Why haven't you made your own strategy game yet, anon?

Why haven't you made your own strategy game yet, anon?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    I'm moronic

    • 9 months ago

      Same. Best I can do is mod some trivial stuff

  2. 9 months ago

    Im making an rts where you are the lord of a mansion and all your troops are maids and the botlers get resources, you fight other lords to destroys their resources and make it going down in a simulated stock market

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Goth e-girl Supremacy GSG when, bros?

      • 8 months ago

        What would the factions be, colour scheme based?
        Black and Whites vs Dark/Edgy Colours vs Pink and whites?
        I would rather go for Goth GSG, so you can have Germanic tribes vs architecture vs 80s goths vs Gothe-girl vs Vampirecore vs Cybergoths vs Mall goths/hot topic goths vs e-goths.

      • 7 months ago

        What would the factions be, colour scheme based?
        Black and Whites vs Dark/Edgy Colours vs Pink and whites?
        I would rather go for Goth GSG, so you can have Germanic tribes vs architecture vs 80s goths vs Gothe-girl vs Vampirecore vs Cybergoths vs Mall goths/hot topic goths vs e-goths.

        Choose your faction

        • 7 months ago

          Military Sailors vs Pastel Pirates, lets go!

        • 7 months ago

          Gothic>Industrial>School>Maid>Sailor>Ero>The rest.

          • 7 months ago

            meh, plaid isn't really my thing, and besides it looks too much like idolshit for my tastes.

  3. 9 months ago


  4. 9 months ago

    >can't code
    >can't draw
    >can't into 3d modelling
    >no money to outsource those things
    >no worthwile ideas

    • 8 months ago

      >No worthwhile ideas
      damn. and I thought I had it bad. thank you anon for making me feel like less of a moron than I already am

      • 8 months ago

        Your ideas also aren't worthwhile, you're just to dumb to realize that.

  5. 9 months ago

    I am but I also have to pay my rent. Expect relentless, annoying shilling as soon as I got a viable prototype.

    • 9 months ago

      I believe in you anon

  6. 9 months ago

    I despise autistic people, I couldn't even be bothered to make a mod for anyone other than myself and friend's.

    • 9 months ago

      For friend's what?

      • 9 months ago

        My friend's strategy game

  7. 9 months ago

    I can't code and at this point I'm too old and preoccupied with life to learn it. If I ever win the lottery big time I will fund a game studio making my dream game.

  8. 9 months ago

    Want to, but getting towards the end of a PhD so there's no hope of me making the time.

  9. 9 months ago

    Because, even if I poured my heart into it, no one would see past the outer layer and play it correctly.

    • 9 months ago

      >Not making a game because no one would play it correctly
      What a moronic take. People not playing games correctly is what leads to some of the coolest moments in vidya.

      • 9 months ago

        >People not playing games correctly is what leads to some of the coolest moments in vidya.
        Yes, like glitches becoming the meta in SSBM, or archer-splitting killing mangonels, but these come from people already knowing how to play the game and innovating within the confines of the meta.
        This isn't from them being too cowardly to engage with the game's mechanics, instead building a ton of defensive structures and demanding the enemy walk their units into them, or flipping the table and patting themselves on the back over Civ 5's happiness mechanic. I'm not wasting my own time and vision designing a multiplayer game for people who think anyone who learns to play said multiplayer mode with victory in mind is a Korean sweatlord.
        /vst/ has given me a fierce hatred for the average strategy game player. He's more pathetic than the others, and he comforts himself by saying he's having fun, even if he's mediocre.

        • 9 months ago

          Still a dumb reason, but making a strategy game in current year is a pretty dumb idea anyway.

          • 9 months ago

            >Still a dumb reason
            I'm willing to bet I'm describing you.

            • 9 months ago

              I don't even play strategy games.

        • 9 months ago

          I am

          Part of designing a game is letting go of the notion of "how it's meant to be played". Game designers are never the best players of a game. Trying to control that just results in unfun nerfs to "unintended ways of playing".
          Running /tg/ games taught me the joy of having a game you came up with go to places you never imagined on the impetus of other players.

          Does board game count?

          nice Axis & Allies clone. The world needs more of them.

          • 9 months ago

            Mmmm, yes. Tasty (you)s. I'll have to check AnA out. I've heard good stuff about it.

            I'M WORKIN' ON IT!!!

            Y tho?

            Are you a pole? If the local schizo sees your post he will get hella triggered

            Yeah, I know of him. He's kind of adorable.

            Looks cool anon, and yea, paper testing counts. Well, I'm assuming you're paper testing and not making a fa/tg/uy game, but if it's the latter I think you should use square tiles instead of hexagons so that it's easier for the player to pick them up when there are a bunch of them bunched up next to each other.

            It is a paper game. Not going to bother digitalizing it because I know somewhere between jack and shit about coding.
            Hexes work fine.
            Since it works on simultaneus turns principle there's never much reason to pick up multiple pieces at once.
            I still can't figure out how to solve LoS issues.

            • 9 months ago

              >Y tho?
              I thought it would be funny. I even made it be a monochrome .gif so that people would have to convert it first if they wanted to map paint with it. The full thing is in a PSD file FWIW

              >Hexes work fine
              What I meant by using squares is that specifically the pieces should be squares, that way there will be space around them in each hex for the player to pick them up. Pic related

              • 9 months ago

                >that way there will be space around them in each hex for the player to pick them up
                Would circles work any better in that regard?

              • 9 months ago

                Not the oanon, but it might be slightly harder to grip them than squares, in the same way coins can be "launched" from your hand.

          • 9 months ago

            Significant difference between something like a momentum card being used as insurance for an aggression build, and people just spamming towers against the AI, then playing SimCity.

            • 9 months ago

              I don't see it. If people are having fun playing the game, why care how they do so.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't see it.
                One is the thoughtful repurposing of a utility tool to suit the situation.
                The other is a degeneration and mockery of the game, caused by the player's own personal flaws.
                >If people are having fun playing the game, why care how they do so.
                Because the only reason I'd ever put in all the work of learning to code, getting art assets together, assembling a team, and monitoring online quality and in-game balance, is because I want people to enjoy playing the game. I want them to play with the parts in the context of a standard game format because that's what the game is.
                If an artisanal chess piece manufacturer sees his countrymen using his pieces mainly as chew-toys or as Bakugan, I imagine he's deeply remorseful.

              • 9 months ago

                There's an obvious line between exploring the work and blatant defacing, just as there's a gap between setting chess pieces between players who don't fully understand the rules and setting the pieces behind glass never to be used. People are going to interrupt a work one way or another, and if you despise the concept of Death of the Author and can't handle your work being interpreted "wrong," then you're right, you shouldn't make anything.
                But nobody reaches artisanal status in the first place being so concerned for pride that they never practice.

              • 9 months ago

                >Death of the Author
                This is the worst bullshit the West has come up with. Not gayshit, not bio-engineered plagues, and not industrialized warfare. Death of the Author. Absolute worst thing.

              • 8 months ago

                Frick you, I'll use the chess piecies to roleplay countryside drama and action sequences on the chess board, and you can't stop me.


                Why haven't you made your own strategy game yet, anon?

                1)I'd want way too many things to be customizable
                2) due to how much I like complicated messes where everything influences everything in else in weird cascading ways that I think make some sort of sense, but can't plan the consequences of (i.e. I prefer an unbalanced but interesting system, over an balanced and castrated one), any game I'd make would be entirely opaque in gameplay, even for me (not the hypothetical "me as a player", but the "me as the one who made all of this shit").

              • 9 months ago

                If you see someone using the 'wrong' strategy in your game as equivalent to someone using chess pieces as chew toys, then yeah, you should never make a game. People will always experiment with different things, to figure out what they find fun to play.
                You're never going to be able to completely stop people from playing SimCity with the base building, unless you completely remove all base building. You're never going to be able to stop people from turtling against the AI in skirmish unless you don't have any AI. You'll never be able to stop people from getting a couple friends together and just doing some dumb RP bullshit in your game, unless you completely remove lobbies and force all matches to using your matchmaking.

                That's because you are not the sole arbiter of fun in your game. You can try, but people will either find ways around it, or leave. And if you have a multiplayer game, you do not want people to be leaving en masse because you have limited their ability to have fun. That's the way to a quick community death.

              • 9 months ago

                Making a game as a satisfying digital lego set is more expensive than just making a real game, so that's not the tradeoff you imply it is.

        • 9 months ago

          >designing a multiplayer game
          And nothing of value was lost.

        • 8 months ago

          >/vst/ has given me a fierce hatred for the average strategy game player.
          Don't blame /vst/ it's just reddit tourists. The chans have always hated shitters and always will.

  10. 9 months ago

    what engine could i make it in

    • 9 months ago

      You don't need an engine.
      You can just use OpenGL + OpenAL

      • 9 months ago

        Or let SDL or Allegro (or whatever) do that shit for you.
        You still have to write a lot of code that an engine would usually take care of, but life really is too short to directly call OpenGL APIs.

      • 9 months ago

        Or let SDL or Allegro (or whatever) do that shit for you.
        You still have to write a lot of code that an engine would usually take care of, but life really is too short to directly call OpenGL APIs.

        I'm not building UIs from scratch anons, that's how you end up with bad video games like Shadow Empire, forcing you to employ discord troony shills.

        I honestly thought Godot was a decent choice, but Ganker convinced me it's shit and now I have nothing left.

        • 9 months ago

          Godot is fine. It isn't the greatest for 3D, but it's functional, and unless you are doing something super ambitious like trying to have 10k units on the screen at once or something, it will be more than adequate for your needs. If you are that ambitious, you probably want to design your engine from scratch to accommodate that anyways, since no prebuilt engine is going to be perfectly optimized for your game.

          Unreal probably works a bit better than Godot for 3D, but it's a bit heavyweight unless you have a decently sized team.

          You could also go for a framework like Monogame, and build most of the game at a fairly low level. There are lots of good UI libraries for it like Myra. It's what I'm currently using for my game. I have a functional UI with minimal effort (although, I still need to really test it out on a bunch of people to see if it's at least somewhat intuitive beyond the few superhardcore strategy gamers friends who have tried the game so far).

          • 9 months ago

            >since no prebuilt engine is going to be perfectly optimized for your game.
            but if the game is similar to Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander, I'd argue Spring RTS could get him pretty damn close.

  11. 9 months ago

    I can't code, I keep trying to learn but it feels like trying to dig a mountain away

    • 9 months ago

      It always feels like that. You just figure out how to do stuff along the way

  12. 9 months ago

    It would take over one thousand hours of work and it would not produce any income.

  13. 9 months ago

    AI programming is beyond my code monkey abilities. In the meantime I could probably make a mod but I'm also a lazy homosexual

  14. 9 months ago

    Does board game count?

    • 9 months ago

      Are you a pole? If the local schizo sees your post he will get hella triggered

    • 9 months ago

      Looks cool anon, and yea, paper testing counts. Well, I'm assuming you're paper testing and not making a fa/tg/uy game, but if it's the latter I think you should use square tiles instead of hexagons so that it's easier for the player to pick them up when there are a bunch of them bunched up next to each other.

  15. 9 months ago

    I'M WORKIN' ON IT!!!

    • 9 months ago

      >my hometown didn't make it
      it's over

      • 8 months ago

        I've had to redo this part of the map a bit, so maybe it's in now

    • 8 months ago

      >olivença is not in portugal
      are you making a ww3 game?

      • 8 months ago

        I use a thick brush to do the "rough sketch" when I'm trying to decide what provincial borders I want, so some things will look distorted here. In the finished map (this is before I put textures on it to make it look nice), it's on Spain's side.

        • 7 months ago

          so you're making a game set in modern times?

          • 7 months ago

            It will be loosely set in the middle ages, but I'm focusing on fun instead of recreating a specific time period here since there were some things I wanted to try out simultaneously that will clash with historical accuracy. It's been a very long time since I've last completed a game, so for now I'm focusing on actually finishing something and putting in features that will make for a fun campaign over focusing on replicating a certain time period accurately. But after I finish this game, the next one will definitely focus more on keeping the setting historically accurate.

            I read a little more about Olivenza since my last reply. In the time period I'm loosely basing my game in, it didn't exist yet, but if it did it would have been under Muslim control.

            • 7 months ago

              you're using modern province borders, and using the "frick it it's set in the "medieval" times so I'll do whatever" argument...
              >I read a little more about Olivenza since my last reply. In the time period I'm loosely basing my game in, it didn't exist yet, but if it did it would have been under Muslim control.
              a lot of shit in your "map" didn't exist either lol

  16. 9 months ago

    the closest i got was an ascii grand strategy game with a map editor, movement mechanics, time system, and a few other pieces before i got bored. i'll try again one day...

  17. 9 months ago

    I have, but they're all tabletops which I then convert to spreadsheets and then wonder what's even the point of moving physical units around or displaying virtual units when I can just read outcomes off the sheets. Then I stop working on them out of disillusionment.

  18. 9 months ago

    Currently spending my free time making a design document for a game that would be a mix of Command Ops 2, Unity of Command 2, War in the East and Territorial.io. (I describe it like that because I assume no one wants to hear my unsolicited original and self proclaimed ‘very cool ideas’) Being a terminally an idea guy, (and a mediocre artist) I feel like writing out design documents that people will never see is a hobby with itself.

    >Why haven't you made your own strategy game yet
    I tried leading a project once before but it failed. Finding good dedicated game devs is the hardest part of the whole thing. I think if where to do it again I would have to pay full time devs to work part time on my project as contractors. Although that approach means it would be more than few years off until I have the predicted capital saved up.

    • 9 months ago

      >writing out design documents that no one will ever see as a hobby

      Are you me?

  19. 9 months ago

    I've been designing one for a while but I'm too poor to ever be able to make it see the light of day

    • 9 months ago

      You think all the greatest devs who made all those wonderfull flash (RIP) games had multi-million dollar studios?
      Those were literal basement dwellers who used stock sounds, copyright free music, asked family for voice acting and coded it all on old laptop.
      Don't let your games be dreams.

      • 9 months ago

        Most of them also did it when they had free time and weren't busy wageslaving to barely make ends meet with chronic health issues they can't afford to treat

        That said, I'm not going to give up, I just don't logically think that I'll ever get anywhere with it

      • 9 months ago

        >stock sounds, copyright free music
        Lol, more like stolen stock sounds and copyrighted music that just never got reported; half the Flash games/animations on Newgrounds of the time were Mario clones that use ripped Mario sprites and stolen Mario music. Actually, if you try to look for Mario games on Itch or on Android you can still find a lot of kusoge made with stolen assets, so nothing's changed except that instead of Flash people are now using dedicated game engines instead.

      • 9 months ago

        The problem is one might have a great idea for a game, but unless you know art and coding you must find someone else. This person has to be interested in the concept as much as you, and in order to willing work for 'free' (in most case this means revenue sharing). But it is not simple as that, there is also a ‘matchup’ between talent between you and the other dev. Say if you do art but are poor artist, you will not attract a great coder to your project and visa versa. It’s gets complex fast.

        This is ignoring how if you start out with an idea and bring others to it, they too bring their ideas. Which may be a deal breaker for autistic idea guy who has his own ‘vision.’ But this can happen very slowly. Working on games is like any other job; it can be a slog at time. Which can be made more acutely felt when it is not someone’s sole passion project. Doing the hard boring work for a prolonged period of time to work towards a compromised vision and foregoing the many other things can do with their free time, is enough for some to slip into apathy and withdrawal from the project. Furthermore, a lot of indie games are people who went full time for it and quite their jobs at AAA studio because they hated meetings, working with people and being told what to do.

        >writing out design documents that no one will ever see as a hobby

        Are you me?

        Glad I am not alone in doing this

        • 9 months ago

          You should share some of your design ideas here anon, that way at least some people will be able to appreciate.

          Hell, it would be cool to turn this into a regular vst game dev general.

          • 9 months ago

            I'll try to condense my thoughts into an elevator pitch.

            The goal is to put the player in shoes their historical counterpart by having "the look" and feel of drawing on the map in a high command’s war room. The game would be real-time tick-based, and played on square grid so that custom maps can be uploaded as an image file from the computer. The player commands formations of units, as all units are organized into a dynamic hierarchy which can changed on the fly to make the prefect kampfgruppe or army structure. The lowest level units, the division, are not counters but lines or areas representing the footprint of that units which clash with simple & (ideally) deterministic behavior and combat. There are three types of Orders: Routes, which units will move along; Lines, which units take up positions along; and, Boundary Lines, which mark the edges of area of operations for each unit. Lastly, much of the players’ focus will be on prioritizing the replenishing personnel among formations and setting up the logistics of allocating, transporting supply with trucks and depos.

            • 9 months ago

              Cool, I always wanted Italy to be an island.

        • 8 months ago

          the art doesn't matter until later. the core mechanics are what matter, the layout of everything, but the actual art doesn't matter.

  20. 9 months ago


  21. 9 months ago

    I haven't worked on my game in two fricking months and I think it's mainly because I'm currently facing a section of work that has no immediate visible progress and has a lot of planning needed and very little interaction involved.
    I don't know how I'm gonna get back into it or if I even am.
    I miss stuff like rendering. That was difficult and tedious but at least I could feel the progress.

  22. 9 months ago

    Currently 1,5 years of deving my 4x fantasy game. Had to make a pause as I am looking for a new job.

    Making strategy game is a hard task since there are a lot of different stuff that have to work together nicely. good luck everyone!

    • 9 months ago

      Tell us more about it!

      • 7 months ago

        >tell us more

        - isometric map, 2D, darkish fantasy
        - inspired by fall from heaven 2
        - 7 fantasy factions with different goals and design, mostly human (frick ugly orcs)
        - big campaign on a single map
        - difficult
        - one unit per tile + somewhat tactical battles
        - endgame cataclysm
        - mod compatibility and map editor

        I have a strong code base already and now I am looking for pixel artists. I like the progess I've done.

        • 7 months ago

          Mind if you show some screenshots of your base game? I could give you some feedback if you want.

  23. 9 months ago

    Can you even make an RTS in Godot?

  24. 9 months ago

    It is one of the hardest games to make.
    Uses the most of the higher end systems one needs to use to make a video game and that is even before you start pondering the multiplayer question.

    It takes years of research and practice to even begin to make one of any value, few people get over the hump.

  25. 9 months ago

    Can't figure out pathfinding and I'm so frustrated with a total war like project that im going to give up and change it into turn based gameplay

    • 9 months ago

      you still need pathfinding in turn based games, anon.
      I imagine you've come across this, but just in case, https://www.redblobgames.com/pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html

      Can you even make an RTS in Godot?

      I don't know much about Godot, but why wouldn't you be able to?

    • 9 months ago

      Pathfinding is overall super basic, with a million different tutorials out there. If you can't figure out pathfinding, you probably don't have any business trying to make a game outside of RPG Maker.

  26. 9 months ago

    Because I only make games I want to play and I would never in a million years play a strategy game made by one person

  27. 9 months ago

    It's a lot of work. I use my free time to not work,

  28. 9 months ago

    >find https://demiansky.itch.io/songs-of-the-eons a few years back
    >interesting concept with lots of world gen autism and province generation which could be interesting for a strategy game
    >check back today and see it's abandoned but the creator posted the source code to github
    based, i might try to port what exists to a non meme programming language then play with adding things from there

  29. 9 months ago

    Because when I think about it, I realize that it would cost thousands of hours to end up with a mediocre product that no one would play.

  30. 9 months ago

    i totally forgot
    i dont know how to code
    i dont know how to draw
    im mostly a phonegay becuase im poor and dont trust the wiring in my house.

  31. 9 months ago

    Never coded before, but I'm very slowly learning Godot in my down time. Just trying to make some proof of concept stuff and experiment. So far i have a map screen where i can move a player icon around and then interact with an enemy when colliding with them. Next i want to work on a turn based combat system.
    Progress is slow since I'm doing it around full time work, but it's fun. There's so much content on forums and YouTube to help learn.
    Eventually if i can get a decent example of a game, I'll share it with my friends making another game and see if they'd be interested in working on it.

    • 9 months ago

      Setting up a proper turn based system is dreadful but an immense learning experience

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it sounds daunting, but i figure i can start small and try to follow tutorials to figure it out.
        I know I'll need help if i plan to make a full game, but want to at least get some framework made first.

  32. 9 months ago

    I don't know how to make games. Actually do want to make a tabletop game like Battletech though

  33. 9 months ago

    because the nearly perfect one, against the storm, is already out. I just get too stressed trying to do a colony on high prestige so I have to do it in spurts.

  34. 9 months ago

    I hate how bad it is, with how good it could be. also graphics

  35. 9 months ago

    I'm a lazy Black person. I think my idea is simple enough for me to implement though and I want to start properly soon. The hard part will be getting an artist I think.

  36. 9 months ago

    i have the ideas and visuals in mind for a few bsed on the same engine, i just don't know how to code

  37. 9 months ago

    Coding is too hard

  38. 9 months ago

    can't be bothered to learn coding, i'll just make a mock up boardgame and then run a dead on arrival quest on /qst/ based on the system which will fail spectacularly and never bother again to let it escape my mind.

  39. 9 months ago

    >all these self-confessed codelets

    • 9 months ago

      >tfw timelet

  40. 9 months ago

    because i'm a failure that can't get anything done

  41. 9 months ago

    I am making my own grand rapestrategy but it's taking forever, I'm going to take a break and just make a shmup where I rape goblins instead.

    • 8 months ago

      fricking hell anon, got me laughing for a solid 5 minutes

  42. 8 months ago

    Is SRPG Studio any good? Obviously I would wait for it to go on sale even if I tried it but it seems somewhat limited, reviews basically say you really need to be patient with it to get anything other than a mediocre Fire Emblem clone, but there's potential if you can be.

  43. 8 months ago

    Who says I haven’t made a strategy game? It’s absolutely bugged garbage, but it plays. The second one I make is actually going to be good.

    • 8 months ago

      Do you have a link to it, anon?

  44. 8 months ago

    I want to make a gsg, I'm using visual studio. should I use windows forms to make the gui?

  45. 8 months ago

    do boards games count?

  46. 8 months ago

    Im in the middle of it right now. You play as a family over generations trying to stop an apocalypse on a peninsula. Each time you die/retire, you play as one of your offspring, legitimate or not, pick a class and try to breed a character strong enough to stop the apocalypse. Player classes determine abilities, some classes definitely are better for building wealth/power for future generations than actually stopping an apocalyspe themselves. The apoc itself is random, sometimes the sun going to blow up, sometimes its a zombie apoc, sometimes demons invade the world, it will play like conquest of elysium 5 but you can actually crawl around the dungeons you find in the overmap.

    Here is a spritemap for one of the classes, 'merchant.'

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


      nuchanners are such fricking bores lol

    • 8 months ago

      very nice, I would suggest to put the acked merchant

  47. 8 months ago

    I did have the urge to make "Combat Mission, but good" a few months ago, but I so did the Combat Mission guys like twenty years ago and look where that got them.

  48. 8 months ago

    Because it would just be SMAC with better UI, better diplomacy, and baked in a learning model until the AI actually becomes competent.

  49. 8 months ago

    99.99% of people who play strategy games are blowhards who have no fricking clue when it comes down to actually doing anything.
    The other 0.01% sure as hell aren't going to waste their time and money making something that will be pirated.

  50. 8 months ago

    Because depicting post-battle rape of the civillian population to make things more authentic is too based for SteamGreenlight

    • 8 months ago

      has not existed since 2017
      there are still build jannies though that will refuse builds for your rape game, but you don't have to beg steam users to vote for you anymore
      you just loan gaben $100 and you get a store page

  51. 8 months ago

    I'd be that butthole who absolutely plays favorites and makes my preferred faction blatantly overpowered. I didn't make the Zann Consortium in Empire At War, but I would've.

  52. 8 months ago

    I've a hard time doing the pathfinding. Like what do I use on a grid based RTS?
    Ssay a unit walks and bumps. Should I recalculate every time this happens?
    Say I make a group of 10 units move and they bump a bunch of times. This slows the game to a grinding halt. I can try using goal oriented vector field but this runs on the whole map. And again, what to do if an unaffiliated unit starts standing in the way of the group? Recalculate the vector field? Sure, but the unaffiliated units also moves and creates blocks along a chain where units consistently bump. Recalculate a vector field every time it bumps? Or the unit within the group just waits like a dumbass for the path to clear.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd suggest firing up a grid-based RTS and just dicking around with unit movement to see what it does. I know AOE2 is grid-based.

    • 8 months ago

      Just say frick it and recalculate, yeah. Damn near everyone does it, and it's not like pathfinding is a thing you're only using once in a while in an RTS. That said, use tricks to cut down on how often you're calling it, or trim down path complexity.
      Add a timer so a unit simply can't run pathfinding too often. Have a simple tiebreaker like a "right hand" rule, where all other things mostly equal, give every unit a small priority to a clockwise path. Instead of calling pathfinding, shrink collision down to a reasonable limit for a short time, only recalculating if you have to.
      You've got options.

  53. 8 months ago

    I have ideas for a space 4x but I can barely program stuff (which is to say, I can't), so the finished product would be a janky bugfest that looked like Aurora or RotP. In other words, skill issue.

  54. 8 months ago

    If openvic ever gets finished, then I want to add CK2 elements into Victoria 2. To me thats basically a perfect game, but impossible to implement into base game vic2. For a start, I want every detail of politics to have charcater and rpg elements; so every country has politicians of various types; every senator is a person you can make deals with for example, revolutionaries are individual characters, and rebel groups are headed by insurgent politicians. Instead of playing as a simple nation state where political parties having little effect on your ability to govern, I would have you play as the executive power in the country, and inherit all the problems of an individual politician as you attempt to build a consensus to rule your country.

    The 19th/eary 20th century was full of crazy characters, and it would be good to see and interact with them. Also, I think it would be fun to see a different aspect to diplomacy with individuals rather than just a number to indicate friendship. Something like Kaiser Wilhelm having that disaterous interview that greatly harmed Anglo-German relations. On top of that, it would be great to see your character physically interact with other world leaders. Take this picture - if you were playing as the UK and Gladstone was primeminister and not Disraeli, then it would be great to see the character change in the painting, which I intend to use as the backdrop to an event chain. This would also massively change the outcome along ideological and personal lines. A crisis dealt with by Teddy Roosevelt and Joe Chamberlain would not look anything like a treaty ratified by Woodrow Wilson and David Lloyd George.

    In terms of uncivilised nations, which are very boring in the base game, I think characters would liven them up. This is especially the case that many places would still act like feudal monarchies right into the 20th centuries.

    • 8 months ago

      Forgot to add the pic

  55. 8 months ago

    i work as a codeslave and am too tired to do it after work as well

  56. 8 months ago

    This dude taught himself to code and had his strategy game on the Steam frontpage in just 3 years while so many of you homies have just given up. Imagine if you had his autism and kept going. You gotta believe in your yourselves, guys.

    • 8 months ago

      this is like posting a picture of a real woman and pretending to be trans

      • 8 months ago

        Isn't that just a transman, tho? Obligatory YWNBAW, btw.

    • 8 months ago

      >3 years
      it's a flash-tier game with mediocre pixel art
      i hope he didn't quit his day job

      • 8 months ago

        its also a broken mess too, read the reviews lmao

  57. 8 months ago

    It's hard to find documentation for the engine.

  58. 8 months ago

    Because no one will play a mashup of homeworld and warzone 2100, with four unique factions and the ability to steal technology for experimental weapons.

  59. 8 months ago

    I wanted to remade PTO II so the battles, months and loading times would go faster. So i tried for a day in godot and gave up.

  60. 8 months ago

    because i have a crippling fear of messing projects up in the long term from early decisions
    same reason i find it incredibly hard to enjoy strategy games now

  61. 8 months ago

    Because databasing and lore take so much time.
    I have 1500 provinces, and every province has pops. I also have 1000 years of history, I kinda regret taking a fantasy approach, and my world doesn't even have magic or fantasy races.

    • 8 months ago

      >1500 provinces, and every province has pops.
      How many factions are in your game?

      • 8 months ago

        Like 30, but there are only 5 religions and 5 culture groups.
        I tried to make everything unique,
        you have tribes to the north, city-state republic and princedoms to the southeast, feudal lords to the west southwest, nomads to the middle, and military order to the northwest.

        I realize looks messy, but the reason for is that there used to be two mega-states, that together ruled 66% of the continent, but they fricked by the nomads, whose own empire collapsed, leaving a sort of warring period.

        • 8 months ago

          >I realize looks messy, but the reason for is that there used to be two mega-states, that together ruled 66% of the continent, but they fricked by the nomads, whose own empire collapsed, leaving a sort of warring period
          Medieval Balkans campaign looking KINO today!

        • 8 months ago

          Nice, I see you made some progress as well!

          • 8 months ago

            To be honest, I haven't worked on this project for a while.

        • 7 months ago

          I had this obsession to divide the map into equal shares areas, regions and subregions like EU4
          I don't know, just find it appealing.

          • 7 months ago

            What do any of these names mean? Did you invent your own conlang, or are these just random gibberish?

            • 7 months ago

              So, I made 5 languages corresponding to five culture groups.
              These languages are very simple, I selected certain vowels, consonants, diphthongs, and syllable structures for every language. Then I used them to form syllables, each language has something like 150 syllables, and some of the syllables were exclusive to toponyms. I then used those syllables, to form, person, settlement, and region names.
              Because IRL, many regions are just diminutives of much longer words (because humans are lazy and tend to shorten things over time), I can use the syllables to reverse engineer etymological meaning to all places.
              For example, there is a region called Sopucia, it a border region between tribal Deugeun (Due-geun) and Soffirish (Sof-fir-ish) nomads. The region has been raided by the nomads for centuries, who tend to kill the men and rape the women, so, a considerable percentage of the locals are mixed blood, and the xenophobic Duegeun kinda dislike them, thus they call them bastards. The Duegeun word for bastard/foreigner is "sopulo", hence diminutive "Sopu" + territory suffix "-cia", we get "Sopucia" = "Bastardland".

              -cia/ia suffix itself isn't in-universe, but something for convenient for the players, because I want players to distinguish country/region from forenames and settlement names.
              For example, in the ancient past, there was a kingdom of Waoricia, but nobody calls them that, as they themself use the land suffix "-shve", so "Kingdom of Waorishve".

              I have considered just using English, but the original names are not that interesting. Rome means "hill", France means "land of the Spear People", "Ulster" means "The North". I also hate how every fantasy story has a "Riverrun", and "Lion's Guard"

              Autism, I have put thought into it.

              • 7 months ago

                Now you have my attention. Keep up the good work, my man! I have a vested interest to see where this goes.

              • 7 months ago

                One of the hooks is to restore the Kingdom of Waoricia from pic-related

              • 7 months ago

                I keep wondering if I should rename
                County of Grivia to North Waoricia and
                Grand Duchy of Waoldia to South Waoricia to make it clear these are two civil war factions.

              • 7 months ago

                North and South Countryia is very much a modern cold war thing*, and even then most of those were informal names given by outsiders. I would either call them by their dynasty+Waoricia, or "political unit that isnt the same as the arch duchy" of Waoricia.

                *You have North and south *dynasty* in China atleast once, and Northern and Southern Court in Japan during a dynastic dispute over Emperorship.

              • 7 months ago

                looks more like north/south vietnam the way that coast is lain out.

              • 7 months ago

                how is that different from west and east?

              • 7 months ago

                >how is that different from west and east?
                What do you mean? West and east countryia would be the same as North and south; very rare before the cold war, and mostly an informal exonym so you don't have to say Countrian democratic republic and Countrian Federal Monarchy ever single time you have to differentiate between the two Countrians.

                meh, plaid isn't really my thing, and besides it looks too much like idolshit for my tastes.

                >meh, plaid isn't really my thing, and besides it looks too much like idolshit for my tastes.
                It is best as just a skirt, If you as a woman/girl wear more plaid than an scotsman wearing kilt skirt, then you aren't doing goth anymore, you are just a walking plaid carpet with some makeup. Industrial in that picture is just a stand in for Mall/Hot topic goths in my mind.

                looks more like north/south vietnam the way that coast is lain out.

                I wouldn't know, the closest I have ever gotten to studying a Vietnam map is when I steamrolled through it as Japan in Darkest Hour.

              • 7 months ago

                >What do you mean? West and east countryia would be the same as North and south;
                yes, that was my point, but seems like I misread you

                >very rare before the cold war
                You did have Romans splitting their empire to west and east, so did Francia.

                But I suppose there aren't many other such instances, and East Francia lasted 50 years before becoming Kingdom of Germany

              • 7 months ago

                The Western and Eastern Romans was (supposed to be) the same nation, but split in half for administrative reasons. The other splits were to my knowledge mostly just civil wars over who should sit on the throne where they either didn't call themselves anything else than just the Roman empire, or attempts at splitting off and calling themselves something else like the admiral who attempted to make a British kingdom after he was sentenced to death for corruption and piracy.

                The Franks is valid for east and west (you also get lothringia from that same split I belive), but that was also due to the law being that one law where the sons get everything split up with no real main heir, not due to a fracturing into a civil war, if I don't misremember that part of history, the franks are not one of my intrests to be honest.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah, right, it probably makes sense to keep them as they are the County of Grivia and Grand Duchy of Waoldia, which reflect the titles of pretenders before the Civil War.

              • 7 months ago

                >the closest I have ever gotten to studying a Vietnam map is when I steamrolled through it as Japan in Darkest Hour
                *cough* based.

  62. 8 months ago

    >Why haven't you made your own strategy game yet, anon?
    Because a sphere can't be tiled with hexagons, so I can't make planet maps that satisfy my 'tism

    • 8 months ago

      Just make a soccer-ball grid, bro!

      • 8 months ago

        ‘ate Pentagons
        ‘ate Euler
        simple as

    • 8 months ago

      You could first divide a soccerball into triangles like so. If you need more tiles then subdivide each triangle into four new triangles.

      • 8 months ago

        I definitely have to think about it, but triangle tiles do pose some problems not present with hexes
        I want to have adjacency bonuses like Civ6 and others to be a thing, but triangles offer a small ceiling for those. Additional, two triangles might share a point but be three “moves” away, which I imagine would be frustrating

        • 8 months ago

          Try using the soccerball pattern again. Only count tris within a particular hex/pent as adjacent. Problem solved, anon.

          • 8 months ago

            You mean every triangle in a given hex counts every other triangle in that hex as adjacent? Kinda cool

            • 7 months ago

              Basically. Not a perfect solution by any means, but an interesting one to me.

  63. 8 months ago

    i want to do a fantasy game but i still cant decide if i should do turn based tactics, rts or grand strategy

    • 8 months ago

      tbf, you could simply that down to just two options, since GSG can be either way.

  64. 8 months ago

    Don't know how to code, my 3d and texturing skill are tied to 3d Max 8, no musical skill, low morale, work late shifts with no access to my own hardware, game would require a team to come out before I turn 80.

    • 8 months ago

      >Don't know how to code
      Coding is probably the easiest of all of those, at least for a simple game. Granted, since you're in /vst/ you'd want to do an RTS or Grand Strategy game, or whatever, in which case coding is more on the heavier side. Still not impossible if you have good sense of reasoning and logic.

      >my 3d and texturing skill are tied to 3d Max 8
      All this knowledge can probably be ported to newer tools. I started with 3DS Max (I don't know which version) and I'm now using Blender. The hardest part was to learn all the keybindings, but the base concepts remain the same.

      >no musical skill
      Outsource then, music is tough.

      >low morale
      Stop jerking off and have some self-discipline, don't let your memes be memes, anon.

      • 8 months ago

        >Coding is probably the easiest of all of those, at least for a simple game. Granted, since you're in /vst/ you'd want to do an RTS or Grand Strategy game, or whatever, in which case coding is more on the heavier side.
        I was thinking of itterating, while making a Risk clone to start learning, then it would be:
        >Stronghold clone
        >Stronghold clone with more outside of castle mechanics
        >Stronghold clone with more mechanics and a risk overworld campaign

        >Still not impossible if you have good sense of reasoning and logic.
        >reasoning and logic
        Its over.
        >All this knowledge can probably be ported to newer tools. I started with 3DS Max (I don't know which version) and I'm now using Blender. The hardest part was to learn all the keybindings, but the base concepts remain the same.
        Yeah, but my hatred of Blender's interface and keybindings makes me want to kill myself, same with GIMP.
        >Outsource then, music is tough.
        I was never gonna learn music to make video games, so that has always been the idea.
        >Stop jerking off
        You can pry my penis from my cold dead hands.
        It isn't wanking that is stopping me, it is the chore of starting when I am uninspired. I can spend whole days doing the same thing without eating and barely taking bathroom breaks if I get inspired.
        >and have some self-discipline, don't let your memes be memes, anon.
        Sorry, can't even clean my bedroom, Jordan Peterson HELP ME!

        • 8 months ago

          >I was thinking of itterating, while making a Risk clone to start learning, then it would be:
          In that case, start easy, pick up an existing engine and make a simple isometric 2d game. The highest complexity there could be comes out of the box in bigger engines like Unity. The key to making a game is to breaking it down into small, simple pieces.

          You should be able to pull a game of this scale (whether its good or bad, or a clone) in 3 months or less provided you put in the effort.

          If you want to make money out of this then dedicate as much time to polish your game as you did developing it.

          Do NOT enter tutorial or development hell (I currently am). Do NOT project hop. Learn the tools and correct your mistakes on the way.

  65. 8 months ago

    frick off back to your shitposting threads on Ganker, wienersucker. Talk about strategy games or have a nice day.

  66. 7 months ago

    I am a gamedev, have made a few. I'm a good engineer and make my own engines for my games.

    Give me your ideas anons. Give me a GSG that has something different and a reason to learn it.

    • 7 months ago

      game without mana and clicking on menus half the time

      • 7 months ago

        I think the problem is that all GSG boil down to the same things:
        >resources extracted from territory
        >industry converts extracted resources into secondary resources
        >building anything requires resources
        >social resources (prestige, influence, unity stability) are required for social actions
        >diplomatic resources (often hidden like opinion) used for diplomatic actions
        >military is click on territory and random dice rolls

        I can think of a couple ways to shake things up that may or may not work.

        >command of units is a resource. I think Old World did this. You have x command points per turn and different commands use different amounts of points. You can increase your command points per turn with tech and buildings (like an academy) or more officers etc. Requires turn-based gameplay (which I prefer)
        >resource extraction not built by player. Maybe instead, the player "directs" resource extraction by creating tax incentives for private companies to extract. This forces specific government types though.
        >fully deterministic combat. No more dice rolls. I think most games do this already, but maybe use dice for damage. I think if it was more fully deterministic (including damage, or just a small range of possible damage), smaller militaries could research tactics that increase the randomness of battle. This makes it possible for Vietnam and Afghanistan to occur. Basically, determinism of combat is a resource.

  67. 7 months ago

    Good strategies are hard to make

  68. 7 months ago

    How do I stop theory crafting and learn to code? I could test game designs in my head all day but I can't sit and code for more than 20 minutes without getting distracted.

    • 7 months ago

      Anon, this sounds like a concentration problem. I have the same problem. A lot of people will just tell you something about willpower, but that's not helpful in my opinion. Here's what I do.
      >theory craft your game
      >write down each system in a list. Just bullet points. I.e. Diplomacy, Combat, World Map & Movement
      >pick one system and get everything you need down on paper. I.e. Exactly how that system works, write examples with numbers
      >now write down every sub-system needed for that one system. I.e. Diplomacy needs Nation v Nation opinion matrix, Diplomacy needs Culture-based opinions
      >Pick a sun-system and get everything down on that sub-system etc, repeating above steps until:
      >You can't go any lower. You have a complete system, however small, that you can code
      >code this tiny system. If it requires inputs from other systems, just use placeholder inputs. The goal is that each system doesn't care about other systems, only that there's a number input that represents "value of whatever" and that number is in a specific range. It helps to keep numbers consistent, like always a value between 0 and 1 etc.
      > when you're done, start the next tiny little system. Go up your system tree when you're completed all the little systems. Iterate like this.
      >As you go, don't couple the systems yet. Use placeholder values for now, this is your testing. When you have all the systems done at a level, you can hook them up together.
      >Eventually you're about done. Then you need to polish and play test.

      I suggest doing it this way, because it's easy to lose concentration with a lot of moving parts. But if its a tiny little system, it's quick and easy to put together. So if you lose concentration, you've got a good chance of doing that after you've actually completed something.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks I'll try this out tomorrow

        • 7 months ago

          Let me know how it goes. I really would like to hear how you get along

  69. 7 months ago

    about half a year ago i started writing an entity component system, and got stuck on a decision, if a component should have a reference to the enclosing entity or not.

    • 7 months ago

      A lot of excellent games were written in assembly. Even more were written in C.
      You don't need ECS to make a game. You don't need inheritance. You really don't even need objects.
      If you're getting stuck bikeshedding your ECS implementation, you should challenge yourself to finish a game in C, if not assembly, as your forebears did. Then you will understand.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't listen to

      A lot of excellent games were written in assembly. Even more were written in C.
      You don't need ECS to make a game. You don't need inheritance. You really don't even need objects.
      If you're getting stuck bikeshedding your ECS implementation, you should challenge yourself to finish a game in C, if not assembly, as your forebears did. Then you will understand.

      There are good reasons to develop an ECS, especially if your game will be simulating a lot of entities of the same type. Programming is some ass-backwards old language without modern idioms will just make things harder.

      To answer your question, components generally don't need a reference to the entity itself. If you find that you do, it likely means you've made a poor design decision on what a Component is.

      • 7 months ago


  70. 7 months ago

    Strategy games sound like one of the worst genre for a one man indie operation.

  71. 7 months ago

    I'm lazy and dumb
    All i have is a basic premise and model of how map layout would be, generally.
    No real details beyond that, just generic things.

  72. 7 months ago

    I'm making a Clausewitz engine replacement but am lazy

    • 7 months ago

      Make a discord and trick people into helping you.

  73. 7 months ago

    Also, on the topic of Goths:
    >Industrial in that picture is just a stand in for Mall/Hot topic goths in my mind.
    >Mall/Hot topic goths
    You mean posers, right? Because that's like an election tourist coming on this board and saying they unironically like Reddit.

    • 7 months ago

      Suck my dick, the posers were hotter AND had better taste than the 80s garbage with their gay ass Bauhauses.

      • 7 months ago

        >hur hurr new gud old le bad!
        You know you're just admitting to being a clueless, tasteless newhomosexual, right?

        • 7 months ago

          >I have no argument, and I must reeeeeee
          I admitted to having a superior taste, go listen to your old garbage music and jerk off to the one or two 80s popular culture "goths", that looked nothing like how those trogs looked in real life.

  74. 7 months ago

    I did.

    • 7 months ago

      then show the class, anon

  75. 7 months ago

    I keep getting stuck in worldbuilding

  76. 7 months ago

    why does this fricking thread exist? Frick off you Gankertard

    • 7 months ago

      This is basically a vst dev general. What's wrong with it?

      • 7 months ago

        It's probably a bot reply, it was only a matter of time before this board caught what the other boards have been having.

        • 7 months ago

          New around here? Because shit's been like this for a while now, unfortunately.

  77. 7 months ago

    I... don't know where to start... what would even be a good game engine to make a turn based grid strategy game?

    • 7 months ago

      RPGmaker, obviously. Perchance.

    • 7 months ago

      Litterally any engine, but if you are extra dumdum, SRPG maker.

  78. 7 months ago

    I'm not making anything bc not programmer but i have plenty of ideas. Like a zombies vs robots vs human survivors vs aliens. Zombies are the cheap overwhelming faction, robots are few but strong steamroller, humans are specialist with units having more than a role and alien stealth and deciever. Resources are power, vehicles (metal) and humans. Not all factions use all resources.

  79. 7 months ago

    I got no skills

  80. 7 months ago

    I want to make a Koei esque game. Might even try and see if I can st-borrow the code from the Nes ports of ROTK.

    • 7 months ago

      I feel the hardest part of making a Koei-like would be the sheer amount of named officers to include and account for; especially if it's a historical game and not a fantasy one.

  81. 7 months ago

    i'm hoping to have people playtest this game soon. it's a 1v1 (or 2v2) strategy game with territory control, resource management, tech trees, base building and some light tactical combat. matches start off simple, but they get more complex and weird as players throw in more units, equip them with new gear and find new interactions to abuse. my favorite is turning long-range howitzer structures into humans and giving them the ability to shoot reaction shots at moving units 50 tiles away.

    it will probably be a little niche and hard to find players for since it's basically a new subgenre. i am releasing it for free to help with that. at this point i'm okay with it as long as a few people enjoy it

    • 7 months ago

      also i'm calling it a playtest but it's more or less a beta release of the full game. it's fairly fleshed out with 4 factions, about 100 different units and 300 abilities/gear. i am planning to add more stuff like more factions, improve QoL, add hero units etc. but i'm hoping to get opinions on it first. i've only had some internal playtests so far.

      • 7 months ago

        >hero units

        • 7 months ago

          i actually kinda hate hero units in other games, especially if they are forced on you. here, they are optional and they're just regular (but unique) units that start off with max veterancy, and you'd buy them off the shared marketplace.

          the main reason i'd like to add them is so that you have a secondary use for the special Hellcorium resource, which is ordinarily used to build your faction-specific lategame units. so if you don't want to build those, you can instead buy those expensive hero units. but i'm still not entirely sure about them since they totally mess up the balance (it's already quite wacky)

          • 7 months ago

            forgot the picture of the marketplace. they'd be listed on a different tab and would cost the red resource instead of the yellow one

  82. 7 months ago

    Working on QA for several projects back around 2010 put me off gamedev for good. Knowing all the hurdles and challenges ahead, I just don't have the passion to see it through.

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