Why do so many people rant about the speech checks with this guy?

Why do so many people rant about the speech checks with this guy? The only reason they're there is to validate your playstyle if you've maxed the skill out. Talking the Master into suicide wasn't very realistic either, even if the context was different, but it was certainly rewarding. So why does Lanius make Ganker seethe?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It should only be possible if Caesar has been assassinated, a guy newly crowned successor would see the benefit in consolidating his rule before continuing his war, lest he return home to find someone else on the throne and a knife in his back. If Caesar still lives, leaving the battle just means he gets the Joshua Graham treatment.

  2. 10 months ago

    vidya should let you kill everyone with persuasion. imagine how kino it would be to just tell the final boss "You should have a nice day NOW!." and he offs himself and ropes

    • 10 months ago

      Planescape Torment has an ending where you can focus your mind so hard that you and the final boss (whose existence is dependent on you) literally get willed out of existence.

    • 10 months ago

      First Mass Effect lets you do this.

      • 10 months ago

        Mass Effect choice had so much effort compared to


        Why do so many people rant about the speech checks with this guy? The only reason they're there is to validate your playstyle if you've maxed the skill out. Talking the Master into suicide wasn't very realistic either, even if the context was different, but it was certainly rewarding. So why does Lanius make Ganker seethe?

        Linus. You need to plant the idea of the reapers manipulating Saren every time you meet him to unlock the final choice

  3. 10 months ago

    It's more that Fallout 3gays need their own version of the "You're an abomination" moment so they can claim NV is just as bad.
    Not that hardcore anti-3gays don't have their own forced nitpicks. 3 has a lot of flaws but the "What do they eat" criticism isn't really one of them.

    • 10 months ago

      >"What do they eat" criticism isn't really one of them.
      but what do they eat?

      • 10 months ago

        they breed and share the two molerats

    • 10 months ago

      Not my destiny, bro. Get in.

  4. 10 months ago

    rpgs aren't fun if any build can win with their respective check. Sometimes you should need specific skills to get a good outcome. Lanius is closer to Horigan than The Master. Imagine speech checking that mutie for an unsatisfying finish.
    A better way to implement a speech option would be having to convince some other faction leader to help you or something. Just convincing the big bad to frick off is gay

    • 10 months ago

      Lanius seems more like the guy whom you could reason with, but he's too committed to the fight and will fight anyways. Kind of him going "hmm... perhaps your right. but this battle with determine it". Then you get good karma for at least trying to end it peacefully, and it affects the ending. Legion withdraws after the fight versus they keep going. So it has some impact. but I don't buy he would just run tail between his legs right then and there. Nah, guy's too much of a Mars worshipper fanatic.

    • 10 months ago

      >Lanius is closer to Horigan than The Master
      But that doesn't mean he's incapable of reason. He is heavily talked up by everyone including Caesar himself because it's convenient to have such an iconic figure on your side but he's not just a genocidal maniac.
      >"As Legate, do you really believe that, or are you taking a chance?"
      >Lanius: "Hnh. Long ago... when taking Denver, I had to face such a challenge. Many died, over many years to claim the city as ours. It was the lines of food and water that nearly broke the Legion's strength... and the lack of tribals near that cursed city. What I felt in that struggle, I felt as I saw the map of the West. The West is a trap. The bear has already been caught in it, and it is dying."
      He's the main commander of the probably largest army in the world, he knows what you're implying when you tell him that he's stretching himself too thin. This conversation takes place after you already pushed into their camp so the Legion's main objective, the dam and eventually the city itself, is already lost.

  5. 10 months ago

    >letting an evil warlord live

    Negative karma on the cowards who didn't actively kill him.

    • 10 months ago

      You love New Vegas.

      • 10 months ago

        >trannies play with unimmersive, clashing assets
        Color me fricking surprised

      • 10 months ago

        I don't like that trannies like New Vegas.

        • 10 months ago

          Trannies ruin everything that they obsess about and we're still expected to treat them like it's not mental illness.

          • 10 months ago

            >Trannies ruin everything that they obsess about


        • 10 months ago

          Good news, they don’t it’s just a meme pushed by them to co-opt the game when it started to become popular with normies a few years ago.

  6. 10 months ago

    Why was talking the Master into suicide not realistic? You have to present him with evidence that his entire plan is impossible and even if he achieves what he wants, it will fall apart a few years later as super mutants are a doomed race. He is a very straight forward and logical thinker, his ideals and mission come from the logic that super mutants are superior to humans and they should inherit the world. When he realises he is wrong, there is nothing else to do other than scrap it all and let his twisted mess of a form shut down.

    • 10 months ago

      I do acknowledge that the context was different and that it makes logical sense. Logical doesn't really equate to realistic, though, and I've never heard of a single tyrant in history change their tune after facing evidence that their beliefs were backward, let alone fricking end themselves right on the spot after realizing such.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Hitler killed himself because he didn't want to be captured, not because he doubted his beliefs.

      • 10 months ago

        He’s not rally a tyrant because that would imply he’s doing it out of some personal desire for power. The master is a utopian, like Robespierre or Lenin. He genuinely believed what he was doing was right and for the good of everyone. When he realises that he’s just going to end humanity he very rightly enters despair. But he doesn’t jump to killing himself, he denies the evidence in front of him and says your lying. That’s where you have to CONVINCE him it’s real and CONVINCE him to kill himself. Him killing himself is dependent on your actions as a player. The master is in the midst of a moment of despair where he doubts everything, you give him the extra push needed to kill himself.

    • 10 months ago

      The suicide itself isn't unrealistic, it's the fact it happens a literal minute after showing him the proof. Doesn't even let it all sink in like a normal person would, just bang, he offs himself on the spot so the player can move on to the next gameplay segment faster.

      • 10 months ago

        its the end of the game

        • 10 months ago

          not if you haven't destroyed the mutant military base yet

          • 10 months ago

            thats on you for ruining your run

      • 10 months ago

        >Doesn't even let it all sink in like a normal person would
        Ah yes. Just look at this normal person.

        • 10 months ago

          He can hold a conversation with you and reason like a normal, if extremist and jaded human being, so his suicide does come out as abrupt to me. Handwaving it as FEV altering his psyche would make him appear insane and less relatable, which honestly is an excuse I'd accept as I'm not a fan of "end justify means" villains

  7. 10 months ago

    I can see why there was a Speech/Barter check for L'anus but the problem is the game throws way too many skill points at you to NOT dump into one of them nearing the end. FNV is really open for nearly any build being able to complete the game, if they cut the skill point gain in half and made people commit to one thing it would have never been an issue.

  8. 10 months ago

    This just has to be a few autistic anons that don't like him. Same people that act like you can't like both 3 and NV, despite them literally both being the same games

  9. 10 months ago

    Because it's weak writing, simple as.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Talking the Master into suicide wasn't very realistic either
    The Master was a fanatic who spent his whole life doing horrible things for his cause. Once you provide satisfactory evidence that everything has been for naught you can convince him to kill himself as by now he has lost the will to live. This is much more realistic than “[Speech 100] Ummm you should, like, go home.”

    • 10 months ago

      He’s not rally a tyrant because that would imply he’s doing it out of some personal desire for power. The master is a utopian, like Robespierre or Lenin. He genuinely believed what he was doing was right and for the good of everyone. When he realises that he’s just going to end humanity he very rightly enters despair. But he doesn’t jump to killing himself, he denies the evidence in front of him and says your lying. That’s where you have to CONVINCE him it’s real and CONVINCE him to kill himself. Him killing himself is dependent on your actions as a player. The master is in the midst of a moment of despair where he doubts everything, you give him the extra push needed to kill himself.

      >did ya know super mutants are infertile?

      bub, just keep breeder stock of humans around and convert them with FEV. Bam, done. Solution. No problems now.

      • 10 months ago

        You completely missed the point of the masters character, master’s plan and my post.

  11. 10 months ago

    I think this would be more satisfying.
    You can talk him into fighting you one-on-one, and command his army to retreat. This makes sense, because of the whole honor thing. Then if you've done the remnants or boomers questline, you can call in an aerial strike that kills him for you.

  12. 10 months ago

    >pass speech checks
    >murder him with his back turned
    >steal his helmet

  13. 10 months ago

    The exact same problem as with a lot of other uninspired writing. The writers have no idea how to write diplomatic bad guys or how to solve conflicts with finesse. Take picrelated for example. The guy whose wife and kid died in an allied raid on their country is holding him at gunpoint and he fails his fricking speech check HARD. But this speech check feels exactly like the one that makes Lanius BTFO.

    Here's a video of the scene as well. It just feels uninspired from a writing perspective. They were trying too desperately to set him up as this Russian Jesus who cares about his men to the point where he took moronic actions.


    • 10 months ago

      Quantity over quality is my main complaint with NVs writing. I was bored to tears after dealing with Benny

  14. 10 months ago

    It’s not Ganker just butthurt toddgays and attention whoring zoomers that want to farm (You)s. One is reaching for whatever they can in order to shit on the game because they can’t actually argue that their games are better. While the other is doing for the reason I already said. It ends up just making them look like morons that didn’t play the games since the same shit happens in 1 and 3.

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