why in the actual frick did they discontinueNetrunner

Cyberpunk is a big fricking cultural phenomenon especially after Edgerunners and 2077, why can't they bring back the old game or even Android:NR. People love playing a netrunner in the video game. They literally hate money and love stupidity

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  1. 3 months ago

    FFG operates on pump-and-dump model, they pick up license, milk it for few years, then ditch it and move on to something else. They've done it with 40k RPG system, netrunner, L5R, and maybe couple others I'm forgetting.
    So ANR is now in licensing hell, because Wizards own mechanics and FFG owns the setting, so if someone wanted to start reprinting it again in any official capacity they would need to make licensing deal with both.

    • 3 months ago

      fwiw FFG actually batted it out of the park with 40krpg and only discontinued because it was either license 40K or its competitor: Star Wars
      Otherwise so true, all their other lines have seemed like shovelware to me and I never understood how people kept falling for it, there must be 200 card games on their website

      • 3 months ago

        RIP Warhammer Conquest, which was killed before it's time.

    • 3 months ago

      >FFG operates on pump-and-dump mode
      Correction, Asmodee pulls this shit, with everything they touch. FFG was turned into their twisted frickpuppet just to get the pumps dumping.

  2. 3 months ago

    Cyberpunk is not that appealing now that it's the reality we live in

  3. 3 months ago

    It's a complicated web anon, but I'll walk through what we know

    By every indication FFG in 2017 thought they were going to be making Netrunner for a good long time - they released a new core set (existing cards, though some had rotated under a cardpool plan introduced about the time it was announced), and they'd got a brand new lead designer in the studio who's main focus was Netrunner work.
    As far as they were concerned, they had the future of Netrunner well in hand. By the end of 2018, it was, officially at least, dead. A short turnaround.

    All that's known officially is that the contract between FFG and WotC "wasn't renewed", and on-one from either side has said who it was that made the call, though naturally WotC is usually presumed to be the bad guy (in addition to the game enjoying a renascence and at the time, FFG's clear interest in continuing, it was very popular in the FFG office).
    It was for example known that CP2077 wasn't "that far" away, and there was a Cyberpunk mood for sure - perhaps WotC prices were raised.

    CDProjekt Red at one point announced that they knew nothing of it, and said they had occasionally played FFG's version - for a minute there was speculation that a CP2077/Cyberpunk RED connected card game was in the works, because that's another wrinkle - you look on any FFG netrunner product it says
    >"Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC."
    It probably wouldn't, matter much but this does add a whole other games company to the IP licencing mix - a small one, but they're there.

    As for Wizards making their own version, it shouldn't be too hard to work out why making a game from scratch isn't an instant green light, particularly when you're the number 1 suspect for "killing" a very popular game, and with the current climate at WotC I'd struggle to see a whole-ass game coming from nowhere.


    • 3 months ago

      It might be however, that it wasn't anyone from those companies directly ending the game - WotC and FFG might be nominally happy with the deal, but if their corporate overlords at Hasbro and/or Asmodee didn't want it to happen, it's not the people who make games who get to tell the money men what's happening.

      Given how FFG stopped producing a 40k LCG in 2017 and a Star Wars LCG in 2018 as well, it might be there was a plan to trim down on licences, or just shrink their card game range, or given how Asmodee later chopped up FFG, maybe they didn't want expensive licenced IPs hanging around when they were massively downscaling and splitting bits off the studio. Or maybe, as

      FFG operates on pump-and-dump model, they pick up license, milk it for few years, then ditch it and move on to something else. They've done it with 40k RPG system, netrunner, L5R, and maybe couple others I'm forgetting.
      So ANR is now in licensing hell, because Wizards own mechanics and FFG owns the setting, so if someone wanted to start reprinting it again in any official capacity they would need to make licensing deal with both.

      suggests, it was a standard FFG pump-n-dump formula

      Still though, if you'd like to play the game, it exists in undeath - you can play online on Jinteki, and the fan org Null Signal Games (previously Project Nisei, changed because woke americans are weird about race stuff and kept complaining), an all-volunteer group of people who, while you might not want to hang out with them, still make one of the best card games ever, still put on Organised Play events for it (Worlds 24 was just announced, Worlds 23 had about 250 people), and have honestly done a lot for "continuity" - some FFG cards are still legal, there's a lot of the same feel and artists, and they're very proxy friendly (I've turned up to official events with half a deck that are paper in front of mtg commons)

      • 3 months ago

        >Given how FFG stopped producing a 40k LCG in 2017

        They had the entire Warhammer license ripped from them then when GW decided they were going to take it all in-house or in businesses that worked more closely with them. They lost their Warhammer RPG (Dark Heresy, etc) range as well.

      • 3 months ago

        > some FFG cards are still legal

        Not for long: https://nisei.net/blog/liberation-part-2-upcoming-products-and-rotation/

        > A new foundational product code-named Dawn is planned for release in the second half of 2024. This product will replace System Update 2021 as a supplementary product to expand on the introductory experience of System Gateway. Dawn isn’t merely a rehash of old cards, instead introducing baseline effects and reimagined classic cards to support quality deck building. Its exclusion from the normal rotation schedule will ensure players can craft competitive decks across Standard and Startup formats alike.

        > We’ve decided that we want to accelerate the rotation of FFG releases from the standard card pool in order to unite the community and liberate us (pun intended) so that we can chart a new course for future development.

        Why even call it "Netrunner", at this point?

        • 3 months ago

          >Why even call it "Netrunner"
          Because that's the game from the 90s that shares 95% of its mechanics with the game as produced by FFG and NSG.

          There's also a couple of NSG reprints - in the first set where they were finding their feet sure, but they exist. Hedge Fund and Sure Gamble are still in the core set and aren't going anywhere. And NSG even has Eternal (full cardpool from FFG Core 1 to present day) as a recognised format. There's 100% continuity, just as if FFG had finally rotated all their sets (albeit noy the Faction Boxes), as was their announced rotation plan 2016-2017. Rotation doesn't stop a game being the same game.

  4. 3 months ago

    Let's be real here: Netrunner WAS a good game (Yes, it's dead. You can frick the troony-Nisei project and its "no reverse sexism" "inclusiveness" rules in its ass). The major problem with it though is that it was basically the basedboy's dream game. The people who hyped up ANR the most are always glasses wearing string beans, and you can tell it's made for them because they talk about how "amazing!" the game is for putting you into pressured situations, which is really just them lacking balls and having high anxiety problems.

    The game is well designed in that it doesn't fall apart, but it's somehow TOO structurally sound, so both players are always on the constant fear of losing at a moment's notice. In order to arrange this situation, you have to make sure that luck, even if not overtly large, is always a critical role in any portion of the game state. Doesn't matter if you've locked down everything into a pure police state, one lucky run on R&D and the game is over and you can't do much about it. The runner for sure doesn't know what's in there either. This causes the reasonably high-int low-wis basedboy to spend several hours agonizing over his turn, turning over "but what if..."s in his head until he finally has to grow a spine, making each game you play with them as insufferably long as the last.

    Also the core set was way, way overpowered, making the LCG part pointless. Basedboy indecisive judges spent literally the entire life cycle dancing around a set of cards everyone b***hed about, trying time-outs and talking-tos until they FINALLY worked up the balls to spank them after 6 years...and then the game imploded.

    Up until they did that though, I could basically walk into any FLGS with just the core set and a random data pack and expect to win 2/3 matches. They were so worried about power creep that a huge portion of the later packs were not even worth playing at all, and didn't want to admit that their core had problems.

    • 3 months ago

      >a huge portion of the later packs were not even worth playing at all, and didn't want to admit that their core had problems.
      You stopped playing in 2014?

      If you weren't around for Mumbad, D&D, Flashpoint you know nothing of power creep.
      It's not great, but the power of the game was sky-high (that's also true of Mars, but Mars was shit)

      You're clearly chatting shit, no "random" data pack + core is winning anything, but good on you to announce you quit early and can easily be ignored. Also frick you for thinking decisions mattering in a game is a bad thing, go play YGO or some other crackhouse shit where you play solitaire instead of your opponent
      I think there's like 2 packs where it might be true, but I doubt it, and they're very specific

      • 3 months ago

        >Up until they did that though, I could basically walk into any FLGS with just the core set and a random data pack and expect to win 2/3 matches.
        I didn't START playing until like 1 month before the core re-release. Everything still stands. You're a moron.

      • 3 months ago

        He’s just a nogames tourist. You can tell because he didn’t know about the word filter.

  5. 3 months ago

    hasbro delenda est!

    And while NSG ain't perfect, with some design decisions what wouldn't be out of place from FFG times, at least the game itself is still playable for the most part.

    Its going to be a wild time when the new core set supplement gets released and all the remaining FFG stuff gets rotated.

  6. 3 months ago

    Get woke, go broke.

    • 3 months ago

      Null Signal isn't Netrunner, Null Signal is cabal of trannies dedicated to violating Netrunner's corpse.

      • 3 months ago

        Netrunner was woke af before the gay signal, drop this revisionism.

        • 3 months ago

          Netrunner survived without any issue putting out an actual troony runner. It suffered a lot more from putting out about 1/2 trash cards and letting absolutely broken cards rule the meta for like 6-9 months +, al the while banning others which were way more interesting.
          No one cared about the lore beyond developing a specific attachment to one corp/runner.
          > Muh culture war nerves gets triggered when my joytoy-bot-turned-sentient hacker gets her brain fried by trying to discover some blackmail dirt she can then sell to an online movie critic ends up running into an bioethic's committee private server.

          • 3 months ago

            >putting out an actual troony runner
            >game 41% itself
            Like a poetry...

            • 3 months ago

              actual bot reply.

              Getting all AH LCG product is several hundred dollars, probably a grand.
              Is there really a need for more?

              AH is the kind of game it doesn't matter if they discontinue at this point (could have been a while ago). I stopped purchasing over 3 years ago and I have what, 4~5 campaigns? Its a solo/coop game ffs who cares about current support?

  7. 3 months ago

    On a casual table level Netrunner is really hard to teach people. Cause of FFGs garbage fricking model for core sets it was hard to keep enough decks built at once but it's also the kind of game that most casual players aren't going to bother buying a box of their own off their own cuff.

    It's not like MTG where you will passively own several hundred decks and can just whip them out to try and get new players interested in playing the game more seriously. You need like 10 decks built at any one time if you want to convince someone the game is solid (especially as they'll fricking suck at first and want to cycle through factions quite fast as they try to cope that it's not them that's shit. That's on top of your actual decks for serious play.

  8. 3 months ago

    Someone give me a quick rundown on FFG, I've recently got into the Arkham Horror card game, should I continue?

    • 3 months ago

      >I've recently got into the Arkham Horror card game, should I continue?
      It's a game that has a huge amount of content already. Massive money sink if you get everything that has been published.
      There should be enough to satisfy your needs and if you want more, then you can actually print and play some fan made content.
      There is a lot actually.

      Try the TTS version if you don't want to spend money.

      • 3 months ago

        >It's a game that has a huge amount of content already.
        Huge red flag when it comes to FFG. If it has a lot of content already, it will likely be discontinued soon, or may already have been.

        • 3 months ago

          Getting all AH LCG product is several hundred dollars, probably a grand.
          Is there really a need for more?

    • 3 months ago

      hey me too, having a blast

      I liked netrunner but I can't find anyone I'd want to play with so I don't play anymore

      • 3 months ago

        There is always a Netspace option (jinteki.net) if Meatspace is not practical.

  9. 3 months ago

    It's Asmodee/FFG. They discontinue things the second I take an interest in it. It's literally their entire M.O. They won't make an announcement or anything, they'll just quietly stop supporting something once I've gotten the base set, and then make the supply dry up within a year so I can never get the full thing.

    There's a reason I try not to get anything by FFG anymore. The final straw was when I mailed them to make sure that there was going to be reprints of the Mansions of Madness stuff, then after they assured me that yeah it's coming, don't worry, I got it for my gf and within a fricking week they released the shitty digitized/app-based second edition stuff and said they were ceasing support and reprints of the older stuff.

    Never again.

  10. 3 months ago

    They were being licensed to build and run a competitor card game by Wizards of the Coast. Of course they had the rug pulled out from them once they'd invested in it. WotC/Hasbro doesn't benefit from having them in the space, so they stopped enabling FFG.

    • 3 months ago

      >competitor card game
      It was never a competitor, none of the LCGs were. The business model just isn't the same

      It was and is a very good game, with a very dedicated following, but it wasn't an actual competitor against Magic, let's be real - there's orders of magnitude of difference in terms of scale between the big CCGs and even the most successful LCG.

      • 3 months ago

        It's a collectible card game where you spend time and money away from the table setting up your deck, and then spend time at the table playing. The sales model doesn't matter, it was redirecting a few peoples' hobby budget away from Magic.
        >orders of magnitude
        I mean, put yourself into the shoes of a Hasbro executive. If Netrunner is redirecting the money of even a few thousand people, how do you justify that to your shareholders? And if you have the power to knock out a competitor (however small) essentially for free, after they've made significant investments in development?

  11. 3 months ago

    Because it's a shit game no one wants to play.
    The theme is dreadful. The interaction between the theme and game mechanics is admittedly brilliant. But this doesn't save the game because the theme is so bad. Cyberpunk used to be a great aesthetic but it simply doesn't hold up after so many parts of it became ordinary reality. "Servers" doesn't sound exciting like it did for Gibson and Stephenson, it sounds like a boring office job. Omg you're hacking a firewall??
    No removal means you keep doing the same long sequence of actions over and over while the other guy sits and watches, until finally you get lucky and draw an agenda from R&D and randomly win
    >"fix" mana flood by replacing it with agenda flood
    >is that an agenda???? or it could be urtica cipher!!!

    The game is literally still around. Null Signal is doing a good job keeping it alive. Just no one plays it because nobody wants to play it.

  12. 3 months ago

    Wizards didn't renew, because magic players were playing netrunner.

  13. 3 months ago

    The Distributist talked about this a few months back, timestamp is 1:33:40 for the discussion about Netrunner in relation to MTG

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