Why is no talking about Starfield's main story or faction quests? Even Skyrim still had regular Stormcloak vs.

Why is no talking about Starfield's main story or faction quests? Even Skyrim still had regular Stormcloak vs. Imperial threads popping up over a decade after release.

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  1. 8 months ago

    It’s because of a coordinated disinfo campaign to smear the game by snoys and baldur’s gate/cyberpunk trannies

    • 8 months ago

      >is the game shit?
      >no, it's every other game/console/fanbase that's wrong!

      • 8 months ago

        Mostly positive on steam, it's generally just angry poorgays

        • 8 months ago

          Then why is it mostly positive on steam?

          "Mostly Positive" on a AAA game is terrible.

        • 8 months ago

          70% or anything NEAR it is terrible

          Starfield flopped hard compared to Skyrim and such. The setting is just too grounded, bland and boring. Nothing sets it apart from shit we've seen before.

          • 8 months ago

            The setting is fine, its just that the writing is dogshit. All the quests are terrible and if they arent complete shit then they're trying to piss you off with the horrible cast of characters being complete pieces of shits to you. The game would have unironically been more entertaining during the war thats talked about so much between the 3 factions.

            • 8 months ago

              The settings full of contradicitons from multiple teams and multiple builds as they dumbed it down or cut things.

              • 8 months ago

                Are you confusing the setting with the writing? What's the contradictions in the setting that you know of?

        • 8 months ago

          At least they didn't cut any corners on the burgs. This post brought to by the Wendy's BaconatorTM.

        • 8 months ago

          Bethesdrones are the poorgays, as they can't afford gaming PCs and have to opt for cheapshit consoles and game pass, which is where you gays keep claiming the millions of starflop players are.

      • 8 months ago

        Then why is it mostly positive on steam?

        • 8 months ago

          Then why is it lower rated than Fallout 76?

    • 8 months ago

      jesus christ, i'm surprised you left out the nintendo shills and the fromsoftdrones

      • 8 months ago

        Not him, but I've seen neither Nintendo nor Fromsoft fanboys shitting on this game, just Sony, Cyberpunk and BG3 fanboys.

    • 8 months ago

      How do people smear a game by NOT talking about it?

    • 8 months ago

      No it's just boring moron

      • 8 months ago

        Nah it's fun

        • 8 months ago

          >He posted himself self harming again

    • 8 months ago

      You forgot Elden Ring fans, Nintendo fans, FNV fans and a whole laundry list of other scapegoats.

    • 8 months ago

      >disinformation campaign
      Wow I wish you stupid frickheads were this sensitive to all the political disinformation campaigns that actually happen regularly from governments that aren't even your own.

    • 8 months ago

      I see, are they in the room with us now schizo?

    • 8 months ago

      Cannot smear game more than Todd which made it into shit

    • 8 months ago


      Why is no talking about Starfield's main story or faction quests? Even Skyrim still had regular Stormcloak vs. Imperial threads popping up over a decade after release.

      >It’s because of a coordinated disinfo campaign to smear the game by snoys and baldur’s gate/cyberpunk trannies
      >gay still cant talk about garbage story and resorts to trolling
      its that shitty anon

    • 8 months ago

      its a coordinated disinfo campaign...to not talk about a game? how does that work exactly

      • 8 months ago

        If you want to talk about the game go to >>>/vg/ . No one that wants to talk about the game comes here anymore for obvious reasons.

    • 8 months ago

      it’s literally the opposite

      • 8 months ago

        no u, how much do they pay you per post?
        10 cents or some shit?

    • 8 months ago

      >we don't talk about it because... OTHER GAME EXIST

    • 8 months ago

      You must be feeling how ridiculous this is getting as you keep adding to the list of people in this made up anti-bethesda cabal

    • 8 months ago

      >all these replies spoon feeding pajeet attention prostitute
      this is why Ganker & Ganker are one of the worst board
      >Verification not required.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Stormcloak vs. Imperial

    The equivalent in Starfield is "Cowboys Vs Army" and they're both very boring/uncontroversial. The other faction, Va'runn, are hardly in the game.

    • 8 months ago

      the equivalent questline is sysdef vs crimson fleet which is especially shit even by bethesda standards

  3. 8 months ago

    Reminder that Ulfric is a Thalmor Puppet and the Empire is bidding its time in order to repopulate so they can start another war and win it.

    • 8 months ago

      ulfric told elawin to get fricked at the peace talks. meanwhile the imperials are too preoccupied with toshing almer salads to care for their own people

      image a s,o,yjack imperial crying while standing in line to suck almer wiener (whering his little slik n leather skirt ) muttering to himself throw his tears "soon...."

  4. 8 months ago

    Because the game sucks moron

    • 8 months ago

      Fallout 76 had 13% positive reviews on release so this isn’t true

      • 8 months ago

        It is dumbfrick, fallout 76 still sucks and starfield manages to be lower kek

        • 8 months ago

          Starfield isn’t sitting at 13% positive

          • 8 months ago

            Cope DUMBFRICK fanboy

            • 8 months ago

              you seem like the one who's coping

              • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          >Bro that is baaad aaass.

  5. 8 months ago

    You can never actually take sides and the politics are extremely uninteresting. There are three major factions in the game, you can never take sides between them, and their ideologies are kind of dull. The closest thing the game ever gets to this is the Hopetech dilemma but it's not like that's really all that consequential. The Starseed quest is better but it's very easy to miss.

    • 8 months ago

      Starseed quest? I missed that.

      • 8 months ago

        There's an activity to go to Charybdis if you stumble upon it, or I think you can just go there on your own.

        It's still not that great of a quest, but at least it's kinda unique. Feels a bit like something that would be in Fallout.

    • 8 months ago

      i really stupid move you should be able to do big stuff like blow up new alantis or something especially since ng+ is push so heavily

      • 8 months ago

        NG+ is probably the biggest missed opportunity has done in a long time. They give you the perfect opportunity to endlessly re-experience the game and yet there's not much to change on subsequent runs except some dialogue options. They should have gone all-in on quest choice and impactful consequences to the world that you can experience, encouraging you to try NG+ again and do things differently to see how they play out, but they didn't. There's the occasional easter egg you find in the NG+ main quest but no hidden overarching quest that you can do to find and end to the constant loops. Nothing. Todd got so close to making the most kino game of his career and then he blew it.

  6. 8 months ago

    Because it's boring. The main questline is a big bag of 'who the frick cares?' and the only faction quest remotely decent is the pirate one.

    • 8 months ago

      >and the only faction quest remotely decent is the pirate one.
      which isn't even good when you realize how on the rails it is

      • 8 months ago

        I bet you think you have to work for ikande

        • 8 months ago

          no you dumb homosexual, you clearly can choose to just ditch them for the fleet at the end but you can't even kill him at any point till the end, even whent eh game gives you the classic bethesda [Attack] which usually results in unflagging an essential npc but no it doesn't even do that shit, and you can't even kill mathis, and you can't kill the neon guy who blackmails you, god this game blows, how tf did bethesda make skyrim look like fricking morrowind by comparison to starfield, fricking cybershit is laughing at starfield now and they should be

          • 8 months ago

            >fricking cybershit is laughing at starfield now and they should be
            why? Cyberpunk is a worse game

            • 8 months ago

              it's not, hell even cyberpunk with how shallow it is has more relevant player agency and freedom when it comes to an effect on the plot and it's endings, gameplay is just better, visually it's better, night city is technically more impressive than any city in starfield or planet, hardly any loading screens, good music, memorable characters, believable romances, attractive people, distinct endings, good lore, less shitty writing, and an identity

              • 8 months ago

                >hell even cyberpunk with how shallow it is has more relevant player agency and freedom when it comes to an effect on the plot and it's endings
                choosing 1 of 2 ending missions isn’t “player agency” or “freedom”

              • 8 months ago

                nta but cyberpunk has at least 5 endings that all vary depending on choices the player made in last act and the act prior. That's why when people say cyberpunk sucks as an rpg which it kinda does they don't complain about act 1 or the endings which were pretty good endings for a game story that was very half baked

              • 8 months ago

                None of the endings require any effort to unlock beyond Playing Content aside from Reaper's 20 questions with Johnny and even then you just have to not be an butthole to him in 1 single conversation

            • 8 months ago

              It's amazing how Cyberpunk turned from heel to face just so it can be used to shit on Starfield. I like both games, but watching this stuff unfold is hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time.

            • 8 months ago

              >Cyberpunk is a worse game

            • 8 months ago

              Only on Ganker full of anons who never played starfield of cyberpunk is starfield the better game.
              Hell i think most homosexuals here don't play games anymore, they sit around shitting up the board 24/7.

              • 8 months ago

                jesus rajj

        • 8 months ago

          even if you say frick you ikande and shoot your way off it falls apart the second mathis says he will kill you and you wipe out half the key defending his immortal ass. then everything carrys on like nothing happened.
          the frick? the first thing you see is 1 pirate killing another and nobody cares.
          but you do it and everyone wants to save the guy they just exiled. exiled despite them saying the only way out of the fleet is death.

          sure all of that just works

  7. 8 months ago

    Because most sane people are putting off the main quest for as long as possible.

    • 8 months ago

      This. I only entered the lodge once after arriving in New Atlantis and never started the Constellation missions. And I'm like 60+ hrs in

  8. 8 months ago

    People talk about the UC Vanguard one
    Well they talk about it being the only good one rather than any actual specifics of it

    Really needed to have some sort of assassin group questline, everybody loved those in the elder scrolls

    • 8 months ago

      I don't care much about the general opinion. I did all but the Ryujin, and I enjoyed them all. Vanguard was the best, and space cowboy was slightly more fun than space pirate (though space pirate was better combat wise since it's the only damn chain that includes space combat for some strange reason).
      Absurdly enough, these threads aren't really visited by people that have played the game.

    • 8 months ago

      >People talk about the UC Vanguard one
      >Well they talk about it being the only good one
      people seriously believe that dogshit quest line is well written?

  9. 8 months ago

    Can anyone explain what motivates the Starborn to attack you.

    • 8 months ago

      Your purchase or rental of the game.

    • 8 months ago

      >Reach Unity
      >Attain powers
      >Doesn't settle down in a universe where people haven't discovered the artifacts, ensuring unchallenged godhood
      >"Gotta fight the other people who've seen the Unity instead"

      Todd didn't know what to do with the story.

    • 8 months ago

      >You can't have the artifacts
      >You can't be trusted

      Can we at least all agree that Vae Victis did nothing wrong?

      They did an incredibly bad job painting this guy as an evil mastermind. Him being behind the terrormorph attacks was asspull writing of the lowest quality. And what he did at Londinian is what literally any other general would do in that scenario.

    • 8 months ago

      You wouldn't understand.

    • 8 months ago

      They are literally NPCs in the universe you are in.

  10. 8 months ago

    Because the game is boring.

  11. 8 months ago

    Can we at least all agree that Vae Victis did nothing wrong?

    • 8 months ago

      He literally did everything wrong

    • 8 months ago

      he lost

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      In londinian yes. But the false flagging was in fact, lawful evil

      • 8 months ago

        I bet the person who wrote that thought it was really clever and definitely not completely fricking moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      No, he was an evil moron.

      >Oh no, heatleeches become Terrormorphs! And this specific plant that can only grow on this one specific planet expedites the process!
      >Time to blow up everybody that knows this, ensuring that the information stays with me alone.
      >Now I'll use the heatleeches and plant to conduct multiple terrorist attacks at remote colonies.
      >I'm doing this to draw attention to the issue in the hopes that somebody will discover the information that I already fricking know and just haven't told anybody.
      >Aha, player, you now know the truth. That's right, it was all me. I killed all those people and lied about it. But it's okay, their sacrifice served a greater purpose, because you now know the truth about the origin of the Terrormorph! So many lives will be saved as a result of my leading you to this information!
      >Now, you need to go back upstairs and tell everyone how great I am. Tell them that I'm a hero that deserves his freedom.
      >Why didn't I just give that information in the first place? Why didn't I just bargain with it directly instead of going through all these moronic hoops? Why did I orchestrate my master plan in such a way that I'm left powerless with my life and future left in the hands of a total fricking stranger? Uh...

      • 8 months ago

        >>Oh no, heatleeches become Terrormorphs! And this specific plant that can only grow on this one specific planet expedites the process!
        >Time to blow up everybody that knows this, ensuring that the information stays with me alone.
        There's nothing wrong with this part, it's everything after that where the (needless) moronation begins. They could have easily made it someone else behind the attacks, or solely the lunatic doctor, but no, they had to do the, "MUAHAHA, WELL DONE, YOU HAVE DISCOVERED MY EEEEEVIL PLAN, BUT YOU ARE TOO LATE THE THWART ME also I'm just like totally raising awareness man", asspull plot twist that could be seen from orbit.

        • 8 months ago

          I actually didn't believe it was him at first, it seemed too obvious. He was playing it cool during our final conversation until I expressed mild distrust of him, at which point he ripped the mask off and made a dramatic confession to every sordid deed with zero remorse. It was so out of left field I couldn't believe it.

          >"I didn't frick those kids"
          >Are you sure?
          >"Yes, I'm sure. I absolutely didn't frick those kids. I'm as interested in finding the real culprit as you are!"
          >I think you might've fricked those kids.

          This is what it felt like to me.

      • 8 months ago

        >Why didn't I just give that information in the first place? Why didn't I just bargain with it directly instead of going through all these moronic hoops?
        I dont understand how anyone could interact with ucs leadership without thinking frick these morons i want to kill em all. If only they werent immortal.
        Fricking with the uc for the hell of it seems like a good plan.

    • 8 months ago

      He also helps you hunt down war criminals if you spare him, sparing him is objectively good.

      • 8 months ago

        war criminals or """"""""""war criminals"""""""?

      • 8 months ago

        >sparing him is objectively good.
        He's black so thats objectively wrong.

  12. 8 months ago

    None of these morons actually played the game, that’s why. And if they did, they got filtered within the first 3 hours.

    • 8 months ago

      >And if they did, they got filtered within the first 3 hours.
      Oh my, you remember me. Yes, the game was so boring to me that I couldn't find a single reason to keep playing it after spending that much time with it.

      • 8 months ago

        How many hours have you spent crying about it on Ganker?

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe like five or six if I had to guess. What about you?

    • 8 months ago

      I did, literally the whole main story is
      >Take companion
      >Go somewhere
      >Do intro sidequest
      >Get space rock
      >Come back
      >Break after two more missions
      >Star person who can be one of any of your Constellation friends besides Vasco
      >Says they're sowwy for trying to kill you
      >Do more rock collections
      >Another star person comes around
      >say they're the le edgy evil star person
      >Try to kill you
      >You have to chose between going to the satellite base or stay
      >Do another mission
      >Meet the two star people
      >Le edgy star person was actually another ally of yours
      >Have to chose between le edgy and le goody good
      >Turns out it doesn't matter since your choice is reset by the next new game plus
      t.Guy who beat the game 10 times for armor set

    • 8 months ago

      >Y-you got filtered!
      Just have a nice day already. The game sucks and the writing is absolutely atrocious. It's dumber than Fallout 4.

      • 8 months ago

        Nice meme response

      • 8 months ago

        >And if they did, they got filtered within the first 3 hours.
        Oh my, you remember me. Yes, the game was so boring to me that I couldn't find a single reason to keep playing it after spending that much time with it.

        yeah, this sounds exactly what people who got filtered would way

  13. 8 months ago





  14. 8 months ago

    >Why is no talking about Starfield

    Because there has never been a game with less soul than Starfield. It's as though the entire game was made by robots, by artificial intelligence, or, at the very least, by people who have never played video games.

    • 8 months ago

      >Because there has never been a game with less soul than Starfield.
      no man’s sky exists

    • 8 months ago

      has there ever been a criticism more meaningless than this?

      • 8 months ago

        >why, yes
        >in fact I do like Fallout 76
        >how could you tell?

  15. 8 months ago

    I have about 196 hours and I'm still playing on NG4 now ask me anything

    • 8 months ago

      How many extra chromosomes do you have

  16. 8 months ago

    because this game isnt epic like Skyrim. Ulfric is amazing you go in his palace and you just feel the gravity of the situation. The moral dilemmas is actually not an easy one there is no set good and bad answer

    Getting dragon shouts in the depth of an ancient nord ruins filled with traps and often with a boss at the end is amazing it just feels epic. Starfield you just do a shitty mini game worse than a bad mario party mini game

    The vampire questline is great Serana is one of my favorite follower of all time. Harkon is cool too if you love vampires it's just a treat, etc.

    I played the UC campaign and I thought I would have to deal with a grand alien invasion against all sorts of gross creature or a super galactical war against another faction. Nope none of that shit, we basically nipped the invasion in the bud.
    The general who was still alive that was cool but the plot was completely deranged nobody in their right mind will side with him. Even from an evil character perspective it doesnt make sense to help him... and the storyline basically end there, when I expected the cool things to happen.

    The ranger quest sucks straight up no redeeming quality. They couldve done so much with that too there is so much criminal plot you can create you have a whole universe to make it work and... nothing

    What is even the fricking point of the cult of the serpent? Theyre not doing shit theyre basically spacers lol.

    The game has so much potential and they just did nothing with it. The good thing is it's a PERFECT sandbox for modders, I expect them to save it

  17. 8 months ago

    can anyone even hum the theme of Starfield? cause i can hum Skyrim, Fallout, even cyberpunk i think

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny, I should be able to, considering how many times you hear the same couple of bars over and over, but as soon as I exit the game I immediately forget it.

  18. 8 months ago

    because it's boring as shit and nobody cares

  19. 8 months ago

    Most of the discussion is in /vg/. People barely even talk about games to a substantial on Ganker anymore even if they’re popular

  20. 8 months ago

    It would quickly reveal there are only 4 white guys in the entire game. Out of the 4 white guys one is a race mixer, one is a cuck, one is evil and the last one is on it's way out.

  21. 8 months ago

    So now that BG3 vs Starfield is almost "over" and people are growing tired of that, now the idea is to pit the CP2077 fans against the Starfield fans even though both have infinitely more in common than differences. This "shill" campaign is pathetic.

    • 8 months ago

      >So now that BG3 vs Starfield is almost "over"
      i think it is over, i don't see anyone mention starfield in bg3 threads, the schizo tencent guy killed himself, and all starfield threads are either threads talking about it's failure/success or the Hispanic dude saying KINO

    • 8 months ago

      You don't get it. Cyberpunk is good now because Starfield is forever bad and fans must FIGHT.

  22. 8 months ago

    Starfield quest lines suck.

  23. 8 months ago

    because it's bad, but god does it make fallout 3 and skyrim look like gods

  24. 8 months ago

    i pirated the preorder/prerelease and played the entire game (no ng+, dropped it after the first mingame relic) and can't remember anything about it unless someone mentions a specific quest.

  25. 8 months ago

    >poison any discussion about a game for weeks
    >why's no one talking about this game?
    I wonder.

    • 8 months ago

      Ganker wants more to do with a games failure so they can all share a cheap laugh and then move on to the next “flop” than they do any genuine discussion.
      Look at the quality of threads, even when the game receives negativity it’s just shitposting the exact same thing as the last 1000 anons to roll in from stupid town
      It’s all so tiresome

      • 8 months ago

        You are here arguing it you fricking moron, Ganker is split into 3 groups:
        1. yes i like it
        2. no i don't like it
        3. opposite of what you like

        • 8 months ago

          4. shitposting

        • 8 months ago

          4. do you trim your pubes

      • 8 months ago

        It's TORtanic syndrome. Frickers have been doing this for the last ten years.

  26. 8 months ago

    >bethesda game comes out
    >Ganker almost unanimously hates it
    >couple years go by
    >everyone pretends they loved it from day one
    >new bethesda game comes out
    >everyone hates it
    >complains about how it’s not nearly as good as the previous game they were just shitting on(which is now a masterpiece for some reason) and they wish they could go back, the new game lacks “soul”, etc
    I’ve been on this board longer than I want to admit. This exact scenario has played out several times already. It’s very tired and played out. I don’t know why people are like this.

    • 8 months ago

      >everyone pretends they loved it from day one
      so true

    • 8 months ago

      this is one of those things that sounds like the truth till you start thinking about it for more than not at all

    • 8 months ago

      Absolutely no one pretends Fallout 4 or 76 were good

      • 8 months ago

        What if I told you I have seen people defending Fallout 4 in these threads even though I remember the absolute shredding I saw it receive on release.

      • 8 months ago

        "People" who defend starfield were shilling fallout76 before it (and fallout3 before that). There were obvious shill threads spammed daily which tried to spin up narrative that fallout76 is a good game.

    • 8 months ago

      I loved Skyrim from day 1, Ganker was always wrong about it. I hated Fallout 4 because of the moronic plot and dialogue system, I can still go back to it to wander around and shoot things aimlessly while ignoring quests. I can't even be bothered to hate Starfield, it's just dull.

  27. 8 months ago

    Bobby Lee lost his save file at 65% complete

  28. 8 months ago

    there arent any "controversial" faction choices.

  29. 8 months ago

    most of Ganker are plebs who want movies and not actual games. they thrive on watching cutscenes with mocap of actors performing worse than D rank movies

    you also see nobody talking about the big massively hyped from software game that just came out either

    just like mass effect, with baldurs gate 3 , we'll see coomer threads about BG3 for years to come

    • 8 months ago

      If the ginger space e-girl from the concept art was in the game and adoptable and could live in your ship the game's effective score would've risen 10 points on this board. It's that simple Todd, that's all you had to do.

      • 8 months ago

        I believe she was de-gingerfied and is the little kid in the Constellation.

        • 8 months ago

          Compare to pic related

          • 8 months ago

            >teeny, tiny shorts

            Thanks Tood

        • 8 months ago

          Apart from the children on the Constant, all the children I've seen in the game look exactly like Cora.

          • 8 months ago

            ATF will fix it

  30. 8 months ago

    It's divisive because your opinion of the game will vary drastically with your playstyle. If you're the sort that visits a town and does quests, and if you appreciate all the little details and environmental storytelling they do, you'll enjoy it a lot. All the background stuff like POI, side missions, smuggling, etc. gives the world an illusion of depth, and if you let that stay as a backdrop while you run your quests, the world feels great.
    However if you played Skyrim by wandering around, exploring the wilderness and looking for cool dungeons with exciting enemies to fight. You will HATE the game. If you just start jumping around and "exploring" and actually delve into the POI and background stuff you'll quickly discover it's a thin veneer, and a lot of the shine comes off of the world.

    tbh I don't know how they could make Skyrim-style exploration work because the world is way too big. Maybe have one handcrafted outpost per system on average, rest is wilderness. Really as long as they pointed you to handcrafted content it would be fine. But the copy and paste is awful once you run into it.

    • 8 months ago

      This is a very good point, I enjoy the quests which is why I like the game but I can see how people who dont would get pissed.

  31. 8 months ago

    Because they're fricking boring

  32. 8 months ago

    There's no war or central conflict in Starfield because it's set right after all the big wars. The questlines are interesting though and people do talk about the UC vanguard or crimson fleet ones.

  33. 8 months ago

    The gun design in the game is really above par not just for a Beth title but for guns in general. Todd wasn't kidding when it was prioritized heavily during development, in a space game no less.

    • 8 months ago

      don't worry, people will still straight up lie about the game to try and shit on it

    • 8 months ago

      Some of the gun design is good. Some of them look like something a child put together out of Lego blocks.

    • 8 months ago

      Good as it is it's like going to a gun range with giant targets that never move. What's the point of having good gunplay if there's nothing to use it against?

      • 8 months ago

        Todd talked about enemy AI in the podcast, specifically about enemy ship AI. They essentially had to dumb it down because when they were testing it it just became a "joust" against each other with basically a stat check on who has the better weapons. So enemies were programmed to do a whole "now hit me" phase where they essentially scan the area and try to maneuver a certain direction, allowing the player to fire at them with impunity.

    • 8 months ago

      There should be more special projects stuff.

      Also, only Kryx's revenge matches up to a coachman with hornets nest. That's probably not the best balance.

  34. 8 months ago

    the way to enjoy this game is to just play it like they want you to play it. don't try and be a psychopath, it just won't let you. yes, that sucks and it reveals how on rails a lot of it is if you try and deviate too much on the quests but there is SO MUCH shit to do that you can distract yourself with more than just "hey what if I kill everyone". If you roleplay as a constellation member and not a lunatic the story is good. There's a saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" and that's what this game is. relax and enjoy the ride, if you start looking to close the illusion will break and you'll have less of a fun time.

    • 8 months ago

      That's true for all their games. You always play as a generic hero, or at least a specific heroic character they wanted. After Oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, FO4 people really didn't figure this out? Did they think Bethesda made NV or what? The stories weren't really the focus of their games anyhow.
      I really liked Obsidians (older, good) games but if you were expecting that from this game I don't know what to tell you, you're moronic. When I heard "the spacers are evil people who went crazy in space and attack people" I said "of course"

      • 8 months ago

        That anon points that there is a specific way of playing Dusty and the game only accounts for that. Trying to deviate from that removes you from most of the content provided. There's no low int run, no genocide run, no artifact-less run, etc.

        • 8 months ago

          >There's no low int run, no genocide run, no artifact-less run, etc.
          the worst thing is the new game+ shit is the perfect backdrop for those.
          really should have just added some screen that said you killed somebody important x quests are locked out get to the next universe if you want to start them. then something like this universe is fricked move on when you wrecked all the factions.

          • 8 months ago

            I think the dilemma is is it more annoying to get a game over screen or see an unkillable NPC?

        • 8 months ago

          My point is it's exactly the same for every other game they've made. There is no genocide run in FO3/4, Oblivion/Skyrim, there barely is in Morrowind technically but not acknowledged. There is no low-int run in any of them. No main quest-free run besides just not stopping it forever.
          The ONLY game that has those things is NV, which is not even a game that they made, so I people must be getting confused? I don't get it. Did Todd even say they were going to have those things? I wouldn't put it past him kek.

          • 8 months ago

            >There is no genocide run in FO3/4
            you could kill faction leaders and weaken them in 4 except for preston gravy

            • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          All runs in games written by Bethesda, after Morrowind, are low int runs.

    • 8 months ago

      This. As much as it is an RPG, you are always playing the Constellation Artifact dude and must play as such with maybe some unorthodox methods. You aren't like a blank slate or some shit, you're recruited to be the Constellation dude to seek out the artifacts no matter what with the main story adhering to that fact.

    • 8 months ago

      you are the reason things will never get better

    • 8 months ago

      >If you roleplay as a constellation member and not a lunatic the story is good.
      If you roleplay as a Constellation member the story is being FRICKING SURROUNDED BY OBNOXIOUS SELF-IMPORTANT ATHEIST wienerSUCKERS TALKING ABOUT HOW FRICKING AMAZING THEY ARE FOR NOT HAVING REGULAR JOBS. The only serviceable characters are Vlad and Andreja, because familiarity breeds contempt, and Russian space pirate and interstellar goth girl are just unknown enough for them to not be annoying the way Sarah, Barret, Sam and his daughter are. Those three are just buttholes plucked right out of 21st century America to lecture you about science, morality and being a massive homosexual. They add nothing to your enjoyment of the story or your immersion in the universe.

      • 8 months ago

        I ended up marrying Sarah despite not really liking her, then divorced her when she bit my head off for not TRUSTING THE HECKIN SCIENCE because I didn't think it was a good idea to crop dust planets with the microbe that totally wouldn't go wrong in the long run.
        Andreja is my waifu now.

      • 8 months ago

        Calm down, dumbcuck. Take your meds and go outside for a bit.

      • 8 months ago

        >the Black person "russian guy"

  35. 8 months ago

    Not playing or paying for globohomosexual propaganda aimed against me.

  36. 8 months ago


  37. 8 months ago

    Because the actual lore of this game is just so fricking boring and unoriginal. Both TES and Fallout games are built on fun and interesting universes that provide a base for continued discussion. It's also why this game won't see long term success in comparison to Skyrim.

  38. 8 months ago

    I don't think a lot of Ganker has played this game. They keep blaming pajeets but all the storylines, creative process, narrative and decisions to hire foreign workers for modeling were made by white people. If they actually played the game they could see that.

  39. 8 months ago

    >game is 140 GB which is 90 GB too much for a beth title
    >it needs a ssd because beth has given up on optimization
    >lacks basic features from previous beth titles
    >fast travel simulator
    >useless 3D items simulator
    >woke npcs everywhere
    bloated, bland and boring

    • 8 months ago

      They could have cut about 50GB by not having so many fricking empty planets.

      • 8 months ago

        Todd did say it was very "irresponsible" of them to make something so large in scope.

        • 8 months ago

          Normally when a game designer starts talking about making a space game where "you can explore and do anything and blah blah" this is when you write them off, they'll never release a game, they're done. Most people don't come back from that. There's nothing but the corpses of failed games down that path, to the point where people don't make space games anymore. Only Roberts is left, grifting to fund his yacht.
          Todd came back scarred and his game wounded but he still made a pretty fun game so I'm kind of impressed by that. Just being released and playable is beating the average in that cursed genre

          • 8 months ago

            Todd also said that in the interview that getting the concept to a workable state was the hardest task to even accomplish which he didn't even realize getting into it. And that getting it to "work" was the whole point of the game. It was also interesting to how he said like atmosphere and climate effects were more punitive in the earlier builds but later down the line he made it so it's just an inconvenience to the player because people were getting overwhelmed with trying to prep when entering a planet.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you seen france recently? nothing unrealistic about this image at all topkek

  40. 8 months ago

    It actually pissed me the FRICK OFF that they intentionally wrote the script to make you out to be an uneducated moron on some quests while allowing you to style on NPCs with your wits in others. No consistency.

  41. 8 months ago

    flopfield could have been ludofield if there were only 4-5 star systems to travel between
    a couple of hand crafted and interesting star systems instead of hundred soulless autogenerated systems

    • 8 months ago

      The only thing that could have saved it, was if no one bought their previous games until they were actually complete with the features peopel were hoping to see.
      If Todd releases a half finished garbage Starfield 2 next year, all he has to do is pay for marketing and the same slop enjoyers will buy it again because they're desperate for new thing.

      Consumers paid for the state of AAA games over and over.

  42. 8 months ago

    The main quest just feels so self contradictory. You have those super-advanced time people whose main goal is to hunt artifacts, and all artifacts are claimed by you in the end, who knows nothing about anything. How does this happen? The artifacts are just lying around, just go and get them.

    • 8 months ago

      It happened because you the player influenced the outcome, in every other universe you didn't influence your character dies to the hunter as he steals the relics from those universes constellations

  43. 8 months ago

    >nobody talks about starfield's story
    >nobody talks about bg3's gameplay
    FF16 won, people discuss both.

  44. 8 months ago

    Because shills don’t play games, they just spam threads to live up to their name.

  45. 8 months ago

    if bethesda didnt make the game i wouldnt have a problem with it.

  46. 8 months ago

    was watching my friend play starfield this weekend and I thought it looked ok. interiors were nice but one of the cities looked like ass and gunplay was mediocre. I just started cyberpunk and it has so much more attention to detail and dare I say SOVL. so far it’s my GOTY next to octopath 2 and AC6

    • 8 months ago

      Cyberpunk has literally no interactability. Starfield beats it simply by being much more immersive.

      • 8 months ago

        What interactivity starfield has? Do everything exactly like you are told by an npcs?

      • 8 months ago

        I can put a bucket on someone's head, wow!

        that stopped being funny after like 5 minutes in skyrim. who even gives a shit about junk physics? if anything, it's an active detriment in starfield due to the fact that all the decorative clutter your ships spawn with are instantly sent to storage the second you take it to a shipyard since they're *all* items with physics.

        the one opportunity for that stupid fricking bloat feature they've been jacking themselves off over for 12 years to actually be used meaningfully so you can decorate your own mobile base is completely invalidated because the ship builder resets everything. boy howdy it sure is immersive having to spend three fricking hours redecorating my ship every time I need to add another cargo bay to it

      • 8 months ago

        it's meaningless interactivity. like saying "I have all the freedom in the world to choose between burger king or mcdonalds".

      • 8 months ago

        Now compare the combat

  47. 8 months ago

    i liked it
    Entering the NG+ and telling the new universe Constellation I'm Starborn to skip the main quest made me feel like the Hunter had a point. I have the urge to speedrun as many universes as it takes to max out my Starborn powers/suit/ship. Once I have it all I plan on playing through the main quest again properly and making that my final universe.

    • 8 months ago

      You wont want to play properly by the time you hit 10 if you even make it to 10. The tedium of grinding that really does mindbreak you into the hunter.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm at NG+3 and it only took about 2 hours to get all the artifacts the second time, and that's with some fricking around. I just picked up a Beowulf from the Arsenal store in New Atlantis, modded it, and headed out. Ammo is just about everywhere for it. In case anyone's curious for a fully modded Beowulf (Long Barrel, Medium Scope, Muzzle Brake, Tactical Grip, Recon Laser, AP Rounds, High Powered), you just need:
        Adhesive 8
        Chlorosilanes 3
        Iron 1
        Isocentered Mag 1
        Lead 1
        Nickel 1
        Palladium 2
        Sealant 4
        Tantalum 3
        Titanium 7
        Tungsten 5
        Vanadium 6
        Zero Wire 3

        • 8 months ago

          without the space shouts it should take you 40-60 minutes

      • 8 months ago

        i fell for the ng+10 meme in the first week, its meaningless the ship sucks and so does the suit. by ng+6 you are reassessing your life choices

        • 8 months ago

          i cant even tell if the power increases were worth it. cause i barely used any of them at 1 and even with them maxed ignore most of them.
          i have no frame of reference.

        • 8 months ago

          The NG+10 ship and suit may suck, yes, but they are the best versions of those things that you can't get otherwise. Does that not tickle your tism the same way it does mine? Stopping before NG+10 is like picking up an Oblivion Daedric artifact underleveled.

          • 8 months ago

            It's the kind of thing I see the mundane in and quickly fix with a console command

  48. 8 months ago

    I'm doing the vanguard quest chain at the moment. It's ok. Terramorphs don't feel like much of a threat though. Their design is kinda goofy.
    Also one part of the quest told me to go to a vendor to upgrade my equipment before meeting the others on a planet, which I did. Only to be given a bunch of free gear on the planet anyway which was way better than what I got from the vendor. Kinda made I wasted the credits.

    • 8 months ago

      The terrormorph quest had a strong opening and was thoroughly disappointing from that point onwards.

      • 8 months ago

        I randomly ran into a terramorph into a cave with no buildup and it was just a boring bullet sponge

        frick, bethesda games are bad

        • 8 months ago

          By the time I started that quest I'd already killed about ten of them on other planets. The ones scripted to appear during those quests have massive health buffs and are just irritating wastes of ammo. Even moreso than the random encounter t-morphs.

  49. 8 months ago

    Because all the quests are boring. They're either fetch quests or quests where you have to keep talking to different people by going through the ten menus to fast travel to other planets.

    • 8 months ago

      The Ryujin questline was so fricking boring it almost made me uninstall the game.

      • 8 months ago

        It's hilarious that I actually didn't even know what the frick Ryujin did as a company until like 75% of the way through the questline when the neuro amps stuff became relevant. Neuro amps themselves are so worthless that I hadn't even considered it, I thought they made ship parts or something.

  50. 8 months ago

    Spoilers are against the board rules anon

  51. 8 months ago

    the main story of starfield is horrendous

  52. 8 months ago

    >why are starborn fighting over the unity
    >why are they trying and failing to stop a bunch of humans trying to get the unity
    >why are there millions of starborn?
    >why are people still using grav drives if they can destroy habitable worlds?
    >why the frick are all the temples the same boring fricking "puzzle"

    • 8 months ago

      >why are starborn fighting over the unity
      They are individuals, not a unified empire, and some subscribe to The Hunter's ideology of violence being the fastest way to acquire artifacts.
      >why are they trying and failing to stop a bunch of humans trying to get the unity
      The Emissary is concerned about runaway Starborn numbers flooding universes and wreaking havoc wherever they go, so he wants to control who gets access to the Unity. As for why they fail, you're the player so you're special. The Hunter makes note about how nobody has succeeded like you have in all the other universes he's been through.
      >why are people still using grav drives if they can destroy habitable worlds?
      They don't. In the NASA lab via the audio logs it's revealed that once they realized it was the grav drives that were destroying Earth, to avoid the blame they quietly updated the designs to fix the issue, but by then it was too late to save Earth.
      >why are there millions of starborn?
      Infinite universes, infinite artifacts. Real question is why aren't there more. Presumably it's the Emissary holding back the flood.
      >why the frick are all the temples the same boring fricking "puzzle"
      Ask Todd. I agree it's stupid. I like the way the chords build up each time you touch one of the glowy bits at least.

  53. 8 months ago

    END YOURSELF troony

  54. 8 months ago

    we wuz kangz and queens and sheeeit!
    I can wait until the mods community fixes rhis

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody is interested in fixing shitty games
      Skyrim got mods because it was a good game

    • 8 months ago

      Fixes what? Amanirenas was a real person from what is current day Sudan. That's what she would have looked like and she WAS a queen.

  55. 8 months ago

    >Why is no talking about Starfield's main story or faction quests?
    Because almost no one *here* actually played it and those that did are dumb enough that they will have to wait for a YouTuber to break it down so they can regurgitate their opinions with an added /misc/ veneer. I don't know what to tell you man, I'm not even talking about the game, because I didn't play it either and I'm never going to. Didn't play skyrim either.

  56. 8 months ago


  57. 8 months ago

    >why is no talking about Starfield's main story
    You enter a multiverse and become a starborn

  58. 8 months ago

    >exploring random planet
    >find corpse with 5 minute long audio log talking about how much he loves his wife
    >get quest to give audio log to his wife in the big city
    >give log to wife
    >"oh my god.. thank you.." get 300 gold
    >interact with her again
    >generic dialogue kicks in "I should get Chunks for my wife!"

    i immediately uninstalled

  59. 8 months ago

    They skipped the whole war of the UC vs the Free Systems. The period of the exodus and the war sounds 100 times more interesting than the shitty pseudo scientific story they went with.

    • 8 months ago

      there should have been some shitty planet on the outskirts that never got the news and were still fighting

    • 8 months ago

      this is just the first game in a franchise, ai guarantee there will be sequel/prequel/dlcs set then with mech combat

  60. 8 months ago

    Because it's global jealosy: the game
    PC owners across the world outside the 1st world can't even play the bloody quests

    • 8 months ago

      I'm racist as frick and I still enjoy the game

      • 8 months ago

        almost seems like a propaganda poster of what an African looks like and this is in the game lol

      • 8 months ago

        your computer can't even get in the game long enough to take that bullshot, ranjessh

        • 8 months ago

          suck it homosexual

          • 8 months ago

            >hitla with soviet rifle

            • 8 months ago

              post a single personal screen cap of this game you hate
              I can reverse image search while you shit on the street in New Deli

              • 8 months ago

                What screencap moron? Do you seriously believe I would buy toddslop? Lol? Genuinely have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                Hates a game he hasn't even played
                go frick urself homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                Shoo shoo thirdie

              • 8 months ago

                >you have to eat cow shit or you cannot say eating shit in india is bad
                mentally damaged rajeeshi shill
                seethe more
                eating shit sucks
                starshit is kill
                india sucks

              • 8 months ago

                the exact same Indian studio that worked on Starfield also worked on BG3, this image is pure schizophrenia

              • 8 months ago

                Then how come bg3 is a good game while starfield is not?

              • 8 months ago

                BG3 is not a good game, it’s not even finished

              • 8 months ago

                why it has three to five times the players of starfield?

              • 8 months ago

                so league of legends is the best game of all time to you?

              • 8 months ago

                Obviously they did something right if they have so many players

              • 8 months ago

                and clearly McDonalds is the finest cuisine to you

              • 8 months ago

                McDonalds bought Chipotle and that shit is delicious
                Are we having a moron competition right now?

              • 8 months ago

                So its even more appalling that starfield flopped after trying to be mcdolands to the finest cuisine of bg3?

              • 8 months ago

                >X is better than Y
                I accept your concession, whataboutism moron bigger homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                Because you are a dumb sheep who believes shills.

                Or you’re a snoy, which is worse.

              • 8 months ago

                Ok. Prove anything about Starfield being wrong. How many annoying quest npcs can you kill?

              • 8 months ago

                At least I played the game so I know what I'm talking about unlike you homosexuals

              • 8 months ago

                You clearly dont know the frick you are talking about because you are defending blatant slop

              • 8 months ago

                I hope there's not a multiverse because there's too many of you stupid as frick Indians as it is

              • 8 months ago

                Nta but I'd expect you to get it for free so you can actually base your opinions on actually playing the game.
                The game's shit, I agree, but how can anyone claim so without even trying it?

  61. 8 months ago

    After my first play through where apparently 90% of Africans made it to space they made me do this...

  62. 8 months ago

    I don't understand why does modern SF have to e so bland? Reminds me of Beyond Earth where factions also lacked any original and just come across as utterly generic derivatives.

  63. 8 months ago

    Because, like the setting, they are all sterile.

    Crimsom Fleet is just Nuka World.
    Ryujin is budget cyberpunk.
    The other two are American stand-ins (AKA boring real world shit)

  64. 8 months ago

    Its simple, there are NO decisions you can make. You are railroaded constantly

  65. 8 months ago

    where did this nig go? I thought for sure we were going to find him but nope he's just missing

    hard mode: it's not barrett or barrett's kid via some time travel multiverse jumping shit

    • 8 months ago

      >could solve the secrets of the artifact
      >but couldn't solve the case of the missing black dad

  66. 8 months ago

    >space game
    >you can only be human
    >there may or may not be aliens
    This shit is just Fallout with "space travel".

    • 8 months ago

      At least fallout had semi-humans like ghouls and super-mutants.

    • 8 months ago

      Intelligent alien races would have been gay and embarrassing. It's more grounded that there is only humans and non intelligent life. It also creates another mystery of if there is any out there at all.

    • 8 months ago

      There's no aliens, it's all humans
      Sorry u didn't get your H tentacle porn in

  67. 8 months ago

    Plain PG woke boss girl writing

  68. 8 months ago

    What even is this? I accept your defeat. Do not reply again

  69. 8 months ago

    seethe more 3rd worlders and snoy homosexuals

  70. 8 months ago

    Starfield has a story?
    Lets hear about it.

  71. 8 months ago

    massive red flag is a bunch of homosexuals that can't take a single screenshot of the game they hate which takes about 30 seconds to post

  72. 8 months ago

    The fact that no one talks about the game means it's not being played. It's all shills and people shitting on shillls.

  73. 8 months ago

    >game with heavy exploration themes
    >>they literally FORCE you to join an EXPLORER'S guild
    >music and atmosphere feels like it's about the wonders of space
    >60hrs in
    >no actual exploration
    >no interesting landmarks, planets or space anomalies to be found
    >those rare ass relic pieces that constellation were having a hard time finding? the ones where they only had a handful of pieces due to how hard they were to find? you complete the whole set in a few hours
    >the relic "temple" is just a small ass building where you bump into spinning lights and fight "ONE" guardian that does shit damage and dies really fast
    >you're pretty much a glorified delivery boy (buying comics,booze and coffee for random hobos for chump change? sign me up!!)
    holy fricking christ I hate the people unironically defending this piece of shit. there is literally frick all to do that isn't just a repetitive mindless grind it's even fricking worse than skyrim or fallout somehow.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm currently on a planet with clones of historical human figures and no space anomalies lol

  74. 8 months ago

    snoys and padjeets must be really ass hurt about this slightly above average game lol

  75. 8 months ago

    Because my game got bugged after selling a ship at The Den and now it's falling apart and I don't want to continue playing untill it's fixed.

  76. 8 months ago

    no one actually vTes enough. The game is done, thankfully.

  77. 8 months ago

    So who do you guys think is the shill?
    The guy posting screenshots at 1440p with a 4070 or some stupid as frick 3rd world Indian?

    • 8 months ago

      Samegayging too hard, rajeesh

      • 8 months ago

        post computer specs of your hardware, your monkey ass probably couldn't even launch Starfield

        • 8 months ago

          Why are you gave up on defending starslop so fast, rajeesh?

          Nta but I'd expect you to get it for free so you can actually base your opinions on actually playing the game.
          The game's shit, I agree, but how can anyone claim so without even trying it?

          again, dont need to eat shit to know its awful
          I have learned my lessons from fallout4/3

          • 8 months ago

            >Why are you gave up on defending starslop so fast, rajeesh?
            finna play it right now unlike your homosexual ass
            the fact your bring up strange padjeet names no American is familiar with proves my point

  78. 8 months ago

    It's all so bland, uninspired and disconnected. There are way too few cities and settlements, and no reason to visit the latter, and even fewer related quests, to even have the player feel like these factions have any weight or disagreement. In big questlines, they never even play a role. The map even does a shit job of telling you which systems belong to each faction. And the quests themselves are trash.

    This game has no valuable content, even if mods fix it, there's still no reason to play it.

  79. 8 months ago

    Once this game is worth pirating i'm going to turn the music off for my playthrough. The theme song playing every 30 seconds is the most moronic thing ever and just sounds like a remixed fallout 4

  80. 8 months ago

    Because nobody cares about this game. Second biggest disappointment this year behind TotK.

  81. 8 months ago

    Guys, is the Ryujin/Neon mission set the worst ever made in an RPG?
    Holy fricking shit, this is unplayable.

    >talk to the b***h in the ryujin tower
    >you need to steal thing X from a computer/door guard
    >teleport from in front of that ryujin b***h pretty much directly in front of the door to the quest location
    >loading screen
    >walk 3 feet, walk into place X
    >loading screen
    >walk 3 feet, steal shit from computer
    >teleport from the computer back to the ryujin b***h
    >loading screen
    >"ok, you did it. Now, for your next mission, i need yo to go to place X and steal shit from a computer"
    >loading screen, teleport to the computer

    you know the drill
    do this 50 times.
    thats thje ryujin quest.

    i thought BG3 was the most dogshit game released this year, but then i played starfield.

    • 8 months ago

      don't forget the final sneaking mission in a game with a stealth system that absolutely is incapable of facilitating that kind of gameplay

      • 8 months ago

        I did it fine with 2 points in it. You are walking in stealth in right?

      • 8 months ago

        > be bad at stealth
        >”It’s the games fault!”

      • 8 months ago

        Just put one skill point to stealth so you get the meter and you're good to go. You have to be a fricking moron if you still manage to fail after that

      • 8 months ago

        if you have your spacesuit equipped, you're literally too big and heavy to sneak.

    • 8 months ago

      I liked it.

  82. 8 months ago

    Because it's irredeemable trash that needs deleting from the market.

  83. 8 months ago

    idk anon, maybe the 20 years of lore and world building other Bethesda games benefit from that makes autism discuss them endlessly vs newslop

  84. 8 months ago

    In games like fallout 3/4 and skyrim you knew you could walk into an unexplored section of the map and find new stuff. In this, I find myself hoofing it over hundreds of meters with nothing only to find a point of interest that is uninteresting. Or worse, an identical one to one I have seen before. Made worse by the fact you have to walk.

    this game fricking blows.

  85. 8 months ago

    Because the quests are pretty good, doesnt fit the narrative

    • 8 months ago

      Faction quests are all good and unique in the play style they encouraged. CF is standout in that it doesn’t explicitly say that you can just stealth and do thing nonviolently. It’s a little too easy to skip quests steps though

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