Why does vst completely ignore the best WW2 RTS?

Why does vst completely ignore the best WW2 RTS?

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  1. 9 months ago

    That's not CoH 1 with the Europe at War mod!

  2. 9 months ago

    it doesnt have a mapmaker even though those gayuettes promised one (just like they have for their newest game).

    • 9 months ago

      It’s kind of mind blowing how Eugen just can’t have enough / good / moddable maps in their games. I assume that it has to be some weird engine thing, because it makes zero fricking sense why they absolutely refuse to give us a proper variety of maps in any of their games.

      And it’s not just the gameplay side, but visual too - it gets boring as FRICK when all maps in each of their games tend to look exactly the same. Worst offender being WG: Red Dragon, loved the gameplay, but FRICK those boring washed out Asian plains.

    • 9 months ago

      It’s kind of mind blowing how Eugen just can’t have enough / good / moddable maps in their games. I assume that it has to be some weird engine thing, because it makes zero fricking sense why they absolutely refuse to give us a proper variety of maps in any of their games.

      And it’s not just the gameplay side, but visual too - it gets boring as FRICK when all maps in each of their games tend to look exactly the same. Worst offender being WG: Red Dragon, loved the gameplay, but FRICK those boring washed out Asian plains.

      Every single asset in SD2 was physically placed. No, I'm not making that up. Eugen have said as much. It has something to do with how they did the development. So they've said a map editor will never be possible for that title.

      They learnt their lesson and changed how they did things with Warno.

  3. 9 months ago

    The shitty division system locks you into a specific deck with very little room for creativity. It was supposed to fix the meta deck issue of WGRD, but made it even worse. Instead of just being meta coalitions, where you still have some unit variety of you are willing to play a bit off meta, now you have meta divisions where there is no option to play off meta.
    Warno also has this issue, and it's one of the many reasons I do not play it when I have the option to play RD instead.

    I will say I like the frontline and the phase system better than the way sectors work in RD, and the AI is the best in any Eugen game (which isn't saying much).

    Also, the gameplay is clearly designed around vehicles, but infantry are the bulk of your forces, which just doesnt feel right. It works a lot better in Wargame/Warno, since vehicles are the majority of your units.

    • 9 months ago

      How does letting you use whatever you want from specific nations promote creativity? Why ever use the worse tanks when the better tanks are available? Same deal with infantry, artillery, aircraft, you name it.

      Without the division system you would just be fighting the same cloned units every single time. It actually promotes diversity massively by making sure each div has strong and weak points.

      If your CQC is avtomachiki and you're fighting homies with grenades and flamethrowers then the division system ensures you're rewarded in other areas like having excellent rifle squads or heavy tanks. You will always have a rock to beat their scissors with even if your paper sucks.
      It also means that you HAVE to use cool units to stay competitive that would be completely ignored otherwise. People always rave on about WGRDs unit diversity but the vast majority serves no purpose by even being in the game. In SD2 each division gets unique units of some kind that can be great, mid, or dogshit, but generally you take them because they complement your other stuff.

      I don't agree gameplay is designed around vehicles. There's actual heavy forest in SD2 where vehicles can't even go. You're forced to use infantry units with bombers or artillery as your force multipliers and micro well if you want to win. If you yolo your units in and forgot about what's happening they'll just get butchered. Forests in warno are a joke, vehicles can go wherever they want.

      • 9 months ago

        The surrender/fall back mechanic is also excellent and deserves to be imported into the cold war titles.

      • 9 months ago

        >No divisions
        Can make what ever I want and if I choose to I can play Meta
        Scrubs that play 110% meta can get clowned on by people who just build decks better
        Every Black person is running the same fricking division and if I ever wanna do something fun I will probably getting pigeon holed into playing the dogshit gimmick divisions.

        Imagine arguing for less player control because a dogshit company that can't balance games for shit tried to use it as a crutch and still fricked it up.

      • 9 months ago

        >Without the division system you would just be fighting the same cloned units every single time. It actually promotes diversity massively by making sure each div has strong and weak points.

        Except people only play the same handful of divisions anyways, because those are the ones that have good units in the important areas.

        And then if I want to do something interesting with my deck, I can't, because the division unit selection is too limited for me to do anything the developers didn't intend. It made the game turn stale a lot faster than WGRD did.

      • 9 months ago

        >No divisions
        Can make what ever I want and if I choose to I can play Meta
        Scrubs that play 110% meta can get clowned on by people who just build decks better
        Every Black person is running the same fricking division and if I ever wanna do something fun I will probably getting pigeon holed into playing the dogshit gimmick divisions.

        Imagine arguing for less player control because a dogshit company that can't balance games for shit tried to use it as a crutch and still fricked it up.

        >Without the division system you would just be fighting the same cloned units every single time. It actually promotes diversity massively by making sure each div has strong and weak points.

        Except people only play the same handful of divisions anyways, because those are the ones that have good units in the important areas.

        And then if I want to do something interesting with my deck, I can't, because the division unit selection is too limited for me to do anything the developers didn't intend. It made the game turn stale a lot faster than WGRD did.

        >everyone just plays the same meta divisions
        I have never seen this in 10v10, two or three people play a meta division and then people will also pick really niche or even ass divisions like Alpini Monterosa, NOV, etc. etc.

        • 9 months ago

          they're probably talking about 1v1 ranked which only a tiny proportion of the community bother with

          even then I have seen a very wide variety of divisions based on my experience
          yes some are better than others when new patches arrive but you can make most divisions work even in ranked except for the bottom of the barrel dogshit like NOV or scottish churchill division

      • 9 months ago

        You’re wrong and your reasoning is why i won’t buy anymore Eugen games lmao.

        • 9 months ago

          Nice non argument

        • 9 months ago

          me and my friend just started buying them so between us they're getting money 🙂

          • 9 months ago

            Hard to imagine that someone would consider this as "owning" someone

  4. 9 months ago

    I just play comp stomp with my buddies in SD1

  5. 9 months ago

    I'm guessing pic not related.

  6. 9 months ago

    it's funny, I put like 60 hours into SD1 including all the campaign but I could barely bring myself to do ~5 hours in SD2 despite loving the idea of an Eastern Front game

    • 9 months ago

      sd1 had more soul in the unit cards, graphics, and voices along with getting the scale just right. i also prefered the frontline leading to victory rather than the little flags.

      • 9 months ago

        Because it's a shitty game

        >Perpetually buggy
        >Awful scale
        >Awful balance
        >Insanely stubborn devs who refuse to listen to the community
        >Tons of expensive DLC, a lot of it remixing existing content into more powerful, powercreep divisions
        >Western front units but not maps because devs are stubborn
        >Huge filesize

        SD1 was far more enjoyable. Better scale, nowhere near as greedy.

        SD4 had the worst scale of any Eugen game until Warno came along. There's a reason it did even worse than SD2 did, with dropping below 400 players within a couple months, while SD2 is still going strong with 500.

        But enough about warno. None of those are true at all besides the DLC thing. I can tell you're a seething yuropoor/third worlder but for the rest of us buying things we enjoy isn't a problem.

        >not wanting to throw more money at a shitty game means you're poor
        You're the reason devs can get away with making slop and not go out of business.

        • 9 months ago

          >calling SD1 "SD4" just because it has '44 in the title

          • 9 months ago

            >not calling it SD44, SDN44, or SD1 but SD4
            are you moronic

            Literally just a typo, don't get your fricking panties in a twist. I meant SD44.

          • 9 months ago

            >not calling it SD44, SDN44, or SD1 but SD4
            are you moronic

            Do you have anything substantive to add, samegay, or are you just gonna b***h about a typo?

        • 9 months ago

          >not calling it SD44, SDN44, or SD1 but SD4
          are you moronic

        • 9 months ago

          >calling SD1 "SD4" just because it has '44 in the title

          >not calling it SD44, SDN44, or SD1 but SD4
          are you moronic

          I think this homie just has fat fingers. But whatever, the reality is that people didn't like SD1 because it was a lot more methodical and punishing than Red Dragon but that doesn't mean it was bad. SD2 overcompensated and lets you throw moronic amounts of units across maps that are way too big.

  7. 9 months ago

    It's boring slop

  8. 9 months ago

    Because it's a shitty game

    >Perpetually buggy
    >Awful scale
    >Awful balance
    >Insanely stubborn devs who refuse to listen to the community
    >Tons of expensive DLC, a lot of it remixing existing content into more powerful, powercreep divisions
    >Western front units but not maps because devs are stubborn
    >Huge filesize

    SD1 was far more enjoyable. Better scale, nowhere near as greedy.

    • 9 months ago

      But enough about warno. None of those are true at all besides the DLC thing. I can tell you're a seething yuropoor/third worlder but for the rest of us buying things we enjoy isn't a problem.

      • 9 months ago

        True, people must just be ignoring it because it's such an amazing game

      • 9 months ago

        Unadulterated cope, anon. Maybe you should buy yourself a good game for once.

        • 9 months ago

          Nice shop.

    • 8 months ago

      What is the point of western front units if there's no western front maps?

      • 8 months ago

        MadMat (Eugen Dev) said it would double the size the game if they added western maps. But yeah, it had been a huge complaint by the community, especially since SD44 had some great maps

        • 8 months ago

          It still boggles my mind how fricky their engine must be regarding maps. And it hurts, because diversifying and adding more maps would probably be the easiest way to make their games more long-lasting. I mean, easiest, assuming that their tech wasn’t FUBAR on that front.

  9. 9 months ago

    > the game has only a handfull of maps
    > Balancing is completly ruined after years of MP Meta homosexual b***hing
    > the DLC policy is garbage, most DLCs give you less than 10 new units for 15€
    > there is no Freedom deck builder in the base game, you are forced to play with pre made limited divisions.
    I bought the DLCs, let me make an OP elite division.
    > call in artillery

  10. 9 months ago

    This game is immensely fun playing with friends in multiplayer player but as dull as can be play alone. I am sure it would be fine if there was more game modes and better single player missions. As for the strategy mode, some people rave about it but I find the battles themselves that it generates frustrating or a chore at best.

    • 9 months ago

      i dont have any friends ;(

    • 9 months ago

      yep singleplayer is rubbish
      army general is unplayable after your first few battles

  11. 9 months ago

    how do i deploy in a non-moronic way? i take forever just to deploy like shit.

    • 9 months ago

      I am not the best myself but I like to deploy platoons of about three to four infantry squads with a leader and anti tank section. Which would sit on one objective or key piece of terrain. Obviously the composition changes where they go and what task they have, might put some close range units, or MGs or even assaults guns and reconnaissance vehicles. I like to run decks with cheap infantry so I often can place around 3-4 of these groups. Before or after placing the platoons, I place ‘company assets’ to support these task groups which are mainly, AT, MGs and sometimes tanks. Generally if you have vehicles, you should place at least one anti aircraft gun to cover them. The rest I typically spend on recon.

      In where to deployment, you have to look at where the density of flags are. Keep in mind you have push somewhere at the start to bite and hold to win. This should either be were you can contest a few flags in an area, or somewhere you can push the enemy of completely (like a hill) or some key terrian that let’s you command the surrounding battlefield. I am still figuring out how to cover a whole map when I play alone using infantry expensive decks, but what help me is knowing that it is okay to keep gaps in your line (if they are not taking flag.) In fact, it can be an effective strategy. the further they push into your side the faster you can respond with reinforcements from your map edge. Additionally such a push can leave the enemy isolated from other units, with it’s flanks vulnerable and being to far outside the safety of their air net.

  12. 9 months ago

    just play starcraft

  13. 9 months ago

    how's the new 1st airborne task force?

    • 9 months ago

      All of the new divisions are good. There's significant powercreep going on of the older stuff in the game.

      • 9 months ago

        Classic Eugen. They have no idea how to actually balance, so they just make the new DLC shit way more powerful, because that makes them money in the short term, as the cost of killing their playerbase long term.

        • 9 months ago

          Idk, this last update, Eugen has been looking at older Divisions and rebalancing/ making them historically accurate. They just did a rework of the Fallschirmjäger Divisions and they just became better with a better variety of Infantry choices.

  14. 9 months ago

    I really liked RUSE back in the day, is it at all similar?

    • 9 months ago


  15. 9 months ago

    Sd2 is slop

  16. 9 months ago

    Without a map and scenario editor this game is too repetitive. I enjoyed the missions they had but there are only so many of them. Would be great if we had a community of map and scenario makers but there are no tools available for that to happen.

    This wouldn't bother me so much but it does since the devs "promised" to release map maker tools.

    • 9 months ago

      I am not a fan of the missions. It feels like by making it “multiplayer”, you either get suck with only tanks or only infantry - doomed to chaperon your ai teammate at the best of times or follow them to be an effective combined arms force and have any hope of winning. I would like it if they had 1v1 missions with no or income or ones with more compelling objectives.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah having to do coop with an AI can be bothersome to say the least. Tools for the community to create their own missions would allow for more 1v1 or 2v1 scenarios.

  17. 9 months ago

    >Eugen just announced next dlc will bring all remaining normandy44 divs (+1extra allied) to sd2
    I can finally play my beloved 101st.

    • 9 months ago

      What i don't understand about eugen is how every single limitation is completely self imposed but then they constantly break their own rules anyway. They're still determined to only include divisions in sd2 from late 1944 timeframe like fricking schizos. And for 2 years they refused to include anything not on the eastern front until they caved because unit variety was abysmal and soviets in particular were mickey mouse divisions. At this point why not just give the people what they want? I want to see japanese and chinese units and pershings and gloster meteors and jagdtigers. But eugen won't do it because they're cowards.

      • 9 months ago

        I hear some people, like AttackPower say,
        >well, those countries just don't have stuff to stand up against Western counties.
        So what though? NOV, 4th Alpini, and many others don't either and they're in the game. Japan can have some quality infantry divisions with nice artillery. If its that big a problem then add some of Japan's prototype vehicles, I don't see why the game needs to suffer because some units weren't deployed at a specific part of the front in the couple of months late 1944. What is the functional gain of limiting themselves to such a narrow pool?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, it’s such a moronic argument to bring into a discussion about a game that focuses on small meeting engagements. If the country had even one division armed well enough to fight against your average WWII division, that’s all you need, and like you noted, it’s not like the bar for inclusion is particularly high because we already have divisions that are relatively weak against A-tier stuff.

          And as a military sandboxer, I see zero problems with that. Yeah, compgays will never touch those divisions and some obviously could use some balance passes regarding price and availbility, but I see literally no problem with including divs that have hard time duking it out against heavy tanks.

          damn man i swear i wanted to get into this game so bad, it seems like on paper everything i'd like in a strategy game, but let's be real ok steel division 2 fricking sucks.
          and i really cant put my finger on why, it just somehow is way less than the sum of its parts. every 6 months or so I'll try to boot up an army general campaign, imagining my hours-spanning rts strategy delight, but then immediately im just underwhelmed and bored as frick.
          dont ask me why, i didnt make the fricking thing but everyone here knows what im talking about. the game just isnt that fun. they forgot to add the fun to the game. its boring as frick and it sucks

          IMO it’s kind of a scale issue. SD2 is ”zoomed-out” enough that you can’t quite feel stuff like how different infantry rifles affect your squads, but still too ”zoomed in” so that you can’t really feel differences in strategic level (well, at least outside army general mode). That kind of makes most units inside their own categories feel samey, eg. can’t feel much difference between most medium tanks etc.

          SD1 felt better on this front, with the scale being a bit smaller, even though the gameplay mechanics were mostly same otherwise. Also, Wargame and WARNO avoid this mostly on the fact that NATO and WP forces had big enough doctrinal differences on some weapon systems that the differences become tangible with the ingame scale (WP has tanks with ATGMs while NATO has better stabilizers, NATO has shortage of long-range AA missiles etc.)

        • 9 months ago

          You could give the japs their pretty good late war air force like hyabusas and nakajimas and shit. Their infantry could all be shock or something too to make up for the shit weaponry. Maybe there could be a banzai charge mechanic within 100 metres or something. I mean, there's a million ways to do it. Divisions with terrible armor all have ways to cope in SD2.

      • 9 months ago

        >Eugen repeatedly said they wont bring in the 101st as they don't have the right assets to fight on the Eastern Front
        >Will finally bring over 101st and the rest of SD:N44 divisions over after so many years of moronation
        I hate the French. I doubt they'll ever bring anything from the Pacific theater over but who knows. Maybe in another 5years.

      • 9 months ago

        >At this point why not just give the people what they want?
        Because withholding fun from you is the only power they have as devs. Their forums are filled with calls for content they've promised years ago and the last WARNO thread we had died after less than 30 posts when a big update update followed by them announcing two new Divisions (where they did the exact same thing of breaking their own limitation because they were no longer convenient to the company).
        Even a breath interaction with Eugen employees is enough to show you that they're arseholes who get a hard-on from saying no. They're a company of 4tran jannies.

      • 9 months ago

        They categorically state that they will never do 1945 stuff which is just inexplicable. That cuts off most of the really interesting units which didn't quite make it for WW2, and Eugen still refuses to implement actual WW2 planes like Me262s. They already broke the jet taboo by putting in Arados, does anyone really think more would break the game? AA would just shoot them down anyway even if they were super fighters.

        And why not include Jagdtigers? What difference does it make to your AT gun which already can't penetrate King Tigers? The fricking Elefant is in the game with 230mm penetration and 190 frontal armor.

        Add Pershings and Centurions so Western allies get proper heavies.

        • 9 months ago

          madmat addressed JTs yesterday with the same old moronic cope which is why none of this cool stuff will ever be added
          who cares about your stupid timeframe you frog Black person

      • 9 months ago

        You are completely 100% right but you answered your own question. They self-impose arbitrary anti-fun rules in the name of 'muh realism' and then realize years later and well after the window of opportunity to make a good impression has passed, that they should add the content anyway and so break the self-imposed rule, making it all for naught.
        We are literally talking about a company that advertised that their Army General mode for Warno was 'coming along strongly' in September...2022. Last year. LOL. Warno has been in '6 month early access' for coming up on 2 years now. They completely fricked the first impression with the moronic nerf drama they had over the last 3-6 months where they accidentally-on-purpose broke like half the units in the game.
        Look frankly they just aren't a serious company of serious people, I am almost convinced at this point they somehow are getting massive subsidies from the French government or something (because they are a 'tech company and France is a worthless old world country that cant into computers, so makes sense to me) and they don't give a frick and just do whatever with no sense of urgency or purpose

        • 8 months ago

          > Look frankly they just aren't a serious company of serious people

          I completely agree, and MadMat is the biggest problem for SD2. Much of the community have found flaws in many of the Divisions of units missing or units added that were not present. The FSJ Divisions just got a huge rework and are now more historically accurate, but Task Force 45 has many flaws that were brought up and MadMat will not budge, even when presented with the evidence. Many of the community believe he hurts the game the most, especially since he is Eugen's "Historical Expert." Even though he is wrong 95% of the time and it is the community that is fixing his errors.

          He is the reason why the Jagers and Ski-jagers are not light infantry and don't have the Raider trait.

          • 8 months ago

            >Jagers and Ski-jagers are not light infantry
            How is that even debatable, do you know what his argument was?

            • 8 months ago

              MadMat classed them as mechanized Divisions. So he made them regular Infantry. The Strike Team have tried to make him change it. But it is talking to a wall. With the new campaign, there will be several Jager Divisions present, so he will be forced to confront the Jager question again

    • 9 months ago

      >own SD1
      >SD2 comes out
      >Hey if you own SD1 you get some of the divisions from that game!
      >only some of them!
      >fricking pay up for the rest of them!!
      Greedy fricking buttholes, honestly. Any good dev would have given you access to all of the divisions if you owned SD1 before SD2 came out

      • 9 months ago

        smelly dumb poorgay scum

        • 9 months ago

          t. madmat

  18. 9 months ago

    damn man i swear i wanted to get into this game so bad, it seems like on paper everything i'd like in a strategy game, but let's be real ok steel division 2 fricking sucks.
    and i really cant put my finger on why, it just somehow is way less than the sum of its parts. every 6 months or so I'll try to boot up an army general campaign, imagining my hours-spanning rts strategy delight, but then immediately im just underwhelmed and bored as frick.
    dont ask me why, i didnt make the fricking thing but everyone here knows what im talking about. the game just isnt that fun. they forgot to add the fun to the game. its boring as frick and it sucks

    • 8 months ago

      >less than the sum of its parts
      Yeah this is how I feel about the SD series
      At least Wargame was like, kind of silly and fun
      Steel Division is just dour and tedious

      • 8 months ago

        I actually found the Army General verses campaign to be extremely challenging. I do know the Men of Steel update really changed a lot of the campaigns for how many infantry types were changed with new traits.

  19. 9 months ago

    Are the devs still seething that their fanbase still sticks to wgrd instead of their newer snoozefest insomnia medicine tier games

  20. 9 months ago

    >recycling the old divisions
    >no western front maps tho because frick you
    What a loathsome dev.

    • 9 months ago

      Small French company please understand

  21. 9 months ago

    I went in expecting RUSE 2 and was disappointed to see wargame: ww2

    • 8 months ago

      >tfw RUSE2 never ever
      It required just few updates to be perfect.
      Sometimes good overall design+gameplay triumphs over autistic detail (example: Advance Wars)

  22. 8 months ago


  23. 8 months ago

    Because I...
    >don't like the camera
    >the sound design is terrible
    >I hate the desaturated colours
    >army generals is boring and cumbersome

    I wanted to like it, but there were just too many annoying things about it.

  24. 8 months ago

    >16th panzer
    >6 king tigers 1A/5B
    Yeup, it's 10v10 time

    • 8 months ago

      the cancer killing sd2

      • 8 months ago

        skill issue buddy
        Never playing allies btw

  25. 8 months ago

    my fav division is 52nd sicherungs

  26. 8 months ago

    Any other Wargamebros keeping an eye on Broken Arrow? Can't be any worse than WARNO, at least

    • 8 months ago

      Gotta wait and see how multiplayer "stress test" beta turn out and tbh only thing Broken Arrow dev had to do is release as full game no "Early Access" BS

      Also i believed that WARNO is Eugen responded to Broken Arrow get published by Slitherine, hence WARNO rush into Early Access instead of beta for anyone who preorder like both Steel Division.

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