Why is Season of Discovery phase 2 a failure?

What went wrong?

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  1. 3 months ago

    bruh this boomer ass game is 50 years old

    • 3 months ago

      it sucks and is bad

      based and truth pilled. Who the frick wants to play an old ass game with retail abilities? Are these people stupid?

      • 3 months ago

        In my experience. Yes. The WOW addicts I know are generally on the dumber end of the spectrum. I think you have to be at least somewhat braindead to find that game entertaining.

    • 3 months ago

      >zoom zoom
      >I can't read or do math
      >so everything is 50 years ago!
      Go back zoomie.

  2. 3 months ago

    it sucks and is bad

  3. 3 months ago

    >HP values for how much burst there is is a complete shitshow
    >CC is out of control
    >Runes while fun are making it very clear why new stats such as haste and abilities and fixes were added to the game to compensate
    >There is no PvP Aura whatsoever to compensate
    >No added graveyards or or specific flight paths (we don't need 100 new ones, but for instance a northern STV one for Alliance for instance goes a long way)
    >Half the runes for certain classes are incredibly basic and boring, almost all of Warrior's are awful
    >Layering and lag are somehow just as bad as retail's lately which is an accomplishment
    >Gnomer mechanics range from the most basic of tank and spank to whatever the frick is going on with Thermaplugg (which isn't even difficult, but its a clusterfrick of design)
    >Them trying to implement gold sinks to try and fix the P1 gold buying and bots has done nothing but encourage more gold buying and bots since GDKPs are done
    >The community in general either being full of min-max try hards, dads who scream a lot about play time, or gray parses that somehow can't hit 5 buttons in 2 minutes
    >Balance in general, while Vanilla/Classic and WoW in general has never been balanced, this is probably some of the worst its ever been especially in regards to PvP, and somehow they just buff classes that are already broken, barely nerf other broken classes, and have made a mess of the archaic systems within the game
    it's just a mess, the ideas are there, but they haven't thought it through whatsoever. Either they need to overhaul systems and things entirely which is basically just retail with the Classic Skin at that point, or they need to completely overhaul the numbers and runes entirely, which completely fricks everything to hell and back already. It's best for them to power through the seasons and content and then try something new instead.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's best for them to power through the seasons and content and then try something new instead.

      I think that's what Blizzard is going to do. A few things could happen, my optimist side HOPES that they learn from this experience when they introduce the real Classic +, or even Mists of Pandaria Classic which I know we're getting. My pessimistic thoughts tell me that they're going to call SoD a failure, cancel everything and just put Classic on life support.

      • 3 months ago

        I doubt that'll happen. What's realistically likely to happen is this.

        >SoD continues on its path
        >Cata Classic launches
        >Cata is rushed through because its player base has dropped, and around this time Dragon Soul and Crypts of Kara will pop up for SoD
        >People will be hyped about Crypts of Kara and hop on board before it dwindles and dies down
        >War Within will come out around this time or some major patch involving it which will cycle everyone over to there
        >As War Within is dwindling and dying down
        >They'll announce MoP Classic which will be hype as frick with the PvP
        >As it dies down and they're showing off Midnight, they'll announce a new season for Classic which will be Classic+, which ultimately will just be Season of Discovery revamped with some of the problems fixed, but will introduce a thousand more problems and then it will all just gradually die down at that point as people wait for Midnight
        >WoD classic will be a nothing burger and nobody will care except for to some extent Legion classic, and then it'll all crash and burn by The Last Titan and they'll probably either end WoW or start on WoW 2 at that point in 7 years.

        • 3 months ago

          >WoD Classic

          They don't have the balls to release this shit.

          • 3 months ago

            They have the balls to release Cata Classic.

            • 3 months ago

              Cataclysm wasn't that bad. It had issues but it was still a complete expansion.

              • 3 months ago

                Complete is debatable, a lot of it was rushed due to the world revamp, and even entire zones were changed storyline wise, such as Uldum, into what is essentially just a haha funny Indiana Jones comedy special. While sure, it's not perfect, it definitely has problems and began the tone shift with modern WoW. I mean hell, I could say the same about WoD, a lot of it is stupid as frick between Ashran, Garrisons, etc. But there is some good there too, leveling experience was comfy, the idea of an alternate timeline with Grom and the Gul'dan and the Legion was neat, but just very poorly executed, etc.

                You could really just say that about every xpac and iteration of WoW, the pieces are there, the execution is often very poor, or one particular thing just stands out so poorly that it all looks bad.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, a lot of what Blizzard planned for the franchise never saw its full potential. I still think Cataclysm, despite its flaws, delivered something that people can enjoy and pay $15 a month for. WoD Classic just wouldn't work unless Blizzard made a real effort to fix the game entirely. Maybe even get that Shattrath raid

              • 3 months ago

                You can think of WoD like Cata, they're waiting rooms for Legion/MoP respectively.

              • 3 months ago

                That's a fair take.

              • 3 months ago

                >I still think Cataclysm, despite its flaws, delivered something that people can enjoy and pay $15 a month for
                player stats don't agree with you
                it was also the time i stopped paying my $15

              • 3 months ago

                Based, panda asiatics don’t want to hear it but Cata was the best expansion besides some of the SOVL of the barrens being removed or whatever.

              • 3 months ago

                >Cata was the best expansion

              • 3 months ago

                >It had issues but it was still a complete expansion.
                It was nothing but issues and was far from complete.

              • 3 months ago

                >complete expansion
                do i have to remind you that the fire and water patch got reduced to just fire? abyssal maw was CUT, Black person.

              • 3 months ago

                Cata is not classic
                they are once again removing zones and quests that people loved and grew to love only now the masses are rejoicing

              • 3 months ago

                Are the masses really rejoicing for Cata? They announced it at Blizzcon to crickets, and that's in front of an audience of the biggest blizzshills on the planet.

              • 3 months ago

                Who's Cata?

              • 3 months ago

                >They announced it at Blizzcon to crickets, and that's in front of an audience of the biggest blizzshills on the planet.
                most of the people that hate cata are the monkeys sprayed by the water hose because its the same shit about muh old world there’s never any real critique of the shitty expansion as for the dislike in reality i don’t think most people care much about it

              • 3 months ago

                The people playing WoTLK are going to be "forced" to play Cataclysm. They are transferring all the servers over. That's how it works right?

              • 3 months ago

                you homosexuals need to go die in your hole i haven’t ran into anyone from true vanilla classic to wotlk that enjoyed the garbage quests. there’s a reason why classic era is fricking dead

              • 3 months ago

                Guess thats why classic was an unbelievably massive success then huh? Nobody actually cared about the old zones/quests. How delusional can you get.

              • 3 months ago

                He's not entirely wrong, people cared more about the simplistic nature of the game and the RP aspect. The quests themselves were never interesting outside of a few specific ones with the Elite Quests that forced group content. But people were more interested because of nostalgia and Classic not having a thousand systems to wade through, on top of gearing being an absolute fricking mess, and mechanics being a clusterfrick of designs because of weakauras and addons.

              • 3 months ago

                >people cared more about the simplistic nature of the game and the RP aspect.
                Obviously that's at least partly true but you'd be insane to say the old world wasn't a huge part of the appeal.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean sure, it's part of the appeal just because its gone now, but I wouldn't say its a big thing beyond nostalgia to see it again and experience those zones how they originally were. The quest themselves were never a big deal, especially when people barely even do the quests half the time and grind dungeons, boost off mobs, etc. You forget that quests in Vanilla were pretty ass with experience, killing mobs was more beneficial, and why so many mages for instance just rounded up Murlocs and shit and AoE grinded them down and boosted people, or why everyone just mindless ran SM from 30-40, etc.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's just nostalgia
                Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. Anyone being honest knows that's absolutely bullshit though.

              • 3 months ago

                With the zones, yes it 100% is. The quests were nothing different than what a lot of retail and Cata has (outside of the RP quests), and the only memorable ones are Elite Quests are really specific ones like Mankrik's Wife. The reason the world stood out is because you didn't have people using ports constantly every where in between loading screens, having to run to dungeons if they didn't have a Warlock, and the world filling alive with actual players, not because of the design of the world itself and the quests. You can argue that for really specific changes like Thousand Needles for instance between it and Cata, but people also rarely quest in Thousand Needles anyway, even on Grobbulus and places. Hell even back in the day during Vanilla you still had people sitting in capitals doing frick all nothing or waiting in a DMV line for GDKPs and shit, just like Grobbulus/Classic and its other servers. Nothing changed other than ISP quality and more minmaxxing. As I said, the reason people liked Vanilla and Classic was because of the community and RP aspects of the game that made it feel like you were actually progressing and growing, and choices matter, while mechanics, gear, etc. weren't a clusterfrick mess of ideas shoveled together.

              • 3 months ago

                Not reading all that. This is pure delusion. The old world being gone was a PRIMARY reason for wanting vanilla/classic back. The cata zones were almost all inferior. You're just smoking crack if you disagree.

              • 3 months ago

                Aesthetically, sure, I can agree with that in a lot of cases. But other than Thousand Needles, Barrens, and Badlands, name a single zone that is worse questing wise in Cata than Vanilla. The quests are almost identical, "Go kill some orcs instead of defias.", "collect wolf pelts instead of boar skins." It's the same shit with a different story, and in some cases the story isn't even really any fricking different. Your original argument were the quests were better, they weren't, the quest sucked just as much as most of Cata's.

              • 3 months ago

                No I originally said zones/quests. The zones are the important part. Cata quests were fricking awful. I'm not saying that kill x quests or gather y quests were amazing but at least I wasn't forced into some dumbass vehicle or gimmick quest every 5 mins and got to actually play my class.

              • 3 months ago

                I think you're ignoring his main point which is: people don't give a shit about old quests and just AoE farm murlocs and spam dungeons to level faster.

              • 3 months ago

                What percent do you actually think does that? It isn't the majority. Why do you morons keep saying quests? The zones are the important part.

              • 3 months ago

                >The quests were nothing different than what a lot of retail and Cata has (outside of the RP quests), and the only memorable ones are Elite Quests are really specific ones like Mankrik's Wife
                They were completely different thought. Since BC all questing is take 3-4 quests that all lead you to the same small area, do them, go back to the hub and take 3-4 quests to the next area then take a breadcrump quest that leads you to the next hub.
                In classic you had to plan your route and there were no markers, only thottbot

              • 3 months ago

                No they aren't. Tons of zones in Classic lead you the exact same way, only a handful lead you to random spots, and those are very clearly marked with varying levels for the zones, Darkshore is a good example of this. The only one that really stands out for what you're saying is Westfall, and only because it gives you a thousand things to do all across the zone, and even then its all structured to lead you from farm to farm to sentinel hill. Also, don't act like people didn't use RestedXP and calculate the perfect routes for the fastest leveling while ignoring half the quests and zones in Classic. You can argue that's planning, and sure you'd be right, but it's braindead monkey shit same as retail.

                No I originally said zones/quests. The zones are the important part. Cata quests were fricking awful. I'm not saying that kill x quests or gather y quests were amazing but at least I wasn't forced into some dumbass vehicle or gimmick quest every 5 mins and got to actually play my class.

                Nobody is arguing that those gimmick quests aren't dogshit once they started introducing them, but they also were nowhere near as prevalent in the old zones as they are in current retail. Even then, most of the zones barely even changed honestly outside of a handful of specific ones, Darkshore, Thousand Needles, Westfall, etc. And even then those changes aren't even that big of a deal, besides their weird obsession with adding Whirlpools and Tornados then. And again, the quest suck in classic just as much as retail. Questing in WoW has never been entertaining or fun other than enjoying the zone aesthetically, and even then most of them suck ass too.

              • 3 months ago

                >most of the zones barely even changed
                Just stop dude. Why even have this conversation if you're just gonna lie?

              • 3 months ago

                Felwood, Winterspring, Moonglade, Dustwallow, Stonetalon, Desolace, Feralas, Mulgore, Silithus (Cata)
                All exactly the same outside of story elements, and Theramore
                >Ashenvale, Ungoro
                They have some lava and are barely any fricking different
                >Tanaris, Durotar
                They flooded a bit
                Pretty much the same barring story and a tornado
                Split into two, with the Northern Part being basically the exact same and the Southern being the big change
                >Thousand Needles, Azshara
                The only major changes

                >Eastern Kingdoms
                >Tirisfal, Dun Morogh, Elwynn, Deadwind, Searing Gorge, Redridge, Eastern Plaguelands, Loch Modan, Duskwood, Silverpine, Alterac, Hinterlands, Arathi, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Burning Steppes
                All the same barring story, which you can argue makes the zone worse and in some cases you'd be right, but the zones are pretty much the exact same otherwise
                >Blasted Lands
                Got a swamp area, not a big deal, basically the same
                >Westfall, STV, Western Plaguelands
                Only real changes, and STV got a whirlpool, Westfall got a tornado, Western Plaguelands got grass, outside of STV/Westfall, not a big deal
                Story change and Alliance gone, bout it

                Some of these zones are worse then the classic iterations sure, even when it comes to questing in them, some are better, Silverpine for example is vastly better even with the RP events and walking, and hell half these zones again people didn't even do in Vanilla/Classic, they grinded mobs and dungeons instead. If the zones were that great, they wouldn't do that because its not optimal, and they don't actually care about the world, they care about the endgame and the gameplay systems in place in comparison to Cata and beyond, hell to TBC and beyond.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't understand. Why bother typing all this out if you're just going to be a disingenuous tard about it? This isn't even worth engaging with.

              • 3 months ago

                Nothing disengenous about it, it's the truth. Most of the zones weren't that different at all, not worth noting at least, again, some stand out, the majority do not. And again, played since 04, played Grobbulus, etc. Nobody gives a frick about the quests, or the story, or anything like that, nobody ever has. The mechanics of the gameplay, the simplicity of things without overly convoluted systems and borrowed power stacked on each other, and more traditional RPG mechanics is why people like Classic/Vanilla, that mixed with nostalgia is the biggest reason. Stop being a moron about it, or else people wouldn't have complained for years why retail WoW sucks, even as far back as WotLK and TBC.

              • 3 months ago

                >Nobody gives a frick about the quests, or the story, or anything like that, nobody ever has
                Yeah im done. You're just making shit up. There is literally no way you actually believe this.

              • 3 months ago

                I believe it because its been a thing for 20 fricking years between Vanilla, Private Servers, Classic, etc.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think he's wrong, anon. Most of the playerbase don't read quest text and don't give a shit about story unless its packaged in a cool cutscene. There's occasionally some cool questlines, but the majority of it is just busywork that you need to do so you can get to the fun stuff at max level.

              • 3 months ago

                >Hell even back in the day during Vanilla you still had people sitting in capitals doing frick all nothing or waiting in a DMV line for GDKPs

                I don't know what chink server you played back then but GDKP wasn't really a thing back in vanilla, at least not to the extent that it infected classic.

                Classic as a whole wasn't even that bad, but my god was the community utter fricking shit.

                >gold buying
                >gdkps made up 90% of all raids
                >buff stacking
                >speed running raids

                the game is great, the playerbase can suck my nuts

              • 3 months ago

                classic vanilla isn't going anywhere, that argument doesn't really work anymore. nobody is playing wrath to run around in old vanilla zones. it's for raidloggers.

              • 3 months ago

                i was addicted and played 8h every day and still quit as soon as cata started
                it was that bad

              • 3 months ago

                If it weren't for firelands cata would STILL be the worst wow expansion blizzard ever made and I've played all of them
                >make an ancient Egypt zone and introduce some cool lore
                >j/k, it's a linear literal Indiana Jones movie that makes crystal skull look like a masterpiece!

            • 3 months ago

              >They have the balls to release Cata Classic
              lmao what balls, people will eat it up. There will be a classic BFA

          • 3 months ago

            they're going to anyway because it's content, they're just going to copy the TLP servers EQ runs now where they cycle through expansion up to Legion on a set schedule every few years.

          • 3 months ago

            And btw homosexual dads praising prancing and posting sleeping bag jokes while the game is on fire are as responsible as the devs at this point.

            Just watch, it will happen.

            It's clear that every single gameplay designer working on this project is a raging PvEgay, they don't a rat's ass if the PvP is unplayable garbage.

            I doubt they play the game at all

            • 3 months ago

              >I doubt they play the game at all
              they play priest and druid, which is why druid was allowed to be blatantly broken OP for months on end and priest has the best and most game changing runes while having multiple game changing spells and balance tweaks (buffs) that dont even need runes.

              • 3 months ago

                Shaman is way worse than Spriest right now, they're basically walking and unstoppable nukes with an insane toolkit that just can't be countered hardly, and they're getting minor buffs. It amazes me if anybody at Blizz has ever passed an elementary school math class.

          • 3 months ago

            They’ll keep going until the last addict unsubs. I will be long dead by then.

          • 3 months ago

            Yes they absolutely will. It's a really short expansion and Legion will be really popular. They would actually be stupid not to. It's the same deal with Cata going into MoP. It doesn't matter if Cata/WoD underperform, just rush through them because the following xpac will be huge.

        • 3 months ago

          They already said they won't do WoD Classic

          • 3 months ago

            They said they wouldn't do Classic either, and here we are getting Cata Classic after WotLK, TBC, and Vanilla.

            I literally only have a hunter character and literally only subbed to SOD because they announced dual wield melee hunter at the blizzcon presentation. And yeah, if it doesn't do competitive damage it's gonna be world of warriors again you moron. It's gays like you that want hunter to be the same shit it's been for 20 years that are fricking it up. No one took braindead turret hunter away yet a bunch of hunters cried non stop that melee did more damage than ranged. I do not understand why so many of you want to be a garbage dps, stat stick class so badly. Are you braindamaged?

            Melee hunters being adjusted isn't going to turn things into Warrior Land again.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's best for them to power through the seasons and content and then try something new instead.

          I think that's what Blizzard is going to do. A few things could happen, my optimist side HOPES that they learn from this experience when they introduce the real Classic +, or even Mists of Pandaria Classic which I know we're getting. My pessimistic thoughts tell me that they're going to call SoD a failure, cancel everything and just put Classic on life support.

          more likely
          >blizzard is bankrupt and defunct a month into cata classic
          >ms axes the entire thing
          >nost 2.0 is reborn but with no russians or trannies
          >wow is saved

    • 3 months ago

      while fun are making it very clear why new stats such as haste and abilities and fixes were added to the game to compensate
      fricking this, if sod has done anything its made me actually appreciate the changes made to the game over the years, and its sad

    • 3 months ago

      >Half the runes for certain classes are incredibly basic and boring
      every system they pitch that offers some wacky customization is always like this, they frontload showing it off with the few unique ones they cooked up and the rest are extremely boring affixes that could have been filler talents for how basic they are

      "classic" isn't vanilla

    • 3 months ago

      This basically sums it up. Blizzard basically made classic a wrath funserver but lacking many things that made Wrath work. The new 'raids' are basically a joke

      • 3 months ago

        BFD and Gnomer are better raids than ZG, AQ20, MC and most of BWL

        • 3 months ago

          ZG and BWL are decent raids, the rest sure.

          • 3 months ago

            BWL has 3 novel fights, ZG has 2. BFD has 1, Gnomer has 3

    • 3 months ago

      I dont know why people can't get it through their skulls Blizzard is a shit company with trash employees that don't know how to do literally anything. Blizzard is now a D- tier dev, Ive seen better shit out of noname reddit devs. The fact that a troony funserver like Turtlewow has more effort put into it and is a better designed game speaks bounds. Blizzard is shit and WoW needs to be shutdown. If I was Phil Spencer I'd fire another 2000 Blizzard employees and announce on stage the WoW Franchise is being shutdown for good and sell the IP to some chink and make it banned to be played anywhere in the world.

      • 3 months ago

        Warcraft would be better if they just made cinematic movies and stories rather than games, or just go back to RTS format.

      • 3 months ago

        sod has serious problems but that doesnt mean t*rtle is good? why do you morons think that

        • 3 months ago

          Nothing in that post states Turtle is good. Thats the point. A shit homosexual server like Turtle is better than SOD and Turtlewow is troony funslop that is garbage. A 10/100 is better than a 5/100.

          • 3 months ago

            i can have fun sometimes in sod if i play the op class or have all classes. turtle wow is boring, what exactly is fun about it

            • 3 months ago

              >i can have fun sometimes in sod
              yes and some people enjoy playing retail while talking about estrogen what is your point

              • 3 months ago

                you should give an example of what you do in turtle to entertain yourself like i have done

              • 3 months ago

                I dont play troonyslop like turtle. Private servers are for 3rd worlders that want to put trojans on their PCs. Yet, still its better than SOD.

              • 3 months ago

                so you dont play it and cant provide gameplay examples. can you atleast say how they put more effort into it, arent all their dungeons unused areas or just terrain

              • 3 months ago

                They made custom areas and at least attempted to make a game in the spirit of "Classic+". It can be a shit reddit attempt and their attempts at making modified vanilla can be laughed at and a failure but still, it is more effort than anything Blizzard has done. I can praise an attempt be it terrible and call it better than something else without liking it. It is called measurement.

              • 3 months ago

                the class changes and raids even if they arent "more" effort then some new zones (which are often bugged as shit) are certainly a more substantial change then some leveling area you'd do once then be done with

    • 3 months ago

      This and even the whole runes system is unbelievably moronic. At least half of them are useless. Why would a rogue use shiv at all when they'd be sacrificing mutilate or saber slash? Half the specs are useless and the others are broken.

      • 3 months ago

        Main Gauche is being buffed tomorrow to give 3 combo points or someshit
        The frequency of runs changes is good

    • 3 months ago

      Very interesting, you post reads like you are an expert but simultaniously have never played vanilla wow or SOD.

      • 3 months ago

        Very interesting, you post an attack on someone critical of the game while contributing absolutely nothing, like you're going to be praised with upvotes rather than be called a Black person and told to have a nice day.

    • 3 months ago

      >Them trying to implement gold sinks to try and fix the P1 gold buying
      This is the thing that pissed me off the most. I don't buy gold, so now I'm getting punished because people do. It's fricking bullshit kek

  4. 3 months ago

    >completely uninterresting endgame
    >class balance all over the place
    >worst event in the history of bad events, pvp is completely dead right now
    >because of this you literally can't play some game modes if you picked the wrong class
    >completely directionless changes every week
    >boring runes
    >gdkp bans made many competent raid leads quit the game
    >still no clear vision for the game's future
    Aggrend is a moronic Black person

  5. 3 months ago

    Retail won. Classic lost.
    It's that simple.

  6. 3 months ago

    they pozzed the character creator with their "body type" bullshit

    • 3 months ago

      And that's why you should never hire woke activists.

  7. 3 months ago

    >people want classic plus
    >blizzard gives them a seasonal server with rehashed dungeons and terribly designed world pvp events
    Blizzard are incompetent morons that always manage to kill any amount of hype that their games and communities generate.

  8. 3 months ago

    Wokeness killed WoW and Blizzard

  9. 3 months ago

    The devs have no clue what they're doing.

  10. 3 months ago
  11. 3 months ago

    SoDS1 was also a failure. Why wouldn't S2+ be?

  12. 3 months ago

    It's clear that every single gameplay designer working on this project is a raging PvEgay, they don't a rat's ass if the PvP is unplayable garbage.

    • 3 months ago

      That's basically been WoW's entire existence outside of MoP, and even it had problems.

    • 3 months ago

      Good, PvPers should always be second class citizens.

      • 3 months ago

        They aren't citizens at all now

        why the actual frick do you still care about pvp? it's been beyond saving for decades at this point. move the frick on.

        It's the only part of the game that was fun

    • 3 months ago

      why the actual frick do you still care about pvp? it's been beyond saving for decades at this point. move the frick on.

    • 3 months ago

      PvP has always been garbage for losers who feel they have to "win" against other people to stroke their loser ego.

      • 3 months ago

        Your narrow mind can't comprehend how much fun PvP can be.

      • 3 months ago

        pvp is fun because it's not scripted in a strict sense like pve is

        you also get the satisfaction of beating other humans, yes

      • 3 months ago

        coping shitter who can only win against robots designed to lose to you.

    • 3 months ago

      That's the thing though, they obviously DO care a lot about the PvP, but they're not competent enough to make it good or balanced.

  13. 3 months ago

    >people don't like your new shit
    >have to go back and upload old shit.
    >eventually you have no old shit to fall back on that people loved.
    >create new shit
    >people don't like your new shit


  14. 3 months ago

    the devs dont know how to balance stuff and made things way too OP at lower levels, druids had a moonfire equivalent that could do 50% of your HP in damage and they left it in the game in that stat for months before they finally came around to balancing it. I think the idea was it would be
    "balanced" at the final level in stam gear but the 20 level in between getting the ability and hitting cap and getting gear were unplayable levels of bullshit.

    Its about the same as it was in retail at one point where certain classes were just completely useless in certain brakets and you were told "just wait until endgame then its fun"

    Also the devs put way more work into the classes they play and have favouritism for them, its obvious at this point. with that said its not that bad when playing with a team, in pve or pvp.

    • 3 months ago

      The sad part is that if P2 had the damage values from P1, it would actually be pretty great.

  15. 3 months ago

    Because you whiny homosexuals got melee hunter nerfed again. I hate warrior Black folk so much it's unreal.

    • 3 months ago

      As a hunter chad i can definitely say frick melee hunters you tards are literally braindead.

      • 3 months ago

        have a nice day. The only braindead homosexuals are the ones pushing to be a fricking turret spamming multishot while an npc does half you damage. At least with lonewolf and melee you had options. Go back to era or retail if you like that shit so much and let them experiment with the class in a funner way.

        • 3 months ago

          You literally spam raptor strike. have a nice day 85 iq flavor of the month mongoloid.

          • 3 months ago

            and it was still more interactive than being a fricking npc tard rangler standing auto shotting you inbred. Go back to fricking era or retail and let people enjoy new things. You're too short sighted and moronic for anything else.

            • 3 months ago

              >let people enjoy things
              How new are you? What kind of homosexual thing to say is that. Nobody's taking away your enjoyment moron. If you actually like melee hunter then play it.
              >more engaging
              Cope of the highest order. You play it because it does good dps.

              • 3 months ago

                I literally only have a hunter character and literally only subbed to SOD because they announced dual wield melee hunter at the blizzcon presentation. And yeah, if it doesn't do competitive damage it's gonna be world of warriors again you moron. It's gays like you that want hunter to be the same shit it's been for 20 years that are fricking it up. No one took braindead turret hunter away yet a bunch of hunters cried non stop that melee did more damage than ranged. I do not understand why so many of you want to be a garbage dps, stat stick class so badly. Are you braindamaged?

              • 3 months ago

                Play what you like don't be a pathetic numbers slave.
                >want hunters being the same shit for 20 years
                Using ranged? What the frick are you talking about? You don't know anything about my opinion on the state of hunters or what makes them interesting. Keep projecting moron.

              • 3 months ago

                It's all about the numbers you imbecile. It's an rpg, a numbers game.

              • 3 months ago

                Soulless pathetic moron. I play a class because they're interesting or fun. It isn't just a numbers game or we would all be playing locks and whatever else is topping the charts. But we aren't. Why is that if it's just a numbers game?

              • 3 months ago

                Because if you want to do the end game content without being a parasite and burden you have to play the numbers game. You're so stupid it's kinda tilting.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh so you play a mage then right? If not you're clearly greifing. This is such a painful thing to read. You do not need top tier dps to clear fricking gnomer. It literally doesn't matter at all.

              • 3 months ago

                Bro, it's classic. It's not hard. I've seen Fire Locks/Mages clearing MC. I've seen all frost mages clearing BFD and shit. Who cares.

              • 3 months ago

                >RPG are numbers games
                You are the reason the game is broke, because of minmax homosexuals like you. Play whatever you wanna play and stop b***hing if it happens to suck, git gud. Shit, you're probably the same type of person trying to optimally go through the damn Sphere Grid skips in FFX and using the optimal party so you can beat the game in the minmax optimal way. It's crazy, just play the fricking game, WoW isn't hard. You can literally take off your gear and dance naked in a raid and clear it unless its Mythic in retail, who gives a frick.

            • 3 months ago

              As a BM hunter for life since vanilla, and having played most classes to max during TBC, SoD melee hunter is literally the most brain dead thing I have ever seen in 20 years of playing this game. I just spam raptor and flanking until the thing falls over. The most exciting thing is hitting wingclip when someone tries to run away.

    • 3 months ago

      Warriors are literally completely fricking useless in all aspects of the game right now and Melee Hunters are still better than them in content after the nerfs. This is especially true in PvP.

    • 3 months ago

      Paladins just can't stop winning

  16. 3 months ago

    >game is broken the whole time
    >community is ass and moronic
    SOD cured my wow addiction.

    • 3 months ago

      Literally came in to post this.
      SoD is where I finally realized the game will never be worth playing because devs are incompetent and the community is subhuman

  17. 3 months ago

    Blizzard accidentally made Vendorstrike type weapons worthwhile for a class and they immediately killed the archetype because you will play wrath pally and you will like it. Imagine getting nerfed when you're bottom 3 and also have your itemization changed twice in two weeks
    Also my condoleances to the 8 warlock players that play outside raids

    • 3 months ago

      At least they have Meta and survivability with Soul Link/Drain Life, and Destro is at least a dps machine as usual.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, thank god incinerate and % bonuses are great but it's heartbreaking to see the dot and pet class having weaker dots and summoning less dudes than a fricking sprie

        • 3 months ago

          They've always had that problem with Affliction and SPriest. A lot of it is because of the amount of DoTs vs. Hard casts between the two classes, but they definitely need to learn how numbers work and the classes themselves. Think of it this way.

          3 DoTs take 3 Seconds to cast and do 3 Damage each, for a total of 9 Damage
          1 Dot takes 1 second to cast, therefore it should logically do 3 damage as well

          But then you have to factor in the hard casts too, Shadow Bolt vs. Mind Spike, etc. SPriest would fall behind slightly, so that singular DoT in this poor example would logically either have to do more, or the hard casts have to do more to compensate. But Blizz doesn't understand that, they just think "here's a random number, we'll fix it later if people complain, but only with a percentage rather than actual base numbers."

  18. 3 months ago

    wotlk has more players than sod in it's end of expansion dead hype

    thats how dead sod is

    • 3 months ago

      WoTLK has completely sold its soul because of the WoW token. Anyone who plays Wrath Classic (and this goes the same for Cataclysm) is a pay piggy or is involved in RMT.

  19. 3 months ago

    wow's problem has been and will always be its playerbase

  20. 3 months ago

    Why are people complaining about braindead rotations in classic? That was the entire point, just like mages only pressing 1 button
    Just play retail

    • 3 months ago


  21. 3 months ago

    WoW has only ever been fun if you play with friends and don't take it so seriously and just dick around or casually do content.

    • 3 months ago

      I got glad in season 2,3,4 of BC and that was the most fun I had in the game
      But yeah I played with friends

  22. 3 months ago

    as a rogue i actually hate the game right now

  23. 3 months ago

    Are there any good private servers at the moment?

    • 3 months ago

      Turtle WoW is the one Alexsensual enjoyed, so that's a safe bet. Dude is fricking schizo but he has decent taste in games.

  24. 3 months ago

    by 2006-2007 they only used forum feed back as a way to design the game instead of sticking to the original formula.
    They started optimizing around PVP
    thats it. after that the game became a PVPMMO for morons, sweats and unironically women for some reason. Then when all the casuals left the furries stayed along with the trannies and actual women and by 2010 it was really truly over.

  25. 3 months ago

    I was only playing it while waiting for better games to come out.

  26. 3 months ago

    Because it is Vanilla WoW with Retail abilities in 2024. This fricking garbage is shit compared to anything else. Why would anyone play this over something like Dragons Dogma 2? You have brain damage if you think WoW is fun in any way.

    • 3 months ago

      WoW has very few new players. The majority of the playerbase are braindead addicts that don't know anything else and just stick to what they find comfortable, even if its dogshit.

  27. 3 months ago

    how many times can you start over lmao

    • 3 months ago

      A lot, apparently.

  28. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Oh look, magic bars I can use in any context I want because a game is succesful but I dont like it.

  29. 3 months ago

    Season of discovery has 7 servers.
    Wrath has 23 servers
    Retail wow has 247 servers.

    Really puts into perspective how irrelevant SOD is.

    • 3 months ago

      SoD is a case study on why having so few servers with broken layers is a bad thing.

  30. 3 months ago

    We went from
    >Blizzard, we want vanilla back. The world, the zones, the quests were so much better in vanilla. Why did you even make TBC??? Retail sucks because it's just an instance game
    >Yeah the vanilla world and questing kinda sucks, let's just farm Stockades, Scarlet Monastery or Wild Murlocs for XP instead so I can minmax and raid log or instance farm for my BIS. Blizzard should make entire new expansions and content for classic to solve this issue!

    • 3 months ago

      It was always that way, the moral of the day is that the players are absolute fricking idiots and have refuse to take accountability when they're b***hing and moaning, and their entire playstyle and ideology towards the game has influenced literally every decision made.

      The players have ruined the game, Blizzard has just responded to those players in kind.

      • 3 months ago

        this is true and also a metaphor of real life politics. wow is honestly a really fascinating microcosm of society

    • 3 months ago

      It's not that the open world sucks, it's just slower than AoE mob grinding, no one actually wants to do that, it's just the fastest method. This is just a case of players optimizing fun out of the game and Blizzard not working around that.

      • 3 months ago

        it's also because quests are boring and the open world is trivial and boring. if mobs were harder it would be different.

      • 3 months ago

        lots of people also exhausted their quests by doing them at 25 to get gold reward instead of exp. this level gated phases thing is a complete fricking failure in design.

        • 3 months ago

          So? You can get to lvl 30 ez and then you have quests. Some of you blizzard forum users are fricking braindead.

    • 3 months ago

      >normal people enjoy WoW
      >complete autists screech about WoW and demand it to be changed
      >game gets changed, normal people quit, complete autists nolife the game and are content somehow

      >normal people demand Classic WoW in return
      >normal people enjoy Classic WoW
      >complete autists screech about Classic WoW and demand it to be changed
      >game gets changed, normal people quit, complete autists nolife the game and are content somehow

      • 3 months ago

        >normal person subscribes to wow for 2 months
        >quits before reaching max level
        >autist subscribes to wow for 20 years
        >will autistically grind any and all content they release

        • 3 months ago

          catered to 10% and letting 90% walk away because "theyre not loyal"
          lol no wonder they wanna push token on every version the game

          • 3 months ago

            the 90% walked away before any changes were made lol. they only subbed for a few months. it has nothing to do with loyalty, blizz needed the subscription revenue in order to exist. you cant cater an mmo with a sub fee around people who barely sub

            and besides, if people got bored in vanilla and unsubbed after a few months, wtf should blizz have done? change the game to make them come back? made leveling faster? added more raids? its paradoxical to complain about blizz "letting people walk away" who were fundamentally bored of the game already while also being mad the game changed

    • 3 months ago

      What killed the game is the over-moderation of people's speech enforced through a automated system. homie, no one talks anymore every is too afraid to talk because they don't want to get banned. Shit is so garbage mixed with Blizzard wiener-sucking streamers/influencers whatever you want to call those homosexuals.
      Everyone is trying to put their thumb on trying to find the secret formula to what made Vanilla - Wotlk so magical and it was because the communication was basically free-flowing. Until MMORPGS go back to another form of free-flowing communication they'll continue to be shit.

    • 3 months ago

      Hey Larry Fink, didnt know you posted on Ganker. hows it going there at BlackRock?

    • 3 months ago

      Unironically yes, I love it. Classic plays much better and I love my shaman tank.

  31. 3 months ago

    Because it's still vanilla wow

  32. 3 months ago

    Part of the charm of vanilla WoW is precisely how arcane it is in retrospect. SoD (really a beta for classic+) is a half-measure to modernize it but if you do that it loses its lasting appeal. P1 was fun but with P2 its flaws are more evident. A lot of people clamor for Classic+ but in practice it's really just going to end up as Retail-.

    That, and if we are being honest vanilla WoW was only fun in that 1-25 range.

  33. 3 months ago

    swipe to win

  34. 3 months ago

    >come into WoW thread because shit else to do
    >only played a few hours every other expansion on my cousin's account
    >realize I don't care about this shitass MMO outside of how it damned the rest of the genre to try and copy it
    >laugh at Blizzard shitting itself and leave thread

  35. 3 months ago

    Not even the biggest wow shill played S2, it's literally fricking OVER

    • 3 months ago

      bros a chink shill and china loves gdkps for their rmt

  36. 3 months ago

    frick wow. thanks to them I got obese during college and dropped out. now I'm almost dying and this piece of shit game is still going on unbelievable

  37. 3 months ago

    Honest question, do you think we are done making adjustments? I find the "whole phase" thing a bit confusing. It's been 9 days. More than half of players aren't 25 yet. i think we are just getting started

  38. 3 months ago

    >promise to do cool things with this Season
    >show they mean it with phase 1
    >phase 2 they said never mind it's just going to be classic with retail skills also enjoy raid logging

  39. 3 months ago

    I wonder how much of the hate towards SoD would go away if we were doing all of this shit at level 60 instead of a lowered level cap. You're probably gonna replace most of your raid gear when the next phase comes in a few weeks. Doesn't help that all the items are pretty boring looking and they look like low level shit

    • 3 months ago

      not much, it would be raid logging within a month and the same complaints would be present

  40. 3 months ago

    Blizz didn't have to give us SoD or to keep investing in their old, beloved game, but they did, and I'm grateful for it.

    • 3 months ago

      mental illness

  41. 3 months ago

    The only people playing SoD are asspained retail players trying to make the game more like retail lol
    mentally ill homosexuals, have a nice day and leave Vanilla alone and let us play a stock version of the game
    you are homosexual fricking cancer, go die

    • 3 months ago

      Stop playing WoW and move on with your life, there are so many other games you could be playing.

    • 3 months ago

      you can go play vanilla though. theres default, normal vanilla servers. you arent forced to play sod. youre crying about a problem that doesnt exist

  42. 3 months ago

    With your thread?
    You assumed an answer to a question you asked yourself.
    SoD remains great in season 2. People who liked season 1 like season 2. People who don't like or play WoW still talk about it for some reason. I assume obsessed trannies, but I can't know for sure.

  43. 3 months ago

    I just wanted Classic with new quests and zones and dungeons. Why couldn't they have done that?

    • 3 months ago

      Because that was called TBC.

      • 3 months ago

        yes, that but with no flying and and set in the old world instead of another dimension/planet

        • 3 months ago

          does it really matter where it takes place as long as the gameplay is fun? A lot of the content in vanilla is in instances anyway, it might as well be on another "planet"

          • 3 months ago

            I guess it doesn't matter but to me the distinction is that Azeroth is comfy but Outland is not. I like questing in Azeroth because I care about the world and characters and factions, I don't like questing in Outland because I don't give a frick about what happens there.

  44. 3 months ago

    they gave some of the gnomeregan bosses more armor than nefarian because god forbid if warriors are top of the damage meters. gotta have those dev pet classes on top arbitrarily.

    • 3 months ago

      They're already fixing that.

      • 3 months ago

        well they certainly are fixing it a lot slower in comparison to bfd spell resistances getting nefred to 0 when casters complained in phase 1. and the armor is only getting reduced by what 10%? while bfd resistances went from 125 to 25

    • 3 months ago

      How about instead of being top dps again they just make them fun instead

      • 3 months ago

        using abilities is fun and rage generation is tied to damage done. the class feels like shit to play because of their moronic overcorrection which makes warriors deal no damage thus not getting rage and you end up standing still up to 5 seconds not doing anything.

        • 3 months ago

          >using abilities is fun
          No, slam is not fun, quick strike is not fun.

          • 3 months ago

            my shaman has like a million fricking buttons, this on top of keeping up with totems, imbues, fricking shields its fricking moronic its clunky as shit too

          • 3 months ago

            >No, slam is not fun,
            yes it is, Especially with no cast time.
            >quick strike is not fun.
            Ok this one is true. This shit hit like a fricking noodle until you got geared and even then was kinda eh. Now it's just depressing to press.

    • 3 months ago

      I hope warriors get nerfed to shit and are forced to put on the shield. Warrior homosexuals with main character syndrome need to neck themselves.

      • 3 months ago

        >I hope warriors get nerfed to shit and are forced to put on the shield.
        well they arent doing any changes on protection specializations either so warriors are still tanking as dual wield fury. the sod developers legit hate brown homosexuals.

        • 3 months ago

          also the best tank right now is warlock, so now warlock is both best tank and top damage. they just replaced warrior with warlock. they didn't really fix anything.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm happy as long as warrior aren't top dps. but I'd like to see them at the bottom of the meters just to watch those insufferable divas squirm.

            • 3 months ago

              and thats why paladin was so shit in vanilla and warrior was good. because the wow devs back then hated that everquest paladins outclassed warriors so hard. like i said, design flaws are identical only biases changed.

  45. 3 months ago

    What happened to the hardcore wow trannies

    • 3 months ago

      it was a fad that died out. it makes you play the game in the most boring way possible just to have permanence, the only part of a MMO that really matters, a non-factor. it's moronic.

    • 3 months ago


  46. 3 months ago

    There's nothing to discover, runes are just retail abilities.
    Like seriously, STEADY SHOT?

  47. 3 months ago

    >wow is such a bad game that the only way to fix it is to either roll it back to the beginning or start over again
    It's wild when you think about it

  48. 3 months ago

    it's a half measured approach that introduced new things, which rippled out and caused new problems in the game. also it's retail lite and at that point why not just play retail which has better gameplay, dungeons, raids, ton of stuff to collect etc.

    • 3 months ago

      >also it's retail lite and at that point why not just play retail which has better gameplay, dungeons, raids, ton of stuff to collect etc.
      The fact that people deny this is crazy. I don't know if they're just deluded or if they're trying to gaslight people into thinking SoD is not Retail-.
      >"SoD needs harder raids with more mechanics, and every class needs to be meticulously balanced and simultaneously all be exactly as viable in a raid setting even though raiding isn't the entire game."
      >"N-no this is definitely still in the spirit of Classic! I hate retail!"

      • 3 months ago

        don't forget
        >"there should be a faster way to level, and also dual spec, and also runes should be easier to get so I can be raid-ready day 1"

      • 3 months ago

        Mazed Classic Andies who act like Blizzard killed their grandma for changing the game over the years. It's intrinsic to their personality to love Vanilla over Retail, which they haven't even actually played for a decade at this point.

        • 3 months ago

          me personally what they did with wod and legion killed any interest in retail

          • 3 months ago

            legion was a great expansion though

            • 3 months ago

              Except not

            • 3 months ago

              the gambling legendaries and forced nu models. mop had the right amount of solo rng loot already

            • 3 months ago

              world quests are terrible for game immersion and are just recycled content
              at least dailies were unique, made sense and somewhat changed around every day.
              these world quests just prey hard on fomo and random rewards

  49. 3 months ago

    season of mastery changed some stuff, season of discovery introduced new stuff, but its just not enough to hold interest. maybe whatever they do with classic in 2025 will finally have accumulated enough interesting stuff.

  50. 3 months ago

    People waking up to the fact it's a shitty modded version of classic?

  51. 3 months ago

    All classic+ private servers are better.
    Even from an engine point of view, turtle wow is better.

  52. 3 months ago

    Is there a single good rune that isn't a retail ability? I struggle to think of one

  53. 3 months ago

    The WoW playerbase is comprised of 30+ year old manchildren that want nothing more than for WoW to make them feel the way it made them feel when they playing it as a teenager 20 years ago. Classic+ and Season of Discovery are concepts born from their refusal to grow up and move on. It's sad, really.

  54. 3 months ago

    >expect tasteful additions to the game
    >get expac/retail abilities added in and shitty retail dungeons rebranded as 10 man raids
    >unfinished questlines like the black shield and the gordunni orb still end abruptly and lead to nothing

  55. 3 months ago

    yeah turns out every streamer likes gdkp and they're banned now

  56. 3 months ago

    they discovered how shit it was

  57. 3 months ago

    WoW isnt a seasonal game

  58. 3 months ago

    I only played phase 1 for the first week but it had the worst community I’ve ever experienced in a game, somehow it made Classic’s 2019 community look good. The only remotely pleasant player I encountered could barely speak english and was so bad at the game I wondered if he was a bot.

  59. 3 months ago

    Gnomer. Nobody in the history of wow ever has enjoyed gnomergan.

  60. 3 months ago

    Phases were a mistake, they should’ve made a complete package with more new content than just the runes, as cool as the quests to find them were, the game needed more and the runes themselves should have been more than just repackaged abilities from other expansions

  61. 3 months ago

    Gnomeregan is shit + everything costs money because these morons think everyone either botted or bought gold to bots.
    In P1 you got the epic craft blueprints for free at the end of the questline, in P2 they're 25 gold each.

  62. 3 months ago

    >phase 2

  63. 3 months ago

    Blizzard forgot to set up another Twitch drops campaign to artificially inflate viewer numbers.

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