Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal?

Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal? Their controllers are by all purposes FINE but certainly nothing amazing, their SNES styled pads feel okay compared to earlier SNES pads (though they don't hold a candle to the late release SNES pads) and their attempts at a Genesis/Saturn styled pad just sucks. Their modern controllers also aren't anything to go nuts over, their ultimate controller is FINE but the d-pad is noticeably way too sensitive and the rubber contacts feel very cheap compared to most first party controllers and the contacts are way too sensitive, to the point that I'm not sure I'd wanna try their PCB kits even if everything else should theoretically feel OEM.

That's just the thing, 8bitdo aren't retrobit awful, they're not powerA awful but because of that I feel like people start over-exaggerating probably because "THIRD PARTY SWITCH CONTROLLER MORE ROBUST THAN OFFICIAL OFFERING???" is a more catching title that gets clicks, which spreads and eventually is a sentiment that is spread enough that people assume 8bitdo's controllers really are basically identical to Nintendo's first party options on the SNES when it isn't up to that standard, just better than a lot of conventional third party options.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Because of astroturfed shill campaigns. It is ludicrous that more people post about this chinkshit than Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and HORI all of which make better controllers for roughly the same price.

    • 7 months ago

      >It is ludicrous that more people post about this chinkshit than Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and HORI all of which make better controllers for roughly the same price.

      I remember getting the 8bitdo ultimate controller during the whole drift crisis since I was curious about those hall effect sensors, and while the sticks felt good everything about that controller felt like shit compared to the dualsense I'd already been using for modern shit, probably because people subconsciously assume the quality of the rubber membranes just doesn't matter because rubber is rubber.

      I haven't come across a controller with a better d-pad than M30. Shame the membrane broke after 2 years, oh well

      Get yourself an SLS Saturn pad if you want the best of the best in terms of a Sega styled controller. I've used the M30 and I really wasn't particularly impressed, better than retrobit but no replacement for an authentic genesis or saturn pad.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't want a wired controller. I don't even have a saturn

        • 7 months ago

          >I don't want a wired controller. I don't even have a saturn
          The SLS pads are USB DInput controllers from around 2003 - 2004, they were a proper reproduction created in house at Sega Logistics Services. If you're on PC, it's unrivaled, though I'd maybe understand the M30 if you're playing emulated collections on a console or something, if you're on real hardware you ought to just get the OEM controller for that system unless it sucks hard.

      • 7 months ago

        >play one game with DS5 that requires heavy joystick use, gets joystick drift
        its all chinkshit, you have to keeping putting down 69.99 plus tip every few months to keep going, frick it. Its trash.

      • 7 months ago

        Lol, I have the opposite experience with the DualSense. Day 1 controller, sticks are perfectly fine, but circle is crapping out.

    • 7 months ago

      >It is ludicrous that more people post about this chinkshit than Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and HORI all of which make better controllers for roughly the same price.
      Last I checked a Hori or Sony (the only ones fit for usb retro gaming) will run you like 60-70 dollars

    • 7 months ago

      You're fricking moronic.

  2. 7 months ago

    I haven't come across a controller with a better d-pad than M30. Shame the membrane broke after 2 years, oh well

  3. 7 months ago

    The Pro 2 is probably one of the best third party pads ever made. It doesn't excel at anything, but it doesn't suck at anything either. Literally just werks, you can use it with everything, and the input switch is super handy.

    • 7 months ago

      It isn't by any metric, it's embarrassing that they hired you to astroturf Ganker of all places. Do your parents know what you do for a living?

      • 7 months ago

        Well, what third party controller do you recommend? As much b***hing as I see, I don't see any other actual options being presented as a counter argument

        • 7 months ago

          that's because you're dealing with people playing games with their keyboards who don't have any money

  4. 7 months ago

    honestly it's really simple
    cheap and affordable, decent quality, ready to be replaced within a year or two for those with expendable income if something goes wrong, but they don't really suffer notable quality control issues compared to the competitors. combined with them tackling Hall Effect sticks compared to how the big three companies utterly refuse to bother, and it creates an appeal and a cult of personality over something that isn't just putting more money in the pockets of the big three as usual.

    i have a couple of their earlier controllers, and yeah I fricking hate these d-pads, but I'm having a good time with the Ultimate as a gift last year besides its d-pad occasionally hitting diagonals. but when your competition is Retrobit, PowerA and KingKong, no one is exactly "winning", the consumer just loses variably.

    • 7 months ago

      >Retrobit, PowerA and KingKong,
      Their competition is also Hori, Retro fighters, Namcom and Razor all of which are better than the three brands you named

      • 7 months ago

        Razer or Razor? Trying to figure on an Amazon comparison. Not sure how their quality goes, I hear it usually tends to be solid, but that's upwards to double or even triple average prices.
        Yeah, that's fair. Good price range and usually good quality. If someone really wants a controller for a fighting game instead of a stick just buy Hori.
        >Retro Fighters
        frick no, maybe one or two controllers of theirs are decent but for the most part they're in the knockoff plastic territory.
        Nacon apparently, also a bit heavy priced, and their ratings are rough, especially for their newest stuff apparently.

        • 7 months ago

          Are Retro Fighters really that bad? I have only used one for five minutes but it felt solid.

      • 7 months ago

        He's talking about budget controllers you can drop a few $10 bills and not worry about it much if you lose it or it gets damaged or worn out, HORI Stuff is nice but it's like the mid-point range for regular pads and shit its not something everyone can just afford to pay for a controller if they already have one laying around.

    • 7 months ago

      >i have a couple of their earlier controllers, and yeah I fricking hate these d-pads, but I'm having a good time with the Ultimate as a gift last year besides its d-pad occasionally hitting diagonals

      You stupid moron, if it suffers from that issue then its not good of a product

  5. 7 months ago

    Its not that its amazing, its that every other option for modern games has some big compromise. Pro controller has a shit dpad and no analog triggers, dualsense has the awful sony dpad and terrible battery life, and xbox pads have bad face buttons and no gyro. My sn30 pro+ has none of those issues.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Their controllers are by all purposes FINE but certainly nothing amazing

    They're not fine, they have firmware issues, physical issues like torn membranes and the analogs are often inaccurate. I got one and experienced all the issues above, shrugged it off as a one off and tried again and had the same issues on the second pad. Never buying this garbage again. I get that most first party controllers are made in China now too but at least they work better than anything I've tried from 8bitdo, I'm using the same DS4 from 2014 to play games on my PC still.

  7. 7 months ago

    >Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal?

    Viral marketing. In case you haven't realized, most of their threads are obviously paid shills. And now you're contributing to advertising them too.

  8. 7 months ago

    They still make 2.4G controllers.
    Frick the abomination that is bluetooth.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick the abomination that is bluetooth.
      You have 6ms of lag with Sony contollers over bluetooth. That isn't a perceivable difference from 2.4G and if you are the kind of person who thinks it is you would be using wires.

      • 7 months ago

        Some people care way too much, biggest advantage with 2.4G compared to good Bluetooth controllers is having a dongle circumventing the headache that is bluetooth pairing.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not talking input latency. I just hate all the fricking pairing bullshit, not reconnecting properly, etc. of bluetooth.
        Instead of just plugging a little receiver in and everything just werks.

  9. 7 months ago

    The SN30Pro+ is goated for various emulation and the DPAD is spot on. The dongle is great as well, and everything works so easily. I find it a joy to use for a lot of thigs, including when i'm on the phone with the attachment.

  10. 7 months ago

    Does the M30's d-pad really break/deteriorates after just a couple of years? I just want a good Saturn controller.

    • 7 months ago

      it's $20 bro
      but yes small pimples on the membrane eventually fall off

      • 7 months ago

        €30, and I've never owned a controller that wasn't official, so I want quality stuff.


        There's always the officially licensed one.

        I wonder if they sell these in Europe, but I doubt it.

        • 7 months ago

          They do, seen their things on german amazon and they sell on other sites as well, look around.

    • 7 months ago


      There's always the officially licensed one.

      • 7 months ago

        Mine lasted about an hour before the bumper shit out.

  11. 7 months ago

    I like the Pro+/Pro 2 for the same reasons everyone else has mentioned, but one additional basic thing: it takes my favorite design cues from every other controller. It's a SNES pad, but with grips so my hands don't get cramps during intense gayman sessions, and all the accoutrements of a modern Dualshock but without the actual ass build quality and that despicable D-Pad. Plus they sell Xbox-style face buttons, which makes it perfect as a PC controller, and if you pair it with the regular Black shell, then the Nintendo letterings are printed on the shell as opposed to directly on the buttons, meaning you can have both but have it still look classy 🙂 Now if only there were SNES-compatible buttons in the style of the PSX face buttons...

    (Seriously though, why do Dualshocks such so bad? The PSP and Vita had perfectly fine d-pads, and while the DS4 was an improvement, I'd still never use it over the PSP or Vita's, or hell, any normal D-Pad. Not to mention Sony has the worst build quality ever and always has - I've never broken any other controller, but Dualshock 2's and ESPECIALLY Dualshock 3's are constantly getting broken inputs from me after a while. I once opened up a DS3 to see if I can fix it, and you wanna know why? It's because THERE IS A RIBBON CABLE, held in place EXCLUSIVELY BY PRESSURE, FROM A TINY FOAM PAD that deflates over time, and thus the ribbon cable slowly loses tight contact. What the FRICK. My DS4 never broke, but I rarely use it, and constantly heard horror stories about others' DS4's though.)

    • 7 months ago

      I went through 2 DS4s, and my brother went through 4 or 5 before buying an upmarket pro variant which was way better.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't get your seething hatred for Dualshock dpad. Many people like it. More fighting games players, with money on the line, opted for the Dualshock dpad than any other dpad.

      • 7 months ago

        I guess it's good for quick menu selections in primarily-3D games, but I don't know man, I can't stand it. on the DS1-3 it just feels mushy and I hate the texture on it, and there's so much empty space between the arrows. Again the DS4's D-Pad is an improvement in those regards, but now I feel like it's too hard and stiff to comfortably use for long periods of time.
        For stuff like 2D platformers the SNES d-pad is my favorite still, while for top-down games and fighters, I prefer the Sega Genesis/Saturn D-Pad. In both cases though, whether Nintendo or Sega, the thing that makes them most comfortable for me is just having a space I can rest my thumb in the center and just rock it back and forth, which I can't do on a DS1-3 D-Pad for long without the edges digging into my thumb...

      • 7 months ago

        The DS4 dpad is so good that I stopped using arcade sticks. The DualSense's dpad is mushy garbage though.
        t. fighting game player since the late 90s

      • 7 months ago

        Why are you replying to that post

  12. 7 months ago

    >Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal?
    Because they deserve it. 8bitdo stuff is clearly designed and maintained by A) someone with a brain, and B) someone who is passionate about ACTUAL gaming. The same cannot be said about retrobit, sony or microsoft. There is your WHY.

    • 7 months ago

      Indeed, 8bitdo pads are quite good at what they are supposed to do.
      People arguing they suck are the same bunch that think OoT is a 3/10 and SEGA did nothing wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, OoT is a 0/10.

      • 7 months ago

        No but theyre the same homosexuals using Linux to emulate. No wonder they think emulation is so shitty. MICROSOFT DIRECT X PLEASE Linux sucks balls [for gaming].

  13. 7 months ago

    Any recommendations for a SNES USB pad? I have a buffalo one and it's ok but sometimes the buttons get stuck.

    • 7 months ago

      Does it have to be wired? Nintendo sell Bluetooth snes pads on their website but they only use USB for charging.

      • 7 months ago

        Hmm, I'd prefer wired because I don't have bluetooth setup on my linux machine.

        • 7 months ago

          So its a bit of a scretch but if you can find one of the controllers for the SNES Classic and get a Wii port to usb adapter then that would. But I'm not 100% if it would work for Linux.

          • 7 months ago

            Does it have to be wired? Nintendo sell Bluetooth snes pads on their website but they only use USB for charging.

            Thanks for the advice.

  14. 7 months ago

    They fill a need in the market for retro-style controllers that work with modern systems and devices.

    There's a lot of games that need a full set of buttons compared to straight-up SNES pad reproductions, but benefit from the form factor and layout of SNES.
    Specifically, that the d-pad is raised (and is not segmented like the PlayStation controller)

  15. 7 months ago

    Not sure the one I had didn't work

    The look and feel of them are good though

    Reminds me of an iPhone

    Has design and tactile but no functionality (other than their camera and music stuff, those are good)

  16. 7 months ago

    It's not like any third-party controller has a better quality than the original, so in the world of blind even a one-eyed is the king

  17. 7 months ago

    I still use a Saitek brand wireless USB controller I bought like 20+ years ago, the soft under-plastic started to get sticky recently though. Sucks. That thing runs for like 6 months on AA batteries and works with everything being a fully class-compliant USB HID.

  18. 7 months ago

    most third party controllers are trash designed to be broken within a few days or months
    8bitdo lasts while being decent quality that only a genuine ape could break outside of normal usage

  19. 7 months ago

    I just like the dongle. Shame it only supports 1 controller and 2 of them at the same time seem to work poorly.

  20. 7 months ago

    >Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal?
    By whom, the marketers that spam their shit here? This is also a shill thread.

  21. 7 months ago

    I fell for their garbage
    Their bluetooth is utter garbage

  22. 7 months ago

    higher quality than most of the chink garbage out there, that's why

  23. 7 months ago

    I got on them after picking up the Snesclassic controllers, which I generally liked, so I picked up a couple of the winged ones and haven't had any issues with it. They were a bit too expensive but I'd never really bought an 'hobbyist' 3rd party controller before so I have no basis of comparison to, but after multiple years I've never had the issues people list about their line

    • 7 months ago

      For many years, this was the default controller everybody used for emulation because it was the only brand that existed

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I was considering 'hobbyist' to be anything beyond the logitech/madcatz realm, though apparently I bought chinese trash anyway for $50 lol

      • 7 months ago

        You could beat somebody to death with this controller and it would still work like new.

      • 7 months ago

        it just works

        • 7 months ago

          For the rest of time there is going to be a shitty Logitech controller sitting on the seafloor next to the Titanic and I just find that funny

      • 7 months ago

        i still use three logis for Goldeneye X, they are pretty good

      • 7 months ago

        >this was the default controller everybody used for emulation because it was the only brand that was cheap
        Fixed, they were dogshit.

  24. 7 months ago

    I like my pro 2. It's nothing special but it works and has decent build quality unlike other no brand chinkshit controllers. And mainly because I got tired of getting bootleg DS3 controllers.

  25. 7 months ago

    Lack of quality competition

  26. 7 months ago

    To this day, I still have not found a controller I like to use more than pic related. It was like the perfect answer to all the dogshit 3rd party controllers back in the day without the moronic price tags of the ones we get now. My only regret is not stocking up on these things. The 2 360 controllers I have from over a decade ago still work fine to this day, and I actually prefer them over the shitty 8ShitDo garbage controllers.

    • 7 months ago

      Rock candy controllers with rubber thumbstick covers are some of the best aftermarket controllers you can get

  27. 7 months ago

    6th gen third party controllers gave everyone Stockholm syndrome. You will be grateful for anything which feels like there isn't sand and dried up cola in the buttons.

    • 7 months ago

      What made 6th gen third party controllers so bad? Like nowadays it's just pick what's comfortable in your hands, they're all the same.

      • 7 months ago

        Probably same thing that happens to anything, companies recognize a market for a thing, decide they can exploit the existing market by cutting corners, leading to big decrease in quality

        • 7 months ago

          Anybody who looks at what happened to guitars after the 60s has no reason to trust capitalism ever again.

          • 7 months ago

            But the free market literally fixed that. The Japanese made better guitars that were breaking patent law by being so similar to the American brands but the Americans were so impressed the Japanese made better guitars than them that they bought them out.

            • 7 months ago

              Your post is riddled with fallacies. 90% of the Jap clones are dogshit. Les Pauls with bolt-on necks. Strats with ceramic pickups, made of shit 'wood'. TL;DR Japans was the original China.

              • 7 months ago

                >90% of the Jap clones are dogshit
                So you be sayin' low end gear be low end???

                My point was the most high end gear was made in Japan for a brief amount of time, not because the Japanese stuff was inherently superior but because the burgers sabotaged themselves with cost cutting measures. I am only talking about mass produced models before you use custom handmade American stuff as proof I am wrong.

          • 7 months ago

            have a nice day communist garbage.

          • 7 months ago

            American guitars made in the 50s and 60s are objectively pieces of shit that oftentimes didn't even work out of the factory, and are only put on a pedestal by boomers who want to LARP as Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix.

  28. 7 months ago

    The rubber on mine turned into shit after half a year, the thing also gives out a nasty smell, never again.
    Now I just save up for Hori’s and Nintendo/Sony if I want gyro or rumble.

    • 7 months ago

      How did you wear down the stick like that in half a year?

  29. 7 months ago

    >Why is 8bitdo put on such a pedestal?
    Because this controller is extremely good and extremely cheap. It does everything Black folkense and homosexual60 can do for a fraction of the price. The wired version is like $27. I spend more than that on a pizza here in grorious nippon.

  30. 7 months ago

    I get called a shill even when I insult them just because I've mentioned their name lmao

  31. 7 months ago

    Retrobit got much better later on.

  32. 7 months ago

    Where do people go to trade old controllers? I have one of these old SLS saturn pads (in grey/blue) I wouldn't mind trading for one of the slate grey retro-bit 2.4GHz pads.

    • 7 months ago

      probably a subreddit for that

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