because other devs are too lazy and/or stupid to imitate them successfully.

    Furthermore, story has always been overrated in games. Many of the greatest games of all time literally have no story. Most gamers are illiterates who's idea of a great story is, at best, Star Wars tier. Give them slop and some decently cool worldbuilding and they'll lap away happily. No one actually cares that Starfield's story is bad. They care that it's world, in terms of lore AND game design, is bad. If it wasn't, they'd love it.

    • 4 months ago

      > un-gated world

      • 4 months ago

        Interiors =/= World. And if you're running Skyrim in 2024 those take 10 seconds anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          They never understood if there is a building with 1000 rooms and you can only enter 1 then 999 rooms serve no purpose.

    • 4 months ago

      I can answer this although I'm not an "anti-bethestard" and I don't talk like that because I'm not an imbecile.

      No other developer makes first person games in a large open world with a focus on immersion. Bethesda is the one doing it. Unfortunately, they suck at it. And basically every criticism we've heard about their design philosophy is correct. From characters to worldbuilding to mechanics to animation and quest writing, they pump out mediocrity time and time again. Except for scale and music, a first person camera, fantasy setting, and a decent modding system, there is nothing that would make you want to play their games.

      Literally we just need ANYONE else to make a game that is of a similar genre. I've referencing TES here more specifically. Bethesda only wins by virtue of being the only one making games like this.

      • 4 months ago

        So they make games that are beloved because they are bad at making games?
        That is a different take.
        If that was the case Obsidian and Bioware would be huge. Troika and Black Isle Studios would still be a thing.

        The facts in evidence do not support your conclusion.

        • 4 months ago

          They are beloved because you are nostalgic for playing the Xbox 360 as a 12 year old. The games are shit.

          • 4 months ago

            Once again you not liking them is s you issue. I get it you want me to get mad at you for not liking something I do. You are allowed to not like things I do. You don't need anyones permisdion to like or not like anything.

        • 4 months ago

          The games are beloved, that doesn't make them good in and of itself. Even Oblivion and Fallout 3 had a few great quests hidden underneath underwhelming main quests. Both had some very interesting locations or mechanics and many bland ones. The graphical fidelity of every bethesda game was never disputed as being anything but subpar.

          The gist is: better quests have been written, better dungeons have been designed, better third and first person combat mechanics have been developed and better RPG systems have existed. And there is absolutely NOTHING stopping Bethesda from incorporating those things into their games.

          We could have it all. We could have Dark Messiah levels of first-person melee combat in an open world thats filled with dungeons straight out of Dishonored while managing a Gothic style RPG character sheet and going through quests like we're in Divinity: Original Sin II.

          The problem is that Bethesda thinks the high point of every player is collecting coffee mugs and turning them into purple tier silencers.

          • 4 months ago

            Good is subjective.
            Citizen Kane may be a cinematic classic. It is also a shitty super hero movie.
            You are a prisoner of limited ideas if you can't understand that point.

            • 4 months ago

              Actually "good" isn't all that subjective when you get down to it. You said so yourself: Citizen Kane is a shitty super hero movie. It's not the first movie to do time jump-cuts or film the ceiling. Some moronic critics even claim it's a bad movie because it stole (good) ideas from earlier movies. The reason it's still considered a classic? Because all those ideas that may or may have not been stolen from other films make for a great movie when combined.

              Ironically this is precisely what Bethesda could make. In a way this is what they HAVE made - if you install 200 mods. Modded Skyrim can be Thief, it can be Dark Souls, it can be the sims.

              THAT is what Bethesda should focus on.

              But they're regressing into the box-ticking-exercises of other developers: "purple icon gun better than gun with blue icon". Collect 400 iron to make spaceship parts. procedurally generated and copied and pasted dungeons.

    • 4 months ago

      >They have a monopoly on this type of game simply because other devs are too lazy and/or stupid to imitate them successfully.

      This is the key. They don't hold the monopoly because their stuff is better. They are solely in this space because noone else is.

      And I'd say modding is the biggest part of it. And it remains to be seen whether Starfield can be modded in meaningful ways compared to Skyrim. There is a noticeable decline in modding quality from Skyrim to Fallout 4, largely due to the basic dumbing down of the game systems. There's a reason why ordinator is not only a great mod in Skyrim but there's also no ordinator for F4.

  62. 4 months ago

    why do people pretend to like it?

    • 4 months ago

      They care about different things than you. They aren't faking it.
      > Buy I don't like it all.
      I believe you but I am wondering why you think anyone should care that you in particular don't like it? You not liking something is not our problem.

      • 4 months ago

        They care about different things than you. They aren't faking it.
        > Buy I like it .
        I believe you but I am wondering why you think anyone should care that you in particular like it? You liking something is not our problem.

        • 4 months ago

          The diffrence is I am not trying to convince you the things you like are bad. I may not like what you like but if you like it you like it. You can't be wrong about what you like.

  63. 4 months ago

    the quests are depthless and soulless unlike what was found in the previous two entries

  64. 4 months ago


    Actually, the overwhelming majority of my Skyrim playthroughs have been regular non-lewd ones. Only very recently have I started to do more lewd playthrough, but only because I have ran out of plot things to do in Skyrim and because I am not in the mood right now of downloading all those giga overhaul mods like Vigilant or Falskaar.
    Maybe one day though.

    • 4 months ago

      Porn mods are a meme. They play like shit, are buggy, janky animations and models are shit. They're literally only good for greentexts.

      • 4 months ago

        I actually found Ostim's to be pretty cool. With the modules you can create a great narrative. I spent a month buttering up the blacksmith's wife in Solitude before she finally let me frick her.

  65. 4 months ago

    I don't really hate it, it just sucks and has nothing to draw me in with. I'd rather play a more specialized game that does one thing really good than this game that just has a bunch of shit.

  66. 4 months ago

    It aged really badly. It's bland, combat is brain dead, cities are absolutely barebones, and main quest sucks ass.
    It's not a bad game, just extremely mediocre in current age, and i'm too lazy to install 2000 mods just to make the game actually fun

  67. 4 months ago

    after 13 years and... 4 versions? they still havent fixed a gamebreaking glitch in the vampire DLC that youre forced to workaround with another glitch. its shit. only the world and lore is interesting, not even the story, just the lore. like many modern games, its straight up wasted potential to be great

  68. 4 months ago

    it's fun with mods if you ignore the main quests for the most part but for me i'm a morrowind boomer and i can't change

  69. 4 months ago

    Back then in 2011-2012 there was an immense load of youtubers all playing Skyrim, talking about how awesome it was to fight dragons and fight all kinds of stuff. People seemed to love exploring and finding quest after quest to do, cool stuff like shouting and turning into a werewolf. Everyone said too how huge the world felt like walking around it. A lot of making fun of the dumb NPCs and the hilarious glitches too.
    At least back then at launch, Skyrim was very well received for a broad big casual audience and claiming it wasn't critically successful is complete nonsense. A lot of criticism for the game took a long time to settle and become mainstream.

  70. 4 months ago

    Le because le this is le Redditchan and le hating le popular le things is le erin!

  71. 4 months ago

    I don't "hate" it, its just the old saying: as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.
    I think a big problem is there's never a good reason for me to go back and replay it.
    The few exclusive choices are trivial and ultimately ammount to changing the color of the uniforms of the guards in a few towns and swapping out jarls you never talk to after you get named thane except to get payment for a radiant quest.
    There's no point in replaying because I did literally everything with my first character. Different races aren't acknowledged outside of two or three instances where they're waved off and ignored. Like joining the stormcloaks as a non human and them saying "b-but you're one of the good ones."
    It was really a missed opportunity to not force some branches in the quest lines.

  72. 4 months ago

    ill bite
    i dont hate skyrim, its just that the game simplifies and child proofs everything, taking the fun out of discovery and combat. the voice actors and writing sound like they are talking to children. none of the characters make a strong enough impression to have their events matter to me. Its like if you were watching the movie The Room and they added a scene where everyone died. Would anyone care?

    The character can get absurdly strong very quickly, out leveling the usefulness of rewards from guilds. there also isnt much worth finding if you go exploring. Your time is better spent doing two things, play children's story time with the guilds and receive their gear or mine some ebony from the north and forge your own daedric weapons and armor and become immortal in an already easy game.

    the world doesnt feel internally serious. in no world should a random stranger walk into a town, accidentally walk near a crime scene and suddenly get recruited by the guards to investigate a serial killer. Or NPC walking around screaming random details to the mission they want you to take. IF ONLY I HAD A TUSK TO BECOME A MERCHANT OH WHOEVER WILL HELP ME. the Fable games felt more serious and they were trying to be comical.

    its a shallow but accessible game, no thinking required, so its very popular.

    • 4 months ago

      Would you rather have Ysolda look for a tusk while having the possibility of taking over the inn and Belethoes shop while selling drugs on the side or a Mount and Blade Bannerlord in depth economy where scarcity plays a huge role?
      Careful in your answer.

      • 4 months ago

        I want a game with a robust dynamic economy that has in game consequences if you break it.
        In skyrim I was walking around with almost a million gold coins and it made me think that in this setting that should really be more gold coins than are in circulation, and the implications of that happening is that barons and lords would be pissed because they can't collect taxes if no one has coins, the people in the towns are pissed because now they're forced to go back to pure barter, and all the while you have flooded the market with enchanted god killing markets and armor of invulnerability.
        Have the game start as a basic dungeon crawling adventure game, but have it escalate into a israelite simulator as you have to mitigate the economy you broke so the proles don't riot and try hanging you from a gibbet.

        • 4 months ago

          I have autism. You my friend really have autism.

          • 4 months ago

            You don't see economics really in games that aren't mmo's. I think if you made a game with a reactive and dynamic economy on the region and global level you could tie a lot of other things to it to make the world feel much more alive and responsive to larger pressures. And it wouldn't bee too hard, just some spreadsheets in the background that triggers the games ai.

            • 4 months ago

              Play Mount and Blade Bannerlord strictly as a merchant. Merchant is an actual part of the game with production and scarcity

              It will disabuse you of that notion. It may the kind of thing you think you want but you really don't.

      • 4 months ago

        im okay with any elaborate outcome you want to play out.
        im more concerned with how natural engagements feel. im fine with characters talking to each other and revealing details. but skyrim goes out of its way to basically advertise to the player every character that has a mission. then dump private information onto a complete stranger.

        if i were to redesign that mission, it would be associated to your local fame. you help the Jarl and show you are capable, then she walks up to you with a request. And hopefully not in the Bethseda style where she runs to the player and instantly starts an intrusive dialogue segment. just a polite "excuse me dragon born, could i make a request?" and if you ignore her enough she takes her problem to the local inn. Then you can start the quest from the inn keeper acting as a quest board.

        doing this prevents towns from feeling like shouting matches, respects the player's time, and respects the character as a person in the world.

        • 4 months ago

          Do the math.
          How many players will offer quests?
          How many interactions will you need to get said quests?
          How long should each interaction take?

          You can front load the interaction and move things along or make everything a chore.

          • 4 months ago

            currently you are passively interacting with all the characters screaming and ruining the feel of towns.
            the number of interactions in my system would be reduced since they would keep their mouth shut and speak at an appropriate volume to other npcs. And only bug the player a few times before the mission would be transferred to an inn keeper.
            So side missions are tasks you would have to seek, they wouldnt pester you constantly as they do now.

            Morrowind because of its limitations were closer to this, since you had to find random people on your own to know if they had a mission.
            Dragon's Dogma had a mix of mission boards and quest indicators above special characters. So you would know there was something to do , but it wasnt obnoxious about it.
            i believe Witcher 3 had a similar style

            • 4 months ago

              Not my question
              Number of NPCs with a quest.
              Number of interactions needed to unlock quest.
              Time per interaction needed to unlock quest.

              It is a very specific ask. Plug in the numbers.
              10 quests can take their time to set things up.
              If you have 300 You have to pick up the pace a bit.

              You need to respect the players time.

              • 4 months ago

                your previous post was not clear, even if you thought it was.

                the factors you think are important arent important.
                the quests would still exist, they would come to you instead of ruining the world.
                i roll my fricking eyes when i walk through Oblivion and Skyrim towns and hear their childish dialogue from untalented voice actors.

                the current system is design for new and stupid players. I want worlds to feel natural.
                if you are walking through a store in real life, people arent shouting what they want to buy and the troubles they are having trying to find it.

                if this annoys you, tough shit. its like 5 NPCS in every town doing it, it wouldnt balloon your playtime to 4000 hours and ruin your experience.
                if you are still playing Skyrim now, years later doing all the bullshit side quests, Do you even respect your time and experience?

              • 4 months ago

                My only factor is time.
                I can assure you respecting the players time is critical.

  73. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Oblivion leveling is the worst in the series and if you disagree you didnt play Oblivion past level 5

    • 4 months ago

      Why wasn't this pointed out back when the marketing campaign was on and everyone was crazy over the trash that is Skyrim. Old forums still existed, and old school Elder Scrolls players too. Skyrim should be discussed as the marketing ploy that it was. It was Starfield before Starfield.

  74. 4 months ago

    >playing Skyrim
    >just beat the first Alduin boss fight
    >he flys off to Sovengarde to feast on the dead souls from the war
    >I now decide to start the civil war questline
    We do a little trolling

  75. 4 months ago

    I hate Skyrim because the writing is completely moronic and Skyrim's melee combat is the most boring shit imaginable

    The world and "dungeon" design is also repetitive as shit

  76. 4 months ago

    Because it doesn't have Spears, Medium Armour and Mysticism and those are what made Morrowind good in the mind of the average Gankerirgin.

    • 4 months ago

      Don't forget the RPG staple Ladders.

  77. 4 months ago

    I don't hate it but it was a massive disappointment. Todd dumbed the mechanics down so much it doesn't even qualify as an RPG. The story and quests are also probably the worst in the series. The only novelty it has going for it is the ability to side with the based white nationalist that the writers try to convince you is evil.

    • 4 months ago

      It didn't try to be an RPG. It went with the far superior ARPG.

  78. 4 months ago

    Do those who hate Skyrim hate or like Enderal? I personally like vanilla Skyrim overall, but I think I might like Enderal more.

    • 4 months ago

      99.9% of Skyrim players have no idea what Enderal is.
      They should be thankful

  79. 4 months ago

    It's simplistic and watered down to appeal to the masses. It's to fantasy RPGs as marvel movies are to comics.
    There's a reason Bethesda fans are not in the same camps as more general RPG fans.

  80. 4 months ago

    It's definetely a matter of soul involved.
    I can overlook its many flaws just because the atmosphere and its comfiness work really well.
    Going to one of my manors at night, organizing my loot and putting down some items in the house as Secunda plays in the background is a feeling I rarely get in games.

  81. 4 months ago

    Contrarianism, Skyrim is very flawed but at the end of the day it's a fun game

    • 4 months ago

      >dbs Hispanic likes skyrim
      No surprise

  82. 4 months ago

    Simply because it's basic, it's a very basic game, any mechanics and gameplay loops you might think of when talking about skyrim is 'there', but you'll never hear someone tell you how it was 'so good in skyrim!', because it wasn't
    It's there, it exists, but it's not good

    This can be applied to everything:
    >character progression
    >perk system

    There's not a single one thing that skyrim 'shines' in, it just happens to, technologically speaking, be the only recent-ish game of this measure that happens to have such a modding scene and modding support of this level, on top of proposing an engine that, though barebones, allows for most form of RPG autism to take shape in

    I'm replaying through it using the 'most endorsed' mod collection and it's definitely better than vanilla skyrim and actually feels like a game now, but it's still nowhere close to what it 'should've been' if you wanted me to call it a masterpiece, and that's with 1600 mods powered from nothing but pure unadultered weaponized autism from the community and over a decade of free time for them to do their magic
    It's quite sad

    Though, I will have to say, if I had been 10 when skyrim came out, then I would've loved the shit out of it, because low expectations and no understanding of potential, but it's not the case so frick bethesda for being greedy lazy israelites, that's all

    • 4 months ago

      >to have such a modding scene and modding support of this level
      That's the main reason I've played Skyrim. I'm thinking of reinstalling it sometime just to checkout new mods.
      Basically they have created good environments and have an amazing modding community.

      • 4 months ago

        There is around 1/10th of 1% of the Skyrim fan base still playing.
        Modders have covered just about everything they are going to. They ae reduced to modding mods now.

  83. 4 months ago

    I don't hate it, I just don't like it

  84. 4 months ago

    I hate on it because now is see how shallow it really was and how good it could have been. I’ve also watched Bethesda churn out increasingly bland and boring slop with every release but realizing that it all came from Skyrim and its incredibly simple systems. Todd took his success for granted and rather than try to expand on things and make games which are just better and more in depth than the last he’s gone to the reverse and now finally to his detriment with Starfield. Turns out games can actually only be so boring and uninspired before normies start to pick up on it. I still pray ES 6 is gonna learn from these failures but I know I’m actually just high off my ass on mega copium with that. It’s gonna suck and it’s gonna make piles of fricking cash.

    • 4 months ago

      Useless mechanics started with at least Daggerfall. The languages both did exactly what they were supposed to and were functionally useless. They made up a third of the available skills.
      I would rather they be more ambitious and fail so they can learn.
      Starfield was about the least ambitious game they have made while being the largest. They took no chances.

      • 4 months ago

        Exactly. I’m not saying every single missing mechanic from previous games was perfect or even good but they still had them in an effort to be more than a hack and slash game.

        • 4 months ago

          They have no problem moving on from bad design. Daggerfalls languages and Morrowinds combat are proof.
          I prefer they be ambitious and fail and actually be willing to learn from and move on from mistakes.
          Starfield was safe in just about every aspect but size.

  85. 4 months ago

    Skyrim is ass lmfoa. Frickin lmfoa is you serious? Its casual gargabe. Daggerfall was the only good one. Skyrim is for retars and people taht jakoff to prono style modifiers

  86. 4 months ago

    I don’t hate it, I just don’t think it’s worthy of the name Elder Scrolls, or Skyrim for that matter

    • 4 months ago

      > skyrim
      > cant fly or jump high enough to give the sky a rimjob

  87. 4 months ago

    >played all mainline games
    >enjoyed all of them except arena
    Is there a mod that gives the wasd control that daggerfall has? I just couldnt stomach the click play

  88. 4 months ago

    Speaking for myself, I've never pretended to hate Skyrim and I've defended it on here plenty of times. BUT, I will always give the obligatory threadly reminder that Morrowind was better. Skyrim is comfy and fun but and I logged ungodly hours in it but it's still dumbed down to an unfortunate degree.

    • 4 months ago

      Which game had " Always Use Best Attack" as an option?

      • 4 months ago

        I'll give you that that was cringe, but it's not very significant imo.

        • 4 months ago

          > Adding an IWIN button was not significant.
          You miss spellcrafting don't you?

          • 4 months ago

            Who doesn't miss spellcrafting?

            • 4 months ago

              People that don't suck at games.

              • 4 months ago

                Does anybody else actually agree that removing spellcrafting was good? Genuinely curious if this homie is alone or not.

              • 4 months ago

                what kind of moron shit is this?

                Does anybody else actually agree that removing spellcrafting was good? Genuinely curious if this homie is alone or not.

                nobody agrees with him

            • 4 months ago

              If you really need OP spells use alchemy in Skyrim.
              You can get cloak spells that extend as far as the fireball spells by abusing alchemy.
              You can create fortify destruction potions that make your spells do thousands of points of damage.
              Enchant gear that reduces costs to zero and you can wipe out cities in seconds.

              • 4 months ago

                its not even about op spells which still required you to be able to cast them. They had many aspects in place to keep you from making spells that were nukes even if or unless depending on what spell u want, your level was very high. Its about getting the spell you want for your character. Long term and weak vs the powerful and short thats available from the npc for example.

              • 4 months ago

                What spell did you want in Skyrim that you couldn't have? Not things like levitation but what did you want to make that you couldn't?

              • 4 months ago


                You are correct there are brainlets in this thread. You are overstating the volume. Pretty sure there is only one.

                I dont want to rip on you unless youre trying to call me the brainlet so please clarify.

              • 4 months ago

                I think Ray Charles could see that I was implying whoever made that statement was the brainlet in the thread.
                Ray Charles is blind and dead.

                I thank you for the verification though.
                It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to respond and remove all doubt.

              • 4 months ago

                You are correct there are brainlets in this thread. You are overstating the volume. Pretty sure there is only one.

                >135 posters
                >only one brainlet
                How's your first day on Ganker?

                > You are correct there are brainlets in this thread. You are overstating the volume. Pretty sure there is only one.
                > brainlets
                > one
                so very confident in yourself but you cant even count. Thank you and have a nice day.

              • 4 months ago

                Not a native English speaker are you? Do you think the "s" makes everything plural and has no other use?

              • 4 months ago

                lmao nice try moron. Possesive s would require a different sentence structure than what was used. Youre not very good at this which is why you think skyrim is good.

              • 4 months ago

                Possessive requires an apostrophe. I did not use one because it was not grammatically correct.
                What is your native tongue by the way?

              • 4 months ago

                English unlike you. You didnt even imply it was possessive with your sentence. Your sentence only allows for it to be plural. Youre moronic and coping which is why you like skyrim.

              • 4 months ago

                so your some brown third worlder or from snowmalia land of poorgays and putins?

              • 4 months ago

                > you're*
                We dont care about apostrophes ranjeesh

              • 4 months ago

                You either only finished Elementary school or went to public schools in a poor district.

              • 4 months ago

                Keep trying and coping brainlet that cant even keep his plurals straight.

              • 4 months ago

                > Youre
                You should have went with You're there.
                There I helped improve your English yet again

              • 4 months ago

                thanks for proving youre not a native english speaker.

              • 4 months ago

                Were you not trying to say " You are not very good at this" when you said " Youre not very good at this"

                Sit down before you embarrass yourself further.

              • 4 months ago

                nta but that might have been a problem if the word youre actually existed

              • 4 months ago

                It probably exists in his native tongue.

              • 4 months ago

                It probably exists in his native tongue.

                lmao so obvious

              • 4 months ago

                kek dont you have a customer help call to answer?

              • 4 months ago

                Why keep drawing attention to your beatdown?
                Take the L and learn from it then come back the wiser for the experience.

              • 4 months ago

                Because I love seeing you fail repeatedly. Indians are so funny when they get dunked on because they cant handle it and start kvetching just like their idols that want nothing to do with them.

              • 4 months ago

                How am I failing. It isnot my job to vome up with a spell you want crafted even though you claim to miss spellcrafting.

                You actually seem to advocate for a wider range of spells than are available and I share that.

                You seem to miss spellcrafting more as an idea than an actual mechanic.

              • 4 months ago

                Why cant indians ever just accept an answer and then move the discussion forward? What about my answer can you not understand?

              • 4 months ago

                If you clarified exactly why you miss spellcrafting the conversation could move forward.

                You not knowing why you miss it is a real roadblock.
                > They used to have it so I want it back
                Perfectly valid reason. You still have the tools to accomplish the same goal. If you are clever enough that is.

              • 4 months ago

                I did but just like the majority of my posts you cant understand it. I can agree that the alchemy system covers a lot of the same aspects from what ive seen of it but as ive said multiple times alchemy has always been around. The fact that you have to use alchemy to accomplish close to the same effects of spellcrafting is the primary problem with tes as it continues because its build limiting. It reduces variety in builds by nuetering magic without it.

              • 4 months ago

                So refresh my memory.
                What spell would you have crafted if you had spellcrafting in Skyrim?
                I missed it in all the blah blah about tjings not the spell you would have crafted in Skyrim if you had spellcrafting.

                It would really help if you knew exactly what you claim to be missing out on.

              • 4 months ago

                A Flames/Frostbite/Sparks with greater magnitude and longer range would be perfect.
                Alternatively, fire/frost/shock nova that can be 1h cast, or alternative pure magic damage.
                Also, any cloak spell with extended range.

                Levitation, or alternatively jump/blink would be nice too.

              • 4 months ago

                Use alchemy ( fortify destruction) to extend the range and damage of cloak spells.
                If you use the resto loop you can stand in the center of Whiterun and kill everyone outside if you stand near the eldergleam tree.

              • 4 months ago

                Name one thing bad about morrowind compared to skyrim that isnt a meme response.

              • 4 months ago

                What does that have to do with spellcrafting and your inability to elaborate exactly what you are missing about it?

              • 4 months ago

                What does that have to do with morrowind not being better and your inability to elaborate without meme answers?

              • 4 months ago

                Nobody but you is discussing Morrowind being better. I am discusding anons inability to elaborate on what spell he can't craft that causes him such consternation at the loss of spell crafting.

              • 4 months ago

                Nobody but you is talking about what super specific spell dictates if spellcrafting is good or not. I am discussing your inability to elaborate on how skyrim is anything but a downgrade without using meme answers.

              • 4 months ago

                I asked the qustion of anon sbout why they missed spellcrafting. They had no idea.
                If you want to discuss something else have at it as this is a free Country. I don't have to participate in your discussion and you don't have to participate in mine.

                Do you have a spell you would have crafted in Skyrim if it had spell crafting?

              • 4 months ago

                I asked the question of anon about how skyrim isnt just a straight downgrade. You have no idea.
                If you want to discuss something else have at it as this is a free Country. I dont have to participate in your discussion and you dont have to participate in mine.

              • 4 months ago

                I have been discussing something else. I am going to continue.
                Participate or don't.

              • 4 months ago

                you havent been discussing anything. Youre being a neckbeard meme that refuses to discuss aspects and atteibutes honestly. Everything has to meet your specific set of requirements so you can pivot to alchemy as some sort of gotcha while you miss the point completely. You have 0 reading comprehension, 0 taste, and 0 b***hes.

              • 4 months ago

                > You expect the anons that respond to you to discuss the thing you are discussing.

              • 4 months ago

                Its already been discussed and youre just being obstinate because it hurts your feelings to know that you wasted your life playing a shitty game. Not shitty in a
                > you just dont like this kind of game
                but shitty in that its objectively bad at being that type of game. Anon did refute your fake and gay answer btw.

              • 4 months ago

                Not that guy but player expression is a big part of these games and spellmaking allows for a lot of player creativity. Taking it out just seems like a short sighted and stupid move.

                One of the first things i would have done would be to make a firebolt spell that did more than 25 damage so i could use more mana at a time to do more single target damage at a time.
                I imagine by endgame i would make some crazy spell that has a 20 yard AoE radius and burns enemies for 10 damage every 2 seconds or something like that just for fun. Emphasis on "just for fun" which is what video games should be about anyways so it is bizarre for a big open world RPG game that advertises itself as letting you play how you want is cutting out features left and right and trying to be as simple as possible.

              • 4 months ago

                Some miss the 27 wear slots from Morrowind. Playing dress up and spell making fluff is better suited to the mod community.
                It is a non factor for most.

              • 4 months ago

                Use alchemy if you want your fireball nuke.
                They gave you the tools to build what you want. Learn how to use them.

              • 4 months ago

                > the elder alchemist
                This is the problem. Alchemy shouldnt be the only thing in the game worth doing. Alchemy in morrowind is also broken but you dont need it to have fun or be strong.

              • 4 months ago

                There is no way to make my spell.
                Actually there is
                Well there should be more ways.

                I accept your concession.

              • 4 months ago

                You cant specify anons spell with your alchemy pivots you can only approximate. Prove you can do anons exact spell in skyrim.
                I accept your concession.

              • 4 months ago

                Give me the exact parameters.

              • 4 months ago

                He already did. You have the parameters.

              • 4 months ago

                I already explained how to make a cloak spell like they wanted and the tribolt one using AE.

              • 4 months ago

                10dmg/2sec specifically. Prove thats possible outside of a specific level or stat set.

              • 4 months ago

                > Other than the ways you can do it are there ways you can do it.
                No. If you set up the scenario for me to fail then I will fail.

              • 4 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 4 months ago

                Yes if you create a scenario I can't win I won't win.
                Congrats on your Kobayashi Maru.

              • 4 months ago

                Pot meet kettle. You braindead yet overly confident TODDler.
                Maybe one day youll grow up and learn what the difference between the opinion on a genre and the criticism of something failing within a genre is.
                I mean, why even have magic and alchemy? Its just damage. Might as well say you can do the same thing with a weapon because they both kill enemies with attacks.

              • 4 months ago

                > If i go with hyperbole I will sound rational.
                Surprisingly no.

              • 4 months ago

                keep trying. You got repeatedly btfod even with your extremely gay and overly specific challenge. You cant do what spellcrafting did with alchemy even disregarding spells and effects that were available outside of the base game.
                Give me a spell that does 10dmg/2s over all levels. Thats what spellcrafting does.

              • 4 months ago

                > Everyone not being able to answer your simple question shows how dumb you are.
                Not being able to answer simple questions shows that someone is dumb.

              • 4 months ago

                except that everyone did and i did the first time but you were too dumb to understand that.

              • 4 months ago

                So what spell did you want to craft if you had spellcrafting in Skyrim?
                > The one that isn't in the game
                That isn't a spellcrafting issue.

              • 4 months ago

                but point me to where alchemy allows me to make a tri-element bolt spell with customizable damage for each element which allows for near-universal use case outside of the rare magic-immune enemy

              • 4 months ago

                Play the AE edition and use Elemental spell in one hand and frost in the other. That gives you all three damage types at once.
                True it is not a canon build but possible.

              • 4 months ago

                cool spell i just read the wiki page for it
                >doesn’t actually deal elemental damage, deals raw magic damage
                >damage scales with perks for all elements despite the spell description not mentioning frost at all
                even when adding shit in 2017 bethesda can’t get it right

              • 4 months ago

                So you don't need the frost spell to meet your requirement which means you can dual wield it and stagger enemies.
                You keep winning.

              • 4 months ago

                except it not only took bethesda 5 years and a mod to achieve what a spell creation system achieved immediately, they didn’t even achieve it correctly
                morever, let’s say i wanted to add a twenty point burn of all three elements for ten seconds
                can i do that in the base game? we both know the answer

              • 4 months ago

                Are you asking if shock and frost can have the burn effect from fire? I don't think spellcrafting does that in any game.

              • 4 months ago

                a twenty point DoT of all three elements over ten seconds

              • 4 months ago

                I don't think shock and frost have DOT damage effects.
                Frost will slow you down for a time but no damage.
                Spellcrafting won't add it in.

              • 4 months ago

                Why even try anymore dude this is just hilarious. You cry about my challenge of 10dmg/2s at any level being impossible not realizing that proved spellcrafting makes spells not available with your alchemy cope. Exactly like I said at the very start you fricking idiot. You should be banned from the internet.

              • 4 months ago

                DOT spells in Morrowind and Oblivion were for spell cost mitigation.
                A 100 points over 100 secs cost far less to cast than 100 points over 1sec.
                Skyrim went with enchanting as the spell cost mitigation mechanic.
                There is no need for making spells DOT in Skyrim.

                That being said fire has an effect that lets you stack burn DOT affects that will snowball your damage as you reapply the affect.

                Not seeing where spellcrafting is an improvement.

              • 4 months ago

                >less player choice is an improvement
                what if i’d like to stack DoT on a flame immune/resistant enemy
                seems like spellcrafting might be useful there, doesn’t it

              • 4 months ago

                You are correct in that Skyrim does not indulge willfully inefficient builds.
                Not sure how that is a flaw.
                I don't think you can craft a weapon that heals the enemy either.

              • 4 months ago

                Its not a flaw for braindead idiots that could possibly make a mistake in their build that ruins it.
                Why does skyrim even have controlled combat? Somebody could possibly do inefficient moves so they should just get rid of player inputs.

              • 4 months ago

                > Hyperbole for when you can't think of an actual argument.

              • 4 months ago

                > hyperbole
                > its literally the exact same argument
                > not realizing this
                You should probably just go play skyrim friend its not looking good for you.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you know what the word hyperbole means and how it applies to your post?
                Go ahead and look it up so we can avoid your usual twenty minute display of willful ignorance.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you know anything other than how to talk in circles?

              • 4 months ago

                I have been remarkably consistent in asking for any anon that misses spell crafting to name the spell that they would craft.
                The talking in circles claim is verifyably wrong.

              • 4 months ago

                Fricking kek, youre seriously trying to paint your circular argument as staying consistent lol.
                We already trounced your question. Then all you did was move the goalpost to literally
                > that spell that you could create if the system was in place isnt in the game so it doesnt count
                as though thats not the entire fricking point.
                I will admit, at least you can recognize that they should bring back the jumps and levitate.

              • 4 months ago

                You should be using singular when you keep saying circular.
                Words have meanings and you should learn what they are before you attempt to use them.

              • 4 months ago

                No I shouldnt and youre proving that the level of discussion here is way above you.
                Go ahead and circle back to how if its not handholding to efficiency then it shouldnt be in the game so I can say that players might not be perfect at inputting so they should take those away and then you can call me hyperbolic not realizing that its useful hyperbole touching at the core of why we should be able to make inefficient builds and then asking for your one spell under slightly stricter restrictions because we already answered that. Almost as if youre arguing in circles.

              • 4 months ago

                Once again you quoting me while discussing something else is not my problem.

              • 4 months ago

                Nice pivot cope

                I will enjoy your concessions even more now just for you.

                youve been throughly btfod on every point youve made.

                So without bringing up spells that aren't in game , a seperate issue, name the spell you would have made in Skyrim if spell crafting was included.

                it was already done multiple times. keep coping.

              • 4 months ago

                > It was done many times.
                > Could you quote the best one?
                > I err uhmm I am not your secretary.


              • 4 months ago

                Im not and its pointless because youll just circle back like you have everytime. Its here for everybody to see and laugh at you about.

              • 4 months ago

                You won't because you can't.

              • 4 months ago

                I wont because I already did

                > Actually defends being a crayon eater.
                I did not expect that.

                I didnt expect you to argue against being free to eat.

              • 4 months ago

                No you won't because the post does not exist. You know this as well as I do.
                Now it is just how mad are you going to get about being called a punk and not being able prove you aren't.

              • 4 months ago

                Why dont you craft a spell to prove your point?

                Cope buttsniffer


                I didn't want to engage anon on that post. I really didn't want him to expound further on his fetish.


              • 4 months ago

                I have a potion for a nuke for the part of the Companion questline where a ton of draugr and Silverhand are fighting each other. Once you show up they all turn on you. Drink a potion cast fireball and problem solved.
                Not many other times magic is the best option.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I agree with you that they should have more spells in game.
                Why there is no Cure Disease spell baffles me.
                Lack of spell variety is not a spell crafting issue. The fact you need to conflate the two shows even you realize how weak your arguments are.

              • 4 months ago

                I never conflated the two. The fact that you accused me of such proves how disingenuous you are.

              • 4 months ago

                So without bringing up spells that aren't in game , a seperate issue, name the spell you would have made in Skyrim if spell crafting was included.

              • 4 months ago

                flame cloak on target

              • 4 months ago

                so skyrim doesn’t indulge fun

                Mortowind and Oblivion needed DOT as a spell cost mitigation.
                Skyrim does not suffer from that.

                morrowind didn’t need it as a ‘mitigator’
                just make the upfront damage spell do less damage if you want it to cost less magicka
                i’m sure you’ll reply with something moronic like ‘but making the spell a dot is more efficient’
                except your point is about the ‘needs’ of the system, not its efficiency

              • 4 months ago

                Nice job moving the goalpost. It doesnt matter if its better or not at killing enemies because I might want to kill rats slowly while laughing at them. Spellcrafting is an improvement because it allows me to choose.
                > There is no need for making spells DOT in Skyrim.
                Theres no need for spells period because all it does is damage which can be done in other ways so why even have magic?

              • 4 months ago

                People like to play as mages. That is all the reason you need to include magic.
                I agree it is for pussies though.

              • 4 months ago

                How are you this stupid?

                So what spell did you want to craft if you had spellcrafting in Skyrim?
                > The one that isn't in the game
                That isn't a spellcrafting issue.

                Im amazed that you can be this moronic. I know some people are as dumb as gorillas but this is astounding.

              • 4 months ago

                I got the impression you hung around alot of stupid people.

              • 4 months ago

                Im surprised you can even conceptualize the idea of impressions.
                Actually, nevermind I know that you cant conceptualize and youre just copy pasting thoughts.

              • 4 months ago

                I have never copypasted a single thing. I have no folders.
                I give you the respect of giving my actual thoughts. I am not lazy or stupid and do not need a folder of other peoples thoughts.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you not think people like to play as mages? I agree it is weird but they are out there.

              • 4 months ago

                Youre so close anon. Now, take that thought process and apply it spellcrafting sub optimal spells.

              • 4 months ago

                So you think making a weapon that heals your enemy is a fun idea?
                We enjoy very different things in games.

              • 4 months ago

                Lmao yes and its actually available in fftactics iirc. Op as frick cuz you can attack your own teammates to heal them. Nice job arguing exactly the opposite of what you did earlier homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                When the hell did I argue making a weapon that heals enemies is a good idea.
                If you took that from any pist I made somebody fricked up hard. Pount it out so I can figure out whoch one of us it was.
                spoiler It was you spoiler

              • 4 months ago

                0 reading comprehension. You cant even identify anon to hold a conversation. You need to go back.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                > reeeeee
                keep coping

              • 4 months ago

                I am coping quite well with your various concessions.

              • 4 months ago

                Pathetic cope, please do better.

              • 4 months ago

                I will enjoy your concessions even more now just for you.

              • 4 months ago

                >crappy Skyrim system is better because the player doesn't need choice
                This is goofball deluxe thinking.

              • 4 months ago

                based. I dont mind people enjoying skyrim but thats just mind broken stuff. Like, im a music snob and I like songs that I can admit are objectively bad. I think thats the true identifier of a patrician vs a normie.

                A patrician knows what is good and bad apart from their personal enjoyment of it.

                Normies either cant seperate that or think "opinions are just opinions bro"

              • 4 months ago

                What a fart huffing pretentious post.
                You have to be an Avellone fan.

              • 4 months ago

                You couldnt come to the conclusion that huffing farts is good or bad outside of its prevalence in your community. Just like how you eat shit because everyone in india does.

              • 4 months ago

                Cope buttsniffer

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't want to engage anon on that post. I really didn't want him to expound further on his fetish.

              • 4 months ago

                You say pretentious hipster shit like " I like jazz not for the notes they play. I like jazz for the notes they don't"

              • 4 months ago

                nice cope slop enjoyer. Maybe you should go to screenwriters to fix your electrical systems since you think people that actually engage in the hobby dont have weightier opinions.
                > outting yourself as a normie

              • 4 months ago

                >caring about being called a normie or not online
                literal normie

              • 4 months ago

                > being the buttblasted

              • 4 months ago

                Really are you Joe Biden?

                > Listen Jack I ain't no kid sniffer. They just happen to be near me when I breathe. That is a trick I learned from Abraham Lincoln when we used to go fishing with the dog face pony soldiers. My word as a Biden. No joke.

              • 4 months ago

                > Players should have access to useless shit.
                So how do crayons taste?
                You must have loved Daggerfall. A full third of the skills were functionality useless.

              • 4 months ago

                Crayons taste like crayons. Whats hilarious is that you think this is an argument. Even if nobody eats crayons its still an available choice which is why life is great. Were free to use mechanics in a variety of ways, even self destructive ones like playing skyrim.

              • 4 months ago

                > Actually defends being a crayon eater.
                I did not expect that.

              • 4 months ago

                you’re right, they don’t have them in skyrim
                they did have that option for spellcrafting in morrowind
                i accept your concession

              • 4 months ago

                Mortowind and Oblivion needed DOT as a spell cost mitigation.
                Skyrim does not suffer from that.

              • 4 months ago

                Bethesda needs to make "games" as a way to make money.
                Walmart does not suffer from that.
                Therfore walmart is a better game studio than bethesda.

              • 4 months ago

                Not sure what point you are trying to make.
                Are you Joe Biden?
                > Listen fat we passed the bill because Ice cream ain't free Jack. Me and Corn Pop went toe to toe that summer. Mandela had my back in that fight. That is how me a George Washington won on D-Day.

              • 4 months ago

                > Not sure what point you are trying to make
                probably because youre dumb. You actually have used the exact arguments that you argued against to defend your stance but you dont recognize it.

              • 4 months ago

                Did you? Go back and read what you wrote. You really didnt.
                You attempted to ape my condescending style and failed miserably embarrasing yourself in the attempt.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes, the problem is you cant understand concepts and logic you only understand the words in and of themselves.

                I have never copypasted a single thing. I have no folders.
                I give you the respect of giving my actual thoughts. I am not lazy or stupid and do not need a folder of other peoples thoughts.

                > being this dense
                Your brain is the folder and your thoughts are the copy pasta because you cant synthesize, resolve, or create thoughts and concepts.

              • 4 months ago

                > You didnt understand what I meant just what I said.
                Correct. I am not a mind reader.

              • 4 months ago

                Again you do exactly what you accuse others of doing because you have no capacity for self reflection due to low iq.

              • 4 months ago

                > + acrobatics
                There is no acrobatics in Skyrim. Spellcrafting won't help that

              • 4 months ago

                No levitation either. So there are at least 3 major failings in tes post morrowind.
                > spellcrafting
                > levitate
                > acrobatics
                I think theres more like speed, spears, unarmored, voice acting being trash, etc etc.

              • 4 months ago

                I asked what spell you would have liked to have made in Skyrim.
                I get a laundry list of things you miss.

                I will try again.
                What spell would you have crafted in Skyrim? You have the spell crafter in front of you. Dazzle me.

              • 4 months ago

                I already amswered that and its hilarious you had to immediately add "no levitation".
                I didnt play enough of skyrim to experience the full extent of its garbage magic. I couldnt olay through it because its a garbage game but I did play it.

              • 4 months ago

                What spell would you have made?
                One that isn't in game.
                So the lack of spells not the lack of spell crafting is your issue.

              • 4 months ago

                I dont know what limitations are in the spells to know what I would change with spellcrafting so I cant reasonably answer that question outside of dunking on your inability to fly or jump.

                Go ahead and pivot to alchemy again like morrowinds alchemy wasnt broken as frick too.

              • 4 months ago

                It was a simple question that should not cause you this nuch trouble.
                If you can't think of a spell you would have crafted why do you miss spellcrafting?

                I am with you on the adding more spells part though.

              • 4 months ago

                Indians should be banned from western internet. You cant do anything but cope, seethe, and refuse to actually address the points made in answers. Im actually surprised you havent pivoted to
                > you cant say the game sucks if you havent 100% it.
                Once again, I didnt play that shit heap enough to know enough about what spells are available to know what and why I would change them. The fact remains that spellcrafting shouldve stayed so that any player that would prefer to trade 1 stat point for another 5 seconds of duration can make that choice.

              • 4 months ago

                It was a simple question. How can you get so buttmad you need to write a blogposts worth of cope?

                It is fine you can't think of a spell you would have crafted and you actually have an issue with lack of spells.

                No need to get mad.

              • 4 months ago

                nice cope. Keep relying on systems that werent cut to compensate for deleted content.

              • 4 months ago

                Why would I have to cope with you not being able to come up with a spell you wanted to craft but couldn't.
                You made the claim you missed spell crafting but are unsure of as to exactly why.

                I can't help you if you don't even know what you want.

              • 4 months ago

                I stated exactly why but youre moronic and coping by pivoting to mechanics and systems that every tes had.

              • 4 months ago

                You said you missed spellcrafting.
                I asked what spell you wanted to craft.
                You threw a hissy fit.

                I get the wanting more spells. I still have no idea why you miss spellcrafting. Apparently neither do you.

              • 4 months ago

                nice cope. Too bad you cant craft a spell to deal with it.

              • 4 months ago

                Apparently there are no spells worth crafting so I am ok with that.

              • 4 months ago

                If you want to make stronger destruction spells you can with alchemy. You are given the tools to do what you want if you are clever enough to use them

              • 4 months ago

                If you want to increase the duration of summons use alchemy.

                If you want to extend the range and duration of detect life/dead spells use alchemy.

                If you want a flame cloak large enough and powerful enough to kill things in the next room use alchemy.

                Alchemy has a symbiotic relationship with magic if you are clever.

              • 4 months ago

                >what did you want to make that you couldn't?
                A destruction spell that wasn't cherry tapping.

              • 4 months ago

                Use alchemy.
                Alchemy increases magnitude while enchanting reduces cost.
                If you are smart you can approximate spellcrafting in Skyrim.

  89. 4 months ago

    It's really not a great game. I'm glad you found something to tack your porn mods onto, though. Good for you.

  90. 4 months ago

    It's the most popular and most streamlined of the Elder Scrolls games, so therefore it's "bad" because of that.

  91. 4 months ago

    So many anons mad about needing the crutch of spell crafting.
    Just turn the difficulty down if you are struggling.

  92. 4 months ago

    I hate vanilla Skyrim.

    • 4 months ago

      Mods do nothing to improve it.

  93. 4 months ago

    Not being able to understand or even perceive the concept of someone not liking something you do is a sign of moronation and nothing surprising about Skyrim fans.

  94. 4 months ago

    >Why do people pretend to hate Skyrim?
    the tears of crushed zelda gays realising skyrim will never be surpassed and nintendo lost

  95. 4 months ago



  96. 4 months ago

    >dumbed down the skills even more
    >still no thrown weapons
    >still no crossbows (until dlc)
    >still no spears
    >devs reveal they actually made spears when they release the creation kit, showing off what players could do with it
    >refuse to release the code they already made because they're gloating, spiteful pricks

    they knew exactly what they were doing. Frick em. They deserved starfield.

    • 4 months ago

      They removed the unarmed skill, too.
      What's that? You want to roleplay as a monk who solves everything by punching it? Too bad!

      • 4 months ago

        Use Heavy armor and take the H2H perk. They have a wide range of finishing moves if you do.

  97. 4 months ago

    depleted serotonin levels from playing it for 4000hrs with 745 mods installed

  98. 4 months ago

    As someone who was playing vanilla LE version of skyrim recently:

    >shit quests that have very limited roleplaying OR decisionmaking
    Like being FORCED to do Diplomatic Immunity quest. You cannot sneak in there. You cannot bullshit your way in there. You cannot murder everyone you want in there (hell, that in itself would/should give you a plot twist). You HAVE TO do it the way Todd made it. No other way. You cannot even skip it if you find Esbern in Ratways. Or same with other quests. You have a very limited - leashed - agency. Which is shit.

    >Enchantment limitations
    You can only place specific enchantments on specific pieces of equipment. No magic resist on armor, or boots, or gantlets. No stamina regeneration on rings. No carry weight boost on armor. Etc. Weapon enchantments are boring as hell, with nothing interesting. You cannot even disenchant artefacts to get some interesting enchantments.
    >magic is castrated and feels absolutely mediocre + doesnt work right
    >no spellmaking
    >spells do not scale with you in power
    >magic casting has glitch in animation so you can fail casting
    >magic regeneration in combat is nerfed for no reason other than "balance"
    >poor selection of spells
    >alchemy is beyond broken because it has a lot of effects that spellcasting and enchanting should have
    >alchemy can be easily abused to make gamebreaking potions
    >smithing is shit
    >cookign is shit
    Because both have a LOT of missing recipes for stuff that SHOULD be there.
    >poor selection of armors/weapons/clothing/etc
    >loot is hot garbage
    >level scaling
    >combat is shit due to 0.5sec delay between hit animation and hit registration
    >animations are stiff and make no sense whatsoever
    Like why left hand weapon does forward thrust on power attack but you cannot replicate that with right hand?
    >unarmored combat is terrible
    >lots of bugs and glitches regarding perks

    There. Enjoy.

  99. 4 months ago

    Not as much depth as previous entries and it, alongside minecraft, made everyone hop into utterly soulless open world slop while completely missing the point.

  100. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >running away like a b***h

      • 4 months ago

        What else am I gonna do, kill all the guards every time? Bounties is a good way to fast travel on survival mode

  101. 4 months ago

    after playing the same game over and over for the past 13 years you notice all of it's flaws. back in late 2011/ early 2012 everyone loved it and worshipped it.

  102. 4 months ago
  103. 4 months ago

    This game truly lighting in a bottle. It created such a huge modding community. It's the perfect blend between RPG elements and action. Sure the combat is dogshit and needs mods to make it decent to today's standards. But the feel and immersion it's truly the best

    • 4 months ago

      1/10th of 1% of the entire fanbase is still playing Skyrim.
      I will concede they are all playing modded Skyrim.
      That number is less statistically significant than a rounding error.

      Where did you ever get the idea modding was a big deal?

      • 4 months ago

        Just in Nexus there are more than 120k mods for Skyrim in both old Skyrim and new SE versions. With a total amount of 6 billion downloads, there is no other game with even half of those numbers, the man-hours of all that modding work is probably bigger than Skyrim itself, it's literally the reason why modding websites exists. So yes it's quite a big deal

        • 4 months ago

          So only 2 billion people on the planet don't mod Skyrim?
          Impressive considering it sold 60 million copies.

  104. 4 months ago

    Because it doesn't have rollslop parryslop or tranime.

    • 4 months ago

      you fool, shield bashes are a type of parry

    • 4 months ago

      Light armor has a dodge mechanic as a perk. It relies on RNG so it is fairly useless.

  105. 4 months ago

    it's only relevant because of porn mods

    • 4 months ago

      They could have used all that scripting skills to make interesting and bizarre spells, monsters, locations, improved quests and in-depth RPG mechanics to make the game more like Daggerfall. Instead they waste that talent on cringe worthy sex mods that are more akin to a boner killer or an erection’s worst nightmare. I hate the state of modding.

  106. 4 months ago

    Despite being a downgrade to oblivion and especially Morrowind and ESPECIALLY Daggerfall It infested even the minds of Nintendo execs and ruined Zelda.

  107. 4 months ago

    I didn't enjoy it when it came out and still don't really enjoy it. Felt like a massive downgrade from Oblivion. I need to give it another shot someday.

  108. 4 months ago

    There’s no pretending.
    The base game is genuinely horrid.
    I can only imagine that there are bugs in it to this very day because bethesda sees no reason to mess with the unofficial patch—but it’s laughable there’s an unofficial patch this far in.
    The questlines are universally boring, the combat depthless, and exploration non-existent.
    What Skyrim excels at, however, is providing an excellent sandbox for more competent people to do Bethesda’s job for them.
    People are’t playing Skyrim these days for Skyrim. They’re playing it for the user-generated content built up over a decade.
    And yet Bethesda can’t help themselves from fricking that up, too. Their moronic Anniversary Edition and Creation Club patches mean people have to perform consistent maintenance on plugins that shouldn’t need it; something solved only in 2020 by Address Libraries, and even then not for every mod.
    If I sound angry it’s because I am. I’m trying to start a new playthrough for the Vigilant series (which somehow manages to feel more respectful to the lore while being independently interesting than Skyrim itself), and ended up having to renew my whole modlist.
    Point being, bethesda blows wiener at anything other than sandbox shell design, and should be pushing day 1 creation kit releases for their games.

    • 4 months ago

      Recall how long it took for Skyrim's Creation Kit to be released. Just try to recall THAT.
      >an excellent sandbox for more competent people to do Bethesda’s job for them
      Yes and no.

  109. 4 months ago

    The next Elder Scrolls will not have skills, only attributes. Health will control combat stats, stamina will control stealth stats, and magicka will control magic stats.

    • 4 months ago

      Makes sense.

  110. 4 months ago

    Morrowind and Oblivion are shit idk why oldgays praise them so much, specially the combat is hilariously bad

    • 4 months ago

      skyrim combat is literally the same as Oblivion

    • 4 months ago


  111. 4 months ago

    >Mod to reinstate class creation
    >Mod to add attributes back in, in a sort of janky but still notable way
    >Nothing like Tamriel Rebuilt for Skyrim
    >Remember one of the land mods basically just puts you on a fricking flat plain called an island with trees lazily strewn about
    I just want more to explore. I fricked off from The Reach from Beyond Reach after I got a shadow node crash and haven't been back yet, and while the map is nice, I noticed a lot of the mountains were just weird paths on outcrops of rock that felt kind of out of place...

  112. 4 months ago

    >No Tamriel Rebuilt for Skyrim nor anything close after 13 years

  113. 4 months ago

    I hated it when it first came out because of how it massacred the magic system, but after finding out that there was a two handed perk that could decapitate people and realizing how much the dragon shouts let you frick around , I liked it. Then theres the modding scenes which is cool too.

  114. 4 months ago

    the board was coopted by soulsgays and they are still mad that dark souls was massively overshadowed by skyrim in 2011

  115. 4 months ago

    There's a Dawnguard quest where you're supposed to root out a vampire hiding at some palace. The obvious solution is to use the sun spell that only affects vampires on every NPC in the building - except that doesn't do shit and what you're actually supposed to do is find the NPC that obviously looks like a vampire and pickpocket him for a note explaining that he's on a secret vampire assignment

  116. 4 months ago

    Skyrim was extremely washed out from Oblivion, which was washed out from Morrowind. Each new installment guts the things that made TeS fun and gets lazier and lazier.
    Skyrim was breathtakingly beautiful on release but the base game was blatantly lacking even at the time. It became incredibly successful though by arriving during the peak of Youtubes popularity, probably one of the best advertisement runs of all time.

    Skyrim was born a meme, it was riding the tidal wave of normies thinking games were le heckin cool because of the Big Bang Theory. It was and always will be a game that insists it's the greatest rpg of all time without proving it. It's the kind of game people who play only movie games believes is the best game of all time.

    You can have Harry Partridge make funny meme cartoons about having seizures over it but that will never make it the best Elder Scrolls.

    • 4 months ago

      You are correct no amount of advertising or memeing will make it be the best TES game ever.
      It veing the best TES game ever made it the best TES game ever. Oblivion gets an honorable mention for its side and faction quests but the scaling holds it back

      • 4 months ago

        Skyrim didn't prove its worth to long time TeS fans, many of which still consider Morrowind its peak.

        We're not including modding in this argument, that has always been a cop out which has led to Bethesda being lazy fricks hence Starfield. Yeah Skyrim modding has caught up to beyond Oblivion levels, who cares.

        The point is, the base game did not exceed expectations for TeS fans. Skyrim is only the "greatest" because youtube convinced them it was. That was the entire joke behind "when is skyrim 2 going to be announced?". It was because the game was a fresh new thing a mass of new homosexuals. I'm not even making a gatekeeping argument here, but this is something that can happen.

        A flood of people trying to be "gamers" all circulating a false belief to fit into a crowd that was spurred by a very well done marketing campaign. It creates a false narrative in the same way there is a mass of people that worship The Last of Us while Ganker considers the series a joke.

        • 4 months ago

          If you are a long time TES fan you are quite fond of Skyrim.
          If you are just a fan of Morrowind you are pissed off Skyrim gets all the love.

          • 4 months ago

            > being a tes fan means you have to love slop as long as its bethesda
            Lmao, sure thing fanboy.

            You heard it here first boys, franchises cant betray you only you can betray franchises.

            • 4 months ago

              > Holy victimhood
              So you are just a Morrowind fan not a TES fan. Nothing wrong with that. You like what you like.

              • 4 months ago

                nice cope

          • 4 months ago

            > your not a true Elder scrolls fan unless you like morrowind

            • 4 months ago

              Morrowind was good for what it was.

            • 4 months ago

              >went to Akavir
              >never seen again

      • 4 months ago

        >but the scaling holds it back
        I'm sorry but I don't understand how anyone could frick this shit up. I've never ran into this problem even back when I just started with Oblivion and had no idea what I was really doing other than doing what I thought was logical based off what the game was telling me.

  117. 4 months ago

    Its kinda dissappointing how shallow every system is in skyrim and how good the game would be if it actually went in depth instead of this jack of all master of none bullshit

  118. 4 months ago

    daily remindern that morrowind eternally buckbroke zoomers, they literally got filtered by the concept fo reading or missing an attack.

    • 4 months ago

      4 million people have purchased Morrowind. Next to none of them are zoomers.

  119. 4 months ago

    It is a jack-of-all-trades game, it features plenty yet seemingly bland, even after mods.

  120. 4 months ago

    Im playing Vanilla SE rn and unironically having fun. If you treat it like First Person Diablo rather than wanting it to be Morrowwind you'll have way more fun.

    • 4 months ago

      >Vanilla SE
      Nothing changes if you are not using CC content. Thing about SE/AE is that extra content from CC - namely Saints and Seducers, Fishing, and Curios - add a lot of extra content that manages to make the game somewhat interesting.

    • 4 months ago

      There is lots of things to read if you want to play it like Morrowind.
      Turn on the subtitles and turn of the NPC voices while you are at it.

  121. 4 months ago

    Skyrim average quests are still way more elaborated than 98% of morrowind quests. Never seen a single player rpg have such a lazy mmo-tier quest design

    • 4 months ago

      I think that is why there is so much overlap between ESO and Morrowind fanbases .

    • 4 months ago

      >morrowind quest
      >go to village, ask around to find location of thing you're hired to kill, they tell you what direction its in but dont handhold you to it. get there and the place is full of tough enemies, have to use the most of your abilities and items to succeed
      >skyrim quest
      >durr fast travel to this dungeon and clear it out of draugrs dont forget the boss draugr at the end 😛

      • 4 months ago

        >go to village, ask around to find location of thing you're hired to kill, they tell you what direction its in but dont handhold you to it. get there and the place is full of tough enemies
        This is one single action that you're making it sound much more complicated than it really is ingame.
        >have to use the most of your abilities and items to succeed
        yeah if by "most of your abilities" you mean spamming click and pausing the game to drink a few potions I'm ok. And this is only the first 15hs of the game, until you reach lvl 20 and almost every other enemy is already weaker than you. Again, you're just trying to make the game sound x1000 more complicated than it really is. If you want an actual game where you have to use all your tools at hand play underrail.

      • 4 months ago

        > They don't hand hold you
        They tell you where to start and the exact path to follow.
        That isn't holding your hand that is being led around by the nose.

  122. 4 months ago

    I don't hate skyrim. What I hate is how peoples PERCEPTION of skyrim isn't skyrim at all. Its their own heavily modified versions. And what I hate is that people's nostalgia for skyrim and the pedestal they hold it on now, isn't even Skyrim. I was reading some anons long diatribe about how far Bethesda has fallen from the "kino of skyrim". Frick off. This game was blasted same as any Bethesda game because their game design never changes. And now they're starting to do it for Fallout 4. That's what I hate

    • 4 months ago

      > Who the frick.do people think they are liking things I don't?
      It ain't right brother.

  123. 4 months ago

    The only people who liked Skyrim are morons who think open world makes for good game design.

    • 4 months ago

      Not liking open world games is a sign of mental illness. ADHD and coomerism, specifically.

      • 4 months ago

        t. AAA garbage enjoyer and survival slop enthusiast

        • 4 months ago

          Yep, you're mentally ill.

          • 4 months ago

            And you have no standards

  124. 4 months ago

    Why do people pretend Skyrim is still relevant? It doesn't have that much staying power. I have like 400-500 hours in it on Steam and I never have the urge to fire it up again, and haven't for over 8 years or so. It was fine, and now people have played it enough. Let it go.

    • 4 months ago

      The Imp v Stormcloak thing will hard carry Skyrim for a while.
      There are still multiple boards that will hit bump limit if you bring it up.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't care what the 4 zoomers who are still obsessed with babbys first open world do

        • 4 months ago

          Apparently you do.

  125. 4 months ago

    skyrim is my all time favourite game and i am replaying it on the Xbox 360 on a new oled tv and I am in haven. The sound track is probably the best ever music created for a game and it's still perfectly immersive

  126. 4 months ago


  127. 4 months ago

    >Wolf bites my ass
    >I turn around and kill it
    >Wolf bites my ass
    >I turn around and kill it
    >Wolf bites my ass
    >I turn around and kill it

    • 4 months ago

      so, jrgp = lesbianism, wrpg = gay shit?

  128. 4 months ago

    Ultimately Skyrim was a disappointment, it's like the other anon wrote, the Starfield before Starfield, only it wasn't quite shit enough yet. Here is a short list of things I didn't like in no particular order
    >very short and shit questlines for major guilds padded out with radiant very shit quests
    >daedra quests basically forced onto you
    >become an archmage without any skill at magic
    >simplistic fighting system
    >new perk/leveling system
    >paid mods
    >all of Skyrim felt less interesting than Morrowind or Oblivion and Oblivion was already quite bland
    >too many draugr
    >every dungeon loops around
    >make a big deal out of being able to look at objects in your inventory, only ever actually make use of it with the dragon claw keys
    >repeat the dragon claw gimmick several times
    >and of course radiant quests

    I could go on, and it's still an ok game in my opinion, but Skyrim really was the beginning of the end, there was some questionable shit in Oblivion already, but with Skyrim it all became a trend, next came Fallout 4, the first bethesda game I never finished, not only that I dropped it after 30 minutes deleted it of my hard drive and was glad I pirated it, then came Starfield an even bigger stinker than Fallout 4 in my opinion. I see no reason why the trend shouldn't continue, they won't learn, Starfield was a commercial success, so Elder Scrolls 6 will severely damage the series, maybe even kill it in my opinion. Todd's gonna finally shit the bed and won't be able to lie himself out of it.

    • 4 months ago

      That's just utter bullshit though. Are you in some cult like the nintendo people that has fricked your head up and made you spam lies and nonsense?

  129. 4 months ago

    it's an empty piece of shit there's no pretending

  130. 4 months ago

    I love skyrim, I hope God has a section of heaven like it I can walk in with my scraggy dog when I die.

    • 4 months ago

      That's a nice thought anon.

      • 4 months ago

        >That's a nice thought anon.
        It is and it will be sunny with waterfalls and woods and snow capped mountains and butterflies and a breeze in the trees

  131. 4 months ago

    I dont like it personally. Everything feels samey and most of the armor and weapons are ugly

  132. 4 months ago

    Base game is garbage only the mods make it worth playing lord knows I wouldn't play it with out them.

  133. 4 months ago

    The Osmer have a right to a homeland. They aren't disgusting half breed bretons afterall.

  134. 4 months ago

    I don't pretend. I find it pretty boring.
    I played Dragon's Dogma a lot more.

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