why is Sonic portrayed as a badass that never loses a fight in the video games but in the TV shows/films he is a pathetic jobber?

why is Sonic portrayed as a badass that never loses a fight in the video games but in the TV shows/films he is a pathetic jobber?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >why is Sonic portrayed as a badass that never loses a fight in the video games
    hasn't been this way since generations. He jobbed to the 6 homosexuals and infinite and then needed to go super sonic to fight against the frontiers mega robots. Even before that in 06 he jobbed to silver twice, but he had alot of good moments inbetween against eggman's mechs and Iblis

    • 10 months ago

      The whole plot of Forces is that Sonic loses.

      It could be said those don't count since they are written by western writers. OP is likely referring to the 2000s Sonic games.

      • 10 months ago

        >It could be said those don't count since they are written by western writers.
        Forces' script was written in Japan first.
        Also the western writers typically have no responsibility outside cutscene dialogue. Sonic Team are the ones still come up with the main storyline, new characters, etc.

        • 10 months ago

          Ok, what about the other games I mentioned you snake.

    • 10 months ago

      God every game you listed is utter trash. How the frick do Sonic fans even exist in 2023? It's pathetic.
      >inb4 Mania
      Wasn't very good and neither was any 2d Sonic.

  2. 10 months ago

    The whole plot of Forces is that Sonic loses.

  3. 10 months ago

    He doesn't have the player controlling him in the shows.

  4. 10 months ago

    Sonic gets his ass destroyed by Giganto in Frontiers

  5. 10 months ago

    Sonic was an unbeatable Chad from 1991-2011

  6. 10 months ago

    sonic is a bad character because too much of his identity is caught up in being the fastest. He's always either the best at everything and never loses, or alternatively is used to show off some cool new character to the audience who beats sonic, thus justifying how cool he is. Every piece of sonic media is written like bad shonen, there's a good reason why only literal autists care about sonic, because the concept is simple, flashy, and totally lacking in any sort of nuance they don't understand.
    Mario is so much more successful as a brand because he has range as a character. Because he isn't defined by having super powers, mario is able to do pretty much whatever the writer wants and have it fit. He's like mickey mouse, while he's the protagonist and does perform impossible feats, it's more the personality that makes him mario. Whereas sonic is the sort of character who's defined by having "feats" and being really cool, which inevitably makes him really lame as soon as you grow out of it. He's like some character that was localized to america in the early 2000s to try to be hip with the kids, but is really unappealing to anyone outside of the specific subculture.

    • 10 months ago

      Sonic stories do fall into the trap of making him invincible without deeper characterization. I think that's more a fault with the branding and writing than the character's potential. Back in the old days he sometimes needed Tails to save his ass from certain death, or Knuckles would constantly get the jump on them and their fight would end in a stalemate.
      One thing I think would help? Put less focus on his cheerleaders. If he spent more time with characters who rival him and roughly equal him, with powers of their own, so it feels less like he's the only one who can get shit don. That way he can be tested instead of breezing through the adventure, more like the classic atmosphere, less like a bad fanfiction. More emphasis can be placed on the idea that he's great because he always follows his heart, never wastes any time, and cares deeply about the world around him, the themes Sonic CD clearly tries to evoke. Lately there have been entire narratives that do nothing but jack him off "because he's the best because, he's Sonic who is the best and always wins just because," But a paragon can't exist if he can't struggle for his ideals, then he's just a nebulous idea with no weight behind it, he feels untested. Show how his IDEALS and the lengths he'll go to courageously live up to them are what make him truly influential, even if the stories and fights should be awesome and hype inducing too. Those things can come together harmoniously and make the entire series stronger for it.

      • 10 months ago

        >One thing I think would help? Put less focus on his cheerleaders.
        Yes, please. Seeing every character gush over Sonic has only ever made me resent him.

      • 10 months ago

        The moment Sonic cornered Knuckles, he kicked his ass. It looks like that trick he used to knock the Emeralds out of Super Sonic doesn't actually let him beat the normal Sonic.

        • 10 months ago

          Their fight technically ended in stalemate narratively, it was interrupted by Eggman coming onto the scene.

          • 10 months ago

            Sure if he weren't a shitter with the worst attack patterns a Sonic boss has ever had. It's funny how every time you take a playable character and turn them into a boss, they just completely fricking suck shit.

            • 10 months ago

              That's true, the fight itself was dogshit and failed to carry the weight that confrontation should have had. The best a rival battle got was Sonic and Blaze fighting each other in Rush. But racing Metal Sonic in CD was pretty cool too, even if it ended a bit too abruptly.

    • 10 months ago

      >He's like some character that was localized to america in the early 2000s to try to be hip with the kids
      Isn't that actually the intent behind him?

    • 10 months ago

      >his identity is caught up in being the fastest
      Are you a time traveller from 2007?

    • 10 months ago

      It has been well over 15 years since even SEGA themselves touted "speed" as Sonic's main feature. They've been pushing for it to become a DMC-esque character action game for quite a while now

      >One thing I think would help? Put less focus on his cheerleaders.
      Yes, please. Seeing every character gush over Sonic has only ever made me resent him.

      I liked how they acknowledged this in Frontiers, how the whole idea for side characters is that they need to break away from Sonic entirely as to become their own people, who don't define themselves with their relation to Sonic

    • 10 months ago

      He's the ultimate lifeform what the frick do you expect?

  7. 10 months ago

    Did you even play frontiers?

  8. 10 months ago

    Different writers

  9. 10 months ago

    literally within the first 30 minutes of sonic frontiers he gets thrown across the map by mecha sachiel

  10. 10 months ago

    >B-but he was chucked across the map by gigant-
    My HERO was unprepared and taken by SURPRISE, surely he would've won that fight if he knew what he was up against from the start.

    • 10 months ago

      Wrong board

      • 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    Sonic being an overly confident douchebag was a thing even before Sonic 1

  12. 10 months ago

    Because he's NOT a badass. He's just has a moronicly huge ego.

    Reminder: he straight-up fricking lost in Sonic Adventure 1

    • 10 months ago

      I must be going senile. Lost to who?

      • 10 months ago

        By the time Sonic actually got to fight Chaos, it had already buttfricked Station Square beyond recognition. He was too late and failed to stop it before it reached that point. He may have calmed the spirit, but the damage was already done

        • 10 months ago

          But that's not through Chaos's own power or cunning, is it? Sonic was trapped in dream world at the time and was only barely late to get the 7th emerald, and Sonic fricked Chaos 6 right up.

          • 10 months ago

            It WAS through Chaos' power though
            >Sonic was trapped in dream world
            That's not at all the case; Chaos fricking Station Square happened. The "dream world" you're likely talking about was him being transported to the past by Tikal, as to witness the truth of the EchidBlack folk

            • 10 months ago

              Ehh I don't think so, that's like saying Sonic lost the grand prix to Jet in Riders. It's technically true but wouldn't have happened if not for somebody else.

              • 10 months ago

                The entire city was flooded. The damage wasn't reversed, Sonic just went "ohhh, yeah... yeah, that really sucks, dude" and then just left

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but Sonic literally wasn't even there. Chaos just took the emerald and ran off, and Sonic was only late because Tikal stalled him inadvertently.

              • 10 months ago

                Yup! But he still wasn't there in time. Sonic indeed failed, in the sense that he COULD have stopped it, but couldn't, due to story reasons.
                Failure was very real, but it wasn't Sonic's fault, which I think is a pretty neat idea for a 1998 platformer

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Sonic isn't superman troglodyte, it's not his responsibility to save moronic amerimutts, just stop Eggman from being a homosexual.

              • 10 months ago
  13. 10 months ago

    Because the west knows how to build up states and keep the MC from being OP
    Meanwhile japs just make asspulls every second to justify why x is stronger than y suddenly then when "the moment is dire" y suddenly powers up to beat x and save the world until the next threat comes afterwards and the story repeats.

  14. 10 months ago

    The Echidna tribe being revealed as a bunch of war-mongering shitbags is legit one of the cooler twists I've seen in a video game

  15. 10 months ago

    Long ago in the ancient past there was a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series that had pic related on the cover. Now this scene where Sonic is crying like a little b***h because he got cucked out of a female chipmunk or whatever doesn't actually happen in the issue itself, but oh man did it piss off both Sega of Japan and America really badly. It was from then on that Sega did literally everything they could to make sure Sonic was not portrayed in this way ever again. He is not allowed to be shown crying tears whatsoever, the most he can show is a visibly sad look on his face, and because Sega has the most control over the video games that means they only ever show him as being a cool Goku expy with 'tude to spare.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, to be fair those storylines were pretty moronic.

  16. 10 months ago

    If he was an invincible badass in the shows/films they'd be over in 5 minutes

  17. 10 months ago

    Characters with Super Speed powers are hard for a lot of writers to make interesting. It's why barely any Flash comic storylines are good, and why there are no good Flash movies or TV shows where he isn't just a side character. It's kind of the Superman problem, how do you give a character who realistically should be able to solve any problem thrown at him in seconds meaningful stakes? How do you make players care? In Sonic's case, Sega has really tried to give him a large supporting cast to make his world feel more interesting than it is. Also, they have really embraced the fanbases autism toward the series and said characters, which is how we got Sonic Forces in the first place.

  18. 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago

    >why is Sonic portrayed as a badass that never loses a fight in the video games
    Yeah right.
    >almost dies in Sonic 2 (normal ending) after beating the Death Egg robot and falling from space
    >gets gassed and bamboozled by Eggman every other second in SA1
    >almost dies multiple times in SA2, possibly loses to Shitdow
    >can die in ShTH
    >gets fricking murdered in 06
    >almost dies of exhaustion in Unleashed while super, Chip has to save him
    >shot through the heart in Secret Rings
    >bamboozled and beat up by Merlina in Black Knight
    >almost gets sucked up by a black hole in Colors
    >spends all of Generations running from the Time Eater
    >constantly getting juggled around across time and space by the Phantom Ruby in Mania
    >jobs to Infinite at the beginning of Forces
    >almost dies to the Titans multiple times during Frontiers, then almost dies of cyberaids
    >sits out almost the entirety of MOSTH because Espio got the drop on him
    Sonic gets his ass beat plenty in the games.

  20. 10 months ago

    Sonic's power is inconsistent as frick.
    In Colors he survived being inside of a black hole
    In Forces, a game that says Sonic steadily grows more powerful over time, Sonic repeatedly fails to defeat Infinite, a character that weakened himself by creating a star that apparently would've TPK'd the entire resistance
    In Frontiers, the Eclipse Cannon, a device built to pierce stars, is retconned into being able to destroy a mountain and Super Sonic apparently needs luck to win against the Titans (this is bullshit, he's had closer calls as Super Sonic).

    • 10 months ago

      To be fair, the Eclipse Cannon has a variable power level and we only ever see it blow up half the moon and the Black Comet. And the Titans are some of the only Super Sonic bosses ever that can instantly kill Super Sonic.

      • 10 months ago

        >And the Titans are some of the only Super Sonic bosses ever that can instantly kill Super Sonic.
        Eggman's Big Arms mech from Sonic 3 was about as strong as the Titans. He had a move that damaged Super Sonic, making him lose his rings, and thus knocking him out of his super form.

      • 10 months ago

        The instant kills are like the Egg Salamander making Super Sonic lose rings.
        It doesn't make sense when a much stronger mech, the Egg Wizard, can't make Sonic or Blaze lose any rings despite being much more powerful than both sets of emeralds.

        Sonic didn't even faint after the fights like he did after being Ultimate G-merl or Perfect Dark Gaia.

    • 10 months ago

      >the Eclipse Cannon, a device built to pierce stars, is retconned into being able to destroy a mountain
      when was this established
      i know a Death Egg blew up a star in Battle, but that's not the Eclipse Cannon

    • 10 months ago

      >being inside of a black hole
      Artificial black hole that barely ate up eggman's amusement park, also he was clearly shielded by wisps
      >Sonic repeatedly fails to defeat Infinite
      He beats his ass twice after breaking out of confinement and beats his ass so bad in the third fight he basically kills him
      >a character that weakened himself by creating a star that apparently would've TPK'd the entire resistance
      That was an illusion

  21. 10 months ago

    Sonic really is the DBZ of video games.

    • 10 months ago

      Super Sonic is handled better than Super Saiyans

    • 10 months ago

      Sonic is the stronger verse between the two

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            Archieshit is non canon
            Game Super is trash compared to actual Super Sayian. Sonic cannot blow up a planet, but base form Sayians can.

            • 10 months ago

              >base form Sayians
              when did they blow up a planet

  22. 10 months ago

    Sonic is just Poochie. He's the center of the universe, everyone who might've had a personality loses it the second they meet Sonic because they become his bff, every enemy seethes whenever he talks because everything Sonic says is the coolest, when he's not on screen everyone should ask where's Sonic? Every loss he takes is momentarily and without any impact because it never seems to come from some flaw he has to grow into, the writer just felt like it and going super sonic just nullifies any idea of loss.

  23. 10 months ago

    Wans't he knocked out of super sonic by knuckles in sonic 3?

  24. 10 months ago

    So does Ganker like Prime or....what?

    • 10 months ago

      I refuse to support Canada.

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