Why don't we get Skaven in 40k?

Think about it. They're high-tech, could hide in space ships (like rats lived on sail ships), amass and take over Forge Worlds, etc. I think they would fit in great.

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  1. 5 months ago

    The Imperium are the Skaven.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      first post is the best post

  2. 5 months ago

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the Skaven as far as I know did not exist as an army/faction proper when WH40k was created. They weren't fleshed out into the Skaven of today until later, at a time when GW was firmly in the "two different games" mindset seen in removing Squats from 40k as well as personal desire to create new lore by writers as opposed to just appropriating stuff from others. I believe other contributing factors to the decision to not add them since would be:
    >incompatability with pre-existing lore, ie, having to shoehorn their existence into all existing circumstances. This always ends in complications even with factions as minor as Votann
    >GW not wanting to "ruin" appeal of WHFB by just adding it to 40k, diluting either game's uniqueness
    >lack of interest as a faction, either perceived or real

    I'll elaborate on that last one since it's also the only thing GW cares about at the end of the day: money. GW probably figured that 1) if they added Skaven to 40k people would not care or see it as a lame copout. This means no $$$. 2) If GW added Skaven to 40k people would just convert their WHFB armies to 40k, buy only a few usable as conversions into their WHFB armies, or not want to buy the same faction again but "in space". In all cases the result is $$$ lost.

    • 5 months ago

      >They weren't fleshed out into the Skaven of today until later, at a time when GW was firmly in the "two different games" mindset
      Dark eldar and necrons came out post-skaven, and they're just 40k versions of dark elves and tomb kings.

      • 5 months ago

        >40K version of Dark Elves
        No, Dark Elves are actually relevant and important to the setting.

        • 5 months ago

          Is anyone actually a fan of Dark Elves themselves and not just Malekith because of the memes? He's 99 percent of their identity which makes them kinda boring compared to Dark Eldar, at least for me.

      • 5 months ago

        >Dark eldar and necrons came out post-skaven, and they're just 40k versions of dark elves and tomb kings.
        Initial necrons were just chaos androids
        Then they were metal tyranids
        Tomb kings in space was only within the last 10 years

        • 5 months ago

          >Tomb kings in space was only within the last 10 years
          I firmly believe this was one of the worst decisions they have ever made fluff-wise

    • 5 months ago

      >Correct me if I'm wrong but the Skaven as far as I know did not exist as an army/faction proper when WH40k was created
      You are wrong, they existed way before 40K (as early as second edition far as I'm aware) since, like much of early warhammer, they were just a excuse for people to use existing fantasy miniatures.

      • 5 months ago

        Skaven were in 1e Rogue Trader as Ratlings (mainly snipers) but they were abhumans in the Imperium Guard. I haven't followed 40k lore, so I have no clue what beastmen, ogryns, ratlings and other abhumans are like now, they were there and integrated, using the Imperial Guard army list.

        • 5 months ago

          I hate you. Stop saying this shit every single goddamn thread. Ratlings are halflings. Have you ever seen a ratling model? You stupid motherfricker.

          • 5 months ago

            No they're not, hence the name. Ratling = Skaven, Ratling is not Halfling.

            Oh, you're gorgeous by the way, I love the way your lip curls when you're angry darling.

            • 5 months ago

              NTA but that Anon is right. Ratlings are halflings.

              >t. Has Ratling squads in an ImpGuard lineup

              • 5 months ago

                Bugger, alright, I give up then.

        • 5 months ago

          Ratlings were halflings

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure they were the Hrud in Rogue Trader

  3. 5 months ago

    Because skaven are shit.

  4. 5 months ago

    Hello I am the person in these decades-running threads who jumps in to say that 40k Skaven are Hrud. You can usually catch me with my buddies, "guy who posts the Jes Goodwin sketches" and "it's humanity" guy.
    40k Skaven are Hrud.
    See you next thread.

    • 5 months ago

      >40k Skaven are Hrud
      Came here to post this.
      Thank you for your service 'skaven are hrud' dude.

    • 5 months ago

      what if we took the xenobiology bendy Hrud, and the early sketch art lasgun Skaven Hrud, and even the 'human are the Skaven' crowd

      and then we made them all a thing under the same umbrella of gutter dwelling Old One leftover vaguely Eldar aligned minor Xenos, since the bendy Hrud canonically tend to assimilate humans and other beings into their own 'family' groups anyways?

      • 5 months ago

        Ash Waste Nomads

    • 5 months ago

      xenology says otherwise

  5. 5 months ago

    Stay in your general

  6. 5 months ago

    The last thing 40k needs okay there's probably other things but it's toward the bottom of the list is more factions.

  7. 5 months ago

    They would have fit great. Lizardmen too since the Slann already exist in-universe and reptilians are a sci-fi staple. But if you hadn't yet realized, GW is fricking stupid so instead of continuing with the whole warhammer fantasy battle IN SPAAAAAAAACE thing they were doing they decided to throw us a curveball and add the Tau with their FRICKING GUNDAMS.

    • 5 months ago

      Lizardmen wouldn't really have a spot because Exodites already have the dino rider thing going and that's the main lizardman appeal imo.

      • 5 months ago

        Take our the battlesuits and lizardmen world have been great as Tau

      • 5 months ago

        Lizardmen could sort of work in 40k if you took a page out of the Coalseced from AoS and had them exist as some sort of erratic malfunctioning war machine leftover from the War in Heaven like the Orks and Eldar but never intended to be a self sufficient race like them. Maybe they were designed as a counter measure to enslavers as a grid of these remote facilities that would detect warp anomalies and apparate the Lizardmen on site out of thin air as a crisis response system, being originally a race of hardy and uncorruptable violent reptilians from a death world and then taken and shaped into automatons designed and created for specific combat purposes. Of course with the Old Ones gone and the collapse of their civilization and the ravages of time the beacons/facilities are scattered, lost, destroyed, and malfunctioning. They are just as likely to appear in time to halt a chaos invasion as they are to randomly appear on a mountainside on an empty world for a few hours before 'despawning' or in the middle of a ork camp leading to a massive pointless fight.

        They would probably need some visual redesigning though, Kroq-Gar with his golden megaman gauntlet could be a good approach to start with. Tyranids and Kroot already show you can do the bestial thing in 40k just fine.

      • 5 months ago

        If you can do kroot, you can do lizardmen. same idea.

      • 5 months ago

        A xenos auxiliary army led by slann would be fun, but I'll admit it probably wouldn't sell well.

      • 5 months ago

        Exodites are shit. They mereley adoted the dinosaurs. People would buy dinos riding dinos over homosexuals riding dinos. As proven by exodites not habing any models while lizards just got their range refreshed. Also how many dino factions do we have at this ooint? Kroot got a NotTrex, squigs got dinoy too, tyranids look like dinosaurs. I dont think some pointy eared npc faction detracts from aztec dinosaur ayylmaos

  8. 5 months ago

    Dude whats stopping you? Just make your own. Either an abhunan guard regiment, kitbashed. Or admech fluffed as from a world wracked by mutations that try to redeem themselves by sheddjbg their flesh, mutates traitor guard or dark mechaniczs, nurgle whatevers, or tau and play it as old fluff Hrud who work as mercenaries, kroot working well for hrud rifles.
    Hell you could play dark eldar, haemunculi covens, using wracks as storm vermin, grotesques as rat ogres and running beastmasters for other ratto bs.
    Or run em as orks and fully refluff it.
    Theres sci fi ratto models from the kings of war company and tons of sci fi skaven to print. You have no excuse.

    I for one am making a laeran/sslyth deldar army

    • 5 months ago

      you don't even need to kitbash. you could just use the mantic space skaven army.

  9. 5 months ago

    Skaven are an original idea that somebody at GW thought up way after they shit out muh grimderp fantasy but in speese! 40K and like the typical mostly unimaginative and lazy shits they are they've never been able to think of a way to integrate Skaven into the future. Plus all GW wants to do is to sell 10 cents worth of plastic to morons for 100 bucks a pop and Fantasy never sold nearly as well as 40k did so they don't want to risk introducing a whole new Skaven faction that they think may not sell (even though WHF is a shining example of GW's incompetence since interest in it surged when competent products ie Vermintide and Total Warhammer video games were released proving it's not the setting itself that failed but GW for not getting people more interested in the first place).

    • 5 months ago

      >Skaven are an original idea
      No, they were ripped off from fafhrd and the gray mouser

  10. 5 months ago

    Here are your 40k skaven

    • 5 months ago

      The Imperium is literally the opposite of the Skaven. The Skaven are a sort of shadow-empire, a Saturnian, underground world like Agartha. Despite its existence being highly obvious Skavenblight is a myth nobody believes in.

      The Imperium is like the opposite of this? The only group that has ever expressed any doubt about the Imperium's size is the Tau, and that's played up for laughs like they cannot fathom just how farcically large the Imperium is, where individual planets like Necromunda canonically have populations in the Quadrillions.

      And even there it's not like the Tau deny that humans exist, they just think that the "Imperium" is a decadent joke Empire whose history is exaggerated by its brainwashed history--and that's kind of true, but it's mostly true in the sense that Imperials themselves don't understand how big the Imperium is.

      • 5 months ago

        You seem yo have gotten yourself stuck and fixated on one aspect of the Imperium

  11. 5 months ago

    They really could, they and beastmen could be lumped together as ”abhumans” and mutants.

  12. 5 months ago

    No skaven is one of the strongest points of 40k v.s fantasy

  13. 5 months ago

    There area already a lot of underground empires with Chaos, mutants, and Dark Eldar that either hide in the entrails of the Imperium or use portals to appear everywhere. An underempire Skaven empire wouldn't work.

  14. 5 months ago

    Twist: Their Tau auxiliaries and look monstruous but are the nicest guys in the block, like the Kroot.

  15. 5 months ago

    instead, buy from the company that actually likes to please it's fans over make money....

    • 5 months ago

      NTA, I would but nobody plays Mantic's stuff or OPR here, and I'm tired of constantly trying to champion new games in my community, only to see like 1 slightly interested person after 2-3 months of non-stop bi-weekly demos.

  16. 5 months ago

    The meme answer is that imperium are already skaven, but the slightly more serious answer flows from that.
    The actual SpaceSkaven would have to out-skaven the regular imperium shenanigans and that's pretty hard to do without going so far over the top it just gets silly. They'd basically have to go a few levels above Drukhari, who are already kinda grimderp.

  17. 5 months ago

    So orks?

  18. 5 months ago

    The Hrud were the 40K Skaven before GW said "this would be moronic, let's make something else"

  19. 5 months ago

    Besides the correct answer of them being the Hrud before being retconed, their niche as a faction has already been taken up by AdMech, Guard, Dark Eldar, Genestealers, etc. etc. Go back to Total War or Ganker

  20. 5 months ago


    Always was.

    The fact that GW did nothing with it is just emblematic of them being homosexuals. Same reason the squats and the beastmen of the imperium went nowhere and were squatted.

  21. 5 months ago

    >Why don't we get Skaven in 40k?

    • 5 months ago

      Space rats rise up

  22. 5 months ago

    With the current efforts to poz WH40k, the Skaven's and their incredibly red-pilled use of their women would never be introduced.

  23. 5 months ago

    If I had all the time in the world I would kitbash a bunch of clanrats and guardsmen.

  24. 5 months ago

    They not really needed lore or game-eise but I've always wanted some 40k skaven just for the minis. Mantic do some that are pretty gud I suppose but you know, Mantic. I want some GW-standard models. Just make a box for killteam or whatever those Gellerpox infected dudes were for

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