Why does no one talk about Phantasy Star Online 2? Aesthetically it seems pretty perfect.

Why does no one talk about Phantasy Star Online 2?
Aesthetically it seems pretty perfect. It looks like the mmo all the weebs that dreamt that SAO was real wanted.

How does it compare to WoW and FFXIV, I have never seen a soul talk about PSO2

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  1. 2 years ago

    because PSO is better, join a blue blur server for free and test it out.

    Also I think PSO2 is just a little meh, they do what every other mmo is doing and lost their style between 1 and 2.

    • 2 years ago

      I am hesitant to play PSO since it is old and I missed the boat, that feeling of the only 500 players being veterens at max level and I am along leveling through deadzones single player is horrid.

      PSO2 and the genesis thing are way newer and seem to have a healthy low level population.
      It looks real purty. I can play ffxiv or this at the moment

      • 2 years ago

        PSO does have that problem. I'm quite new too, but joining a disc has helped me find some people. it has a really good solo experience too! I'm more than happy to play sometime on Ephinea J3ster#6011

        FFXIV is really good, just very repetitive. I main a healer and its the most mind numbing thing. Tanks pull every mob under the sun in dungeons and everyone hits the enemies and repeat. I think the music and the world is beautiful, but its a tough sell as the Main story is mostly solo. Dungeons aren't fun until lvl 50ish. they just lack substance. The open world is also littered in trash mobs so no real challenge. Over all FFXIV is better than WOW or other MMOS but it does have issues I highly recommend the Free Trial as you can play the game up until the 1st expansion without issue! see if you like it.

        FFXI is still alive and well! it's a "FF simulator" that revolves around actually creating a party to go out and fight instead of soloing. it has a 14 day free trial, but I think private servers are free after the purchase of the game.

        • 2 years ago

          >private servers are free after the purchase of the game.
          the private servers are actually free without buying the game, I tried it and had fun.
          It was really nice being lost and having to ask someone for a fishing rod, and for directions to a certain npc since theres no markers.
          I also made some "pals" out in the wild who helped me for a little bit, within 5 hours though I hit a big brick wall with the quest items having terrible drop rates and really tough enemies.
          Like you say you need a party but it is kind of hard to make one at your level.
          And constant admin-player drama makes it very volatile.

          I could try it retail though I heard you have an npc party and its mostly single player now.

          Do you play PSO official or a fan server?

          • 2 years ago

            you can have a solo in FFXI, you also level up faster, run faster, and a few other QoL changes.

            I play on Ephinea, It's pretty much classic but with needed adjustments, https://ephinea.pioneer2.net/

            here's a list of shit:
            Removal of load screens
            Extra hotkeys
            Damage Cancel Reduction
            Individual Drop System
            Shared Experience System
            Multi-language Support for English and Japanese
            Anguish Levels
            32 Character Slots
            Full dressing Room
            Common Bank
            Bank Meseta Limit Increase
            Stackable Common Item
            Fully functional Challenge and Battle Modes
            Choose your Section ID
            Change your character name freely
            Rare Drop notifications
            Various Game Modes
            Daily Luck System
            Hunters Boost Road
            Custom Quests
            Rotating Boost System
            Static Tool Shop
            Solo’able multiplayer maps
            Varied Events
            Lobby Jukebox
            Adjustable BGM and SE levels
            Downloadable Character Data
            Slow Gibbles Spawn fix
            Equipment Changes

            • 2 years ago

              damn the old anime style art makes me feel good. I will give it a go!

            • 2 years ago

              I remember a long ass time ago they were offering to accept character transfers from old servers to there. I really should have jumped on that. I think I still have the character data. Think they'd still honor it? The prospect of starting over isn't jiving with me but I also don't want to be a sandbox character. Eh.

        • 2 years ago

          How do I play PSO, can I not do it on PC?

          • 2 years ago

            Its on PC (blue blur) https://ephinea.pioneer2.net/ is my go to
            you can also play on a moded wii, gamecube, or dreamcast, for a console experience if you desire!

            • 2 years ago

              I have downloaded it on pc, I'll add you even if we never play it'll be nice to have someone there

      • 2 years ago

        >I am hesitant to play PSO since it is old and I missed the boat
        So why are you interested in PSO2? PSO2NG is the current version of the game.

      • 2 years ago

        PSO2 is completely dead and has been replaced by new genesis. It fricking sucks. You know all the shit people complained about in FF14 1.0? no content, old game butchered to push people to the new game, runs like shit? yeah that's all present in NGS.

  2. 2 years ago

    I play PSO2, it's fun. I even vastly prefer NGS to the base version. That said it's gacha scum and is structured like a phone game instead of an MMO. Not to mention NGS itself released with fricking nothing in it and still doesn't have anything really outstanding about it.

  3. 2 years ago

    Actually after trying PSO1 I can say I didnt enjoy what I played. It reminded me of a psp game, in that way it is ahead of its time

  4. 2 years ago

    PSO2 was monster hunter but better.
    PSO2NGS is genshin but worse.

    • 2 years ago

      Pso2 was monhun at a quick/less focused pace. The scions removed any similarities imo. NGS has so many fricking flaws in the design it's insane. PSU clementine has been a treat so far. Might give Eph a try since I pretty much never played pso.

    • 2 years ago

      PSO2 was Ragnarok Online with ADHD. NGS is just a kusoge with good controls.

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      frick /vg/ every general there is a schizo thread

      • 2 years ago

        can you blame them, there isn't shit to talk about cos there isn't shit to do. ngs is in a bad spot. they should just let the thread die like /bdog/ did since it's all just pointless coomer shit and moronic troony drama

        • 2 years ago

          >pointless coomer shit and moronic troony drama
          like i said, that is literally EVERY thread on there
          also stop making excuses for those weirdos

  6. 2 years ago

    its ran by sega

  7. 2 years ago

    because Sega kept making boneheaded mistakes with it. The original game (PSO2) could've easily blown up if they brought it to the west earlier tbh.
    Instead, it was brought over and they had to speedrun an entire 8-year content cycle within a single year, turning off a bunch of players because the gear treadmilling was moron tier.

    NGS meanwhile has a bunch of problems because it was clearly released a year early (datamined files give a shitload of evidence for this, such as everything about the sakura wars gacha failing, skill names implying that we were supposed to start with different skills/get them in a different order, and content that was present in the files but hastily removed and only recently readded). As a core, it's alright, but it needs more shit to do and it has design issues that are caused by Sega being autistic.
    >introduce a multi-weapon system but make it a complete pain in the ass to deal with/regularly shit on it
    >several parts of the game feel like they are missing core mechanics (e.g. class skills/weapon PAs such as Hunter's War Cry being practically worthless/some weapons being damn-near unplayable until they got a 4th PA a few months ago, lack of repeatable content that's rewarding)
    >overall treating the first zones of the game like a tutorial (which, while it makes sense with a long-term design in mind, is a complete turn-off if there isn't anything for players to DO when they hit the level cap.)
    right now, the only things for people to really do are falz R2 and kvaris purples, both of which have issues
    >Falz is locked behind a consumable item and has absolute garbage tier drop rates
    >Kvaris purples suffer from the design flaw of "Everything oneshots you, even if you play as Hunter or subclass it" (the designated "tanky" class) and have the same reward issues that falz does.

  8. 2 years ago

    I've done a bit of ripping from PSO2. The game has excellent assets, but the game itself is probably dead.

    The one thing missing from a lot of current MMOs is I think a duo-centric focus on content. Healer + DPS/Tank, where the preference for a DPS or Tank is left up to personal discretion.

    PSO2 was a lot of just hit-n-run. The gameplay was boring. Further, I am pretty sure the game is very easy to hack. Didn't bother to do this myself, but I have with other MMOs. PSO2 is sort of relegated to the "strip assets" bin for me.

    • 2 years ago

      pso2 was fun but most of the good shit was locked behind 4 man or solo content so you probably completely missed it all. especially if you're describing the game as "hit-n-run" as if you've only bothered with exploration quests and the occasional UQ.

      • 2 years ago

        >Enjoying those solo runs for aug equips
        No, that shit was boring if we are thinking about the same thing

        I had my fun with the game, but you already said it, "pso2 was fun"


        • 2 years ago

          >solo runs for aug equips
          we probably are thinking of completely different things
          divide quests were fun
          extreme quests were fun (at least, when you weren't completely powercrept for them, but XQ4 exists
          ship infiltration was fun
          masq was fun if you took it as a marathon and slowly made your way to 999
          HTPD was fun if you could get a group together for it (which was actually semi-reasonable when we still had the UQ schedule)
          hell, even UH UQs were fun before sega fricked up the schedule and locked it into regularly repeating the same 2-3 UQs.

          the gameplay itself wasn't boring; in fact, most of the main attractions for PSO2 are still playable to this day. the real issue is that you're pretty much locked out of certain endgame gear setups because sega ended the game in a moronic fashion by locking you out of mission badges/capsule exchanges. the game was only "boring hit-n-run" if you were doing seasonal UQs or other shit meant for people to catch up with.
          the only "unfun" content I can think of off the top of my head was
          >endless, because it's a dumb gimmicky meme mode that's RNG-dependant. even then, that's a personal preference; some people actually like running through it.
          >castrum demonica, because it takes all the shitty parts about MB and makes them worse (also frick HMZK)
          >Sodam depths, primarily because nothing changed from the UQ fight at all besides throwing you into a 1v1 against a boss with bloated HP. I did them all and managed to have fun pushing my DPS, but I don't blame people for avoiding that shit.

  9. 2 years ago

    this game was declining in episodr 4 and successor classes sealed the coffin, you can see NGS now for how much people like successor class "gameplay"

    • 2 years ago

      basic PSO2 was fricking garbage and I'm glad it's dead
      NGS classes are all way more fun to play than anything in basic PSO2 was

    • 2 years ago

      Hero and Phantom were pretty much peak PSO2, it was the perfect epitome of the gameplay, very responsive and it mixed mobility with normal combo rotations.
      The problem is that NGS failed to make that work and made everything floaty dogshit like bouncer but somehow worse.
      Playing Hero and Phantom were a perfect example of playing *teleports behind u* responsive gameplay, NGS feels like driving a boat with a sword.

  10. 2 years ago

    i looked in the discord for ephinia and clementine and it's just transgender people with drama. i would love to get into these games but those kinds of communities with how much incessant drama trannies seem to foster

    • 2 years ago

      stay the frick out of the game, you're clearly delusional and have no place in any community with a semblance of civilized human beings. ephinea is primarily adult men and a few grown women who have played since before you were born.

      • 2 years ago

        >went to discord
        >found troony drama
        Wow. So rare.

        the entire community for these servers is in their discord and most of the people are transgender or pro-transgender creeps. I can safely come to the conclusion that this is what remains of the entire phantasy star online fanbase. You're all unironically a bunch of the weird discord trannies everyone spergs out about and I didn't think you freaks actually existed. Sad

    • 2 years ago

      >went to discord
      >found troony drama
      Wow. So rare.

  11. 2 years ago

    anyone on ship 2 want to be friends and play?

  12. 2 years ago

    my problem with pso2 is that the game balance is really fricked up and nothing ever feels like a proper engaging challenge, theyre either piss easy or huge hp sponges. everything else about it is cool tho

    • 2 years ago

      that's what happens when an mmo/lobby-based rpg gets to endgame tbh
      at least some of the content like divides and masq are still challenging to a degree on the higher levels.
      the only hp-sponge issue I really remember was sodam depths, but that other anon already went over those being shit. and I'm saying this as someone that barely affixed shit until the very end when I needed more damage for sodam/HTPD.
      as long as you upgrade your weapons and fill in the SSA slots with relevant abilities, you should be able to clear most of the game's content using units that you picked up off the floor.

  13. 2 years ago

    would like to play ngs with someone on ship 2

    • 2 years ago

      It's weird how they released an MMO in 2021 without any kind of cross-realm style support tbh.

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