Why every monster tamer trpg is so full of stats and autism?

Why every monster tamer trpg is so full of stats and autism? Why they can't create something simple that emulates the same feeling as the anime?

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  1. 9 months ago

    because the main divide of pokemon fandom is that of those who wish to frick the poke-girls and those who wish to frick pokemon

  2. 9 months ago

    >plays pokemon ttrpg
    >wtf why is this autistic??

  3. 9 months ago

    Tried Pokerole?

    • 9 months ago

      Pokerole is too much the other way IMO. Barely covers the basics and on top of that some rules are just flat-out not in the book, not to mention it's made by ESLs so there's some jank on that end.

      Plus, pokemon just doesn't work as a TTRPG. TTRPGs are cooperative games, and most battles are 1v1s or 2v2s so you can't really have an adventuring party.

      • 9 months ago

        You can get close though. Pokémon works in that you can have each character have a rotating cast of monsters they battle with, level up, and swap out. Maybe it’s more like Pokémon conquest or whatever in being group battles, but it works just fine. Could also do 1v1/2v2/3v3 battles if you’ve got a smaller playgroup.
        I will say, it probably does need some mechanical crunch to feel right. Sorry OP, you need quite a few statistical levers to pull to get the variety to feel right.

        • 9 months ago

          No need to be so true to the video game experiences—there’s no rules in a wild Pokemon battle, and if the GM takes the time to flesh out the wilderness between towns and cities, then you should have plenty of opportunities for the whole group to work together against wild Pokemon nests and herds, outlaws or thugs, and the environment itself as they cross rivers and gorges and who knows what else.
          The only bottlenecking I can envision is if everyone has the same goals, like collecting Badges, and the GM would have to either host solo sessions or the whole group has to sit around and watch the same gym battle play out two, three, four times in a row.

  4. 9 months ago

    Then make a better one.

  5. 9 months ago

    Because the games are full of stats and autism

    • 9 months ago

      >Because the games are full of stats and autism

      Isn't the Pokemon tabletop a honest to god 1 to 1 conversion of the actual video game? Maths and everything?

      what if you used like, Genesys engine or something? That funky dice it uses for starwars seems pretty good for that kind of action combat, cinematic without a lot of crunch.

      Depends of system. But it does help if you need to account for 20 things in a single roll.

  6. 9 months ago

    >"making my own system" for someone else's IP as a fan project
    did you expect it to end well

    • 9 months ago

      There's plenty of systems that do that well. Fallout, Digimon, hell even I've taken a crack at a few and they've turned out great to the point I literally have other people in my usual groups clamoring to run/play them.

      • 9 months ago

        you mean to tell me the digimon one isn't autisticly crunchy? if so, then that sounds like an answer to OP's dilemma.

        • 9 months ago

          There's two, there's Digimon Digital Adventures which doesn't really convert to Pokemon because there is no monster manual, you build your digimon however you want (which is one of its strength), though there are pre-made sheets (I'd argue mostly mine at this point) on the official server.

          There's also one that aims to emulate the World games more by a popular fan artist, Dry (I think that's what he goes by, dry drei something like that designs) and I know nothing of it.

          Digimon and Pokemon are, generally ,completely different. The digimon anime is less about monster raising and more about character growth and typical shounen stuff, but if the World one has a proper monster dex then it's probably doable, if a bit jank for Pokemon.

          Personally I'd take Pokerole's dex and then tweak the mechanics to better suit gameplay for pokemon. Changes I'd say are worth doing:
          - Change the win counts to KO counts. Fast is 5, Medium is 10, Slow is 20, 15 if you want even faster evos.
          - You gain "ranks" or whatever the stages of bonus stats the game has (it's been a hot minute) at 2/4/6/8 badges.
          - Some focus on the newer games' raid mechanics; this allows everyone to play at once.
          - Alternatively, PMD or PLA style gameplay where the goal isn't to beat the gym circuit but instead some other goal that a party can do together (IMo my largest issue with Pokemon as a TTRPG is that it sucks ass for cooperative play with more than 2 players, and TTRPGs are inherently built around a party cooperating).

          • 9 months ago

            this still sounds autistically crunchy anon.

            • 9 months ago

              Then use FATE or some other barely-a-game freeform crap instead. If you're not willing to do at least a little math and you aren't okay with at least a handful of rules, then this hobby just really isn't for you.

              I define "autistically crunchy" as shit like HERO or 3.PF. Shit where there's rules for literally everything, there are a ton of options (most of which are dogshit or redundant), and if you care more about your character than your build you're going to have a bad time. If your idea of "autistically crunchy" is "has rules" then frick off, TTRPGs aren't the game genre for you.

              >you mean to tell me the digimon one isn't autisticly crunchy?
              It's a dogshit system not worth playing. The system is very ivory tower design and it leads to horribly unbalanced fights. Enemy digimon take too long to stat up because they don't have any kind of enemy template system so everything has to be custom made.

              >The system is very ivory tower design
              If you're talking about Drei's system I can't speak for it, but if you mean DDA then you're lying out of your ass. You can play literally any character any way you want to and even if it's sub-optimal you'll do fine. Hell summoner sucks ass (as it should IMO, summoners in TTRPGs are pure cancer in every system they're in), but I've seen someone use it effectively in actual play. Also, if the RAW aren't good enough for you, there's plenty of officially-endorsed fixes and even more that aren't people have suggested and 2E is on the way with all of the current issues in mind - few that there are (namely Combat Monster being broken, white mages being a pain to play, and Speed Striker being the most useless optimization until perfect/ultimate when you get Uncatchable target IMO).

              >Enemy digimon take too long to stat up
              Maybe at first, but there are tons of pre-made ones on the official server, most of which - as I said - I have contributed, not to mention a ton of template builds pinned in the main channel. Also, not true, I can belt one out in like 15 minutes then reuse that same build 5-10 times by just swapping some qualities around.

              But if having choices and having to put in work as a GM is too hard, maybe you can go back to 5e.

              • 9 months ago

                >Maybe at first, but there are tons of pre-made ones on the official server, most of which - as I said - I have contributed, not to mention a ton of template builds pinned in the main channel.
                Its always the people from the discord trying to defend the system. It never fricking fails. You shouldn't have to go trawling through a cancerous discord, there should have been something the core rule book about quickstatting a specific type of digimon so you can do it on the fly. The fact that the system also heavily relies on excel sheets to do the math also makes it hard to play on paper. It's a shit system to try and learn, and I'll stand by my belief that the only reason you even know how to play it is because of the discord even if I'm talking out my ass.

              • 9 months ago

                Neither here nor there but I wouldn't say HERO has a lot of particularly complicated rules, other than the "I have every power" power most things resolve with simple arithmethics to your stats. It's a very frontloaded game at the end of the day.

        • 9 months ago

          >you mean to tell me the digimon one isn't autisticly crunchy?
          It's a dogshit system not worth playing. The system is very ivory tower design and it leads to horribly unbalanced fights. Enemy digimon take too long to stat up because they don't have any kind of enemy template system so everything has to be custom made.

  7. 9 months ago

    What about Familiars of Terra? That's not very fiddly iirc.

  8. 9 months ago

    Pokethulhu is pretty light.

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot pic

  9. 9 months ago

    There was one called Pokeymans or something which was relatively light. At least in comparison to other pokemon systems.

  10. 9 months ago

    Let me introduce you "Antiguo y Colosal"

    • 9 months ago

      >powered by fate
      oh god, here we go

      • 9 months ago

        i mean, by definition Fate isn't crunchy right?

        • 9 months ago

          FATE isn't anything, it's an improv guide more than a game

  11. 9 months ago

    Because the anime was the same every episode and in the games you could just one shot everything

  12. 9 months ago

    what if you used like, Genesys engine or something? That funky dice it uses for starwars seems pretty good for that kind of action combat, cinematic without a lot of crunch.

  13. 9 months ago

    because you can't have 25000 'mons if they all have three stats and identical mechanics.

  14. 9 months ago

    Pokerole exists. Problem solved. Very simple, very flavorful without being entirely rules-deprived.

  15. 9 months ago

    Just use Cypher it works much better.

  16. 9 months ago

    What's a good campaign idea for Digimon, preferably one that focuses more on the real world?

    I liked some of the stuff out of Ghost Game, such as the 'Mons having their own lives outside of battling and leveling up, though Savers having the Humans also having to get in there and land there own puches has a charm.

  17. 9 months ago

    Its free

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