Why do people who criticize fromsoftware games get cancelled?

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  1. 8 months ago

    they are antisemites

  2. 8 months ago

    heh, i thought you said transoftware

  3. 8 months ago

    Because you need to get gud.

  4. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      So what you are saying is that fromsoftware games are their exposed subjects and everybody are ignoring how bad they are?

      • 8 months ago

        Pretty much. The first dark souls was a cult classic because it was unapologetically hard in an era of games that were frustratingly easy, but there was a lot of issues and jank that came with the game. Any criticism of their games get deflected because it means you are "bad at the game." It's got to the point where Elden Ring had blatantly unfair and stupid horseshit sprinkled everywhere, and now even hardcore fans of the series are being called journalist-tier trash.

        • 8 months ago

          I remember hearing about a channel in youtube that talks mainly about televisions and sometime games, and somewhat after the release of elden ring, this channel have uploaded a review to it, and the owner of the channel got into a lot of fights with other youtubers and even big ones, it got so bas for him that he ended up divorcing his wife over it

          • 8 months ago

            That's sad. I remember there was a 1+ hour review of elden ring that thoroughly broke down the problems of how the bosses were designed. It's not a layman would make, it was a review only a passionate fan would make, and the comments were drones calling him bad.

            Elden ring was definitely a breaking point for me. It feels like they've jumped the shark and soulsborne games will only get worse from here. My biggest issue with it is how many moments you die because the devs wanted to have a funny "haha got you" moment like a 50 ton chunk of meat somehow freezing mid-air just to throw you off.

            • 8 months ago

              I think me and you understands well that the key to complete any of the fromsoftware games is to have a very high strdex build that have a high damage that will eventually destroy any enemy in these games, basically, you need to get good at grinding not at fighting in these games, expect for sekiro and ninja gaiden when you really need to get good at fighting the enemies, that basically means that there is no skill you need to learn so you "get good", it's artificial

              and the fanbase will grow up eventually and realize that these games they were worshipping were bad.

              • 8 months ago

                >I think me and you understands well
                Oh it's a dumb ESL thread.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't want to sound elitist, but I will, and I don't care.

          DaS1 isn't necessarily hard, it's just punishing. If we're talking how often the player dies, you're far more likely to die in FPS games, or even something like Skyrim. DaS1 banked in on the marketing with Prepare to Die and normies ate it up. The series is just pretty average in terms of difficulty and only really punishing if you die, otherwise the difficulty is on par with other titles.

          • 8 months ago

            It's easy in retrospect because it's pretty much a "solved" game. Playing it on launch made the game seem ungodly hard because the game doesn't tell you shit about how it works. You are right though, I simply said hard because it's easier to get the point across.

            • 8 months ago

              I remember dying more in games like Dead Space 2 than I did DaS1, it really was just a matter of how punishing the game was if you did die, a lot like the older Resident Evil titles as an example.

              • 8 months ago

                Dying isn't really a good metric for difficulty anyways. Hotline Miami is easy despite dying a lot because restarting is instant. If you had an unskippable 7-30 second death animation with a loading screen every time you died, people would call it ball crushingly hard despite being the same game.

        • 8 months ago

          >Elden Ring had blatantly unfair and stupid horseshit sprinkled everywhere
          The problem is morons like you refusing to use ER's mechanics. ER bosses are going to relentlessly shit on you if you just try to dodge roll through everything. But if in addition to dodging you also use jumping, crouching, blocking, guard counters, ashes of war, physick tears, spirit ashes, stance breaks, parries, and crafted consumables it all becomes piss easy. All that shit is part of the game. If you want to just play it like another Dark Souls completely ignoring basically everything that isn't your dodge or your R1 then yes it's going to be harder.

          • 8 months ago

            Here it is here it is hahaha...

            It's sad to know that you are defending these games without getting paid for it.

          • 8 months ago

            > Talks about criticism being deflected because "skillz"
            > nah it's not the game's fault you're just bad
            Hook, line, and sinker.

            Ashes of war trivialize the game and suck the fun out of it.
            Blocking and guard counters are useless unless if you fully spec into it.
            Jumping is inconsistent. Depending on the weapon you're holding, your arms will brush against a hitbox. Also, a lot of the ground wave attacks blatantly fricking lie and can't actually be jumped. Radagon's a good example of this, only SOME of them can't be jumped and it's impossible to tell without getting scammed.
            Stance breaks are a trap. Enemies have moves that are hard-coded to be immune to stance breaks because it hurts the animators' feelings. There's no reasonable way to figure this out without datamining.

            So yes, it is reasonable to take issue with roll traps, because they're punishing your only consistent defensive option and giving you trash as an alternative. It's not an issue with difficulty, I'm a sucker for having my balls crushed. It's an issue with fairness and fun.

            • 8 months ago

              It's funny how he is willing to blame the players and not the developers for it, it's like these guy are abuse victims who is defending their abuser, mascochistic as hell.

            • 8 months ago

              >Blocking and guard counters are useless unless if you fully spec into it
              Bullshit. There's nothing to spec into in the first place. All you have to do is equip a shield.

              • 8 months ago

                He destroyed your weak arguement, just accept it dear fromdrone, sucking miyazaki's dick ain't gonna get you anywhere

              • 8 months ago

                The brass shield specifically. It's got niche uses like tanking the snow wave from fire giant without taking damage. Otherwise, small shields and weapon blocking just drain both your health and stamina, and suck up time for your punish windows. You need an ungodly amount of stamina late game or else you get stunlocked until guard break when they do their autistic arm flailing.

          • 8 months ago

            like clockwork

          • 8 months ago

            >games suck
            ur bad!
            >it's bad cuz it's boring and unfair
            u didn't use the mechanics!!!
            >I did
            if you used any of those you didn't beat le game!!! *screeches and harasses the person for not liking his favorite game*

        • 8 months ago

          >unapologetically hard
          Another anon that fell for the marketing. Sad!

          • 8 months ago

            Unironically. I bought the game because I heard it was obscenely difficult, but I got jebaited with a flawed but unique experience.

  5. 8 months ago

    because the homosexuals who are obsessed with them don't want to admit the gameplay is incredibly shallow
    they are excellent for setpieces though, no game does boss fight design better

    • 8 months ago

      Some of the boss fights i encountered were unfair, so I don't agree with you but i respect your opinion

  6. 8 months ago

    Do they?

  7. 8 months ago

    The critics usually have lisps and it's always subjective b***hing. There's nothing substantive in those vids, so people just resort to attacking the content creator.
    >A person posted his ACVI rant and it was so trashed upon that he outright deleted his channel.

    • 8 months ago

      So anyone who criticize fromsoftware is "bitching" and not actually criticizing? And that's because you think that fromsoftware are perfect?

      • 8 months ago

        >So anyone who criticize fromsoftware is "bitching" and not actually criticizing?

        • 8 months ago

          Grow up.

      • 8 months ago

        >So anyone who criticize fromsoftware is "bitching" and not actually criticizing?
        Genuinely yes. You'd suspect them of trolling if they weren't so serious about it.
        It's always "Why can't it do things like in this other game!"

    • 8 months ago

      >A person posted his ACVI rant and it was so trashed upon that he outright deleted his channel.

      I remember hearing about a channel in youtube that talks mainly about televisions and sometime games, and somewhat after the release of elden ring, this channel have uploaded a review to it, and the owner of the channel got into a lot of fights with other youtubers and even big ones, it got so bas for him that he ended up divorcing his wife over it

      >it got so bas for him that he ended up divorcing his wife over it
      based fromchads bullying nerds off the internet

      • 8 months ago

        If they were "chads" as you say they will not be so sensitive about their games being criticized, but in reality you and them are soft losers who try to protect the only source of fake achivement of their empty shallow lives, but it's always a good day to piss you all off.

        • 8 months ago

          lol. get a load of this nerd. he's so asshurt that a game series he doesn't like is popular.

          • 8 months ago

            Keep projecting your current feelings on me, the "popular" series you defend is bad and no matter what you say to defend it will never change the fact that it's overrated and dull

          • 8 months ago

            >he's so asshurt over criticism of his favorite game that he's got to continuously harass some random frick
            pathetic, you are no Chad, you're just a nerd who would get punched in the face if you tried behaving like a subhuman towards people irl.

            • 8 months ago
  8. 8 months ago

    There's plenty of critique for From's games.

    You're probably talking about BG3.

  9. 8 months ago

    Name 5.

  10. 8 months ago

    Ganker is actually /fromsoft/

  11. 8 months ago

    schizophrenic general


  12. 8 months ago

    Jesus christ this Black person really is brainbroken because someone laughed at him for getting filtered by Souls games

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