why i can't understand this game, i can't win in normal diff, it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend...

why i can't understand this game, i can't win in normal diff, it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has

i never had this problem in twRome neither in TWWarhammer 1, where i play in hard easily, but shogun just stomps me?

there is a guide or something to understand this game? or i'm being just moronic

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  1. 10 months ago

    how the frick do you even lose against the AI? Just spearwall and let the entire enemy army commit mass seppuku bro

    • 10 months ago

      >this again

      5 katanas beats a 20 stack of yari(unless you use exploits)And that’s on normal. On hard you’re gonna get fricked even harder.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah I'll take things that never happened for twenty bucks. One samurai sword unit needs to lose at least 40% of its model to take out one ashigaru on spear wall.

        • 10 months ago

          >what is flanking

          • 10 months ago

            >the AI is capable of flanking
            yeah cool story bro

          • 10 months ago

            here homosexual. Here's your flanking. Here's your 5 samurai flanking 20 ashigaru.

            • 10 months ago

              NTA but seriously? Literally 20 ashigaru vs 5 katana samurai. Yeah thats accurate to an actual battle on the campaign.

              • 10 months ago

                that's what this Black person claim

                >this again

                5 katanas beats a 20 stack of yari(unless you use exploits)And that’s on normal. On hard you’re gonna get fricked even harder.

                you stupid homosexual

              • 10 months ago

                You're an idiot for not understanding what a hyperbole is.

              • 10 months ago

                oh no backtracking

              • 9 months ago

                >I was only pretending to be moronic
                Nah, you're a moron all right

              • 9 months ago

                On easy difficulty this exact battle is very likely. Also morons make anything possible obviously.

          • 9 months ago

            >What is flanking
            Yeah, it's going to go sooo great for 5 units trying to outflank 20, moron

      • 10 months ago

        They really don't. Katana sam is pretty underwhelming in general.

      • 9 months ago

        Using strategy is an exploit?

      • 9 months ago

        Against the AI that don't know how to use Yari Wall, probably.

        • 9 months ago

          Even if you don't use yari wall you can win just by surrounding them (which the AI is also incapable of half the time).

          • 9 months ago

            True, with that many units against that few, you can essentially auto win just by ordering your units to move into an encirclement then put it on max speed and wait.

      • 9 months ago

        why are shogun babies such homosexuals in denial?

      • 9 months ago

        they don't, yari will win even on legend, I won a campaign this way. As long as your general is actually near the fighting, they might as well have unbreakable. The only actual threat are ranged units, and that's just a matter of whether you run out of men before they run out of arrows.

        • 9 months ago

          Having some katana samurai works wonders for rolling up flanks, but so does LIGHT CAV


          You're a mongoloid and probably can't play the game. At least post your reasons for disliking cav to restore some semblance of dignity to your moron self

      • 9 months ago

        when I first started playing Shogun 2 one of my provinces with like 5 yari was getting sieged down by a full stack, I didn't lose a single unit

        • 9 months ago

          they were probably high level veterans and the enemy lacked archers. plus you get a free samurai retainer which is 3x more useful than yari. on top of all that you get the fight to the death bonus.

          I think most people praising yari are misinterpreting vets being good for the actual unit plus a bit of spearwall exploitation vs the easy mode AI being too dumb to use flanks or archers and often failing with its general.

          Spear wall gives defensive bonuses which cancel out charge bonuses (mostly) and increase ashi survivability but their damage output is still pissweak so it evens out, the real benefit is that it can tie up stronger units and prevent morale shock from rapid peasant genocide. They still lose, though they are cost effective:

          Overall the game is so piss easy you can practically do whatever strat you want in singleplayer, only veteran multiplayer opinions really matter tbh.

          • 9 months ago

            ashigaru players have yari walls

            samurai players have cope walls

            • 9 months ago

              strange reply considering the post just showed you yari walls lose anyway, almost like you're coping nuberino

              • 9 months ago

                Bro nobody genuinely claims that ashigaru are better than samurai man per man, the point is that ashigaru are cost effective.
                Sure, you can make armies composed entirely of samurai and/or warrior monks but you could get a very similar mileage replacing most of the frontline with yari ashigaru for a way cheaper upkeep cost.
                Katana samurai beat an equal number of yari ashigaru, but they can't beat four times as many.

              • 9 months ago

                Isn't that what has been largely proposed in this thread?
                >yari ashigaru for holding units in place
                >samurai for actually destroying units
                >Katana samurai beat an equal number of yari ashigaru, but they can't beat four times as many.
                In SP this more or less works if you commit to it, but it leaves you without any real tactical mobility because yari ashigaru can spear wall and little else. And even then it only works if you manage to neutralize the enemy's archers in some way. Against another player, it's really easily countered.

              • 9 months ago

                >In SP this more or less works if you commit to it, but it leaves you without any real tactical mobility because yari ashigaru can spear wall and little else.
                Utter nonsense. It is literally easier to spam ashigaru than to try to make samurai work. People struggle to beat campaigns until someone tells them they can just spam ashigaru and then they win with ease.

              • 9 months ago

                Why are you just repeating stuff from my post. The point is ashi spam works because you're fighting a moronic AI and because it is moronic pretty much any other tactic works against it too, ashi spam is just the lowest common denominator of braindead tactics anyone can cheese it with. Go in multiplayer and see how your yari wall camping works and then tell me about sami cope lel

              • 9 months ago

                Nobody will ever play multiplayer no matter how much you cry.

              • 9 months ago

                It's fine with me I played it when it was half decent and had my fun.

              • 9 months ago

                Shogun 2 multiplayer was the peak of total war multiplayer.

                Customizable units and colors, naming veterans and leveling them up for different situations

                Don’t know why the got away from that it added a lot of soul and flavor. The needing to win a battle on a certain dojo to unlock a certain unit was a little odd of a choice but the rest of it was fantastic.

              • 9 months ago

                >Why they got away from it.
                TCA was starting its decline after Shogun 2.

              • 7 months ago

                The campaign drop in battles were cool in concept, but if you queued for them 4/5 times you got the very first rebel stack battle in someone's campaign who forgot to turn it off. Still produced my single most memorable Total War battle in any game.
                >Queue drop in
                >Get a rhonin stack, like 10-15 units purely katana samurai and bow samurai
                >Player has a pretty normal midgame stack, lots of yari ashigaru, some cavalry, archers, etc.
                >Map has a nice wooded hill on my side, deploy entirely on the down slope, multiple units of archers stacked in rows up this hill for max arrow coverage.
                >Opponent advances slowly, clears the other woods on the map to ensure I'm not trying to sneak a single unit into his flank, finally has to assault the hill
                >Samurai arrow volleys beat out his peasant archers and his cavalry get bogged down in the woods
                >See my moment, order every single unit, katana and bow, to charge down the hill as his units start to reach the base
                >Mass morale shock from an entire army of charging samurai break his army and turn the battle into a series of clean up operations
                He probably reloaded and fought the AI instead, but I'm still glad to have fought that battle. Never would have made an army like that myself and everything about the battle felt emergent.

              • 9 months ago

                >people in multiplayer don't use ashigaru units
                Black person are you sure you have played Shogun 2 multiplayer?

              • 9 months ago

                >are you sure you have played Shogun 2 multiplayer?
                yes which is why I didnt say this:
                in multiplayer don't use ashigaru units
                are you sure you learned english?

              • 9 months ago

                You said that ashigaru spam only works against ai and doesnt work on multi lmao dont backpedal so blatantly

              • 9 months ago

                go quote post where I said that esl-friendo
                protip you can even beat pure ashi spam with just cav, kat cav and a terror gen and they insta break even rallied. but more my point was yari walling will just be countered by archers in multiplayer.

              • 9 months ago


                Why are you just repeating stuff from my post. The point is ashi spam works because you're fighting a moronic AI and because it is moronic pretty much any other tactic works against it too, ashi spam is just the lowest common denominator of braindead tactics anyone can cheese it with. Go in multiplayer and see how your yari wall camping works and then tell me about sami cope lel

                Yari wall isnt counterd by archers because youll have your own archers and cav

              • 9 months ago

                that isnt how you quote post anon. if you have your own archers and cav then you aren't ashi (yari) spamming and tactics depend on the details of the situation

              • 9 months ago

                If a player loses against yari wall spam, they're just moronic. So this board, essentially.

              • 9 months ago

                >people in multiplayer don't use Ashigaru units
                No matter what the person said to you in their reply, they absolutely have never played Shogun 2 MP.

              • 9 months ago

                >No matter what the person said to you in their reply
                what if i told you, you are as dumb as he is illiterate?

              • 8 months ago

                Before it got nerfed by CA ashigaru spam ruled multiplayer

                >fugu cook
                >sword instructor
                >leadership general with stand and fight
                >improved range bow monks
                >12 loan sword veterans

                There was absolutely nothing samuraicucks could do about 1800 sword ashigaru swamping their gay "balanced army"

              • 8 months ago

                >SWORD ashi
                important difference tbqhwyfam

              • 8 months ago

                >umh ashigaru aren't ashigaru... because they just aren't! OKAY?

              • 8 months ago

                continuing the tradition of peasant illiteracy, bravo anon

              • 8 months ago

                That's your own fault for playing avatar rather than the standard factions.

                >play fots
                >decide to be last samurai
                >yari samurai and spear levy > guys with rifles
                >banzai samurai murder anyone
                >yari samurai cavalry murder modern cavalry and infantry
                >modern infantry only have puny sidearm sword and no bayonets
                >capture all artillery you want
                i heard alot about this game and only good things so imagine my disappointment

                They nerf the range of guns to a ridiculous extent in order to make the melee units viable and the AI can't handle it.

          • 9 months ago

            If you want a wall that can trade, you gotta spend for Naginata homies.

      • 9 months ago

        literally yari ashigaru spear wall and win the game

        you never played the game

      • 6 months ago

        literally just sandwich the katanas with yari wall
        hell you can conquer all of japan with just Oda yaris if you are smart with your engagements.

    • 10 months ago

      moron, who doesn't play the game.

  2. 10 months ago

    That's called Realm Divide, and it's a feature
    Watch your agression and take a pause before acquiring your 20th city

    • 10 months ago

      Is it always the 20th city?


      why i can't understand this game, i can't win in normal diff, it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has

      i never had this problem in twRome neither in TWWarhammer 1, where i play in hard easily, but shogun just stomps me?

      there is a guide or something to understand this game? or i'm being just moronic

      What fricked me personally was my income crashing as there was nobody to trade with anymore. Yes, should have gone for the oversea trade routes. But what did I know.

      • 10 months ago

        you learn from your mistakes, and every faction declaring war on you is a feature for getting too powerful. Foreign trade becomes your lifeline in the main campaign because of this, even the vassals you take before realm divide (not after) will betray you
        In the fall of the samurai campaign, when realm divide happens everybody splits up based on their allegiance instead, I like that more (imperial/shogunate, but if you're republic you're basically by yourself)

        • 10 months ago

          Is it always the 20th city?
          What fricked me personally was my income crashing as there was nobody to trade with anymore. Yes, should have gone for the oversea trade routes. But what did I know.

          realm divide is not a problem for me as an Ikko Ikki player because that's the way it's always been since the start

          • 10 months ago

            same but I'm an Otomo one

          • 9 months ago

            same but I'm an Otomo one

            Christian Hattori over here

      • 10 months ago

        >Is it always the 20th city?
        It depends on the win conditions you select at the start. Realm divide triggers earlier if you chose Short or Long campaign instead of Domination.
        A short campaign is much more difficult because of that.

        Also the cities of your vassals do count as your cities with respect to the Realm Divide trigger so never make any vassals. They can and will betray you after the Realm Divide.

        • 9 months ago

          Making vassals after RD triggers is okay, though.

        • 8 months ago

          Legendary victories also contribute towards the realm divide counter. You could have 5 provinces and only defend chokepoints against hordes of doomstacks and with enough time realm divide would trigger.

    • 8 months ago

      or use mod where the loyal allied faction would help you when realm divide start, rather than stab you in the back

  3. 10 months ago

    FRICK hojo

    • 7 months ago

      >shogun 1 hojo
      >builds 30 castles in east before you encounter them
      >spend the next 200 turns banging your head against a wall
      FRICK hojo

  4. 10 months ago

    >it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has
    How is this different from TW:W? For all this talk about lack of good and evil in this setting, every campaign always ends up in a huge world war between good and evil.

  5. 10 months ago

    You just learn to prepare for it the second time round. The first time you get pounded because your armies are probably scattered and your borders have more holes than Okubo Toshimichi. Second time round you’ll be better prepared, have your economic and military settlements properly set up, and your armies much more properly distributed because you know exactly what will happen.

    It’s a bit of a shit way to ensure your endgame isn’t just you mopping up the remaining factions but I think it’s pretty fun to have you temporarily outgunned for the second half and potentially force you to lose a bit of ground and attrition the enemy down instead of outright overwhelming them every single fight.

    • 10 months ago

      That's called Realm Divide, and it's a feature
      Watch your agression and take a pause before acquiring your 20th city

      If you build up your forts well enough you might be able to stem off the AI, they split their forces on all sieges (for some reason, I know its historical but the general moral buff is needed). So just play wack-a-mole with the AI's units and prioritize.

  6. 10 months ago

    See, in the Nobunaga's Ambition games, they do a similar thing to Realm Divide, but way better. Rather than all the factions randomly declaring war on you, after you reach a certain amount strength, the other factions will form a coalition of clans who temporarily ally with one another to take you down (or get as close as possible) in a certain amount of time, similar to how the rest of Europe did with Napoleon. If they fail, the coalition will automatically break down after enough time has passed. Also, not everyone declares war on you - your vassals and intermarried allies will (usually) stay loyal, and there are independent clans who are neither part of the coalition nor in opposition to it.

    It also helps that your clan's economy isn't dependent on the volatile temperament of the ai.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah thats some good shit. wish i could mod this into the game

  7. 10 months ago

    just play Oda and spam spear ashigaru until you win
    Takeda is for brainlets

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not familiar with those games, maybe because I'm a bit of a brainlet. I like games with simple and straightforward gameplay, like Planet Ride or Pixel Remaster, that really give me that "I'll just keep coming back" feeling.

  8. 10 months ago

    they should have made it faction based like fall of the samurai. sekigahara was basically just that.

  9. 10 months ago

    everyone acts like ashigaru are the be all end all especially as oda but in field battles they always rout because of low morale even when they're winning and archers shoot them to pieces. How the frick do I fix this? In siege battles they're fine and kick ass.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't leave your unarmored peasants under fire and without general influence

      • 10 months ago

        I wish the game told you how much morale the general's influence adds it's hard to quantify this shit. I kinda like how in warhammer you can see the unit morale bar above their heads on the field.

        • 10 months ago

          You absolute Black person, you DO.
          There's literally coloured ribbons above each and every squad banner that tell you exactly how is their morale holding up.
          In case ypu don't understand it:
          >long and green = good
          >short and red = bad

        • 10 months ago

          Always get
          >Strategist level 3 for increased movement range and influence radius
          >Infantry level 1 for the almight Stand and fight ability

          Also if you play on very hard or legendary difficulties always get
          >Stealthy level 3
          except for those special generals that have a natural night fighter ability.

          • 10 months ago

            I would also argue for "cav commander" to unlock that wedge.
            Very handy for punching holes in enemy lines and erasing their cohesion.

          • 10 months ago

            That's not the problem, the problem is how to get all that xp fast.

            • 10 months ago

              Farm rebellions, keep your settlements unhappy and get free xp that way.

            • 9 months ago

              Never "end battle", ever. Always continue, and then send your general in to mow down routing soldiers for free EXP.

            • 9 months ago

              Let the rest of enemy army flee after you beat them

              Never "end battle", ever. Always continue, and then send your general in to mow down routing soldiers for free EXP.

              this anon is an idiot. He thinks general skilltree exp has anything to do with general bodyguard exp (it does not)
              The only way to level up your general is to win battles (15xp per battle). If you let a bunch of enemies flee, you can fight them again and win another battle.

            • 9 months ago


              Let the rest of enemy army flee after you beat them
              [...] this anon is an idiot. He thinks general skilltree exp has anything to do with general bodyguard exp (it does not)
              The only way to level up your general is to win battles (15xp per battle). If you let a bunch of enemies flee, you can fight them again and win another battle.

              unit experience and general experience have not relation to one another. The only way to gain xp is through fighting battles. Victories give 10xp, losses 3xp and your daimyo gets an addition +5 for victories.
              It's worth noting that only the first general in a stack gets the xp but any reinforcing general also gets xp, although unlike in 1.0 it is a reduced amount.
              Letting the enemy retreat from the battlefield allows you to easily farm another win.
              Usually losing the 2nd battle would forcibly wipe them but iirc it doesn't happen if their general gets killed. The counter is for the general and not the army.

        • 9 months ago

          Warhammer replaces the game for UI spam. S2 is from before CA went completely to shit and had to actually produce games with gameplay.

          • 8 months ago

            Attila gave you the exact values related to skill bonuses and maluses you obsessed moron.

  10. 10 months ago

    they made shogun 2 good!

  11. 10 months ago

    Just spend 50 turns preparing for Realm Divide before triggering it.
    It's a pretty badly implemented mechanoc but it's some times better than steamrolling the entire mad with no real opposition.
    FotS made it better.

  12. 10 months ago

    >build horde of unflankable cheap spearmen
    >build horde of high quality archers behind them
    >Never attack
    I truly am a tactical genius

  13. 10 months ago

    >it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has
    At one point in the game everyone will turn on you. The realm divide other anons have talked about is a diplomatic penalty applied to every clan (including vassals and allies) once the event triggers and once you capture Kyoto, that keeps increasing until it reaches -200. This means you can keep your good allies for long if you've worked on your alliances, showering them in money and marriage is good for that. Also it does not apply to clans appearing after you've captured Kyoto allowing you to get new allies and trade partners.

    Knowing this you want to think about how you will expand, some provinces are good to have as chokepoints to let enemy armies die in. Your economy must be able to hold itself without trade. You want a strong navy to counter any invasion (and the AI will definitively invade you with their fleets). You also want to consider keeping some allies if you have multiple fronts just to soak up the invading armies, don't work too much on saving them but work on maintaining their loyalty to you.

    Also tip : AI enemies will almost never bother going through a rebel province because it's enemy territory to them, sparking rebellions is a good way to close a border, if your monk cannot do it you can try capturing the province, destroy its buildings and raise taxes.

    Welcome to the best TW.

    • 9 months ago

      cute girl

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >Welcome to the best TW.
      its not even best Shogun
      Shogun 1 > shogun 2

      • 8 months ago

        I agree with you but constantly posting this just makes you seem like a bitter c**t, the reality is most TW players now don't want a better simulation of warfare, they want to look at shiny toy soldiers and color in a map and think 'those are MINE!', like a preschooler playing with plastic army men.

        • 8 months ago

          Your post is insanely bitter and c**ty, the one you are responding to is within the realm of sanity.

          • 8 months ago

            >the one you are responding to
            You. Couldn't be a more obvious samegay, and you aren't convincing anyone you're not a bitter c**t by acting like a bitter c**t to the only person mad enough to agree with you.

            • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I agree with you but constantly posting this just makes you seem like a bitter c**t, the reality is most TW players now don't want a better simulation of warfare, they want to look at shiny toy soldiers and color in a map and think 'those are MINE!', like a preschooler playing with plastic army men.

        What makes Shoigu 1 better?

        • 8 months ago

          Less unit variety than S2, but more combat variety. You kinda have to play it to understand, but I'm a weirdo who hates the changes the expansion pack made the base campaign so I'm probably not a good judge.

          • 8 months ago

            You've convinced me.
            I'm gonna play it

        • 8 months ago

          Less unit variety than S2, but more combat variety. You kinda have to play it to understand, but I'm a weirdo who hates the changes the expansion pack made the base campaign so I'm probably not a good judge.

          You've convinced me.
          I'm gonna play it

          Nta, but the important ingredient is no building slots. Those completely fricked AI's ability to build economy and especially procure units. Neither S1 nor M1 had any sort of limit, as long as you had money and previous tier, you could build, and this meant AI was twice as effective as getting sensible armies, rather than a hodge-podge of spearmanii

        • 8 months ago

          its simpler more focused wargame, also engine is better especially for map visibility - less visual noise all around

          I agree with you but constantly posting this just makes you seem like a bitter c**t, the reality is most TW players now don't want a better simulation of warfare, they want to look at shiny toy soldiers and color in a map and think 'those are MINE!', like a preschooler playing with plastic army men.

          I am just tired of c**ts who piss their shit and praise shogun 2 or medieval 2 when they didn't even played them(or older titles)

          • 8 months ago

            Most TW fans most likely have never played S1 or M1 but who hasn't played S2?

            • 8 months ago

              This. They're good games but they're not really Total War games. Or, rather, games after Rome I (included) should've been named something else.
              There was a game named Imperial Glory that basically was Napoleon in the style of Shogun 1, I would never compare it to a post-Rome Total War game, just like I would not compare it to Civ or AoE.

              • 8 months ago

                >Imperial Glory
                played it, no morale was really weird and units all fought to dead, manpower was really limited and recruits with sticks were more dangerous than 1st line infantry, it wasn't good but i played it like 15 years ago

                Most TW fans most likely have never played S1 or M1 but who hasn't played S2?

                >but who hasn't played S2?
                most warhammer players I guess

            • 8 months ago

              >but who hasn't played S2?
              An equal amount of people. Most people who discuss TW nowadays never played any and at best, their experience boils down to Warhammer 2.

  14. 10 months ago

    >why i can't understand this game, i can't win in normal diff
    Do not be afraid of raising multiple armies and outfitting them because the AI isn't going to think twice about their economy, samurai may be superior but ashigaru spam has its advantages (especially if you're Oda)
    Embrace gunpowder and artillery, especially if you can get it early from bantan trade, artillery may be static but it compensate by being really strong and leveling all the defenses of a castle by themselves
    If you're Chosokabe, just stick to bow, they are the only clan that can reliably blot out the sun
    Avoid making vassals at any cost, they're backstabbing morons that will drag you down everytime
    Don't sack settlements, there is no benefit to that over taking them
    As other said, avoid painting the map too fast if you don't want to trigger a coalition against you

    And finally, play into the strengths of the clan you chose, don't be a moron playing takeda for the color scheme and not for their cavalry bonuses

    • 10 months ago

      Oh a moron that’s never played the game

      Thanks for letting us know to put your opinion in the trash

      • 10 months ago

        go back

    • 10 months ago

      >don't be a moron playing takeda for the color scheme
      But I like their colour scheme.

    • 9 months ago

      >Don't sack settlements, there is no benefit to that over taking them
      Dunno if I have brain damage, but going nuts with the sacking is the only way I managed to win on legendary. The dishonor penalty caps at -3, and you can build an army and drop it off in your enemy's rear, farming infinite money while hurting your enemy.


      why i can't understand this game, i can't win in normal diff, it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has

      i never had this problem in twRome neither in TWWarhammer 1, where i play in hard easily, but shogun just stomps me?

      there is a guide or something to understand this game? or i'm being just moronic

      Conquering your way to one of the ends of Japan makes it easier to concentrate your forces.

      • 9 months ago

        The best way to farm honor is to find an enemy army that doesn't have mounted units, detach your general from your army, put him in front of the enemy army and bait them into attacking you.
        Then just ride in circles around them until the battle ends and enjoy your Sun Tzu approved wictory, without a single drop of blood.

  15. 10 months ago

    >Realm Divide
    >The entire realm unites to frick you over
    Funnily enough, the name makes more sense in FotS.

  16. 10 months ago

    I have figured how to hold my fronts on land and how to defend and attack well.
    but how the frick do i build a reliable navy and prevent invasions that frick over all my plans?
    i try to keep a fleet on each side of the land but they still slip through and get a scary stack on some faraway land

    • 10 months ago

      Research the tech that gives you fire arrows, and recruit 2 stacks of bow kobayas on each side.
      When attacking in naval, approach enemy from the side and take boats one by one. The AI doesn't start reacting until you're in firing range.

    • 10 months ago

      Keep 2 fleets on each side
      1 for blocking off the route closest to shore.
      2nd behind it, to pursue and kill anyone who slips through

    • 7 months ago

      Tower bune are extremely powerful and the black ship will make any fleet you put it in more or less invincible

      • 7 months ago

        Autoresolve can frick you in that regard, though. Getting the black ship is nice in theory but you will end up having to babysit it and fight endless tedious naval battles so it doesn't get burned or captured by RNG. Shogun naval battles are just bad.

  17. 10 months ago

    >master weaponsmith for samurai melees
    >master armourer for ashigaru, monks and samurai archers
    >great shrine for nobody
    What about cavalry? Is it better to build it in horse breeder province or smithing one?

    • 10 months ago

      I pick one Craft and one Smith province for all my units.You can't build more than one copy of the highest tier buildings anyway. Ideally two close to each other. There are a few pairs in the map (Bizen + Hoki, Kaga + Echizen, Sagami + Hitachi).

      In the craft province I get Master Bowmaker in the craft slot and
      >Hunting Lodge
      >Legendary Kyudo School
      >Temple Complex (If Buddhist)
      >Bajutsu Master Dojo
      >Church (If Christian)
      in this order in the building slots.

      In the smith province I get the Master Armourer in the smith slot and
      >Legendary Kenjutsu School
      >Legendary Sojutsu School
      >Legendary Bajutsu School
      >Famous Temple/Cathedral
      in this order in the building slots. With Ikko Ikki I switch the priority of temple with the kenjutsu school since they have the sword ashigaru.

  18. 9 months ago

    I dislike how half the game is spamming end turn till you get your doomstacks going then fighting one big Army and auto resolving left and right.

    • 9 months ago

      The warhammer thread is somewhere else.

    • 9 months ago

      If only you could instead bring the army you have at the moment and fight an actual battle using your forces, rather than waiting for an auto-resolve stack to accumulate... oh wait a minute!

      Are basically all the mods on the workshop outdated and broken or something? I'm trying this game for the first time and I wanted to try some after my first few games and they just don't work.

      >Steamzoomer can't into modding
      Colour me surprised

  19. 9 months ago

    Are basically all the mods on the workshop outdated and broken or something? I'm trying this game for the first time and I wanted to try some after my first few games and they just don't work.

    • 9 months ago

      You need to have the right version of the game for each mod.

  20. 9 months ago

    I started from 0 with this game too. The things that helped me were
    >recruit lots of yari ashigaru
    >use missile superiority to force the enemy to charge into your yari spear wall
    >don't garrison units unless you really need to
    >trade nodes are good
    >have one or a few recruitment provinces and otherwise just build markets
    >food surplus helps a lot economically
    >with certain resources (e.g. warhorses) you can get huge concessions from other clans for trade deals. You can also sometimes sell access your territory for good money
    >stand and fight is really good for your generals
    >check your fame meter and pause a little before realm divide. Prepare for a prolonged economic before triggering it
    I'm sure these aren't optimal strategies but they helped me a lot. good luck and have fun OP.

    • 9 months ago

      >food surplus helps a lot economically
      Some people ran the numbers and it doesn't actually do much. Takes way longer than the duration of even the longest campaign to pay off decently.

      • 9 months ago

        I stand corrected. I still find farms are useful around realm divide because the income is much more stable than trade agreements or trade nodes.

        I started from 0 with this game too. The things that helped me were
        >recruit lots of yari ashigaru
        >use missile superiority to force the enemy to charge into your yari spear wall
        >don't garrison units unless you really need to
        >trade nodes are good
        >have one or a few recruitment provinces and otherwise just build markets
        >food surplus helps a lot economically
        >with certain resources (e.g. warhorses) you can get huge concessions from other clans for trade deals. You can also sometimes sell access your territory for good money
        >stand and fight is really good for your generals
        >check your fame meter and pause a little before realm divide. Prepare for a prolonged economic before triggering it
        I'm sure these aren't optimal strategies but they helped me a lot. Good luck and have fun OP.

        Also, for battles
        >use high terrain whenever you can
        >keep your general behind lines for rallying and stand and fight. Don't try to make him a fighting unit except in extreme circumstances
        >have one or two cavalry units to run down fleeing troops. If the battle ends in a mass rout, use your general for this too
        >yari cav are extremely good but you need to learn how to use them
        >seiges heavily favour the defender. Missile troops are extremely good on the walls. It can be good to put yari below to keep the approaching troops occupied and in clear sight of your bow troops on the wall

        • 9 months ago

          >keep your general behind lines for rallying and stand and fight. Don't try to make him a fighting unit except in extreme circumstances
          Counterpoint: if you have horse and especialy maxed-out armour bonus, general is super-handy as a combat unit. The trick is to know how and when to strike, rather than "charge and forget".
          >seiges heavily favour the defender
          Bring either European cannon, rockets or combat ninja. There, the siege turned into a joke

      • 9 months ago

        It's a mixed bag, depending entirely on which side of Japan are you on. Are you north? Food surplus is good. Are you south? Food surplus is useless. If you could magically teleport to southern trade nodes in less than 3 turns regardless of your starting location, food surplus would be useless. But the further away from those, the more it does for you.

    • 9 months ago

      Another tip is that metsuke give a good 20% to your tax rate (since you dont get 100% of the listed tax value), as well as increased growth in the city, so park them on your high value provinces with fertile rice fields or gold mines

      • 9 months ago

        are metsuke bugged or something? When I put them in a city I don't see my turn income go up at all.

        • 9 months ago

          They only show up on next turn.
          But trust me, each dot in "town supervision" gives you 5% more tax from province. Ghis is a lot

        • 9 months ago

          Wait a turn. Metsuke bonus is worth save-scumming to make sure he gets maximum possible bonuses to town supervision. If he doesn't have a starting bonus, reload and recruit a new one, until you get one. Something similar applies to geisha in FotS, where her main role is economic bonus, rather than any sort of assassin bullshit or seducing gaijin agents.

          • 9 months ago

            They only show up on next turn.
            But trust me, each dot in "town supervision" gives you 5% more tax from province. Ghis is a lot

            is it worth stacking multiple metsuke on a high income province?

            • 9 months ago

              No. Their effect is diminished if you stack more than one.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm pretty sure they don't stack if they are in the same province. Put 5 Metsuke on your 5 richest provinces.

  21. 9 months ago

    hows that ulta realistic mod with the new strongholds and provinces?

  22. 9 months ago

    You know what, it's pretty hard to conquer all of Japan, don't feel bad that you can't do it, some of the greatest warlords in History also tried and failed. Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Oda Nobunaga, these guys are legendary Generals, guys who won 20-30 battles apiece, pitched battles, thousands on each side. Even they failed to conquer this relatively tiny archipelago.

    You are being way too hard on yourself, man. Just try, try again. You just need to stop short of Realm Divide and turtle up for a long time to get ready. Explode with multiple cheap fleets and armies, send armies out in groups that can converge together against enemy armies and strongholds. Mostly you need a massive treasury built up to sustain insane spending all of this entails. Focus on your economy from the beginning, it will pay dividends at every stage of the game.

  23. 9 months ago

    Rofllmao bait thread. I hated realm divide too but irl the emperor would be modeled and would shut you down at your first province.

  24. 9 months ago

    Is there a mod for this game that gets rid of katana samurai and makes the roster more like the first game?

  25. 9 months ago

    Someone explain to me how the frick could a Kabunakama POSSIBLY pay off.

  26. 9 months ago

    >my one ally after realm divide being militarily incompetent and getting BTFO by just one enemy clan

  27. 9 months ago

    I have never struggled for a single moment in a single TW game that i have played. The only time i have ever lost a battle is when i have 5 units against 20 etc. The AI is so bad, programmed exactly the same as strategy games were 20 years ago.
    If you have any experience with how AI behaves and how to exploit/manage them there is 0 challenge. You deploy your army, wait for the ai to come to you, and then you just win, EVERY FRICKING BATTLE. no maneuvering, 0 tactics, just unit composition decides the battle. GAY

    • 9 months ago

      Whoa get a load of Aurelian here who beat WRE Attila without losing a single battle

    • 9 months ago

      Have you already increased the difficulty?

    • 9 months ago

      >you deploy your army, wait for the ai to come to you
      lol you never played a single TW game, AI only "comes to you" if you initiate the battle, else they just camp and wait for you to come to them.

      • 9 months ago

        Dunno about the others, but in S2 if you have ranged superiority they absolutely will come to you (even if it'd be better for them to eat a few magonel/armstrong gun/whatever rounds than give up their position).

      • 9 months ago

        You never played S2, did you?
        It's yhe other way around.
        The AI comes to you if you they initiated and stands still if you initiated.
        But they will come to you, even when they're on defensive, if you have artillery

  28. 9 months ago

    Because you actually need tactics to win battles. You can't just bring your Super Elite Ultra Gaurd TroopsTM that decimate the enemy.

  29. 9 months ago

    Is there any reason FOTS dropped every single average fertility province to meagre?

    • 9 months ago

      The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for Nippon....

      • 9 months ago

        I'd get if they removed average fertility entirely but there is one province that has it and it's one of the new provinces too.

    • 8 months ago

      I guess it's relative. 16th century productivity and population level vs 19th century. What was average in 1545 looks meagre in 1880.

  30. 9 months ago

    is it worth getting mangonels just to force the enemy to attack you even on offense?

    • 9 months ago

      Just get Fire Rockets. They are actually good.

      • 9 months ago

        >Just get Fire Rockets. They are actually good.
        I just tried a run where I went for these. It takes so damn long to get them, is it really worth it?

        • 9 months ago

          You can guns fast if you rush bushido tech. Its not *that* hard if you're expansive as frick.
          Problem is eco will suck but those matchlock garrisons bro

          >samuraiKEKS getting uppity again
          Remember your place.

          Ashigaru are maybe better on paper but samurai are still really fricking strong and can easily chew through hordes of ashigaru.

          • 9 months ago

            >Ashigaru are maybe better on paper
            They are also better in actual gameplay

            • 9 months ago

              not really when getting hit with a few arrows even on gold armor will make them pee themselves from low morale

          • 9 months ago

            >Ashigaru are better on paper
            The practice is, while a Samurai may be better, if I bring Samurai with no Ashigaru support I'll have no one to stop the enemy from just surrounding Samurai, and uparmored ashigaru can do relatively decently at stalling out Samurai until numbers begin to tell.
            Samurai, objectively, are better at what they specialize at in practice.
            Yari Samurai are the fastest foot unit with some armor behind it.
            Bow Samurai are superior shooters and can conduct themselves in an engagement afterward.
            Katana are best all around fighters assuming they aren't slammed into a spearwall head first or outflanked.
            Naginata Samurai are a near perfect anvil, so long as they don't get outflanked.

    • 9 months ago

      Depends on your playstyle. I find it easier to break AI and trick it into attacking me one unit by one through splitting my army and baititng it with archers or cavalry. But corner camping is powerful enough on its own.

  31. 9 months ago

    Unchecked all the DLCs and now the game has an acceptable unit roster (except for katana samurai).

  32. 9 months ago

    Era toho is better than this vincel shit

    • 9 months ago

      >comparing text-based waifushit to a fully 3D strategy game

  33. 9 months ago

    skill issue

  34. 9 months ago

    Just won my first Shogun 2 campaign as the shimazu (which now looking at some videos on Shogun 2 is apparently considered the noob friendly clan). I won by the year 1560 and could have conquered all of Japan by 1565 most likely.
    It was far easier than I thought it would. I heard that realm divide was this insane mechanic that would frick me up. I saw people calling it extremely unfair and all. I didn't really care much about it. Every Total War has a mechanic in which once you get big enough every AI nation hates you.
    The real scary endgame is having to fight the Huns in Attila. Realm divide is nothing compared to seeing those Hun doomstacks appearing.
    Shogun 2 gays deserve the rope.
    Game is still great btw, next time I'm playing as the Oda.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you play normal difficulty or something?

      Cavalry only runs in this game are fricking torture.

      Cavalry is definitely underpowered in combat, I've never found a use for it other than cheesing AI.

      • 9 months ago

        Cav is fricking strong.
        Morale shock + instant damage + running down fleeing troops make battles easier.
        Yes they require micro.
        Yes everyone has a billion spears
        Yes they struggle against samurai

        They're still worth it. Just two, three dudes. Just the ability to snipe lords is huge, and turn indecisive victories into total slaughter for the enemy is huge.

        Biggest thing is to never let them stay in combat, always charge engaged enemies first, and squishy archers if you need to engage a foe directly 1-1.

        If you got super souped up yari cav with extra charge bonus, or fire cav or something, then they will break ashigaru on the charge unsupported, which is huge.

        • 9 months ago

          >super souped up yari cav with extra charge bonus, or fire cav or something, then they will break ashigaru on the charge unsupported,
          Time to try this out

          • 9 months ago

            I will say that any unit that has been buff maxxed (encampment + relevant resource building) is obscenely strong in their specialized role
            Date no dachi with full attack bonus from smith is a classic example.
            Same with takeda cav, which you also get at close to max rank due to all tech buffs you accumulate.

            Try stuff out. Matchlock samurai with +accuracy are also obscene.

      • 9 months ago

        You've never played the game. Cavalry is essential if you plan on not wasting 90% of your turns chasing down beaten armies.

        • 9 months ago

          Beaten armies are not a threat. Dedicating units to cleaning that up is moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            Cavalry have many benefits for using them.
            2x light cav in the early game will help you kill enemy generals, shape the army you just beat to make it more manageable (killing archers), cause chain routs, run down fleeing units etc

            • 9 months ago

              No they don't. They're shit.

              • 9 months ago

                I assure you 2x light cav give better return on investment than 2x yari ashigaru

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >shitting on light cav
                Wtf? Next you're telling me scout equites are worthless in attila too.
                S2TW's light cav are the yari ashigaru of the cavalry. They frick up other mounted units and have insane utility.

              • 9 months ago

                This thread is just another example that this board sucks at the game. They can't be helped

              • 9 months ago

                yeah its really obvious with stuff like the asiatic click meme that people are just bad and coping.
                >I don't even like playing sc mp
                no seethe replies pls

        • 9 months ago

          Usually if you deliver a crushing enough defeat the army just gets destroyed entirely... I've never known the exact mechanics for when it decides to completely wipe the army vs. leave a battered remnant force, but I've never had serious issues with it in the campaign.

          In fact I think at the higher difficulty levels it is even less of a problem, since the AI has such a morale buff, it fights way closer to the last man.

          • 9 months ago

            Units with fewer than 15% remaining soldiers disappear into the ether (except for the general unit obviously).

    • 9 months ago

      Now play on Hard difficulty (Very Hard is the same but the game makes the saves for you, which I personally find annoying), with a different clan (the Oda are the easiest clan to play; e.g. cheap & better morale ashigaru, you can get Blessing of Amateratsu consistently on turn 2, so on) and without cheesing the A.I. on the battle map

  35. 9 months ago

    Morale in this game goes so unexplained, you can never make decisions because it always differes from generals leadership, unit lvl, generals buffs, auras, the stat always comes down to luck, their guys suddenly broke up, nice luck! your broke out of nowhere, too bad! It barely helps that your units tooltip says 'morales a bit jiggly hehe' or 'wavering' that doesn't help a lot.

    • 9 months ago

      Mad because bad

    • 9 months ago

      it's pretty self evident after youve played the game a little bit. morale regens like other stats and mainly varies based on unit deaths/fight status. a variety of factors such as being outflanked, charged (because charge kills a slew of units rapidly) or losing the general apply immediate maluses. And of course better units have better morale.

      Stick a yari wall in a good spot (slow deaths low morale) or nagi sami (tough and high morale) in front and hit the unit in the back with a high charge bonus (any cav, yari sam or no dachi) and they will break almost instantly

  36. 9 months ago

    Cavalry only runs in this game are fricking torture.

    • 9 months ago

      >ow why does it hurt when I punch myself in the face

  37. 9 months ago

    Rise of the Samurai is actually good

    • 9 months ago

      Sell us on it

      • 9 months ago

        The SOVL of the Gempei war, which most people know little about, a period much different from the samurai ruled Japan we all know and love.
        A lot of people dislike the crappy quality of units and the small unit sizes, but it really adds to the atmosphere of primitive combat of pre-Shogunate Japan. In that sense, battles in Rise of the Samurai are short and snappy, and are characterized by massed infantry charges that win or lose through chained routs. Battles are mainly about positioning and pure tactical acumen.
        The allegiance mechanic is much more fleshed out than religion in vanilla Shogun 2 and it actually allows you to conquer territory "diplomatically".
        Faction balance is a tad out of whack, with the Kamakura Minamoto being amazing, the Fukuhara Taira being also really good, and everybody else being subpar. But then again, balance was also terrible in the vanilla Shogun 2 campaign.
        Overall it's certainly the little brother of Fall of the Samurai, just like The Last Roman is the little brother of Age of Charlemagne in Attila, but the campaign retains everything great about Shogun 2 in an underrated scenario.

        • 9 months ago

          >But then again, balance was also terrible in the vanilla Shogun 2 campaign.
          Only when they started adding DLCs. At least in Shogun 2 you can play without them instead of Attila where you're stuck with Slavs and their magical poison bows.

          • 9 months ago

            Oda, Shimazu and Takeda were always superior to the Mori and Tokugawa.

      • 7 months ago

        samurai units are hilariously op compared to levies in melee and it's satisfying to have elites actually be useful in a total war game.

        Levies, on the other hand, are so disposable that you can be much more loose with them if it means drawing the enemy samurai into an awkard position where you crush them with yours.

        sort of a "sacrifice pawns to take out a queen" gambit.

        As for downsides, unit variety is probably the biggest weakness of Shotgun 2 in general and Rise in particular has I think the lowest amount of variety of the three modes.

    • 9 months ago

      I wasn't impressed when I played it back in the day. Even though it's alt-history, Mongol Invasion was way cooler.

  38. 9 months ago

    >cavtard replying to himself

  39. 9 months ago

    From my own experience and testing, I have found out the following, regarding the RotS meta:

    The budo tech tree and buildings are separated in Koryu and Bushi chains.
    Koryu gives you naginata infantry, bowmen and naginata cavalry. There's a straight upgrade path from levy to attendants and warrior monks. Each one is an improvement from the previous one, but more expensive.
    Bushi gives you sword attendants, foot samurai and mounted samurai. The samurai combine ranged and melee.
    Attendants are twice as expensive as levies, warrior monks/samurai are three times as expensive.
    From testing, I have found that (always using equivalent upkeep total):
    1. Naginata units always beat the equivalent archer unit. Thus, you should prioritize melee over ranged.
    2. Bow levy are the best ranged unit, beating all others, even foot samurai.
    3. Naginata levy beat naginata attendants, but lose against naginata warrior monks due to war cry.
    4. Foot samurai beat all naginata units, except naginata warrior monks due to war cry.
    5. Sword attendants beat all naginata units and even beat foot samurai, using banzai. They are weaker to cavalry than naginata units but can still defeat it.
    6. Naginata cavalry beats mounted samurai.
    This means that the bushi chain is superior to the koryu chain.

    The Kamakura Minamoto, starting with a smith and with a bonus to archers and decreased upkeep for samurai can get incredibly strong with late game armies of sword attendants and foot samurai.
    The Fukuhara Taira, on the other hand, should combine naginata warrior monks with extra armour and decreased upkeep, with bow levy and naginata cavalry.

    • 6 months ago

      OR you can have stacks of only foot samurai with accuracy bonuses and decimate every single army before they even reach you. It's hilarious how broken they are especially with Kamakura Minamoto. Sieges are extra kino with how much slaughter the rain of arrows that block out the sun do.

      • 6 months ago

        >Lamellar armor made from iron or steel
        >Originally invented to offer good protection against arrows
        >Does jack shit against archers in this game
        Why?It's the like the game quotes The Five Rings just to mock the people that have actually read it.I regret installing this game again.

        Yes that makes perfect sense.

        • 6 months ago

          Archers in all TW games carry armor piercing rifles.

  40. 9 months ago

    >samuraiKEKS getting uppity again
    Remember your place.

  41. 9 months ago

    Who the frick at CA designed the Tokugawa?
    They really have nothing going for them.
    >+2% success chance for metsuke actions
    >+10 diplomatic relationships
    >improved kisho ninja
    Extremely situational unit, but even then that trait is broken and their kisho ninja are worse than average (CA most definitely didn't even test this).
    >dogshit starting position
    This is the clan that historically won the Sengoku Jidai and became shoguns, it just seems like CA didn't care and made them at the last minute.
    If they simply didn't know what bonus to give them, they could have given them superior spear units (yari ashigaru, yari samurai, naginata samurai and naginata warrior monks).

    • 9 months ago

      Given the nature of Ieyasu's rise to power I can see why they'd want to emphasize non-military bonuses, but they really should have tried to make those bonuses good, and also not reliant on the game's godawful diplomacy system.

    • 9 months ago

      homie, Ieyasu only won because Nobunaga ruthlessness finally catched up to him ("what do you mean I can't just abuse people without consequences forever?") and because his Monkey successor suddenly died after just wasting away his most loyal troops in his moronic Korean invasion (while his heir was a child). In summary, the b***h got lucky.

      • 9 months ago

        None of this is excuse for the faction having shit and outright broken design.

        Given the nature of Ieyasu's rise to power I can see why they'd want to emphasize non-military bonuses, but they really should have tried to make those bonuses good, and also not reliant on the game's godawful diplomacy system.

        Yes I can understand this, but they absolutely fricked it up.

      • 9 months ago

        >he just got lucky

      • 9 months ago

        You don't know shit about history.

    • 9 months ago

      I think the +10 to relations is the best bonus they have. There's a lot of factors in Shogun deciding when a clan will declare war, but the bonus does seem to make it less likely.

    • 9 months ago

      The starting position isn't so bad. It's close to provinces with fertile soil and other good bonuses and you don't have to worry about one flank at all for a while.

    • 9 months ago

      You're also a vassal of the Imagawa and declaring war counts as breaking a treaty, cancelling any diplo bonus you had

    • 9 months ago

      tbh bonused units are the worst trait, when the 'improved' unit isn't so remarkably different from the original.

    • 8 months ago

      >he just got lucky

      Nobunaga won the Sengoku Jidai, like, he conquered and subjugated most of Japan, Tokugawa only took over because Nobunaga was killed and they completely fell apart, giving Tokugawa the opportunity to sweep right in and eat up their former allies

      • 8 months ago

        You are completely ignoring the Toyotomi's entire existence.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not ignoring them, I am simply ignorant and stubborn

          • 8 months ago

            when Japanese were asked in a survey to name their favorite historical figure, Hideyoshi was ranked higher than Ieyasu

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not ignoring them, I am simply ignorant and stubborn

        There is a saying in Japan:
        >Oda planted the rice
        >Toyotomi cooked the rice
        >Tokugawa ate all the rice!

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe Hideyoshi shouldn't have been an uber psycho with a god complex who executed a shitload of loyal vassals just so his infant kid could ascend to his throne, thus ironically guaranteeing their pissed off relatives would depose the kid in revenge. Ieyasu, like it or not, is the guy who figured out a way to keep the powder keg from exploding again for centuries.

          • 7 months ago

            Too bad the current heir to the Tokugawa head has no children of his own

            • 7 months ago

              At least Nobunaga's grand(x17)son's got kids. It's fricking crazy how these families are still around somehow.

              • 7 months ago

                Heck the Last Ashikaga died in 1989. As for the Shimazu, they're still around, and one branch even founded the Shimadzu Corporation, with the corporation's logo being the Shimazu Mon as well.

  42. 9 months ago

    If you turn off the Sengoku Jidai unit pack, will units from it appear in AI factions?

  43. 9 months ago

    What's the most fun FotS clan to play as?

    • 9 months ago

      >on an island, so safe-ish start
      >bonus to ships
      >close to Kyoto
      >riflemen go brrrr

      • 9 months ago

        I want fun, not necessarily easiest.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm a fan of Aizu for shogunate and Choshu for Imperial. Saga is also a solid pick it you want to go heavy on navy.

    • 9 months ago

      For the historical LARP aspect "canon" is Aizu and Satsuma, but for me, it's Choshu
      >Kiheitai are probably the best midgame unit, nearly guard infantry stats for nearly line infantry prices
      >North Kyushu is probably the best region to control in the whole game
      >bonus to looting which is quite OP in FotS
      >nice color
      >don't have to be S*tsuma barbarian

  44. 9 months ago

    Peasant with stick < samurai with sword < peasants with sticks

  45. 9 months ago

    So after CA went and added in their “new launcher”, my copy of shogun 2 is messed up, there’s an old mod that is perpetually active no matter what I do short of deleting it’s data files and now I can’t activate new mods, any fix for this?

    • 9 months ago

      check your appdata for s2 content and remove it

  46. 9 months ago

    The original post that started that convo claimed that 5 katana samurai beat 20 yari ashigaru and samurai gays are yet to show how that would ever happen

    • 9 months ago

      >I win the argument because everyone is beholden to my strawman hyperbole one guy said

      also 5 can probably beat 20 in siege if theyre all 0 vet and no gens. you might need to do some meat grinder charge micro tho

  47. 9 months ago

    OP do you have a brain function deficiency?

  48. 9 months ago


    in my current game, I got bored and decided to turtle up and watch what the last 3 remaining factions would do without me.
    4 provinces have fallen to christian rebels, and 5 minor clans have resurfaced and retaken territory.
    The strongest clan when I began to turtle is now the weakest, eaten from the inside.

    • 9 months ago

      For whatever reason, if I play in Eastern Japan, one of the christian daimyo always becomes the dominant power in the west. Adds a bit of fun to the game since winning and btfoing christoids the whole way is pretty great, but still weird how consistent it is.

  49. 9 months ago

    Tell me about Mori. How useful are ships in the game (besides sniping trade nodes)

    • 9 months ago

      They are ok for preventing invasions (doing some of your own) or for raiding ports. All of those are relatively limited in value but naval battles are just neat so who cares.

    • 9 months ago

      You spam siege tower bune until you dominate the seas, you don't need to be Mori to dominate doing that alone. Trade nodes are nice but kind of underwhelming mostly because by late game you have no one to trade with.

      • 9 months ago

        This, except that trade nodes are free money for any southern clan. It's worth having a couple stacks of trade ships with some protection. Otherwise just follow the advice of

        I have literally never built a ship in all the campaigns I've finished. It's a waste of money.

    • 9 months ago

      I have literally never built a ship in all the campaigns I've finished. It's a waste of money.

      • 9 months ago

        Keeping a navy around is cheaper than wasting time sending troops to deal with naval invasions.

        • 9 months ago

          Never had that problem.

          • 9 months ago

            You've never had the AI move armies by sea?

            • 9 months ago

              Pretty much. At least I don't remember it ever being an issue. Not even during Realm Divide.

              • 9 months ago

                That's funny, I see it pretty regularly. I wonder what makes the difference.

    • 9 months ago

      naval combat is painfully bad as is the AI for it. I always autoresolve and I'd rather never build ships but the trade route money is just too good. when your ports get sieged you lose so much dosh

      • 9 months ago

        If the AI halfway decent and the unit balance improved naval combat would be pretty good. I really enjoy how naval combat in Shogun II feels so different from land combat.

        • 9 months ago

          the other problem is it takes so god damn long and it's so tedious even with speed up

  50. 9 months ago

    There's finally a full Europe map in Shogun 2

    • 9 months ago

      Hojo goes to paris b***hes.

    • 9 months ago

      >Britain has as many cities as half as India

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      pike and musket or empire era?

      • 9 months ago

        There's not a complete mod yet, just a map for other projects to use.

        • 9 months ago

          that is shame

          • 9 months ago

            yeah, but at least it's progress. Hopefully there's a team picking it up.

  51. 9 months ago

    >trade nodes
    Not actually a good deal.

    • 9 months ago

      >The profit from each trade node, when they are filled with trade ships, are therefore:
      >Cotton: 2819 koku/season
      Silk: 3540 koku/season
      Incense: 2663 koku/season (two in total)
      Warhorse: 846 koku/season
      Iron: 1183 koku/season
      >Trade Ship Upkeep on Leg: 58 koku or 580 for 10 ships
      It's ok if you're already nearby for early - mid game. Iirc, Shimazu has the easiest time establishing a trade node with minimal investment.

  52. 9 months ago

    >trade nodes bad
    The absolute state of the advice you can expect from /vst/.

    • 9 months ago

      Truth hurts, doesn't it, samuraitard?

      • 9 months ago

        Meds, I'm a warrior monk type of lad

  53. 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago

    Shogun 2 is possibly the worst Total War game out of all of them, except for that Mycenean based one they made for the Epic Game Store.

    Aside from the lack of faction unit variety, sieges were a joke, ship battles were a joke, battles are just rock-paper-scissors garbage where soldiers almost instantly route from getting charged or flanked, and the AI cheats like a mother-fricker, spawning blatantly obvious deathstacks right in-fricking-front of you, more obviously than any other Total War I've played.

    Don't even get me started on the absolute shit-show of multiplayer, which is completely broken since you need to win battles to unlock units, so veterans will have the advantage over you, permanently, since they have most if not all units already unlocked, and god help you if you're fighting someone with the gun DLC, since you just flat-out lose then.

    • 9 months ago

      >Aside from the lack of faction unit variety,
      immediately outed as a moron, didn't bother reading the rest
      if anything shogun 2 shouldn't even have given factions statistic bonuses, only costs like the first game

      • 9 months ago

        Nah faction bonuses are good so that every army doesnt feel the same. Eventually the discounts you receive are pretty negligible, it's the extra powerful units and unique units that make a faction fun.

        • 9 months ago

          If you don't want every army to feel the same, recruit different armies. In Shogun II you can recruit every kind of army there is, since factions generally have access to the whole roster. This is superior to the Warhammer model, where many factions like Brettonia and the Dwarfs are overly specialized, so you have less variety in one campaign.

          >it's the extra powerful units and unique units that make a faction fun.

          If a faction isn't fun with it's basic units, the game is shit.

          • 9 months ago

            >If you don't want every army to feel the same, recruit different armies. In Shogun II you can recruit every kind of army there is, since factions generally have access to the whole roster. This is superior to the Warhammer model, where many factions like Brettonia and the Dwarfs are overly specialized, so you have less variety in one campaign.

            Mmmm, no. You see, the fact of the matter is that players, over time, optimize their strategies. There's no reason to build a different type of army if your one type consistently is winning battles for you, other than to experiment or artificially challenge yourself. If you get a faction with different units that appeal to wholly different playstyles, it offers a completely new way to build armies and strategize in the game.

            For the record though, Dwarfs are fairly versatile. Bretonnia are versatile in the sense that they have a lot of different cavalry builds. They have flying units, lancers, shock cavalry, heavy melee cavalry, mounted archers, and very powerful hero cav units.

            A better example would have been Beastmen, who are still rather one-note. Even considering that though, they are part of a whole - IE the game - rather than selectively by themselves, so they contribute to the variety of the gamein general, overall making Warhammer the superior model since it allows far more build variety based both on your faction of choice, and your unit choice within each faction.

            • 9 months ago

              Your argument that S2 players play the same way because "optimising" is pretty moronic if you think warhammer is a good example. In warhammer the optimal strategy is doomstacking, the more your army resembles a doomstack the better it is; the majority of the roster is (in single player) just objectively inferior to your best units because of their opportunity cost. If you don't get that you're just playing with your warhammer toys on kiddy difficulty.

              Also, Bretonnia and dwarves are not versatile lol.

              • 8 months ago

                >In warhammer the optimal strategy is doomstacking

                That's equally as moronic of an argument since you can doomstack in every Total War game. Not an argument. Bow Samurai and naginata's win every time, across all factions in Shogun 2. Not the same in Warhammer. If you want to build a doomstack, it changes from faction to faction.

              • 8 months ago

                Try winning against whole armies with a handful of units in Warhammer, using real tactics, not stat-stacking and active-abilities/'spells'(one-man doomstack). The point is that Warhammer is the pinnacle of modern Total War: tactics are irrelevant, only the spreadsheet matters. It's Total War for people who suck at Total War, and who keep giving themselves away by describing their own noob errors they tried in older games.

              • 8 months ago

                You can still use superior tactics to win battles you otherwise couldn't, granted it's typically reliant on using terrain and unit characteristics (size, mass, leadership) so I don't know if you'd disqualify that.
                I do wish things went more in a Rome 1 direction, more simulation and less abstraction, instead of "pretty" graphics.

          • 9 months ago

            Faction bonuses make different strategies viable.
            Cavalry in Shogun 2 has a relatively minor role but when you play as the Takeda you can focus more on cavalry and get amazing results.
            Sure, you can do everything as any faction (and that's good), but some factions being slightly better at some things allows for more variety.

      • 9 months ago

        >homosexual c**t reported my post

        Lmao, now where was I? Oh, yes, as I was saying:

        >immediately outed as a moron, didn't bother reading the rest

        Immediately outed as a moron, didn't bother reading the rest of your post.

        a·side - away from one's thought or consideration

        Re-read my post like someone who isn't a braindead sub-100 IQ savage and then respond to me when you understand what I wrote, you mongrel.

    • 9 months ago

      dont really disagree but I havent played the other total wars enough to compare because the interfaces are too obtuse (no free camera for example) after starting with shogun 2.

      Guns in general make multiplayer unfun because they can be exploited in a few ways not the least of which is the lack of FF. mounted gunners (the dlc ones) were op as shit but at least they cost a lot. Fighting vets wasnt that big a deal though, the increased costs generally werent worth it for your noncore units (some gimmicks aside) so even with vet options you'd be selecting mostly 0 vet units

      • 6 months ago

        I genuinely suggest playing medieval 2, its my favorite game in the series despite the fact I bought it last after Shogun 2, Rome 1, Rome 2 and Attilla. The camera is obtuse, yes and the units can be a bit sluggish to respond but it is genuinely fun with the best campaign map and the most features. It feels less like an arcade game and more like a simulation game, at least to me, due to the battles and campaign map having more depth. If you really want to you can google the battle camera plugin which gives you a free cam like in newer Total wars. Its pretty good tbh.
        I was actually really dogshit to middling at most total war games, but after playing lots of Med 2 I usually stomp the shit out of most battles, save for sieges, which is a pain.

        • 6 months ago

          Medieval 2 is a good middle point in the series were it has campaign progression (technology events, mongols, timurids crusades and jihads) while the battles are also much better paced than Rome or Shogun 2 were its a case of instant unit rout. At the same time its got a bunch of stupid bugs and the AI is a shitter at capturing territory because it loves to split its stacks into minis.

          The game would be perfect if they gave it the Rome population recruitment system, fixed the pathfinding bugs, put in some hardcoded behaviour to the ai to make it decent at conquering and holding settlements, fixed the general gamplay bugs and added the kingdoms units and factions into the grand campaign (some mods do this like custom campaign mod and kingdoms grand campaign)

          • 6 months ago

            >Rome population recruitment system
            Pretty sure it has that anon. You can deplete or forcefully cities by raising levies and then disbanding them in another city.
            Overall though I agree. I can look over most of the bugs just because its such a gem and shits all over most other TW titles. I played 15 minutes of WH, got bored and then refunded it. I haven't touched any of the newer games after that.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >Aside from the lack of faction unit variety
      if anything they should have more tight roosters

      • 9 months ago

        what have you been doing on the farm mr freudian slip

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Nah faction bonuses are good so that every army doesnt feel the same. Eventually the discounts you receive are pretty negligible, it's the extra powerful units and unique units that make a faction fun.

      >If you don't want every army to feel the same, recruit different armies. In Shogun II you can recruit every kind of army there is, since factions generally have access to the whole roster. This is superior to the Warhammer model, where many factions like Brettonia and the Dwarfs are overly specialized, so you have less variety in one campaign.

      Mmmm, no. You see, the fact of the matter is that players, over time, optimize their strategies. There's no reason to build a different type of army if your one type consistently is winning battles for you, other than to experiment or artificially challenge yourself. If you get a faction with different units that appeal to wholly different playstyles, it offers a completely new way to build armies and strategize in the game.

      For the record though, Dwarfs are fairly versatile. Bretonnia are versatile in the sense that they have a lot of different cavalry builds. They have flying units, lancers, shock cavalry, heavy melee cavalry, mounted archers, and very powerful hero cav units.

      A better example would have been Beastmen, who are still rather one-note. Even considering that though, they are part of a whole - IE the game - rather than selectively by themselves, so they contribute to the variety of the gamein general, overall making Warhammer the superior model since it allows far more build variety based both on your faction of choice, and your unit choice within each faction.

      >This is your brain on TW: Warhammer

      t. fa/tg/uy

      Faction bonuses make different strategies viable.
      Cavalry in Shogun 2 has a relatively minor role but when you play as the Takeda you can focus more on cavalry and get amazing results.
      Sure, you can do everything as any faction (and that's good), but some factions being slightly better at some things allows for more variety.

      So which one is it: the faction bonuses are insignificant or they allow different strategies? Because you can't have both.
      Also: Takeda bonuses are predominately to fielding slightly cheaper cavalry, every other part of their faction bonus IS insignificant. You get more from having a horse province with mid-tier set of buildings, than you will ever get from their faction bonus.
      Have you even played the game you are trying to b***h about?

      • 9 months ago

        I've never played any TW game that came after Attila.
        >So which one is it: the faction bonuses are insignificant or they allow different strategies?
        They strike a good balance of where they are good but not overwhelming, thus incentivizing a particular dynamic while not dictating your entire playstyle.
        >Also: Takeda bonuses are predominately to fielding slightly cheaper cavalry, every other part of their faction bonus IS insignificant.
        Takeda yari cav has, when compared to regular yari cav
        >20% more morale
        >60% more attack
        >100% more defence
        >20% more charge
        That's not insignificant lol, that means that, even with equal numbers, your cav will always win the engagement pretty easily. It means that to win a cav duel against the Takeda you need numerical superiority, which is harder to achieve due to Takeda cav being cheaper. Both bonus synergize well while not pigeonholing the Takeda into being a cavalry only faction.
        Also imagine thinking that Takeda fire cav is insignificant lmao
        >inb4 that's a unique unit not a bonus
        Same difference, exclusive access to a great unit might as well be considered a bonus.

        • 9 months ago

          >I've never played any TW game

        • 9 months ago

          >>20% more morale
          >>60% more attack
          >>100% more defence
          >>20% more charge
          >That's not insignificant lol
          That's insignificant as hell. Because it doesn't matter how big is the percentage, if the baseline is 1, you dumb moron. Oh wow, the yari cavalry has now TWO defense! What a sweeping change!
          You don't even know what those values do in combat, but you jerk off to them anyway, befitting someone who didn't play the game, but autistically binged the wikia.
          >b-but they can be stacked
          Yeah, and a +1 defense is fricking nothing. There is a reason people build camp upgrades to get them with proper province specialty: otherwise the +2 bonuses of the camp upgrades are laughably weak and not even worth the money spent, unless it's armour in a temple province and you plan to build monk units (but it would be better to get armourer province for that), just to make them withstand any sort of attack until you capture armourer.

          • 9 months ago

            >Because it doesn't matter how big is the percentage, if the baseline is 1
            >number small not important!
            You are mentally impaired.
            It's literally the opposite, the number itself is irrelevant what matters is the percentage difference.
            >You don't even know what those values do in combat
            Projecting Black person.

            • 8 months ago

              >It's literally the opposite, the number itself is irrelevant what matters is the percentage difference.
              Let me ask you a single question - what's greater, a +300% bonus or a +4 bonus?

              • 8 months ago

                >Because it doesn't matter how big is the percentage, if the baseline is 1
                >number small not important!
                You are mentally impaired.
                It's literally the opposite, the number itself is irrelevant what matters is the percentage difference.
                >You don't even know what those values do in combat
                Projecting Black person.

                You both suck at math

  55. 9 months ago

    baitin' hard

  56. 9 months ago

    Any good mods or mod packs for Shogun 2?

    • 9 months ago

      Naval rebalance mod
      >larger zone of control for ships
      >campaign move range longer for sailing ships
      >recruitable wako ships with their own stats
      >buildable black ship
      >unique buddist nanban ship
      >arrow tower bune
      >ships can rally after routing
      >ships actually sink if hit with enough firepower
      >burning oil catapult ship
      >wind actually matters
      >boarding is not only fun but a viable tactic now

      • 9 months ago

        I have the naval combat so I suppose I can add that. Any good overhaul mods? Is Radiolus good?

        • 9 months ago

          The one I use is "S2TW Naval Mod v.1 - Overhaul, Tweaks, and Unit Pack" by Yogi

          >buildable black ship
          >buddhist nanban ship
          That's moronic

          >buddist nanban ship
          It's a unique admiral ship that requires top research and has enough lore behind it to make it stick.

      • 9 months ago

        >buildable black ship
        >buddhist nanban ship
        That's moronic

        • 8 months ago

          use pack file manager to edit the mod

      • 9 months ago

        >buildable black ship
        >unique buddist nanban ship
        Is there a version without these two?

        • 9 months ago

          Just don't build them if you don't like it.
          Or edit the mod files (literally doable in notepad)

          • 8 months ago

            Does the AI not build them?

    • 9 months ago

      Playable Portugal.

  57. 9 months ago

    >Can't win Shogun 2 on normal difficulty

  58. 9 months ago

    >it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has

    Play as Ikko Ikki, the game is that way from the start. Problem solved!

    • 9 months ago

      funny guy

  59. 9 months ago

    Playing pro shogunate faction and shitting on enemy with traditional units.
    Bow samurai and wild charges beat any modernized army.

    • 9 months ago

      >modern artillery
      Opinion discarded

      • 9 months ago

        it was taken from enemy and thus legal to use against them
        and sure artillery is quite powerful but archers are more deadly so far and can shoot from behind my charging troopers

  60. 9 months ago

    tbh bros I am disappointed in Shogun 2. I used to post Shogun 1 > shogun 2 meme but hell, I tried actually Shogun 2 and its real.
    I wanted to have fun but none was found

    • 9 months ago

      I feel the same way.

  61. 8 months ago

    any ideas on what to do next?

    • 8 months ago

      It's hard to think of a worse strategic situation, but just eat westwards across Chugoku and hope your allies don't betray you.

      • 8 months ago

        kill them all

        >Fortify one side
        (Pro tip: matchlocks rule in castle defence)
        >Keep pushing the other
        >Keep a fleet or two handy to repel naval invasions
        >all the non-combat oriented regions get markets and bars

        I was able to do it. Also learned you don't get an achievement for finishing a Hattori campaign since it's a DLC clan which is dumb

        • 8 months ago

          I hereby award you Hattori Achievement ! BANZAI

    • 8 months ago

      kill them all

    • 8 months ago

      >Fortify one side
      (Pro tip: matchlocks rule in castle defence)
      >Keep pushing the other
      >Keep a fleet or two handy to repel naval invasions
      >all the non-combat oriented regions get markets and bars

  62. 8 months ago

    I loved shogun 2. Is the originsl shogun 1 worth a shot?

    • 8 months ago

      its different, in my personal opinion its better but I never really liked Shogun 2 when it come and replayed it recently(like right now) trying all campaigns and I am still pretty disappointed(aka it didn't live to hype(I had none))

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, just gotta get used to the old style RTS control scheme but you can use RMB to move the camera with your mouse while panning with WASD.

  63. 8 months ago


  64. 8 months ago

    >Shimazu is the best clan for beginners, but not that good in the hands of an experienced player.
    >Oda and Takeda are the strongest clans.
    >Ikko Ikki are harder to play but good if you know what you are doing.
    >Otomo is amazing but takes a long while before they shine.
    >Chosokabe is pretty average and gets worse as you increase the difficulty
    >Date are mid but offer a very different campaign experience
    >Hojo is boring but has an amazing starting position
    >Mori are boring since naval dominance isn't nearly as important as the land war
    >Hattori are edgy and bad

    • 8 months ago

      Hojo are my favorite. Amazing starting position and early siege weapon dominance means that your enemy always has to come to you.

    • 8 months ago

      >No one gives a frick about Tokugawa which is kind of ironic

      • 8 months ago

        was so good he led the worst clan in the game to win

      • 8 months ago

        Why does he wear a penis hat?

      • 8 months ago

        at least Tokugawa is in the game. Toyotomi Hideyoshi is still completely missing despite being a bigger player than either Oda and Tokugawa.

        • 8 months ago

          Toyotomi was a peasant homosexual that didnt achieve anything other than get humiliated by squidgame

      • 8 months ago

        >Tokugawa and Oda rise to prominence was heavily defined by their alliance.
        >Game starts off in a way in which one has to destroy the other.
        How did they frick this up?

        • 8 months ago

          by making the start date way earlier than when the alliance happened. shogun 2's starting year fricking sucks for the time period.

          • 8 months ago

            It's because Takeda Shingen is the protagonist of Shogun 2. They picked the start date for him to be a young lad. A start date with Nobunaga and Tokugawa already allied would have him be an old geezer.
            If Nobunaga was supposed to be the main character the game should have started in 1560 right after Okehazama.

            • 8 months ago

              I believe this because I also build Shingen as the battle general always in the thick of things bolstering his men.

            • 8 months ago

              I guess? It just seems weird to me considering how much it impacts the flow of the game.

              >If Nobunaga was supposed to be the main character the game should have started in 1560 right after Okehazama.
              I mean, it should have.

        • 7 months ago

          Total War has always been extremely zero sum. Letting the AI have a nearby province early on is never good in the long run. Shogun 2 in particular encourages you to just conquer everyone.

      • 8 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Basilisk's depiction of Ieyasu captured his fat chin the best

    • 8 months ago

      >Uesugi might be the hardest clan in the game

      • 8 months ago

        >starting on the wrong side of Japan
        >huge province with many neighbors
        >you will get drawn into war early
        >clan feature benefits lategame units
        If you really want to use warrior monks just play ikko ikki.

        • 8 months ago

          In my Uesugi campaign, I abandoned Echigo and relocated my army to Buzen in Kyushu. Made for a much easier experience.

    • 8 months ago

      >Hattori are edgy and bad
      enjoy your extra 10 minutes of walking per battle scrub

    • 8 months ago

      >Mori are boring
      Wako pirate raiders are a fun unit

    • 8 months ago

      Wrong. All the clans play exactly the fricking same because the horse-paper-scissors mechanics override any incremental bonuses each clan gets for units and economy, and it's always more valuable to just spam samurai archers instead of trying to use any real tactics.

      • 8 months ago

        >spam samurai archers
        What is fog, rain, cavalry, forests, high armour, terrain obstructions, horse archers, stealth units, vanguard deployment?

    • 6 months ago

      God I wish Uesugi was better
      Kenshin was a monster during his time

    • 6 months ago

      Shimazu get heavy gunners THOUGH

  65. 8 months ago

    I heckin LOVE Otomo
    I heckin LOVE every province hating me due to wrong religion
    I heckin LOVE every other clan refusing to trade with me due to diplomatic penalty
    I heckin LOVE starting with lower honor
    I heckin LOVE Nanban ships catching fire from the onslaught if the four trillion bow kobayas the AI sends my way every turn
    I heckin LOVE not having access to the regular Christian religious chain and instead having the objectively inferior Jesuit hospitals
    I heckin LOVE Portuguese Tercos not having Portuguese voice lines
    I heckin LOVE having to destroy the nanban trade port

    • 8 months ago

      Portuguese tercios are the absolute best unit for defensive sieges THOUGH

    • 8 months ago

      Christoids deserve it.

    • 8 months ago

      >I heckin LOVE having to destroy the nanban trade port
      Or you could deliberately lose the province, build nanban in the other starting one and have 2 nanban ports now after recapturing your capital

    • 8 months ago

      This, but also using priests to spam christian rebels across the nation

    • 8 months ago

      I heckin LOVE permanently locking extremely limited build slots for a lump sum of money that won't even cover the costs of upgrading the castle and farms to maintain it.

      >I heckin LOVE not having access to the regular Christian religious chain and instead having the objectively inferior Jesuit hospitals
      This is such a dealbreaker for me I'll never play them even when I intend a christian run. One of the benefits of converting is that churches are good and you WILL have to build them everywhere anyway, but the one clan that actually starts christian gets a shit version instead.

      • 8 months ago

        I really don't get how they fricked it up, the standard christian chain is so good but the jesuit hospitals suck

  66. 8 months ago

    >be young Bishamonten fanboy circa 1549, in one of the worst starting positions in all of 日本
    >first things first, end your vassalage over Yamanouchi because they will drag you into some moronic war on turn 2.
    >to counter balance this, get an alliance, marriage and trade agreement with Ashina since they won't trouble you for the foreseeable future
    >defeat the starting rebels and then start recruiting some ashigaru while building a port, and improving your defenses + supply
    >sail straight to Honma as soon as possible to capture the island, their gold mine, and the Aizu trade node.
    >ready your garrison in your home province withstand the assault from the Maeda's (and soon Takeda's) armies. In fact, don't even bother with roads and let them take three turns to reach you.
    >when you are strong enough and your castle well fortified, start expanding North, else the Date will frick you 90% of the time.

    • 8 months ago

      >start expanding North, else the Date will frick you 90% of the time.
      this is why i can never enjoy uesugi, frick campaigning in northern japan

  67. 8 months ago

    what's a good mod for gunpowder? i want it to be slightly better and unlock much earlier.

    • 8 months ago

      Elven Sage's Firearm Range Rework, it boosts the range of guns considerably but also increases the spread so that low tier gun units don't get overpowered.

      Are they any good and worth the investment?

      Putting them in your army makes it so that the AI always comes to you in a battle, but otherwise they're pretty crap.

  68. 8 months ago

    >there is a guide or something to understand this game? or i'm being just moronic

    put three gaijin cannon behind your front line and the computer player will morale break before they ever even get into melee range. it's an easy game, really

  69. 8 months ago

    Are they any good and worth the investment?

    • 8 months ago

      Mangonels specifically or all of those? Bombs are good on siege defense. Fire rockets are good on open field battles. Generally both are good but have their preferred fighting ground and need micro. Mangonels and european cannons need mods to make them usable.

    • 8 months ago

      Absolutley worthless (unless you have mod that fixes their accuracy)
      Good at erasing entire formations, but squishy and have large FF potential
      Long range arty that disrupts entire formations. Good performance.
      Only use against walls, but they deal lots of damage to cav as well. Very likely to snipe enemy general in first minute of battle. Useless against infantry
      Guys with bombs who can into stealth and meele. You'll have hard time trying to make them work, but I guess they can have their uses

      • 8 months ago

        bomb throwers can blow up battlements removing the cover bonus for archers (plus all the dmg to the unit itself).
        ninjas can too but are limited in ammo, however they have climbing spikes (or whatever the game calls it) so none will die in the climb = no morale penalty + stealth = surprise attack on an archer or a flank inside the fortress.

        • 8 months ago

          oh yeah the other thing you can do with ninja is /ninja/ the flag on multi story fortresses. the AI will go to the lower floors to fight your invaders and you can stealth rush the flag, maybe use 1 to cap and 2 to delay enemy units (depends on enemy forces, sometimes 1 is enough) and in 60s you force their surrender

    • 8 months ago

      What one of the anons said already: bombs are great for siege defense.

      Absolutley worthless (unless you have mod that fixes their accuracy)
      Good at erasing entire formations, but squishy and have large FF potential
      Long range arty that disrupts entire formations. Good performance.
      Only use against walls, but they deal lots of damage to cav as well. Very likely to snipe enemy general in first minute of battle. Useless against infantry
      Guys with bombs who can into stealth and meele. You'll have hard time trying to make them work, but I guess they can have their uses

      Ninja are great when you have army too small to win fort assault, but can't just wait it out with siege counter, either. The real challenge is keeping track of both the ongoing battle AND commanding ninjas to full efficiency, but if you have sufficient split attention, they are absolutely devastating.

    • 8 months ago

      Rockets are good, ninja are debatable, the others are trash.
      >worth the investment

  70. 8 months ago

    10 yari
    10 bowmen

    You win every fricking match-up because of how moronicly accurate the arrows in Shogun 2 are. Like, it's not even fair compared to previous games like Rome or even Empire where, bows were very deadly, but they had a larger scatter radius.

    >i can't win in normal diff, it reachs a point where every single faction declares war on you and you spend the rest of the game defending the territories that you still has
    The game blatantly cheats more-so than in previous total war games, because of how much more limited the map is in Shogun 2. Once you begin steam-rolling, if the AI didn't cheat, you would conquer the entire map in about 50 to 60 turns.

    >G-G-Get good! The AI doesn't cheat
    Yes, it does, I've used cheats to turn off fog of war and watched as the AI literally spawns a deathstack once you begin conquering multiple regions quickly.

    The rock-paper-scissors mechanics of spears > Horses > Katana's > spears is also bumped up to 11 in terms of potency, so you have battles that last only a couple minutes from enemies getting crushed a lot more quickly and routing far quicker than previously.

    I think they did this as a response to people complaining about the AI in Empire, where units would never break until there were about 35-40% of them unit left, where-as in Shogun 2, they begin routing at around 65%, unless they're elite units.

    I will forever hold the opinion that, disregarding Warhammer 3, Shogun 2 is the WORST main-line entry in the total war series, but weebs don't like that so they downvote you every time you say that.

    >Limited variety
    >Limited strategy
    >sieges suck
    >Battles are over way too quickly
    >AI cheats like a mother-fricker
    >Bows are way too decisive
    >naval battles suck
    >no city battles, taking a hard step backwards compared to Napoleon

    • 8 months ago

      people only think soigun 2 is so amazing because of the kill animations. Fall of the Samurai blows it out of the water but even that is shallow since it's just spam artillery the game

      • 8 months ago

        I've been playing TW since shogun 1 and have never bothered to zoom in that close during battles. Usually I'm too busy doing micro and if I'm winning I just hit fast forward.

    • 8 months ago

      Uhm, sweaty, you can only have 19 units, you need a general.

      Also 1-3 units of matchlocks will murder frick you if you ever try to attack their castle.

      • 8 months ago

        >Uhm, sweaty, you can only have 19 units, you need a general.

        Right. Regardless, just buy half yari and half bowmen. Naginata if you want overkill.

        • 6 months ago

          You've played like enough for one single campaign, why are you acting like you are some kind of aficionado of the game?

      • 8 months ago

        >you need a general
        >in shogun2

        • 8 months ago

          By all means, make a full stack and have it rebel on you outside your city. If you wanna be stupid on purpose, go ahead.

    • 8 months ago

      >thinks it's about the setting
      The AI doesn't cheat(beyond the stat-modifiers and income buffs) and you haven't turned off the FoW to check. People have done that, and demonstrated that the AI in S2 doesn't cheat. It can simply afford more, spams multiple of the same building, upgrades castles for extra training slots, and recruits more aggressively than a player can but still has to wait 2 turns for Samurai.

      Also, bows suck against anything with a bit of armour and this is proven time and time again in any of the multiplayer battles you can find on youtube, where matchlocks are so much more favoured that they are always capped in competitions and everyone actually trying to win always brings the most they're allowed. This was of course before CA decided to change the shooting system in Rome 2 permanently and guns suck in WH as a result.

      • 8 months ago

        Not that guy but the AI does indeed spawn armies. So it does cheat.
        And it will also upgrade all those armies from ashi to samurai instantly.
        This is well known so stop trying to say the AI doesn't cheat.

    • 8 months ago

      >no city battles
      Can you name a single city battle in the entire era?

    • 8 months ago

      >play fots
      >decide to be last samurai
      >yari samurai and spear levy > guys with rifles
      >banzai samurai murder anyone
      >yari samurai cavalry murder modern cavalry and infantry
      >modern infantry only have puny sidearm sword and no bayonets
      >capture all artillery you want
      i heard alot about this game and only good things so imagine my disappointment

      • 8 months ago

        nobody plays fots. even in multiplayer vs vanilla units they're chumps

    • 7 months ago

      >Shogun 2 is the WORST main-line entry
      This guy gets it. But it's still a fun game, and introduced two great additions to Total War; multiplayer campaign (outside of mods) and Steam workshop support. The workshop support was the greatest thing because of allowing ~30 mods before crashing. Shogun 2 and Rome 2 are two of the best games thanks to mod lists. But also you forgot to mention how Shogun 2 has arguably the dumbest ai in the series, the campaign ai beelines for their next target, which means they always collapse after ~7 provinces. The battle ai either charges without any sense of formation (like RTW) or camps on the nearest hill. The reinforcements will ignore being attacked before reaching said hill for a defense battle, then they'll all charge afterwords
      >naval battles suck
      The early ones mostly because archers can't damage ships before fire arrows unlocked, and the ship models make some spots practically immune to arrow fire, resulting in shit like a trade ship holding against 3 bow ships. Late game and FotS kinda fix this with cannons, fire bombs, and torpedoes just destroying the ships

    • 7 months ago

      >Bows are way too decisive
      t. never played the game
      Bows are useless against late game armored samurai spam.

      • 7 months ago

        >useless against late game armored samurai
        What about Chosokabe Daikyu? They have a bit more damage.

    • 7 months ago

      Gay gay
      >Balanced gameplay
      >Blatantly untrue
      >Name a TW where they don't
      >Fast based battles that require skill
      >Name a TW where they don't
      >Good thing bows aren't some enigmatic exclusive tool then
      >Name a TW where they don't
      >City battles are fricking dogshit trash, especially in a firearm TW
      You've shit tier taste, no one is here for gay weeb homosexual yellow monkey shit, it's because the game is tightly balanced, plays smooth and actually requires skill due to the fast pacing of combat
      Also absolutely top tier firearm gameplay

      • 7 months ago

        And this is why hero units, yari samurai, and half of the siege units are shit?
        Prove it then, list 5 viable campaign strategies
        >>Name a TW where they don't
        Thrones of Britannia
        >>Fast based battles that require skill
        They require less skill than slower battles
        >>Name a TW where they don't
        Medieval 1
        >>Good thing bows aren't some enigmatic exclusive tool then
        Do you really think that a game is balanced just because everyone can use over powered units?
        >>Name a TW where they don't
        >>City battles are fricking dogshit trash, especially in a firearm TW
        City battles are good, they are far superior to the 3-4 siege maps of shogun 2

    • 7 months ago

      holy shit go back

  71. 8 months ago

    It`s definitely skill issue. My first TW game was Rome 2 and after it Shonen 2 was difficult. But I already finished few campaigns on legendary difficulty.

  72. 8 months ago

    Is there an updated treatise on economy for FOTS? I recall farms being fricky in vanilla, and I know some tool tips in FOTS are bugged. Are economic buildings a waste of time? Better to just zerg territory? I know low tax never pays off.

  73. 8 months ago

    For me it's the homosexual-ass Honma sailing all along the coast of Japan to take one of my mandatory win condition provinces with 5 turns to go when all my armies are at the front hundreds of miles away.

    • 8 months ago

      well at least it's easy to prevent next time

    • 8 months ago

      For me it's the pirate armada sailing all across the sea just to assaulting my ships in the trade nodes

      • 8 months ago

        Those are THEIR trade nodes, chud.

    • 8 months ago

      Navy interception range should increase based on how many units in the stack, I've been saying it for years.

      • 8 months ago

        Get navy rebalance mod. It increases the ZoC to the size of a sight radius, so usually one fleet is enough to block off all the shallow coastal waters and force them to suffer attrition on open sea.
        Then you can send a single boat to do actual interception while the rest of the fleet serves as "reinforcements"

        • 8 months ago

          >navy rebalance mod
          Is this is?

          • 8 months ago

            No, it's
            >S2TW Naval Mod v.1 - Overhaul, Tweaks, and Unit Pack

  74. 8 months ago

    anyone tried master of strategy? is it bloated?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes it is bloated as hell

  75. 8 months ago

    Noob here, just had an epihany today about defensive siege battles: it's better to put your ashigarus in a yari wall slightly back instead of having them manning the walls

    • 8 months ago

      How back is "slightly back"? If they are in yari wall right behind the wall then they are going to get chewed up by enemy archers.

      • 8 months ago

        Basically right behind the wall, to catch the attackers right when they set foot in the castle.Maybe I have yet to experience a siege against a strong archer army, but the losses were surprisingly low, on the other hand the yari wall absolutely rekt the attackers, in maybe 1 min they were all fleeing. Maybe have the ashigarus manning the wall and at the last moment pull back ?

        • 8 months ago

          During defensive sieges the enemy melee troops are very rarely a concern.
          It's when they start bringing 6 units of bow samurai that things get pretty tough.

    • 8 months ago

      keep lower wall empty
      let the enemy climb it (if you are giving up a tower, burn it down)
      put your yari wall right under the higher wall
      put your matchlocks (or bows if you're poor) on top of higher wall
      if you have some sword/naginata samurai, have them watch the corners of your yari wall, to avoid getting flanked.
      Have your general sit and fight to give your yari wall a buff (as if they need one)

  76. 8 months ago

    What would like to see improved in this game?

    • 8 months ago

      Diplomacy not being shit. All the opponents work together against the player even before RD.
      It wasn't nearly as bad in Empire, in which alliances and rivalries felt much more organic.

      • 8 months ago

        you just need to git gud at diplomacy. you can make long term allies (even through RD) if you know what you are doing

      • 8 months ago

        >give away a daughter
        >give away a shit province you took from your enemy just to use it as an impenetrable buffer zone
        >or the enemy take it back the next turn if you're both fighting that enemy but you still get the diplomatic good boy points
        >side with ally against their enemies that you know can't easily get to you
        I've kept allies for 10-20 turns after the realm divide.
        Ikko ikki is the only faction that is actually impossible maintain alliances as.

  77. 8 months ago

    Chosokabe rain of arrows. Let those ricemongers try to reach your walls. They won't even have a chance

  78. 8 months ago

    I want to go back to the old days when this was the new Total War, and everyone was so happy and nice.

  79. 8 months ago

    >master of strategy mod spawns random ikko ikki rebels in chosokabe starter island

    yeah frick this bloated shit anyway

  80. 8 months ago

    >play Imperial faction
    >different Imperial faction abandons emperor
    >still allied with all the Imperial factions and Very Friendly with me
    >declares war on me, still allies, still very friendly
    And now my campaign is three Imperial factions who were allied with the traitor all at war with me while being friendly or very friendly. I haven't even fought a proper Shogunate faction all game. What the frick.

    • 8 months ago

      The strict imperial vs shogunate war only happens with RD.
      Prior to that it's a free for all.

      • 8 months ago

        If it is as just that, fine I get it, but why the frick are the factions at war with me also 'Very Friendly'? And abandoning allegiance apparently has shit all penalties for the AI since the traitor kept every single alliance.

  81. 8 months ago

    The game should have more penalties for having low honor. Like, if your daimio keeps looting or betraying people, the Shogun just just order them to commit seppuku or else you become s rebel

    • 8 months ago

      >The shogun should order them to commit seppuku if they are dishonorable
      the reason why the sengoku jidai happened in the first place is that the Ashikaga shogunate had lost all of its authority and power and Nobunaga was the biggest "dishonorable" bastard of them all.

  82. 8 months ago

    frick battles are so fricking slow in darth mod

    • 8 months ago

      And that's a good thing!

      • 8 months ago

        why? besides the epic cinematic shots?
        just won a 3k vs 9k siege in ultimate immersive mod and it took me 25 minutes. it's just fine

        • 8 months ago

          Just use normal unit sizes.

  83. 8 months ago

    Give me a rundown on all the good mods

  84. 8 months ago

    Is TRoM3 still the only good mod

    • 8 months ago

      TRoM3 really is great. I just wish it was on workshop since I can't get it to load. One of these days I'm going to have to edit it manually to get it to work.

  85. 8 months ago

    so am I just fricked out of getting trade nodes if I'm not playing as a faction in Kyushu?

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much.
      That's why, when I played as Date, I sent an expeditionary force to take a single province in Kyushu, used it as naval base and trading hub and turned into impregnable fortress against constant sieges

  86. 8 months ago

    I started the game as date and I have the same dilemma again. Attack or armor on no-dachi samurai?

    • 8 months ago

      Always armour.
      You get attack with exp.

      • 8 months ago


  87. 8 months ago

    Another dilemma.
    Armour or charge bonus for cavalry? I have tried putting all charge bonus buildings on my yari cav and they were still unable to break bow samurai on a charge.

    • 8 months ago

      It's hard to break samurai with a charge because of their "resistant to morale shock" attribute. But a good charge should still kill a lot of them and disrupt their formation.
      Higher charge bonus helps them inflict higher losses with successfull charge so that's what you should get.
      Armour doesn't really help cav because they should never be under fire or locked in meele for prolonged time.

  88. 7 months ago

    Wait, this thread is still up?

    • 7 months ago

      yes, bump because i just reinstalled the game
      using artillery in this game is the best experience ive had for Total War

  89. 7 months ago

    Are there any mods that somehow encourage battles with smaller/poorly developed armies? I always end up stabilising, developing a bit and building doomstacks that steamroll any enemy army, or even two full stacks. The battles in the early game are much more fun and enjoyable.

  90. 7 months ago

    Does anyone here know the build order for getting +4 attack +4 armor Katana Kachi as Satsuma in fall of the samurai in under 25 turns?

    There was a post on reddit where someone said they managed to do this, but it seems like the only way to get the attack bonus is to get the jujutsu from the training camp building tree, however that requires clan development 2. I can't seem to get up to clan development 2 before turn 19 or 20 no matter what I do, since upgrading the Dojo and armorer tanks your modernisation.

    The post said he did it by making peace with the starting enemy and then capturing his vassal on turn 2 with his army, which seems to be impossible with the starting army since it's too far away from the port to embark on turn 1.

    Screenshot is the post.

  91. 7 months ago

    I wish they finally add the Takeda variant of the Shogunate Guard Cavalry

  92. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  93. 7 months ago

    Anyone else enjoying the frick out of master of strategy?

  94. 7 months ago

    Just beat the game as the Otomo, first time playing on hard and playing a Christian nation. What a real bloodbath that was, every single clan declared war on me long before the realm divide and nobody else converted the entire campaign. Maybe I could have sent out missionaries to convert others' lands. but they were too important in pacifying that -7 public order I get from being Christian, so I decided to keep them behind my lines so my troops could march forward faster. Those Nanban Trade Ships were definitely the best part of the campaign, even a fleet of just two of them could repel every navy the AI could muster against me, even managed to capture the black ship from the Honma and sank many full stacks going for my undefended provinces to the bottom of the sea. Many new heikegani were made.

  95. 7 months ago

    Since this thread is still up, can anyone tell me if its ever worth it to upgrade markets? The fact that all the upgrade's cost precious food makes me think there's absolutely no reason to ever upgrade them.

    • 7 months ago

      Food isn't as precious as you may think.
      Just keep it above 0, but other than that it doesn't give you much
      >muh lategame economy
      After 20 turns with +5 food at 10 provinces you'll get 1000 extra taxable worth. At normal taxes, reduced by administrative costs of larger domain, it'll be maybe 15%, which gives you a total of extra 150 koku per turn.

    • 7 months ago

      If you're playing a long campaign yes, if you're doing a short campaign, no. It takes quite a few turns to make a profit on them. Also should probably only do it in your richest provinces. because food shortages can happen if your not careful

    • 7 months ago

      If you're playing a long campaign yes, if you're doing a short campaign, no. It takes quite a few turns to make a profit on them. Also should probably only do it in your richest provinces. because food shortages can happen if your not careful

      as a rule of thumb I only upgrade markets in provinces with fertile soil or better

      • 7 months ago

        Why does the soil matter for a market?

        • 7 months ago

          Provinces with fertile+ soil are wealthier which makes upgrading markets in those regions really worth it.

          • 7 months ago

            as a rule of thumb I only upgrade markets in provinces with fertile soil or better

            It doesn't matter unless you also stuck a metsuke in there.
            Otherwise it makes no difference if you build it in barren or very vertile soil. +200 is still +200

            • 7 months ago

              It's not really because of money but moreso I don't want to have a food shortage

            • 7 months ago

              What? Fertile soil and very fertile soil give like 600+ and 800+ koku respectively. Barren gives 200+ and average is 300 or 400. Thats what makes upgrading farms on fertile and up so worth it

              • 7 months ago

                AFAIK its wealth not koku, minus administration fee the total koku is half of what you stated XXJGD4

              • 7 months ago

                We're talking about markets, not farms you baka gaijin

    • 7 months ago

      >if its ever worth it to upgrade markets?
      Iirc basic market will pay for itself after 30 turns.
      So usually no, since at early you can't allow long-term investitions and there's almost no mid-game, but if you already in late, have good income and aim to play 100 turns more - why not.

    • 7 months ago

      Only for the Metsuke improvements, and even then it's very questionable.

  96. 7 months ago

    General, 2 Light Cav, 4/4 yari/bow ashigaru, 2 matchlocks let me guess you need more

  97. 7 months ago

    Not sure why people b***h about realm divide the cadence of a S2 campaign is early expansion, building an economy, building a professional army and then triggering it and going into a death war with all the remaining factions. Picking off factions one by one isn't that challenging.

    • 7 months ago

      The problem is that diplomacy is pointless, even more pointless than in previous Total Wars. I think a far better implementation of Realm Divides is actually what Warhammer 3 did with its late game "one faction becomes extremely powerful, go fight it" concept. Imagine if the Date clan, for example, just got a huge buff and that's your late game challenge, Better than everyone betraying you regardless of how you treat them.

      • 7 months ago

        I agree, diplomacy is really weak in Shogun and I usually just use it to squeeze money out of the AI or get a fickle "non-aggression" pact. I guess I just like the battles and the simple but satisfying economy enough to forgive it. Also vassals are kind of a pain since you can't really interact with them in a meaningful way and they will just declare on you anyways. I think the alliances work out better in FoTS at least in my recent games I've managed to keep people in my faction but that might be the exception not the rule.

        • 6 months ago

          >I guess I just like the battles and the simple but satisfying economy
          play shogun 1 then

          • 6 months ago

            This might be difficult to empathise with, but people who didn't play old games at the time aren't generally willing to put up with primitive prototypes. Games age.

            • 6 months ago

              its better than s2
              if anything s2 is downgrade from s1

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                in terms of gameplay its better

              • 6 months ago

                There are also people whose favourite RTS is warcraft 1

              • 6 months ago

                yes and?

  98. 7 months ago

    How do I remove accuracy penalty from Mangonels?
    There are mods for that, but they change a lot of other stats too, so I am not eager to use those.

  99. 7 months ago

    ugh can anyone give me some useful tips for Ikko Ikki? I use expanded Japan mod, and I have money problem every turn

    • 7 months ago

      Remember to take your insulin

    • 7 months ago

      chant more and heaven will take care of it

  100. 7 months ago

    The secret to succeeding in Shogun 2 is understanding that the campaign layer is broken.
    Buildings are not cost effective. Only build t1 markets for eco, and only build them earlygame. Past the earlygame, just stop building anything except the occasional public order building (where absolutely necessary)
    >what about recruitment buildings
    Bow Ashigaru are the most cost-effective unit in the game, so it's not particularly important to recruit higher tier units. However, the AI will develop their settlements (and cheat to do so) so as you take more territory you'll naturally capture high tier recruitment buildings.

    A 20 stack with mixed Ashigaru (spears for a tarpit, bows to kill) will defeat its cost in samurai of any configuration in a headlong fight and the AI isn't smart enough to use specialized units in the specialized way necessary to extract their maximum value. Thus you can easily field very many large, cheap and cost effective armies quite quickly, expanding your economy via conquest and slowly sprinkling more specialized units in as the game progresses and you capture recruitment buildings.

    Most of the map is a two-lane chokepoint where settlements block further progress. You can crush very powerful armies by just sitting in a settlement and waiting for them to attack. The AI is suicidally aggressive and will kill themselves on walls. This also gives cheap bow ashigaru enormous value.

    Any AI without direct land access to your settlements will spam naval invasions at you. Cheap fleets patrolling the north and south will kill many times their value in army since the AI doesn't know how to navy and will carry whole 20-stacks with single ship fleets.

    Trade is a trap. Only use it for a quick boost earlygame to help you field an army to conquer your immediate neigbours. Later on, nobody will trade and it can cripple a trade-focused economy. Pull the bandaid early so you have a realistic image of how ready you are for Realm Divide.

    • 7 months ago

      And make sure to just auto battle everything. It's the most time efficient so you can go suck wiener instead of play the game.

      You meta slave homos are disgusting

    • 7 months ago

      imagine being so bad you need to minmax in shogun tho

      • 7 months ago

        Certain campaigns absolutely require min-maxing for any chance of success

        • 7 months ago

          Name them.

          • 6 months ago

            Nagaoka in FoTS on Legendary, going for Republic
            You can't frick around
            I'm sure other factions would be just as difficult
            For regular Shogun 2 there's Ikko Ikki

  101. 7 months ago

    >imagine being so bad you need to minmax in shogun tho
    Volound and LegendTotalWar sisters, our (he/she) response?

  102. 7 months ago

    Samurai have no goal, only path.

  103. 7 months ago

    Constantly fight, never autoresolve, learn mechanics to fight effeciently, use agents to steal armies. Don't waste money and time on economy, just take the enemy's economy.
    Defense is easy in S2, the enemy needs at least a 3:1 advantage, you don't need a full army to defend. Intercepting invasion fleets is also cheap because the AI rarely puts them in a full fleet.

  104. 7 months ago

    I feel like the AI is broken in FOTS
    >Be Imperial
    >All other Imperial factions convert to Shogun
    >Be Shogun
    >All Shogun factions conver to Imperial
    >AI never converts to your allegiance

    Is there a mod that turns allegiance switching off?

    • 7 months ago

      I need this too.
      I was having a fun campaign as Saga and then on the same turn both Satsuma and Tosa flip to Shogunate out of nowhere and attack me, breaking an alliance and very friendly relations in the process.

      • 6 months ago

        >Satsuma and Tosa flipping to Shogunate.
        This shit should be turned off for Major Clans.

      • 6 months ago

        I had the exact same shit happen to me. I think it's triggered by you attacking minor factions near you that are aligned to your side. The AI's see this as a betrayal of your faction, regard you as treacherous and switch sides to 'stop' you.

        Yet, of course, FotS begins with every faction surrounded by minors aligned to their side so there's no real way to expand otherwise.

        • 6 months ago

          Nah I have had this happen when I never attacked minor factions.

          I have read that the AI looks to constantly expand. If there are no other opposing factions bordering it and they are bordering you, they will flip to expand using you as the target. Which is completely fricked since Imperial and Shogunate all start near each other. I am convinced FOTS was meant to be played coop.

          Note this only happens to AI factions with your allegiance.

      • 6 months ago

        >start Saga campaign
        >sail out against Tsushima, defeat them
        >Tosa switches to shogunate, declares war on me
        >Goto Islands delcare war on me
        >Satsuma break trade relations with me after I defeat the Tosa fleet, sail my army to Goto Islands
        >Hizen switches to Shogunate, breaks our alliance, and marches with 1.5 stacks on my undefended capital in two turns
        I only won a Legendary Shogunate campaign because all of the Imperial Clans defected; I only had, like, 3 provinces

  105. 7 months ago

    What do I do if the game forces me to attack an enemy outside of my castle? I'm not under siege, the game is just forcing me to do it for no reason and doesn't give me the option to retreat

  106. 6 months ago

    I'm getting a little fatigued fighting stack after stack with a spear levy and two levy infantry defending the republic

  107. 6 months ago

    I rushed guns this time around, completely changed my army setups. From a yari-ashigaru center with samurai support it's just pure pike and shot. It's cheaper, easily replaced and is constantly defeating more expensive armies. Feels good man.

    • 6 months ago

      Back in the day, I ranked very high in the 1v1 Shogun 2 multiplayer and almost never lost. The secret?

      1 general
      ~14-15 matchlock ashigaru
      1 mangonel (later cannon when mangonel was nerfed to shit)
      3-4 spear cavalry
      veterancy for all units as high as could be fit into the budget, generally at least rank ~5

      Line up 3 lines of ashigaru in a 1-thick line, such that line 2 can just reach line 1 etc.
      Cavalry for anti-cav when needed
      Unless it faced very specific compositions, it was unbeatable

    • 6 months ago

      how do you avoid getting eviscerated by archers with that setup?

      • 6 months ago

        Archers are weak to bullets
        Also cavalry

      • 6 months ago

        I take a more aggressive stance if archers are an issue. The archers can't get in good hits while their melee is engaged with my line and once they're dealt with the guns can run forward and delete them in a couple volleys. I did the Oda tactic for awhile by having a few archers of my own behind my line so there was just a constant hail of fire coming down on the enemies but I wanted more guns cos it looked cool.

        Even if I do take heavy casualties the nature of the army being made up of ashigaru means everything is easy to replace.

      • 6 months ago

        >The bow is tactically strong at the commencement of battle, especially battles on a moor, as it is possible to shoot quickly from among the spearmen. However, it is unsatisfactory in sieges, or when the enemy is more than forty yards away. For this reason there are nowadays few traditional schools of archery. There is little use nowadays for this kind of skill.
        >From inside fortifications, the gun has no equal among weapons. It is the supreme weapon on the field before the ranks clash, but once swords are crossed the gun becomes useless. One of the virtues of the bow is that you can see the arrows in flight and correct your aim accordingly, whereas gunshot cannot be seen. You must appreciate the importance of this.
        I just love the balance of this game.

  108. 6 months ago

    Why the frick is Echizen/Sendai so fricking sparse? You take like 5 goddamn turns marching north from the Kanto area to take one fricking settlement. A campaign up there isnt strategically viable i have better places to expand to
    Oh wait, you really ought to conquer it anyway because you dont want some Date fricks trying to shove their nodachis up your ass in a second front during realm divide

    • 6 months ago

      >Start as Shimazu
      >Never need to bother going north

    • 6 months ago

      the area was barely japanese at the time

      • 6 months ago

        you're barely japanese

        • 6 months ago

          owari da

    • 6 months ago

      play Expanded Japan mod you pleb

  109. 6 months ago

    Is katana calvary ever worth it

    • 6 months ago

      Get yari cav

  110. 6 months ago

    I've had this in my steam library for like 10 years and have never played it (or any other TW game). Is it worth my time?

    • 6 months ago

      Try it

  111. 6 months ago

    What clan should I play in fots?

    • 6 months ago

      Go for Republic
      On Legendary
      Get your butthole nice and puckered

    • 6 months ago

      Conquer Shokaku.
      Capture Bizen.
      Build gunsmith and shooting range.
      Spam riflemen.
      Sail off to Edo.

      • 6 months ago

        I did this except with choshu and with kihetai instead of riflemen

    • 6 months ago

      Satsuma because blue
      Be sure to pick the British military mission and get yourself the Warrior

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