Why does Xbox get do much hate? I like mine, it's comfy to play in bed and for strategy games and shit I have my PC.

Why does Xbox get do much hate?
I like mine, it's comfy to play in bed and for strategy games and shit I have my PC. I did buy a PS5 but unfortunately the new controller doesn't agree with my hands, particularly right hand had cramping. I didn't want to frick around finding a third party controller, so I brought it back to the store and told them it was faulty and got a Series X instead. Kind of wish I got to play the classic PlayStation games on the PS Plus library, like Infamous and so on but I still have my PS4 somewhere at my parents house. One other benefit of Xbox from what I see is that you can get cheap keys online a lot easier, I definitely notice some good deals. I know I could pirate on PC but again I find myself hardly using mine anymore unless I want to play an RTS game or whatever. I also use my Xbox for YouTube sometimes, also got 3 months free for Disney Plus so for now I use it to watch classic Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad. Had the controller agreed with me for PS5 I'd probably still have it, and my Xbox account is older so it's nice to work on my old gamerscore I guess but not a big deal

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  1. 8 months ago

    Because it keeps advertising itself as the strongest and it's not been that for a while.

    • 8 months ago

      It dropped it ages ago.

  2. 8 months ago

    You know you can simply connect your pc to the TV and still play in bed with the exact same controller

    • 8 months ago

      bold of you to claim a teevee connection solves the UI, launcher and control problems native to PC gaming regardless of input.

  3. 8 months ago

    because there is an ecosystem that removes its specialty, that ecosystem consists of PCs (the best) and any cloud device such as cell phones or SmartTVs. They don't really have their own exclusives and the oldgays give value to the consoles with exclusives and all that shit
    Right now Xbox series is a device for normies or tardo people who can't build a good PC

    • 8 months ago

      It's morons who want to waste their money constantly upgrading their PC just to play vidya
      Chads with other shit going on their lives game comfy on the couch on their Xbox
      Stay mad and get laid loser

      • 8 months ago

        Idk if they are the tards, they don't pay a sub to play online games

        • 8 months ago

          Convenience fee to not sit hobbled over the desktop like some fricking loner hunchback
          Stay seething homosexual

          • 8 months ago

            The same cable that connects you shit box to your TV can also connect your pc to it you tard

            • 8 months ago

              I'm not using a keyboard and mouse on my couch your absolute troglodyte PC homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                then don't?
                >he hasn't heard of big picture mode

              • 8 months ago

                Dude...I already did the PC connected to the TV thing
                Got tired of having to use K+M to login to games and then not everything supported controller
                That's why I switched from using Steam as my primary to Xbox once Backwards Comparability became a thing and even better once One X Enhanced updates started happening
                Too bad they shit the bed not supporting that anymore but the vidya industry in general is utter dogshit

              • 8 months ago

                >Got tired of having to use K+M to login to games and then not everything supported controller
                That's why I keep a console. I often play local multiplayer games & nothing kills the mood more than a pc game being moronic needing to be tinkered with to get it to run or recognize controllers & problems like that are far too common. I only get a game on pc if it's exclusive, significantly better or needs mods. At least emulation can be seamless with controller when it's setup about the only thing I know will work every time but damn it took an eternity to get that setup with a frontend.

              • 8 months ago

                Same, I barely touch my PC now since I dropped my mmo habit. Nice to have for strategy games and maybe a competitive FPS. Tried that F2P WW2 FPS game called Enlisted on Xbox and I actually didn't mind using the controller after playing for a while. Looking at le pc master race memes from not even a decade ago on here makes me cringe or people who unironically whine about filthy casuals and all that bollocks. Just do what you enjoy and don't be a turbo autist moron about it, sounds simple but for me I was influenced at times from some of the dumb shit I read on here.

              • 8 months ago

                >I actually didn't mind using the controller after playing for a while.
                I had a decent pcs up until my teens then for basically two decades didn't have a pc capable of playing games worth a damn so got proficient with controller for fps & now I'm just too lazy to relearn mouse & keyboard. I'm just like ehh frick it, I played timesplitters so much over the years that I can play really well on controller & if a fps game has auto aim it's like cheating for me lol. But yeah outside emulation I primarily use it for games that benefit greatly benefit from mods.

              • 8 months ago

                You're a shill homosexual. I was a console user since the PS1/N64 era when I was a kid. I converted over to PC gaming this gen because of how god awful consoles have become.
                Consoles used to be a cost effective alternative to PC gaming, now they are just used by shit companies to push subscriptions down your throat. If you support console gaming in its current state you are a giga normie.
                This is coming from someone who has been chastised by Ganker for console gaming for over a decade.

              • 8 months ago

                >Consoles used to be a cost effective alternative to PC gaming, now they are just used by shit companies to push subscriptions down your throat. If you support console gaming in its current state you are a giga normie.
                Nothing changed from this perspective.
                >here is a potato rig I built from second hand parts and can run a select few games better than console if I turn everything to low
                >also I conveniently forget this rig won't be able to run newer PC games at all while the console will
                The cost of games are unrelated, consoles and pcs were only ever cost effective if you pirated and most people only had a handful of games back then.

              • 8 months ago

                >Nothing changed from this perspective.
                Subscriptions weren't even a thing until the Xbox 360 and everyone shat on it because of it.
                The PS3 had an insanely good value for its time because you had a video game player, a bluray player, and free online all in one package. Even bluray players around that time were almost as expensive as the PS3. Where do you get that kind of value now?
                >>here is a potato rig I built from second hand parts and can run a select few games better than console if I turn everything to low
                This is disingenous. You can get a mid range PC for the price of a console and it will run everything just fine, as long as you aren't playing in meme resolutions. Even then, PC parts are cheap as frick so its not much to upgrade them. You can't upgrade a console.

              • 8 months ago

                >a shitty blu-ray player
                >a shitty video game console, that can't even render at 720p
                >and free online, with online passes and broken region free
                worst console ever made

              • 8 months ago

                Value is relative. You get the best objective value right now on the console side from an Xbox and nobody cares. Just like how nobody cared about the PS3 despite the "value" until it had games.
                >as long as you aren't playing in meme resolutions
                Yeah here we go with the "but"s. Most console games are forced to run in higher than 1080p resolutions because they aim for a 4K screen by default. If a console game runs in a significantly lower resolution it is considered a bad experience. PCgays compare this disingenuously with a "mid range" PC that aims for 1080p with fake frames and fake resolutions. When a new card comes out the default testing method is "yeah just slap DLSS and FSR on and look how well it runs!"
                Significant upgrades on PC are not separate anymore. Not only sockets and slots change but instead of getting bottlenecked by the GPU you will be bottlenecked by the CPU instead.

              • 8 months ago

                Well said m8. Just hold Xbox home button on the controller, crack open a few tins with the lads and enjoy. Anyone who disagrees is 99% likely a seething incel who can't stand 'le normies' getting into their 'fringe' (it was never fringe lmao) hobby. Simple as.

        • 8 months ago

          I pay $0 for gamepass ultimate.

      • 8 months ago

        You only need to upgrade your PC 2 times in a generation and that's what will happen on consoles. Wait for the second upgrade for PS5..and of course for Xbox Series (which will be the most powerful consoles) later, just as happened in the previous generation.

    • 8 months ago

      My XBOX doesn't replace my gaming PC. I use it as a cheaper "alternative" for a gaming laptop. And with each port added to the XBOX it's becoming closer and closer to being a real mini-pc (albeit in a closed ecosystem). Although bulky in size in terms of weight it's about as portable as a gaming laptop. Those things are getting really heavy these days.

  4. 8 months ago

    Holy shit, did not read, cope

    • 8 months ago

      They were trying to get into the handheld market instead of investing in it like Steam did
      Stupid corpos still think the future is in cloud
      Mostly because they made their careers off it

    • 8 months ago

      What you all morons don't know it wasn't really a serious attempt.
      It will not depend on Nintendo's managers when micro$oft seriously tries it

      • 8 months ago

        Japan's Old Men and Oldest Families sent me here to laugh at you. HAHAHAHAHAHA

        • 8 months ago

          Yes, only old men
          What matters is keeping the creative ones and they are not exactly old men anymore.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Why does Xbox get do much hate?
    Because it lacks in Japanese exclusives that you will only get on Switch or Playstation due to how those types of games just don't sell on Xbox.
    Because Microsoft is doing everything in their power to make it a digital only platform which is beyond moronic and now the SeX refresh is even going to have to deal with this.
    Because the UI is objectively the worst of the big three and has so many ads it's revolting. Sony did the guide button better on their PS5 in one go than Microsoft has done in three goes. Don't even get me started on it randomly depopulating your online library even if you're online and then taking hours if not days to gain your games back, an issue I've had happen on my Xbone six times now preventing me from playing anything that I didn't have pinned or in my disk drive.
    Because if you don't want to pay money to rent games via GamePass they have nothing to sway you over to their side. I don't give a rat's ass about GP just like I don't give a rat's ass about PS+ so the only reason I would get it is for better performing multiplats and the very few exclusives they have now like The Evil Within 3 or Ghostwire 2.
    Because after years of Microsoft having a bunch of first-party studios they've failed to make anything worth value, and Bethesda has been the only one to actually do something in the past six or so years. Prior to that it was Insomniac with Sunset Overdrive, Remedy with Quantum Break, and Comcept with ReCore.

    • 8 months ago

      Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break were fun
      Wish they wouldn't give up on their IP so easily
      ReCore got tedious
      They will kill of the little market share they have if the go exclusively digital since it's the 2nd hand used market is the only thing driving digital game prices down
      I've had a better experience gaming on the SeX than on a SnoyStation even with a Sony Bravia TV

      • 8 months ago

        >They will kill of the little market share they have if the go exclusively digital
        Well, they are. The SeX refresh is getting rid of the disk drive and they won't be selling the original one anymore.

        • 8 months ago

          >The SeX refresh is getting rid of the disk drive and they won't be selling the original one anymore.
          Wow so even someone like me who has a library of xbox games spanning every gen is being tossed aside now.
          I swear it's like every step they choose the worst possible option, it's like xbox is ran by its enemies holy shit.

          • 8 months ago

            They're gonna sell you a proprietary external drive, and let you use old consoles for a secondary disc auth method. The latter was already patented by MS.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm not getting it, I'm gonna rock the series x until 360 emulation replaces it, virtually every post 360 game is on pc anyway. I'll never buy another xbox if they do this.

  6. 8 months ago

    I have a SeX but I have a shit ton of 360 games I still play & I haven't had any interest in anything exclusive sony has put out since they went cinematic at the end of the PS3. I'm a very very niche case, there’s really nothing about the console that makes it worthwhile on merit. It had retail emulation which made a few people I know want to buy it but they killed that shit, the fact the ability to play old games was the biggest selling point it ever had for my friends is really telling. Worst of all microsoft is just as woke as sony but with no exclusives, it's just a shittier PS5 to the average person & you basically need a switch if you want to play any japanese games, games ps5 will get. It's pretty bad all around.

    • 8 months ago
  7. 8 months ago

    Because they keep pushing their cancerous subscriptions into the gaming industry.

    Let's not forget they were the ones who made paying to play online mainstream. And now they want to be the "Netflix" of gaming, which is pure cancer with their price increases, removing games from the service when you least expect it, and shitty Xbox exclusives like Redial that are just as bad as a Netflix original.

    • 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    >ads on dashboard
    >three strike rule for nono words
    >pay for online
    >can't even make an offline account to play games you pay for
    All for the price you can buy a mid range PC with

  9. 8 months ago

    Because most of the posters are either snoys or have a hateboner for MS despite they are too young to even know why they should be angry (unless someone tells them). There are also the losers who can only get satisfaction from seeing someone else fail.

  10. 8 months ago

    Great console

  11. 8 months ago

    Hello sirs

  12. 8 months ago

    love mine.

  13. 8 months ago

    Because Microsoft are the biggest israelites in the industry, and they stopped even trying to publish decent games years ago so there's not even any real console exclusives on their system.

  14. 8 months ago

    Because it was a vector for a bunch of shady Microsoft shit that has afflicted gaming and made it significantly worse.
    Microsoft is well known by this point for its practice of completely overturning a market specifically to insert themselves as some kind of arbiter or middleman of shit mountain.
    They normalized a lot of bullshit, introduced a lot of stagnation and set up the conditions for the industry to utterly fail to retain any kind of talent in favor of making slop for the normalgays that they were drawing in.
    AAA is dead and indie that doesn't sell out may actually slowly start overtaking major publishers in terms of quality, if not scope, and even that will slowly start to shift in favor of smaller indies as tools get better, more publicly available and start filling more use cases.

  15. 8 months ago

    Xbox and Nintendo need to go third party because Sony DESERVES to control the industry.

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