Why is it that no one can ever explain why these games are bad beyond "muh graphics and animations!" (Which are even worse in games after an...

Why is it that no one can ever explain why these games are bad beyond "muh graphics and animations!" (Which are even worse in games after and preceding it btw)
I'll admit they're not perfect, but I don't understand what aspect is so offensive that they're genuinely painful to play, like they're mediocre at worst, no game breaking glitches or anything, what's the issue?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    seething swshtroony discord thread alert.

  2. 4 months ago

    >all existing features are worse than in the preceding games
    >all new features are unfinished and feel horrible
    >not a single pokemon from the gen is worth talking about
    In 10 years nobody will even remember this generation happened.

    • 4 months ago

      >In 10 years nobody will even remember this generation happened.
      Wrong tragedies are not easy to forget

  3. 4 months ago

    First game with doors that wont open
    Terrible new designs (cinderace, duraladon, that fox)
    Tiny tiny routes, with barely anything to explore. Theyre restrictive
    Horrible team, team yell?
    Another stupid convoluted story by Ohmori where the good guy is actually the bad guy. He's done this for every single one of his games now.
    Introduced the raid battles, which I hate. And the empty wild area.
    The fossil pokemon are stupid.

    I hate so much about this game. Sun/Moon is worse still for me.

  4. 4 months ago

    The move animations aren't as bad as I remembered, I'll give you that. The dexit was inexcusable though, so it's still a shit game

  5. 4 months ago

    They’re just not very fun to play. It suffer the same fate as pla, bw and xy of trying to do way too much new ideas only to failed to execute all of those ideas

  6. 4 months ago

    name 5 things it does better than SV

    • 4 months ago

      trainer customization
      pokemon designs
      set mode
      battle tower

    • 4 months ago

      >better pokemon designs
      >better route design
      >better soundtrack
      >camp and curry making>offscreen sandwich
      >the game actually runs without crashing and bugs

      • 4 months ago

        >better dex
        >better new mons
        >better gimmick
        >better waifus
        >no pandering to placucks

        >Better pokemon design
        Toppest kek

        • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >better dex
      >better new mons
      >better gimmick
      >better waifus
      >no pandering to placucks

      • 4 months ago

        >Better dex
        Doesn't matter with the cut
        >Better new mons
        Ehhh, debateable?
        >Better gimmick
        No, have you seen dynashit? GOD NO!
        >Better waifus
        I guess?
        >no pandering to placucks
        >I like SWSHIT because it btfos the peoples in muh fanfictionz
        Genuinely mentally moronic, opinion dropped

        • 4 months ago

          ignore her, she's one of the baiters that tries to complain about unova in unrelated threads for (You)s
          since she hasn't been getting enough attention lately she and her buddies have had to start doing it to PLA, since it's well-received enough for shitting on it to be seen as controversial

    • 4 months ago

      Dumb question since SV's also a bad game. The question's simple: what are the standout features of SwSh? What does it do that's worth remembering?

      • 4 months ago

        That is a better question. There are some standout very good new pokemon(alot of bad ones too though). I think the camp was an upgrade to amie. Raids were actually good despite dynamax being a shit gimmick. Marnie is a peak coomer design pokegirl

  7. 4 months ago

    > Price increaae
    > dexcut
    > same problems as Gen 6 and 7
    Now shut up.

  8. 4 months ago

    Alright, I will tell you
    >Dexcut was shit (The main thing that killed YEARS of playability.)
    >Story was shit (Do I even have to mention the fact that the main reason why this "darkest day" happened was because some saturday morning cartoon villain shithead couldn't wait a day to solve a 1,000 year crisis?)
    >Evil team was shit (A toxic pedo fandom? Really?)
    >Rivals were shit (Hop was like the worst offbrand version of Hau and a godawful attempt at recreating a Bianca kind of story arc.)
    >The wild area was shit (At least SV didn't completely cuck me out of catching any kind of strong Pokemon if I wanted to regardless of my gym badges and actually gave me an open world)
    >Parkinsons online (Try to find ANYBODY to raid with and try to use that god awful inconvenient Y-comm without pulling your hair out, I dare you. The PSS in the 3DS era was peak)
    >Battle tower was shit. (Yeah I totally want to listen to a sound track about two 13 year olds having a baby while I battle in a barebones gimmick happy shithole. It's only "saving grace" was maybe the battle shop.)

    Do I need to elaborate more?

    • 4 months ago

      >SV didn't completely cuck me out of catching any kind of strong Pokemon if I wanted to regardless of my gym badges
      It most certainly did. Catch rates for pokemon are directly tied to your gym badge progression in SV. It took me 46 pokeballs to catch a paralyzed 1 HP Stantler at level 18 because I explored before doing any gyms. Subsequent playthroughs are a gym rush first and foremost with the occasional grinding on suicidal Tatsugiri to level up between them.

  9. 4 months ago

    They're offensively bland, that's the problem. There is no reason for anyone to care about it aside from jerking off to the girls. It does nothing well, but at the same time most of it isn't offensively bad either. It's just a sterile, linear drag with the worst routes in Pokemon history. Playing it is like having your soul stolen, because the game can't possibly elicit any emotion out of an ordinary human while it's on. It's like you got an AI to design a Pokemon game.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Why is it that no one can ever explain why these games are bad beyond "muh graphics and animations!"
    You have to put it in perspective anon. Let me do that for you:

    >game is revealed
    >fans are pretty positive about the game
    >cut to E3
    >Masuda announces that a major portion of pokemon will be cut
    >"better graphics, and high quality animations" are cited by Gamefreak as the main reason for so many pokemon being cut
    >the game looks nothing special, in fact some areas look like actual shit, and the Wild Area trees were laughably bad
    >to make matters worse, animations were reused from the 3DS games

    Had they just been honest from the start, the games wouldn't have been so badly hated before release.
    The games did turn out to be shitty, but that's beside the point.

  11. 4 months ago

    there’s obvious shit like the garbage graphics, but for me, I just got bored with it. The glaring problems outside the graphics like the janky camera controls, the locked camera in towns and on routes, wrong battle backgrounds (when the right ones were available just not set correctly), and the sizes of mons not being accurate. personally im also a story enjoyer so when Rose just becomes the antagonist very suddenly because of some stupid made up reason, it felt so rushed and forced. the QoL was fine for some stuff, could have used more interiors which is now an issue with SV. Just felt like a shell of what should be a very full 3D world, yet it somehow lacked that (SV very similarly did this but in different places).

  12. 4 months ago

    doesn't know whether it wants to be about the wild area or about the main galar region and both feel half baked as a result
    you also have to understand that the graphics aren't just panned for ">muh grafix" but because it's the reason they cited for going through with dexcut, so understandbly something as controversial as dexit was gonna need to look REALLY god damn pretty to jusitfy it (which it kinda just didn't, especially in the wild area)
    could also talk about how the game is pissdick easy but that's also like every pokemon game so who really cares
    forced XP share is a bit of a meme but there's very little reason to remove the option to turn it off
    the region also is just hard to get into and does not feel cohesive outside of every gym being a big stadium. you go from grassland to desert to fairy tale forest to snowy mountain and while this shit happens in other games as well it feels a lot more haphazard here, there's also nothing to get you invested in the region. at most you have sonia popping up every two or so gyms to exposiiton dump about the heroes of galar or whoever but i dont think anyone gave a shit because they either A) understand what it means to show not tell or B) were busy cooming to her when she appeared on screen

  13. 4 months ago

    muh stantler is the only reason
    otherwise people would wiener suck it like every other game before it

  14. 4 months ago

    because they aren’t bad

  15. 4 months ago

    I only played SS around 2 years after their release with a physical copy that had the expansion pass built in, I enjoyed Isle of Armor a lot more than the main story and mostly just spent time there instead of doing the story, Wild Area was terrible compared to the 2 DLC areas, story was whatever and it was obvious that they ran out of time with designing the gyms when the last ones were a corridor and a quiz, I thought areas like Ballonlea, Circhester and Wyndon were better than SV both graphically and atmospherically

  16. 4 months ago

    The story tells you for 95% of the game to not care about it then at the last 5 minutes you interrupt what you can only know as being a normal business meeting because Leon's a few minutes late rather than any realistic reason to start pushing the plot along. All resulting in the most moronic reason for a twist villain I've ever seen and a "threat" that beats itself due to the dogs joining in. I like the artstyle of SWSH. 2nd best on the Switch behind LGPE

    • 4 months ago

      >that pic
      Rose is literally just Masuda.

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