Why does this game make Fates fanboys seethe so much?

Why does this game make Fates fanboys seethe so much?

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  1. 4 months ago

    level design is too kino for conquest fanboys

  2. 4 months ago

    Art is some of the best in all of videogames

  3. 4 months ago

    Not an RPG.

    • 4 months ago

      i'm trans btw idk if that matters

  4. 4 months ago

    How do I stop the mindset of resetting when I lose characters I like in Shadow Dragon?

    • 4 months ago

      >characters I like
      >in Shadow Dragon?

    • 4 months ago

      Just finish the chapter and then save in a different slot. Tell yourself you can always go back if you want to, and then play another chapter. You'll probably find that you don't actually care enough to do so later. It's just you fearing you'll miss out until you know better. Besides, you can always do another playthrough.

      • 4 months ago

        >It's just you fearing you'll miss out
        This is why I kind of hate fire emblem, modern fire emblem especially. On the one hand the game wants me to live with my mistakes by going full ironman and accepting the deaths, on the other hand losing a unit means losing dozens of support conversations with them that are supposed to be half the reason to play these games.
        Even just losing out on the ending blurbs for a couple units I didn't even care about that much in SD still hurt.

        • 4 months ago

          I've been saying it for a bit, but fire emblem needs a "dark souls of fire emblem" game where you get one save file that auto saves when a unit dies. No more restarting the maps. Give a lot of units like the old ones used too (that assumed players would actually let units die) and maybe bring back the paralogue requirements from shadow dragon that requires a certain # of units to die before paralogues open. Make a good tragic story to go along with it and you got yourself quite the Fire emblem game.

          I don't think that should be the general rule, as I actually like casual mode. I exclusively play on it as it's just plum more fun to use my units irresponsibly. But I think a one off fire emblem game like how shadows of Valentia does things different that takes the perma death mechanic real seriously would be interesting.

          • 4 months ago

            If you give me maps where strategy actually matters and that aren't "Reinforcement Spam" then sure.
            Also a good story that isn't waifu traps + eugenics

          • 4 months ago

            I'm going to be honest, that sounds like some shit a Western indie company would make rather than a Japanese one.

            • 4 months ago

              I would play that rpg maker game

  5. 4 months ago

    It has a good story unlike Fates. And by not having a good story I mean it's not even mediocre or bland, it is actually awful and the fanservice is simply awful, making me wish for more censorship and not only for the "blow into the mic to make characters climax"

    • 4 months ago

      Correction, it has a slightly better story than Fates. Which is not a high bar at all. Echoes story is dogshit too, even if a little less so.
      No cringey fan service and "skinship" is definitely a plus though.

  6. 4 months ago

    there is absolutely not a single fire emblem with a decent story so I don't know what any of you fricks are on about

  7. 4 months ago

    >absolutely no way to earn enough money to afford equipment
    >unless you buy the dlc which whole purpose is to give players an actual way to make money
    I'm surprised there was no backlash.

    • 4 months ago

      The game gives you plenty of silver marks, wtf are you talking about
      >respawning enemy battles giving silver purses
      >duma tower drops purses from breaking pots
      >both sides have several exotic fruits that sell for 3 gold marks each
      >postgame floods you with silver in the labyrinth

  8. 4 months ago

    I'm at the beginning of act iv right now. I'm disappointed at how low Stat growths are in this game. Only some units like est get a bunch of stats on level up it's not uncommon to get just 1.

    The story is alright. Better than fates. The best part about it is the love-hate relationship between alm and celica. Circumstances can do that.

    I really like the art in this. It's different than any other game in the series and looks really snazzy.

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm disappointed at how low Stat growths are in this game. Only some units like est get a bunch of stats on level up it's not uncommon to get just 1.
      I don't mind it personally. It makes missing levels by promoting early a lot less punishing, and the way promotion works in this game means you're guaranteed a usable unit no matter what. It's not like most other FEs where units slide into permanent uselessness after a few bad levelups.

      • 4 months ago

        Im pretty sure it's good to promote at around lvl10 if u can cause after exp growth drops off big time. Once you promote tho it's good again.

        If you give me maps where strategy actually matters and that aren't "Reinforcement Spam" then sure.
        Also a good story that isn't waifu traps + eugenics

        >Also a good story that isn't waifu traps + eugenics
        You drive a hard bargain

        • 4 months ago

          It's not just the diminishing returns for experience. In SoV when you promote it pushes your stats up to the new class's bases if they're lower, so if you promote a pegasus knight with 19 HP they get pushed up to (iirc) 32 for free.

          • 4 months ago

            Est got a huge hp boost when she promoted to falcon knight. Still I like the rng mahem from the modern games

  9. 4 months ago

    Also frick all those sand missions on celicas route. Theirs a reason modern fire emblems don't give you like 5 sand missions in a row. This game feels a little to much like a NES game given a 3d face-lift. They shoulda done more with the remake like at least modernize the combat. Aerial units like paella, the blue hair one, and est can just wreck havok with zero counters because in this fire emblem archers don't counter then. Lol! Flying units are fricking broken which is why alm only gets one (the shitty one too).

  10. 4 months ago

    I think the artist they had for three houses fits the game as is. But engage woulda been better as a throwback title if they used shadows of valentia's artist.

  11. 4 months ago

    Maybe they could do supports for when the character is alive and dead. And if they perish you can have a support with ur "self insert" plus another character or two reminiscing upon they're departed ally.

    Oh and if the player marries one of their units and they die after they have kids they'll be special supports talking to your kids about they're mom/dad

    • 4 months ago

      >Maybe they could do supports for when the character is alive and dead
      That only exacerbates the problem, I'd have to do (at least) 2 playthroughs where I kill off half the case in one and the other half in another.

  12. 4 months ago

    It's actually a good game which is weird and scary to them.

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