Why does Mephisto now look like Diablo with AIDS? Did the D4 art team not have a reference?

Why does Mephisto now look like Diablo with AIDS? Did the D4 art team not have a reference? Heck one of the statues of Baal in D4 looks like D2 Mephisto. It seems like someone got something wrong, I'm guessing this was outsourced to Malaysia. This is weird since D2R wasn't too long ago.

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  1. 12 months ago

    All demons look the same to me.

    • 12 months ago

      >cost will be more than you can pay
      >3 normal humans (buffed guy with a sword, woman archer and some mage beat the shit out if Diablo in his own hell
      >next time 5 to 7 normal humans beat the shit out of Diablo in his own hell AND his two brothers
      >after that humans become so op, that previous guys are like peasants compared to fricking neutron bomb launcher
      That is just pure seething on behalf of Lilith. Who wrote the script?

      That is because the only employees worse than scriptwriters in today's Blizzard are art director and his subordinates.

      • 12 months ago

        From a gameplay perspective? Yes we cleave with little to no effort. From a perspective as someone living in sanctuary that isn’t a hidden nephalem or blessed by Mephisto? Literally the prime-evils have won at nearly every turn considering they cannot die, come back when killed within a few years, and if by some miracle are trapped in the funny rocks, corrupt whoever holds said rocks into doing more evil shit. Couple that with angels not giving a frick about humanity
        >inb4 Tyrael, where the frick is he in D4 helping out huh
        and Lilith is gonna end up being right until the writers create le magic rock 2.0 that super duper works

        • 12 months ago

          tyrael became human in D3 so he got old and died by time of D4

          • 12 months ago

            actually he conveniently just fricked off and Lorath/Donan whatever write that Tyrael looked afraid of something
            I bet he re-angeled somehow. Also weird how the Heavens are doing literally nothing right now to help. I'm not a fan of D3 and D4 but these bits and the whispering tree are kind of interesting.

          • 12 months ago

            Even if Tyrone became human he's not 100% human.

            He's slightly above a Nephalem and won't age like a boomer that quick, if he 'dies' he'll be reset in heaven just like after Diablo 2.

        • 12 months ago

          it'd be funny if they somehow memed the prime evils into being slaves of the whispering tree. That was the only cool new addition to the lore

          • 12 months ago

            The whispering tree felt like fanfiction a literal kid concocted. Out of nowhere this fricking immortality gifting headhunting primordial le deku tree pops up. And tells you to go get in a fricking magical coffin that randomly sinks, drowns you and teleports you into a fricking dungeon. It felt so noncohesive and crappy especially in the constant chase narrative. Our group made an audible cringe as the shit story was progressively getting shittier and shittier basically right past the beta cutoff. It really felt like they had 10 different people writing different sections lmao.
            >captcha literally gaypvm

  2. 12 months ago

    Diablo 1 and 2 were never made by Blizzard in the first place, they were made by Condor later bought out and rebranded to Blizzard North
    All the ex-Condor guys are long gone.

    • 12 months ago

      yeah I know, and Blizzard North was based beyond belief, but Blizz South still have the art assets sitting around somewhere. Heck they literally just re-modeled Mephisto for D2R.

      Blizz North's absence is definitely felt in the lower quality of D3/4 though.

    • 12 months ago

      Cope, Diablo would have been something completely different without Blizzard

      • 12 months ago

        Yes, initially they wanted a turn based game and Blizzard insited it be real time. But everything else? Blizzard had no hand in and present day Activision-Blizzard even less so.

        • 12 months ago

          >a turn based game and Blizzard insited it be real time
          kek it's literally the biggest and most important aspect of gameplay

          • 12 months ago

            all the PC rpgs at the time were turn-based

            • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      The Real fathers of Diablo were the Schaefer Brothers

      David Brevik was simply the israelite with money and backstabbing.
      When he went on to make Hellgate London without them, he was exposed as a hack, and he even went on to frick with Path of Exile.

      • 12 months ago

        I mean Torchlight vindicates you on that.

        • 12 months ago

          Sadly they are out of job for now while brevik the hack is working at GGG.

  3. 12 months ago

    Have you considered playing the game?

    • 12 months ago

      I've finished it on two characters, Sorc and Rogue. What makes you think I haven't?

  4. 12 months ago

    Demons have their looks changed slightly all the time. He isn't a lot different from his D2 version, his skull is more demonic now i think it looks like the D3 artwork.
    >Heck one of the statues of Baal in D4 looks like D2 Mephisto
    Maybe you are mixing it with a literal mephisto statue?

    • 12 months ago

      one sec, going to post two images
      in the first one, the baal statue is on the far left and he's got the same horns as D2 mephisto

      • 12 months ago

        and then D2 mephisto

      • 12 months ago

        and then D2 mephisto

        D2 mephisto is him using Sankekurs corpse
        kinda similiar to how baal used tal rashas face as a mask

  5. 12 months ago

    The nu-Blizzard art team thinks all demons are Diablos the same way your great-aunt Matilda calls all video games "Nintendos"

  6. 12 months ago

    they already changed him up (look at the HOTS version of him) to have a less human skull.

    Also, can't demons choose what their manifested form look like to a certain degree?

  7. 12 months ago

    The story in this game literally devolves into some shit a 12 year old me would have cringed at. Repetitive as hell and cringe. Some Blizz dick choking troony would probably ban me for posting any spoilers, but it is do lerandumb and disjointed that it actually made me mad. The demons are moronic, they all look like shit and generic as frick with vampires and ghosts and werewolves running around. Like wtf? They had infinitely better designs/art from over 10 YEARS AGO that they literally could have used, it was foolproof. I am convinced that nu-Blizzard is consciously trying to rape its IPs out of absolute contempt. They even doubled down on the “make a mainline character moronic and stupid and kill it” plot element like they did with Cain in D3.
    They should have given this entire project to the 5 Koreans or whatever that they hired to do D2:R. It looks and plays superior in literally every single way. I’m still baffled how this shit can be do utterly bad and cringe.

    • 12 months ago

      to be fair the Koreans basically just used a new renderer, D2R's gameplay wasn't made from scratch - it's still just running D2 underneath. You can swap renderers and get the old D2 at runtime, its that seamless

    • 12 months ago

      >The story in this game literally devolves into some shit a 12 year old me would have cringed at.
      blizzard stories have been pretty cringe for the past decade

      • 12 months ago

        >you JUST know that Lilith will be reborn in Heaven as the archangel of life
        >while Inarius becomes a demon like Izual
        >tfw Auriel and archangel Lilith porn

  8. 12 months ago

    Blizzard rotted away while it raked in millions of dollars MONTHLY courtesy of WoW.
    the cash cow let them bloat. when put to any kind of test all the shitters they hired on during the WoW era prove to be awful devs, and hyper-greedy scumbags (cancelled Overwatch2 PvE just to sell it; the entire monetization scheme with Diablo the Gacha and Diablo the Gacha pretending to be a PC game)

    • 12 months ago

      I can't believe they replaced an actual interesting gear economy in D2 with a just "get more +x" treadmill to keep D3/4 alive. D2 didn't need to do this, it didn't have this problem. It just had players that wanted to get really cool, but rare uniques. The uniques never changed, neither did the runewords, etc. No need for constant +stat chasing. The gear was just good, and the content was fun to replay ad infinitum.

  9. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      is that because he was too spooky for the chinese censorship board before?

  10. 12 months ago

    >people acting like Diablo 2's story wasn't also dogshit.
    Come on, now.

    • 12 months ago

      Explain how it was dogshit you dumb strawman employing zoomer homosexual

  11. 12 months ago

    why are the prime evils so weak?

    • 12 months ago

      so far they've all had shitty human vessels holding them back
      diablo in 3 even had to deal with being a literal woman lmao

      I never understood the Mephisto push, he was just the boss you farm Shakos and Chances Guards from.

      he hasn't had a chance in the limelight yet unlike Diablo and Baal, but also he's supposed to be the smartest of the three

      • 12 months ago

        did they ever have bodies of their own? not involving infesting people

        • 12 months ago

          hm maybe not, I'm not sure if they did in Hell but they can't be in the mortal world without vessels it seems
          in D2 Diablo still needed his vessel body in Hell but arguably that's because the soulstones were still a thing so he was bound to the wanderer
          he still needed Leah in Heaven but I don't put too much stock in D3/4 lore

      • 12 months ago

        >he's supposed to be the smartest of the three
        Has the best track record and has stayed active the longest
        >was the one who came up with the idea of non interference treaty with heaven(that he totally intends to follow)
        >corrupted the entire zakarum faith for hundreds of years and ran it from the shadows
        >responsible for sending lazarus to tristram and kick starting D1
        >reverse psychologies a dumb one armed teenager into running away with his essence in a stone when hes at risk of being eaten by his daughter that totally wont backfire on her
        meanwhile diablo
        >got handed freedom on a silver platter
        >immediately died at the bottom of a church
        >got a second freebie when wanderer/aidan shoved soulstone into his head
        >as soon as he takes over 100% and returns back to hell fricking dies
        >some 4d chess shit with adria and is daughter making him the prime evil with all the power of the the other 2 primes and 4 lessers at his disposal
        >grows breasts and hips, storms heavan, fails to kill anyone important and dies
        >gets freed but still trapped in talrashas body
        >bullies an old man
        >destroys the barbarian homeland
        >corrupts worldstone and fricking dies
        >tyrael allahu ackbars the worldstone
        >now the humans have the ability to grow 100x stronger again

        • 12 months ago

          but mephisto is weakest of the 3.

          • 12 months ago

            he should've been the one to take the black soulstone, his brains + that power would've been way better than IT'S MAAM diablo

            • 12 months ago

              Diablo is female
              Diablo transitioned into a female
              Diablo will always be a woman

        • 12 months ago

          Diablo fully intended for the Warrior to take his place since his initial host (the younger prince) was a weakling.

          • 12 months ago

            doesnt that imply Diablo is an incel and a beta that he needs a strong host to win?

            • 12 months ago

              Diablo wanted an adult but he spooked away the newer generation Horadrim stationed in Tristram (who did not know that they're guarding Diablo's soulstone and thought they were just standing post on some dumb angelic artifact) and the underground dungeon eventually was withered away until people in Westmarch and Khanduras established Tristram and built a cathedral on top of it.

              The first townsfolk who ventured in the old Horadrim dungeons beneath the cathedral all went insane like Farnham and Lazarus sought aid from the Zakarum Paladins (who by this time were 100% corrupted) and he got corrupted along the way by Mephisto.

              • 12 months ago

                how did D2 pally not get corrupted?

              • 12 months ago

                He wasn't there, same thing with Fara.

              • 12 months ago

                how does this change what I said? diablo was an incel

        • 12 months ago

          Fact: Tyrael killed more barbarians than Baal's entire invasion

  12. 12 months ago

    I never understood the Mephisto push, he was just the boss you farm Shakos and Chances Guards from.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo is the proverbial carrot on the stick for a distant expansion. Everyone who abandons ship now and skips the next expansion will be lured in to fight Diablo again after they’ve cooled off on how shit this is.

  13. 12 months ago

    Wtf is this I’ve completed d4 and not seen this

    • 12 months ago

      it happens during Lilith's "death" speech (demons don't permanently die, as evidenced by Astaroth just chilling in Hell), flashes on the screen for a second

      • 12 months ago

        >astaroth gets domed
        >immediately back in hell to chill
        >same happens to diablo & the gang
        >still haven't fully recovered after how many years

  14. 12 months ago

    >Hell is a door deep beneath a castle instead of an evil portal
    Nu-Blizzard will always be soulless

    Many kids got spooked and were in awe with the D2 Act 4 cinematic

    • 12 months ago

      the act 4 cinematic was peak pants-shitting kino, I could barely watch it and I don't blame Marius for running

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