Why do zoomers hate Johto so much nowadays?

The amount I see people saying that GS are bad base games is astounding. Usually in the same breath as praising ORAS. Is it really all just due to Poketubers?

Here's a copy paste of a comment I literally just came across:
"Nah I agree with them; I think G/S/C are a little overhyped. HGSS are amazing but that’s because they basically improved all of the great ideas that couldn’t be executed well in G/S/C.

Kanto is actually fleshed out in the remakes. It’s like an hour or two long side quest in the originals.

Pokemon variety in the originals is horrible. Basically just gen 1 with a little bit of 2 sprinkled in. The remakes aren’t much better but they do make some rarer pokemon more readily available.

The team rocket stuff is very weak story-wise. At least the remakes made it interesting with unique admins and even a Giovanni side story (needs an event Pokemon tho.

And honestly this wasn’t fixed but I gotta complain about the horrendous level curve. Still a problem in HGSS but grinding is quicker so it’s manageable.

If HGSS weren’t as amazing as they were, I honestly think Gen 2 would be more negatively remembered."

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  1. 3 months ago

    Some massively popular literal whotuber found one of those memes that nitpick the flaws of every gen, and his legion of underaged fans treated it like gospel

    • 3 months ago

      Because zoomers are unable to have independent thoughts from what their eceleb of choice tells them to have

      Because they weren’t there.

      a critique video has lived rent free in their heads for over 3 years and hgss couldn't ride the "following pokemon = best game ever" train anymore. it's absolutely pathetic

      cope and seethe Johtotards, ORAS and BW are 100x better

      • 3 months ago

        Stop trying to start a war between Johtochads and Unovachads. Both of them are allies, despite what zoomers like you think.

        • 3 months ago

          Except when the topic of Kanto pandering comes up and the Unovachads throw the Johtochads under the bus to make themselves look better.

      • 3 months ago

        i'm everything but a johtoddler, even galar is better

        Johto sucks. The Mahogany Town to Radio Tower segment is the most AIDS part of the entire series

        rocket hideout would've fit better if you had to do it after morty, then it wouldn't just be 50 underleveled rocket grunt shitters at once

  2. 3 months ago

    Because zoomers are unable to have independent thoughts from what their eceleb of choice tells them to have

  3. 3 months ago

    Because they weren’t there.

  4. 3 months ago

    a critique video has lived rent free in their heads for over 3 years and hgss couldn't ride the "following pokemon = best game ever" train anymore. it's absolutely pathetic

  5. 3 months ago

    >zoomer here
    it's all thanks to the pokeinfluenza, the homosexual with the celebi forum and that pedo who does nuzlockes are on an active campaign agaisnt gen 2

    all of this ends up in tiktok with a bunch of poketokers gettting on the trend, plus the hate videos on tiktok get wayy more reach than any other type of content, wich leads to most of us getting told time and time again how gen 2/johto is the worst region/gen

    Hope that helps

    • 3 months ago

      >that pedo who does nuzlockes

  6. 3 months ago

    Johto sucks. The Mahogany Town to Radio Tower segment is the most AIDS part of the entire series

  7. 3 months ago

    only gens 1 to 4 were good and the classic gens

    zoomers are trying to include their shit Gen 5 into the classic gens when it is the exact point that broke the entire franchise

    also zoomers are hating on gen 2 cuz they wanna have a genwunner enemy to project onto

  8. 3 months ago

    >The amount I see people saying that GS are bad base games is astounding
    Loud minority. Sales figures AND scores speak for themselves.
    >Usually in the same breath as praising ORAS.
    Alpha sapphire was ok at best but I hate how easy it was to get all the legendaries. Which is weird since gen3 was the hardest gen to get all the legendaries. Zoomers should go back to the original carts and get them all without a guide and see what I mean.
    >the horrendous level curve
    Learn to deal with it? Again weird how the pokemon fanbase hates a slight difficulty curve baked into the game yet praises nuzlocking. Pick one.
    >I think G/S/C are a little overhyped. HGSS are amazing but that’s because they basically improved all of the great ideas that couldn’t be executed well in G/S/C.
    G/S/C had to fit all of kanto and johto into 1 cart back in 1999. Tiktards can't seem to understand games under 50GB. HGSS took 3 years to make and the devs wanted to go all out, so no shit it's good. Stop listening to breadtoobers and their 1 hour videos

  9. 3 months ago

    Why do you care about zoomers’ opinions?

  10. 3 months ago

    Johto was never good and zoomers don't have any nostalgia blinding them to that fact

    • 3 months ago

      this but Unova and replace don't have with have

    • 3 months ago

      You could say that about literally every Pokémon game though. They're all mediocre in the grand scheme of things

      • 3 months ago

        And that is correct, your point?

  11. 3 months ago

    Back in my days GSC were a massive improvement over RBY. Most people stopped playing at school after that though, Pokemon was uncool and childish. We were 9, what morons we were

    • 3 months ago

      it only became childish and uncool with gen 5+

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe for your generation and country, not in my school though. I was in college when BW came out, people of my age in my school did not know about anything past GSC.

  12. 3 months ago

    Envy and sour grapes.
    They have to put down Johto because otherwise they will have to admit they missed out on the peaks of the franchise.

  13. 3 months ago

    Johtogays are so autistic they are unable to comprehend points of view from outside their circle. They have levels of delusion comparable to those of trannies, which explains why autism, troonism and johtohomosexualry overlap so much.

  14. 3 months ago

    I´m a zoomer. My first games were Fire Red/Leaf Green and the Hoenn games. I freaking love Johto.

  15. 3 months ago

    Because they are unironic contrarians incapable of thinking for themselves.

  16. 3 months ago

    Acknowledging anything from the 90s is zoomer genocide, according to zoomers. They have to argue that everything made in the decade is "mid af fr fr" in order to stay alive, apparently.

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