Why is it that anons are unable to thrive on this game?

Why is it that anons are unable to thrive on this game?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    I keep reading that it's a sandbox game but if one doesn't want to do PvP they are missing the point. Seems conflicting.

  2. 8 months ago

    it's already a solved game

    discord cartel guilds already have black zone and crafting and markets cornered. no new player can upend these whales who already figured out the formula. they treat albion like their job lmao, excel spreadsheets and all. arbitrage trading per cities, defended caravans etc.

    so if you aren't a no lifer who spends his entire time on the whims of a discord neckbeard guild master and will try to get into the clique you pretty much get screwed.

    solo players don't have much to do than grind yz/mists. all the full loot pvp have guild sweats just waiting to kill anyone who isn't in a group.

    so basically to the average player it plays like a phone game moba that you to waste hours grinding so you can have a respectable set (which you'll probably lose to a guild mob)

    • 7 months ago

      This is the main problem with PvP games in general. A bunch of autistic no-lifes come in and figure everything out, min-max the frick out of their builds, kill everyone, tell them to git gud then wonder why the game dies as if they didn't do anything wrong. Once a game becomes "solved" it's basically over and you're not allowed to have fun and/ or get pushed away by try-hards and their homosexual guilds.

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty funny. I've been playing fractured online and this happened exactly as you described. Game went early access, a couple groups of 5-10 players who are in the same multi game community join in. They poopsock and play like 10 hours in the first day and another 10 in t he second. 20 hours in they've maxed out progression. So they spent the rest of the time running around ganking people and complaining that they're bored.

        Like I get the point, but at the same time if they help get people to their point in progression faster...they'll have more pvp.

    • 6 months ago

      Sounds like a Valentine Agent is needed.

    • 6 months ago

      Sorry if Albion Online has game systems with more sense that EVE Online I guess.

  3. 8 months ago

    Its pure sandbox without any challenging worthwhile PVE and lives and dies by its PVP system, but the PVP itself is rather basic.

    Simply put, if you want a game where you harvest wood and rocks, there are way, way better games out there to play than Albion.

    I think a big thing is that a lot of developers keep trying to revive the sandbox design of UO, but cut out all the 'rough edges' they think made UO bad, when all the bullshit you could pull in a game like UO is what made it fun and worth returning too, while a streamlined game like Albion tries to be too simple that its always trying to fix problems with systems instead of simply fixing the core game design to begin with, such as making solo only zones instead of fixing solo gameplay with better anti-gank builds and making the guild vs guild less about ganking noobs for their resource packs and instead about fighting over high tier nodes and control points for closer spawn/storage spots.

  4. 8 months ago

    >One of the leaders of Albion History X
    anons did thrive in albion for quite a while. We had a sizable guild and it was a lot of fun until the group majorily burned out.

  5. 8 months ago

    Themepark players are always filtered by sandbox MMOs. This is not a place for handholding care bears.
    There's no groupfinder (there is but it's dead). I'd say most players in this game play solo and without friends or a guild you will not participate in group content. You don't have to play with others. Solo is a perfectly viable playstyle.
    There are no quests. After the tutorial you are on your own. There are actually players that are stuck in the T3 zone that you start in because nothing is telling them to explore.
    Full loot PvP. Don't bring your expensive set out of safezones. Don't fight players you can't beat. Taking risks is fun.
    Horizontal progression. There's no endgame that you have to grind to in order to be ready for PvP. You can get anything up to a decent level in a matter of hours. The only thing that takes time to level up are gathering professions.
    Lack of guides. It's a great MMO if you are tired of meta homosexualry and datamining. Most information is outdated within minutes and there's no API. Just avoid YouTube. It's all clickbait. Ask in-game or join a beginner friendly guild for help.

    • 8 months ago

      >There are actually players that are stuck in the T3 zone that you start in because nothing is telling them to explore.
      There's no way this is true

      • 8 months ago

        Mobile players probably. I saw a guy in the most random 6.3 masterpiece set killing hide animals for fame. Safezones are a curious place.

        • 8 months ago

          Doesn't mean that he doesn't plays hard zones when on pc

    • 8 months ago

      >sandbox games still don't understand how to balance crime and punishment and all but gave up on making world for people to live, resulting in every sandbox mmo being hood gang wars simulators for all intents and purposes
      Neither pvp nor pve gays can see a bigger picture.

    • 8 months ago

      When it only takes hours to get everything and pvp is selective there is no point to playing at all. Thats the only post Ill make on this. At least you cant complete eve after 20 years.

      • 7 months ago

        Not that anon but there is a point, the moment to moment fun of trying to "succeed" in that system whatever your own goals or definition for success might be within the sandbox. Not really that different from a roguelike where you are focused on managing your run, actually way more forgiving since you don't have to start from zero if you don't want to.
        People who are used to normal mmos never get that because they were trained to view gear as the goal itself instead of disposable assets.
        Games like Tarkov and Eve do a better job of it since they literally have disposable ammo which eventually leads one to realize that even the guns/ships are disposable too.

      • 7 months ago

        Eve is a completely solved game with zero incentives to fight and essentially perfect intel tools that make solo-to-small gang engagements basically risk free as you know the outcome beforehand. The large scale fights are the most brainless gameplay in any game excluding like 3 dudes out of thousands who handle the fleet movement, target calling and scouting.

  6. 8 months ago

    someone make a vm guild im lonely ;3;

  7. 8 months ago

    Albion bad

    • 6 months ago

      EVE Online truly bad.
      Kneel and suck a dick.

  8. 8 months ago

    New update in a few days. Anyone excited for the shapeshifter weapons?
    HCE finally gets their own chat channel so maybe players start using /LFG to group up.
    Price of gold is expected to drop because of Awakened Weapons removing trillions of silver from circulation.
    A lot of players will go back to the open world to level up the new tracking skill.

  9. 8 months ago

    30 hours in and the game still hasn't really clicked for me. Probably because I'm trying to do everything solo when being part of a guild would alleviate a lot of the grind by giving me access to much more lucrative activities.

    • 8 months ago

      Guilds won't necessarily make you rich. They will only provide group content.
      If you want 24/7 static group dungeons you can join any guild in the arch alliance.
      You can also earn good silver/fame by yourself in the Mists or the Ava Roads.
      Guilds usually want you to be able to play two or three roles and have a certain item power that you won't reach without doing some grinding yourself first.
      (getting one loadout to lvl 60 will give you 200 free item power and save you a lot of silver to meet item power requirements)

      • 8 months ago

        >Mists or the Ava Roads.
        Are the rewards in full-lethal T6 mists substantially better than T5? So far the mists have been mostly meh, even knightfall abbey has been pretty bad with mostly those blessings and players in full T8 gear taking all those special chests that pop up. Roads of ava I think I need more mastery and better gear to clear out the mobs around chests.

      • 8 months ago

        How is Arch now? I used to play back when they owned Redtree and quit when a war was waged on them and they were losing it is gluttonySDS still playing?

  10. 8 months ago

    I've been playing for 3 days (just a few hours of actual playtime)
    I'm t4, I have made a claymore build even though is not meta because it looks badass
    I like that auction houses in cities are separate, I wonder if you can make money buy gathering shit in one place and selling it far away

  11. 8 months ago

    Started a few days ago. I went into the black zone to fish with my T4 rod because of supposed higher yields and someone killed me within minutes. It makes me wonder if gathering is worth the risk there. Felt like gatherers are the lowest on the totem pole.

    • 8 months ago

      You should fish in zones like Camlann because it's surrounded by water and you can stand right next to the exit. Bring T7 journals which fill by catching any tier of fish. Fishing picks up at lvl 30 when you can equip T5 gear and catch the T6 eel that sell for 100k.
      No reason to go fishing in the blackzone when you can't catch T7 or T8 fish yet. There's no bonus.
      If fishing is boring get skinning to T6. One full T6 hide animal is 10k silver.

      I've been playing for 3 days (just a few hours of actual playtime)
      I'm t4, I have made a claymore build even though is not meta because it looks badass
      I like that auction houses in cities are separate, I wonder if you can make money buy gathering shit in one place and selling it far away

      Each city has refining and crafting bonuses. You have to travel a lot if you want to make the most out of your gathered resource.

      >Mists or the Ava Roads.
      Are the rewards in full-lethal T6 mists substantially better than T5? So far the mists have been mostly meh, even knightfall abbey has been pretty bad with mostly those blessings and players in full T8 gear taking all those special chests that pop up. Roads of ava I think I need more mastery and better gear to clear out the mobs around chests.

      Most players use cheap equipment and the ones that don't are often too scared to start a fight near objectives because of rats teaming up on them. Rewards always depend on RNG but the odds are much better in lethal Mists.
      Have a lot of mobility and invis and you will rarely die. A 5.1 set for 100k is more than enough to do the PvE and survive.
      Play out of Caerleon so you can sell your loot to the Black Market for 10-20% more silver. Don't go to Brecilien. We are full.

  12. 8 months ago

    All a MMOs are shit

  13. 8 months ago

    It's just really boring and shallow

    There's literally nothing to do other than grind for pointless shit nobody cares about. You fight the same identical enemies no matter which biome you're in lol. It's unashamedly a skinner box to make number go up.

    • 8 months ago

      Do some PvP.

      • 8 months ago

        Why? There's barely any skill involved. The whale with the top tier set is going to win. And who has top tier gear? Guild no lifers.

        Avalon? Die as solo
        Black zone? Die as solo
        Red zone? Die as solo
        Corrupted dungeon? Extremely unfun because you'll just die to a sweaty meta abuser

        All that's left is Mist and Yellow zone grind

        • 8 months ago

          Mists is a good place to start. Make it a habit to inspect every nameplate and simply leave when those evil guild no lifers show up.

          • 8 months ago

            Nta, but inspect is "Y" hotkey, most impartant action in the game

          • 8 months ago

            I play on phone. By the time I can inspect some (touch their name plate then touch the inspect button) They're already attacking me. I don't even have the chance to assess their gear.

            There should be a much better way of inspecting or at least have the option of having IP show beside nameplate

            • 8 months ago

              One of the many reasons to play on PC.

  14. 8 months ago

    There's a youtuber named swolebenji handing out millions of silver if you streamsnipe people with like 2 viewers who are half asleep, drunk, and high. Easiest silver of my life.

  15. 8 months ago

    I tried playing this game a while ago but it kept crashing every 15 minutes for some reason

  16. 8 months ago




    The game is really unfun and lacks depth once you actually look into it. You just grind for the sake of grinding.

    >all are run by literal egotistical psychopaths

    This is also a dealbreaker. These sandbox type games might be fun if the people are cool and chill but everyone in albion seems to attract a specific deranged narcissist who needs to kill/steal/minmax nonstop/be an butthole to feel like a big man online

  17. 8 months ago

    The streamer and youtuber scene for this game is absolute cancer. 99% of content creators are all a bunch of circlejerking clique-gays who make those below them donate money to be raided on twitch for thousands of fake bot viewers who are just there to collect skin drops. Lots of these twitch streamers are corrupt as frick or aren't even actual gamers, just hired shills by Sandbox Interactive. They all signed special contracts to receive giveaway codes and free premium access while all being ushered to have the exact same narrative about how the game should be played and even make copycat content from one another. A lot of them are corrupt and weird IRL. They all band together to try to drive a /misc/tard named SwoleBenji out of the space, the only guy who says what's really happening in this game (Basically what beta-anon's been saying) and has a huge reddit hate mob for being an edgelord. The entire game company ignores this guy even though he gets far more channel views than anyone else. It's a huge can of worms to look into just how much the company and all the other youtubers and twitch streamers hate this guy.

  18. 8 months ago




    Albion had a rough start but everything you mentioned has been reworked and improved. Did you quit in 2018? It's obvious you haven't played it in a very long time.

  19. 8 months ago

    I loved it as my first full loot pvp MMO, until i realized that not being in a big guild locks you out of almost everything, my small group of friends couldn't do anything.
    I looked at a few dozen guilds and every single one had mandatory discord so yeah whatever.
    I liked the huge number of somewhat viable builds that you could make and the spamming of cheap t4 gear.


    >numeric or common theorycrafting style progression

    • 7 months ago

      It basically doesn't exist until after you have already grinded 30k hours and can swap gear pieces around to counter builds like evasion or acc builds. Theorycrafting gear is something only 1% of players get to do, BDO doesn't have any real or relevant build variety at all.

  20. 8 months ago


    Solo players don't play in the blackzone anymore. They play in the Mists which is currently one of the most profitable things to do.
    Without a guild to play with, there aren't many reasons to enter the regular blackzone.
    There are plenty of casual guilds. Discord is part of every MMO today. I don't like it either.
    If you want fair: Corrupted Dungeons are for 1v1s. Hellgates for 2v2, 5v5 or 10v10. Crystal Arena is a ranked 5v5 if you want to play Albion like it's LoL.
    When a player has set a hideout or headquarters as their Home, they will lose the Home location if they enter the blackzone through a portal city. Guilds can no longer move zergs around the blackzone like they used to.
    Players don't enjoy being ganked by zergs and spending hours backtracking. You can now just recall for a fee at anytime. You can't abuse this to move stuff around.
    Right now the problems with the game is silver inflation and the stone market which hasn't recovered after they nerfed laborers. They just released a big update to combat those problems.
    It sounds like you joined a hardcore guild that really ruined your experience with the game.

  21. 8 months ago

    Is there any reason to run Roads of Avalon if you aren't a guildcuck no lifer?

    >try it
    >enemies are too hard even for a 5.1
    >there's no reliable way to get back home other than running back to the portal you came from after a few minutes
    >endless supply of sweaty douchebags on those tight corridors who will instakill you and take all your loot
    >map makes no sense and is randomized so you pretty much get trapped with no way back

    • 8 months ago

      Roads have been reworked since the last time you played. You have three tiers of mob camps. The first one being intended for solos. You have Brecilien, a new city that can teleport you to a random roads map. You can always Journey Home and don't have to backtrack.

  22. 8 months ago

    We ended up on Benji's channel anons.

    • 8 months ago

      Benji being a Gankergay doesn't sound surprising to me he's a homosexual who plays the game as if it's a pve all bluezone game

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        What the frick do you expect him to do as a solo player? He plays the game hyper efficiently it's why he's a multi-billionaire who can max any weapon line in under a day if he manually grinds (t4 static solo + auto respec + satchel) dude has mastered the fricking game without slaving for a homosexual guild or being a Black person with a bunch of shit shack favella dwelling apes ganking in reds.

        • 7 months ago

          Go Mists in 8.3.
          You have the silver, spec and a discord full of fans that would donate gear.
          You are just risk-averse and scared.

          • 7 months ago

            And die to radar hackers, cheaters, drop / disconnect hackers, and teamers? Get one kill so rats can finish me off? No thanks. I have zero interest in giving third worlders free shit.

            • 7 months ago

              Victim mentality.

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 6 months ago


  23. 8 months ago




    These posts were good. Why did you delete them

    • 7 months ago

      I got banned for posting proof showing the Greenservers trannies grooming kids in the Vintage story pisscord. Because the mods are pro-grooming they banned me for 24h for "unreleated pic content".

      If you have GankerX extension then my posts are still all visible via the archive if you mouseover post ID links. For whatever reason the homosexual mod

      • 7 months ago

        >I got banned for posting proof showing the Greenservers trannies grooming kids in the Vintage story pisscord. Because the mods are pro-grooming they banned me for 24h for "unreleated pic content".
        You should show to police or FBI not fricking random discord you dumbfrick.

  24. 8 months ago

    Game will be unplayable once they buff tracking loot to normal levels and shapeshifter weapons become affordable to the average player. They are way too good.

  25. 7 months ago

    no idea i played this for a week before i uninstalled, too old to join sweating guilds since i dont have much time and solo in this game is the worst experience i ever had in a MMO so far.

  26. 7 months ago

    There is one troony mod that mutes you if you even imply talking back to their homosexualry.

  27. 7 months ago

    I play this game very casually

    I only have 350k saved up and 5.1 set at best (afraid to lose anything more pricey). Mostly stick to safer zones. I don't even PVP. This game is kinda getting stale.

    What should I do at this point? What build should I spend money on?

    • 7 months ago

      stop playing

    • 7 months ago

      Get into Mists and Abbeys to get those 900k epic chests.
      Assassin Jacket into Specter Shoes gets you away from any gankers that somehow manage to catch you. It's like 20 secondes of invisibility. Great for playing weapons with no mobility.
      You can play something like 1h spear, torch/horn, assassin jacket, assassin hood and any leather boots for maximum cooldown reduction (18 second sprints). Spear has Cripple that can steal other players movement speed buffs. Nothing can catch you.
      Start doing PvP once you got free +200ip from specilization. Inspect players and don't fight those you can't beat.

      • 7 months ago

        Horrible advice. Radar hackers can see you invisible, you can't escape them. Spear is a slow clear weapon that counters swords at best and isn't useful anywhere else. 900k chests don't happen even with premium active.

        • 7 months ago

          1h Spear has amazing clear speed. All your abilities are AOE, it's cheap and it has mobility.
          In the three years I have been playing I have never encountered a hacker. Only yellow zone bots and maybe a few days of speed hacks.
          Radar hacks are useful for gathering but it barely gives you half a screen width of extra information.
          Your game client receives no information on the location of invisible players. There are no hacks to reveal invisibility.
          Hacks give you such a tiny advantage they aren't worth risking a ban and they do ban players very quickly.

          • 7 months ago

            previous legendary founder closed beta gay here. I got pretty bored with this game after open beta finished and the game had a full release.
            Might come back and try this. I am really only interested in finishing my island at this point and need some items in mists...
            After watching beast1k and other streams run around in maxed out 8.3 gear all day just 2 shotting most people I got pretty demoralized because I'm not some trillionaire with 50 sets of 8.3 gear to pvp all day in.
            It seems most people sweat this game 25 hours a day and do nothing but PvP and the guilds are cancer and work you like a slave

            • 7 months ago

              You can look up their names on murderledger to see their deaths. In 8.3 you can still die to players in much weaker gear. Obviously they won't include that in the clickbait video.
              Every MMO has *hardcore* guilds. Just don't join them.

              I got banned for posting proof showing the Greenservers trannies grooming kids in the Vintage story pisscord. Because the mods are pro-grooming they banned me for 24h for "unreleated pic content".

              If you have GankerX extension then my posts are still all visible via the archive if you mouseover post ID links. For whatever reason the homosexual mod

              You were supposed to use the report feature or write a ticket. Mods can't ban players. Get over it, Swole.

              • 7 months ago

                I meant I got banned on Ganker for posting evidence that the Vintage Story greenwebgays were grooming. They deleted all of their posts in Pisscord right after. I think half of them got banned from Pisscord for life. It was pretty lulzy. Worth the ban from any troony Ganker jannie.
                You should learn to read.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not sure where you going with all this but I wish you the best, Swole. Keep on dabbing on the jannies and redditors.

          • 7 months ago

            No, it doesn't have "amazing" clear speed at all ever. Even 8.4 is slower than several other weapons. It is outclassed in every regard in every PvE game mode. It is a garbage shit weapon. You're just a homosexual selling spears.

            • 7 months ago

              Which weps do you vouch for then

              • 7 months ago

                Open world YZ- Spiked Gauntlets
                Open world BZ- Ursine Maulers
                Solo Dungeons YZ- Imp Staff, Light Crossbow (High IP) / Boltcasters (Low IP)
                Solo Dungeons RZ/BZ- Nature Staff
                Corrupted Dungeons- Imp Staff, Bear Paws (World record holder used these), Cursed Staff
                Soloing statics or group dungeons- Shadowcaller
                Tracking- Cursed Staff
                Mist Camps / Abbey- Ursine Maulers
                Solo Roads - Druidic Staff, 1H dagger
                Skinning in red / black zones- Spear
                Skinning in safe zones- Shadowcaller
                Skinning with 8.4 armor vs up to t5 targets- Fire Staff

                Go ahead and hop on the test realm and try to clear any of the content with the weapons listed faster with a spear.

              • 7 months ago

                You forgot to mention he should be playing on the test server.

              • 7 months ago

                Literally the last line of the post.

              • 7 months ago

                How to make 50k per hour playing like a bot.

              • 7 months ago

                How would you do it then?

                >me earning like 20k an hour in yz/mists

              • 7 months ago

                As a solo player go into lethal Mists and do the PvE there. Be a rat if you don't want PvP. It doesn't matter if you die and lose 100k here and there. Bank your loot after every good chest. Enter Mists from Caerleon to sell your loot on the black market for up to 50% extra silver.
                Bring 5.1 (100k per set) or even 4.1 (around 40k) and have some tools to escape gankers. Simply walk away when another player is on your screen. Don't PvP even when you think you can win. You can't do much about 8.3 players that play weapons specifically designed to gank weaker players. If you come across one just leave and re-enter.
                Scout the area before you clear a camp or objective. Anything you do makes noise that can be heard from out of nameplate range.
                I'm not a new player but I can easily get enough silver for 30 day premium on a fresh character before the 3 day premium you get after the tutorial runs out. I've done it multiple times with different loadouts just playing Mists.

              • 7 months ago

                Which weapons and gear is optimal for doing those?

              • 7 months ago

                Spear, Horn, Assassin Jacket, Leather Boots, Assassin Hood, Basic Cape. In 5.1 which costs around 100k. Some fish for regen. Pork Omelette for even more CDR. CDR passives. One invisibility potion.
                Don't PvP with it. It's only good at escaping and doing the PvE safely.
                When you notice someone wants to kill you use Assassin Jacket and switch your Spear W to Cripple while you are invisible. Use it when they use boots. Even without Cripple you have enough CDR to escape anyone.
                5.1 spear is enough to kill everything. You spend most of your time in T6 zones. Switch to life steal and attack speed passives for the melee boss in Knightfall Abbey.
                Worry about PvP once you got some silver to spare.

              • 7 months ago

                4.1 ursine maulers and 4.1 stalker jacket, 4.1 mage cowl, and any 4.1 plate boot.

                Regen run on boot, electric field on armor, fire breath on helm.

                Here's how you clear entire screens while only spending 30-40k:

                1) Kite all mobs in a blob.
                2) Press E.
                3) If they are enchanted / upgraded mobs, press W and Q.

                If you get ganked you just W and Q away with the triple kick and the slide. The regen boots are meta and will match everything the gankers are using.

                Invis is countered by radar hackers, and invis pots are 11k each.

                Spear is fricking slow as shit. I'd share video clips comparing the two clear speeds but I can't be bothered. Use the test realm and try out both if you don't believe me. 4.1 ursine clears faster at 0 spec than 100 spec 5.1 spear does.

                This spear homosexual is just a spear crafter from a cuck gay guild.

              • 7 months ago

                Rejuvenating Sprint is the worst out of the three basic sprints. Classic rookie mistake.
                Stalker Jacket is bad in lethal zones. A player will ride into the aoe and then your mount is gone.
                Sacrificing survivability for clear speed gets you killed in lethal zones (not that you know anything about that).

              • 7 months ago

                Which boots do you use? Everything else has worse survivability

              • 7 months ago

                Any of the three non-artifact leather boots for the cooldown sprint are a good start. Pick what's cheapest.
                Cloth shoes are used in PvP. Most faction cape abilities stay the same at all tiers. Players would buy a low tier faction cape to save silver and then compensate the lower mana regen rate with cloth shoes.
                Scholar or Royal Sandals can be good because they are channeled abilities which are immune to purges.
                While every boot has a unique sprint, you rarely end up using them. There are lots of boots that see no play.
                Don't fall for the Wanderlust meme.

              • 7 months ago

                Check murderledger lately? Lmao. Refreshing sprint is meta.

                You can't mount in abbeys.

              • 7 months ago

                That tiny bit of healing isn't going to make a difference when the other player gets to use all of his skills more often because of cooldown reduction.

              • 7 months ago

                You meant to say Rejuvenating Sprint? Refreshing Sprint is the one with cooldown reduction.

              • 7 months ago

                His videos show him making over a million, without premium, just mindlessly gathering while he binge watches anime like a true NEET.

  28. 7 months ago

    Ganker did play Albion for quite a while on launch. Albion History X (Right Wing Death Squads) did decently for quite a while until we burned out on the game.

  29. 7 months ago

    I'm a bit confused on how to identify hostile pvp players

    Sometimes I can see them with red healthbar and its obvious

    But I've think also been attacked by ones with normal names (faction flag maybe?)

    It's a bit confusing.

    • 7 months ago

      Activating your faction flag overrides the conventional pvp rules and just makes you open to attack anywhere by other opposing faction members and them to you

  30. 7 months ago

    looks cool but all i hear is vets pking people for leisure

  31. 7 months ago

    Are the new animal weapons any good? Or just gimmicky

  32. 7 months ago

    I started playing when 8 million silver was worth one month of premium time
    I came back and it was about 13 million

  33. 7 months ago

    Any other phone players here? I used to play on PC but I don't really want to play this game as seriously any more so I just kick around it on my phone during my free time.

    What builds are good on mobile? Adjusting to touchscreen from mkb is a bit weird. I've just been using greataxe but it's terrible for anything other than pve mobs.

  34. 7 months ago

    What kind of medium-long term goals do people have in this game? Is it mostly just get infinitely more silver and fame? I'm selling fish but I don't know what to do with the silver. I've read equipment should be thought of as consumable, plus they don't even seem to change visually from tier to tier, so that kind of diminishes one of the goals I thought I had.

    • 7 months ago

      Equipment does change visually with each tier. It's very noticeable at T8.
      The ultimate goal is finding a decent guild or group to play with. You can earn silver, PvP and grind everything to max level by yourself if you prefer playing solo Joining a guild or just having someone to duo with will give you a huge advantage. Playing solo outside of the Mists or Corrupted Dungeons is always risky.
      Once you got decent levels in everything (which should keep you busy for a while) it's all just spending your silver to have an advantage over other players. It's a PvP game afterall.
      >inb4 KneeBendy rant about slave labour

  35. 7 months ago

    I'm a new player (2 days of playtime lol). So far I've just been picking up random weapons and using them switching a lot. Apparently you're supposed to 100 mastery one weapon before moving on. Which weapon should I level to 100 for an all-rounder? These ones are what I enjoyed the most.

    >1h Xbow

    • 7 months ago

      Each weapon tree has one option at T3. This one is usually the best all-rounder starter weapon that's cheap and good for PvP and PvE.
      Battleaxe is probably the strongest option here. Spear, Light Crossbow, Wargloves are great too.
      Everything else has downsides like no mobility, bad at PvP or slow PvE clear.

  36. 7 months ago

    Imagine if we made a guild and started ganking... sadly anons can't into group play.

  37. 7 months ago

    Okay this thread has convinced me to try out lethal zones. Critic my loadout? I have some gear I'm unsure over

    Light crossbow OR Greataxe?
    Guardian Helmet
    Cleric Robe(meta) OR Assassin Jacket(invis feels safer)?
    Guardian boots (rejuv sprint and giant) OR Specter shoes(cooldown sprint and invis)?
    Thetford OR Martlock cape?

    Healing pots

    • 7 months ago

      Pretty much, try them all and see what works best for you

    • 7 months ago

      I give you some general advice. Sorry for ESL.
      You choose your loadout based on what your trying to do in the game. Don't try to be an all-rounder. Other players will try to kill you in lethal zones so don't focus only on PvE.
      You don't survive ganks by making yourself tanky. You either escape or even better don't get caught in the first place. Fast mounts are better than tanky mounts. As a solo player your weapon NEEDS to have mobility. If you don't have that, the other players who do, will always catch up to you. There is not always an exit nearby. Cooldown reduction is the most useful stat/passive. Invisibility is just as important.

      Cleric Robe goes with almost everything (great to level up asap) but Assassin Jacket is much better at escaping ganks.
      Players will often dismount on you while you are doing PvE. Mobs are interrupting your mount-up channel. If you don't go for Assassin Jacket (invis drops pve aggro), have either Guardian Helmet or Cleric Robe (not both). Channeled abilities aren't interrupted while a shield is active.
      Don't use AOE spells that stay on the ground or can't be interrupted early. Players will run into them to put you in combat which despawns your mount, stops health regeneration and makes you unable to exit the zone.
      Faction capes are expensive. Nothing wrong with a basic cape for PvE until you got more silver.
      Always have a cheap Double Bladed Staff for backup on you. Great for when you are just roaming the map or waiting for chests to open.
      You can change skills while you are invisible (adds 5s cooldown, Assassin Jacket invis lasts 8s)
      Switching between consumables doesn't cause a 10s cooldown as long as the consumable slot wasn't previously empty. Bring T4 poisons for bosses.
      The three basic sprints cover the most ground without any downsides.

      • 7 months ago

        >The three basic sprints cover the most ground without any downsides.
        Which are the 3?

  38. 7 months ago

    The worse thing about this is game is the dailies .
    Actually dailies ruin every game they are in but particularly frick sandbox games.

    • 7 months ago

      What dailies? There are none.

      • 7 months ago

        There are daily pvp and pve instance rewards
        There are daily chores on your island.
        First part isn't that big of a deal but I quit the game because of Island chores

        • 7 months ago

          I don't maintain my islands either but I wouldn't quit because of it. It's too expensive anyway.

  39. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


  40. 7 months ago

    Haven't played since last year and I made a new character and was dying a lot in the noob landing area next to Martlock white wearing 3.1 gear.
    Wtf am I doing wrong.

    • 7 months ago

      There's no 3.1 gear lol. You probably got knocked out too many times. Your gear loses 5% durability everytime and at some point it starts losing item power until you repair it again.

  41. 7 months ago

    Are laborers still worth it? I have 7 houses of tier 2 with shitty laborers. Should I tear them down and grow more carrots? Doesn't seem like investing further is worth it.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, but said carrots got cheaper because everyone does it now

  42. 7 months ago

    How does a solo non-premium make silver in this game?

    I've been trying out youtube guides but I'm not getting the same results

    I'm like t4 and don't have spec and gathering gear. I get like 10k per hour (in materials) from random gathering.
    >yz mobs
    get like maybe 25k per hour

    also all the chests in SD/CD/Mist all just give me cheap fame books

    • 7 months ago

      You can always get the 3 day premium on a new character and use it to farm Mists in 4.1. Then transfer the silver to your main. It takes like an hour to get from character creation to T6 Reaver. You should really never play without premium.
      It beats everything you can do with your current character. Gathering starts making money at T6 but progress is slow because of learning points.
      Skip the yellowzone. You don't need an expensive set to start doing lethal Mists and the increased rewards are very worth it.
      Yellowzone is a waste of time. Don't believe that Youtuber.

      • 7 months ago

        >Then transfer the silver to your main.
        How do you do this on the same account?

        • 7 months ago

          You can deposit silver in workstations on your island and give your alts access rights or buy gold with silver which is account-wide. There are gold-to-silver conversion limits but you can use the gold directly to buy premium on your main.

    • 7 months ago

      It takes you an hour to kill 10 impalas? Fricking liar. Unless you're on east. LMAO.

      You can always get the 3 day premium on a new character and use it to farm Mists in 4.1. Then transfer the silver to your main. It takes like an hour to get from character creation to T6 Reaver. You should really never play without premium.
      It beats everything you can do with your current character. Gathering starts making money at T6 but progress is slow because of learning points.
      Skip the yellowzone. You don't need an expensive set to start doing lethal Mists and the increased rewards are very worth it.
      Yellowzone is a waste of time. Don't believe that Youtuber.

      PROVE TO ME you can outfarm anything SwoleBenji puts out in the black zone consistently as a guildless solo player. PROVE IT. No one has ever proven him wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        >nuh-uuuh you're wrong and I'm right. You should be a wagie in the yellowzone and farm T4 hides like a bot.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah, just show someone consistently, as a solo, a guildless solo, outfarm 20m fame per hour.

          Show someone gathering consistently 1.2 to 1.7m silver per hour. Key word: Consistently.

          You literally can't do this. It's tapped. Benji's an autist that figured this shit out and it makes clan man seethe.

          • 7 months ago

            You treat the game like a minimum wage job while everyone else is out in PvP enabled zones to win the lottery from time to time.
            There are no jackpots in the yellowzone.

            • 7 months ago

              Do you enjoy giving your virtual sheckles to third worlders? Again, show me these "lotto" winnings consistently enough to be worth doing otherwise you're just farming for someone else like a slave.

              • 7 months ago

                Did I hit a nerve? No, you don't consistently win the lottery (in the video game).
                The most consistent money maker is farming T6 hide in T6+ blackzones. I don't have a spreadsheet ready but five charges of T6 result into T6 hide worth 10-12k silver (premium, T6 gathering gear with low spec)
                Still I would rather go into the Roads or search for T8 Mists to get a jackpot if I were a guild less solo player.

              • 7 months ago

                You realize ONE t2 impala that full respawns in like 1 minute is worth over 1.2k with premium right? There's plenty of pockets of these fricking things 4-8 at a time AND you can fill journals while doing it.

                Roads are filled with radar and portaler cheaters and you're always outnumbered with countless choke points you'll get discord coordinate-killed at. Mists are flooded with 8.3's and double bladed's you aren't gonna escape from.

              • 7 months ago

                You are playing like a bot for pennies. It's not fun. It's not rewarding. I'm not sitting there waiting for 500 silver to respawn when I could do more rewarding solo content or group activities with the guild and make silver while having fun with the crew. You have been playing for years and somehow still worry about silver and fame farming.
                The average player plays a full loot PvP game for the full loot PvP, not to avoid it. I get my gear refunded if I die during group content. Every decent guild does that.
                I'm okay with losing 2m per death for casual solo activities. A 8.0 equivalent set is enough to fight those 8.3 DBS gankers. That weapon deals no damage.
                Getting caught in the Mists is a skill issue.
                >b-but they are haaaaacking
                No, they are not. You are just this bad.

              • 7 months ago

                What earns more silver per hour solo consistently? I don't care about group bullshit cause all you're doing is sucking third worlder toes and being someone elses b***h doing group content.

                I remember watching a Benji video a year or two a go where he encourages new players to stay on the fricking tutorial island until they are at inventory limit.

                For good reason. No other activity at that stage of the game makes more silver per hour and the more silver a new player has the faster they can jumpstart the game.

              • 7 months ago

                The most silver you can earn solo on a silver/h basis is probably T6 hide gathering in some remote blackzone. Everything else relies on RNG (it would still result in far more silver than anything you can do in yellow zones).
                In lethal zones you want to get a jackpot and then go back to bank your loot. Even as a gatherer. You want to die with empty pockets and not lose hours of slow silver buildup.

              • 7 months ago

                Wrong. Stop assuming you can just out-farm a t4 blue zone by skinning t6 mobs consistently, because you can't. I've tried for YEARS to beat my methods of silver and fame and nothing comes close.

                Skinning in a t4 zone is far more optimal than a t6 black or red zone.

                Static farming a t4 blue zone is far better for fame / hr than anything else a solo can consistently do.

                >I already realized farming is pointless without focus
                You already know the answer. Pretty much all your island activities is a net loss without premium.

                You will be fricked by radar hackers and bot scanners that are in every entrance lol.

                Wdym by jackpot? Open world just has simple mobs.

                A jackpot is a lucky drop, but it's not consistent and you'll lose more than you earn being a solo in red and black zones.

                This game has a massive problem with frickers feeling peer pressure'd to be "hardcore" and not "wuss out" in safe zones, but they're just morons that don't realize they're not being efficient.

                >The point of the game is to pvp though

                So fame up and get wealth first then do it on YOUR TERMS not some other schmucks.

              • 7 months ago

                even at dead times i get hunted down in bz by groups in 10minutes max in some remote shitass zone far from any portal. I will stay in my RZ where i notice if some group just came to the map and frick off.

              • 7 months ago

                Players from the same guild/alliance are usually in a party when they play in the blackzone and they spam ping your location on the map to hunt you. They enter the blackzone via their headquarters. Entering via a portal city un-binds your headquarter binding.
                Most guilds don't play in the redzone because of the lack of content and they don't earn Might&Favor there.
                Redzone is a lot more fun for solos and small groups of random players. You can compensate the reduced fame/loot with faction flagging.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, just show someone consistently, as a solo, a guildless solo, outfarm 20m fame per hour.

        Show someone gathering consistently 1.2 to 1.7m silver per hour. Key word: Consistently.

        You literally can't do this. It's tapped. Benji's an autist that figured this shit out and it makes clan man seethe.

        You realize ONE t2 impala that full respawns in like 1 minute is worth over 1.2k with premium right? There's plenty of pockets of these fricking things 4-8 at a time AND you can fill journals while doing it.

        Roads are filled with radar and portaler cheaters and you're always outnumbered with countless choke points you'll get discord coordinate-killed at. Mists are flooded with 8.3's and double bladed's you aren't gonna escape from.

        >1 hide is 240 silver
        What fantasy server are you on? also yes I'm on East

        I respect benji but not everyone has access to all the 8.4 gear he has and max spec and max laborers. I don't think you can ask new players to emulate him and it'll get the same results.

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            he has the benefit of 8.3 gear, premium, max island journals, max spec, avalonian, etc

            a lowbie player doing the same thing will yield probably 30% of his numbers

            • 7 months ago

              T8 gathering doesn't benefit from going higher for gather yield. For skinning it does more poison damage, that's it. He has around 120% gather yield where as a new player will have around 80% so a 40% difference at best.

              A lowbie player should just play a few weeks and get to t8. It's not hard and all that time gathering means they can afford the gear which isn't that expensive.

              • 7 months ago

                Is gathering worth it on East server? What resource is the best one?

  43. 7 months ago

    oh nono.. albion bros we got too wienery

    • 7 months ago

      >Our f2p p2w mobile game is in trouble because it got bought by a f2p p2w mobile game company

      • 7 months ago

        the gap between p2w and normal players keep getting larger with each update. even the attuned weapons already give an unfair advantage.

        I can see this game dying when it's just a bunch of whales stomping on everyone else

        • 7 months ago

          The examples he gives are fricking moronic.
          No shit you can swipe for gear and beat less geared players in Mists and Facwar how else would it work? That's the entire game since the beginning.

    • 6 months ago

      >Shitty internet "social page" taking videos like this seriously in 2023.

  44. 7 months ago

    I remember watching a Benji video a year or two a go where he encourages new players to stay on the fricking tutorial island until they are at inventory limit.

  45. 7 months ago

    I don't have premium but have an island with all but the last 2 upgrades from before the changes
    What should I do with it or is it a waste of time? I already realized farming is pointless without focus

    • 7 months ago

      >I already realized farming is pointless without focus
      You already know the answer. Pretty much all your island activities is a net loss without premium.

      The most silver you can earn solo on a silver/h basis is probably T6 hide gathering in some remote blackzone. Everything else relies on RNG (it would still result in far more silver than anything you can do in yellow zones).
      In lethal zones you want to get a jackpot and then go back to bank your loot. Even as a gatherer. You want to die with empty pockets and not lose hours of slow silver buildup.

      You will be fricked by radar hackers and bot scanners that are in every entrance lol.

      Wdym by jackpot? Open world just has simple mobs.

      • 7 months ago

        Loot and fame multipliers are better in lethal zones. T4 bluezones at best give T6 loot and a lot of worthless low tier crap. The odds of getting a good drop are very low.
        Players that seek advice on what to do to make silver usually don't have a 8.3 set or max spec to get your results.
        Autism around efficiency and numbers etc. I play video games to have fun.
        Since you are a solo player I would stick to Mists which has its own set of jackpots. Blackzones are for guilds. Scouting entrances is unfortunately part of the game.

  46. 7 months ago

    i played this game, and did thrive. f2p, did small time pve and ratting/2v2 in hellgates to get started, made decent money. left and came back when 1v1 corrupted dungeons came out and made hella money, had perma premium on 3 characters and still making millions on winning pvp. ended up leaving because it gets a little lonely, wanted to do more hellgates but hard to find people to play with that arent looking to zerg and grief, and my one friend on the game went schizo and blocked me. still love this game, i think if it had a popular franchise to steal content from it would be one of the main contenders

  47. 7 months ago

    Hey guys, hey Benji,
    my question is, is it worth playing this shit as a europoor? I get 120-130 ms ping. I know, if I play peak EU hours I should mostly run into EU players and therefore it should 'even out' but is it really true? I like mobas and as autistic as it sounds, the difference between even 25 and 50ms on League for example is noticable.

    • 7 months ago

      Even 200ms ping is okay for PvP. 120-130ms is perfectly fine. When you fight a laggy melee player, they appear to have extra range.

    • 7 months ago

      Cursed staff is good for high ping

  48. 7 months ago

    A ratio like this is all I need to see to know an mmo is not worth playing. I strongly dislike the chinese.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't worry you will be on west server with the BRs

  49. 7 months ago

    benji u said bridgewatch is second safest never get attacked i've been getting ganked all night by roaming squads in yellow zones

    • 7 months ago

      Lymhurst gang forever

    • 7 months ago

      Lymhurst gang forever

      Feels good to be a Fort Sterling chad. Thetford scum are too scared to show their faces, Lymurst betas prefer to fight benji watchers and I've never even seen a Martlockgay in my life.

      Whats the verdict on the best city?

      • 7 months ago

        For facwar Fort Sterling is the most active and skilled, Lymhurst is also really active but they are full of bads.
        For other stuff like economy dunno but either Martlock or Thetford is the least populated.

  50. 7 months ago

    Feels good to be a Fort Sterling chad. Thetford scum are too scared to show their faces, Lymurst betas prefer to fight benji watchers and I've never even seen a Martlockgay in my life.

    • 7 months ago

      I would flag for fort sterling but their snow white maps hurts my eyes

  51. 7 months ago

    is the cartels secrets blowned wide open? secret gathering spots revealed

  52. 7 months ago

    I came back to game, what build should I use for yellow zone and mist grinding? I have axes, spears and swords to t5 only. I have enjoyed using Greataxe, Spirithunter and Bearpaws in the past.

    • 7 months ago

      uninstall wizard

  53. 7 months ago

    Which youtube guide channels are better than benji?

    His channel was one of the first guides I followed so it may have skewed my view of the game. Also I'm not so sure if I want to spend the rest of my time being a yellow zone chud.

    • 7 months ago

      These days YouTube is nothing but clickbait and omg the game is dead because the algorithm loves drama. BigLipsMcGee has some good guides. Slightly outdated but still good.
      Your best bet is asking in the in-game help channel or joining a good beginner friendly guild to get advice from people that actually play the game (with you).

    • 7 months ago

      The only way outta the yellow zone is to become a slave.

      • 7 months ago

        >some antisocial autist with a severe case of PvP anxiety is the top content creator of a full loot PvP MMO

        • 7 months ago

          He's not afraid, he's just not a moron. Full loot pvp is for groups, not solos.

          • 7 months ago

            >you can't lose if you don't play
            He must be having a lot of fun.

    • 7 months ago

      noooo don't join the 7% you're literally putting mexican third world mudhut penis in your mouth

    • 7 months ago

      i watched them and went to RZ for weeks and rarely die if you keep watch on the active pvp player number next to map, far better money for me and i farm open world mobs in t7 zones which can sometimes drop good shit too. also dont go to the bz unless you know what you are doing or if you want to donate your gear to zergs.

  54. 7 months ago

    there's roving groups of fully geared green flag players murderizing steelhide meadows gatherers this isn't safe at all swolebenjina

    • 7 months ago

      It's a frickin' blue zone. It ain't full loot.

      • 7 months ago

        gonna need you to keep the outpost flipped to bridgewatch and slay all lymhurst gankers, thank you

        • 7 months ago

          You can solo it:

          • 7 months ago

            listen i'm following ur guide u said it was safe but they are just afking on my body and talking mad shit and saying to unflag and sending me three zones away

          • 7 months ago

            i'm like 70 mil short of that loadout

            • 7 months ago

              That was a vid of him showing how to solo the outpost boss and what NOT to do and showing the dangers of trying to fight the boar.

              • 7 months ago

                that's a video of a boar absolutely destroying benji and dabbing on his corpse even as two players helped him, the boar laughed, it was sad.

  55. 7 months ago

    What do you anti PvP gays even do in this game? You can't build a base. You can't interact with the environment. The PvE is basic and you have seen 90% of it on your first day. Each map is a generic zone without unique landmarks to discover. It's barely a sandbox game. Generic life skills that all work the same way (even fishing).
    The PvP is the only good thing about this game.

    • 7 months ago

      How do you PvP gays even play this game?

      >go to lethal
      >get killed by mob of radar hackers
      >go to CD
      >eventually get killed by a meta/attunement abuser
      >go to mists
      >get killed by rats/8.3 whales

      I think I covered everything. How is this fun?

      • 7 months ago

        Why not join the winning side? What's stopping you from joining the mob of radar hackers, meta busers and rats/8.3 whales?
        It's like you are okay with being a loser forever. Even 4.1 rats in a 30k loadout get to participate.

  56. 7 months ago

    senors por favor enter the Black zones i swear there's not 20 other beaners waiting to gank you we don't have naked scouts and radar hacks tracking you through roads for a tier 4 blue chest senors please play in these zones por favor

  57. 7 months ago

    por que not join us senor you might be able to sniff some of gear we didn't turn into trash because we are 30 players beating on solo putos we lure here ese don't you want to get a few silver for being a slave senor don't you want to chuck your $50 loadout to be consider winner in a mobile pvp game

  58. 7 months ago

    I started playing about a week or two ago and have 30 hours. The games pvp is really fun coming from someone who's played a lot of League in the past. However, the actual gameplay loop just feels horrible.

    There just doesnt seem like there's a point to anything and the activities are repetitive from the start. Farm mists to do what farm more mists to farm more rifts easier to be able to kill people easier. Same for corrupted dungs. I just feel like there's no point nothing to look forward to but doing the same couple of things over and over again with little to no variety.

    I understand it's a sandbox game I've played RS and BDO in the past. However those games have enough variety in content to where if one thing gets stale just go to something else in the game. Whereas Albion just all feels the same. Thats not including life skills because Albions is boring as a sack of fricking rocks.

    • 7 months ago

      Albion is about PvP. Most if not everything is designed to create more PvP. It wouldn't be a good idea to add content in the game to reduce PvP. Try different builds. Try different content. Get into group PvP.
      MMOs are usually expected to be grindy and repetitive. Not having needlessly complicated systems and pointless bloat in the game is a plus in my eyes.

  59. 7 months ago

    currently at expert learning point for skinning, waiting on LP with a month of premium.

    just hit 100 warlock.

    at current skinning levels i'm getting roughly 250k/hr(add 60k for babies), i do not know where to get or how to use journals.

    should i just keep skinning and grind out the exp while making a bit of cash or focus on leveling up combat fame?

    • 7 months ago

      Gathering isn't a lot of silver at lower tiers. I wouldn't go out in gathering gear until T6. Just doing PvE will earn you more.
      Journals are on the marketplace but you will probably die long before you finish one. You should have had enough learning points to get T6 skinning if you bought premium. Don't waste them. Only spend learning points to get to the next gathering tier.
      Bring the tools wherever you go and level gathering passively while you wait for more learning points. You can also buy gathering tomes for fame.
      Get every armor mastery node to 100. (except Plate Armor)
      Focus on non-artifact equipment first (+0.2 item power for every level, artifact stuff only gives +0.1)
      Get one fame farm set all the way to 100 spec to earn fame credits.
      Then various solo weapons to lvl 75+ spec just to have something else to play.
      Maybe Priest/Nature to play healer.

      • 7 months ago

        >You should have had enough learning points to get T6 skinning if you bought premium
        yeah so i was like "holy shit 500 points time to time on auto-learn for everything that's popping up!" and poof. now i'm saving them.

      • 7 months ago

        thoughts on bag of insight?

        • 7 months ago

          It drains your silver for extra fame. That's about it. Use it in combination with a 100 spec fame farm loadout and auto-respec for insane fame credit gains and to go broke within minutes.
          I don't know if it's worth it. Probably not.

  60. 7 months ago

    This game is spellcaster biased just like most of these mmo "rpgs"
    Do more damage to you while also from range and with lower ip, fricking moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      i dunno 8.4 daggers split my butthole apart in about 2 seconds

      • 7 months ago

        >be in ava roads in shitty gear to fame farm the humanoids and gather some shit on the way. some ganker in stealth came and fricked me up in literally 2 secs wearing dagger. Had no idea what was happening even i died so fast, my ass didnt recover that day. Also to any newbies i advice never ever go to pvp without max spec, i think all my deaths were by people having 100 minimum in all gears so far.

        • 7 months ago

          In the last update they added a really loud sound effect to potions. You can hear it beyond nameplate range when someone uses an invis potion.

    • 7 months ago

      >martialgay having a melty
      Please post more, love me some quality tears

    • 7 months ago

      Melee weapons get free health and they ignore a % of the Resilience buff (formerly Focus Fire Protection).

    • 7 months ago

      lmao the amount of mobility daggers, paws, and DBS makes range completely obsolete, range means frickall in this game the only range class that can keep melee at bay is firewall.

  61. 7 months ago

    New Benji vid drops and in the frist 1/5th he straight up says it's not worth doing anything on your island without premium and focus, meanwhile anons drag their feet on telling me this.

    • 7 months ago

      Island related fame is time-gated. You can make silver in so many ways but can't level up your carrots if you never plant them, premium or not.
      Every day you dont harvest carrots, is a day you missed out on carrot fame. Silver is never wasted on character progression. Plant those carrots even if you lose some silver. It's the only kind of fame you can't put a pricetag on (yet).
      I didn't watch the video because it's probably too long again. Make them shorter.

    • 7 months ago

      Island related fame is time-gated. You can make silver in so many ways but can't level up your carrots if you never plant them, premium or not.
      Every day you dont harvest carrots, is a day you missed out on carrot fame. Silver is never wasted on character progression. Plant those carrots even if you lose some silver. It's the only kind of fame you can't put a pricetag on (yet).
      I didn't watch the video because it's probably too long again. Make them shorter.

      i'm pretty sure he just made the video because he wanted to rant about the discord that banned him for 24 hr

    • 7 months ago

      you were literally told the first answer in this thread

      >I already realized farming is pointless without focus
      You already know the answer. Pretty much all your island activities is a net loss without premium.

      You will be fricked by radar hackers and bot scanners that are in every entrance lol.

      Wdym by jackpot? Open world just has simple mobs.

    • 7 months ago

      honestly i'm glad there's no loose outfits beyond being naked in this game or highly detailed feet i done spent $1k on outfits in BDO my roster was full kibelius wing bawds

  62. 7 months ago

    Benji said turn on auto-respec on every character now he says never turn it on it's a waste of silver

  63. 7 months ago


    This is awesome cause now he's a redpilled Chad that can get any woman he wants.

  64. 7 months ago

    >He isn't wearing 8.4 in faction fights.

    • 7 months ago


  65. 7 months ago

    why blue over yellow zones? i'm farming regular mobs but i see green/blue moose all over the zone, large packs of moose untouched, 8.3 bots camping .3 mobs

    • 7 months ago

      benbo logic is lower tier spawn more and gets harvested faster

      honestly I don't think his method works unless you have maxed everything

      • 7 months ago

        Play the game for a month then.

  66. 7 months ago

    Is biglips a troon? Why would he use this pfp

    • 7 months ago

      Thats Evie from Paladins.

      • 7 months ago

        It's actually a hand cosplaying as Eve from Paladins

    • 7 months ago

      Equart or however it's spelled ripped into Biglips vid on his stream

      • 7 months ago

        Equart's a little gay that gets bought out by Koko. Also Equart's actually in America and was never in Ukraine during the war shit.

        That redneck streamer FlaccidBaron never had a medical emergency and fleece'd over 10 grand in donos with his little stunt.

        Mogdone has ties with Romanian news casters, political figureheads in Romania, and he himself was even in a semi-known band that'd play music for the local news stations and shit.

        The entire streamer catalogue are corrupted as frick. This game is AIDS.

        • 7 months ago

          Okay, Jammno.

        • 7 months ago

          What makes you say Equart is in America? The ping between Kyiv and Washington DC is about 120, which is what Equart plays at. Although that could be faked, I guess. It would be too obvious if he had say, 70-90 ping. Did he tell you it himself while you were still friends?

          • 7 months ago

            he hired private investigators to do background checks on his haters because he exposed them all as scammers and thieves

            • 7 months ago

              How could he afford that if he can barely eat? Did he eat the dead animals that were left at his front door? I remember him mentioning that in a video once or twice.

              • 7 months ago

                he knows a guy, works for albion silver

              • 7 months ago

                Have you watched Mogdone apocalypse challenge with viewers? It's funny watching him get frustrated with his drooler viewers.

        • 7 months ago

          Koko just reacted to this post on stream kek

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah and he proved just how much of a moron he is. Dude has no idea how the internet works and keeps feeding the Benji troll. He thinks he's bullying Benji with the sound clips and shit but that's exactly what he wants. At the end of the day these Albion streamers have frick-all to offer in terms of content and can't really move on to other games so if Albion shut its doors tomorrow they'd be fricked.

            • 6 months ago

              He's an ex-druggie who says safe shit to keep in the good graces of the company cause he thinks he's making a decent wage playing this shit heap of a game.

              Now that he's monitoring the thread, here's some facts:
              1) Covid was a scam.
              2) The earth IS flat.
              3) Space is fake.
              4) Nukes aren't real
              5) Sandy Hook never happened.
              6) The blue and yellow zones are more efficient and therefore superior to black zones.

              • 6 months ago

                Mogdone guild got griefed LOL
                Guild island deleted
                Silver stolen, including his own

              • 6 months ago

                He said he sold all his stuff and put the silver in guild Treasury and it's gone now LOL

              • 6 months ago

                Starbeast, sundevice,sword119, kronos32 4 based lads griefed mogdone, Drained the guild balance, 60m belonging to Mogdone. And cleared out someones personal island who gave permissions to guild. https://streamable.com/zlhe8g

              • 6 months ago

                Koko the israelite just refunded mogdone 100m. RIP based lads.

              • 6 months ago

                He was complaining about

                Equart's a little gay that gets bought out by Koko. Also Equart's actually in America and was never in Ukraine during the war shit.

                That redneck streamer FlaccidBaron never had a medical emergency and fleece'd over 10 grand in donos with his little stunt.

                Mogdone has ties with Romanian news casters, political figureheads in Romania, and he himself was even in a semi-known band that'd play music for the local news stations and shit.

                The entire streamer catalogue are corrupted as frick. This game is AIDS.

                again just now

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, I saw. He was blaming swolebenji for the grief. It was really because of infighting drama/mismanagement according to the 4 who did it.

              • 6 months ago

                This is why this game is dog shit. Guilds are for gays. Imagine being a normal person in the guild, you give your time gathering for hours like a good little goy cuck toe licker then you login to find all your work is gone and you are kicked and lose everything you put in guild island chests.

              • 6 months ago

                Real talk how long has this fricker played this game and why would he frickin' trust ANYONE with stuff that can be griefed?

                60 mill ain't frickin' shit to streamers. Just make a shameless stream like Benji did and ask for silver. Dude got like 600 million in 8 hours afking in town.

                Imagine being this much of a moronic homosexual, what age were you touched?
                Swolebenji doesn't like Mogdone and I posted about Mogdone getting griefed so swolebenji would know about it and get some keks

                You have it wrong. Mogdone doesn't like SwoleBenji. Swole doesn't waste time worrying about people who don't like him. He's too big to really care, and he gave up his villain arc anyway to leave them alone since SBI protects them anyway like little children.

                He was complaining about [...]
                again just now

                Koko's been obsessed with Benji who has never even interacted with the guy. It's pure envy. Koko's just a weird dude. I saw his stream once where he was looking at a tweet, saw Benji's name, and his voice and face got all twisted over it. Like this Benji guy makes him seethe at the mere sight of his avatar it's quite hilarious that someone he's never spoken to once has such an effect on him.

                Yeah, I saw. He was blaming swolebenji for the grief. It was really because of infighting drama/mismanagement according to the 4 who did it.

                I don't think Benji gives a shit about Mogdone's rp guild, and he swore off any future villainy due to SBI's dickriding.

            • 6 months ago

              Koko got rid of poopiehead 🙁

  67. 7 months ago


    Jannie delete this pls.
    I regret posting it, SwoleBenji is an entertaining guy and I wouldn't want him to get paranoid and ditch his current online identity and start over over getting doxxed. And to Ben I know your same-gayging ass is in here, keep the storys uploads coming, they're very entertaining between the albion guides. Honestly even just start a story or life advice channel, even if you gotta make shit up. You have a good voice for being a YouTuber.

    why blue over yellow zones? i'm farming regular mobs but i see green/blue moose all over the zone, large packs of moose untouched, 8.3 bots camping .3 mobs

    Less crowded. Why compete with others for 1 stack t5 resources? Have you skinned an impala? Like 1-2k silver with premium and t8 skinning with t8 ava tools and you can 1 shot them.

    • 7 months ago

      blue is less crowded? blue has like 20-30 gatherers per zone and you bet i found impalas because they're the only stuff left alive unless i happen to run into a pack of fresh respawned moose.

      • 7 months ago

        Well if you don't want to gather in a safe zone, go int 50k sets in lethal zones and see how fast you go broke.

  68. 7 months ago

    Trying to get back in to the game since my job is nothing but down time, but like other anons said it's just very unfriendly if you don't have a group or guild.

    • 7 months ago

      Have you tried Mists? It's the go-to solo player content.

    • 7 months ago

      What kinda job you got with "nothing but down time"? I need to get in on that scam and milk it.

      • 6 months ago

        I work at a very shitty and scummy security job who's only good side is that it pays barely enough to get by and is piss easy enough to not give a shit. I spend pretty mucb my entire day sitting in my car doing nothing.

        But like I said, the actual company is shit and scummy. They advertise 18 am hour and then made excuses to not give me that after they hired me and I couldn't leave. I was also supposed to a site manager, but the day I started my new position they told me it was for a different lot, which they then didn't train me or send other people too so I worked alone and then they shut down the lot at the end of the week, and since they didn't need any more leads they threw me over to a different spot and completely forgot I existed or ever was given a promotion.

  69. 7 months ago

    As a former EVE player who tried Albion relatively recently, this game pleased me due to having EVE's main problem, effective impossibility to find fights due to some game mechanics being extremely effective sources of intelligence, solved. It's basically as if entire EVE consisted of W-space. I remember how CCP experimented and switched off local chat once and problem started being solved in EVE itself, but they b***hed out because botters and carebears were crying too much, frick them.

    However I do have a community to play with, and I fully agree that this game is worthless for solo player. Trying to make it solo only has any point if you aim at eventually joining competent enough guild.

    • 7 months ago

      >giving fun to enemy
      homie what the frick are you doing?

    • 7 months ago

      Is there solo player content like Mists or corrupted dungeons in Eve? I never played it but I keep hearing they are very similar games.

      • 7 months ago

        Abyssals are like CDs but ironically without pvp (it just kills you if you don't clear it fast enough). There are also pvp abyssals but these only come around for events sometimes. I actually wish Eve would just copy CDs with invasions and make that the main Abyssal content.
        Eve also has wormholes/j-space that works like the portals in Albion and the mists/roads but it's not specifically designed for solos.
        While they sare a lot of sandbox features, nothing in the two games are ever 1 to 1 because Eve is a spaceship game (pods, impants, no real "cities") and also rides closer to where Ultima Online was due to it's age.
        So Thera is like Brecilien but not really, sov null is like black zones but no really, facwar is like facwar but not really, etc.

  70. 6 months ago

    all i hear is
    >don't do THAT! you need premium!
    i have premium, just grow crops/herbs for max lazy? 4d played so far

    • 6 months ago

      i have watched the swolebenjina video, and he says you need to play with premium for a year to make back the silver invested into island farm, i will assume he's a big loser and did the math

  71. 6 months ago

    shit game

  72. 6 months ago

    isn't 60m just 4 hours of swolebenjolina grindin' the t5 static dungos 20m fame per hour exp guide shadowcaller/nature staff bossing combo

    • 6 months ago

      No, moron. Go back to sucking your own wiener.

      • 6 months ago

        take ur meds and stop hatin' on /ourguy/ swolerbenjita

        • 6 months ago

          Imagine being this much of a moronic homosexual, what age were you touched?
          Swolebenji doesn't like Mogdone and I posted about Mogdone getting griefed so swolebenji would know about it and get some keks

          • 6 months ago

            so you're trying to suck his dick and you're mad i interrupted i got it friend slurp away you nut fiend.

            • 6 months ago

              You just flipped your stance. Good failtroll.

      • 6 months ago

        here i assume you accuse me of samegayging as benji whn i am not

        take ur meds and stop hatin' on /ourguy/ swolerbenjita

        i retort that ur a schizo for accusing me of such heinous crime

        Imagine being this much of a moronic homosexual, what age were you touched?
        Swolebenji doesn't like Mogdone and I posted about Mogdone getting griefed so swolebenji would know about it and get some keks

        here you gush about wanting to service benji's penis in most gratuitous fashion

        so you're trying to suck his dick and you're mad i interrupted i got it friend slurp away you nut fiend.

        here i say well that's great go take those balls beyond your supple lips

        You just flipped your stance. Good failtroll.

        here you say my stance has flipped, which stance did i take to flip, this is all just a natural response to dealing with a hostile gay moron attempting to please his oshi.

        • 6 months ago

          No, I wasn't accusing you of same gayging as Benji. I was calling out that you don't understand how the game works if you think PvE fame and silver are the same thing. Whatever gonna stop feeding this troll to shit up the thread

  73. 6 months ago

    What kind of autism is this?

    • 6 months ago

      benji's 20m fame farm video states he burns 14 million silver per hour with 8.4 satchel of insight and auto-respec turned on. a little over four times the amount, 4 runs, 4 hours, would equal 60 million silver burned. swollenbenjamin has stated that he can infinitely sustain this cost, as can anyway that has played a long time, and thus, did i dub 60 million as little more than 4 hours of 20m fame farming

  74. 6 months ago

    >thread devolves into eceleb circlejerk and fangirling over a poltard youtuber

    is there any more proof this game is shit

    • 6 months ago

      such is the fate of all games, such as all conversations lead to nazi germany and hitler

  75. 6 months ago

    up to 800k/hr with skinning at T6 on gathering bonus day

  76. 6 months ago

    So now that the dust has settled, auto respec on or off?

    • 6 months ago

      On or you're a brokie.

  77. 6 months ago

    Hey Jammku, since you're a based and redpilled Chad who can get any girl who he wants, should I buy this T-shirt to use in my Tinder pic?
    Pic related

    • 6 months ago

      No, wear a solid dark color with no logos or bullshit.

  78. 6 months ago

    does this mean i need like 400 full journals

    • 6 months ago

      You need beds, tables, and trophies to increase yield. Watch a Benji guide.

    • 6 months ago

      You are better off selling full journals. Islands got a rework last update. You no longer have dedicated house plots on your island. Every plot can and should be used for farming or raising animals until they rework laborers.
      No point in watching outdated guides.

      • 6 months ago

        Bullshit. Laborers give 2x what you can sell the journal for, and they make you wealthier in everything you do daily. You shouldn't use farms at all unless you're blowing focus. Even then 10k focus with maxed crop watering is only 80 squares.

        • 6 months ago

          You can 2x your silver every 22 hours? Finally I can buy myself a gf.

  79. 6 months ago

    Because we all living in a age of wich the players instead of trying to expand the old good days of MMO, they more busy b***hing and crying.

  80. 6 months ago

    this all happened because benji was raised on formula instead of breast milk.

  81. 6 months ago

    that's great genji but lymhurst took the outpost again and i'm not 8.4 geared so can u flip it i need to repair

  82. 6 months ago

    so houses are only for laborers and for porting back to on death? can just replace with farm?

  83. 6 months ago

    well, made 100k off 3 t5 and 2 t4 herb crops after buying more seeds and replanting, also raising a bunch of chickens

    • 6 months ago

      also as per benjita's silver video i am making 7 crops of wheat

  84. 6 months ago

    I just got my first 8.3 kill in CDs. How long do you have to bot T3 hides for 13m, benji?

    • 6 months ago

      swell benjamin best start 2023 says 13m is about 6.5 hours of T8 skinning in a blue zone, but he also has over 100m combat fame credits and everything maxed out and his own cooking empire and endless referral gold and 100 personal islands a single one worth many times your entire account

  85. 6 months ago

    Hey, swolebenji. What the frick is wrong with you?

  86. 6 months ago

    How do you beat shapeshifter weapons in pvp?

    If you get close they turn into furries and tear me. If I stay away they have better range attacks.

  87. 6 months ago

    Why is stone value so shit now anyway? Is it because of Island changes?

  88. 6 months ago

    >Full loot PvP le hardcore game where you get your money and/or time stolen for saying the naughty
    Personally I just don't see the point.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Chat moderation. I've spoken to some players about it, and not only is it silly for it to be there at all for anything below literally illegal, but even if you're one of those bootlicker vermin who beg for corporate dick up their ass every day - even people like that should be able to recognize that getting punished for calling someone a windowlicker is over the line.

        • 6 months ago

          Sure thing, Jammku.

          • 6 months ago

            >Sure thing, Jammku.

            • 6 months ago

              ben why do you hate third worlders ben don't you know a lot of your viewers are third worlders

        • 6 months ago

          Okay but every game is like that, why does it matter if it's a full loot?

  89. 6 months ago

    EQMS on top!

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