Why do we hate this again? It's the best open world game since skyrim.

Why do we hate this again? It's the best open world game since skyrim.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    It's good now

    • 5 months ago

      A game where the promises were never met and still aren't met after releasing DLC and many updates. /t

      • 5 months ago

        It's good now

        It's the same game as on release. It plays the exact same. I liked it then but it really is only good in a vacuum. When you take what it was marketed as into account it is still incredibly disappointing and CDPR got off easy because of an anime and a new skill tree

    • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    things that are noteworthy in cyberpunk 2077
    1. immersive cyberpunk city

    • 5 months ago

      The shooting is good and driving around NC feels great.

      • 5 months ago

        >Gameplay is good
        Yes, very.
        NGMI, flying blender is preem
        Only objectively shitty part of the game

        • 5 months ago

          >Only objectively shitty part of the game
          There is a surprising amount of depth to the driving mechanics, but since most people play with m+kb and dont read the driving manual they never discover it. Different vehicles have different weight distributions (front engine or rear engine), front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, all wheel drive, listening to audio cues from your tires as a warning that you're probably gonna oversteer, doing a burnout to accelerate faster etc

          • 5 months ago

            It's more like the game gives you zero initiative to learn driving. There are a handful of driving focused missions, of which 80% are pure garbage. It's not like GTA where half the game is driving. And even when I personally think the driving feels bad it's still a waste.

          • 5 months ago

            >There is a surprising amount of depth to the driving mechanics
            lmao, the guys that designed the driving in cyberflop worked on this game

          • 5 months ago

            funny, I found the driving to be much better with m+kv vs controller. especially driving fast and drifting around corners.

      • 5 months ago

        I reinstalled for the DLC and was surprised how bad the driving still is. It's like there's a pole in the centre of your car that it rotates around.

      • 5 months ago

        >Gameplay is good
        Yes, very.
        NGMI, flying blender is preem
        Only objectively shitty part of the game

        >the shooting is good
        holy shit play far cry you stupid zoomers

        Intelligence 20
        Technical 20
        Cool 10
        Body 5
        Reflex 5

        yeah seems like the target audience for the "cyberpunk has good shooting" crowd

        • 5 months ago

          Bingo, you keep Body and Reflex limited to increase the problem variables in any given altercation. You die fast if you don't spec into either of those. That said, the game is a lot more fun when you have tools with limited use.

    • 5 months ago

      *visually immersive cyberpunk city

      It has less depth than old GTA games which werent even trying to be rpgs.
      Whenever i try to play this fraud of a game, im immediately reminded by how shallow it is. Like driving through a virtual wallpaper.

      • 5 months ago

        Imagine being this fricking disingenuous because of the nostalgia goggles glued onto your face.

    • 5 months ago

      > immersive cyberpunk city
      Its not cyberpunk. the buildings arent impossible large, they arent blotting out the sun, we dont have a fricked up atmosphere making it dark, gloomy or rainy, the city is tiny, smaller than Liberty city.

      Its shit

      • 5 months ago

        There is more to "Cyberpunk" as a setting then just Bladerunner anon.
        You realize that the pen and paper game is from the early 80s right?

      • 5 months ago

        Cyberpunk settings that go too far into the futuristic dystopian shit are always garbage science fiction rejects. A good cyberpunk setting always has to be at the edge of humanity crossing towards the point of no return but not quite there yet. Else there is no punk, just cyber.

      • 5 months ago

        >He went in expecting to play as le sad man Gosling
        >Meanwhile the game is based on Neuromancer
        aka the original novel that coined the term cyberpunk
        >Meanwhile the game has toxic rain and sandstorm weather
        You are either a clueless homosexual who has only seen Bladerunner and keeps parroting the same shit counter arguments, or you are a poorgay that cant play this game and you are baiting for (You)'s

    • 5 months ago

      I'd put build variety as 2 at least. Pure shooting, melee, netrunning are all pretty fun and even within those 3 types there's a lot of different playstyles to mess around with. Compare to starfield where all you can be is a slightly different flavour of dude who shoots guns with maybe some melee if you're feeling frisky.

  3. 5 months ago

    People who still hate it are either poorgays or contrarians

  4. 5 months ago

    skyirim but if it was cyberpunk

  5. 5 months ago

    It would be a better game without the open world

  6. 5 months ago

    >there are people still judging this game based on it's 2020 launch
    >mostly normies
    >the only people still standing for this game are the hardcore fans so its nowhere near as successsful as it should be despite being a solid RPG

    • 5 months ago

      They shouldn't have released it in an unfinished state then.

    • 5 months ago

      is it very similar to witcher 3?
      I didn't like witcher 3.

      • 5 months ago

        Basically has witcher senses. Story of Witcher 3 better. Gameplay of Cyberpunk better.

        • 5 months ago

          But in general. Does it feel witchery?
          Like, Starfield feels Skyrimy, does Cyperpunk feel Witchery?

          • 5 months ago

            I'd have to say no not really. Gameplay loop is more fast paced and not as story driven. There's certainly a lot to do in both of the open worlds but I'd say it's apples and oranges.

            • 5 months ago

              For the record I don't particularly like Witcher 3 either.

          • 5 months ago

            No. It keeps some of the flaws from witcher like boring repetitive mission design, combat that gets repetitive and easy around half the game in and static world with zero roleplaying.

            But the compact world, the fast and fluid combat and movement that make the game play snappy and the very distinct setting make it feel very different. It's also very immersive because of the first person view. And while for example bethesda games feel all very similar in how scenes play out and characters interact cyberpunk is a huge upgrade in terms of everything in how scenes and dialog is presented together with amazing animations and music.

            In short, the presentation and immersion is amazing, the characters and story are weaker than witcher but still great and the gameplay, while really mediocre, at least plays fluid and fast so that it never gets annoying. It's also significantly shorter than witcher 3 so one can beat it before the problems become overwhelmingly annoying.

            • 5 months ago

              I'd have to say no not really. Gameplay loop is more fast paced and not as story driven. There's certainly a lot to do in both of the open worlds but I'd say it's apples and oranges.

              thanks Gankerros

      • 5 months ago

        at its best, it's discount Human Revolution, but those sections are rare
        for the most part it's watching first person cutscenes and mowing down 5-6 random mooks at a time that present zero challenge

        doesn't have the same caliber of memorable or likeable characters that TW3 did

    • 5 months ago

      it's not a solid rpg
      it's a solid action game with a skill tree

      • 5 months ago

        At this point "RPG" as a term has become so cluttered and ubiquitous nobody can really say what is or isn't really an RPG anymore. Cyberpunk is an "Action-RPG". Still an RPG but with an asterisk. But what's the difference between that and a true RPG anymore

        • 5 months ago

          >Still an RPG but with an asterisk. But what's the difference between that and a true RPG anymore
          Come on anon, you know the answer, its obvious by your post. Don't be facetious.

    • 5 months ago

      >allowing bad marketing and liars to make a profit
      You're the problem with the world

    • 5 months ago

      didnt phantom liberty bag over five million copies sold since its launch a couple of months ago?

    • 5 months ago

      its the same game as release. the difference now is most people have upgraded from the potatostation 4.

    • 5 months ago

      I played it at launch and my opinion was that the whole main story should be reworked and made at least five times longer. Did they make that happen?

      If not, it's still shit.

  7. 5 months ago

    Why do you keep lying to yourself?

  8. 5 months ago

    >Since Skyrim

  9. 5 months ago

    >the sterile open world without a single hand crafted piece of open world content or random events is just like skyrim

  10. 5 months ago

    is there a mod that removes fall damage?
    I like double jumping and air dashing around and its annoying when you are just one inch too high off the ground and you have to sit through that long fall damage animation
    I also want to jump off and across buildings

  11. 5 months ago

    Phantom Liberty is really nice, the story is better than the main game story. But it's definitely not as good as the witcher 3 dlcs and dog town is kind of boring.

  12. 5 months ago

    Just like Skyrim, it's only good for screenshots.

    • 5 months ago

      >like Skyrim
      Skyrim is ungodly ugly even with 300gb of mods.

      • 5 months ago

        I dont think they are ugly(except from Oblivion) but I think they are not as convincing due to how small the towns/cities are.
        Bethesda games are not as immersive because they fail to portray not even one properly sized town with multiple residents. It kinda works on Fallout games because they cities consist mostly from survivors/raider groups, so it makes sense for a town in fallout games to be scarcely populated. Its probably a game engine limitation, so mods can do so much about it.
        Night city on the other hand, is densely populated. Add and a mode that increases the traffic, and you got yourself a very lively and convincing city.


        Why do we hate this again? It's the best open world game since skyrim.

        By the way anons, which one is your favourite safehouse? For me its the one in Japantown. Its cozy, and it has the right amount of dirty for a dead beat bachelor such as V

        • 5 months ago

          why the frick is there so much grain

          • 5 months ago

            Im just using a ReShade mod that makes the game look like an 80s movie. I find film grain to be a good solution to mask the modern "vaseline kind" look that modern graphics have

        • 5 months ago

          >which one is your favourite safehouse?
          the motel dump in watson. Perfect place with piss, puke and shit stains everywhere while burning wrecks are out in the parking lot. suprisingly cozy though once you get in there and very easy n fast to access unlike almost all other apartments

        • 5 months ago

          >By the way anons, which one is your favourite safehouse?
          I'm a sucker for chic city life so the Glen loft apartment is my favourite

  13. 5 months ago

    >slightly better gunplay than on release but it's still lowest common denominator AAA slop
    >world is still dead
    >DLC doubled down on celebrities, trannies and cinematic bullshit
    >main character is Jesse Pinkman: whiny, clueless and not having strong opinions on anything. RP options are non-existent
    >much of the main quest sucks

  14. 5 months ago

    Did anyone happen to download this mod before it got taken down? It removes the troony flag from the beast car

    • 5 months ago


  15. 5 months ago

    I only hated it when it wouldn't run.

    It's one of my favorite games in the last few years now

  16. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk is undeniably flawed but even remotely pretending it's generic AAA slop is peak moronation. There is literally no other game like it.

  17. 5 months ago

    While I could lay into it for a lot of mistakes, the game is still very good if not great. Maybe my opinion will change on a replay but its very damn good for the first run. If you just accept it for what it is, its a very good game. With the whole picture around it though, yes, it might not be so good.

    • 5 months ago

      i'm the opposite
      i think i can overlook the bugs (that are still very much present), the shitty performance on launch or the drama surrounding the broken promises, it's still not a very good game
      it's not a brilliant game that's marred by a myriad problems like, say, New Vegas, the "good game" part simply isn't there
      CDPR never had any idea on how to turn their cool car designs and carefully crafted first person cinematics into a game

    • 5 months ago

      You'd genuinely have to be an 85 IQ shitskin to believe cyberpunk is a good game

  18. 5 months ago

    Chadrim shits all over Cybercuck

  19. 5 months ago

    Pretty good game, I'm not bored yet. Pretty sure I've done every ending, but every time I finish a run I end up starting a new game.

    • 5 months ago

      Favorite build?

      Favorite arm cyberware?

      • 5 months ago


        Intelligence 20
        Technical 20
        Cool 10
        Body 5
        Reflex 5

    • 5 months ago

      Intelligence 20
      Technical 20
      Cool 10
      Body 5
      Reflex 5

  20. 5 months ago

    >Cyberpunk sequel won't be what people wanted 2077 to be
    >It'll just be a sequel to the 2077 we got
    Hope you enjoy identical-game-but-with-2-new-arm-cyberware-and-one-new-skill-one-new-lifepath

    • 5 months ago

      Ooh what kind?

      • 5 months ago

        whats the in verse explanation for what power these things?

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know if the tabletop lore has a set in stone reason. Could be bio-electricity from the body, could be chargers/batteries that Arasaka makes you pay a shitty amount for, could just be sci-fi magic.

    • 5 months ago

      People are going to be skeptical of Orion but I am morbidly curious. If it is Night City again then they probably are going to try and make it what 2077 should have been. I think I'd like them to make it a true Deus Ex clone, open but linear levels and hubs to take us on a globe trotting adventure. This would help their writing, quests, level design and mechanics. It will almost certainly be open world again though.

      • 5 months ago

        >they probably are going to try and make it what 2077 should have been

      • 5 months ago

        They've claimed they want to do more with life paths and the like, but until we see more it's just the same promises they made before the first game launched.

        I am curious if they'll keep it in Night City though, and if that gives them a head-start on anything.

        • 5 months ago

          They know to reign in the promises for next time. I at least hope they do because it blew up spectacularly for them last time, though most people focused on the technical side. NC is the smart choice because they can add more to it and actually deliver on areas the first game lacked. Proper eating and drinking, clubbing, arcades, dates. They should abandon life paths because they will all just become the same character anyway.

          • 5 months ago

            I still want to play a Media character. no combat.

            • 5 months ago

              I mean actually imagine a game where you could do the entire game with no combat. they'd have to make the game like three times because some missions would be entirely dependent on the combat and others wouldn't.

              • 5 months ago

                I still want to play a Media character. no combat.

                Only it would work is if they try and go for a short story approach. Each lifepath is unique with a unique character but then they'd need to make like 80 hours of content for all the life paths alone. It just isn't feasible.

            • 5 months ago

              Play Observer on steam. Its a cyberpunk horror game where you play as a media/detective

          • 5 months ago

            I think life path intros add a fun level of characterization, even if they'll never be the huge multi-branching level of story impact that people might want from them.

    • 5 months ago

      On what premise do you say that? All Witcher games are completely different from each other.

    • 5 months ago

      completely different engine though, I expect the game to be quite different

  21. 5 months ago

    one of my top games of all time

    >great writing
    >goat world
    >goat lore
    >fun weapon's
    >good characters
    >goat music

  22. 5 months ago

    They should have focused more on the relationships. Jackie is probably the most wasted video game character of all time. And while the heart to heart moments with Johnny were really strong there are only very few of them. 95% of the time Johnny just gives his smart ass responses.

    • 5 months ago

      If there was a change in cast dynamic for the sequel, I wish that we could be a part of an actual gang for longer, with shifting relationships and allegiances depending on certain choices. Maybe something a little more like the anime?

      I was just starting to get attached to T-Bug and Jackie when we lost them.

      • 5 months ago

        At the very least the main character should receive some trusted friends during the game. V didn't even have a trusted netrunner in his personal circle after t-bug died. Notice when she was alive how V constantly relied on her because having a connection to a good netrunner is basically a base requirement for any undertaking in night city. They didn't even make Victor more relevant even though he is probably the closest friend V has.

        The nomads were the closest thing to having a crew but 95% of the nomads screentime was reserved for panam so V didn't feel that close to them. V didn't have anyone to rely on during the game except for fricking Johnny which feels so weird to me. Even games like Fallout or Skyrim manage to build a few strong bonds during the game. Witcher was strong bonds the game. Geralt was surrounded constantly by people he knew for ages.

        • 5 months ago

          There were individual dynamics during side-questlines, like with Judy and River, that I genuinely liked, but the only downside there is that they're essentially locked out of affecting the main plot unless you're Panam or Rogue coming in for the end.

  23. 5 months ago

    >It's the best open world game since skyrim.
    >4 years after its release
    Sorry I don't like to be an unpaid beta tester for years on end while the company shits down my throat

  24. 5 months ago

    >Counterhack an enemy netrunner with Suicide
    >It spreads to everyone else
    I heard quickhacks were way more busted on release, but they're really strong even now.

    • 5 months ago

      quickhacks on release were literally you hack into a camera, cast contagion on 1 person and then the entire compound/building was dead inside of 30 seconds

  25. 5 months ago

    The level of kino in this game is absolutely off the charts

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, I never screenshot games but this game had so many money shots that I just had to pull the trigger a couple of times.

  26. 5 months ago

    the dlc really lifted it up from its shitty start into something memorable. Still cant decide if I want to frick (simp) songbird or kill her for her final ending

    • 5 months ago

      I don't like how So Mi path feels 100% like simping since it's so obvious she is using you and Reed is probably the most rational person in the entire game. But her ending is far more kino so you have to just bite the bullet anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        So Mi is too much of a manipulating c**t for me to like her and send her away, even though the rocket launch was kino as frick

        • 5 months ago

          The rocket launch was easily top 3 Johnny V moments in the game and from pure pacing, atmosphere and leading into the credits song it was also the best ending in the game.

  27. 5 months ago

    zero replayability, enemies stand still too often, tier 1 weapons suck and tier 5 weapons are busted. still no real reason for the open world to exist, zero traversal mechanics outside of the double jump, lack of animations when looting improtant gear, tons of story missions that take too long to get to the point, kerry is shit

  28. 5 months ago

    i unironically think that newest patch made game worse.

  29. 5 months ago

    The best ending is side with reed and kill songbird. Reed eventually realizes you were right and becomes a bro. Plus you get to insult the president at the end.

    • 5 months ago

      >goodest goy ending

    • 5 months ago

      reed will try to kill you the second myers has a hissy fit. That and his ending also gets Alex killed who is alright and should have been pulled out years ago

      I don't like how So Mi path feels 100% like simping since it's so obvious she is using you and Reed is probably the most rational person in the entire game. But her ending is far more kino so you have to just bite the bullet anyway.

      yeah and it gets even shittier once you realize the reason you broke apart immediately after the stadium was because she tried to ditch you ASAP. She only contacted you in the shitty van when she was cornered again. Its very close to the spaceport driveway and its obvious she had been stewing for a bit in there.

      At least V should have been able to wrangle out a steamy goodbye kiss from her if he was going to be a full simp until the end, slaughtering half of the new US marine corp to force her through

      finally for all anybody knows you could be just sending her off to be snatched by the rogue AI cabal with mr blue eyes involved. All you know is she sent a goodbye gift to you from lunar when she arrived in Tycho. the neural matrix mcguffin is adaptive and can be turned into almost anything. including a soulkiller with a already unstable songbird being consumed by rogue AIs. The like you get to interact with through things like Erebus lmg. The brain says the only freedom she can have is death, dick says send her to the moon.

      People just like the moon since it reminds everybody of Lucy and her fate has similarities to Alt

      • 5 months ago

        you can help song bird, get alex to off kurt then betray her on the train.

        it's pretty 180, but if u want everyone to live this is the way

        • 5 months ago

          true but that leaves her alive and in the hands of the nusa asses. Very shit fate that even she does not deserve. She deserves freedom, that is for sure, its just a question if it should be the huuuugee moon gamble with unknown quantities up the ass or the more cruel but rational mercy kill

  30. 5 months ago

    I'm almost at the end of my first playthrough. Only a handful of quests to go (not including all the Gigs and NCPD missions because frick doing all those). Played as an ex corpo net runner type using Smart Weapons and taking people out with quick hacks. I really want to do the vanilla ending before moving on to Phantom Pain and I know I could just make a save before the ending to do both but my autistic sude feels like I should play through Phantom with a different character. So, how is replay value? Does your starting background actually make a big difference or not? Thinking of maybe doing a Sniper with Tech Weapons or an edgy cyber samurai utilizing melee and stealth.

    • 5 months ago

      Phantom Liberty itself has multiple endings and the dlc is intended to be played before the main game ending so it's moronic to save playing it for your next run. You don't seem to understand how Phantom Liberty works, it's a pure expansion of the main game. No need to hold yourself back on playing it.

      • 5 months ago

        OK thanks. As I said, this is literally my first time playing and I've avoided looking at anything about Phantom Liberty to avoid spoilers.

  31. 5 months ago

    Kurt Hanson is harder then Adam smasher

    • 5 months ago

      I think everyone universally agrees Adam Smasher is a huge disappointment, amplified by the anime version being so absurdly strong. It's funny that the game itself has almost no build up to Smasher so it doesn't feel that weird that he is so weak but the anime created so much build up after the fact that we received very strange circumstances.

      • 5 months ago

        Johnny mentions him all the time but I agree that they should have given us more of him, maybe a mini face-off during Hanako's parade or that mission where you sneak into the Arasaka industrial park with Takemura

        >It's the best open world game since skyrim.
        It does basically nothing with its open world, there's no sense of exploration when every single side quest or event is dropped on your mini map and half of your abilities are useless in the general Night City area since shit like hacking or contextual use for stats like Body don't really exist.
        There's no reason this game couldn't have just been a handful of bespoke levels that you access from a hub. The resources that went into actually building out night city were wasted

        >every single side quest or event is dropped on your mini map
        there are several secret missions that don't appear on the map, some of which don't even give you the location of your next objective
        >half of your abilities are useless in the general Night City area since shit like hacking or contextual use for stats like Body don't really exist.
        I didn't use technical or body too much outside of accessing mission-related areas but using double jump and air dash to reach areas the developers didn't want you to is a lot of fun (see right side of pic, the building doesn't even have collision past a certain point because the they didn't think anyone could get up here)

      • 5 months ago

        >ram smasher in the face and leave

      • 5 months ago

        homies do you play on easy or something? Smasher was hard (I did the secret ending solo thing on very hard, it wasn't easy)

        • 5 months ago

          What part? You may be confusing having a glass cannon build that easily dies in a few hits with actual difficulty. Like be specific about what of his moves were hard. Because if you had unlocked the only mobility options with the double jump and dash every move was extremely easy to avoid.

  32. 5 months ago

    >It's the best open world game since skyrim.
    It does basically nothing with its open world, there's no sense of exploration when every single side quest or event is dropped on your mini map and half of your abilities are useless in the general Night City area since shit like hacking or contextual use for stats like Body don't really exist.
    There's no reason this game couldn't have just been a handful of bespoke levels that you access from a hub. The resources that went into actually building out night city were wasted

    • 5 months ago

      This. Night City is pretty to drive around in some parts, but I never felt compelled by the open world design. It was just driving from point A to point B quest marker.

      Honestly maybe Zelda has spoiled my love of open world games, since a core philosophy of that game was how you interacted with and overcame your environment.

  33. 5 months ago

    It was decent if you had a good rig, now it's pretty good
    consolecucks and third worlders still seething

  34. 5 months ago

    >It's the best open world game since skyrim.

    • 5 months ago

      >Gang bangers literally having a shootout with each other and the cops do nothing
      >I lightly bump my vehicle into another and suddenly Max Tac is on my ass

  35. 5 months ago

    great atmosphere
    good writing (characters (mostly))
    fine gameplay
    mediocre writing (story and quests)
    bad roleplay
    the things it does well, it does really well, well enough to offset the bad and still leave it as a solid 9/10 overall
    people who pretend it's flawless and dismiss any criticisms of it are moronic though

  36. 5 months ago

    Enemy variety is abysmal the gun design is uninspired for the setting.

  37. 5 months ago

    I'm playing it for the second time since I played it on 1.0. It's ok, has a lot of charm compared to something like starfield, but 30 hours in i'm pretty bored and i'm not a fan of them shoving stars in my face to be amazed by and getting to the endgame has made combat pretty boring.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh yeah and it's crashed to desktop around 8 times so far, way more unstable than my 1.0 experience.

  38. 5 months ago

    because its le transphobic

    • 5 months ago

      >Why do we hate this again?

      Anon it's because the game had practically Fable tier hype and promises established for it except in Cyberpunks case it didn't even come out of the oven as something even remotely respectable. It's a first person looter shooter with painfully protagonist that is their own character and really shitty sim aspects. People b***h about what the original Fable didn't have but at the end of the day it's still regarded as a good game with little nuances like marriage,growing old and seeing the many sides of its fantasy universe. Cyberpunk will never fricking have that because it fricks up by deciding V has a personality and following a more "see don't live" experience by not letting you be an ugly frick or completely falling to what you could call the "dark side"

      Piss off and get real.

  39. 5 months ago

    Gameplay is mediocre but I'm not sure where the disappointment really comes from. It's like no one has played Witcher 3 before Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk has exactly the same strengths as Witcher 3 and the gameplay is even quite a bit better in Cyberpunk as well. When I started Cyberpunk I knew exactly what to expect because I played Witcher 3.

    Though Cyberpunk doesn't even remotely have a minigame as fun as Gwent, not even close. Not even 10% as good.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's like no one has played Witcher 3 before Cyberpunk.
      Almost no one wanted or even thought it would be like the witcher. They thought the game based on a table top would let you have the close to the same freedoms.

      Not slam you with "THIS IS THE STORY OF OUR OC NAMED V"

      • 5 months ago

        And where does the experience to make such a game come from? People really think companies can just hire magical talent that can make any game as long as the game has enough budget.

  40. 5 months ago

    With a Katana it's basically open world cyberpunk Shadow Warrior Remake. You even get a cool dude's voice in your head.

    • 5 months ago

      Taste the wang

  41. 5 months ago

    Arasaka doesn't feel that powerful to be honest.

  42. 5 months ago

    Good game. Had good fun on my playthrough. Wont replay though. The game's dialogue some times feels like long ass cutscenes making it a chore to replay

  43. 5 months ago

    I'm curious as to how the switch to UE5 from redEngine will affect CP2077:Orion, especially the modding scene

  44. 5 months ago

    I don't play games made by transgenderism pushers.

  45. 5 months ago

    Why are you incapable of starting threads in earnest?

    • 5 months ago

      I assume every CP2077 thread is a bot OP. I love the game, but there is nothing organic about its promotional material. It pisses me off that the first cyberpunk game that I really poured hours into was just propaganda material.

  46. 5 months ago

    I just put 93 hours into my first playthrough caused I liked it so much
    the apartment hangs with your outputs gets so repetitive real quick, I was hoping for more.

  47. 5 months ago

    Do all weapon archetypes end up being EZ mode?
    I've specced into throwing knives because I thought knives would be a meme in a guns ablazing world but they end up oneshotting in a lot of scenarios

  48. 5 months ago

    Why is Johnny actually moronic

    • 5 months ago

      The entire relationship between Johnny and V is about Johnny realizing that he is actually moronic and mellowing out a lot towards the end.

      • 5 months ago

        Would be nice if mellowing out actually included presenting a case for why we should side with him. Instead he's just going duuude corporations, they're bad bro but in a more mellow voice.

        • 5 months ago

          What do you mean siding with him? Johnny literally doesn't push V to do any choice. His suggestion is contacting Rogue to invade Arasaka tower or when he feels that you are giving up on life he suggests to go on a suicide mission together. He dislikes trusting Hanako but that's as far as it goes.

    • 5 months ago

      >ptsd and roid rage from war
      >constant substance abuse as a rockstar
      >could never maintain a stable relationship
      if anything Keanu makes him seems too sane

  49. 5 months ago

    I just finished my first playthrough. I really enjoyed it for the most part. My only major complaints were the awful driving and how some quest/story stuff was handled. Phantom liberty was great too

    • 5 months ago

      The driving really is a crime - it completely falls apart during the Delamain missions and is genuinely embarrassing compared to similar sequences in GTA or other titles.

  50. 5 months ago

    >why do we hate this
    The driving, the shooting, the melee, the story, the characters, basically everything except for the city, it's nice.

  51. 5 months ago

    >best open world game

    That bar is incredibly low.

  52. 5 months ago

    does it offer the sense of exploration and discovery, that Skyrim has? Are the quests actually fun and good like in Skyrim?

    • 5 months ago

      Name a quest in Skyrim that is actually good.

    • 5 months ago

      >Are the quests actually fun and good like in Skyrim?

    • 5 months ago

      Actually yes. Even the short gig missions are all hand crafted and have their own little stories. Exploration itself is fine. There are some hidden treasure chests around the map with rare stuff, some police/gang encounters, and some hidden quests but nothing super special woth the exception of the dog town gigs which are much bigger in scale.

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