Why do you hate God of War, again? I'm serious asking, I can't remember.

Why does Ganker hate God of War, again? I'm serious asking, I can't remember.

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  1. 4 months ago

    for one it's got nothing to do with god of war

  2. 4 months ago

    Legitimately 90% of the morons on Ganker shitting on it haven't played it. They unironically believe Kratos is a cuck and Atreus isn't his son. It's brainless stale meme spam. Running into a critic who has actually played the game is a rarity. Though that applies to a lot of games on nu-/v/, not just God of War.

    • 4 months ago

      I did play it. I actually enjoyed the first game but found ragnarok very boring and tedious and the writing was much worse.

      • 4 months ago

        The tone and of the 2nd one was horrendous,felt like a shit avengers movie with the recruting and dont forget how lazy it was when you consider how fricking lame all the nig baddies are and underwhelming the end of times of the norse mithology was,wich is a shame when you consider how good the gameplay actually was

    • 4 months ago

      >They unironically believe Kratos is a cuck and Atreus isn't his son.
      You CANNOT honestly believe this isn't at least something the developers want people to think. There are simply too many signs that indicate this is true.
      >b-b-but he has spartan rage!
      It's not confirmed that's what it is, and rage isn't hereditary to Kratos anyway, it's an ability that was given to him.

      • 4 months ago

        I hate this game but you are watching too much cuck porn

  3. 4 months ago

    Because its overrated slop.
    Shit combat.
    Shit story.
    Muh feelings.

    • 4 months ago

      it doesnt work.
      2018 had Kratos as someone who is willing to fight and kill in self defense, but doesnt seek out violence if possible. I dont like that, but its a whole lot better than Ragnarok having him go full soifilled vegana "be better" homosexual.

      Oh, okay. It's because Kratos having feelings. Thanks!

      • 4 months ago

        Good way to avoid the biggest 2 reasons. Shit combat and shit story.
        And yes, your game it's called God of War and your main character is all like violence it's bad.

      • 4 months ago

        kratos had feelings in the old ones. he just wasn't an emasculated homosexual. nor that he was a good or admirable character in the slightest; but that was the point of the old games. making him a sad millennial isn't "redeeming him."

        • 4 months ago

          >he just wasn't an emasculated homosexual.
          tl;dr he stopped yelling as much and the epic sex minigame went away
          kratos was a bastard but he was increasingly tired even as the grecian games went on and he performed a fair number of heroic deeds like condemning himself out of elysium to save the mortal world and giving up his own happy afterlife with his daughter
          boy of war is supposed to be after a pretty long time and a lot of self introspection and he's still got the old rage but he's just annoyed, tired and old now and still trying to make inner peace with a lot of things he saw and did throughout the grecian games, and the nature of divinity in the series

          • 4 months ago

            and obviously yes part of this too is sony's FIERCE, FIERCE, FIERCE addiction to movie games and wanting a sappier angle for kratos but that's like the most surface-level observation one can possibly make about the games

      • 4 months ago

        IT'S SOULLESS GOYSLOP YOU moronic NORMALgay Black person

    • 4 months ago

      Is it?

  4. 4 months ago

    it doesnt work.
    2018 had Kratos as someone who is willing to fight and kill in self defense, but doesnt seek out violence if possible. I dont like that, but its a whole lot better than Ragnarok having him go full soifilled vegana "be better" homosexual.

  5. 4 months ago

    because it sucks. I'm convinced the whole kratos nu-male meme is a psyop to make all criticism of it seem ridiculous.
    some actual criticisms:
    >anthony burch wrote the script
    >QTEs and forced slow walk sections
    >gameplay is built from the ground up with easy mode in mind, if you play this game on hard you are in for the slog of your life
    >"roll when you see the red flash" like the player is a literal baby responding to color stimuli for the first time
    >kratos' redemption takes place off screen.
    it's a natural direction to take such a tragic character who is still alive, but they skipped over the actual interesting part so they could make another sad dad game instead of having kratos wandering around a wasteland, interacting with whoever is still alive, wrestling with regret, self-loathing, and eventually moving forward, starting a family again, and becoming the man he is in the new games.

  6. 4 months ago

    Nowhere near as epic as the og trilogy

  7. 4 months ago

    >playstation game
    >western game
    Enough reasons for Ganker to ape out

  8. 4 months ago

    I like God of War. Just the PS2 games and GoW III on the PS3.

  9. 4 months ago

    this game tries too hard to find a reason to kill while gamers enjoy kill things as monsters without a reason. So it totally wasting gamers' time.

  10. 4 months ago

    I mainly hate the nu-GoW because its like they got rid of all of the things I liked about the old GoW. The camera system in the old GoW is quite possibly the best camera system ever devised for a 3D action game. Its almost perfect. Then nu-GoW comes in with its bullshit of wanting to be a movie and now we have the camera inserted into Kratos's anus like every other 3rd person story driven game coming out and as a result you can't see shit. GoW used to have a system where you could see almost every enemy that was in combat with you at all times. Nu-GoW we have to have literal arrows attached to kratos's model so that players know where enemies are because even the devs knew you can't see shit. In the ambition to be movie-like the game actually is LESS immersive as a result. This is a fundamental problem with movie-games.

  11. 4 months ago

    I hate the word “goyslop”, but it perfectly describes what the game is

    • 4 months ago

      I think that word was created specifically for this turd.

  12. 4 months ago

    Game is fun. The story has subversive woke shit though so that turns people off. Also people prefer the old Kratos who was a chad. While the new Kratos is a numale's idea of a chad (a homosexual).

  13. 4 months ago

    It's just bad. Even ignoring the story which feels very Marvelfied from past GOW games (and you can't skip cutscenes until NG+, holy frick) the gameplay took a major hit too
    >the vast majority of the game is climbing or slow actions, this was done on PS4 to eliminate loading screens and make the game one continuous camera shot and it fricking blows
    >continued in ragnarok despite the ps5's faster loading times completely invalidating said issue
    >camera is completely fricked, lock on is basically just straight up broken in combat and the camera sticks so close to Kratos you can barely see anything 10 feet away and good fricking luck if multiple enemies are attacking from behind or you're against a wall
    >combat in general feels like souls, more deliberate and slow which is not good in a game like GOW where enemies are damage tanks
    >so many dogshit easy puzzles, so many puzzles like 5 per level where the game even gives you hints on them for some reason, all of them are the exact same shit just find a lever to make a path forward then freeze it
    >"open world" which the game does absolutely nothing with and makes you suffer long rowing sections to get anywhere
    The 2018 game also had atrocious enemy variety and the worst boss fights in all of GOW, when the series by that point had been established for having really epic and cool boss fights even if they were admittedly QTE fests.

    Ragnarok was at least a lot better on the gameplay front, especially with the Valhalla DLC, if somehow even worse with the story and still not fixing the fundamental issues. Zero hope for GOW6 especially if it's a PS5 exclusive though. If you can't skip cutscenes in NG, definitely never touching it I just can't go through that again

  14. 4 months ago

    GoW18 lays the foundations of a great trilogy that didn't happened that's why. Also Ragnarok's story is awful. Odin wants peace, Kratos wants peace, game could've ended in the first 5 minutes but Kratos says no to Odin's peace offer.

    • 4 months ago

      >GoW18 lays the foundations of a great trilogy
      I have no fricking idea why people keep saying this. 18 was SHIT.
      >lore is lazy and woke, everything was peaceful and happy when the perfect natives lived there and then le evil Aesir colonizers ruined everything because they're evil
      >moronic plot that relies on braindead contrivances like "Atreus's strap just randomly broke and so Kratos randomly decided to fix it with one of the arrows that Sindri randomly happened to give to them which are just randomly made out of Baldur's secret weakness and Freya randomly happened to miss that one arrow despite it being a big bright green stick on the kid's chest while she was spending hours healing him and then Baldur just randomly punches Atreus in that one spot in such a way as to impale himself on the arrow"
      >also the main plot of the game could have been avoided entirely if Kratos' wife just told them all the vital information they needed instead of sending them on a journey to a place that Kratos doesn't even know exists and is impossible to reach without the assistance of people who might be dead and who have no reason to help them
      >zero fricking setup for the next game, Atreus is "Loki", what does that mean? who fricking knows but it's in a prophecy so we can just pull whatever the frick we want out of our ass later and say fate did it
      >Atreus goes through a character arc of wishing he had power, discovering he has power, abusing that power, getting told off by Kratos, and then using his power responsibly in about twenty fricking minutes
      it just threw a bunch of JJ Abrams mystery box shit everywhere with no solid foundation on which to build a decent story.

    • 4 months ago

      yeah because after deals with Ares/Zeus, Kratos would make any deal with any god, especially with Odin

  15. 4 months ago

    Good combat
    The good bosses are still optional fights ala Valkyrie Queen and Berserkers. The main story fights are a letdown
    Awful new cast in Ragnarok.
    Spear is the best weapon, hard to top the Blade reveal but gameplay wise the Spear was crazy.

    I think it gets overly hated here, but you know they fricked up some parts when even the wider audience hates the handholding, the shit puzzles, the character banter being annoying, or why are we in Ironwood for 2 hours who the frick cares.

    • 4 months ago

      >Good combat
      >fov makes you blind
      >can't even see the ground in front of you, and there are ground projectiles
      >lock-on is an actual joke that is released if the enemy takes two steps to the side
      >fricking flashing red lights to tell you when you're getting attacked because the camera is so shit
      >also big glowing prompts when enemies attack because they couldn't think of a better way to tell you which attacks can't be blocked/parried
      >throwing the axe feels like ass but it's an overpowered tactic
      >moronic braindead level system that makes customizing your gear pointless since it's always better to just pick the stuff that gives you the highest level while walling off content for no reason
      >the majority of your moveset is fricking worthless because you can't dodge/block out of it
      >half the fricking enemies are absolute aids to fight
      >Atreus' arrows are completely unreliable and yet the game forces you to rely on them
      >zero good bosses
      the combat is the worst part of the new games.

      • 4 months ago

        You must be fun at parties

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, I am, because I am passionate about things and people like that. You sound like an insecure homosexual who won't share his opinion for fear that people will laugh at you.

          That is like, your opinion man. I don't like some of their choices, such as the camera, but overall its a fun combat system that I don't get bored of chopping through groups of shit. I enjoy it more than say going through Stormveil Castle and killing exile soldiers, they are kinda bland and its mostly R2 Jumps into R1 and they dead.
          Flip that around on a boss fight, and God of War's system just seemingly can't provide interesting or good fights at all outside of like 5 total between both games.

          >That is like, your opinion man
          No, it's fact. The game is shit. Compare it to any competent action game and it's embarrassing. If you can't fricking see half of what you need to see, then you've failed from the start.
          >inb4 "b-b-but God Hand had a small fov!"
          And God Hand's gameplay is focused on paying close attention to the fast cues from enemies, with Gene having an extremely fast quick turn and run speed to get out of trouble the moment he's surrounded. The camera shows you exactly what you need to see. Meanwhile nu-GoW has enemies that constantly crowd and flank Kratos while launching projectiles that can't be seen because of the camera placement, and Kratos just doesn't have the mobility to avoid being surrounded or flanked.

      • 4 months ago

        That is like, your opinion man. I don't like some of their choices, such as the camera, but overall its a fun combat system that I don't get bored of chopping through groups of shit. I enjoy it more than say going through Stormveil Castle and killing exile soldiers, they are kinda bland and its mostly R2 Jumps into R1 and they dead.
        Flip that around on a boss fight, and God of War's system just seemingly can't provide interesting or good fights at all outside of like 5 total between both games.

  16. 4 months ago

    The camera is too fricking close. Just pull it back during combat that's all they need to do

  17. 4 months ago

    >titled ragnarok
    >there is no ragnarok

  18. 4 months ago

    Because it's an incoherent bastardization of Norse mythology disguising an adventure in babysitting.

    • 4 months ago

      This, forcing Black folk into white cultures mythology is ok apparently. Imagine the shitshow if whites were put into some african mythology

  19. 4 months ago

    Ganker hates all good games on the Playstation

  20. 4 months ago

    It was always hated on Ganker

  21. 4 months ago

    I like them, Thor and Odin were really well done.

  22. 4 months ago

    >popular thing bad
    >old good, new bad
    That's literally it. GoW(2018) and Ragnarok are both great games that are at least on par with the original trilogy.

  23. 4 months ago

    Wholesome asexual nontoxic-masculinity dad slop with MCU humor quips that don’t belong in a God of war game

    Is literally how leftists are programming western men to be weak and gay

  24. 4 months ago

    Gameplay sucks, mjsic sucks, story sucks, graphics sucks, character sucks especially Nukratos, everything about this shit sucks

  25. 4 months ago

    I don't like the culture war obsessed insincere console warrior crypto-nazis (who am I kidding they aren't hiding it) who get butthurt over everything and don't like anything that constitute modern Ganker, since about 2015, so don't mistake my opinions for the general opinions of Ganker.
    However, I played the first three God of War games and mostly liked them (except for the shitty ending of 3 where the dicky sacrifices herself for nothing) and these are the following reasons I dislike nu-GoW
    >they changed the voice actor for Kratos (no disrespect to Teal'c but he's not the real Kratos)
    >they changed the personality of Kratos (even beyond what would be considered logical for a guy who destroyed the world and lost everything in his fight against the gods) into a total weenie
    >they changed the setting to cringy Norse mythology with fantasy vikings and could hardly even get anything about it right
    >they changed the gameplay into a walking simulator with so much handholding there's basically no fail-state instead of an extremely dangerous and hectic action-platformer you have to git gud at
    >there's no naked breasts or sexuality at all
    >they didn't invest in the Three Magi plot hook from GOW2 or the lost brother cliffhanger from GOW1

    tl;dr naked breasts

  26. 4 months ago

    because it has cutscenes interleaved with gameplay and Ganker thinks that's the same as a game like uncharted that has no gameplay at all

    • 4 months ago

      >a game like uncharted that has no gameplay at all
      what kind of psyop is this, nobody on Ganker is dumb enough to believe this are they?

  27. 4 months ago

    The writing is very cringe and the gameplay is very slow and plodding. Its basically an interactive movie with very bad writing.

  28. 4 months ago

    Yellowed teeth sociopath with makeup much? And it doesnt help that the actual games suck arse.

  29. 4 months ago

    It's The Last of Us but God of War lite flavored.

  30. 4 months ago

    Instead of being called God of War, it should be called "God of Long-Winded Exposition telling the player exactly what is happening at any given moment"

  31. 4 months ago

    hack writing if you're actually asking

  32. 4 months ago

    Has a good opinion ever come from a post that included the word "goyslop"?

  33. 4 months ago

    PS5 owners expected more but all they got was an underwhelming upscaled PS4 sequel, which is pretty much all of their PS5 exclusives except for Spider-Man 2

  34. 4 months ago

    it is a very hollow rpg action game where you coiunt till your runes are active and run around a very artificial doom like arena (but worse that thewolfestein endless blue walls) waiting for it to use it since all the enemies need those damn speels to die and none of your 3 only weapons and punch hurt them on a very on rails world map

    and worse than that
    in a beloved hack n slash saga , with 6 different good games where you can double jump , fly , float while you aim , reduce the fallen speed by shooting and run on walls

    there's no jump buttom , and no other 3d mechanic , even the climbing is just a cutscene , one of those rip offs of tlou cutscenes where you press the buttom and only them the cutscene goes on to make you feel you'd do something.

    rgnarok unlike that , has a fricking decent variety of enemies and keeps the fck use of your weapons as a viable option to play atleast in non "hardcore" modes

    but is sht on Ganker for no having a single decent boss fight thematically

    i would rather shit on 2018 , but Ganker has left me alone on that

  35. 4 months ago
  36. 4 months ago

    because they shoehorned 2 games into one and gave it a pretty lackluster ending. most of the game is a fetch quest that amounts to nothing since the mask gets destroyed, tons of walking while a character drops dialogue for minutes, said NPCs spit puzzle answers to you, Thor's fight with the snake happens on the background and it felt like a an obligation that happens on the background unlike the big mister y the previous game hinted at. I could go on, the game is simply boring, bloated and miserable to play

  37. 4 months ago

    They're just not very good games.
    The original trilogy is remembered more for the insane story and atmosphere than for the gameplay. There really aren't many games that scratch that sort of 300 style turbo violent historical fiction itch. But the story was always weak and shit the bed with 2. The 'moral complexity' was all it really had going for it, and that was never particularly deep because while Kratos was never a good guy his actions in the games are mainly just self-defence.
    The reboot games aren't terrible but they lost most of what made the originals compelling. The Norse pantheon is just boring compared to the Greek, both in terms of powers and characterization. The gameplay had potential but the moronic camera and awful enemy design stop it from being anything other than mediocre at best. Above all, they're just not memorable, as seen by how many people played Ragnarok while having almost zero memory of GoW4.
    As for which era is better, it's honestly a toss-up. I'd rather play the new games than the old but the sheer style of the old make them far more memorable and noteworthy.

  38. 4 months ago

    >moronic marvel humor
    >dumb shit story

  39. 4 months ago

    black character
    soi beard
    that's pretty much it, but they're both excellent games. Also people whine because muh kratos changed, as if a character can never develop or grow at all.

  40. 4 months ago

    Played them both to completion. They're really great games, pretty fun. Solid combat system. Challenging on the hardest difficulty, otherwise not too challenging. Really fun setting honestly and I just like the world in general. Hope there's another one in a new setting though, it's going to be boring going through midgard again, they need to tackle a new setting with new gods.

  41. 4 months ago

    >God of War 4 is kind of fun
    >Ragnarok sucks
    >Horizom Zero Dawn is kind of fun
    >Forbidden West sucks
    >Spider-Man is kind of fun
    >Spider-Man 2 sucks
    >The Last of Us Factions is 10/10
    >The Last of Us Factions 2 is fricking dead
    I really don't know what's going on with Sony's sequel game right now, but I don't like it. Hopefully Ghost of Tsushima 2 can break the curse. VIIRebirth is head and tails above Remake though, so maybe that's harbinger of a wind change.

    • 4 months ago

      The pacing and story is the only thing 2018 does better than Ragnarok. Honestly all their sequels suffer from the same shit
      >take game
      >add more combat, more options, more tools, fine tune shit with more enemy variety and bosses
      >but frick it up with bloated side quests, fricked pacing issues in some places, playing as characters or in sections you don't want to

    • 4 months ago

      >VIIRebirth is head and tails above Remake though, so maybe that's harbinger of a wind change.
      these games are square enix, not sony. they just took free money from sony for exclusivity

    • 4 months ago

      You know what, I just remembered. Helldivers 2 is a Sony game. And Helldivers 2 is fricking awesome. Vidya can and will heal.
      >frick it up with bloated side quests, fricked pacing issues in some places, playing as characters or in sections you don't want to
      Yeah, this is really it. I liked TLOU2, but even as a very linear game it fell into the trap of making me go on long narrative tangents about people I didn't care for. Spider-Man 2's is the worst by far, though.

      >VIIRebirth is head and tails above Remake though, so maybe that's harbinger of a wind change.
      these games are square enix, not sony. they just took free money from sony for exclusivity

      I know, just figured I'd toss them in there as Sony is currently courting them as timed exclusives. And because I've been playing Rebirth for the last 3 days and it's genuinely amazing. It's the FF game I've wanted for decades. Just wish all this love and care had gone into a new mainline instead of a sequel remake. But brilliant game, the hype is real on this one.

    • 4 months ago

      I liked FF remake but will be skipping on Rebirth after trying out the demo and seeing that sweet baby inc. filled nilbeheim with ugly as sin nog npcs. Im sure the rest of the game will reflect this. the combat also didnt feel as good as remake nor the graphics looked as good. all in all it felt like a huge step backwards from the remake. I’ll pass.

      • 4 months ago

        Pt. 1 of the demo is awful. Play the open world part that came out a few days ago.

        • 4 months ago

          nah. already deleted it from my console and theres so many other games coming out which In looking forward to. I’ll skip on this sweet baby project.

          • 4 months ago

            >Nah. I won't play a game.
            Makes sense, but I also don't think you've actually played it.

  42. 4 months ago

    I can’t speak for /v as a whole but personally goi of soi gaynacuck was the most vile repulsive gaygiest “game” I ever had the displeasure of playing and the one which made me completely give up wanting to ever play or try another western game ever again.

  43. 4 months ago

    Not on Nintendo console like every other game with a weird hate campaign on here.

    • 4 months ago

      Switch gamers don't care about these kinds of games. If they did they wouldn't be switch gamers. It's PC and xbox gamers that hate on it.

  44. 4 months ago

    >dude like, what if we made kratos soi and give him a soibeard and make him be remorseful for all the cool things he did when he was a toxic male and make the entire plot be one heckin wholesome life lesson for his son
    >we'll call it God of Soi...

  45. 4 months ago

    Because it's a good game, and Ganker hates good games.

  46. 4 months ago

    I didn't play it but from what i saw it was a big letdown with how uneventful the first one was

    • 4 months ago

      >I didn't play it but I know it's bad

  47. 4 months ago

    >fight the same enemy over and over again
    >bosses are all the same
    >story and atmosphere are decent but that only justifies 1 gameplay
    >long unskippable talking and walking parts that bore the shit out of you
    >gameplay looks nice at first but gets boring as well
    it could've done well if it had come before the souls series, but the first new one came out barely 2 years after bloodborne and less than 1 year before sekiro, and the 2nd one came out shortly after elden ring, add to this games like re4 remake abd how replayable it is, and it becomes a failure, because why would I not replay sekiro or bloodborne or elden ring or even re4 remake and play god of war? no reason at all.
    plus it's shitty compared to the original trilogy which was fast and had a shit ton of enemies, epic soundtracks and stories.
    it's just like naughty dog games, i mean the first tlou was replayable but all the rest are just decent videogames that are nothing special.

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