Why is it so much more satisfying to get drops in this game than any other Diablo-like ARPG?

Why is it so much more satisfying to get drops in this game than any other Diablo-like ARPG?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Cause diablo 2 doesn't level scale shit

  2. 12 months ago

    Torchlight 1 and 2 have the tuning pretty good, so many games miss the mark in the genre though

    • 12 months ago

      Torchlight ruined themselves though by wayy too much QoL features to the point that it's basically an idle RPG at this point. I think it was TL3 that made me drop the game
      >game extremely easy so basically you just click in general direction of enemies and they die.
      >can reset skill tree and respec skills almost freely, it's not really a character build at this point.
      >no need to go to town, your pet will just go and auto-sell everything (ie no inventory management either)
      >extremely linear everything is handed and spoonfed to the player

      At this point I wonder - why even have level ups when you can regret and change choices almost freely? Just open up skills automatically. Why even have inventory when your pet sell everything for you, they could have just add an auto "turn directly to gold" feature for weaker equipment. Why even making you click enemies if there's no challenge instead of making your character automatically kill them?

      If they neutered the game of any depth, challenge, or interesting mechanics, why even demand user input and pretend its still a game? Just make it automatically play and have those huge shiny numbers fly across the screen for the dopamine junkies.

      The fall from TL1 to the abomination of TL3 is astounding. Almost as bad as D1 to D3.

      • 12 months ago

        Pfft. Torchlight was already a soulless copy of FATE in the first place.

      • 12 months ago

        QoL has ruined many modern games. If there are no fail states or frustration points (that can be overcome by gameplay. Devs love adding frustration that can only be overcome by microtransactions) then the game just isn't satisfying.

      • 12 months ago

        >At this point I wonder - why even have level ups when you can regret and change choices almost freely?
        The aversion to stat and skill resets in ARPGs astounds me. There are complexities in stat and skill synergies that aren't immediately obvious when you first start a game, and sometimes the most obvious stat to pick isn't what you want, or some of them are simply noob traps. It isn't good game design to arbitrarily prevent the player from trying different builds. Limited or non-existing rerolls encourages players to blindly follow builds instead of trying stuff on their own. There is a middle ground between "no rerolls, frick you if you misallocated points or found great gear more suited for another build" and "lmao lets just remove stats/skill point distribution and handle it for the player."

        • 12 months ago

          But muh choices having weight or some shit.

          • 12 months ago

            It feels like the people making the argument against rerolls are the more hardcore fans who already know and follow their munchkin builds by heart anyway so they wouldn't need a reroll to begin with, it's strictly something meant to punish more casual players who don't know what they're doing or don't see the point in rolling the same class they've been playing for XX hours just so they can try build B instead of build A.

            I think D2 currently has a pretty good system, 3 respecs and having to grind for the rest.

            Why is 3 good though? If respeccing is bad, why allow it in the first place? If it isn't bad, why restrict it in the first place? Or is the idea that you're allowed to play an early game build because your intended endgame build sucks shit at first, you play the game for a bit and use your limited respecs when appropriate? Again, that system seems like it overwhelmingly favors people who already know what they're doing and can stick to a pre-planned route, or new players who blindly follow a guide written for them.

            • 12 months ago

              I think choices should be meaningful but the system should still allow players to experiment with them to a certain point without punishing too heavily.

              • 12 months ago

                >I think choices should be meaningful but the system should still allow players to experiment with them to a certain point without punishing too heavily.
                Where do you draw that point though? Let's say you stick with 3 rerolls, and all them are available at once, you don't have to beat the game multiple times to unlock them all. You want to try a new build so you use one reroll. If you don't like the build you will have used up 33% of your rerolls and you will need to use another 33% just to go back to your original build, leaving only one last reroll for a build that has to work, alternatively you go back to a working build and grind whatever method that will unlock more rerolls/or just follow someone else's build to begin with so you never have to bother with rerolling.

                Part of what made D2 so addicting and what gave the game such a long lifespan was that people could always find a reason to reroll a character to try and make a more perfect version of it. The permanence of skills and stats was the only reason why that was a thing in the first place, it sucks short term, but it adds a lot of depth long term.

                >Part of what made D2 so addicting and what gave the game such a long lifespan was that people could always find a reason to reroll a character to try and make a more perfect version of it
                But once you've allocated your stats and skills to the meta build the idea of creating a more perfect version of it will come exclusively from the gear. It doesn't have anything to do with the stats and skills, really, you just need to know the build beforehand so again, this limitation caters to hardcore players and noobs following guides.

        • 12 months ago

          I think D2 currently has a pretty good system, 3 respecs and having to grind for the rest.

        • 12 months ago

          they should also enable hero editor for all the build enabling items so you don't have to pla- I mean so they don't arbitrarily prevent you from "trying" builds

          • 12 months ago

            NTa, but there is a difference between "i want to see all variations of a build itemisation" and "i want to check, how +40 str in stats would work instead of +40 dex". In the first variant you continue to play until you find all of the items you want. In the second variant you either need a constant access to respecs or at least loot-type of this - it is not fun to level 10 almost exactly the same characters just for checking stat variations.

        • 12 months ago

          Part of what made D2 so addicting and what gave the game such a long lifespan was that people could always find a reason to reroll a character to try and make a more perfect version of it. The permanence of skills and stats was the only reason why that was a thing in the first place, it sucks short term, but it adds a lot of depth long term.

          • 12 months ago

            > people could always find a reason to reroll a character
            Which was why 1.10 essentially killed the game for most people. Them adding in a skill reset to A1Q1 and reset tokens made completely remaking characters a pointless endeavour.
            Combine all of that with most items becoming obsolete with how strong runewords were, the removal and nerfs of certain mechanics, and the moronic inflation of mob health made the game bland compared to previous iterations. the Hardcore Nightmare fire enchant bug was never "fixed"

            Bots and RMT also made ladder racing pointless for legit players, because you can never compete with automated play unless they did public baals or you guessed their private game information through social engineering..

        • 12 months ago

          >The aversion to stat and skill resets in ARPGs astounds me
          You min/max homosexuals ruin everything. Find a fricking middle point already. If you make builds too easy to optimize, then all the fun that comes from making a powerful character is removed from the game. You don't want to give players every tool to make meta builds on day 1. There is a reason things get nerfed and others improved on every patch. The idea behind character-building has more depth than just damge output or game completition. It's called A"RPG" for a reason. You pick a class, you train it, you try to make your build powerful, and just then if it fails maybe you switch. Not whenever you feel like, so you end up being OP at all stages because muh numbers go up. You're the type that spends more time reading guides and grinding than actually enjoying everything the game has to offer.

          • 12 months ago

            >You're the type that spends more time reading guides and grinding than actually enjoying everything the game has to offer.
            I sound like the grinding type because I advocate for character resets so I don't have to completely reroll and grind a new character in case my build doesn't end up being good?

            • 12 months ago

              You advocate for free, easy available character stats resets in case your build is not top tier

              • 12 months ago

                I advocate for easily available character resets so players are free to experiment and switch up builds. Limited/no resets encourages players to blindly follow guides because the scarcity of customization encourages them to get it right the first time.

              • 12 months ago

                People will follow guides anyway because it's still a million times easier than "experimenting". In reality no one is ever going to try all possible builds to find the best even if given the chance. The problem is that if respecs are completely free, there is no motivation to make your current build work, and everyone will just go with whatever makes the most damage in the most awesome way. It breaks actual experimentation with item builds and combination. And balancing that shit thanks to min/maxers is the reason everything has to be class-locked now.

      • 12 months ago

        There's a third one? Neat

        • 12 months ago

          Ah, poor soul, you don't know. Once upon a time there was a studio, that made t1 and t2. At some moment of time one of the dudes from that studio had sold himself and his new studio to China, along with torchlight license. There he had tried to make t3, but in ended up full online and full of bugs. After the release of one additional class the game was abandoned in favour of torchlight frontiers. And even that project was changes into completely soulless torchlight infinite. Don't go beyond t2 - even this game had already started to show signs of decline in quality, going further will only bring you the sorrow.

  3. 12 months ago

    Because you are a zoomer LARPing as a boomer.

    • 12 months ago

      zoomer's literally never heard of Diablo II cause it hasn't been discussed in any capacity for a decade+ outside of the remake only people who already played D2 payed any attention to

      • 12 months ago

        B00mer pls. Z00mers are always looking to inherit the correct taste from their superiors.

      • 12 months ago

        before the remaster Diablo 2 regularly had 16k players online, which if it was on Steam would put it in the top 20 most played games
        you homosexuals really need to get out of the CS:GO "any game with less than 3mil online is dead" mentality

  4. 12 months ago

    no level scaling

    even trash mobs in certain areas have a chance of dropping something

    • 12 months ago

      do you mean in d2?
      Because in both, trash mobs can drop stuff.
      i've dropped more legendaries from mobs than bosses yet in d4, it's just a question of volume


      Why is it so much more satisfying to get drops in this game than any other Diablo-like ARPG?

      legendaries and set items are rare in D2.
      You get one around each hour annd a half iin d4, while they are effective, they're also just random peices with a legendary "affix" so it's really nothing worth noting compared to getting a low-level farming-set in d2.
      Level scaling also means if you want to farm a specific legendary, in d2 generally you''ll have zones where you want to go, whereas in d4 you just get what you drop, which doesn't really change because the world scales with you.

      • 12 months ago

        pretty sure in d3 trash mobs were just completely useless. i've heard d4 can drop good items off interactables and trash

        • 12 months ago

          Nah, it's the same stuff.
          But with the way d3 works, you're better off in rifts and bounties, where the volume of champions is much higher(or you're just "questing" in bounties), but i've had legendaries from trash and mobs as i've had from elites. D4 really seems to me like D3's loot table, with guarenteed legendaries each x amount of times and all that.

      • 12 months ago

        >legendaries and set items are rare in D2
        Wrong. Legendaries don't exist in D2 and set items drop consistently more than useful uniques.

    • 12 months ago

      its also why Ragnarok Online was so good
      even trash lvl 1 mobs had a 0.01% chance to drop incredibly valuable/useful shit

      • 12 months ago

        >SSJ4 Gogeta

        remnants of a lost era.

  5. 12 months ago

    its slower and power gains feel more discrete, it makes powerful items feel significant

  6. 12 months ago

    No get our of jail free cards

  7. 12 months ago

    level scaling isn't the issue. why it "feels better" is because of nostalgia. diablo 4 is in a good first release state, and I personally look forward to seeing what they add to the game.

    I do wish world tier 4 had a little more to it, though. Doesn't feel like it has a purpose right now.

    • 12 months ago

      I've played 10 hours and i already have duplicate legendary effects.
      They're way too common to feel good, but the game's balance around you being uber powerful, so idk.

      I enjoy my frost sorc for the time being, but i feel like i'll end up lacking in staying power later down the line.

    • 12 months ago

      level scaling is a good example. nostalgia is an undefined example to try and work with

    • 12 months ago

      nostalgia doesnt exist.
      older games were just fun and well made.

      • 12 months ago

        level scaling isn't the issue. why it "feels better" is because of nostalgia. diablo 4 is in a good first release state, and I personally look forward to seeing what they add to the game.

        I do wish world tier 4 had a little more to it, though. Doesn't feel like it has a purpose right now.

        >nostalgia doesnt exist.
        If you ever need strong evidence of this, look towards something like SupCom/FAF. I'm about to go hop in a custom astrocrater lobby right now. I've got D4 installed & ready to go but I can't be fricking bothered. Nostalgia or something else??

  8. 12 months ago


  9. 12 months ago

    i remember enjoying diablo 2 as a kid, and never got past act 2, was playing it recently, and it was still fun but my god the inventory management is not fun.

    • 12 months ago

      Get some mods my dude. It's fixable.

      • 12 months ago

        don't think the remaster vers is moddable?

        • 12 months ago

          It is, never tried it though.

        • 12 months ago

          don't play the remaster version?

    • 12 months ago

      Play Project Diablo 2; it's the ultimate way to experience classic D2 and has a massive playerbase and is still getting updates. Huge quality of life improvements in it and all changes done are relatively minimal and in the spirit of the original.

    • 12 months ago

      fill inventory with potions when starting out. only pick up what you want to use. if you need gold pick up chest armor and caster weapons to sell.
      pick up rings/ammulets/charms/jewels ofc. sell if you need gold or use.

      Thats basically it, its not worth picking up stuff to sell unless its caster items/chest armor/ or israeliteelry. inventory management is fairly straight forward when you nly pick up that stuff. then at endgame if you are autistic you have charms in every slot but regular people dont need ot worry about it.

    • 12 months ago

      You don't need to pick up everything you find. Only pick items up if they are potentially useful (for an example, high rarity items, a potential new weapon, etc) or something that might sell well in case you need some gold.

      My one issue with D2's inventory management is the storage system, considering you're going to fill that shit fast with runes, gems, set items, etc. Some mods fix that by just giving you infinite storage, D2:R just gave you more tabs and it's honestly not enough.

      • 12 months ago

        >D2:R just gave you more tabs and it's honestly not enough
        Stop hoarding

        • 12 months ago

          I can't. I KNOW I will make a character who will use those items one day.

    • 12 months ago

      >but my god the inventory management is not fun.
      hardest thing with 'getting gud' at diablo 2 is to not pick up literally everything.
      its honestly really hard for hoarders to enjoy a game like D2 because they instinctively want to hang onto every trash drop "just in case I need it some day"
      once you get some hours in the game you realise that pretty much everything before Nightmare Act 3 is trash, with only 1 or 2 exceptions.
      the only items before then i can think of being really worth hanging onto are
      >stealth armor
      >lore hat
      >a +3 fireball staff to make the +6 fireball runeword into
      >a staff with teleport charges
      >Gull Dagger for +100% MF, which is really big early on

      even runes and gems, the instinct is to hang onto them all but honestly nearly all of them arent worth your time picking up.
      if you need some low lvl runes later you can always just do a quick Countess run or two.

      • 12 months ago

        Eh I always enjoyed hoarding. It's part of the game for me.

        • 12 months ago

          yeah its fun in its own way, but impossible to do unless you play non-remaster D2 with PlugY for the unlimited stash.
          very fun for a Holy Grail (find every unique and set item) run

      • 12 months ago

        oh forgot that one lv10 unique mace that has +25% crushing blow on it, that shit is god tier for clearing bosses if you're lucky enough to find it early

      • 12 months ago

        >play Project Diablo 2 as mentioned above
        >install loot filter with whatever settings you prefer
        >never see shit items again

        • 12 months ago

          project diablo is trash
          frick off
          play a real man's mod like shitfest
          pic related

          • 12 months ago

            what the actual frick is going on in this image

            • 12 months ago

              shitfest mod multiplies mob spawns by 40x
              you hit lv30 at the end of Normal Act 1 and lv50 by the end of Normal.

      • 12 months ago

        Steel scimitars, 4 socket crystal swords for spirit

        • 12 months ago

          true, i also forgot Insight, prob the best item you can get asap

    • 12 months ago

      I only got into ARPG games when I started playing fast. Wasting time with loot that is slightly better is a waste of time cause it will not make a difference before you get something actually better. When that clicked and you I realized that D2 is a driving simulator where your are trying to make your car go as fast as possible for the class, that is when the game becomes crack.

      • 12 months ago

        >good gear isn't required to progress
        >high level gear easily outclasses lower level gear unless it's really rare or has a strong setbonus
        >therefore the best method of playing is to just go fast and powerlevel as hard as possible and worry about gearing up later
        WoW is the same, even if you get a legendary it's going to be replaced 2-3 levels into the next expansion

        • 12 months ago

          Except in vanilla, the only wow that matters.

          • 12 months ago

            But the legendaries are inferior to Naxx epics

  10. 12 months ago

    Because loot economy works well.
    Its not bloated with a bunch of RNG rolled stats and names on items.
    On top of having value to trade if you find something decent

    • 12 months ago

      >Its not bloated with a bunch of RNG rolled stats and names on items.
      Kek you must be fricking joking, 1 out of 1,000 items is worth picking up

  11. 12 months ago

    Because of the shiny effect and sound it makes. It was pretty satisfying in Marvel Heroes, but that was made by former Blizzard North devs so that doesn't really count.

  12. 12 months ago

    the itemization is great. you can find something in nightmare that is actually build defining (or at least extremely useful depending on the build)

    I've heard runewords basically took over the game and kinda ruined it after I stopped play as a child.

  13. 12 months ago

    bc you just play with korean maphackers doing baal runs, and then snipe 8ppl hell cows.
    doing those two runs for the day will make you rich with little grind.
    you can target farm, all loot is weighted but the RNG is fair. you WILL get something good, and can trade it for something you need. community also does give-aways and carries. all builds can be pre-mapped and maxed out, some do all content.
    more RPG style mobs (immunities) allow for more RPG style gear prep. only draw-back is tunnel areas that stop some builds dead in their tracks (act 2/3/5)

  14. 12 months ago

    Because you were 12 when you first played it.

  15. 12 months ago

    Disregarding nostalgia, Diablo 2 really doesn't hold a candle to Diablo 4 from a gameplay standpoint.

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo 2 really doesn't hold a candle to Diablo 4 from a gameplay standpoint.
      being limited to 6 skills feels horrible.

      • 12 months ago

        >being limited to 6 skills feels horrible.

        it is terrible.

    • 12 months ago

      Problem is that D4 isn't a big improvement gameplay wise over the ancient D2.

    • 12 months ago

      Amen brother

    • 12 months ago

      D4 is objectively a shit experience unless your dopamine loop is as sensitive as that of a golden retriever. No gameplay experience can ever compensate for taking the "RPG" out of "ARPG". Y'all playing street fighter with wizards and acting like it's the next coming of christ. I am so fricking over it.

  16. 12 months ago

    i get a similar kind of satisfaction while playing SSF Ruthless in PoE, not even joking...
    the less you're given in general, the happier you get when you get something

  17. 12 months ago

    dead rogue

    • 12 months ago

      i recognize that ass.
      It served me well in the past.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago
          • 12 months ago

            I would still click on every dead body on the off chance they had something good.
            they never did

            • 12 months ago

              >the one time they did

              • 12 months ago
  18. 12 months ago

    Diablo 2 feels official, everything else feels easily disregardable

  19. 12 months ago

    Dead game
    Everyone is playing Diablo 4

  20. 12 months ago

    Most exciting drops ever is in D1 when you find some random +stat gear. Or a weapon with haste in it

  21. 12 months ago

    many reasons
    no level scaling, drops are not tailored to your class (which means good items are slightly more rare) and item stats are actually powerful.
    you will almost always notice the difference when you equip an upgrade.
    then there's the minmaxing aspect of replacing your unique items with better rolls
    and then there's the endgame crafting of amulets which is complete lottery but it's something to do once you are topped out
    diablo 3 and diablo 4 fricked up on all of these.

    I generally like the itemization in PoE but the problem in that game is that all the good items have to be crafted, it's a complete waste of time to loot any rares after you're done with white maps basically. that goes even for solo self-found (no trade)

  22. 12 months ago

    never played 3 and I wouldn't really call it satisfying. I think I only ever got one completed set of legendary equipment. mobs seem to drop worse junk as I grind so I just say frick it and move on to next stage.

  23. 12 months ago

    It isn't. It's so old. I've seen everything it has to offer and it isn't much.

  24. 12 months ago

    >find d2 unique
    >"damn looks fun"
    >"I will make a build around this"
    >start new character

    No other game hooks you like this.

  25. 12 months ago

    You can go 60 levels without getting a unique drop

    • 12 months ago

      This. One of the things I hate about modern ARPGs the most is that you can play for 30 minutes be barely level 7 and all your equipment is already super shiny epic extreme rare fricking rainbow color characters with animated background ultra gear. Same for skills, I don't want my low level character to fricking annihilate the entire screen with massive explosions and effects, I want to feel some progression. Modern ARPG are just made for man babies who want to see shiny stuff. People who feel special when the item they find says EPIC or RARE eventhough an item like that drops every 2 seconds.

      • 12 months ago

        sounds like you'll enjoy Path of Exile's Ruthless mode

        • 12 months ago

          No I wouldn't path of exile looks like a mobile game made specifically for homosexuals

          • 12 months ago

            Out of all the diablo clones I'm pretty sure PoE is the closest in artstyle and atmosphere to D2.

            • 12 months ago

              Well you'd be wrong, stupid idiot

  26. 12 months ago

    its because the world is dangerous. even kin act 1.

    the rogues with bows can nearly insta-gib you starting in the underground tunnel which is like the first 25% of the act. There are a lot of things which are truly dangerous and some people even say "wow thats bullshit!" but it makes your power progression feel more meaningful. Shamans in act 3 will kill you in like 1-2 seconds and are terrifying for melee until you get some fire resist then they arent so bad.

    Compare this to diablo 3 where the game basically plays itself and its imposible to feel in danger for the first few hours unless you up the level scaling to ridiculous amounts and then everything is a damage sponge that deals too much damage to you and its just tedious.

    Diablo 2 had a good balance between bullshit difficulty at times yet being manageable.

    • 12 months ago

      d2 really is an atemporal masterpiece. the more i play it the more convinced i am.
      a mix of playing the ladder (on d2r since i expect online d2 to be quite dead) during the first 1-2 months and then plugY til the next one seems to provide the best experience.

  27. 12 months ago

    I've not had a Zod rune drop for me in 20 years

    • 12 months ago

      i've played a lot during the last 5 years and some others more casually back in the day because i was a kid who didn't know what to do besides leveling.
      traded with all runes but only managed to find by myself 1 jah, 0 chams and 0 zods. my friend got 1 cham but 0 jah. 0 zods overall.

      All right, folks, here it is:
      Diablo 2 was way better before LoD with all of it's runewords, additional grinding, charms etc. LoD was a reaction on speedrunners and minmaxers and had ultimately led to the current state of diabloids.

      sadly this. so many unusable cool items. i love runewords but some of them take all the value of a great variety of uniques.

      It isn't, D2R exposed y'all for being totally blinded by nostalgia

      what a bunch of morons. it is well known at this point that when talking about arpg the ones at the top are d2 and poe, with grim dawn being close.
      i get it, you don't want to invest time on it so you have to talk nonsense crap to feel better about not understanding the game.

  28. 12 months ago

    Because despite what boomers say the gearing is piss easy moron tier shit and all it takes is to autistically farm the same boss 10,000 times, so you can then farm the exact same boss 0.5 seconds faster.

  29. 12 months ago

    D4 is the best Diablo and the best HnS/Looter. Sorry boiz!

  30. 12 months ago

    If your game has enemy scaling with your own level, its automatically boring trash.

    There is not a single exception to this rule.

    • 12 months ago

      >Filtered casual

  31. 12 months ago

    Damn the blizzbots are on full power shilling blizzcuck shit lmao

    I'm pirating Diablo 4 and there's nothing you can do to stop me, homosexuals :^*~~*~~

    • 12 months ago

      can you even pirate D3?

      • 12 months ago


  32. 12 months ago
    Diablo IV Ultimate Edition-Battle.net [Uncracked] [Multi13]


    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, I wouldn't even pirate it. The betas were crap and no amount of changes will turn World of Shitablo into anything that I'll ever want to play.

  33. 12 months ago

    >For me? It's Diablo 3's 100,0000009,837733739020298,2% damage modifier item sets

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 3 is so fricking garbage but somehow it's still fun playing for 3 days in a new season

      • 12 months ago

        It's still a Metacritic Must-Play.

        • 12 months ago

          >console version
          I didn't talk about those

          • 12 months ago

            same version, better controls.

            • 12 months ago

              Go back

              • 12 months ago

                go back to diggit

        • 12 months ago

          Critic scores are literally worthless.

          • 12 months ago

            User scores as well

            • 12 months ago

              I'm quite fond of Steam user reviews for some reason.

            • 12 months ago

              I trust those more, but user scores+reviews is where it's really at.

  34. 12 months ago

    >alright ugly time to get spanked!
    will always be the biggest bullshit in this entire game

    • 12 months ago

      forgot image

  35. 12 months ago

    >arpg doesn't have fishing
    into the dumpster with the rest.

  36. 12 months ago

    i quit d2r when it came out. i got as far as fighting some boss in a graveyard. the game design is far too archaic. d4 shits on it. the cinematics, the world design, the builds, everything

    • 12 months ago

      diablo's 4 zoom level is pain inducing

      • 12 months ago

        holy frick souless

    • 12 months ago

      what if all of that D4 gameplay reflects a mobile game made to be consumed and shat out with no real build-up or ARPG value?

    • 12 months ago

      You probably like watching cutscenes, d4 is an uninteresting slog. oh this boss has a summon phase, again. literally mmo tier garbo

  37. 12 months ago

    I guess because it takes literal years to get the item you want? How do people play this crap genre instead of good ARPGs like Ys or Monster Hunter?

    • 12 months ago

      what's wrong with sipping a beer and right clicking c**ts after a hard day's work?
      not every game has to be bing bing wahoo pants shitting adrenaline

    • 12 months ago

      You don't need uber rare or even good items to beat the game, including Hell. It's a fun game to just play trying to reach the end, except that it also happens to have extremely rare items that you can spend time grinding for.

  38. 12 months ago

    All right, folks, here it is:
    Diablo 2 was way better before LoD with all of it's runewords, additional grinding, charms etc. LoD was a reaction on speedrunners and minmaxers and had ultimately led to the current state of diabloids.

    • 12 months ago

      based boomer take, runewords were a fricking mistake

  39. 12 months ago

    Because the skill system sucks shit so good gear is your only hope.

  40. 12 months ago

    It isn't, D2R exposed y'all for being totally blinded by nostalgia

    • 12 months ago

      yeah it was good when the only other game was like adventurequest or something

  41. 12 months ago

    No scaling makes finding items way more meaningful as they provide a huge boost and last way longer as you don't ditch the immediately when you find something with slightly bigger weapon damage.

    The game isn't designed to be played forever (you can and some people do but the entire end game isn't about running endless dungeons with marginally bigger numbers)

    Not as big of a timesing as modern ARPGs, D2 is pretty fast paced and you can get very far in just few hours.

  42. 12 months ago

    because the itemization is much more sophisticated and not just number goes up. It's also not tied to item lvl. A unique with a low item lvl can still be best in slot and will be for the entirety of the game, whereis in modern ARPGs no low ilvl item ever retains its usefulness. Which basically means you are never excited over a drop while you aren't at max level yet, because you know you will replace it in the immediate future.

    • 12 months ago

      This. D3 and probably D4 as well. Nothing you do before you reach the level cap matters (besides the leveling). Every single loot you find prior the "endgame" is utter trash. Contrast that to diablo 2 where already in Nightmare you probably find most of the stuff you'll use for a long fricking time.

  43. 12 months ago

    because you were a little kid and easily impressed

  44. 12 months ago

    because it's your first arpg, zoomershite.

  45. 12 months ago

    how are you guys playing the mods? on single player?

    • 12 months ago

      a pirated copy of normal Diablo 2 w/ plugy installed that i've had since 2001
      i also have remaster but its nice to go back to modded D2 with unlimited stash pages once in a while or for shit like Holy Grail challenge

      • 12 months ago

        the ultimate way to play the game. it jumps from a 8/10 to a 9.5/10.
        bli$$ar should get the rope for not letting modders adapt it to d2r. now i have to move between plugY d2 and ladder d2r.
        i hate them so much it's unreal. i want them all dead in minecraft.

        • 12 months ago

          Return to monke. Use Atma/GoMule for D2R, just like the olden days.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh my God! Infinite stash! YESSSS! I NEED INFINITE TP AND ID SCROLLS TOO! AUTO-PICKUP!! YESS!!!!

          • 12 months ago

            that's moronic. you don't even know what plugY does to the game, right? because it does none of that. also d2r is the one letting you stash money safely on the shared tabs so you sound even more moronic.
            infinite stash allows you to collect every item (holy grail) and later try weird builds you wouldnt if the stash were limited and moving stuff around between 100 mules (that you can't even create without buying the game again) was a pain in the ass.
            you learn FAR more with 1y of plugY than 5y without it. try it and then you will see how dumb you look.
            a guy complaining about plugY, now i've seen it all.

            • 12 months ago

              Don't even bother arguing with these people, if you start arguing in favor of the slightest QoL change (no matter how warranted) they'll immediately sperg out an go "MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST SPAWN AT MAX LEVEL AND IN THE BEST GEAR TOO HUH WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT IN PLAYING"

  46. 12 months ago

    Because loot is infinitely more useful and less overtly class-specific. There's definitely some of that in the game, but for the most part when you see a good piece of gear it's beneficial to every class. What D3 did with welfare Legendaries was atrocious. Legendary and Set gear should never, ever be salvage fodder or vendor trash.

  47. 12 months ago

    Stockholm syndrome. There are very few things worse than soul devouring clickshit.

  48. 12 months ago

    It isn't. It is by far the fricking worst.
    Diablo 2's loot is so anemic and lame that you don't even get anything interesting or unique enough that it will actually make a difference in "how you play" until you're at Hell difficulty farming Act 5, and their drop rates are so low that even gacha whales recoil in disbelief.
    Diabloot was a fricking mistake and a lingering travesty for video games as a whole.

  49. 12 months ago

    no stat inflation, items with iconic and powerful effects
    D3/4 are dog turds

  50. 12 months ago

    I only like D3.

    Never played D1.

    Bought D2 remastered when D4 was announced, it felt dry as frick and the controls sucked ass. Function keys to change skill so you can cast it, and it's a bother to tell which click it's going to be on. When I googled it, I found threads of boomers going "it was shit back in the day so it's shit now too, deal with it", closed the game and didn't open it again.

    D4 has been slow so far, I'm trying my hardest to like it but it's just reeeeaaally slow and the itemisation looks like it's not too good, legendaries don't feel unique.

    D3 is just the perfect hit of dopamine. You're here to play the fricking game. You shoot stuff everywhere, fountains of loot come out, your fricking dick cums all over. Endgame is non-existent if you don't have speedrunning autism and want to le get better, but it's fun getting there in the first place. Having to craft the staff of herding is some fricking bullshit though.

    • 12 months ago

      >You shoot stuff everywhere, fountains of loot come out
      Lol. Call of Duty audience. "Don't care, what is happening, explosions, special effects and ding-ding-ding achievments, yay!". Congratulations, managers, years of mindless action games had finally started to create perfect adhd specimens.

      • 12 months ago

        The game is still readable though? But yeah, it is an ADHD game. That's what I come for. Not so I can grind and then finally get a drip of dopamine when the slot machine gives me what I want.

    • 12 months ago

      >Function keys to change skill so you can cast it, and it's a bother to tell which click it's going to be on.
      Imagine being such a zoomer moron that you don’t even check to see if you can rebind keys. You can change all your skills to the wasd keys so that you can quickly cast all 10+ of your skills with high precision. It’s been that way since D2 originally released.

      • 12 months ago

        Are you saying the internet boomers lied to me, or were somehow unclear in their instructions?

        • 12 months ago

          Maybe you should start looking through the options screen before you immediately run to Reddit to be spoonfed

    • 12 months ago

      >the controls sucked ass. Function keys to change skill so you can cast it, and it's a bother to tell which click it's going to be on
      you do know quick cast is a thing. assign skill to whatever button you choose, press button and it casts

  51. 12 months ago

    its nostalgia

    grow up boomer

  52. 12 months ago

    Trading actually. D2 drops are shit when you're looking for something specific but being able to trade meant rare drops could be exciting even if not useful to yoi directly

  53. 12 months ago

    Specific bosses and zones drop specific loot, no level scaling.
    It just doesnt matter where you senpai in D3/D4, it's all the same with just a different skin.

  54. 12 months ago

    Three fold
    1) You had to build your character specifically to find the shits. Throw MF gear on and go to town on Nightmare Meph. The legendries were not dropping like a common item as it started to do in D3 (and now D4)
    2) When you got the gear it didn't scale. It was what it was. So you knew what you had to get.
    3) If you got autistic about it, each boss has their own loot tables so certain items dropped more common from one elite vs. another. So you could focus farm what you wanted.

  55. 12 months ago

    Because unlike in every other ARPG your stats aren't just cosmetic. Path of Diablo is still going strong last I checked, no idea why anyone plays anything but it. It's literally just D2 with a ton of QoL features from veteran players.

  56. 12 months ago

    Diablo II has set the guidelines for the genre the correct way. Path of Exile is the only game that uses those guidelines very well, but right now there is too much meaningless horizontal progression: you need to do Delve, to expand and customize your atlas, to do Harvest, etc. and fill your inventory with clutter. Also, Path of Exile loot is tied to trade and is evaluated as liquid currency...well if you didn't get what I'm trying to say: you imagine loot drops as "this costs X orbs" rather than exact pieces and upgrades, and most efficient farming builds farm currency and not items. That makes it hard to play in SSF, most builds can't function without trading, and the overall drop chance for useful stuff is lower.
    In games like Diablo 3, Grim Dawn and Torchlight, there is too much loot. It feels natural to be fully equipped in legendary and set items, you take it as a given. So the progression of your character feels smoother, and the dopamine receptors are less flared upon gear drops. I was more excited when I beat HC bosses in Grim Dawn than when I dropped legendary loot. But I expect that zoomers are ADHD-riddled brats and will cry if they are not given an item every 10 seconds.

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine being so low IQ you acknowledge that shit drop rates make playing without trade impossible then complaining about the games that solve the shit droprate issue

      • 12 months ago

        >shit droprates
        Drop rates in Diablo 2 aren't shit (except for a couple of niche items). If you are good at the game you can farm items pretty fast even in single player.
        You know what items in D2 were really hard to get? PERFECT items. With stats that have max roll on them. And non-perfect items weren't worth that much on trading platforms, you couldn't even sell them for real money. So playing without trade is possible, but it still felt rewarding to get the loot.

        • 12 months ago

          You're moronic, d2 droprates are terrible and you can farm thousands of hours without seeing a given item drop
          Same for PoE

          • 12 months ago

            >what is MF
            Drown in MF and you can find the shit. They actually want you to use a stat that exists to find them.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't think you are correct, I've seen people complete "holy grails" (you need to find all the unique items in the game) for that much time. And it's not like "nothing drops at all": with the right build you can get a lot of useful drops within a few hours of running.
            With that said, I understand that doing 34509345 Baal runs every day is very repetitive and droning experience. But this is the epitome of meta gaming in Diablo II, and it wasn't solved in a day. Some people didn't have access to Battle.net and were improving very slowly.

            • 12 months ago

              You're moronic, d2 droprates are terrible and you can farm thousands of hours without seeing a given item drop
              Same for PoE

              >shit droprates
              Drop rates in Diablo 2 aren't shit (except for a couple of niche items). If you are good at the game you can farm items pretty fast even in single player.
              You know what items in D2 were really hard to get? PERFECT items. With stats that have max roll on them. And non-perfect items weren't worth that much on trading platforms, you couldn't even sell them for real money. So playing without trade is possible, but it still felt rewarding to get the loot.

              Imagine being so low IQ you acknowledge that shit drop rates make playing without trade impossible then complaining about the games that solve the shit droprate issue

              Diablo II has set the guidelines for the genre the correct way. Path of Exile is the only game that uses those guidelines very well, but right now there is too much meaningless horizontal progression: you need to do Delve, to expand and customize your atlas, to do Harvest, etc. and fill your inventory with clutter. Also, Path of Exile loot is tied to trade and is evaluated as liquid currency...well if you didn't get what I'm trying to say: you imagine loot drops as "this costs X orbs" rather than exact pieces and upgrades, and most efficient farming builds farm currency and not items. That makes it hard to play in SSF, most builds can't function without trading, and the overall drop chance for useful stuff is lower.
              In games like Diablo 3, Grim Dawn and Torchlight, there is too much loot. It feels natural to be fully equipped in legendary and set items, you take it as a given. So the progression of your character feels smoother, and the dopamine receptors are less flared upon gear drops. I was more excited when I beat HC bosses in Grim Dawn than when I dropped legendary loot. But I expect that zoomers are ADHD-riddled brats and will cry if they are not given an item every 10 seconds.

              Fricking LoD set the guidelines for every next diabloid to sink into the infinite grind shithole. It was not supposed to be the game you grind infinitely, it was a bunch of minmaxers-autists, who had inspired developers to make LoD what it was, including later patches. And exactly the same autists through that had managed to affect not only diabloids, but also WoW indirectly, when it had introduced mythic plus speedrunnering bullshit.

      • 12 months ago

        Imagine being so low IQ you don't read his post correctly and defend fricking D3.

  57. 12 months ago

    asia sc ladder dclone in about 15min

  58. 12 months ago

    Post drops. This dropped yesterday

    • 12 months ago

      yesterday too lmao. it was close, even in order.
      i'll have to run a 6 gorillion more i guess.

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