Why has cheating become so prevalent? Training mons in game is easier then ever now and people still cheat.

Why has cheating become so prevalent? Training mons in game is easier then ever now and people still cheat.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Because vgcgays are entitled manchildren who don't even like the game.

    • 10 months ago


      Why has cheating become so prevalent? Training mons in game is easier then ever now and people still cheat.

      Do you seriously expect VGC gays to play the game?

      I feel so fricking sorry for the existence of people not being able to outgrow their edgy teen phase.

      Filtered shills lmfao

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Have sex

  3. 10 months ago

    Those people are not pokémon fans. They don't want to play the games for themselves, just the competitively-active ones for attention and a modicum of fame to help offset the utter dearth of self-contentment they possess.

  4. 10 months ago

    Do you seriously expect VGC gays to play the game?

  5. 10 months ago

    Competitive players, in any game, are subhumans. They don't enjoy the game they're playing.

  6. 10 months ago


  7. 10 months ago

    first of all, frick competitive children monster catching game.
    secondly, frick the time gate and the farming needed to train pokemon. I have a job that takes almost every day of my life, and if I want to try different teams I can't because the autistic farming (ex to farm money spam A in school tournament with chi yu in your team only) and the luck is just too much (good luck catching 0iv speed pokemon like ursaluna, cresselia, ting lu etc in a short time (unless you're a japanese jobless cave dweller of course).
    thirdly, frick people who say that "time dedication is needed in pro pokemon". pro pokemon? where is it? I don't see anyone getting paid well enough to justify the time needed to train and also breed and catch every pokemon you need.
    lastly, frick tpc for "organizing" the worst wcs ever. I've heard stuff like day 2 being 3 hours late on schedule, and players having to queue for hours with staff and fans to enter the building.
    I admit the guy with articuno and abomasnow was very fun to watch, but that's it, worst worlds I can remember bar the one where everyone used groudon and kyogre

    • 10 months ago

      you aren't entitled to compete if you don't put in the time and effort. play showdown or the battle spot instead nobody is forcing you to play VGC. the payout isn't even good like you said.

      • 10 months ago

        You don't need to do that for every team you're testing, you only need to do that once. You can just use showdown. When you've tested enough and decided on a team, then you can breed for it.

        >don't use third party unofficial tool
        >use this other third party unofficial tool
        geez it's like I'm getting replies from morons, how weird. And learn how to read, I said that "Pokemon doesn't pay "pros" enough to justify the time they'd spend only playing legit pokemon. Do you really watch matches and think "oh that guy is so good at hatching eggs"? also Showdown population is different from battlespot and online challenges.
        Time lost in training pokemon that might even not be meta the day after
        Hope you buy medicines for cancer with the money masuda gave you, shills

        • 10 months ago

          >using an unofficial tool that changes the games data is the same as using a simulator that has nothing to do with your actual game

          big brain anon

          • 10 months ago

            the difference being one is a battle sim with the equivalent of olden timers making a spreadsheet about damage calls and theory crafting
            vs a tool that hacks data into offical software violating the rules and law.
            one does not equal the other.

            Oh no no homosexuals you don't just get to pick and choose which unofficial 3rd party resource you use. Either all of it is fine to use or it all has to go

        • 10 months ago

          the difference being one is a battle sim with the equivalent of olden timers making a spreadsheet about damage calls and theory crafting
          vs a tool that hacks data into offical software violating the rules and law.
          one does not equal the other.

          • 10 months ago

            >and law

        • 10 months ago

          >Do you really watch matches and think "oh that guy is so good at hatching eggs"?
          No because these people are all cheaters and unrelatable to people like me that play Pokemon.

        • 10 months ago

          >the time they'd spend only playing legit pokemon
          which is not really that much since realistically they only need to build their team once per event, since the testing can be entirely done elsewhere.
          I'm sorry they dropped you on your head as a child.
          >that might even not be meta the day after
          you don't play the game lol this isn't tekken

          • 10 months ago

            okay now you're just trolling, one can't possibly be this moronic. if you don't play the game, gtfo

    • 10 months ago

      You don't need to do that for every team you're testing, you only need to do that once. You can just use showdown. When you've tested enough and decided on a team, then you can breed for it.

    • 10 months ago

      >I can't because the autistic farming (ex to farm money spam A in school tournament with chi yu in your team only) and the luck is just too much
      No you're supposed to use Hisuian Zoroark with Amulet Coin and Happy Hour dumbass VGCgay.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you think pro League or Valorant players can just put in the work a couple weekends a month to be high level?
      Put in the time fricko

      • 10 months ago

        >Do you think pro League or Valorant players can just put in the work a couple weekends a month to be high level?
        Do you think they're running around in circles to be at a high level?

      • 10 months ago

        League and Valorant are both free to play and try to make it as easy as possible for new players to get into comp so they can spend the time improving their PVP skills instead of hunting for macguffins and killing slimes for 300 years. That's literally the opposite of what Pokémon does.

  8. 10 months ago

    Theoretically, couldn't the cheaters be arrested for breaking Japanese law?

    • 10 months ago

      >Theoretically, couldn't the cheaters be arrested for breaking Japanese law?
      Arrested? Yeah you dont need shit to be arrested. Charged? Probably not. Definitely not something worth causing embassies to get involved. Would end in an national embarrassment for Japan as well so doubly no

  9. 10 months ago

    Imagine simping so hard for a small indie company

  10. 10 months ago

    Training mons could be the easiest, most engaging thing of all time and people would still take a shortcut of being able to inject
    Hell, injecting IS the easiest thing to do and they couldn't even do that right

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine these tards got their "super duper official battle sim" complete with amazing netcode and the best models and animations in the series. The catch? No worlds event for it. They wouldnt even touch the damn thing.

      • 10 months ago

        >Showdown doesn't exist
        I'm not even a compgay but you're a fricking moron.

        • 10 months ago

          No shit, so why do they insist on going to events where only the top 4 even come close to breaking even on travel and insist on cheating?

          • 10 months ago

            >why do they insist on going to events where only the top 4 even come close to breaking even on travel
            No idea because it isn't worth going "pro" in VGC as other anons have said unless you are living on daddy's money and have time to play this dumb game all day.
            >and insist on cheating?
            They cheat because it saves time, simple as. What GF should do is give players infinite candies, mints, vitamins, etc. for completing the Pokedex. That way people have a real incentive to actually finish the game, but it's not a real barrier to getting into competitive play. The worst part about Pokémon has always been how grindy it is. No one with a life outside the game wants to do that shit.

            • 10 months ago

              >the worst part about playing pokemon games is playing pokemon games
              Maybe find a game you enjoy playing if you want to be a representative of it? Just a thought.

              • 10 months ago

                I enjoy playing Pokémon. What I don't enjoy is playing bike simulator.

              • 10 months ago

                >I enjoy playing Pokémon. What I don't enjoy is playing Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                Battle simulator, Bike simulator, all part of the same whole

                So where is the bike tournament at VGC worlds?

              • 10 months ago

                If you ONLY want to compete in Pokemon, there's Showdown. There's literally no reason to take hacks to Worlds unless you want to run the risk of getting caught. I have no sympathy for you here.

              • 10 months ago

                >Make bike mon this gen
                >No bike tournament
                This is a disgrace. Next year better have competitive Superman 64 Ring Flying On Your Bikemon tournaments.

              • 10 months ago

                Battle simulator, Bike simulator, all part of the same whole

                Yeah because heaven forbid GF just give players an insta-hatch ability for eggs after clearing the E4 or completing the dex. Keep defending braindead "gameplay" that only appeals to no-life autismos.

              • 10 months ago

                that gameplay you are hell bent on not playing is a part of the game and interconnected to battling. play a different game if you hate it so much

              • 10 months ago

                Holy frick, just play showdown.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Frick you're right.
                How else would you DESERVE RESPECT

              • 10 months ago

                >Yeah because heaven forbid GF just give players an insta-hatch ability for eggs
                Nobody breeds in SV. Play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                Battle simulator, Bike simulator, all part of the same whole

            • 10 months ago

              >implying any homosexual autistic enough to play competitive pokemon has a life to begin with

              • 10 months ago

                If the game wasn't so grindy then normal people would play. When my high school friends and I went to one of the 10th Anniversary events back in 2006 at our local mall, the gay who won the tournament was a fat neckbeard NEET smogontard who dropped out of college to play netbattle or whatever it was at the time all day. Knowing smogon, he was probably a pedo too. Those are the type of people who represent this kiddy game at the highest level. It's fricking pathetic.

              • 10 months ago

                Those are the type of people who represent any video game at its highest level

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah and that's why esports will never be taken seriously. Pokemon is supposed to be a kids game. You shouldn't have to play it like a part time job just to be competitive.

                Grind has nothing to do with it it takes like maybe 10 hours after the main 20 hour campaign to get a full team and have all the resources to make any further full teams you want. Normies are filtered because it's a math game.

                >just waste 10 hours of your life on top of the 20 you spent beating the single player to even get started playing comp
                fricking lol

                So why cheat at it

                I'm saying that we shouldn't have to cheat at it. More people would play if the only options weren't waste 10 hours of your life or cheat.

              • 10 months ago

                >vgcucks when they have to play the game

              • 10 months ago

                Post your in game hours

              • 10 months ago

                More than yours.

              • 10 months ago

                >rulecucks when someone asks for proof that they play the game

              • 10 months ago

                It's literally the easiest thing to do but for some weird reason no one ever does when you call them on it.

              • 10 months ago

                >uh do you really expect normies to play Pokemon even remotely after they beat the game?
                Yes even little kids very obviously are doing the black raids so clearly it’s not THAT much of a barrier

              • 10 months ago

                Grind has nothing to do with it it takes like maybe 10 hours after the main 20 hour campaign to get a full team and have all the resources to make any further full teams you want. Normies are filtered because it's a math game.

              • 10 months ago

                So why cheat at it

              • 10 months ago

                Give me a single compelling argument for why we should want lazy normalgays to represent us

              • 10 months ago

                Skill should be the only thing that matters, not autism or the desire to frick little kids.

              • 10 months ago

                >implying these are separate for video games

              • 10 months ago

                killing blisseys for 100 hours doesn't take skill though

              • 10 months ago

                Why would anyone need to take down that many blisseys?

              • 10 months ago

                Tera raid farming

              • 10 months ago

                You need 100 hours to farm 50 tera shards? Wtf are you doing?

        • 10 months ago

          Then why don't cheaters just use showdown?

  11. 10 months ago

    I feel so fricking sorry for the existence of people not being able to outgrow their edgy teen phase.

  12. 10 months ago

    I traded cloned perfect pokemon in gen 4 to get a battle ready collection, they still pass pkhex legit checker, most of them were probably RNGed

    Now anything can be perfect with items, people are just being lazy with pkhex not filling in the right info

    But literally who cares Game Freak are homosexuals and USUM is the last real game now no game has all Pokemon who gives a FRICK

  13. 10 months ago

    It doesn't matter if you hack or not, I don't give a shit
    Just don't take them to Worlds and cry if you get banned
    It's fricking embarrassing

  14. 10 months ago

    Same reason why the modern pokemon hack is just adding every pokemon, having an insta access PC and freely being able to use as many mints and vitamins on a pokemon

  15. 10 months ago

    I don’t get why anyone would need to cheat at this point, when you can edit every detail about a Pokémon in seconds (ability, iv, ev, egg moves)
    But at the same time, I don’t get what the problem is if someone does it. It’s not like they are cheating to give impossible stuff to the Pokémon, so why it should be detrimental to the other players if something you own is perfect because of hacks or because of 1 minute using items on it?

    • 10 months ago

      anon try building a 0iv speed atk cresselia and 5 other pokemo, with everything you need, only to find out you prefer a different build the next day. it's only possible if you're a goblin with no life. it's not a sport for a team that pays you money to survive, so you can't physically "commit"

      • 10 months ago

        why do you only have 1 cresselia?

        • 10 months ago

          and why are even considering exchanging the rare 0iv speed and attack cresselia for a different one?

      • 10 months ago

        Ok, 0 IV is the exception.

        • 10 months ago

          And that's 100% of cheating. No one is cheating to make their 252 speed 252 attack 4 hp jolly Urshifu; they caught one in SS, bottle capped, nature minted, and vitamined it, and traded it up.

  16. 10 months ago

    Every time someone has used that spongebob image to make some point they were either incredibly wrong, incredibly whiny and mawkish, or both. Crazy.

  17. 10 months ago

    Playing the game?

  18. 10 months ago

    It's prevalent because Gamefreak and Nintendo do nothing about it. It's that simple. If they don't want cheating they need to take steps to reduce the possibility of it happening, which means pokemon should become an online only game where all manipulation of the pokemon and player inventory is done server side. Make your peace with cheating or be prepared for all games going forward to have their lifespans tied to external servers.

  19. 10 months ago

    >VGC players explaining why they shouldn't play the game and why genning should be legal

    • 10 months ago

      So what do VGC players do at the actual conpetitions if they aren’t playing the game?

  20. 10 months ago

    >GF simps defending repetitive non-gameplay as a barrier to entry so they can maintain their false sense of superiority
    Pokémon has literally the dumbest fanbase in the world.

    • 10 months ago

      >vgcucks when they have to play the games

      • 10 months ago

        if playing the game legitimately is such a high barrier to entry then every other sport's barrier of entry is much much greater and you could never compete

        1. Vidya isn't a sport, and the only way for VGC to actually grow is for more people to participate in it. Creating arbitrary timesinks just discourage newbies from trying it.
        2. Give me one good reason why GF shouldn't give players instahatch and infinite mints, candies, etc. for beating the E4 and completing the dex. Those are ostensibly the goals of the game. Protip: You can't.

        I've noticed that when Super Training was available I'd be all in and get the EVs where I need them at the start, but when it went back to battling a million Magnemite and whatever for SP Atk with Pokerus (now dead) and power lense I just can't be bothered. Going back to SV when I've beaten everything already is a b***h really as well since it's just one massive empty map I can run around in and maybe I'll see a shiny perhaps or do a fricking raid with brain-dead c**ts to get bottle caps. It's just nice to know people who play competitively just Pokehex and aren't autistically playing a boring as frick game with nothing to do (once completed) to grind for items. Otherwise Monster Hunter is the same but I understand why people play that autistically because of dopamine but I can't imagine building an Azumarill or something and then feeling accomplished, because it usually means you have to build more Pokémon to create a team around it and it's not fun to do.
        Tournament scene should have an official Showdown thing anyway where you can build your team through menus and register them before starting.

        Checked, based, redpilled, and correct.

        • 10 months ago

          Explain to me why anyone should be entitled to compete in a tournament they didn't prepare for and actively defied the rules of. Protip: You can't.

          • 10 months ago

            Because I spent money to get there. I DESERVE respec-ack

            • 10 months ago

              Wait a minute sister...I thought you couldnt afford a couple of video games

              • 10 months ago

                I can't afford to buy the pokemon games because I need the money to fly to japan, book a hotel and buy merch. You wouldn't understand because I'm an adult and I want my time to be respected.

          • 10 months ago

            People wouldn't feel the need to cheat if the alternative wasn't an unfun autistic grind. That's a dev problem, not a player problem.

            • 10 months ago

              It is a player problem though. You idiots spend all this time on Showdown and think that means you're entitled to compete on an international scale when you're not. Play the fricking games if you're going to compete in the games, simple as.

            • 10 months ago

              Pokemon is a fun game though. Why should people that literally disagree be allowed to compete in its largest tournament?

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah it's fricking unreal how GF don't bother to implement a fun or worthwhile way to fricking train Pokémon optimally, as if they hate the competitive scene and fair enough if they do, so does Sakurai, but then the Pokémon Company hosts these competitions and bans people who don't want to go through the monotony of the systems in place. It seems like The Pokémon Company should get involved and tell Game Freak they need to get their shit together and implement something to make people not complain, but Game Freak improve everything at a snail's pace where every complaint poured into SwSh before it was released only sort of got fixed by SV. I honestly believe them when they came out with the animations excuse and how they made brand new models, but they were moronic and didn't mention it was for future fricking games and not SwSh

          Explain to me why anyone should be entitled to compete in a tournament they didn't prepare for and actively defied the rules of. Protip: You can't.

          >they didn't prepare for
          There's only so much you can prepare when the defining factor is luck, otherwise it's too fricking boring to do the training the way Game Freak want you to do it and it should be fixed.

          People wouldn't feel the need to cheat if the alternative wasn't an unfun autistic grind. That's a dev problem, not a player problem.

          Based, it really should just be taken as constructive criticism, but it makes sense people were banned in this instance, if there's 2 people who followed the rules and were put at a disadvantage for it, because they were working hard instead of working smart.

        • 10 months ago

          that's untrue games which have a higher barrier of entry than pokemon have grown year after year while pokemon is declining. what's keeping the vgc scene from growing is the lack of integrity and effort from players, rules not being enforced, and low prizepools from low entry numbers

          the reason GF shouldn't give players those things is because it encourages entitled behavior like yours. if you want something you need to work for it and not demand it be handed to you. the gameplay loop in pokemon is balanced around you catching pokemon, gathering resources to train and power up those pokemon, and batting using the pokemon you caught and the resources you've gathered. what keeps the game and community going and growing is this loop. if you don't like playing the game choose a different one.

          • 10 months ago

            >Pokemon is dying and the thing they need to do is kill it faster

        • 10 months ago

          >Give me one good reason why GF shouldn't give players instahatch and infinite mints, candies, etc.
          Because then the game would become incredibly boring because there's nothing to work for.

          • 10 months ago

            >beating the E4 and dex are boring
            >but riding my bike around in a circle for hours and farming raids aren't
            Are you moronic?

            • 10 months ago

              You're the moron here with that blatant ad hominem argument.

    • 10 months ago

      if playing the game legitimately is such a high barrier to entry then every other sport's barrier of entry is much much greater and you could never compete

  21. 10 months ago

    I've noticed that when Super Training was available I'd be all in and get the EVs where I need them at the start, but when it went back to battling a million Magnemite and whatever for SP Atk with Pokerus (now dead) and power lense I just can't be bothered. Going back to SV when I've beaten everything already is a b***h really as well since it's just one massive empty map I can run around in and maybe I'll see a shiny perhaps or do a fricking raid with brain-dead c**ts to get bottle caps. It's just nice to know people who play competitively just Pokehex and aren't autistically playing a boring as frick game with nothing to do (once completed) to grind for items. Otherwise Monster Hunter is the same but I understand why people play that autistically because of dopamine but I can't imagine building an Azumarill or something and then feeling accomplished, because it usually means you have to build more Pokémon to create a team around it and it's not fun to do.
    Tournament scene should have an official Showdown thing anyway where you can build your team through menus and register them before starting.

  22. 10 months ago

    >VGCucks are now advocating for children to break the law in japan just so they can avoid playing the games and gen

    • 10 months ago

      It's really some mindblowing stuff.

    • 10 months ago

      Just gen your Pokemon outside of Japan.
      >b-but muh money and muh kids!
      That apparently was never an issue for several years when you needed multiplr games, multiple consoles, games that weren’t being sold anymore, and consoles that weren’t being sold anymore in previous gens.

      Also not my fricking fault Japan has moronic laws.

      • 10 months ago

        >VGCucks are now are now advocating for children to leave their own country so they can gen their pokemon

        • 10 months ago

          >People advocating for children and their families to leave a kafkaesque authoritarian regime
          Yes. Am I not just supposed to support children fleeing authoritarian countries?

    • 10 months ago

      >genning Pokemon is federally illegal in Japan

      • 10 months ago

        Japan is a meme country that lets their prime minister get sudoku'd by some schizo armed with a gun made out of recycled toilet paper rolls, so hacked pokemon being illegal wouldn't surprise me at all.

        • 10 months ago

          >all moonrunes on link trade disconnect whenever I try to trade legends
          It all makes sense now

  23. 10 months ago

    Genned mons should 100% be the standard. Why? Because every pokemon is at its garunteed absolute best. Perfect IVs, Perfect EVs, perfect nature, and the only thing separating the wheat from the chaff is skill.

    • 10 months ago

      1. Vidya isn't a sport, and the only way for VGC to actually grow is for more people to participate in it. Creating arbitrary timesinks just discourage newbies from trying it.
      2. Give me one good reason why GF shouldn't give players instahatch and infinite mints, candies, etc. for beating the E4 and completing the dex. Those are ostensibly the goals of the game. Protip: You can't.
      Checked, based, redpilled, and correct.

      >I..have to...play..the..game?

      • 10 months ago

        Imagine playing a monster raising game...and raising monsters...fricking terrifying.

      • 10 months ago

        ev training is piss easy

      • 10 months ago

        Can't you just hack a 0 IV Ditto and use to it to breed legit mons so you pass the hack-check?
        I know non breedable pokemon are still an issue

      • 10 months ago

        Prove her wrong? The grind is only becoming worse thanks to shit like raids being required to farm tera shards. No well-adjusted adult has time for that.
        >but it's playing the game
        I don't remember being forced to do raids for the first 23 years of Pokémon's existence.

        • 10 months ago

          You tell'em sister

          • 10 months ago

            >multiple playthroughs of a game
            I did shit like this all the time to get for multiple of the 1 time TMs as a kid and also multiple legendaries both as a kid and later as an adult for many PGL tournaments as I genuinely enjoyed playing through many of the games again. Made connections and lasting friendships with people throughout that entire time to trade stuff back to myself and including trading around breedjects and Dittos during the prebank XY era while working a full time job too. So much for being a Pokemon fan

            • 10 months ago

              Welcome to the real world where being a "fan" means you don't play the game, constantly shit on the company, but still buy full priced games crapped out like never before and participate in their competitive scene.

            • 10 months ago

              I too used to be a virgin.

            • 10 months ago

              >prebank XY era
              That was literally the last time PVP/comp was accessible and fun.

        • 10 months ago

          damn, if only they regularly had events where some raid Pokemon that you can afk farm with a physical attacker rewarded tons of shards...

          • 10 months ago

            VGCsisters...our response?

            • 10 months ago

              I REFUSE to play the game. Little nip children NEED to break the law. I MUST spend thousands of dollars to go to events because no one on twitter takes showdown seriously!

          • 10 months ago

            >time limited events
            So something else only for no-lifers who are married to Pokémon.

            >No well-adjusted adult has time for that
            No well-adjusted adult plays Pokemon competitively

            Yeah and there's a good reason for that. Nobody with a 40-hour per week job and a girlfriend has time for this shit.

            • 10 months ago

              >So something else only for no-lifers who are married to Pokémon.

              The event lasts from
              August 9th - 17th 2023
              September 1st - 17th 2023

              My normie brother who travels for work, plays and already farmed a ton because Blissey gives a shit ton of shards. What's your excuse?

              • 10 months ago

                >What's your excuse?
                I have work+girlfriend who doesn't play+other hobbies and interests like a normal person. I don't think I need to explain why time-limited events suck in a game infamous for soaking up so many hours, and why comp shouldn't require so much grinding beyond finishing the main quest and the dex if TPC is trying to encourage people to play.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm too busy dude, I got tons of hobbies a hot girlfriend like a normal person. I don't need to explain myself

                Yet you find time to defend genning on a Anonymous Chinese board when you could've been doing Tera raids. Curious.

              • 10 months ago

                Where did I defend genning? I simply explained why other people do it. All I'm saying is that GF and TPC should make it easier to play legit so people won't feel like they have to cheat to actually enjoy the game.

              • 10 months ago

                > All I'm saying is that GF and TPC should make it easier to play legit so people won't feel like they have to cheat to actually enjoy the game.

                But they did. Funny how this is only an issue among VGCucks. Maybe stop playing the game if you don't find it fun.

              • 10 months ago

                >But they did.

                >I..have to...play..the..game?

                pic. It's still a grind that is much more inefficient than simply genning. Like I said, none of you GF simps can give me a good reason why players shouldn't get infinite mints, tera shards, candies, etc. for completing the E4 and dex. Heck they could even do paid microtransactions for people who don't want to grind since that's the way the industry is going anyway.
                >but that's pay-to-win
                It's already pay-to-win since you have to devote hours of your life and own out-of-print games from years ago to be competitive.

              • 10 months ago

                >VGCuck strongest argument is using a over exaggeration screencap of a braindead moron from twitter and the conclusion she came with is "it's pay-to-win"

                I'm not here to convince you of anything, they already made it braindead easy to make teams and you still refuse to play. You will cheat/Gen regardless of what they do. Don't have the time? Not my problem. Don't have the money? Not my problem. Don't wanna play? Not my Problem. You morons have no idea how much money people spend to play competitive on other games (FGC is a good example) Or how much time is spent honing your skills, but spending $60 or less to play an older title? Too much. An hour to make a team? Too Much. Spending thousands of dollars to fly to another country only to get DQ at 2 - 0? Priceless. Basically, you're going to have to deal with it and stop being a whiny b***h or play Showdown. I really don't give a damn.

              • 10 months ago

                If it was a matter of money then GF and TPC should just allow us to buy tera shards, mints, candies, etc. through microtransactions. Everyone would win except for seething autismos who want to gatekeep. And yeah homosexuals would still cheat, but it would remove their excuse for not grinding if you could buy 100 tera shards for $1 on eshop. I hate to say it, but that's probably the only "fair" way to do it at this point if they want people to keep playing. If I could paypig a legit and legal comp team for $5-10 instead of grinding for 5-10 hours, then I would gladly fork over the cash.

              • 10 months ago

                >But what if they did this and that and-

                Don't care. Sounds like a (you) problem.
                Genning will never be legal. Many people still play these games just fine. You're not above the rules and they will never cater to you. Play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                If you're not a poorgay then you would support them doing microtransactions. It would increase the prize pool for VGC, and give more people an incentive to play comp and therefore spend more. The only reason not to support it is if you're a povertygay or an autistic gatekeeper.

              • 10 months ago

                Again, you could be doing Tera raids right now, but that would require you to play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                You homosexuals keep on saying this and I’m just wondering what you think happens at a VGC tournament? You say Genners don’t play the fricking, but since those same genners go to VGC tournaments, that means there is no one playing games there. Since no one is playing games there, whay do they fricking do then?
                VerlisifyBlack folk legit say walking around in circles is gameplay, but not battling.

              • 10 months ago

                >Since no one is playing games there, whay do they fricking do then?


              • 10 months ago

                So people who Gen pokemon do infact play the game?

              • 10 months ago

                Clearly the person in that image is not genning, but in fact playing the game. You might want to get your eyes checked

              • 10 months ago

                How do you know they didn’t gen all the Pokemon on his team?
                And what about the participants who genned their teams using them against other players?

              • 10 months ago

                They lost lmao

              • 10 months ago

                Lost what? Lost the game they weren’t playing? How do they lose something they weren’t playing?

              • 10 months ago

                Every cheater lost the tournament
                Why are you so stupid
                Are you having a panic attack or something

              • 10 months ago

                How can you lose a game if you aren’t playing it? Saying “you lost” says that the person who lost is 100% playing the game. You can’t lose at a game if you don’t play it.
                So do genners not play the game or do they lose?

              • 10 months ago

                Holy frick you actually are having a panic attack

              • 10 months ago

                If battling is all you care about, play Showdown.

              • 10 months ago

                >you could be doing Tera raids right now
                I'd rather be working. Why won't TPC let me spend money on tera shards instead of grinding if they don't want me to cheat? Grinding isn't fun.

              • 10 months ago

                > I don't want to play..le game

              • 10 months ago

                So what are the Genner players who enter the tournament doing when they get on stage?
                You Black folk literally imply EV Training is gameplay and actual battling isn’t gameplay.

              • 10 months ago

                How do you know they didn’t gen all the Pokemon on his team?
                And what about the participants who genned their teams using them against other players?

                TPC is a corporation, and the purpose of corporations is to make money. I'm literally asking TPC to let me spend more money on their game so I can play comp. The only people who would be mad about this are NEETs living off daddy's money and autismbux who would then have to compete with normal people.

                Purposely being obtuse doesn't look good on you. I'm not even sure what you're trying to accomplish except looking more moronic than already. No one here wants to read your b***hing and moaning. You want a hugbox, go back to twitter. Go start that """strike""". Nothing will change and Genning will at the end of the day remain illegal. The fact you morons even go after Kurt who made the fricking program speaks volumes. Play the game or don't. Wanna Gen? Gen properly. Play Showdown. If you don't wanna do that? Not my problem. That's all that needs to be said.

              • 10 months ago

                >Rulegay claims you aren’t playing the game if you gen
                >This is obviously false to anyone with an IQ above number of states in the US
                >Rulegays unironically claim spamming A and running around in circles is gameplay but battling isn’t gameplay somehow.

              • 10 months ago

                >WAA WAA WAA!

                Yep he's mindbroken

              • 10 months ago

                Cry more. I’ll keep genning my team like everyone else, while you waste entire days getting just the resources to make your team.

              • 10 months ago

                Cheaters lost

              • 10 months ago

                >Cry more
                Last time I check it was VGCucks that was crying.

              • 10 months ago

                I haven't even touched SV in six months because it's boring and there's nothing to do outside of grinding. I'm an adult, and my free time is very valuable to me. I would play the game more if GF let me paypig for competitive mons. I'm not gonna gen because it's not worth my time. I'm not gonna play Showdown because I wouldn't have bought the game in the first place if I wanted to waste time playing a third-party app. If the whole DLC is $35, then I should be able to paypig $5 to skip grinding so I can build a team.

              • 10 months ago

                >But what if they did this and that and-

                Don't care. Sounds like a (you) problem.
                Genning will never be legal. Many people still play these games just fine. You're not above the rules and they will never cater to you. Play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >battling isn't playing the game
                >but running around in circles and killing 100 Yungoos is

              • 10 months ago

                Yungoos yields 1 attack EV.
                Pretty handy if you're going for something specific. You would know this if you played the games

              • 10 months ago

                If you are battling in a tournament you play by their rules

              • 10 months ago

                Ok so if genning was legal then you’d be fine with genning?

              • 10 months ago

                It isn't legal now nor will it ever be legal, so the point is moot

              • 10 months ago

                LMFAO nice deflection. Answer the question homosexual

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm an adult!
                >uhh tPCi should let me hack my mons and I should never see any consequences
                for an adult you seem to be having a hard time grasping the concept of consequences

              • 10 months ago

                >tPCi should let me hack my mons
                Where did I say that? I said they should let me paypig by buying shards and mints from eshop. I want to support TPC, but they don't want my money.

              • 10 months ago

                Here's the crazy thing.
                They don't need to cater to you, to get money.

              • 10 months ago

                They are literally throwing free money away by not doing it.

              • 10 months ago

                Grinding for ability patches and other luck-based rare drop bullshit like that isn't "raising" my pokemon though. It's an arbitrary timesink that just puts people off and is an outdated tactic of forcing players to stay married to your game.

                I like how you claim you're an adult and your time is "valuable" yet you've done nothing but b***h and moan about things outside of your control for the past 30mins. 30 minutes that could've been spent playing the game.

              • 10 months ago

                No point in putting 30 minutes into the game when you have to sink 30 hours to actually be competitive. Why do you think Showdown is so popular? People want something fun they can do in 30 minutes and feel a sense of accomplishment. Running around in circles for 30 minutes is just a waste of time.

              • 10 months ago

                Cool story Sister.
                6 minutes and counting

              • 10 months ago

                In that 30 minutes you could made a sandwich, EV trained a full team, and caught a few shinies WHILE you b***hed and moaned. Learn to multitask.

              • 10 months ago

                You can’t paypig for the same reason you can’t gen, it interferes with the fantasy of raising your dudes

              • 10 months ago

                Grinding for ability patches and other luck-based rare drop bullshit like that isn't "raising" my pokemon though. It's an arbitrary timesink that just puts people off and is an outdated tactic of forcing players to stay married to your game.

              • 10 months ago

                Welcome to videogames

              • 10 months ago

                Other vidya games do microtransactions now though.

              • 10 months ago

                TPC is a corporation, and the purpose of corporations is to make money. I'm literally asking TPC to let me spend more money on their game so I can play comp. The only people who would be mad about this are NEETs living off daddy's money and autismbux who would then have to compete with normal people.

              • 10 months ago

                Justify why genning should be illegal.
                Hard mode: Justify why Genning should be illegal without also justifying making it illegal to loan your team.
                Lunatic mode: No “because GameFreak said” tier responses. (literally impossible)

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Justify the rule then.

              • 10 months ago

                It gives you an u fair advantage over people who put in the time. If it didn't give you an advantage you wouldn't do it.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok? The people who put in the time can simply gen themselves.
                If Genning became 100% legal it would be your fault for not genning.
                Do you think that regular teambuilding should be banned because it would disadvantage the people who breed comp Pokemon and do so while having all of them shiny?

              • 10 months ago

                >Ok? The people who put in the time can simply gen themselves.
                >The non-cheaters can cheat so that makes it fair
                >If Genning became 100% legal it would be your fault for not genning.
                That's nice, but genning isn't legal
                >Do you think that regular teambuilding should be banned because it would disadvantage the people who breed comp Pokemon and do so while having all of them shiny?
                >Optional things disadvantage competitive players
                Anon did you have a stroke trying to come up with that last argument

              • 10 months ago

                >genning isn’t legal
                Only in Japan and only if you get caught selling fricking Sobbles for 4000 yen
                >he made $10,000 before getting caught
                It’s quite apropos for not only a nip moron to sell shitty starter pokemon, but for ~250 morons to actually buy it as well lmao

              • 10 months ago

                NTA, but you're arguing about unlikely "what ifs" which is a complete waste of time. Genning is not legal and it will never be legal. Why are you trying to argue about something that will never come to be? For what purpose?

              • 10 months ago

                Bro it is piss easy to play legit already, they aren’t going to let you magic Pokemon out of thin air that can’t be your line

              • 10 months ago

                how many times have you competed at worlds?

              • 10 months ago

                basketball and e-sports players don't time for other hobbies and girlfriends. when you are competing you have to make sacrifices. TPC isn't encouraging people to play they have enough people to hand cheap payouts to.
                you are the one who wants to play so bad.

              • 10 months ago

                >comparing Pokémon to NBA
                This is how delusional autistic GF simps are. And common sense would tell you that the payouts for VGC would be higher if GF reduced the grind so more people would play.

              • 10 months ago

                >they should be paying the cheaters MORE money!
                Get a load of this guy

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe they’d be more willing to do a bunch if arbitrary tasks to simply make a team if they were paid more?
                Or they could just ask someone else to do the teambuilding for them with a given Pokemon set, which somehow is fine.

              • 10 months ago

                >if they were paid more
                That just draws in more glory-seeking tourneygays and anyone with half a brain could see that.
                If they were paid nothing, there would also be no reason to cheat.

              • 10 months ago

                If it’s for fun, then there is no harm in letting people skip the non-game in order to play the real game.

              • 10 months ago

                Then the opposite should also hold true, regardless of the payout.

              • 10 months ago

                Opposite for which part?

              • 10 months ago

                If it's for a tournament, then train for it you obtuse frick.

              • 10 months ago

                So you think teamsharing should 100% be banned then?

              • 10 months ago

                If you are unsure of the origins of the Pokemon you obtained and choose to use it anyway in an official capacity, then that's on you. I'm in a sysbot server too, buddy. I'm familiar with "my friends" giving me Pokemon. The difference is I don't take that shit to sanctioned tournaments with me. I have plenty of my own I can use.

              • 10 months ago

                Normalgays shouldn't be playing competitive championships for a video game, it should be autists who actually give a shit about it and are actually passionate about the games.

          • 10 months ago

            So once every 10 minutes I can maybe get 5 tera shards of one type, if my teammates choose to actually attack and not just get KO'd immediately, and if there are no connection issues? I might be able to change one tera type once by the end of a full day of playing.

            • 10 months ago

              >I don't have three friends either in real life or online who would play Pokemon with me
              That's just sad.

              • 10 months ago

                Just say you're still in high school bro.

              • 10 months ago

                Where do you think you are?

              • 10 months ago

                All my real life friends stopped playing Pokemon after USUM. Only I continue to buy the games (used) for the sole purpose of going to VGC events. I inject so I can play the same as little as possible.

              • 10 months ago

                How? Not everyone’s friends are autistic morons who make legit teams.

            • 10 months ago

              bro? your Iron Hands solo?

        • 10 months ago

          >No well-adjusted adult has time for that
          No well-adjusted adult plays Pokemon competitively

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not even a compshitter, but it would shut them up whining about it and force them to accept that if they lose it's because they suck wiener at a children's game.

        Imagine playing a monster raising game...and raising monsters...fricking terrifying.

        Pokemon is a monster battling game, if you want a monster raising game play Digimon World.

      • 10 months ago

        >It'll look cool
        Okay get it then or you don't deserve to bring it to a regional jfc these people

  24. 10 months ago

    wtf bros I want to play WoW PvP but the game doesn't hand me top tier gear for free, do they really expect me to grind?!

  25. 10 months ago

    If Billy did it anyone can. Never forget what happened in the King of Kong.

  26. 10 months ago

    Because “easier than ever” is and will always be longer and tedious than simply genning Pokemon.
    The only way to truly stop genning is to have a teambuilder in game that lets you set IVs and EVs on the fly, like what Showdown has.
    On top of that it’s also always strictly cheaper. Instead of shilling out $60 for a new copy of the opposite game (single purpose) and $200 for a new console (single purpose), you could just buy an SD card (multipurpose) for $15 and gen your Pokemon in.

  27. 10 months ago

    The competitive playerbase is aging and no longer has the free time needed to train Pokemon manually.

  28. 10 months ago

    >Training mons in game is easier then ever now
    Because it's still not easy.
    >but I can make a 5IV Pokemon with a Gold Bottle Cap
    But you can't make a 0 attack 0 speed TR legendary. When any Pokemon on a team can be made in game without soft reseting for dozens of hours then you can call it "easy." Until then expect people to cheat.

    • 10 months ago

      So when this inevitable 0IV item happens, what are you going to move the goalpost to? Cheaters gonna cheat.

      • 10 months ago

        Would be nice if they did it, but there's still many issues that need improving on and everybody would benefit from them making future games with fun ways to train Pokémon to the optimum level and even have grinding but make it fricking fun instead of a horrible chore.

        • 10 months ago

          Grinding should only be for things like raising your Pokémon's level by battling the E4 over and over. Adding more MMO cancer to Pokémon every generation was a mistake.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't even mind them adding complexity to the game, they just always do it so lazily and poorly. Pokémon Go catching mechanics are amazing, but haha let's remove battles completely in favour of it for Let's Go lol, also for the actual battles just don't let people have their Pokémon hold items anymore. Oh we added these new styles of attacks for the new method of battling. They're called Strong Style and Agile Style and it really changes things, but we're not going to let people use hold items, we'll remove it in the next games too instead of building upon it. People get pissed they've removed Frontier also, but they're also fricking lousy for not bothering to add more to Frontier in every generation they kept it around to make it more appealing to players who wouldn't have bothered with it for being too difficult compared to the easy as frick main game.

            • 10 months ago

              When the copies of each game sold keeps growing every generation, but the number of competitive players is dropping like a rock each year, clearly there's a problem on the dev side. The way VGC is handled has always been completely braindead. The fact that Showdown even exists should be a huge red flag to TPC that something is broken.

              • 10 months ago

                Showdown exists because comp Pokemon used to be legitimately impossible without cheating and because people want to play 6v6 singles and the game doesn’t support that. People who “need to gen” after gen 8 just don’t want to play anything besides VGC

      • 10 months ago

        I will not make legit teams until GameFreak actually makes a platform seperate from the mainline games where you can make a team similar to how you can make teams on various simulators, make the game free, and come to my house to give me blow jobs every time I finish making a team. He also have to be pretty and wearing Astolfo cosplay too.

      • 10 months ago

        I already use bottle caps and in game training for most of my Pokemon. I only inject anything that needs a 0IV and can't be bred. Once they add a rusty bottle cap I'll be set. I don't like having to monkey around with discord troony bots.

  29. 10 months ago


    Demand respect all you want, but you'll have none.

  30. 10 months ago

    I'll go as far as to say that whoever criticizes genning, didn't play a single tournament irl. I went to many, everyone does it. Japan included, don't be buttholes.
    I'll also add that it's not the right move to punish so much these people, and never allow genning. VGC is already in a terrible spot, we lost almost a quarter of the players that played last year, and it's not good. Part of the reason why there's such a lack of interest, is the inhuman grinding necessary to play seriously.

    • 10 months ago

      >everyone does it
      >the grinding is putting off players
      So do people gen or not? Also the barrier of entry has only gotten easier and easier.

      • 10 months ago

        >you can't read and understand a text
        >somehow it's my fault
        read again and reply with reason, I'll happily discuss with people who don't distort the meaning of what I say

  31. 10 months ago

    >45 ips
    Holy samegays

    • 10 months ago

      >nobody is allowed to make more than one post per thread
      back to Xitter

  32. 10 months ago

    >You should only use cards you pulled. Buying singles gives you an unfair advantage conpared to people who made decks who used cards they exclusively pulled

    • 10 months ago

      false equivalence. It's more like using proxy cards because you couldnt be assed to even go to the hobby shop or find a seller.

      • 10 months ago

        Plus, it costs no money to get legit Pokemon. You got baited.

        • 10 months ago

          >Cost no money to get Pokemon
          Aside from Mew with LGPE, all version exclusives are paywalled by the version you didn’t get.

  33. 10 months ago

    Because it is still timely to train Pokémon even after the shortcuts.
    Money farming is very tedious in this game as the Ace Academy Tournament makes you fight 4 full battles for a measly 130,000 Pokedollars. Other battle facilities or item reselling in the past have you get far more money with less time. XY and SWSH were very easy to money farm. Supplements, Bottle Caps, and held items costs money in the postgame and are hard to obtain in other ways.
    Some competitive Pokémon even require specific spreads so you also have to invest in feathers which requires you to walk throughout an entire lake to get a certain number of them.
    Tera shards are very rare outside of raid dens and ability patches can only be found there with a very small chance. Most competitive Pokémon have their HAs and/or a Tera type unlike their usual types, so that is more time spent grinding,
    Some evolution items are even locked behind a shitty auction so good luck.
    It is easier to inject a Pokémon and modify it for legality than to work legitimately.

    • 10 months ago

      >It is easier to inject a Pokémon and modify it for legality than to work legitimately.
      No fricking shit.
      Do people really think this is a good, solid argument? It explains why people cheat, sure, but it's not a justification. It's kind of expected that cheaters cheat because they want instant gratification without putting the hard work in.

  34. 10 months ago

    Because until they get literal teambuilders that skip the process of acquiring the Pokemon entirely, it's never going to be enough. Especially when optimization autists will argue endlessly that they NEED 0 IV ATK/SPD on X Pokemon for Y Scenario (Confusion Self-Damage, Trick Room, Foul Play, etc.) or else they're GUARANTEED to lose.

  35. 10 months ago

    No bottle caps for making IVs 0 and legendaries, which cannot be bred, are at the top of the meta game. In any other case its pure laziness

  36. 10 months ago

    Do VGCgays even like Pokemon?

    • 10 months ago

      Frick no.
      It's all about getting attention.

    • 10 months ago

      No, they only want the clout and money.
      Which is funny because the grand prize isn't as much as you'd think considering you have to account for flight, lodging, food, entry fee and everything else.

      • 10 months ago

        Anyone who didnt get at least 4th and was from a foreign country absolutely lost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. First prize isnt even McDonald's part time wages.

  37. 10 months ago

    it doesn't matter how "quick and easy" you make it, the fact that there are even obstacles in the first place - some of which are nigh meaningless and outdated - means that injecting will always be more desirable
    adding features to make it more accessible instead of just fixing the problems in the first place will never prove fruitful

  38. 10 months ago

    If Genning is bad because of “muh time spent running in circles is real important!” then shouldn’t players who be forces reset their games or be given a new game to use for every time they want a new team? Seems kind of unfair that some people get to have hundreds of Tera Shards in reserve, maxed out pokedollars, and all the vitamins they’ll ever need while everyone who resets their game every time they need a new team has to regrid everything?
    Infact let’s go further. We should require people to walk around IRL while hatching eggs? It’d be a massive advantage to those who simply sit on their asses to breed Pokemon and not autistically take a step every time your ingame character does.
    In fact, let’s go further beyond, every participant who has a penis has to crush their testicle with a hammer every time they ko a wild Pokemon for EV training. Wouldn’t it be unfair to the trans participants who crush their nuts with a hammer while EV training? Sorry no testicle havers but you can’t EV train your Pokemon anymore!
    While we’re at it, not only do you need a new save file, need to walk around irl while breeding, and crushing your own balls, but now every time you get a Pokedollar, you have to watch the entirety of "The Cure for Insomnia" (1987) from start to finish for each pokedollar and no watching the film in the background of another viewing either. If you got 100 pokedollars at any time you need to watch "The Cure for Insomnia" (1987) 100 consecutive times in a row. Otherwise it would be unfair for players who reset their games + walk around while breeding + crush their balls while EV training + watch "The Cure for Insomnia" (1987) for every Pokedollar they earn in game!
    If you disagree with this rule, you’re mind broken and a chud who lost (along with Trump) and STOP GENNING STOP GENNING STOP GENNING STOP GENNING

    • 10 months ago

      >vgcucks when they have to play the game

      • 10 months ago

        crush your balls, anon

        • 10 months ago

          >putting in 30 minutes of work is "ball crushing"
          lmao even

          • 10 months ago

            But anon, since someone does it, that means you’re giving yourself an advantage when you don’t.

  39. 10 months ago

    Unless they're giving moves/ abilities/ stats they shouldn't have, I don't consider it cheating, most programs will say whether it's legit or not anyway. If it's the same end-result as running around in circles or fighting a bunch of different mons, then why be mad either way? If you want to spend hours creating the perfect pokemon because to you it feels better to you? All the power to you. If it's the same result in the end, why be mad at someone genning a pokemon?

  40. 10 months ago

    >making legal teams isn't even that hard or time consuming, so there is no reason to cheat
    >cheaters have an unfair advantage because they have much more time to test teams since they don't have to waste the many hours it takes to build a team
    pick. one.

    • 10 months ago

      It's unfair to circumvent those incredibly simple steps that take a few hours in-game to do, and then take those to a competition that expressly forbids that. I don't care about cheaters. I care about you morons thinking you can bring that shit into VGC and get away with it. What a fricking disgrace.

      • 10 months ago

        >a few hours
        We still going with this cope that hasn't been true since pre-bank XY? You can't make a competitive team with only one afternoon of work in 2023.

        • 10 months ago

          You could be making one right now.

  41. 10 months ago

    Cheating is fun

  42. 10 months ago

    >buy $300 switch and $60 geimu
    >spend 85 hours grinding on bike simulator and raids
    >pay thousands of dollars to fly to japan
    >disqualified and banned for life because you misgendered a troony judge
    Imagine being a grindcuck in 2023.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not even just the $60 game anymore, you now need to spend an additional $180 USD for Sword, Shield, the Sword Pass, the Shield Pass and Legends, as well as a Home Subscription if you want to stand a chance in the Scarlet/Violet VGC Meta due to the presence of Home Transfer-Only Pokemon.

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you need both?

    • 10 months ago

      and banned for life because you misgendered a troony judge

      • 10 months ago

        Discord trannies have infiltrated VGC staff and are banning kids for not understanding the whole pronoun thing.

        >Yeah because heaven forbid GF just give players an insta-hatch ability for eggs
        Nobody breeds in SV. Play the game.

        Sounds like you're the one not playing the game if you're not breeding.

        • 10 months ago

          >moron who doesn't play the games thinks there's any need to breed anymore

          • 10 months ago

            Why would GF put breeding in the game if you're not supposed to do it? Sounds like you're not playing the game.

            Normalgays shouldn't be playing competitive championships for a video game, it should be autists who actually give a shit about it and are actually passionate about the games.

            If autists gave a shit about the game then they would want more people to play it so the community would grow. Autists are moronic degenerate antisocial homosexuals by definition, so they naturally ruin any sort of community that caters to them. This is why nobody takes esports seriously. The whole point of vidya tournaments is that they're an accessible way to play something competitive for people who can't devote the time, money, and energy into being competitive at real sports like basketball or swimming.

            • 10 months ago

              >The whole point of vidya tournaments is that they're an accessible way to play something competitive
              Look at this tournament virgin

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick are you talking about

                >The whole point of vidya tournaments is that they're an accessible way to play something competitive for people who can't devote the time, money, and energy into being competitive at real sports like basketball or swimming.
                Is this a troll?

                This is why people say that Pokemon gays don't play any other games. I can buy a game like Call of Duty and start playing ranked immediately. There's no barrier to entry other than buying the game. The only determinant is skill. VGC should be like showdown or it will keep hemorrhaging players as people age out of it due to not having time for the ungodly grind and autistic levels of planning it takes to transfer stuff from previous games to Home.

              • 10 months ago

                You're comparing a FPS game to a Turn-based that both require a completely different set of skills. Are you moronic?

                >1 hour is ungodly grind

                Yep, you're moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                >1 hour
                So you support genning now? That's the only way you're getting a comp-ready team in 1 hour. Bike simulator isn't a skill btw.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a good thing you're given ample time to prepare teams before major competitions.

              • 10 months ago

                I would rather spend that time battling and improving my skills than doing arbitrary time wasting things like riding my bike in circles.

              • 10 months ago

                That's cool.
                Play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                Battling is the game. That's why they have tournaments for it.

              • 10 months ago

                *part of the game

              • 10 months ago

                that's like saying playing chess is only part of the game wile the other part is arranging the pieces lmao

              • 10 months ago

                It's a good thing I didn't, cause that would be a moronic comparison. Not sure why you did though.

              • 10 months ago

                Battling is a bonus, catching monsters is the main catch of the game.

              • 10 months ago

                So why won't GF let me skip the grind if I complete the Pokedex? Just give players showdown customization if they beat the main quest and fill the dex.

              • 10 months ago

                >Why won't
                Just play showdown
                >I don't wanna
                Just play showdown
                >It takes too
                Just play showdown
                >I'm willing to
                Just play showdown
                >I hate the grin-
                Just play showdown
                >I don't want to pl-
                Just play showdown
                >The game is so bo
                Just play showdown
                >Gamefreak is
                Just play showdown
                >I'm a Adult and I-
                Just play showdown
                >EV's are stup-
                Just play showdown
                >IV's are stup-
                Just play showdown
                >I don't want to pay for-
                Just play showdown
                >I don't have the time-
                Just play showdown
                >Gamefreak should cater-
                Just play showdown
                >catching pokemon is
                Just play showdown
                >What if I don't have the DL-
                Just play showdown
                >What if I don't have Home
                Just play showdown
                >Genning should be leg-
                Just play showdown
                >TPCI should -
                Just play showdown
                >Why wont they just-
                Just play showdown
                >It takes too long to make a te-
                Just play showdown
                >Takes too long to grind for mon-
                Just play showdown
                >If you want to get rid of chea-
                Just play showdown
                >Listen, games should-
                Just play showdown
                >I'm not going to play show-
                Just play showdown
                >But I'm willing to-
                Just play showdown
                >You're just a bootlick-
                Just play showdown
                >The rules are stu-
                Just play showdown
                >This is how the games can-
                Just play showdown

                The answer is rather clear don't you think? Play the game as intended or Just play showdown.

              • 10 months ago

                >you're not allowed to offer constructive criticism because Masuda can do no wrong

              • 10 months ago

                Crying that the rules don't cater to you and you shouldn't abide by them constructive criticism, it's full blown moronation.

              • 10 months ago

                Play Showdown instead

              • 10 months ago

                >This is why people say
                I don't give a crap what people say, I just enjoy what I enjoy

              • 10 months ago

                >I just enjoy what I enjoy
                You enjoy being autistic?

            • 10 months ago

              What the frick are you talking about

            • 10 months ago

              >The whole point of vidya tournaments is that they're an accessible way to play something competitive for people who can't devote the time, money, and energy into being competitive at real sports like basketball or swimming.
              Is this a troll?

            • 10 months ago

              >Why would GF put breeding in the game if you're not supposed to do it?
              Because they added a shitton of methods to bypass the old, slow necessity of breeding. Breeding is obsolete. You'd know this if you played the game, but you're just a shitty frogposter so why would you have?

              • 10 months ago

                >Because they added a shitton of methods to bypass the old, slow necessity of breeding. Breeding is obsolete.
                Grinding is also obsolete when genning exists.

              • 10 months ago

                >He thinks it's grinding
                Just keep digging yourself a deeper hole mate.
                Play. The. Game.

              • 10 months ago

                How is doing repetitive ingame tasks for 6-10 hours not grinding?

              • 10 months ago

                >How is doing repetitive ingame tasks for 6-10 hours

              • 10 months ago

                Post your in game hours

              • 10 months ago

                Why don't you post a save file of SV greater than 0 hours.

              • 10 months ago

                ok homosexual you next

  43. 10 months ago

    Because most of Pokemon fans are just ironically enjoying it for attention, including all the e-celebs.
    They HATE all Pokemon-related topics but latch to it as it's the only thing they can treat as replacement for having anything resembling personality. They don't want to play games, they don't want to watch anime, they don't want to be passionate about their favorite Pokemon/anime girls etc. They just want right to claim that they are fans of something.

  44. 10 months ago

    Why do you care? You say training mons is so easy now, so any "advantage" people get from genning is minimal. Just train your mons and move on.

    • 10 months ago

      Read the fricking rules.
      Genning Pokemon is against the rules. If you'll get caught with genned Pokemon on official event, you'll get fricked.
      Ask yourself, cuck - is it worth to waste money, time and effort to get disqualified and potentially suspended from official events just because you did not wanted to spend few hours to prepare yourself?
      And mind - crying will not change anything. Even if TPCi and Gamefreak and Jesus Fricking Flying Christ will be fine with it, nobody will agree for you to cheat because of implications supporting console hacking, and that's something that Nintendo itself would go nuts about.

      • 10 months ago

        Post elo or master ball rank.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't bother, they don 't seem to understand they aren't above the rules

      • 10 months ago

        >Read the heccin rulerinos!!!!!!
        Don't make me laugh! People are still genning regardless of what the rules say like they always have. Those 3 that were caught lately? Just going to make sure everyone else is more diligent with their hacks.

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            I'm not the one crying about people genning pal

            • 10 months ago

              No, that would be VGCucks.

              • 10 months ago

                Why would vgc players be crying about genning? They're the ones doing it. lmao

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              No just crying about getting dqed lmao

              • 10 months ago

                Just like you, I wasn't at worlds, so it's pretty hard to be DQ'd from a place you weren't at.

              • 10 months ago

                How is anyone this obtuse
                Who are you, fricking Drax

      • 10 months ago

        Ok and this is why VGC is dying. No one wants to choose between literal weeks of grinding or risk getting DQed for "cheating" because TPC refuses to let people just buy ingame items with real money. More people would play and the prize pools would be bigger if TPC would just monetize comp and give players the option to pay a nominal fee to skip at least some of the grind.

        • 10 months ago

          You're still here?

          • 10 months ago

            Back to twitter homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        >of implications supporting console hacking
        What? You need to hack the console to use pkhex?

  45. 10 months ago

    Vgc metagame is constantly changing because of the different pokemon allowed every year, which ones are popular at the time and the strategies designed to counter them.
    I guess those who use PKhex don't want to breed a new team for every single event.

  46. 10 months ago

    Literally all GF has to do is put in a 0IV bottlecap in the game. That's it. Problem solved.
    Oh you don't have an Enamorus? Don't give a single frick, get one off of the Home GTS.

  47. 10 months ago

    Imagine playing Pokémon “”””competitively”””” compared to literally anything else. Just admit that you’re dog shit at video games. Any top 1% MOBA or FPS player could win regionals on the side. The game is based on RNG and horrible balance, why the frick are you guys defending genning when it removed any bargaining power players had? Why would they ever care about making the game more accessible or less grindy or less rng when everyone keeps showing up to tournaments? Face it, Pokémon is at its core an rpg. No one has or ever will give a shit about VGC except for other rejects who can’t even get out of silver in CSGO or LoL.

    >because I care about the game!
    No if you really cared you would have the self restraint to do what’s best for the game, not your dopamine levels.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah it's bullshit and moronic and it's why I haven't touched VGC since SM and haven't been serious about it since XY. I never genned but you bring up a good point about how they're only adding to the problem by taking accountability away from GF and TPC.

      Play Showdown instead

      Telling people to play a 3rd party app is a tacit admission that official VGC is broken. Tell TPC to fix their shit if they want people to care about their game.

      • 10 months ago

        Telling people to play a 3rd party app is a tacit admission that official VGC is broken.
        Don't get my words twisted. If you want instant gratification, play Showdown. Otherwise you should accept Pokemon, and VGC rules, for what they are.

        • 10 months ago

          >Otherwise you should accept Pokemon, and VGC rules, for what they are.

    • 10 months ago

      >Any top 1% MOBA or FPS player
      wait until you see the pokemon unite "pro" players
      some of them make the shitters in our general look good

  48. 10 months ago

    training is boring
    battling is fun

  49. 10 months ago

    Because training is moronic with all the EVs and natures whatever, which is why I never even tried pvp. Make it easier to change stats or this shit is inevitable, people will cheat their mons in so they can spend time actually playing against players instead of mindlessly farming.

  50. 10 months ago

    Arguing with rulegays is just like talking to Black folk.
    >Would you be fine with Genning if it was made legal
    >No, it’s illegal
    >But what if it was legal?
    >But it’s illegal

    • 10 months ago

      >arguing moot points
      Perhaps anon, you are the Black person.

    • 10 months ago

      you be fine with Genning if it was made legal
      No because it shits all over people who don't gen

      • 10 months ago

        If genning is legal, then that’s their choice, much like how people who get all their Pokemon as shinies get shat on by people who don’t but choose not to. It’d be moronic to force everyone to get a shiny for every Pokemon on their team because someone who does that would be disadvantaged.

        • 10 months ago

          What the frick kind of comparison is this?

          • 10 months ago

            >Genning BAD because breedcuck has to put more work for same competitive results
            >Regular breedcuck fine even though Shiny breedcuck has to make his entire team Shiny

            • 10 months ago

              that is my response to your argument

    • 10 months ago

      Says the Black person encouraging nip kids to break the law

      • 10 months ago

        >break the law

      • 10 months ago

        It’s not breaking the law if it’s legal. Not a hard concept to grasp if you’re white.

      • 10 months ago

        Their laws are moronic and are always written in such a way where they're easily circumvented. Prostitution is illegal, but they have plenty of "restaurants" where the waitress will serve you a cup of tea and then frick you as a private matter between two individuals.

    • 10 months ago

      It will never be "legal" because it's implications are going directly against business of TPCi, Gamefreak and Nintendo. Your question is pointless. There's no "what if" because that would open questions about legitimacy of hacking your console and pirating your games and you know how hard is Nintendo's hateboner against it.

      Also as

      >VGCucks are now advocating for children to break the law in japan just so they can avoid playing the games and gen

      mentioned - In Japan modifying your consoles and pirating games and game content (which we can argue Pokemon are) is literally illegal and TPC, Gamefreak and Nintendo are in Japan and work according to Japanese law.

      Asking "what if genning Pokemon was okay?" is the same as asking "what if raping, torturing, mutilating and killing children and then feeding their corpses to your pet dog was okay?".

      • 10 months ago

        This is some masterful bait, friend, congratulations.

  51. 10 months ago

    >have there home account deleted
    No. Banned from events? Yeah

  52. 10 months ago

    Yeah, it's time to have an "event" Flutter Mane who happens to be fully trained

    • 10 months ago

      The $90 dlc legendary doesn't stick out to you as a bigger issue?

      • 10 months ago

        >The version exclusive who makes people especially autistic about the 10% chance of fighting a Foul Play 'mon

        • 10 months ago

          just make a ghost sandwich and throw some quickballs lmao

  53. 10 months ago

    honestly this whole controversy is just reminding me of this time my work friend blocked me on discord when i showed no sympathy for his pokemon go account getting banned when he himself admitted he spoofed his ip.
    like i don't care if people cheat, it doesn't effect me in any way. but if you do cheat, you can't really expect me to feel bad for you if you get caught and punished.

  54. 10 months ago

    >he doesn’t have access to previous event pokemon
    u silly billy, all this does is expose bad genners. The PID 12345s, HOME ID checks, and size 00s are all easily avoidable with two brain cells. The only thing this’ll do is get rid of more poorly genned gaymons like MACHAMPS and GENGARS and Scrimblo.YTs to make way for my superior, legal, uncheckable genned moms that I flood your tight, loose GTS with whenever I want another Urshifu, Enamorus, or Walking Wake.

  55. 10 months ago


    >A in doesn't have time to train his pokemon
    >Has all the time in the world to cry on /vp/ about not having time

  56. 10 months ago

    I didn't even notice that the original comic used trans flag colors until now lol

    • 10 months ago

      >blue for the boy
      >pink for the girl
      >the rest is literally gray
      /misc/ has rotten your brain

  57. 10 months ago


    >always the girliest girl who ever girled, just happens to like video games or something

  58. 10 months ago

    Because this is a videogame tournament in what is essentially a "promotional event".

    To every moron who takes this seriously, go submit an open records request to the state of Tennessee regarding the worlds 2018 event or D.C.
    You will not only see them use that term several times, you will read in plain text that these events aren't presented as a "sporting fair chance event". So let's say there is a bug on a move for damage calculation and you have a game loss, guess what? your fricked. You have zero recourse. Doesn't matter how much time, money or effort you put into it. This is not MEANT TO BE A SERIOUS COMPETITION.
    Also why the prize money is so low. It's a promotional event for the brand. If you have the time to do it great, it not oh well. Despite TPCI and shills asshurt over genning and claims of how this tarnishes the sanctity of this event, the company legally files paperwork every year in states whete there are laws regarding events like this with prize money that it's all just for show and there is zero accountability on them if they frick up and the money is just chump change amount. If a city told them they couldn't offer prize money, they would just give you swag instead.

    But by all means, keep going on with your autism thinking this matters and that the pokemon company cares about the VGC genned mons because you think it has some morality when in reality it just the boomer mindset.

    • 10 months ago

      This. You're LITERALLY spending money so TPC has the opportunity to DIRECTLY ADVERTISE MORE POKEMON MEDIA TO YOUR FACE. You're PAYING for the privilege of being told you can PAY MORE.

    • 10 months ago

      This. You're LITERALLY spending money so TPC has the opportunity to DIRECTLY ADVERTISE MORE POKEMON MEDIA TO YOUR FACE. You're PAYING for the privilege of being told you can PAY MORE.

      Stop Cheating.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't even play VGC. But just making it clear, the "fair play and what's right is right" mindset you have only goes one way. If something messed up in the game and it was a known issue, their position is that this is just a promotional thing. Shit happens. sorry your game bugged and you will lose and there is nothing that would be done about it. They don't like genning mons because it means someone hacked a system. Not because of "sportsmanship".

        • 10 months ago

          Thanks for sharing.

        • 10 months ago

          lol this. If I won worlds and got the prize money, then the next day made a public statement that all my pokemon were genned, TPC wouldn't give a frick.

    • 10 months ago

      Rulecucks are basically jannies for TPC. They do it for free.

  59. 10 months ago

    >Game about raising your team, having a bond with them and becoming a champion in a fictional sport
    >Autistic manchildren rip off all the soul from it and turn it into monster skinned chess
    I support massive banning every gener.

    • 10 months ago

      Your Pokemon are all digital 1s and 0s. They don’t have any feelings for you. They don’t care about your existance nor can they even care about anything. They aren’t sentient beings.
      Even if they were sentient beings they would be completely horrified and disgusted by the average breedcuck who willingly slaughters entire ecosystems (filled with now sentient creatures) just to get an edge in animalfighting competition. God fricking forbid they are given eyes and can see a shirtless 28 year old friendless obese manchild living off of welfare.
      I for one am thankful that Pokemon aren’t sentient and otherwise have to endure being a slave to breedcucks.

      • 10 months ago

        Holy copium

      • 10 months ago

        I'm sorry you can't understand what I mean, esl.

      • 10 months ago

        I dread to think of the state of your nintendogs right now

      • 10 months ago


  60. 10 months ago

    Just put an npc that sells the fricking wings and lower the price of the vitamins and bottle caps and no one would have a good reason to "cheat".

  61. 10 months ago

    This is why grassroots leagues will always be better than corporate endorsed events made to make you spend more money to make these billion dollar IPs more money. homies can't just show up and play they gotta cry like pissbabies about people genning

  62. 10 months ago

    i really, firmly believe that every post going
    >fighting game players play the game, why don't you?
    is all bait. there is certainly no way people are legitimately this moronic. but as poe's law states, i will lay it down.
    >fighting game
    >just plug it in, practice combos, go online and fight people
    >at most, you may need to unlock a few characters if you wanna use your main (which is one person, but some people use around 2-3 as side/pocket characters)
    >if your main character ends up being so shit against a certain character, you can drop it and just learn how to use a new one
    >also the prize money's better lmao
    then there's:
    >for almost each and every single team you make, you have to go out in the wild and wrangle them like tards running in a walmart. sometimes you can trade and breed them. not the tards though.
    >then you need to hope that you have the items, otherwise you need to get them too
    >this is just to build the team, then you need to go online and hope it actually works. if it ends up being shitty, it's back to square one
    >meanwhile, all the genner needs to do is a bit of research online and maybe the occasional in-game trade with some trade bots, and he can be on the same level as the breedman (this is important, being on the same level)
    >also the prize money's shit
    "but bro just use showdown"
    in-game cart fights are better for training for VGC regionals. showdown teams are mostly same-y.
    "lmao dq'd"
    the reason why they were dq'd was only because they had no home tracker. home's fricking free. in fact, you could get a legit ursaluna from anywhere, trade it with a tradebot that shows you the pkhex file, load it up, send it back, and have yourself a ursaluna that no-one could tell was genned
    "stop cheating"
    steroids ain't cheating homie

    • 10 months ago

      Facts don't care about feelings, if something is not allowed then it's cheating. Just because your doctor lets you (falsely) believe you can change your gender doesn't mean every other industry uses the same logic.

    • 10 months ago

      >in-game cart fights are better for training for VGC regionals. showdown teams are mostly same-y.

      Have you ever watch a single VGC match in your life?

      • 10 months ago

        no, but i've actually played some in regionals. the teams are INCREDIBLY varied. some are shit, some were gimmicky, some were good. none of the people i fought ever made it out of pools though.

        • 10 months ago

          Ah, so you're a VGCuck. no wonder you defend genning.

    • 10 months ago

      Here's something I don't understand. What happens if you have never installed HOME and go to compete in an official event? Since your game would have no home trackers on Pokemon would that get you dq'd?

      • 10 months ago

        The only way to get pokemon from past gens is by installing home. If you only bring pokemon you can find in the game, then you won't be found out.

      • 10 months ago

        ideally, it'd go like this:
        >find any ursaluna trader, ideally someone with just some shit one, as the shitter/less-advertised it is the more likely it is to be legit and not genned
        >give ursaluna to trade bot, have it give you back the pkhex file
        >the pkhex file SHOULD have a good HOME tracking number, if it doesn't you might just be fricked
        >it should also have legends arceus as its origin, of course
        >edit it as you want, give it back to the trade bot
        >you now have an ursaluna that won't get you DQ'd

        • 10 months ago

          See I thought though that changing immutable values like IVs, Nature, etc would frick with the Home tracker.

          • 10 months ago

            it might, but if you're unsure, i'd try tossing it right back to home and taking it back.
            for the extra safe route though, you may have to end up shelling out $$$ for legends arceus and then going the tradebot route through that game, then putting it in home for the first time.

  63. 10 months ago

    It's very telling how the genners keep giving unrealistic hours on how long it takes to achieve certain things. Almost like you're making excuses.

    • 10 months ago

      Rulecucks have been making outrageous claims that you can make a winning competitive team in a couple of hours, which hasn't even been remotely true since early Gen 6.

      • 10 months ago

        You say this why ignoring the fact Swsh made it easy due to Dynamax pokemon have 4-5 guaranteed max IV's. I made meme teams in SwSh because it was so damn easy to do. The same thing for Tera raids. The only argument you have is tera shards which I will agree is a pain to farm, but not to the extent of 500 hours.

        • 10 months ago

          Don't HA also require raids too? The point is that despite being "easier" it still takes hours upon hours to even get started playing comp with a meta team.

          • 10 months ago

            >Don't HA also require raids too?

            I thought you played the games?

            • 10 months ago

              No? I beat the main quest six months ago and haven't touched it since. I'm not going to waste my life playing monster eugenics simulator just for the privilege of trying PVP.

              • 10 months ago

                come home white man, use tradebots and make breedcucks seethe

              • 10 months ago

                >No? I beat the main quest six months ago and haven't touched it since.

                Just as I guessed, you have no idea what you're talking about. You just enjoy spouting buzzwords. Carry on.

              • 10 months ago

                Post hours played and master ball rank.

              • 10 months ago

                Show me yours and I'll show you mine

              • 10 months ago

                Not an argument. Not even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand. Plus it's splatfest and I'm not stopping to post screenshots for some literal who on a Korean imageboard.


              • 10 months ago

                I have no reason to. You guys already lost, I'm just laughing at how much cope there's been.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't understand what you're trying to achieve here.

                >Lovecuck doesn't realize he already lost the splatfest over half a day ago

                I actually didn't check yet, I picked Team Money. BASED

              • 10 months ago

                Not an argument. Not even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand. Plus it's splatfest and I'm not stopping to post screenshots for some literal who on a Korean imageboard.

                I already admitted that I don't play since I don't find grinding fun, and I don't play games that aren't fun. Why is it so hard to post your hours played and master ball rank since you tards play the game so much?

              • 10 months ago

                >p-p-post proof you play

                How does that change the fact that genning will remain illegal? You don't even play the games.

              • 10 months ago

                Not an argument. Not even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand. Plus it's splatfest and I'm not stopping to post screenshots for some literal who on a Korean imageboard.

              • 10 months ago

                >Lovecuck doesn't realize he already lost the splatfest over half a day ago

              • 10 months ago

                I want Shiver to sit on my face

  64. 10 months ago

    Imagine spending hours each day watching a ditto (probably genned lol) ravage the holes of your Pokemon and you gleefully raise them.
    The breedcuck mindset makes way more sense now when you think about it like that.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Imagine not doing a raid and then having the items to raise the captured 5IV level 75 mon to be ready for competitive within an hour

      • 10 months ago

        Imagine throwing away six hours of your life that you'll never get back just to make one team of Pokémon lmao That's a part time job right there.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know man, I'd say it's less of a time waster than say, traveling to Japan and getting disqualified.

  65. 10 months ago

    The thing is it hasn't just become prevalent, it's been a thing since VGC started and I believe it will continue even if Nintendo increases the penalty for getting caught. The only true way to stop cheating is if they make you fill out a team sheet at an event and you get the Pokemon made there. The faster you can get a team made the more you can play with it and get better which is the SOLE reason people will gen in the first place

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