Why don't you like PvP in MMORPGs?

Why don't you like PvP in MMORPGs?

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  1. 10 months ago

    I like it though, why are you making assumptions of me?

  2. 10 months ago

    Albion Online thread?
    Just ratted a 7.3 and got 3m. Love teaming up in the Mists as a 5.1 grub. Love getting death threats. Love purging your boots. Simple as.

    • 10 months ago

      I like PvP and think it's fun 2bh, my only complaint is when some max level gay deliberately ganks noobs. It's not even that this mechanic exists, but more the fact that there's not an incentive for other high level players to counter the ganker. If I was making an MMO I'd have it so that initiating and killing another player would mark you with a bounty or something, so that other players would be incentivised to hunt you.

      Could you translate this?

  3. 10 months ago

    being forced to do it when I don't want to

    • 10 months ago

      >Forced into it
      Nobody is forcing you to play a game

  4. 10 months ago

    I want to opt into it, if I want to be jumped by other people I wanted it to be a choice I made, this generally starts with server choice (pvp and pve)

  5. 10 months ago

    It always bothers the frick out of me when there's shit exclusive to PvP that I really want but would have to suffer through PvP for. It just ends with me throwing myself at it until I get what I want so I can finally frick off and get back to doing what I want to do, and then my teammates are stuck with somebody who doesn't really want to be there.

    • 10 months ago

      stop pvping in ff14

  6. 10 months ago

    Because fighting games are much better for PVP. MMO PVP always ends up being someone who's way higher level than you camping you for fun. MMOs are also incredibly low fricking skill
    >WoW rotations are 1-3 buttons with addons telling you what to do
    >FF14 is simon says with addons telling you where to go and drawing fricking lines for you

    • 10 months ago

      WoW, ESO and FF14 are PvE MMOs. They aren't balanced around PvP.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm kind of in line with . Where I differ is that I actually like it on paper. I want to like it but almost every encounter is vastly skewed because of level or item disparity between two players. So it ends up being that low levels have to grind PvE until they've capped out level and items, or else get curb-stomped by max'd out players. Or they have to join roaming zerg parties who go around smashing newbies. I'm not against their existence however. I just tend to not play MMOs at all. MMO PvE is boring and MMO PvP is broken. On top of that no one in mmos communicates in games anymore they all just have their private discord chats. So it tends to be a single player experience with hundreds of players running past you in town. From Software's Souls game honestly has a much better online system. If only their netcode wasn't absolutely shit and 1997-tier, and they had proper incentives for actually engaging in pvp.

    • 10 months ago

      the skill cap in WoW PvP is actually pretty high and way more than 3 buttons are used.
      The thing is that the type of "skill" is actually 99% knowledge based. ie You know which move to use when the enemy does X, you know how to kite vs Y move, where to position yourself when the enemy does Z, and then if the enemy does X but his friend is there and also doing Y then you need a completely different response, etc.

      Some of this you find out through logical thinking and the rest through trial and error. Its fun to me to play rp- pvp games and read the abilities and find the synergies and set up my custom keybinds and totally kick ass but being more clever with my abilities. WoW world PvP back in the day was great for that. Now the game is mapped out and kinda boring, but also zoomers buy gold and spend like 15g on consumables in pvp and you need to match them or you auto lose the fight half the time. so its annoying to have to spend 5-15g to beat some shitter who doesnt even know his class abilities just because he has thousands of gold. Back in the day you were looked down on for using consumes in duels or even 1v1 world pvp situations that werent a gank.

  7. 10 months ago

    >okay, lets try some pvp
    >camped by sweaty premades for hours

  8. 10 months ago

    Because it's bullshit sometimes. Webm VERY related.

    • 10 months ago

      >the three additional rogues all doing the same thing.
      KEK. I used to do something similar with Hunter pets and Eyes of the Beast.

  9. 10 months ago

    Without full loot PvP it's not a PvP MMO. Players will just bring the best everything when they are not at risk of losing it.

  10. 10 months ago

    I don't know what's more depressing, that more and more posters are making reddit screencap threads, or that anons aren't immediately telling them to frick off

    • 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    Go back

  12. 10 months ago

    Because PvP needs fun combat and only a few MMO's have that.

  13. 10 months ago

    cooperation > competition

    • 10 months ago

      Communist moron

      • 10 months ago

        We're talking about video games here, boy.

  14. 10 months ago

    Literally the only reason to play an MMO is the PvP
    Its baffling to me that autists do the same fricking dungeons and raids, that have been solved for decades now and see nothing wrong with it in ahit like Classic WoW

  15. 10 months ago

    New World's pvp system was perfect, completely opt-in but bonuses for doing so even if you're not actively PVPing.
    Shame it was run by Amazon though. Never stood a chance.

  16. 10 months ago

    it's a waste of time and effort. PVP is only worthwhile if you start off even and then win by skill any other pvp is shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >MMOs are fundamentally a genre about winning by preparation, forethought and striking first
      >but PvP has to be equalized and fair minigame
      Objectively wrong. You have to be skill AND prepared.

  17. 10 months ago

    I like pvp in pvp mmos like DAoC and WAR a lot. I'm there to pvp and it's usually at least kind of well designed and you're frequently fighting over something instead of just pointless ganks.

    I hated world pvp in wow until I hit 60 and was half geared in classic and I never stopped hating it on live. All you're ever trying to do in that game is to not fall behind and getting ganked while you're trying to do your chores or catch up to the rest of the server is just fricking misery. PVP is a leisure time activity in PVE games and WoW at least is designed to never let you have any leisure time.

    Also it's really cute to me that people have to dance around the point and use all these were euphemisms instead of using the word 'gank' when that's obviously what they're talking about.

  18. 10 months ago

    I like PvP but it's the time penalty for me. In New World, I always had PvP on because the time saved from the gathering bonus offset any time lost from being killed. That and I really enjoyed the combat in new world.

  19. 10 months ago

    Most open world pvp in MMO's is fricking pointless and does nothing but create large levels of toxicity fruitlessly.

    Almost all open world pvp gives inherent advantage to the attacker. Which means if you get ganked you're usually already at a disadvantage, even before taking levels/gear/buffs etc into consideration. Making fighting back feel pointless from the get go.

    Compound this with there often not being 'valid' reasons to attack another target. In WoW for example, mobs respawn faster if more players are in the area. Nodes for gathering are multi-tap. And due to how tanky most specs are, if your goal is to murder someone to steal a tag on a rare, they're just going to finish killing it before you kill them, wasting your time anyway.

    This puts open world pvpers into 1 and only 1 category "I'm not interested in good fair fights, and i'm not interested in any specific reward, I just enjoy making other people unhappy 🙂 "

    So you have a system that encourages only the most toxic players, and empowers them because attackers have the advantage, and then you wonder why Open world PvP feels dogshit in MMO's.

    The correct thing to do is ensure defenders have advantage, penalize (somewhat) players for picking on lowbies, ensure that mobs die slower than players so tags can be stolen, and shift how open world content is designed to force fights and make it so fights feel pointful. Most games don't bother doing these things.

    • 10 months ago

      >In WoW for example, mobs respawn faster if more players are in the area. Nodes for gathering are multi-tap. And due to how tanky most specs are, if your goal is to murder someone to steal a tag on a rare, they're just going to finish killing it before you kill them, wasting your time anyway.
      In classic, hardly any of these were the case. Dynamic spawns weren't really a thing except for the release period. For the most part, a single other person in the area had no effect on spawn rates, meaning that the mobs you could farm was cut effectively into half, assuming you could kill them all by yourself before respawns. Hence it gave you an incentive to attack, if you were willing to deal with the risk of the other player coming back and attacking you. At best, you monopolize the mobs, at worst, you're corpserunning for the next hour because the guy fights back properly.

      Nodes would be fought over, especially if it was something rare and valuable like black lotus. Of course there's very little time to prevent someone from taking your node (3s for herbs, 3s x2-4 for veins), though you could also kill people presumably farming your nodes when you see them running around. Games where nodes are player-specific ruin it all in the name of fairness.

      Tag stealing dependent on many factors, but definitely doable.

      Overall, I believe classic handled it very well, with the only exception being phase 2 before BGs, where there was a too high incentive to kill literally everyone who gave honor. 90% of the fights aren't fair, but there almost always are solutions to these problems. It's not a solo game, you can have friends. It creates a sense of danger in the world, though most of the time the stakes aren't very high. World buffs actually made things fun, because many felt that they were so valuable, and death became much more punishing because of that. Of course, autists who camp redridge for 10 hours a day every day, or have low level dispellers tend to ruin it.

  20. 10 months ago

    Most people play MMOs to grind.

  21. 10 months ago

    Back when I was a kid playing Runescape it was definitely point number 1. You'd work so hard to get some shitty Mithril armor or whatever and you'd get chased to the ends of the earth by a guy in max gear, optimized stats for PKing. I swear they spent more on the food and magic than they'd get from the money, and they did it for the sheer sadism. That brings me to point number 2, PVP is really stressful and I'd rather not be stressed out, at least back when I was younger I felt this way.

    It's been a while since I played an MMO, but looking back Runescape PVP kinda sucked. If you geared up to seriously fight you had to go out of your way to actually risk dying. And you were really just sitting there gambling on accuracy rolls. I know there's some execution skill in modern Runescape PVP with special attacks, damage thresholds, armor switching, etc but honestly if I wanted to go through all that effort I'd just play a real game. Incidentally this is why I play fighting games. It's the same thrill of fighting another person but I don't have to grind an account to do so. I can just buy the game and play it.

  22. 10 months ago

    You're wasting my time. There isn't a greater crime in videogames.

  23. 10 months ago

    when enemies fly, phase or teleport away

  24. 10 months ago

    Because it's full of spergs who gank you then spam /lol until you show up with your main and suddenly they don't want to pvp anymore

  25. 10 months ago

    You play pvp in mmo because you are a scrub at any other type pvp games where you can't out level and out gear the other homosexual.

  26. 10 months ago

    because if the entire game isn't centered around PVP, getting attacked means you're getting interrupted trying to accomplish some other goal. it's like randomly being forced to play a different game, and the only reward for winning is going back to playing the game you originally wanted to.

  27. 10 months ago

    Mmos are either about ganking or having more power than your target, same as with real life fights, fair matchups should be avoided if you wish to win.
    Take eve for example, you will most likely be killed by 1 ship you have no idea how to even fight or a bunch of t1 free frigates just suicide ganking you. You are very limited in options either way and don't get much to improve after the loss.
    Your only real option is to gather even more homosexuals to form a band and scare away hankers. But that's a Black person mentality, i will not be like that, so no pvp.

  28. 10 months ago

    I like half hour long boss fights, not wiping an opposing raid in 30 seconds.

  29. 10 months ago

    Ganking, as in a level 60 jumping a level 20, is fricking gay and always has been. The fact it is all PvP servers are known for in the modern day cements it as bad game design. If PvP was restricted to a zone's level bracket, then it would be better and more engaging. I love the threat of being jumped by an enemy as long as I can fight back, but the idea of being camped by something I literally can't do anything about that in some cases forces me to get off the game I'm playing a monthly sub for is cuck behavior only morons who like modern horror walking simulator games enjoy.

  30. 10 months ago

    have a nice day psychopath
    all PvP is always griefing
    unless you and the player you killed have a written contract where both of you agree to fight and kill specifically each other named in the contract at a specific time and date, signed by both players and notarized by a lawyer, you are a psychopath griefer, as is the other player if they kill you
    frick multiplayer as a concept
    I truly hope every single person who has ever killed another player in any video game gets mutilated and murdered by a serial killer

  31. 10 months ago

    it is only fun if it's large scale battleground-type warfare, or if it is a potential obstacle in the equation of obtaining something else (example: RS wilderness and extraction gameplay). ganking and arenas has always been homosexual shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Even then, large scale usually can't work anyway because the netcode and visual clutter are so bad the servers/zones just end up shitting themselves.

      • 10 months ago

        Spamming mortar attacks in gw2 wvw was extremely satisfying when you hit maximum targets and get massive damage splats until you remember that it is all so pointless.

  32. 10 months ago

    I think mamorpagahs are dumb and I've never played one

  33. 10 months ago

    Most of mmorpgs dont reward pvp, it is always too slow to get anything by just doing pvp. Also i hate pvers who cry when they get killed, why the frick are people like that.

  34. 10 months ago

    I like PvP in MMORPG if both parties are on even field e.g. equalized gear

  35. 10 months ago

    I don't like forced PVP where I have to fight children

  36. 10 months ago

    I've played PVP in a lot of MMOs and hated it every single time.
    The closest I've come to enjoying pvp is FFXIV's, but thats because its a quirky side mode with its own balancing and gear is thrown out. Its still ruined by the horrendous netcode though.
    The common problems I've run into:

    >The Game's netcode isn't solid enough for PVP, frequent snapshotting, and mechanics not working properly (FFXIV)
    >Gear based PVP. Everything you doesn't matter as much as the stats on your gear. If you're new your skills literally do 0 damage (BDO)
    >Game is balanced for PvE but has a PVP system tacked on, and as a result a lot of skills are just busted as frick. (too many to count)

    Some notable unbalances I've seen across multiple games
    >Chain stunning indefinately, or in some cases a PvE stun that lasts a full minute that can be looped into itself indefinately
    >Ranged can attack while moving but melee is incredibly janky doing so
    >Healers can outheal damage from literally anything forcing a oneshot meta

    • 10 months ago

      Let me see BDO PvP, where there's

      >serious desync issues because the netcode isn't optimized for anything outside of Korea
      >other jank like Nova being able to zip up to people before she even renders on her target's screen
      >karmabombing in the open world, which is essentially just wasting each others' time over a grind spot
      >guilds working around this penalty with war declaration (soon to be forcibly mutual), which is sometimes lulzy if it's just one guy pissing off a guild
      >gear downgrading on death if you have negative karma, in a time where the gearing standards are moving higher and upgrades become far more expensive to acquire
      >some closed environment stuff which is fine but there's also the above jank
      >upcoming changes where karma is family-wide and not character-specific, while the timed, private grind spot feature is also becoming more lenient

      It exists in a weird state. Mostly there to get leverage over somebody else but that's it.

      >If you're new your skills literally do 0 damage (BDO)

      Yeah evasion builds will do that especially, they're like a gear check.

  37. 10 months ago

    Having to farm two sets of gear.
    It's fricking stupid, tedious and time consuming.

  38. 10 months ago

    I fricking hate carebears, so much. They can't handle even just a little bit of adversity.

  39. 10 months ago

    Because it's entirely balanced around who's been playing longer/more. skill matters very little, it's just whoever has the higher stats and money.
    There are very few exceptions and they are all older games and only for one, maybe two classes.

  40. 10 months ago

    Because I don't like MMORPGs.

  41. 10 months ago

    World PvP in MMOs is negative fun for most people. Most players playing these games normally want to be leveling their characters, gathering materials, or doing story quests. They don't want to be ambushed by players who are either over leveled, out geared, or even at level with them if they aren't in the mood. There is a reason most new MMOs don't have world pvp, have a way to turn it off, or have a way to segregate those who do and don't want to do world pvp. All those hardcore full loot mmos are all dead because few people find them fun.

    PvP within a defined zone, like battlegrounds in WoW. Are better since most of the time the people doing them want to be there but they still suffer from the side who has better gear, is going to win. And that also isn't fun.

  42. 10 months ago

    my favorite pvp in mmos
    tera - lancer, slayer
    blade and soul - blademaster, destroyer
    xiv - war, ninja

    currently only bother with xiv because gear is equalized and it's 0 risk but at the same time wished it had different builds besides switching classes. like the idea of pvp meta in runescape but its too much risk and too much autistic behaviour to deal with

  43. 10 months ago

    The only game I don't like PVP in is runescape. The skill/money ceiling is obnoxiously high for how stupid and laggy the combat system is and gayex refuses to do anything about hackers. Nobody wants to fricking train skills in the wilderness.

  44. 10 months ago

    I've never found a PvP-focused MMO with combat enjoyable enough for me to bother getting good at it
    I love what Albion does with its PvP but I just can't be assed to learn it because I don't enjoy the core fighting mechanics

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