Why is it so despised here?

Why is it so despised here? I get hating the story and taking issue with the art style, I think those really take away from it, especially considering 2016 handled those elements with aplomb, but as far as pure gameplay I think it's great. You aren't able to just dump ammo into shit, you have to actually think. It's like a puzzle game where you need to solve the puzzle in a half second and execute your plan thereafter.
What am I missing?

Hard mode: Criticize more than just the Exultia level

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here?
    It is???

  2. 10 months ago

    It's new and new = bad

  3. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      what a fricking moronic segment. The only way you could claim DE is too easy is if you haven't played the game. you're not "instantly at level 100", the game just teaches you how to play correctly instead of giving you overpowered weapons and going "do whatever you le want xD".
      Every game has a correct way to play. If a game lets you get away with playing incorrectly the game is either poorly designed, too easy or both. You should want to play in a way that makes use of your arsenal and exploits weaknesses of demons. 2016 just completely fails at making you do it because the moment you get the super shotgun/gauss cannon the game is over since nothing else comes close and you can blast everything by abusing those weapons.
      That's not player freedom, that's poor balance. The game is not providing a challenge great enough for me to bother actually playing the game correctly.
      Playing games correctly is fun. Using all of the systems available to you is fun. Cycling through multiple different ways to kill enemies is fun. Using one weapon to blast everything before demons are allowed to pose a threat or do anything is the opposite of fun. That's why DE succeeds where 2016 failed.

      • 10 months ago

        i don't think they talked about difficulty at a single moment of this segment??? it was about getting railroaded into a predefined "fun zone" playstyle
        my gameplay looks the same as this random clip and that's pretty boring t b h. i liked playing through the game once but couldn't even muster a second playthrough. you simply repeat the same actions for the whole game with minimal to no strategy involved. every fight feels like the same as the previous fight
        serious sam 4 was a great deal better

        • 10 months ago

          literally just play on a harder difficulty. I don't understand why Black folk will play on easy and then complain there's no strategy involved. have a nice day

  4. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here?
    Don't like mini-cutscenes fricking up the flow. Do like having ammo for my guns.

  5. 10 months ago

    I dislike how much focus is put on precision weapons. Automatics are literally only good due to their broken secondary fires.

  6. 10 months ago

    >art style
    >2016 handled it well
    Frick outta here spreading rumors, '16 looks like fricking doom 3, Eternal actually looks more like '93

    • 10 months ago

      >Frick outta here spreading rumors, '16 looks like fricking doom 3, Eternal actually looks more like '93
      That's fair tbh. Ideally I would want a middle ground between the two

    • 10 months ago

      >'16 looks like fricking doom 3, Eternal actually looks more like '93
      Are you fricking double-blind?

      • 10 months ago

        If I am, you're triple blind homosexual

  7. 10 months ago

    gameplay is not fun and levels are tedious

  8. 10 months ago

    2016 babs that got filtered by having to use multiple weapons.

  9. 10 months ago

    Simon Says isn't fun as an adult

  10. 10 months ago

    >You aren't able to just dump ammo into shit, you have to actually think.
    Which is why it's shit

    • 10 months ago

      >you have to actually think
      >Which is why it's shit

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah because it supposed to be a doom game not a thinking game

  11. 10 months ago

    I had fun with it but the platforming is fricking miserable and they make you do it all the time. Fricking around on the ship is boring. The story is awful, they seem to have missed the point of their own "haha he's doomguy big guts but everyone thinks he's some sort of god" joke and instead they are the ones taking him seriously. Why in god's name would you add these fricking walk n talk segments, bad cutscenes, walking through the gay slayer temple and all this "lore"? Juggling resources with chainsaw/fire/etc is neat but also feels like it interrupts the flow of just shooting a bunch of demons

    • 10 months ago

      >I had fun with it but the platforming is fricking miserable and they make you do it all the time
      I found the verticality a nice addition to 2016, especially with the meathook. The game rewards you for yeeting yourself above the fray

      • 10 months ago

        There's a difference between that and jumping around bullshit ledges and floating technocoffins for a couple minutes while there are no enemies or combat, just another jump around to get to the next area and do some more jumping to find a collectible or weapon upgrade.

        • 10 months ago

          Tbh I always interpreted that as a playable tutorial sort of thing

    • 10 months ago

      Are you talking about 2016?

      • 10 months ago

        Some of that applies to both but I'm talking about Eternal

        Tbh I always interpreted that as a playable tutorial sort of thing

        They're making you do this boring ass platforming until the very last level of the game. I don't know how recently you've played it but you'll see what I mean if you do another playthrough.

        • 10 months ago

          The only thing that doesn't apply to both is juggling your cooldowns.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, 2016 and Eternal both do some things worse than the other as well. Eternal went in on story a lot more, to it's detriment.

            >I don't know how recently you've played it but you'll see what I mean if you do another playthrough.
            It's only been a couple months, I guess it just never bothered me too terribly

            That's fair, but it bothered the hell out of me, at that time especially I was working a lot and only had a little time for games, and it felt like the devs were wasting my time. Still, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy Eternal enough that I did a second playthrough on the highest difficulty.

            >Funny pop sound effect when doing head shots
            >RPG level up systems for things that should have been there from the start
            >Press X to Awesome finishers
            >Annoying status effects on enemies like stuns and slows (I know Pain State stunning was a thing in classic but it's not shoot at weakspot to stun, it was random.)
            >Not having ammo is not fun, having ammo boxes to ration out intelligently on the map is better than universal ammo on chainsaw kills.
            >Speed is okay but not the double jumps, Crash Bandicoot platforming and wall climbing. Keep that in Quake.
            >Battlefields are a mess to filter through visually.

            But who the frick cares, I didn't play it because 2016 disappointed me.

            It's worth a try, especially if it's on sale for cheap again. It's true that both 2016 and Eternal don't really share that much in common with doom or doom 2

            • 10 months ago

              Eternal let me skip cutscenes, 2016 didn't.

              • 10 months ago


                >It plays more like a character action game
                >Constant unskippable cut scenes despite fanboys saying it doesn't have them
                >Instead of being a fun shooter it's just an exhausting mess of different special attacks and cooldowns
                >Minor annoyances like air dash not being a basic ability so you have to waste a slot on it
                >The blood punch feels like an afterthought and they fricked over melee because of it
                >Tiny ammo supply to encourage constant weapon swapping
                >no level design. It's just corridor + lockdown five times a level (no, really, count them)
                >A WHOLE LEVEL dedicated to walking around
                >The hub is a confusing mess to navigate and forces tutorials on you every new playthrough
                >New playthroughs suck because the game is designed around having all the abilities to be fun and you unlock them slowly
                >Eternal fanboys getting platinum mad and resorting to ad hominuem attacks in the face of criticism because they have no counter arguments
                Just a few issues that make me dislike it. It's not a terrible game, but it's also nowhere near the best Doom.

                >no level design. It's just corridor + lockdown five times a level (no, really, count them)
                >A WHOLE LEVEL dedicated to walking around
                >The hub is a confusing mess to navigate and forces tutorials on you every new playthrough
                I agree with these, and even though I liked the game the level design in particular is always a set of arenas connected by platforming or simple obstacle navigation. Some of the areas are neat, I liked the Earth levels with all the wrecked buildings but it doesn't bear any resemblance to old Doom. The arenas would have been a lot more fun if they were more akin to Quake 3 maps (asking too much I know), they often feel kind of small.

        • 10 months ago

          >I don't know how recently you've played it but you'll see what I mean if you do another playthrough.
          It's only been a couple months, I guess it just never bothered me too terribly

  12. 10 months ago

    I dont like it very much
    >lame bossfights
    >cutscene meme kills
    >bland guns
    >bland ways to make you swap across guns frequently
    in all these aspects i prefer ultrakill

  13. 10 months ago

    its the rainbow ammo for me

  14. 10 months ago

    It's a very noisy minority that "hate" it. It's a good game, better in almost every way than the 2016 Doom, which was also good. The art style and story are a matter of taste; storywise it's a bit too overblown, but I think the art style makes sense for easily identifying what's going on in a sequel that's considerably more fast-paced than the previous. There are legit criticisms of Eternal (like getting caught on messy geometry in a lot of arenas), but overall it's a well-made game. One of the few instances of a big developer having a set goal in mind at the start of development and actually achieving it.

    • 10 months ago

      >storywise it's a bit too overblown
      2016's handling of the story was flawless. They made the Slayer seem like a living myth that hell parents told their children to get them to go to bed. Eternal then went on to ruin that by making everything about it literally true.
      That kind of fricks it up for me. I liked the idea that the slayer existed, was powerful, and scared the piss out of the demons, but making him an actual demigod was a bit lame. Don't get me started on the Arc Complex logs or the DLC's story

  15. 10 months ago

    What do Doom Eternal Fans think of Turbo Overkill?
    What do Doom Eternal haters think of Turbo Overkill
    I liked Doom Eternal, and I think Turbo Overkill was very, very good.

    • 10 months ago

      It's too exhausting to keep up with all of the throwback shooters coming out constantly, so I don't bother anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      For me it's Prodeus, even though it's way too expensive for the state it's in, as well as the respawn system.

      • 10 months ago

        Prodeus has good shooting but that's really all it has, and it gets stale after a while. The weapons don't click for me either since too many become irrelevant when you get the straight upgrades. I haven't bothered to start over since this would be the third time and I really don't wanna slog through the first sections again.

        And yeah, Respawn system is terrible. I just would restart a level if I died to create some stakes when playing.

        I'd recommend Turbo Overkill, everything I said about Prodeus does not apply to it.

        • 10 months ago

          For me it's Prodeus, even though it's way too expensive for the state it's in, as well as the respawn system.

          Prodeus has terrible levels, what makes a "boomer shooter" is basically 100% the level quality, Prodeus is way way way way wya below doom/quake fan episodes, do not buy, it's trash, also has erroneous visual representations where they dont understand how to mimic the era they were going for despite trying

          its garbage just downloda quake mods. seriously.

    • 10 months ago

      >bethesda got caught red handed shilling it here
      >it doesn't play anything like doom
      >its a generic console fps
      >its boring to play
      >it looks extremely gay
      >its a $60 game that's exponentially worse than like 100 or so free doom wads
      >posts like this

      • 10 months ago

        >bethesda got caught red handed shilling it here
        who cares
        >it doesn't play anything like doom
        who cares there are an endless number of Doom WADS
        >its a generic console fps
        I bought it on PC
        >its boring to play
        Shit opinion. Elaborate or gtfo
        >it looks extremely gay
        You might just have homosexual vision
        >its a $60 game that's exponentially worse than like 100 or so free doom wads
        $40 on steam and was $10-$20 during the most recent sale
        >posts like this

        What do Doom Eternal Fans think of Turbo Overkill?
        What do Doom Eternal haters think of Turbo Overkill
        I liked Doom Eternal, and I think Turbo Overkill was very, very good. (You)

      • 10 months ago

        >>its a generic console fps
        most moronic opinion in the thread. DE isn't even a generic FPS, let alone a console fps

    • 10 months ago

      I like turbo overkill better. At least turbo overkill has a proper horde mod and a map editor(like doom 2016).

      • 10 months ago

        Turbo Overkill sucked me in Hard with Episodes 2 and 3. It got insanely good, with my only complaint being it was never super difficult (played on second highest difficulty), and some softlocks and bugs.

        Episode 3s soundtrack was so hype.

        • 10 months ago

          If I were to criticize turbo overkill it would be my character getting stuck on walls a few times. I understand the game was developed by one dude but it does get a bit annoying. The difficulty spikes I don't mind.

          • 10 months ago

            I got softlocked twice in the Car level of episode 1 which sucked, then in final Maw fight the tech chip in the boss room was unobtainable since I died.

            Game is extremely polished and has a ton of content for being one dudes work. Weapons are also all a ton of fun, and I used all of them frequently. I'll probably replay it on the max difficulty to see if it becomes more challenging. Combat definitely got more interesting in the final episodes but never to the point where I was consistently stuck on something.

  16. 10 months ago

    A mix of typical Ganker contrarianism alongside some actual disappointment from people who liked 2016 and Eternal being worse in several ways.

  17. 10 months ago

    Your QTE shit will never be a Doom game.
    Simple as.

  18. 10 months ago

    it was made to appeal to Niᥒtend𐐬 fans

  19. 10 months ago

    >Funny pop sound effect when doing head shots
    >RPG level up systems for things that should have been there from the start
    >Press X to Awesome finishers
    >Annoying status effects on enemies like stuns and slows (I know Pain State stunning was a thing in classic but it's not shoot at weakspot to stun, it was random.)
    >Not having ammo is not fun, having ammo boxes to ration out intelligently on the map is better than universal ammo on chainsaw kills.
    >Speed is okay but not the double jumps, Crash Bandicoot platforming and wall climbing. Keep that in Quake.
    >Battlefields are a mess to filter through visually.

    But who the frick cares, I didn't play it because 2016 disappointed me.

  20. 10 months ago

    I take issue with several design decisions. The biggest problem is the level design, for the most part it's wildly disappointing to me. The levels just aren't that large, complex or interesting to find your way through and the repeated arena fights over and over with maybe some shitty platforming sprinkled in-between just ruin it for me. This does not actually feel like playing DOOM, the original games just do not feel or play like this. Sure, those have arena-like traps and rooms where you basically get surrounded, but that is not the primary way to engage with the game's combat and in Eternal it feels like it's pretty much the only thing it knows how to do. There is only so much spinning in circles and grabbing onto monkey bars I can take. It's a huge letdown to me that you can take DOOM WADs and a sourceport and get some completely amazing level design that was not possible back in the day due to hardware limitations and so on, yet in the actual modern DOOM game released and made by id themselves I get uninspired, uninteresting crap with monkey bar arenas all over the place. Like I said, this does not feel like DOOM. They copy-pasted the monster roster from DOOM onto an entirely different FPS, basically, but still called it DOOM.

    It's like the people who made this game didn't even actually play the originals to know what they were like and they instead made a sequel based on Brutal DOOM gore memes (which they also haven't played).

    Then there's also the combat. My problem isn't that they added a bunch of different tools, taken in a vacuum I think that's good, but rather that the game feels very inflexible. Like there's a certain cookie-cutter way the devs decided the game should play and if you have different preferences then you're just way less effective. They don't give you a bunch of tools and then let you figure out your own style, rather they built a single "style" and the tools only click if you play exactly as intended.

    Story is also shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >They don't give you a bunch of tools and then let you figure out your own style, rather they built a single "style" and the tools only click if you play exactly as intended.
      I see this thrown around alot and I don't understand why its a bad thing. A lot of shooters go in with this "play your own style" mindset and most of them are boring as frick. The engaging ones are the ones like eternal that force you to play with the entire arsenal because each weapon can do something the others can't.

      • 10 months ago

        >The engaging ones are the ones like eternal that force you to play with the entire arsenal because each weapon can do something the others can't.
        But eternal doesn't work like that, real doom does. When you have to use every weapon in some gay combo it's the same as only having one weapon. In doom weapons are all supposed to have extremely specific uses which is what makes it possible to have "combat puzzles" but in eternal its all the same. This is okay in DMC because that's how the game is built, but in an FPS that's atrociously stupid and a waste.

        • 10 months ago

          >In doom weapons are all supposed to have extremely specific uses

          no, not at all

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah because the SSG works great on hitscanners

            • 10 months ago

              It works great on anything, that's why it's so GOAT. It's a close range meat grinder and a sniper rifle

              • 10 months ago

                you've never played any remotely difficult wad

              • 10 months ago

                Spamming archviles and chaingunners all over the place is pretty shallow difficulty, plutonitard

              • 10 months ago

                Then what's deep difficulty?

              • 10 months ago

                The SSG is only good for single target damage against mid level enemies (revenants and such) or multi target damage against grunts and imps, and in the latter situation it doesn't even particularly excel there, a mini gun or a rocket is gunna be safer and faster against a big pack of soldiers.

        • 10 months ago

          you obviously never played doom 1/2/64

        • 10 months ago

          >we can't have genre crossover after 30 years of FPS because... we just can't, okay?

          hitting your weapon keys like you're playing a piano is actually kinda fun bro

          • 10 months ago

            Do i have the game for you anon

        • 10 months ago

          >But eternal doesn't work like that, real doom does. When you have to use every weapon in some gay combo it's the same as only having one weapon.
          I didn't say anything about weapon combos. I meant changing weapons depending on the situation and enemies you're encountering. Weapon swap combos are just for high burst dmg.
          >In doom weapons are all supposed to have extremely specific uses which is what makes it possible to have "combat puzzles" but in eternal its all the same.
          Not really. You don't use the pistol once you get the chaingun, saying the shotgun is more accurate than the SSG is true but usually irrelevant. I only ever use Plasma if I dont have the BFG, and rockets/BFG solve 90% of problems so long as you have good movement. DE is far more in depth with its arsenal.

          • 10 months ago

            >I only ever use Plasma if I dont have the BFG
            Then you're not very good and you're not playing challenging wads.

            • 10 months ago

              Lmfao. Only a shitter would waste plasma cells in a challenging WAD. The only reason you would is if the map hasn't given you a BFG yet. Give me one scenario where you would use the Plasma Rifle over a BFG if you had it.

        • 10 months ago

          >When you have to use every weapon in some gay combo it's the same as only having one weapon.
          Even worse, it's an MMO rotation.

      • 10 months ago

        He's not even right though. I'm honestly not sure what games DE is being compared to when people say that it forces you to play the one correct way.

        I remember when my friend and I played at launch we were ribbing each other over playstyle differences because I leaned a lot on the chaingun shield because the bashing to keep an enemy locked down was fun and he just liked staying very far away and quick swapping with precisions and explosives

        • 10 months ago

          >I'm honestly not sure what games DE is being compared to when people say that it forces you to play the one correct way.

          It's not really comparable to any game but it does force you to play one way

          I think they'll do a better job with this in the next one and finally truly get the formula right

          • 10 months ago

            >it does force you to play one way
            relative to what game, though? most FPS games are pretty stagnant and stale in that regard and muscle you towards certain strategies through ammo drops and level design. Eternal and Ultrakill probably have more immediately apparent playstyle variety than most because ammo conservation isn't a thing, there's a lot of movement, and a bunch of options for different ranges you can quickly swap between.

            the only thing eternal really makes you do is chainsaw, basically everything else has some kind of alternative way to resupply, health especially

            • 10 months ago

              >relative to what game, though?

              ? has nothing to do with any other game, but only itself

              the "dance" is inflexible. There should be 3 ways to do any of the things, like restore your consumables, restore ammo, etc

              i don't get why you are even referencing another game, what is being talked about is this game. your attempt to make a point is nonsensical, the point is made by doom eternal alone

              why can't i simply maintain a certain speed to cause ammo to pop up in a trail behind me, instead of chainsawing? etc there are many many things that could be done, but they are not, you are locked into animations and shit like that which are low-skill stuff and should be removed

              • 10 months ago

                there are multiple ways to refill everything but ammo, unless you count pickups. you can use the ssg instead of flame belch, cryo grenades or blood punch insted of glory kills, etc

                if somebody is saying that the game locks you into one playstyle i think it's pretty fair to say "compared to what other shooter" to illustrate their point better and exactly what they're upset about relative 2 other games

              • 10 months ago

                comparing it to another shooter doesnt illustrate the point, its logically nonsense

                i just explained to you why

                i don't really care about the input reading (souls have pretty much always been trial and error, that's why they give you a bunch of set heals, to give you chances to adapt) the point is that roll souls and sekiro combat both make you consciously perform an action to react to an enemy's behaviors or be heavily punished for it and that's basically inherently fun compared to wailing on a troll in skyrim and eating 50 cheese wheels when you go low on health

                another thing that's a little lame about elden ring is how they made shields way stronger when holding shield against enemy attacks is not nearly as fun to do as parrying or dodging

                >i don't really care about the input reading
                oh, I do, it makes the game completely dishonest garbage to be honest.

                maybe if you grew up on like, nintendo and quake multiplayer like me, you'd care about difficulty or just having a fake version of it thrown at you. lol.

              • 10 months ago

                i think it's okay to question people on why they're so insistent that a game that is less rigid than basically every other shooter is more rigid than other shooters 2bh

              • 10 months ago

                your evaluation that it's less rigid is incorrect

                the only shooters it should be compared to are 90s ones, to start with

                it is factually more rigid because you have extremely small ammo pools that you have to refresh with an animation

                this is not hard to understand. your argument is waht is called a non-starter, it is not really worth engaging with because it is so obviously wrong

              • 10 months ago

                >the only shooters it should be compared to are 90s ones, to start with
                Why? The only game Eternal should be compared to is 2016.

              • 10 months ago

                because it plays like 90s shooters and is designed around them

                it doesn't play like 2016, and 2016 doesn't player like 90s shooters

                you can argue about this when you were there, okay? i'm 41

              • 10 months ago

                That's silly. Eternal is a sequel to 2016, not to Doom 1 & 2. It has more in common with 2016 than it does Doom 1 & 2.

              • 10 months ago

                it is factually less rigid because there are no hitscanners to keep you restrained to cover and no obligation to conserve, not use certain weapons and play safe by the level designer's whims to dole out ammo or health. the movement lets you swap from precision sniping railgun shit to close quarters shotgun slugging on a dime. keeping an eye on your cooldowns might help you win but you still choose when and how you use them which can vary from player to player. playing literal dungeon crawler quake 1 singleplayer and calling eternal stale and samey is insanity

              • 10 months ago

                That's silly. Eternal is a sequel to 2016, not to Doom 1 & 2. It has more in common with 2016 than it does Doom 1 & 2.

                im sorry but did either of you ever play netquake in 1996?

                no? ok then you take my word for it on what game is inspired by what, which game plays like which, which game is restrictive or free, etc

                end of conversation

                oh? you still want to talk? ok lets 1v1, i haven't played quake in 20+ years btw. you can pick any quake.

              • 10 months ago

                >take your word for it
                nah, id rather you explain yourself instead of just posting your IQ

              • 10 months ago

                eternal has nothing in common with 2016, it does not play anything like it

                >b-but it looks like it on the surface!

                the "dance" does not work in 2016 and slows the gameplay to sub-old quake/doom levels

                doom eternal is the fastest/hardest single player fps in traditional form that exists, and i got paid to play quake one time (literally one time) so you can suck my dick if you dispute this, you did not get paid to play quake. zero times.

                also i was in an invite-only tournament for counterstrike and died in like 14 seconds in the first round and cost my team the chance to win any money

                but i was there.

              • 10 months ago

                Eternal takes what 2016 does and refines it.
                >Chainsawing for Ammo from 2016 is given more of a major role in the loop
                >Mods from 2016 are taken and reworked or refined
                >Armor is given more a role in the combat loop than 2016
                >Enemy design from 2016 like the Mancubus have their roles defined better and fleshed out
                >Rune system reworked
                >Grenade system reworked
                Eternal doubled down on a lot of things from 2016 and refined them to create a more focused and aggressive style of play. What you are saying is that they designed the game to be in the spirit of the aggressive playstyle of Doom 1 & 2 which is true, but much of eternals mechanics are just refined mechanics from 2016.

              • 10 months ago

                >the spirit of the aggressive playstyle of Doom 1 & 2
                This is hilarious, I remember the dipshit nudoom devs saying doom gameplay = a shooter where you have to move around a lot

              • 10 months ago

                Well I mean that's part of it.

              • 10 months ago

                that's not my point whatsoever

                say you make a car with 3 wheels. there is a back left but no back right. you had the idea almost right but the car doesn't go

                now you finish the car and have 4 wheels. the car goes fast.

                is the finished car more comparable to
                a. an unfinished car that doesn't go
                b. a finished car from a previous era that goes slightly slower

                doom 2016 *does not work*-- hence it does not feel like eternal AT ALL. eternal feels like fricking....well it doesnt feel like any boomer-era game but it feels like them in spirit.

                the speed of it is honestly closest to quake dm or something. it's WAY harder than any other single player fps game

              • 10 months ago

                I mean the devs did say after playing eternal it would make it impossible to go back to 2016. I tried and they're right, 2016 is boring as frick.

                I don't even disagree with you on anything you're saying. Eternal is an extremely challenging game at its max level, and its quite difficult to compare its feel to any other game on the market.

                My only point is 2016 feels like a Prototype for Eternal.

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, it feels like a prototype, it just doesn't work. as a game, it sucks

                that's why if they get the "Dance" right the next doom could actually be an all time great FPS. I believe in this team somewhat. But I want stuff like quake style strafe jumping to be part of the game, and they need to get rid of animation-based gameplay completely

              • 10 months ago

                >yeah, it feels like a prototype, it just doesn't work. as a game, it sucks
                2016 is pretty fun if you haven't played Eternal, and I'd honestly recommend anybody interested in Eternal play 2016 first to get a general idea of what Eternal will be like. Can't imagine going into Eternal fresh is very fun at all.

              • 10 months ago

                i would tell them to never play it and then i would play the first level of doom eternal for them where the fricking spider arachnotron guy reams your butthole out over and over because you dont have enough weapons

                fricking stage 1 by far hardest thing in the gmae

              • 10 months ago

                >I'd honestly recommend anybody interested in Eternal play 2016 first
                Anyone who doesn't recommend this, regardless of overall opinion, is a moron

              • 10 months ago

                there is literally no reason to play doom 2016

                i would recommend someone to play shogo before it

              • 10 months ago

                playing 2016 first lets you appreciate eternal more imo.

              • 10 months ago

                but it doesnt lol


                if anything it fricking drags down the eternal playthrough by making you play a vastly inferior, visually similar game

                its like if you fell in love with a girl who looked like an old crackhead you used to frick for $20, that shit would frick with you

              • 10 months ago

                2016 is really not that bad and is better than eternal in some ways. Yeah the actual combat and balance is a lot worse but it's far from terrible and it does a better job at setting up the lore of nudoom

              • 10 months ago

                I love Eternal but the lore for me has not aged well. 2016 had a much better approach to its direct storytelling, excluding unskippable cutscenes.

              • 10 months ago

                they just leaned way too hard into the wacky supernatural elements. I can suspend my disbelief for a mars colony mining energy of suffering souls from hell but once eternal started talking about secret paladin orders, moth god ladies and AI that actually created all of existence I zoned the frick out

              • 10 months ago

                I'm fine with it on the level of "these are cool places to travel to" but yeah I stopped caring about the actual lore. 2016s simple storytelling and how they characterized Doomguy was perfect. The opening of 2016 is still the peak storytelling of the series.

              • 10 months ago

                2016 was so bad it made me not buy eternal

              • 10 months ago

                >2016 is boring as frick.
                >go back to 2016
                >have fun for a few hours
                >acquire the super shotgun
                >game's combat completely disintegrates as everything dies to one shotgun blast.
                At least the art direction is a lot better than eternal

              • 10 months ago

                a lot of bullshit in souls isn't really something you can react to but it's okay because you aren't punished that heavily for a single death or a single hit most of the time and i just view the game reading your sippy as an extension of that. I get hit by it once or twice and go "Okay he's going to keep doing that" and stop sipping at point blank. it is that simple

      • 10 months ago

        In Eternal specifically, to me it's a bad thing because it leads into the guns feeling like shit and in the context of FPS in general, guns feeling like shit is nearly a cardinal sin. In classic DOOM the guns are the primary way to kill shit, you kills shit by shooting at it. In Eternal however the guns basically get demoted to being just another step in the combo. On their own they feel ineffective and lame - or alternatively if they don't they have highly limited ammo - and just picking a gun and shooting it at something is almost always a worse option than pulling some BLOOD PUNCH (tm), flame + freeze and shoot 3 different guns combo as you swap through them like you're fanning a revolver to cancel animations that exist in order to make the guns garbage. The guns are just a piece of the puzzle and feel way worse if you attempt to use them outside of the puzzle. They didn't just give you more tools to increase the variety of options you have available, they added more tools but then also decreased the things you can do by shitting up what used to work in previous installments of the series, with the direct purpose of making you play in one particular style.

        Guns having strengths and weaknesses against various enemies and in various scenarios is standard in FPS and good game design, but these things should be more natural consequences of the way each gun works rather than being hard baked by numbers like the gun dealing shit damage unless you always do XYZ first. A shotgun deals very good damage but doesn't perform well at range, a rocket launcher has AoE and a relatively slow projectile while also being dangerous to you in close quarters, a fast-fire weapon has very good sustained DPS but only if you track the target effectively, a sniper deals lots of damage but is slow and requires precision, etc. Things like these are "soft" and natural limits to guns, Eternal just makes them lame unless used in the right place in the puzzle.

        • 10 months ago

          I get a lot of what you're saying, but it honestly just sounds like you've convinced yourself the whole quickswapping combo style is the only way to play the game.

          It absolutely is not. Maybe its technically "the best" way to play the game, but you can succeed and honestly have a lot more fun just playing the game how you want to play it. I find Eternals guns to be much more satisfying this way, especially the auto shotgun and micro missiles.

          • 10 months ago

            The game forces you into that style with low ammo counts and enemy weaknesses.

            • 10 months ago

              None of the enemy weaknesses are that oppressive, and low ammo is only a problem if you are only using 1 gun the whole time. You don't need to be an autistic quick swapper to solve that problem.

          • 10 months ago

            It's not "the only" way to play the game in the sense that it's literally impossible to beat otherwise, but I've tried playing it "as intended" and I tried playing it more like how I'd play classic DOOM and really any other similar-ish FPS, an actual classic from back in the day or one of the modern revivals, and Eternal is clearly made to be played in one particular style. You can do it differently (which I did) but that just results in what I've said, guns feeling lame and lackluster compared to previous entries or other games in the genre.

        • 10 months ago

          >Eternal just makes them lame unless used in the right place in the puzzle.
          name an actual example from the base game immediately

          eternal is also perfectly playable without quickswapping, you just go slower, which is fine. cg shield, rocket burst, and destroyer blade are all really good mods that do a lot of damage and require you to not quickswap, and you have stuff like micro missiles too which are tailored to a player who doesn't want to quickswap while bolt is good for a player who does.

          imo the really fun part of quickswapping more than optimizing DPS or whatever is that it's very easy to swap to whatever you need at the range you're moving into instantly, and that's fun and smooth feeling. classic games like quake didn't have the same downtime between shots, but they also had slower swaps than eternal (IIRC) which meant running into an enemy's face and instantly pulling the shotgun to kill them almost immediately after hitting them with a rocket for instance wasn't as smooth of an action

    • 10 months ago

      >They don't give you a bunch of tools and then let you figure out your own style, rather they built a single "style" and the tools only click if you play exactly as intended.
      Literally skill issue dude, just look on youtube at the cottage industry of people just making videos on different ways to frick over the marauder

    • 10 months ago

      >taking issue with the art style

      t. spammed the super shotty in 2016

    • 10 months ago

      Fricking this! Gimme me real doom u fricking sluuts!

  21. 10 months ago

    it's not, Doom Eternal is pretty well respected by people who are good at FPS

    Doom 2016 is trash though, the gameplay "dance" they were going for doesn't work in that one and the levels are way too small

  22. 10 months ago

    >It plays more like a character action game
    >Constant unskippable cut scenes despite fanboys saying it doesn't have them
    >Instead of being a fun shooter it's just an exhausting mess of different special attacks and cooldowns
    >Minor annoyances like air dash not being a basic ability so you have to waste a slot on it
    >The blood punch feels like an afterthought and they fricked over melee because of it
    >Tiny ammo supply to encourage constant weapon swapping
    >no level design. It's just corridor + lockdown five times a level (no, really, count them)
    >A WHOLE LEVEL dedicated to walking around
    >The hub is a confusing mess to navigate and forces tutorials on you every new playthrough
    >New playthroughs suck because the game is designed around having all the abilities to be fun and you unlock them slowly
    >Eternal fanboys getting platinum mad and resorting to ad hominuem attacks in the face of criticism because they have no counter arguments
    Just a few issues that make me dislike it. It's not a terrible game, but it's also nowhere near the best Doom.

    • 10 months ago

      of being a fun shooter it's just an exhausting mess of different special attacks and cooldowns

      how do you make a single player shooter fun without moving the formula forward in some way?

      i'm all ears

      PS i started playing fps games with wolf3d, that makes 1 of me on Ganker Ganker . nobody else comes here who can talk about these games with me as i was deeply involved in the doom/quake era

      go ahead tell me how to make a fun fps game for high skill players

  23. 10 months ago

    Everything I liked about 2016 is removed and everything I hate about 2016 is amplified

    It's not a bad game. but man do I hate it

  24. 10 months ago

    >why do people hate eternal

  25. 10 months ago

    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >shoots epic Arachnotron™ weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake™ skills
    >moronic door opening cutscene plays
    >"Mhmm....rip and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest™ is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya™
    >"Come on, Vega™"
    >follows Skyrim™ compass
    >Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya™ is on the way
    >Door locks behind the Slaya™ and demons appear
    >cacophony of moronic monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch™ on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed™ and they become Staggered™, does a badass Heat Blast™ and Armor Shards™ fly into the Slaya™'s face*
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >switches weapons 75 times
    >dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed™ to spawn
    >chainsaws for magic ammo
    >swings on monkey bars
    >performs impse
    >250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya™ is victorious
    >Mhmm.. The Hell Priest™ is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden™ about this
    >"Come on, Vega™"
    >Walks two meters and Alien Queen™ appears in an epic cutscene
    >"You will not defeat me, Slaya™, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper™, the Kar En Kuk™ Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur™ has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
    >Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit™ post about it before carrying on

  26. 10 months ago

    I like the game. Gameplay-wise it's definitely an improvement over 2016 for the reasons you mention, but at the same time, it's kind of draining to play.
    But yeah, the writing, plot, lore, and cutscenes are garbage. The porn that came out of it is also inferior to what people had been making for four years prior to Eternal with a weird focus on solo Doomguy, the Marauder*, or the Hell Knight with eyes. The shit writing also completely killed the momentum the Doom threads on /aco/ had, and those were some comfy shit.

    *Also frick the Marauder. He's not difficult to deal with once you get the hang of him, but that doesn't mean he's a good or fun enemy to fight, just tedious and annoying.

    • 10 months ago

      Every single time someone posts about the marauder being an objectively crappy enemy for an FPS game you monster tards post a video showing the marauder getting killed. What is triggering that response?

      The only thing i can figure is that you believe there's a flaw in the game thats causing ppl to be unable to proceed. I assure you, every single person ITT can kill the marauder. And their stance remains the same after your stupid video is posted. Do you think posting the video will reveal that we secretly love the marauder?

      The marauder belongs in no FPS game, especially the play style for doom eternal.


      1. Is everyone capable of defeating the marauder?

      2. Are you a godly player because you killed the marauder?

      3. Does anyone's stance change after you post the video about the marauder being killed?

      4. Is the case against the marauder that it doesn't belong in an FPS game?

      5. Does anyone saying they hate the marauder secretly love it?

      6. Does anyone care that your feelings are hurt because you tied your identity to this game?


      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. No
      4. Yes
      5. No
      6. No

      • 10 months ago

        The Marauder is fine, and your reddit spacing only shows how mad you are about it 3 years later.

      • 10 months ago

        The maurader was challenging until you figured out that he's just red light green light. The only challenging part about him is when he's with other enemies, but then you just have to use the bfg to nuke everything

      • 10 months ago

        Learn to read, moron. I said he's a crappy and annoying enemy despite being easy to kill. Frick off and die.

  27. 10 months ago

    Someone kept posting those videos where people kept weapon switching like fricking tweakers and it made people here insecure for some fricking dumb reason.

    • 10 months ago

      Most of the webm's that get passed around are someone in the first arena doing it on purpose to be a jackass and people took it at face value. You don't even need to weapon swap to beat the game

      • 10 months ago

        yes you do, you run out of ammo constantly in doom eternal

        • 10 months ago

          I was referring to quickswapping, where people cycle between weapons to avoid the cooldown

        • 10 months ago

          he is talking about quick swapping for extra damage. you don't need that mechanic, but it will make it easier and makes you feel like a pro.

  28. 10 months ago

    >handled art style well
    It literally had 3 environments red brown mars, red brown hell and chrome.

  29. 10 months ago

    The game relies too heavily on forced gameplay to be fun. Add the millennial manchild visuals + story and you have objective garbage.

  30. 10 months ago

    Game was fun but i think doom 4 is overall a better package with better music, story, aesthetic, no platforming and no forced weapons

  31. 10 months ago

    "Forced gameplay" is a term that people who grew up on games with multiple playstyles that all have no depth coined. Like the souls series. Actually explains why most of them hate Sekiro.

    • 10 months ago

      Somehow souls games have forced difficulty despite the fact literally every single one of them can be dealt with easy by stacking 99 to any single stat and abusing that.

      • 10 months ago

        Because Souls games don't have interesting combat. They give you the illusion of a playstyle, but 9/10 times you're doing the same thing no matter the build.

        • 10 months ago

          souls combat works by making the player proactive and including risk no matter what the encounter is. It's simple, but it works for the same reason that something like super mario bros is still pretty fun and engaging

          Part of the reason I didn't like Elden Ring as much was because a lot of the open world is stomping on fodder that can't really hurt you which is just as uninteresting as running into skyrim bandits.

          • 10 months ago

            >souls combat works by making the player proactive

            sorry but they have 100% abandoned that for input reading. and their games always did some amount of it.

            souls combat is about memorizing animations. that is it. period.

            • 10 months ago

              i don't really care about the input reading (souls have pretty much always been trial and error, that's why they give you a bunch of set heals, to give you chances to adapt) the point is that roll souls and sekiro combat both make you consciously perform an action to react to an enemy's behaviors or be heavily punished for it and that's basically inherently fun compared to wailing on a troll in skyrim and eating 50 cheese wheels when you go low on health

              another thing that's a little lame about elden ring is how they made shields way stronger when holding shield against enemy attacks is not nearly as fun to do as parrying or dodging

  32. 10 months ago

    It makes me happy that doom fans aren't dumb enough to like nudoom.

  33. 10 months ago

    it makes me want to play quake II instead

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah this goyslop does kinda play like a quake, not surprising

      • 10 months ago

        dumb homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      >shitty bait thread
      >Quake tard
      Why do these 2 things go together so often?

  34. 10 months ago

    Some of the guns are good but a lot of them lack the kind of unique punch that other id games have for memorable weapons. The Doom 1 shotgun feels better to use than the Eternal shotgun (which is better used as the sticky grenade launcher anyway), likewise with the chaingun and BFG. I know they're Quake guns but I wish we had gotten stuff like a lightning gun or railgun

  35. 10 months ago

    >filters eternal babies

    • 10 months ago

      >filters Sunder babies

      • 10 months ago

        >hold down m1
        >left, right, left, right, left, right
        wow okuplok is so heckin hard XD

        • 10 months ago

          >wow okuplok is so heckin hard XD
          Every slaughtermap is like this
          I kind of understand the obsession with such WADs among hardcore Doom fans who have had their brains completely fried by hundreds of other moronic WADs with LE HECKIN COOL ABSTRACT FLASHING DESIGNS AND MILLIONS OF ENEMIES AND SR50 PLATFORMING WHILE DODGING MILLIONS OF PROJECTILES , so they literally have to play WADs with 10000 Archviles and Cyberdemons where you just shoot BFG all the time and circlestrafe because, like I said, their brains have already completely melted. But I'd rather have WADs like Going Down with more subtle level design than HAHA HERE'S ANOTHER GIANT ASS ARENA, NOW RUN AROUND FOR 10 MINUTES AND THEN PLATFORM OVER ANOTHER BOTTOMLESS DEATH PIT FOR ANOTHER 5 MINUTES..

          Like, yeah, yeah, I know all the meta and how even slaughtermaps evolve, but to me it all looks like comparing death metal where people just make puking noises with their throats and death metal connoisseurs are like YEAH, I TOTALLY LOVED THAT GROWL. Same thing with Doom slaughter maps. I mean, the Micro Slaughter Community Project was okay, but those boring giant ass WADs with millions of archviles are like heroin for those who don't get any pleasure from, I don't know, drinking soda or eating cake because their serotonin receptors don't work anymore.

          • 10 months ago

            >Every slaughtermap is like this
            No they're not.

            • 10 months ago

              Lmao, was that supposed to make me change my mind?
              >large, abstract spaces with hundreds of projectiles flying at you from everywhere.
              >running around shooting rockets and bfg

              I guess the only difference is that you can just run through some arenas and that's it. Like I said, every slaughter map looks the same to me. Sure, there are some better examples, but most of them are fricking moronic.
              Like I said, I GET IT, sure, crazy people who see no challenge in WADs with less than 5000 enemies per level need to play something.
              But I PERSONALLY prefer something less crazy.

              I also think Eviternity is a work of art, even if it does get a little slaughter-y at times.

              • 10 months ago

                you don't get the BFG until the very end of the map. in a secret.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah I stopped playing Doom wads once slaughterwads became popular. DBP are the only wads I check out semi frequently

            • 10 months ago

              >doom 64 alongside 1 and 2
              lmao, 64 is a piece of shit with atrocious level design that forces you to play slowly.
              Also, every monster has a horrible redesign.

              • 10 months ago

                Pinky was quite nice

              • 10 months ago

                Pain elementals and those fat guys look neat

              • 10 months ago

                Ah yes, pain elementals with those moronic dual mouths, that isn't by far the worst fricking redesign of all.

              • 10 months ago

                i bet you played every terry wads.

                Ah yes, pain elementals with those moronic dual mouths, that isn't by far the worst fricking redesign of all.

                contrary to brown cacodemon which is easy.

            • 10 months ago

              >Doom 64 level
              >find a switch
              >press it
              >have no idea what the frick it does
              >have to crawl all over the maze like level to see if I can figure out what it opened
              Literally every single level is like this, it's an exhausting game to play.

        • 10 months ago

          not doom, not hard

          it's a TAS, of course it looks easy https://youtu.be/ubdda0DuFvM

      • 10 months ago

        not doom, not hard

        • 10 months ago

          >hold down m1
          >left, right, left, right, left, right
          wow okuplok is so heckin hard XD

          Then go ahead, do a no hit run of Okuplok.
          It'll be insane considering the world record currently is doing only 24 saves.

  36. 10 months ago

    cringe overwatch story
    cringe overwatch gameplay

  37. 10 months ago

    >I can't believe anyone would dare suggest this isn't the greatest video game ever made, you should be fricking shot

    • 10 months ago

      >The last 2 games I've played it turns out he helped playtest and give feedback on
      >Liked both games
      N-No! It can't be!

      • 10 months ago

        Mayo is the fricking goat. Soon all games will be based on his teachings.

  38. 10 months ago

    >I-I played netquake! LISTEN TO ME IM RIGHT!!!

  39. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here?
    It's popular.

    • 10 months ago

      ding ding ding

  40. 10 months ago

    It's not despises, just mocked in reaction to the blind praise from Zoomers who never played a good FPS before. Also mocked for their capeshit-tier story.

    • 10 months ago

      eternal has nothing in common with 2016, it does not play anything like it

      >b-but it looks like it on the surface!

      the "dance" does not work in 2016 and slows the gameplay to sub-old quake/doom levels

      doom eternal is the fastest/hardest single player fps in traditional form that exists, and i got paid to play quake one time (literally one time) so you can suck my dick if you dispute this, you did not get paid to play quake. zero times.

      also i was in an invite-only tournament for counterstrike and died in like 14 seconds in the first round and cost my team the chance to win any money

      but i was there.

      >mocked incorrectly because you got the perception wrong

      and this is why nobody cares what people on Ganker mock, this place has no frickin clout lmao

      • 10 months ago

        >perception wrong
        Incredible cope.

        • 10 months ago

          okay netquake 1v1 me version 1.06

        • 10 months ago

          But not incredible enough compared to your arrest.

  41. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here
    It's popular.

  42. 10 months ago

    >thread is a bunch of Quake tards defending console goyslop
    This is why the doom community is thriving and quake is shitty and dead

    • 10 months ago

      Nu-Doom is literally a Quake game with a Doom skin.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah i have a feeling Bethesda is gunna frick quake fans raw, they don't seem to mind.

        • 10 months ago

          i dont think theyll frick with quake. doesnt have the same type of name recognition as doom

          i think they are making doom, again, with a different guy/theme/art again

          • 10 months ago

            >i dont think theyll frick with quake
            They already did, look at the atrocious remasters

            • 10 months ago

              meh, doesn't really bother me. i don't care anymore, too old

              they can't change anything about how magical that era was, so it really will never matter what they do. they can't "ruin" the past

              i am absolutely certain that if you love video games the quake era was the best thing to be involved in, that has existed. it's not even close.

              • 10 months ago

                >I don't think they'll do it
                >they did it
                >oh it doesn't matter

              • 10 months ago

                they didn't do anything. those "remasters" cost them like 1 million. you were talking about a new game or something sullying the name

                remasters and people going back and getting interested in quake is not bad for quake. just like doom, the people who are decent-minded will go back and play the originals or good ports

              • 10 months ago

                Except the quake ports actively fricked up the modding scene.

              • 10 months ago

                no, they didn't make any difference to it whatsoever

                >but it doesn't work!!!!

                yeah, makes zero difference.

                Doom doesn't need that and the reason its still popular is because of its wads, not nudoom.

                there isn't any competition between those games in this space. young people like you try to force things into tribal competition because you don't have any in-group or anything to actually care about in life

                it's sad. i suggest spending hours working for a charity. I do habitat for humanity

              • 10 months ago

                Not that guy, but can you tell me more about that? I can't imagine why people would map for the shit kex port over the other ports or use it as the multiplayer port of choice since it doesn't even use quakeworld.

              • 10 months ago

                they won't. the goal of the remasters isn't to support the modding community

                it's apples oranges. they don't matter, the remasters will only result in more new mappers/modders/engine coders. it's just another new thing on the pile.

                yeah, i'd rather they didn't do it that way, but as a corporation i 100% understand why they did

              • 10 months ago

                Doom doesn't need that and the reason its still popular is because of its wads, not nudoom.

      • 10 months ago

        >implying Quake has no level design at all like Nu-Doom
        have a nice day, Nu-Doom sucks shit and I say that as a quakegay

    • 10 months ago

      old doom is perfectly playable with a controller. Even better in some ways
      doom eternal is a much inferior version of the game on consoles, if only because you constantly have to use the weapon wheel which pauses the game

  43. 10 months ago

    >It's like a puzzle game where you need to solve the puzzle in a half second.
    fricking lol you don't know the meaning of puzzle gameplay m8 especially in the context of doom

    • 10 months ago

      fricking lol you don't understand what an analogy is

      • 10 months ago

        yeah no shit but compare dumb eternals 'puzzle' gameplay to literally any ribbiks wad where you have deliberately designed settings with finite resources and specific monster combinations and placements. scenarios like those force you to figure them out otherwise you're in for a rough time. this of course extends out into the future where you may have managed to get through one particularly difficult fight at the cost of a lot of your resources and thus making later fights even more difficult. this forces you to play better so as to last longer. you can probably skill your way through but even that takes a deeper understanding of the game rather than just running in and shooting. prime example: literally any fight in stardate 20x6's map 07

  44. 10 months ago

    i just remember beating doom 2016 and the robot guy is evil at the end and in eternal hes our friend again?
    like did i miss something?
    also the game is fine but imps are rly fckin annoying and enemies just dont feel good to shoot at in general
    also i hate how they start to glow and you have to run up to them....frick offff

  45. 10 months ago

    Unironically, shitters mad that they can't SSG/rocket everything to death.

  46. 10 months ago

    you're expecting autistic zoomers on Ganker (the majority) to like a fast paced boomer shooter when they are mostly playing generic gacha shit or 20 fps garbage on the Switch.

    protip: stop caring what the morons on this board think.

  47. 10 months ago

    Doom 2016 was a better Doom game in every single way, including gameplay.

    • 10 months ago

      >Doom 2016 was a better Doom game in every single way
      Monster and weapon design in 2016 was the most generic shit I've ever seen. You tell me it was Halo and I would have believed it.
      Not to mention every damn level was the same, either Mars factories or those brown and grey caverns that are supposed to be hell.

  48. 10 months ago

    i just wish eternals stickies exploded on impact

    2016 shotgun is much more satisfying because of it

  49. 10 months ago

    For me, it's just not really Doom. Bethesda has a tendency to homogenize/overdo it when it comes to game themes and with Doom I think they made it too much like Brutal Doom and that one comic than how the game actually is.

    Everyone remembers E1M1 but most of the game actually has a dark, ambient soundtrack with lots of flickering lights, dark mazes, creepy monster noises in the distance, etc. Doom 64 and Doom 3 are actually more the natural progression from 1 and 2 imo.

    They saw Brutal Doom's popularity and basically turned nuDoom into a Painkiller slaughterwad clone. It's okay, but after I beat both I never came back. People also seem to forget that major modding died with the nuDooms; you can turn Doom 3 into a side scroller, a racing game, a Thief game, etc no problem, the most I've seen done with Eternal or 2016 is some more creative Snapmap stuff or some really basic gameplay balance mods.

    • 10 months ago

      >another one of those "Doom is supposed to be creepy" morons
      Horror games will never be the natural progression of anything because they are, by far, the worst genre in videogames.
      Horror games always sacrifice gameplay in exchange for horror.
      Doom 3 for example completely killed the idea of running and gunning to having you walk through super tight corridors where there's barely any thinking involved, just shoot everyone with the plasma rifle.

      What nuDoom 3 needs to evolve into is to give less importance to all the resource management and make the game feel more like slaughter maps.

      • 10 months ago

        >What nuDoom 3 needs to evolve into is to give less importance to all the resource management and make the game feel more like slaughter maps.
        You've never played a slaughter map, resource management is extremely important in those.

        • 10 months ago

          >resource management is extremely important in those.
          Yes, but not the way Eternal handles it, but by having them placed on the map.
          If you need to start managing resources via chainsaw or glory kills you are just going to be interrupting the gameplay.

          • 10 months ago

            It's almost like nudoom is fundamentally trash and the complete opposite of slaughter

            • 10 months ago

              No, it can be easily done, just place more resources on the map, increase enemy count by at least 50 times over, make maps slightly more open.

              • 10 months ago

                Slaughter maps are extremely intricately designed, they can't do it because they can't make maps like that. The enemies aren't even designed to work with something like that, they're designed to run around in circles in a tiny arena. They'd have to make a completely different game.

              • 10 months ago

                Then do it.
                Would be funny, seeing a game both filter out the newbies and the oldgays.

              • 10 months ago

                They're not going to do it because that'd take more effort than a shitty cookie cutter console shooter.

              • 10 months ago

                >a shitty cookie cutter console shooter.
                Black person have you tried playing this on console?
                I completed the game and DLCs on PC while struggling a bit.
                Then tried it on Switch and I'm getting killed on the second easiest difficulty.
                This shit isn't made for joysticks.

              • 10 months ago

                it's easy on console if you play with gyro

      • 10 months ago

        It can be creepy and unnerving in visual design while retaining fast gameplay
        Can you imagine that
        That would be kino

        • 10 months ago

          But why? The monsters in Doom have always looked goofy as frick

        • 10 months ago

          yeah it's hard to explain, but og doom monsters were goofy in good way, they were, I dunno, consistent? Consistent with the visuals of the maps, the whole game.

          nu doom monsters look goofy and generic as frick
          Story wise they try to crank up le epicness, but I cannot take them seriously when theh look like korean mmo mobs

      • 10 months ago

        Doom 64 was the best balance I think. It's still pretty action filled but has a darker/spookier backdrop to it. nuDoom's issue is it borrows too much from Painkiller where it just drops you into an obvious arena/TDM map, you kill everything, move on. I would have been more okay with it if more of the levels were like 2016's The Foundry. That actually felt like a real location rather than a series of linear hallways with arenas in between.

        • 10 months ago

          Doom 64 is hurt by having to cut the best monsters from Doom 2, and it ends up just making you fight a lot of big imps.

          • 10 months ago

            We don't need any fricking balance, no one has ever asked for horror shit in Doom.
            Doom 64 sucked in every way, that's not a game to follow.

            >haha le horde of 10000 archviles with zero ammo aka nuts4terry.wad

            • 10 months ago

              How bad are you at Doom?

        • 10 months ago

          We don't need any fricking balance, no one has ever asked for horror shit in Doom.
          Doom 64 sucked in every way, that's not a game to follow.

  50. 10 months ago

    This place is full of legitimately mentally ill third worlders.
    A few autists noticed people were hyped for the game, started seething about it a month before it came out and have been seething ever since.
    That's all there is to it, nuGanker has no complex opinions, it can't have them due to third world IQ.

    • 10 months ago

      No white person enjoys doom eternal, it's halo Hispanic shit

      • 10 months ago

        Don't you have to make your daily RDR2 seethe thread, or perhaps a Tiktok gossip thread, spic?

  51. 10 months ago

    >requieres minimal coordination, which the unhealthy fat fricks here lack

  52. 10 months ago

    It's a game Ganker wanted to hate even before it came out.
    I remember when it launched there was an entire thread that reached bump limit that was just a moron complaining because when you pick up a new gun in Eternal there's no "cool epic animation" like in 2016.

  53. 10 months ago

    Dusk destroys your reddit game.
    Didn't read.

    • 10 months ago

      Zoom Cringeternal with atrocious fart sounds instead of music

      Just look at the way the people who shit on it type.
      You can feel the balding broccoli hair.

      • 10 months ago

        Dusk still destroys your reddit game.
        Cope & seethe
        The only thing acceptable with nu-doom is the soundtrack but there's only two good songs in the game, and eternal is a big pile of shit in the music department.
        Meanwhile dusk only has great songs.


        • 10 months ago

          >boomer shooter wannabe
          Why would I play this when I can just play Quake?

          • 10 months ago

            Because dusk is quake but with a more complex mise en scene, design, sound work, and also has more level variety and manage to throw new enemies at you in ever chapters and has multiple bosses per chapter?

            You meant to say that the only acceptable thing about Dusk is the soundtrack?

            >reading comprehension

            Not even Duskdev would agree with you.

            Yet I bet you like hitscanslop like FEAR which sucks you off from the beginning and is pathetically easy on Extreme because old game good

            I can distance the author from his work so I don't care. I'm not sucking someone's balls because I like his game.

            • 10 months ago

              What is so complex about Dusk? You just shoot with anything you have ammo with.

            • 10 months ago

              Dusk is fun and atmospheric but the gameplay is a bit braindead

              • 10 months ago

                You can reduce everything down to pressing M1 with fps but it's just pedantic for lalala homosexuals trying to make a video toy look bad. What matters is that the guns feel super good, there's a level of care for every worlds poured into the game making it a bliss to discover them and most importantly I'm not playing a shitty mele game every time I want ammo like you do in nu doom because you can't carry anything on you, and I can shoot any gun I want at my opponent instead of juggling like a moron like in, again, nu doom, oh, and I can use all of my arsenal without waiting for a cool down to be over. What a stupid fricking mechanic.
                Nu doom is full of disgusting game design choices that I absolutely hate, it enrages me.
                I'm imprevious to most of the shit in this industry but eternal was a slap in the face.

                There's also one thing that makes me puke in eternal and it's the corridor -> arena -> corridor -> arena on repeat syndrom. I didn't feel like the game was made by a human, more like it was produced by an IA like most of the AAA games I had the displeasure of playing.

                No little human touches in the levels, no quirks, no weird choices in scenery, it's polished to the point of being bland and I hate it greatly. Dusk is the complete opposite of that and that's why I love it so much.

              • 10 months ago

                There’s a ton of fun stuff like weird cereal in the shops in Arc Complex etc. You’re just biased.

            • 10 months ago

              >Because dusk is quake but with a more complex mise en scene, design, sound work, and also has more level variety and manage to throw new enemies at you in ever chapters and has multiple bosses per chapter?

              Dusk has absolutely abysmal, beginner-tier levels compared to Quake. They aren't comparable.

        • 10 months ago

          You meant to say that the only acceptable thing about Dusk is the soundtrack?

        • 10 months ago

          Not even Duskdev would agree with you.

          Such pandering is never fricking deserved, it's lazy way yo get player invested in, lazy way to get player fell good. And Doom 2016 starts to lick player's boots right from the fricking beginning

          so it doesn't feel like reward for some hard challenge as well.
          Pro tip: such congratulations and cherish are not that necessary, player can feel himself good and proud for overcoming challenges without dev's help.

          Yet I bet you like hitscanslop like FEAR which sucks you off from the beginning and is pathetically easy on Extreme because old game good

          • 10 months ago

            nta but FEAR is absolute dogshit

            • 10 months ago

              FEAR is pretty fun but it's massively overrated as some epic john woo fantasy game when 9 times out of 10 you just walk forward, press the win shootout button, and win the shootout

              nothing beats blood as far as overrated contrarian shooters though
              >ah such great level design i love throwing dynamite around corners and waiting for zombies to burn to death
              boring ahh game

              • 10 months ago

                All build engine games aged like milk and completely miss the point of what doom is.

          • 10 months ago

            nta but FEAR is absolute dogshit

            >Shitting on F.E.A.R
            /v/eddit moment

            >it's low brow commercial trash with no consequence or consistent writing.
            And again, what's the difference between that and marines and "super soldiers"?

            It has consequences
            Capeshit will reset the universe if it needs to and pretend like everything didn't happen.

            In Doom 1 and 2 it's one guy killing bazillion aliens and saving Earth from a full scale invasion all by himself. Hows that not the same?

            Except you don't have the game constantly sucking your dick.

            • 10 months ago

              >It has consequences
              That will depend on the writing.
              This thing of pretending there's some consolidated writing around "super soldiers" and "capeshit" is another example of Ganker moronation that people just say to keep arguing.

              • 10 months ago

                muh super soldier space muhreen is squarely in the camp of capeshit

          • 10 months ago

            F.E.A.R. and DE are way too different and its core gameplay so they are not comparable in this regard.
            Don't remember sucking off player's ego in F.E.A.R aside from "he's got the extreme reflexes" and conversation between your sidekicks in which asian girl makes it clear she's into you.

            Anyway, first is part of the plot, which gets revealed in the game climax and the second is not shoved in player's face, it's kinda hidden, you can hear it only if you deliberately will wait a little bit before walking in the room to your buddies.

            • 10 months ago

              F.E.A.R actually did it well
              Most guys are not sure on Pointmans performance and he gets a couple of nods of approval later on.

              >It has consequences
              That will depend on the writing.
              This thing of pretending there's some consolidated writing around "super soldiers" and "capeshit" is another example of Ganker moronation that people just say to keep arguing.

              >That will depend on the writing.
              It won't matter because everything can just have a clean slate in capeshit.
              >This thing of pretending there's some consolidated writing around "super soldiers" and "capeshit"
              Capeshit is every genre that has ever existed put into a shit sandwhich.
              Super Soldier stuff is SciFi, learn the difference.

              Doom is SciFi
              NuDoom is Capeshit with magical creatures and reddit memes.

              • 10 months ago

                >Capeshit is every genre that has ever existed put into a shit sandwhich.
                >Super Soldier stuff is SciFi
                You are literally just making up definitions that no one but you uses.

              • 10 months ago

                >reddit memes

                Ganker fricking loved the doom comic shit dude, when Ganker read about 2016 making doomguy this mythological figure of terror to the demons they were all over it.

            • 10 months ago

              >don’t remember

              >You will be a god among men
              >Do you think he will come here
              >ooooh shiiit

      • 10 months ago

        OH WAIT nevermind this thread is about fricking doom eternal HAHAHAHAHA
        what a piece of shit game.

  54. 10 months ago

    Zoom Cringeternal with atrocious fart sounds instead of music

  55. 10 months ago

    Because it's liked by Reddit. That's literally the only reason

    • 10 months ago

      These posts where people drop the act of not being tourists are completely hilarious, just flat out admitting they're here to grift and complain about Ganker not being as stupid as they are.

      • 10 months ago

        But you are, Ganker has the lowest IQ on the internet.
        People here literally believe anything you tell them, people here spend all day gossiping about social media, and no one here can play games for shit.

        That's what happens when a place gets filled with third worlders.

        • 10 months ago

          Then leave homosexual. Go jerk off eternal and quake 2 on your shitty subreddit. Take all the shitty Bethesda threads with you.

          • 10 months ago

            No, I enjoy mocking hispanics a lot.

            • 10 months ago

              >playing goyslop is white and redpilled trust me bros, I'm one of you guys

              • 10 months ago

                Dude this place has unironic Fortnite and Call of Duty threads.

              • 10 months ago

                You forgot
                >Blizzard game thread
                >Gachashit threads
                >FIFA/MADDEN threads
                >Chinese/Korean F2P cancer threads.

              • 10 months ago

                yes, that'd be you. Posting in them. Because you'd know.

              • 10 months ago

                No I don't, that's the thing, Ganker's IQ has fallen so hard that you eat up the worst garbage there is in this industry.
                Seeing the catalog, I think that Eternal would need to be worshipped by Ganker is lootboxes and for it to be F2P.
                Maybe an option to share with Twitter whenever you completed a level.

    • 10 months ago

      Ganker is reddit with images
      No difference, including the stealing of your info and the shit mods.
      Can't even post certain words and phrases because they verboten.

  56. 10 months ago

    I think Ranger from Quake fits better in the role eternally angry PTSD rage machine. Doomguy got this treatment because of cringe comic.

  57. 10 months ago

    >Play game right after completing 2016
    >Punch the first enemy in the game
    >Do it again
    >Repeat a couple of times
    >Realise they made the melee attack literally do nothing and alt-f4 the game
    There is no fricking way this game was made by the same devteam as 2016, they fricking gutted a key machanic because of this shitty chainsaw gimmick like wtf??? atleast have the decency to remove melee entirely

    Imagine if they made the first half of your gun's magazine do nothing because the devs were so hellbent on forcing some shitty reload mechanic on you

  58. 10 months ago

    For me it boils down to 3 things
    >the new UI doesnt look good
    >the story didnt go where I thought it was gonna go
    >didnt enjoy running out of ammo and having to constantly switch weapons; some of the platforming felt silly and out of place
    And theres this weird thing nobody ever talks about.
    Doom 2016 ends with a cool cliffhanger. I thought we're gonna pick up with a small timeskip with doomguy getting back after being betrayed by Hayden and things have gone to shit on earth.
    Instead the game starts with him on some space station (where did that came from?), earth somehow already taken over and none of it is ever explained. Oh yeah, Hayden is fricked up off screen too. Lame.

  59. 10 months ago

    The dlc ruined samuel hayden. Frick the guys whoever wrote that story.

    • 10 months ago

      Samuel Hayden was a shit character from the get go.

  60. 10 months ago

    >hurr durr why is something disliked on Ganker
    Mental illness. What do you think, moron?

  61. 10 months ago

    I hate games that try so hard yo suck off player's ego.
    I hate games that do that and top of that try to hide pandering to the player as pandering to protagonist.
    I hate games that fail to disguise pandering to the player as pandering to protagonist because protagonist is obviously hollow shell for the player. Frick all npcs who cum and drool when they meet player's character. Frick all NPCs and shoved lore details that describe how BADASS player character is. If games spends so much time to jerk off player's ego by telling and showing him how badass he is, then there is something wrong with the game.

    • 10 months ago

      Zoom Guy collects Funko Pops
      Never forget

    • 10 months ago

      >it's a "twitter user cries about the hecking ego of people"
      Low test detected.

      • 10 months ago

        I bet you think Gears of War and Halo are cool and "badass" too

        • 10 months ago

          Don't know, never played them.

        • 10 months ago

          Ironically Halo is better in that regard, because Master Chief is more defined character than Doom Slaya. And he is not sucked nearly as much, too.

          • 10 months ago

            I agree with that, Gayloman was never some homosexual using magic.

            >pats your ego like your're a superhero, not a badass Super Soldier/Marine.
            What's the difference, they are both crap.

            There's nothing badass about capeshit, it's low brow commercial trash with no consequence or consistent writing.
            Nothing matters

            >pats your ego like your're a superhero, not a badass Super Soldier/Marine.
            What's the difference, they are both crap.

            The later one is more grounded and feels deserved.

            • 10 months ago

              >it's low brow commercial trash with no consequence or consistent writing.
              And again, what's the difference between that and marines and "super soldiers"?

            • 10 months ago

              In Doom 1 and 2 it's one guy killing bazillion aliens and saving Earth from a full scale invasion all by himself. Hows that not the same?

            • 10 months ago

              >here you're a superhero with powers taking on unsurmountable legions
              >too fake not well grounded
              >here you're a supersoldier with powers taking on unsurmountable legions
              >finally a grounded realistic game
              Lol marine homosexualry is just as fake if not even more shitty.

      • 10 months ago

        >implying that enjoying pats-pats from the game that tell how cool you are is a sign of high test

        • 10 months ago

          No, I just know that anyone who complains about anything related to ego is always some kind of twitter leftist.

          • 10 months ago

            Not really, Zoom Eternal pats your ego like your're a superhero, not a badass Super Soldier/Marine.

            It's literally capeshit

            • 10 months ago

              It feels deserved because the game is hard on your first playthrough.

              • 10 months ago

                >It feels deserved
                Would be fine at the later stages of the game, but you're getting your dick sucked from the very beginning because of fricking memes and "muh legacy"
                Zoomguy isn't even just an average dude or a human using human tech, he's using tech from dimensional cultures and shit.
                It sucks, it feels super fricking forced
                >the game is hard
                lol no, and it got even easier with the latest builds of the games nerfing enemies and fixing annoying jank.

              • 10 months ago

                It’s a sequel to 2016, of course there is no build up. Would make no sense.
                >game is easy
                It’s hard for an average player like me. I’m sure you’ve completed it on UNM on the first try.

              • 10 months ago

                >It’s a sequel to 2016
                You mean the game where nobody but high level UAC personnel know what happened in Mars because the Nerdbot Angel stabbed you in the back?
                Sure thing buddy

              • 10 months ago

                Such pandering is never fricking deserved, it's lazy way yo get player invested in, lazy way to get player fell good. And Doom 2016 starts to lick player's boots right from the fricking beginning

                so it doesn't feel like reward for some hard challenge as well.
                Pro tip: such congratulations and cherish are not that necessary, player can feel himself good and proud for overcoming challenges without dev's help.

            • 10 months ago

              Super heroes are just as "badass" as super soldiers.

            • 10 months ago

              >pats your ego like your're a superhero, not a badass Super Soldier/Marine.
              What's the difference, they are both crap.

      • 10 months ago

        >it's a "tumblr user cries about the fricking five stages of grief"
        Low IQ detected.

        • 10 months ago

          Tumblr user are precisely the ones who go

    • 10 months ago

      Name other games with these issues or you just fricking contrarian who pulls reasons to hate the games out of his ass.

      • 10 months ago

        HALF-LIFE 2


        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            >gordon(you) is messiah, everyone treats you like folk hero

  62. 10 months ago

    I too don't understand Ganker hating this game too much, it seemed dishonest to me too often.
    its a good game, probably most enjoyable shooter i played in years (not much of a shooter player). not well versed in genre but I would say gameplay is pretty deep and allows for very cool organic moments of adaptation that constantly arise.
    master levels are seriously amazing (played most of them on second-highest difficulty)
    i hated the story, the irritating mythologization and dick sucking of doom slayer portraying him as some aspect of nature that is waging eternal war with demons or whatever the frick.
    even though it is kinda dissonant i liked the arcadier artstyle/loot pinatas

    • 10 months ago

      >I too don't understand Ganker hating this game too much, it seemed dishonest to me too often.
      >its a good game, probably most enjoyable shooter i played in years (not much of a shooter player).
      My fricking sides

      • 10 months ago

        what are some better shooters? asking genuinely, i don't play them

        • 10 months ago

          And you will never finish get the good ending

        • 10 months ago

          try black mesa

          • 10 months ago

            Dogshit compared to the original
            They turned Xen into a generic Alien Jungle as well

            • 10 months ago

              New Xen is 90% good whereas old Xen is 100% bad, don't start with that. Bad taste.

          • 10 months ago

            Black Mesa is a bad game. The authors don't know shit about game design, like all their game design choices are BAD and they rely too much on graphics, thinking if the game looks okay, it's good.

            You can just play OG HL first and then play Black Mesa right after. The difference is glaring, the developers of the latter game don't understand what makes HL stand out. I really wanted to write a long review comparing both games and post it somewhere, but I'm too lazy and just don't care that much. Yeah, people like Black Mesa, whatever.

            Just one small example. There's an underwater section in HL where you have to manage your time underwater, and Valve put little pockets of air where you could breathe to make that little sequence interesting in the sense that you literally have to deviate from your path if you don't want to lose health or even die. Just a little example of basic level design. In Black Mesa it's just "underwater", you just swim and that's it, you don't have to worry about your air supply because there's no challenge, no gameplay in that underwater section. Sure, it's a pretty small difference, but there are a million of them, and the bottom line is that Valve knew a thing or two about gameplay and pacing, and those morons at Crowbar Collective didn't.

            I would also kick the Black person in the face who had the idea that that moronic start with flares was a good idea.

            • 10 months ago

              Half Life 1

              Black Mesa


              go be a delusional moron somewhere else

              • 10 months ago

                hl1 zoomies are gunna freak

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, okay, that looked dynamic and stuff. Sure. Cool.
                You didn't even get my point, what are you trying to say, pederast?
                I'm talking about pacing, gameplay and level design choices that make the game interesting, those are basic things in any game, and you're just showing me a COOL LOUD SHOOTOUT WOW LE EPIC.

                People like you love Zoom Cringeternal because it's FAST, COOL AND EPIC and you don't even understand why people love Half-Life 2 to this day. You really don't understand it, I just know that.

              • 10 months ago

                NTA, but I'm 32 and I don't understand why people like Half Life either, those games never amounted to anything more than tech demos.

              • 10 months ago

                That's okay. You just don't know what good "gameplay" is. You're willing to play the same shit over and over again, clear arena after arena in Zoom Cringeternal, or just grind XP in an MMORPG by killing 1000000 boars.

                Valve showed how a linear shooter could be "diverse" in the sense that you could have something different in each chapter while still being a shooter. HL2 expanded on that a lot, they literally revolutionized physics in games where before (and after, actually) it was used for boxes and ragdolls. I'm not going to get into that because you literally don't care. It's your choice.

                >those games never amounted to anything more than tech demos
                I can kind of understand people saying that about Doom 3, but sorry man, you're a moronic wienersucking Black person homosexual with no taste whatsoever.

              • 10 months ago

                >see-saw puzzles on Havoc are revolutionary
                Meh, they cut down on gimmicks in the Episodes and those are better games for that

              • 10 months ago

                >Valve showed how a linear shooter could be "diverse" in the sense that you could have something different in each chapter while still being a shooter.
                Here's the thing that neither Valve nor Bethesda know: we don't want "diversity", we want to shoot things, period.
                Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

              • 10 months ago

                >we want to shoot things, period
                I mean, don't get me wrong, I personally love Painkiller for that very reason. I think it's a really good game.
                But you got to be a tasteless Black person to hate HL and HL2. Especially HL2.

                HL2 has its own flaws, sure. But it's a game where game designers REALLY try hard and sweat their balls off just to entertain you, because they know that just "shooting things" for 15 hours straight gets kinda boring, especially when we're talking about a story game.

                It's a really simple idea that MOST game designers (no matter what genre) fail to realize. You MUST entertain the player. People fricking play story games to be entertained, not to grind and do the same shit over and over again. You HAVE to give something new every now and then. Valve knows this, they literally showed it with HL Alyx. It's a much smaller game, and it's very limited by VR (while still having a lot of advantages over normal games, it's the best VR game after all). But they once again showed a very fricking simple concept - just make shit fun by making different gameplay in different parts of the game.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't hate Half Life, I just feel indifferent about them, never got into them.
                Felt the same way about games like Doom 2016 or Wolfenstein 2009.

              • 10 months ago

                >Wolfenstein 2009
                Is actually really good, better than the MachineGame ones.

              • 10 months ago

                2009 is fun but bloody screen health system alone makes it worse that TNO or TNC.

              • 10 months ago

                Health system is worse, but everything from the physics, lighting, SFX, and actual gameplay is better.
                The hub isn't a glorified walking sim either and collectibles are tied to progression.
                Nothing feels gimmicky either like NuFelstein
                TNC is pure fricking garbage

              • 10 months ago

                TNC is fun as frick when it lets you play yourself and not watch cutscenes. You’re just parroting bad opinions.

              • 10 months ago

                >TNC is fun as frick
                Barely any enemy variety
                Upgrade system is shit and the missions are reused a ton of times
                Shit level design as well, my favorite one was the collapsed skyscrapper where you get stuck to terrain.
                Max Upgrade the Assault Rifles to lase and the game plays itself, which is likely what the devs wanted considering the amount of walking sim shit and cinematics there are.
                Cinematics are also pro communist as well, and interrupt heartfelt moments with literal toilet humour. hooray!
                Frick TNC godawful piece of shit, you're a moron who hasn't even finished it.
                >You’re just parroting bad opinions.
                I played that pile of feces and regret every moment of it.
                The walking segments, the tone deaf cut scenes, the Hitler moment with no Mecha, the fricking end mission where the Submarine somehow goes inland.

                FRICK TNC, FRICK YOU!!!

              • 10 months ago

                this game is shit and does not have classic fps gameplay

                In 2011 and now

                >Doom 3 was not a horror game
                Black person, you're 1/4 of that age

                You being scared or not doesn't matter, Doom 3 is a horror game.
                It was marketed as such

                doom 3 isnt doom its doom 3, if you were around in that era youd understand it is never considered "doom" which refers to doom 1 doom 2 and final doom

              • 10 months ago

                >d3 isn't doom
                Nta but I hate this fricking rhetoric
                It is quite handy because d1 and d2 are essentially the same fricking game?
                why no one fricking tells the same about d2016 or DE? They strayed away from classic doom gameplay even further with all glory kills and gay air dashes

              • 10 months ago

                i don't care what you hate, you weren't building your own pcs and playing and modding these games when they came out

                doom 3 isn't doom because it wasn't moddable on release and didn't have multiplayer and isn't mappable and doesn't have the spirit of doom.

                you get to have an opinion when you were making WADs in 1993. if you weren't, you don't get to have an opinion.

              • 10 months ago

                Tell me, do you think nu-dooms have the spirit of classic games?

              • 10 months ago

                eternal absolutely does, 2016 is a failed product with 6/10 gameplay and does not

                eternal is the hardest single player fps released and the most intense, and i will crush anyone here in quake and i am 41 with hand arthritis, so good luck proving otherwise, you can beat me for the honor

                >this game is shit and does not have classic fps gameplay
                It has 9 weapon slots, an upgrade system based on collectables that you must find, a HUBworld where you can find a shitton of random events and loot and is the closest thing to Return to Castle Wolfenstein we're ever going to get.

                The only flaw is the health system

                it also has frickin low-TTK-on-player bullet enemies bro its trash inspired by cod/halo era. the levels are designed around using cover in a half ass way. that is not real fps gameplay

              • 10 months ago

                >I love bulletsponge enemies
                Go play Quake 2s campaign pleb, using a railgun on chaff is fricking great and there are a ton of special enemies with a bigger healthbar for you to kill.
                >the levels are designed around using cover
                Literally never played it

                Frick this board, nothing but plebs just spouting hearsay without actually playing vidya.
                I'm out

              • 10 months ago

                >Go play Quake 2s campaign pleb

                I have a developer credit on Quake 2.

                >durr i'm out

                yeah, i'd say you don't belong honestly

                >doom was never considered a horror game
                Lol, man, you're moronic

                I really can't understand opinions like this.

                Sure, I was only 11 when Doom 3 came out, but it had such a fricking dark and dense atmosphere, those meat tubes, moans, whispers, zombies crawling out of the darkness, that it legitimately scared me. It's not just fricking jumpscares, they're just a small fraction of the "horror" element. The game was dark in every sense of the word. And I really like the depiction of hell in Doom 3. I even like it a lot more than the hell in Doom 2016.

                doom was absolutely never, ever considered a horror game. ever. it was considered a "gorey" game and "Satanic" game and "dark" game and etc but NEVER horror. the player is empowered, they're the fricking doom guy. it's the last thing in the world from horror.

                Killing Time on 3D0 and some other platforms was contemporaneous with doom and was considered a horror FPS. You don't know what that game is because you're a casual and probably a moron as well

              • 10 months ago

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.
                Why would you even come here then, this place's opinions are dictated more by their feelings around a game than because of the game itself.

              • 10 months ago

                Quake 2 fricking sucks
                Bulletsponge hell with none of the atmosphere of Quake 1 or an automap.

                The engine was better than the game

              • 10 months ago

                >you're a casual
                >let me tell ya about this console shooter
                I remember reading some magazine articles about it back then. It looked like a clown fiesta, I recall

                >doom was absolutely never, ever considered a horror game. ever
                The frick are you talking about, Black person? We're talking about Doom 3, which is a horror shooter by any definition. Some even call it a survival horror, but that's a stretch in my opinion.

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.

              • 10 months ago

                >you're a casual
                >let me tell ya about this console shooter
                I remember reading some magazine articles about it back then. It looked like a clown fiesta, I recall

                >doom was absolutely never, ever considered a horror game. ever
                The frick are you talking about, Black person? We're talking about Doom 3, which is a horror shooter by any definition. Some even call it a survival horror, but that's a stretch in my opinion.

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >Go play Quake 2s campaign pleb

                I have a developer credit on Quake 2.

                >durr i'm out

                yeah, i'd say you don't belong honestly

                doom was absolutely never, ever considered a horror game. ever. it was considered a "gorey" game and "Satanic" game and "dark" game and etc but NEVER horror. the player is empowered, they're the fricking doom guy. it's the last thing in the world from horror.

                Killing Time on 3D0 and some other platforms was contemporaneous with doom and was considered a horror FPS. You don't know what that game is because you're a casual and probably a moron as well

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.
                you're in the wrong place to fish for opinions then because every balance change made to the Q2 remaster weapons sucks, so you better hope you weren't responsible for that

              • 10 months ago

                I said Quake 2.

                >I have a developer credit on Quake 2.
                Why would you even come here then, this place's opinions are dictated more by their feelings around a game than because of the game itself.

                I've been here for almost 18 years.

              • 10 months ago

                >I've been here for almost 18 years.
                Even worse, you've been full witness of the decay

              • 10 months ago

                >why no one fricking tells the same about d2016 or DE?
                Because at least those are still action shooters, not something from an entirely different genre.

              • 10 months ago

                >this game is shit and does not have classic fps gameplay
                It has 9 weapon slots, an upgrade system based on collectables that you must find, a HUBworld where you can find a shitton of random events and loot and is the closest thing to Return to Castle Wolfenstein we're ever going to get.

                The only flaw is the health system

              • 10 months ago

                >an upgrade system based on collectables that you must find
                thats not classic fps, what lol

              • 10 months ago

                I never said it was classic
                I said it was good, actually makes the treasure shit you find in Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and Return to Castle some fricking use.

                Of course you've never played the game so you wouldn't know.

              • 10 months ago

                >doom 3 isnt doom its doom 3
                >Final Doom is Doom 3
                Nah, Doom 3 is not Doom and it's a shit game. but it's called Doom 3

              • 10 months ago

                The problem is that a lot of their “fun” ideas don’t really work and I dread entire chapters on replays.

              • 10 months ago

                >I dread entire chapters on replays
                But you still replay it, Black, wtf
                Anyway, yeah, same. I really hate that airboat chapter. I even fricking hated it back in early 2005 when I first played the game.

                They tried too hard and put too much emphasis on entertainment. HL2 doesn't feel like like distinct game on its own, it feels like a set of attract in a theme park that barely connected to each other. And the FPS part, that should tie it all together is not that good.

                >They tried too hard and put too much emphasis on entertainment
                I kind of understand what you were trying to say, but you said it in a really moronic way.

                Anyway, you both don't remember what games looked like in 2004 (or you just don't know). HL2 was like a fricking nuclear blast because instead of being another "shooter" it had a lot of things done on a very, VERY high level. The atmosphere, the art design, the characters and the variety of gameplay. And also the graphics, the game looked VERY good at that time. The game has a lot of features with the sole purpose of making things not stale. You just can't deny that. That alone makes the game leagues better than many other games just because most of the game designers don't fricking know how to entertain people

                Take Kojima for example. I really think he's a pretentious moron, and I didn't finish Death Stranding because it's fricking moronic.
                But I also think that the guy really knows this simple rule - you have to entertain the player, so Death Stranding has a lot of things that you gradually get just to make the game interesting, even though it's a literal courier simulator, how less boring can a game be? It's actually quite an achievement to make different gameplay mechanics in a game that's literally about walking with a backpack.

              • 10 months ago

                >The atmosphere, the art design
                hl2 has no atmosphere. It's all extremely generic except for the enemy design.
                >the characters
                are shallow as frick as evidenced by the fact that nearly every conversation in the game is just an exposition dump for the player.
                >variety of gameplay
                variety is worthless when your idea of variety is literal toddler puzzles

              • 10 months ago

                >hl2 has no atmosphere
                >are shallow as frick
                >variety is worthless

                Yeah, nice one.

              • 10 months ago

                >no argument
                I accept your concession. hl2 was a fricking turd and is only a tech demo. having pretty graphics doesn't make a game good homosexual

              • 10 months ago

                >hl2 was a fricking turd and is only a tech demo
                Alright, man, come on, you got any other jokes?

              • 10 months ago

                there's a reason why everyone agrees it hasn't aged well. Of course you can cope and say "it was so innovative that everyone copied it!!" but that just proves my point

              • 10 months ago

                >there's a reason why everyone agrees it hasn't aged well
                There's a reason wienersuckers like you get beat up in real life when you use the "there's a reason everyone agrees" argument, so you can only use that argument online.
                The fact is that everyone agrees that your prostitute mother sucked too many Black person dicks before she accidentally gave birth to you.

                >Of course you can cope and say "it was so innovative that everyone copied it!!" but that just proves my point
                What point?
                The game has the most gameplay variety of any shooter until 2004, FACT
                The game revolutionized the use of physics, FACT
                The game has an INSANE atmosphere that BLOWN EVERYONE AWAY in 2004, FACT
                The game had the most anticipated episodes because the story was good, FACT
                People are still waiting for HL3 to this day, FACT

                The game was innovative and you literally agree with it and then call it cope. Are you mentally ill?

              • 10 months ago

                i beg you to actually fully replay hl2 and i guarantee your opinion will do a 180

              • 10 months ago

                Replaying games from 2004 changes nothing. You literally had to play them then. I did.

                I still think it's a very good game, even by modern standards. And you can't refute any of the FACTS I listed.

              • 10 months ago

                if a game was only good on release, it means its graphics are its only redeeming quality, which means it's a tech demo. You're just nostalgiagayging hardcore anon
                >And you can't refute any of the FACTS I listed.
                i just cba in a thread that's about to get archived in the next 90 seconds

              • 10 months ago

                >it means its graphics are its only redeeming quality
                None of my FACTS touch graphics
                >i just cba in a thread that's about to get archived in the next 90 seconds
                You just can't refute the FACTS I listed hahahaha

              • 10 months ago

                >You just can't refute the FACTS I listed
                I'm not reading them. Eat shit.

              • 10 months ago

                They tried too hard and put too much emphasis on entertainment. HL2 doesn't feel like like distinct game on its own, it feels like a set of attract in a theme park that barely connected to each other. And the FPS part, that should tie it all together is not that good.

              • 10 months ago

                HL2 was a mediocre FPS with good art direction until Ep. 2. Far Cry 1 mogged it hard.

              • 10 months ago

                Both of those statements are true, but Half Life 2 is blatantly unfinished.
                The pathetic weapon variety is telling.

                So basically, this shit is going nowhere.

                Give me an actual argument, maybe it will go somewhere.

                >It has no grit
                What, you want Christopher Nolan's take on Doom or something?

                I want some horror elements like the first games

              • 10 months ago

                >I want some horror elements like the first games
                What fricking horror elements were there in Doom 1 and 2.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Wow a compressed to hell midi track not even on the correct soundfont

              • 10 months ago

                >What fricking horror elements were there in Doom 1 and 2?
                zoom zoom

              • 10 months ago

                I'm 29, I have no fricking clue what you could find horrifying about those games.
                Maybe you are just a pussy. Even Doom 3 was barely a horror game.



              • 10 months ago

                >I'm 29
                >Even Doom 3 was barely a horror game.
                Look here, I can rephrase your whole post
                >I'm 29 but I never played Doom 1, 2 and 3 when they were relevant and I only watched some youtube videos about them in the 10s and I have no idea what games looked like in the 90s and 00s.

                FEAR is also a horror game, homosexual, I bet you didn't know that either.
                Doom 3 is a horror game too

              • 10 months ago

                im 41

                doom was never considered a horror game. EVER. suck fricking dick.

              • 10 months ago

                >doom was never considered a horror game
                Lol, man, you're moronic

                Actually I played them all when I was a kid.
                My father introduced me to Doom 1 and 2, well actually I played Heretic first, and then he introduced me to Doom.
                Then I didn't play Doom 3, they gifted me for Christmas Resurrection of Evil for the OG XBOX, then I played Doom 3 on PC.

                >FEAR is also a horror game, homosexual, I bet you didn't know that either.
                I kinda get it, I actually got spooked by that.
                Never by Doom 3, it's jumpscares are so repetitive that by the 3rd level you can just guess them because there were only two types: monster jumps at you after opening a door, or monster spawns behind you, which is embarrassing considering this happens like 10 times per level.

                I really can't understand opinions like this.

                Sure, I was only 11 when Doom 3 came out, but it had such a fricking dark and dense atmosphere, those meat tubes, moans, whispers, zombies crawling out of the darkness, that it legitimately scared me. It's not just fricking jumpscares, they're just a small fraction of the "horror" element. The game was dark in every sense of the word. And I really like the depiction of hell in Doom 3. I even like it a lot more than the hell in Doom 2016.

              • 10 months ago

                >it had such a fricking dark and dense atmosphere, those meat tubes, moans, whispers, zombies crawling out of the darkness, that it legitimately scared me
                I thought it was goofy and just overdid it.

                >And I really like the depiction of hell in Doom 3. I even like it a lot more than the hell in Doom 2016.
                That's the only thing I liked about it because it's the one level that wasn't just metal corridors.
                Hell could have been genuinely creepy, if it wasn't because the moment you arrive you have this random guy that sounds like he's speaking through intercom telling you how he's totally going to steal your soul and how you are going to stay here forever, ruined the whole thing with that Saturday morning cartoon shit.
                Would have been better if they just dropped you there and there wasn't a word said.

              • 10 months ago

                Actually I played them all when I was a kid.
                My father introduced me to Doom 1 and 2, well actually I played Heretic first, and then he introduced me to Doom.
                Then I didn't play Doom 3, they gifted me for Christmas Resurrection of Evil for the OG XBOX, then I played Doom 3 on PC.

                >FEAR is also a horror game, homosexual, I bet you didn't know that either.
                I kinda get it, I actually got spooked by that.
                Never by Doom 3, it's jumpscares are so repetitive that by the 3rd level you can just guess them because there were only two types: monster jumps at you after opening a door, or monster spawns behind you, which is embarrassing considering this happens like 10 times per level.

              • 10 months ago

                Doom 1 and 2 not so much. But have you seen Doom PSX?

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm talking about pacing, gameplay and level design choices
                yeah, black mesa has modern valve design philosphy, its the better game with better encounters because its more like hl2. they didnt know what they were doing with hl1 yet. it takes a certain level of maturity to appreciate hl2 and I find that same same type of zoomers that suck off morrowind gravitate to hl1 becauses its a piss easy meme game.

              • 10 months ago

                eternal wishes it was even half as good as black mesa

              • 10 months ago

                Well, Black Mesa was based on an actually good game.
                Zoom Cringeternal is based on OSU and maybe Mario games, sorry if I offended some nintendoboys.

              • 10 months ago

                >you don't even understand why people love Half-Life 2 to this day


              • 10 months ago

                My favorite thing about Black Mesa is the stuttering of the weapon as it immediately goes from sprinting animation to shooting animation.

    • 10 months ago

      >most enjoyable shooter i played in years (not much of a shooter player)
      I couldn't say it better. It's just a flashy rhythm game with platforming for people who don't really play shooters but love shit like Fortnite and OSU.
      You just proved that.

      You don't play shooters, how do you know it's a good shooter game?
      Right, you just don't.

  63. 10 months ago

    >but as far as pure gameplay I think it's great. You aren't able to just dump ammo into shit, you have to actually think. It's like a puzzle game
    In the original games and 2016 you could get away with using your favorite guns to clear a level as long as you had the ammo. Eternal on the other hand gives you only enough ammo to kill 4-5 demons and forces you into a loop of swapping weapons into chainsawing zombies that conveniently spawn every 5 seconds, with a chainsaw that conveniently refills every 5 seconds. What is even worse is being forced into using specific weapons and weapon mods, curiously enough the ones that were least popular because they were redundant, to kill enemies that are immune to every other weapon, but not before having to wait for the weak point to flash in a cartoonish manner. Here I am, the Doom Slayer of legend that all demon fears, armed to the teeth with overpowered weapons such as Demon Eviscerating Rectum Penetrator 10000 but it can't do shit to a fricking imp with rock hide because... BECAUSE IT JUST CAN'T OK??!? YOU NEED TO USE THE SHOTGUN'S RAPID FIRE MOD.
    There's no thinking required for the so-called puzzles. Waiting for shiny thing to press button is what monkeys do to get nuts from researchers.

  64. 10 months ago

    New game bad, mmmkay?

  65. 10 months ago

    >You aren't able to just dump ammo into shit, you have to actually think. It's like a puzzle game
    Yes, that's the problem.

  66. 10 months ago

    Honestly it's just boring. Not because of a lack of action, but because Hugo Martin and his team of savants decided player expression should be exactly how they want it to be. And I don't want a puzzle game for Doom, I want a shooter that lets me choose how to handle a situation; optimal options or situations should be something I have to figure out rather than just "I see X, therefore I must Y every time". In a way despite all the extra options, functionality and gameplay on crack they dumbed it down tremendously to an absurd degree.

    • 10 months ago

      Go watch good players. It's easy to tell who is good and who isn't. If the game plays boring then you're bad.

      • 10 months ago

        "Good" players aren't some magical fix-all for this. If anything, they basically use developer-endorsed weapon swapping exploits to kill everything in seconds as they meathook through the sky like a spidermonkey. And even pushing that aside, the fricking dark lord and former god of all reality shouldn't be able to be bonked once and get his face filled in with a dozen shots in three seconds before getting cartoony stars over his head with a hammer slam to shoot him even more.

        • 10 months ago

          >developer-endorsed exploits

          • 10 months ago

            It was a trick that the game wasn't designed with in mind. Then they saw how basically everyone was using it to quick kill Marauders on Youtube, so the DLC straight up encourages and tries to teach players to do the same thing. It's an exploit that basically got canonized.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              a very good argument. I don't know what to say.

          • 10 months ago

            rocket jump

            • 10 months ago

              if something is endorsed by design then it can't be called exploit

    • 10 months ago

      So what’s the objectively correct way of dealing with a Tyrant? With a Mancubus? With Pain Elemental? With a Baron? With a Hell Knight?

  67. 10 months ago

    i'm usually really irritated by jerking off the player character because 9 times out of 10 you're doing things that require no brainpower and getting your dick sucked for it

    didn't really bother me in eternal because it's an effective power fantasy game that's pretty fast/intense and good at making you feel strong. the lady cumming in the audio diary was too much but everyone feels that way. IMO doomguy getting worshiped but really just not giving a shit and wanting to do his job is a fun angle, like ash williams being the chosen one except doomguy is competent

  68. 10 months ago

    >Ganker larping as knowing about shooters when this place has fricking COD threads all the time
    Who do you think you are fooling, gays?

    • 10 months ago

      >Ganker is one person
      You're a homosexual as well, don't forget it.

      • 10 months ago

        >Ganker is one person
        Nowadays it pretty much is, you all have the exact same personality.

        • 10 months ago

          Don't forget it gay, you're a homosexual Ganker poster sifting through the shit heap with the rest of the pile.

          • 10 months ago

            No because I exclusively come here to laugh at you.
            Even other boards know this place is the worst, lowest IQ hellhole in this website.

  69. 10 months ago

    Limiting resources to force you to use the mechanics got old fast instead of being another fun thing to kill demons with. That, and that they not only kept glory kills, but made them even more mandatory for resources. Making you have even less to do between fights.

    I can see what they were going for, but I just want a big arsenal of weapons I use when I want and be rewarded with a big box of rockets if I explore.

    • 10 months ago

      In other games you need to reload. In nuDoom using chainsaw (reload) once every minute is not much.

  70. 10 months ago

    Bros who the frick do we trust?

  71. 10 months ago

    It's a little too colorful for my taste. Feels like I'm playing a Japanese Pachinko machine for middle-aged western neckbeards. (to be fair, I am one and I liked it otherwise)

    • 10 months ago

      You can turn off the ammo colours.

    • 10 months ago

      the default hud is pretty bad and has an unnecessary amount of icons visible. Thankfully you can pick what you want showing which significantly improves it.

  72. 10 months ago

    I've never played it but holy frick does the game look aesthetically like plastic and the gameplay looks irritating with all those gameplay pausing melee takedowns

  73. 10 months ago

    What did nuGanker mean by this?

  74. 10 months ago

    Doom Eternal's Doomguy looks like a homosexual

  75. 10 months ago

    It's inoffensive milktoast designed for people who don't like videogames. This has been true since the late 2000s.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's inoffensive
      What does this even mean

      • 10 months ago

        low iq or esl?

        • 10 months ago

          Neither, what the frick does inoffensive mean, are you complaining a game isn't offending someone?

          • 10 months ago

            Can't be because it clearly offended him.

          • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            remember, demon is an offensive term

            • 10 months ago

              *holds up spork*

      • 10 months ago

        It has no grit

        >Capeshit is every genre that has ever existed put into a shit sandwhich.
        >Super Soldier stuff is SciFi
        You are literally just making up definitions that no one but you uses.

        Batman literally started as a noir
        Punisher started as a satire of Vigilantism
        Capeshit is a ton of genres and they usually clash.
        SciFi is SciFi, you can mix it with other genres but it is it's own thing.

        >reddit memes

        Ganker fricking loved the doom comic shit dude, when Ganker read about 2016 making doomguy this mythological figure of terror to the demons they were all over it.

        Frick Ganker, delete Ganker
        Fricking reddit lite

        • 10 months ago

          So basically, this shit is going nowhere.

        • 10 months ago

          >It has no grit
          What, you want Christopher Nolan's take on Doom or something?

  76. 10 months ago

    i mean i think people here mostly love it
    i didn't care for it because of the UI/overall design of the missions but acknowledged it was a good game

  77. 10 months ago

    >OG Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom>Doom ‘16>>Doom Eternal>Doom 3

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much

  78. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here?
    Every single change it made to Doom 2016 is a change for the worse with the sole exception of the couple mobility options they added.

    >as far as pure gameplay I think it's great
    Gameplay is what suffered the most. It's ultra unfun to have to use chainsaw as an ammo dispenser instead of a "delete this enemy" button. It is ultra unfun to have to switch weapons every 5 seconds, not because you felt like it, but because the artificially low ammo ran out. It is immensely unsatisfying that your melee attacks no longer deal damge. And so on. It's all for the worse.

    • 10 months ago

      >complaining about the wimpy ass quick melee from 2016 being gone
      did you actually play nudoom anon senpai

    • 10 months ago

      2016 forced you to use glory kills because enemies would gain hyper armor and defensive bonuses when entering the stagger animation.

    • 10 months ago

      I agree with all of your points and I'm only replying to say that I agree with all of your points to piss off nu doom kiddies.

  79. 10 months ago

    Every game in this franchise is good except Doom 3 and 2016.
    Those two are the only ones I have never replayed.

  80. 10 months ago

    If you ever think Ganker knows about videogames or that it has taste, just take one look at the catalog.

  81. 10 months ago

    Didn't like it turning into mini arenas or whatever. I preferred the gameplay of 2016.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you implying 2016 wasn't just constant locking you in mini arenas, down to literally giving you "ACTIVATE THE ARENA" buttons?

    • 10 months ago

      That was 2016 as well
      They're both shit

  82. 10 months ago

    >remove snapmap because not enough people used it to justify its inclusion
    >axe any sort of competitive mode because it wasn't popular enough so lets replace with battle mode, which was even less popular
    >invasions got totally axed and all we got was a rather stale horde mode
    >first DLC was challenging enough but then COVID and people complaining a lot made them kneecap the second DLC with an instant-win button gained halfway through the first level
    >absolute piss take of a final boss fight for something meant to be the mightiest threat in the entire franchise and arguably Idverse horseshit in general
    >all the while wienergargling about how awesome the Slayer is and fricking up basically everything with him by making him be created in God's image to sabotage his foes from within with a piece of God's own hijacked essence
    How does anyone eat this shit up, I was there for the whole ride and by the end I just don't want them to ever make Doom again

    • 10 months ago

      got totally axed
      The only bad thing about this is that the concept of "invasions" hasn't been cut off from the industry as a whole.

  83. 10 months ago

    Imagine what a pile of steaming stinky djsgusting shit new Quake will be....

    • 10 months ago

      >Quake 2 remastered new campaign implies Shub-Niggurath stemmed/created the Strogg and put Shamblers in control as creators
      >Champions implied slipgates are multiversal so even Strogg know about them
      >Phil Spencer keeps wearing a Hexen t-shirt
      They're probably going beyond just being Quake and going to do some comic tier multiverse shit of various properties. Don't forget that Wolf Youngblood also had BJ exposing himself to knowing about timelines and alternate universes too.

      • 10 months ago


  84. 10 months ago

    Reminder that Quake 3 arena has the most accurate and closest to concept depiction of classic Doomguy helmet

    • 10 months ago

      Reminder that Bethesda raped Dooms and Quakes corpse.

  85. 10 months ago

    The way Ganker acts about this game is telling to know it's true opinions.
    Normally if Ganker is just shit Ganker will ignore it or just say the game is shit and move on.
    When Ganker just wants to actually hate a game no matter what it starts being super agressive about it, going
    and barely does any criticism, sometimes going for ridiculous nitpicking.

    This is why no dev, even the ones who hate SJWs, come here anymore.
    There's nothing of value to gather from people here. You follow Ganker's advice on how to make a game and not only will your game flop, but Ganker will also shit on it.

    • 10 months ago

      >This is why no dev, even the ones who hate SJWs, come here anymore.
      >There's nothing of value to gather from people here. You follow Ganker's advice on how to make a game and not only will your game flop, but Ganker will also shit on it.
      Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is AGDG you stupid motherfricker, countless morons come here to shill and it's obvious.

      Go back to ResetEra

      • 10 months ago

        >Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
        Really, the renowned Bomb Rush Cyberfunk? That changes everything.
        >Go back to ResetEra
        Resetera is just the left wing version of Ganker, just a bunch of schizophrenics that no developer with neurons capable of communicating with one another would take any feedback from.

        • 10 months ago

          >the renowned Bomb Rush Cyberfunk?
          Where's your videogame moron?
          >Resetera is just the left wing version of Ganker
          Nah, Gankereddit actually gets developers and shills here, not just journoshills.

          eternal wishes it was even half as good as black mesa

          Well, Black Mesa was based on an actually good game.
          Zoom Cringeternal is based on OSU and maybe Mario games, sorry if I offended some nintendoboys.

          Black Mesa literally has a final boss that's a Doom Eternal boss.
          It's fricking awful
          Frick Black Mesa

          • 10 months ago

            >Where's your videogame moron?
            Nowhere, I'm not masochistic enough to get into game development.

            >Gankereddit actually gets developers and shills here
            It did in 2011.

            • 10 months ago

              In 2011 and now

              im 41

              doom was never considered a horror game. EVER. suck fricking dick.

              >Doom 3 was not a horror game
              Black person, you're 1/4 of that age

              Actually I played them all when I was a kid.
              My father introduced me to Doom 1 and 2, well actually I played Heretic first, and then he introduced me to Doom.
              Then I didn't play Doom 3, they gifted me for Christmas Resurrection of Evil for the OG XBOX, then I played Doom 3 on PC.

              >FEAR is also a horror game, homosexual, I bet you didn't know that either.
              I kinda get it, I actually got spooked by that.
              Never by Doom 3, it's jumpscares are so repetitive that by the 3rd level you can just guess them because there were only two types: monster jumps at you after opening a door, or monster spawns behind you, which is embarrassing considering this happens like 10 times per level.

              You being scared or not doesn't matter, Doom 3 is a horror game.
              It was marketed as such

              • 10 months ago

                >In 2011 and now
                Where are they?
                What feedback would they even take from here when the opinion of Ganker on games relies on whatever mood swing Ganker suffered during the game's release?

  86. 10 months ago

    >people complain about thing X then try to tell you that the game Y is better not realizing that the thing X they just complained about is even worse in the game Y
    Like in 2016 glory kills were way worse because enemies gained defensive bonuses during the glow. In Half-life cutscenes are integrated into the gameplay and can't be skipped. Gimmick in FEAR is to press one button to slow time and become unkillable. The original Doom game were just as bad if not even worse "capeshit" considering how much people jerk off to slaughter maps. The combat in boomer shooters is zero brain because the enemies have barebones AI and every weapon basically gets the job done.

    It just feels like those troony threads where people keep posting draw girl call it boys and telling how testosterone is actually attractive to them. Some kinda psyop.

  87. 10 months ago

    how nu doom managed to frick up such iconic monster designs as D3 Hell Knight and classic Baron of Hell?

    • 10 months ago

      You will never manage to tie Doom 3 with the rest.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't you know, hell is a multiverse now and the Slayer's saving an alternate Earth than his own
        they can literally pull whatever the frick they want from Doom 3 and get away with it because that shit probably still happened out there with a different marine in their own isolated invasion

        • 10 months ago

          No it doesn't, 2016 pretty much says it's just a sequel to Doom 64.

          • 10 months ago

            The continuity ties to the originals and the Slayer is the same as Doom Guy but the Earth in 2016/Eternal is not the Earth he fought to save in the classics. He was down in Hell so long that he ended up in a different universe once he was finally brought out. By all accounts, he's alien to this Earth despite being functionally identical in species beyond the God Machine thing.

        • 10 months ago

          The Doom Slayer even has the Soul Cube from 3 in his hideout.

        • 10 months ago

          Doom 3's monster design suck, they should just base it on Doom 1 and 2 like they did with Eternal.

          • 10 months ago

            Doom 3 has nice monster visuals.

            • 10 months ago

              They all look like they could belong to any random horror shooter.
              Look at the Cyberdemon, it's just so stupid looking.

              • 10 months ago

                I also used to hate stupid look of Cyberdemon. But now when I look at this picture, I am starting to think it was supposed as crude mockery visage of marine's helmet, look at this big forehead dome. And during development doomguy was supposed to wear helmet.

                Zoom Eternal butchered the original designs and still used plenty of Doom 3 ones.
                It's literally the same art designer as 3 in all of idSoftware games.

                Most if the visual design of Doom 3 is work of Kenneth Scott, almost all monster designs are by him.

          • 10 months ago

            Zoom Eternal butchered the original designs and still used plenty of Doom 3 ones.
            It's literally the same art designer as 3 in all of idSoftware games.

            • 10 months ago

              >butchered the original designs
              I think the ones it replicates did a good enough job.

              >still used plenty of Doom 3 ones.
              Which ones? Only ones I can find similarities in are IMPs.

              >It's literally the same art designer as 3 in all of idSoftware games.
              Well glad he pulled his head out of his ass, because 2016 was even worse than Doom 3 when it came to monster design.
              That game was the definition of generic.

  88. 10 months ago

    „You have to actually think“ No, you have to react. The game is ultra handholding with its „right tool for the job“ approach, which especially completely goes off the rails in the DLC. Creative thinking is discouraged because you are very strictly kept to the gameplay loop the game wants you to use.

  89. 10 months ago

    for me it's the reddit capeshit writing

  90. 10 months ago

    >Doom Eternal thread
    >gets filled with the 10 fans of Doom 3 crying for relevance

    • 10 months ago

      at least doom3 fans don't defend cutscenes every 5 seconds and i consider that game shit too

      • 10 months ago

        No, instead they try to associate it with Doom 1 and 2 despite not even being the same genre.

        • 10 months ago

          >instead they try to associate it with Doom 1 and 2
          You're seeing things

        • 10 months ago

          >despite not even being the same genre.
          there isn't even some sub-genre bullshit here besides BOOMER SHOOTER or crap like that, it's still a shooter

          • 10 months ago

            No, Doom 3 was a horror shooters.

            • 10 months ago

              not much for horror when the Imps keep going BOOGA BOOGA BOO and I pop them in the face with my buckshot at point blank

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah bro, that's a wacky epic badass post, that totally makes Doom 3 the same as 1 and 2.

              • 10 months ago

                Man, I dunno what to tell you. Devs make different things. It's like saying Quake 2 isn't Quake because it wasn't gothic eldritch horror. Yeah they only used the brand name because they had nothing else and Quake was more brand-recognized, but only really whiny frickheads argue it isn't Quake now. Doom 3 is still a shooter, like straight up a broad definition of following the genre its predecessors codified. Is Doom not in the same genre as Wolfenstein or, heaven forbid, Catacombs 3D?

                Frick off with your attempts at gatekeeping semantics. Doom 3 is a shooter. It does what it wanted to do. Whether you think it's a good or bad Doom game for it is up to you, but I'd rather play it than Doom 64.

  91. 10 months ago

    >Why is it so despised here?
    Anon you must be new here if you don't understand how to read Ganker opinions.
    It's generally pretty liked. Personally I thought it was a good game but a downgrade from 2016

  92. 10 months ago

    Reading this thread it seems to be largely seething shitskins who can't get good

  93. 10 months ago

    So we're still pretending that Doom 3 is a "bad" game?

    • 10 months ago

      Only good part of it was the graphics.
      Gameplay wise it sucks because there's no reason to use anything but the plasma gun.
      Also there's certain enemies, like that guy with tentacle arms, that are clearly meant to be fought at a long distance, and yet the game is just all tiny corridors.
      The interactable computer screens are neat, but they are only used for PDA stuff, which is pointless since the PDA with the pass you need is almost always right beside the locker that it's associated to.

      • 10 months ago

        >Tentacle guy
        no, you are supposed to crouch under his whip. 🙂

      • 10 months ago

        >there's no reason to use anything but the plasma gun
        I love the chaingun, it looks and sounds absolutely brutal.
        And the DPS is good too.

        • 10 months ago

          Problem with the other automatic guns is that their accuracy is terrible.
          Plasma just didn't have any drawback.

          • 10 months ago

            >It's all corridors.
            >I need accuracy
            Come on, man, make up your mind. The rocket launcher was okay too. Especially in hell.

            • 10 months ago

              I need accuracy for when I'm fighting those stupid fricking twitchy babies.

              • 10 months ago

                Based babies from hell make precision shooters seethe
                Well, I mean, yeah, the plasma rifle is also great for killing spiders.

  94. 10 months ago

    64 > 2 > Eternal > 2016 > 1

    • 10 months ago

      >he unironically rates doom 2 higher than doom 1
      oh boy

    • 10 months ago

      t. Sandy Petersen

    • 10 months ago

      You mixed things up a bit
      Let me fix it for you

      D2 > D1 > Doom PS1 > Doom 3 > Doom 2016 > D64 > Zoom Cringeternal

      Yes, that is more like it. homosexuals who played N64 (which means Black person 64) take the L

      >he unironically rates doom 2 higher than doom 1
      oh boy

      Doom 2 has literally more enemy types and the super shotgun, which makes the game better, even if it has worse levels (just some of them).

  95. 10 months ago

    Ok, well, I finished Doom 2016 and liked it.
    So what Doom do I play next, II?

    • 10 months ago

      speed of doom

      • 10 months ago

        Stop shilling it. Did you make it or something?

        • 10 months ago

          no i just like it and am replaying it

  96. 10 months ago

    Story sucks, gameplay sucks, replaced 2016 which I loved with this bullshit which I hated.

    • 10 months ago

      >replaced 2016 which I loved
      Why? It's slow as frick.

      • 10 months ago

        Consolegays find Eternal too hard to play on a controller.

      • 10 months ago

        2016 is an FPS with an engaging story, not a puzzle game coated in cartoonty slapstick bullshit. You only go faster in eternal by constantly mashing the 'go fast' button which is pointless busywork. Its a game about mashing cooldowns like a fricking MOBA, not about shooting demons with guns. I wanted to continue 2016s story and now I never will because we got this on-rails turd instead. Don't even get me started on the platforming.

        I've tried three times to get into eternal on pc and hated it every time. I think I'll play 2016 on nightmare again.

        • 10 months ago

          >2016 is an FPS with an engaging
          I stopped reading there, anyone who uses marketing terms like "engaging", "experience" or "cinematic" has nothing worth to say about anything, and I actually worked on videogames.

          • 10 months ago

            It's just a word you knob, I don't care what your job is.

            >2016 is an FPS with an engaging story
            Forced engagement. You're locked into a room every 20 minutes to listen to an exposition dump.

            The exposition makes sense, is internally consistent, and isn't a bunch of strung together reddit 'badass' moments with no grounding or context.

            • 10 months ago

              >The exposition makes sense, is internally consistent, and isn't a bunch of strung together reddit 'badass' moments with no grounding or context.
              Don't care, it's unskippable and takes you out of the game.

            • 10 months ago

              And words do a lot in defining how people talk.
              I for example disregard any opinions of those who say "this game is engaging" or "I consume videogames" because it's obvious they are the kind of people that can't form their own opinions to begin with.

              You for sure didn't work on any games worth playing if you're this fricking moronic.

              You don't get to make videogames if you don't learn to filter our useful feedback from the crap.
              Even the mannerisms people employ are telling in whether that person has something of value to say or not.

              • 10 months ago

                Your posts aren't very engaging, Anon.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh? So why are all your posts completely fricking useless then?

                >you called a game BAD? hurf durf I made a game once and you suck
                Great feedback lmao

              • 10 months ago

                You're a contrarian halfwit. Makes sense that you're stuck in games instead of breaking into better paying big boy dev work.

              • 10 months ago

                >You're a contrarian halfwit.
                No, I just don't see anything of value in what the kind of person who is active on social media has to say, and those people all talk the same way.

                Oh? So why are all your posts completely fricking useless then?

                >you called a game BAD? hurf durf I made a game once and you suck
                Great feedback lmao

                >you called a game BAD?
                No, it's the way you speak.
                I'm more likely to pay attention to someone who just says that a game is shit rather than some guy who says "THIS GAME ISN'T ENGAGING", that's how a fricking boardroom talks.

              • 10 months ago

                This homie is lterally arguing semantics lmao

              • 10 months ago

                Semantics tell you everything about a person.

              • 10 months ago

                Nice ad hominem gay lol

              • 10 months ago

                Spout whatever buzzwords you want, it's a fact the kind of people who say they think games are "engaging", that they are "experiences" or that they "consume" videogames are the kind that just get all their opinions on every aspect of life from Youtubers, probably the kind that watch those "political streamers" have "debates" too.

              • 10 months ago

                You really read into things too much, it's peak midwitism. You think you're sherlock holmes cracking the case from a broken tea platter but you just look like a borderline schizo far too self-assured in his intelligence.

              • 10 months ago

                >youre arguing fallacies
                >waaaah buzzword
                How old are you kek

              • 10 months ago

                older than you.

              • 10 months ago

                Then youre really fricking stupid bro

              • 10 months ago

                Old enough to figure people out.

                >It's not, it's something basic.
                It's not, you're just moronic and wildly overcompensating.

                >you're just moronic and wildly overcompensating.
                Call me when you stop speaking like a social media user.

              • 10 months ago

                Call me when you have a single thought worth expressing

              • 10 months ago

                More likely than you.
                Now go engage in your consumption of your cinematic experience some more, Twitter.

              • 10 months ago

                >no u
                It wasn't necessary to bend over and spread your ass for me like that man but alright

              • 10 months ago

                Surprised you didn't say "engage in sexual intercourse".

              • 10 months ago

                I know this is hard for you to realize, but people who actually have had sex don't say those kind of things

              • 10 months ago

                Could have fooled me.

              • 10 months ago

                You're easily fooled that's hardly meaningful

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Glad you can see it my way

              • 10 months ago

                The point is that nobody cares who you are going to pay attention to. You can't even make a single post worth reading, let alone an entire videogame worth playing lmao. I bet you couldn't even make something cooler than fricking Pacman.

                This homie is lterally arguing semantics lmao

                Well past a certain point all arguments are semantics. Like you can pretty much just reduce that guys posts to whining about how somebody used a word he disliked. He has nothing to say about the rest of the "offending post", and he only ever backed up his stupidity with some bullshit claim about making videogames.

              • 10 months ago

                >I bet you couldn't even make something cooler than fricking Pacman.
                Damn, yeah, Pacman, that's very cool.

                You really read into things too much, it's peak midwitism. You think you're sherlock holmes cracking the case from a broken tea platter but you just look like a borderline schizo far too self-assured in his intelligence.

                It's not, it's something basic.
                If you talk like a Twitter user, you don't have anything of value to say.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not, it's something basic.
                It's not, you're just moronic and wildly overcompensating.

              • 10 months ago

                You're right, I set the bar too high.

              • 10 months ago

                >past a certain point all arguments are semantics
                No, dude
                See, if i call that anon a gay, a homosexual or a gay, they all mean the same, even if they have different connotations, they all mean he likes the taste of cum
                Not that i would call him that, not because its a fallacy, but because we all already knew he likes dick

              • 10 months ago

                >no dude
                >see, if [irrelevant shit]

          • 10 months ago

            You for sure didn't work on any games worth playing if you're this fricking moronic.

        • 10 months ago

          >2016 is an FPS with an engaging story
          Forced engagement. You're locked into a room every 20 minutes to listen to an exposition dump.

        • 10 months ago

          >Its a game about mashing cooldowns like a fricking MOBA, not about shooting demons with guns
          This. How many cooldowns do you have in eternal? Like 4 or 5? And the game wants you to use all of them at the same time.

          >2016 is an FPS with an engaging story
          Forced engagement. You're locked into a room every 20 minutes to listen to an exposition dump.

          That's only twice though

          • 10 months ago

            >only twice
            You didn't play the game.

            • 10 months ago

              well maybe my memories fuzzy but I only remember the exposition dump in the second level then again when you meet with sam hyde

              >How many cooldowns do you have in eternal?
              Same number that's in 2016.


              • 10 months ago

                >flame belch
                >ice bomb
                You didn't play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >chain saw

                only people Ive seen use that stuff in 2016 are ultra nightmare guys. Everyone else forget they exist and don't use them, but in eternal you're practically forced to use them.

              • 10 months ago

                >Everyone else forget they exist
                Because 2016gays as a whole are moronic console players who barely understand what half the buttons on their controller do.

              • 10 months ago

                You say that as if eternal isn't designed for a console lmao. Why do you think they added the dash feature and slowed down movement speed?

              • 10 months ago

                They didn't slow the move speed. And why would a dash be made for consoles? It's just another input to clutter up the control scheme even more.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not even going to humor you here, go look it up yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                >yeah, my bullshit claim? totally true, just look it up
                As expected from someone who thinks a game is better when you can purposely ignore a quarter of a mechanics.

              • 10 months ago

                >As expected from someone who thinks a game is better when you can purposely ignore a quarter of a mechanics.
                yeah cuz 2016 isn't bloated and doesn't play like a moba

              • 10 months ago

                >yeah cuz 2016 isn't bloated
                Yes it is. There's 3 fricking unlock currencies.

              • 10 months ago

                name the currencies and the curriences eternal has

                >anything with cooldowns is a moba
                man must be fricking sad to limit your vidya horizons this much

                No it's when it has a bunch of cool downs that you are forced to use on rotation.

              • 10 months ago

                Weapon points, suit points, and argent cells. Not to mention the rune upgrades which are just further bloat.

              • 10 months ago

                Doesn't eternal have all of these though? But this is almost irrelevant from gameplay anyway.

                >No it's when it has a bunch of cool downs that you are forced to use on rotation.
                do you just hate having to press buttons or something? in a videogame? I don't understand what the issue is

                Yeah well you know shit gets annoying when you have to bind weapons to 1 2 3 4 then more to t r and q then use the two mouse buttons for the cool down abilities. Oh by the way the reason hugo homosexualin reduced the ammo pool is he was upset that people liked using super shotgun

              • 10 months ago

                >Doesn't eternal have all of these though?
                If they're bloat in Eternal, what are they in 2016?
                >But this is almost irrelevant from gameplay anyway
                It IS the gameplay. You're meant to be constantly going into menus to upgrade your guy.

              • 10 months ago

                2016 has actual exploration and you're meant to pick a weapon to upgrade over the others. Those aspects fit 2016 better than they do Eternal.

              • 10 months ago

                >2016 has actual exploration

              • 10 months ago

                >If they're bloat in Eternal, what are they in 2016?
                You're the one who brought it up not me
                >It IS the gameplay. You're meant to be constantly going into menus to upgrade your guy.
                well two of those are just rewards for exploring the maps and I've been talking about the combat.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yeah well you know shit gets annoying when you have to bind weapons to 1 2 3 4 then more to t r and q then use the two mouse buttons for the cool down abilities.
                >the reason hugo homosexualin reduced the ammo pool is he was upset that people liked using super shotgun
                it was to teach morons like you to use more than one weapon. the super shotgun literally ruined 2016 by being so broken

              • 10 months ago

                >it was to teach morons like you to use more than one weapon. the super shotgun literally ruined 2016 by being so broken

                >2016 has actual exploration

                Were are the early weapon pickups in eternal?

              • 10 months ago

                having 10 weapons available to you when 8 of them are useless is not fun. Using multiple weapons is very fun on the other hand

              • 10 months ago

                Counter argument, using a double barrel shotgun that fires both barrels is more fun than anything else in the game.

              • 10 months ago

                not if you remove all depth from the combat by putting it in the game

              • 10 months ago

                >game must have a billion different mechanics poorly blended together to be fun
                you do you man but simple is better. Just give me shotgun and a horde of demons, simple as.

              • 10 months ago

                personally i like when games actually have good combat that requires mastery instead of just LE EXPLOSION GO BOOM WHOA

              • 10 months ago

                I like it more when they challenge your skill instead of making you spam a bunch of cooldowns to make the game easier. But whatever man you do you.

              • 10 months ago

                Eternal 'solves' that problem by making weapons useless per-enemy. It's like the game is ashamed of being an FPS and does everything it can to make the shooting a solved problem, so you can focus on all the other bullshit they crammed in instead of just enjoying shooting things.

              • 10 months ago

                but this is not true. You're dogshit at the game if you think this is true. For example, using grenades on cacos is actually the slow way to kill them, which you'd know if you weren't shit at the game.

              • 10 months ago

                So there's a couple of viable ways to kill an enemy instead of just one? Great, slightly less awful but still awful. In 2016 I can shoot anything with any gun I want, and don't have to solve a gay little puzzle to be allowed to do it. I can kill a Baron with the starter shotgun if I want to, or the railgun, or a rocket launcher, and none of them feel like peashooters due to not being one of the devs intended tools to solve the problem. Railroading blows.

              • 10 months ago

                so you just want a game that lets you do whatever you want and never challenges you? how the frick is that fun? just play with cheats then

              • 10 months ago

                Then they quadruple doubled down on the idea in the dlc

              • 10 months ago

                >No it's when it has a bunch of cool downs that you are forced to use on rotation.
                do you just hate having to press buttons or something? in a videogame? I don't understand what the issue is

              • 10 months ago

                >anything with cooldowns is a moba
                man must be fricking sad to limit your vidya horizons this much

              • 10 months ago

                Not just any cooldowns, they have to be cooldowns you remember or else they don't count.

              • 10 months ago

                u mean how u forgot to include additional cooldowns from eternal lul

              • 10 months ago

                You don't even need to go that deep, Hugo has literally played the game on console during streams
                IIRC he even directly said that Eternal was designed to make console gameplay look as impressive as PC gameplay

              • 10 months ago

                >Why do you think they added the dash feature and slowed down movement speed?
                because a dash is for dodging? if you make the movement speed so fast that you're always dodging, you just end up circlestrafing every enemy which is boring as frick. How is adding another button that you have to use constantly console design? you can't be this moronic. Have you actually tried to play that game with a controller? it's fricking painful, weakspots become insanely hard to hit and you have to constantly pause the game with the weapon wheel

              • 10 months ago

                because it allows console players to move faster

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                as opposed to making the movement speed higher which wouldn't let them move faster?? what???

              • 10 months ago

                I've literally only played the game on Xbox and I've beaten it on Nightmare three times
                It's very intuitive on console once you get used to quick swapping

              • 10 months ago

                that doesn't mean the game actually plays well with a controller. You have to open the weapon wheel twice so you can quickswitch between weapons. On PC you have every weapon available to you always. My weapon wheel isn't even bound to a button because it doesn't serve a purpose

              • 10 months ago

                It does play well with a controller though, you can get very fluid gameplay on it
                >You have to open the weapon wheel twice so you can quickswitch between weapons
                Nah, the weapon wheel registers your input very fast so as long as you memorize the placements of the weapons on the wheel you can swap without any actual delay on gameplay
                That's what quickswapping is

                This guy is obviously a freak of nature but his moment to moment tricks are really not hard to replicate, including the way it seems like he's never even using his weapon wheel

              • 10 months ago

                Rule of thumb: if you have to start putting basic actions on the d-pad, your game is not well-suited to controllers.

              • 10 months ago

                The gameplay is fun and intense on average and it's demonstrably possible to achieve success at the highest level of the game as well

                yeah, you're just proving my point that this game kinda sucks on consoles. If you have to do shit like this just to swap weapons in a way that's instant on PC, you've already proved it's not good with a controller.
                Not to mention you have to claw the controller just to use basic functions while aiming.

                What do you mean by "shit like this"? Flicking the stick for a millisecond in gameplay? It becomes second nature to anyone playing Nightmare by the end of Hell on Earth (for example, Hugo Martin himself on streams)

              • 10 months ago

                >What do you mean by "shit like this"?
                creating workarounds for a control scheme that literally does not fit on a controller. Like I said, you have to claw grip the controller to even play normally.

              • 10 months ago

                >creating workarounds for a control scheme that literally does not fit on a controller
                How is using the weapon wheel fast a workaround
                >claw grip
                True, but anyone seriously playing controller has done that already. Halo has shipped with bumper jumper as a control scheme since 2007

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, you're just proving my point that this game kinda sucks on consoles. If you have to do shit like this just to swap weapons in a way that's instant on PC, you've already proved it's not good with a controller.
                Not to mention you have to claw the controller just to use basic functions while aiming.

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick am I reading, 2016 was way slower than Eternal.

          • 10 months ago

            >How many cooldowns do you have in eternal?
            Same number that's in 2016.

        • 10 months ago

          >You only go faster in eternal by constantly mashing the 'go fast' button which is pointless busywork
          No idea how that's busy work, but most of Eternal's movement relies on the meathook.

          >I wanted to continue 2016s story
          What? Precisely one of the things 2016 and Eternal should have done is get rid of the stupid plot, no one wants stories in Doom.
          Hell, not even in videogames in general, games always improve the less story they have.

  97. 10 months ago

    >You aren't able to just dump ammo into shit, you have to actually think. It's like a puzzle game where you need to solve the puzzle in a half second and execute your plan thereafter.
    The puzzle is that your ammo pool is actually on a cool down, keep dumping your ammo every 10 seconds until your chainsaw recharges.

  98. 10 months ago

    Regarding doom 3 monster design, it feel like devs weren't sure were they making quake or doom game. Pinky wouldn't look too different from eyeless bitey monsters of quake, hell knight is basically a shambler.

  99. 10 months ago

    Doom Eternal is my favorite fps of all time. No game has given me actual goosebumps consistently before.

    • 10 months ago

      Consider suicide

      • 10 months ago

        Consider gitting gud

  100. 10 months ago

    >It's like a puzzle game
    There you go, homosexual.

  101. 10 months ago

    Eternal was fine, but it needed more enemies.
    Every level would improve if you just doubled the count.

    • 10 months ago

      Consoles can't handle more than 16 monsters at a time.
      Which is why you're also locked into arenas.

      Shit CPU power

  102. 10 months ago

    There's literally nothing that Eternal does as an FPS that Ultrakill doesn't do better. More importantly Ultrakill proves that the whole resource management aspect of the game is tacked-on. And I say this as someone who doesn't care much for Ultrakill.

    • 10 months ago

      doom eternal doesn't have resource management. It's more like use all of your resources within 10 seconds. Halo does have resource management because you have to consider what types of weapons to bring and which to throw away.

      Consoles can't handle more than 16 monsters at a time.
      Which is why you're also locked into arenas.

      Shit CPU power

      The game could handle more monsters if they didn't do the gore system where you can shoot off parts of the demons.

  103. 10 months ago

    doom 16 was the better game, eternal looks like troony throwup goyslop

    • 10 months ago

      2016 was better, I agree
      But it's still mediocre and still not Doom
      Just reddit pandering

    • 10 months ago

      >troony throwup goyslop
      And you wonder why devs stopped trying to get any feedback from Ganker
      Literally the mirror of Resetera.

  104. 10 months ago

    Eternal relies on constant movement, even more than 2016, this filters out low IQ people because they don't have any reflexes.

  105. 10 months ago

    Because Ganker sucks at game lol.

    • 10 months ago

      bing bing wahoo

    • 10 months ago

      >just air dash over a crowd of enemies
      yeah heckin badass

  106. 10 months ago

    Because I want to play Doom, not fricking Super Mario.

  107. 10 months ago

    Ok, well, from what I can parse from the ramblings I should go play Ultrakill instead.

  108. 10 months ago

    I agree with you OP
    Purely through gameplay the game is one of my favorite FPS ever but holy shit the story and cartoonish art style is mind numbingly bad and somehow TAG P2 made it even worse

  109. 10 months ago

    loud minority of shazamgays

  110. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      you will tell someone you talked to a moron?

      • 10 months ago

        >you will tell someone you talked to a moron?
        I mean, even if someone is a moron, but they worked on Quake 2, I will still respect them.

  111. 10 months ago

    If I take the last word, both of you win. yay!

  112. 10 months ago

    >Doom thread in Ganker
    >lowest IQ discussion in the catalog
    Every single time, I hope hispanics all die a painful death.

    • 10 months ago

      Lead by example then

  113. 10 months ago

    Now kiss.

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